4 - Call Up Item, 1011 Spruce, Landmark Alteration CertificateMEMORANDUM TO: Mayor Will Toor and Members of City Council FROM: Ronald A. Secrist, City Manager Deon Wolfenbarger, Planner DATE: , March 8, 2001 SUBJECT: Call Up Item: 1011 Spruce - Landmark Alteration Certificate This item went before the Landmarks Preservation Advisory Board on Mazch 7, 2001. This decision can be reviewed by the City Council, by serving written notice to the Landmarks Boazd by Apri13, 2001 and notifying the applicant of the call-up. LANDMARKS PRESERVATION ADVISORY BOARD NOTICE OF DISPOSITION You are hereby advised that on March 7, 2001 the following action was taken: RECOMMENDATION: Conditionally Approved APPLICATION; Request for a Landmark Alteration Certificate for demolition of an existing garage and shed, and construction of a two-car garage on the property located at 1011 Spruce Street, within the Mapleton Hill Historic District. LOCATION: 1011 Spruce Street APPLICANT: Stephen B. Kahn This decision was arrived at based on the purposes'and intent of the Historic Preservation Code as set forth in 10-13-1, B.R.C., 1981 as applied to the landmark alteration certificate application. Synopsis of the public hearing The Landmarks Board moved to conditionally approve the application for a Landmark Alteration Certificate for demolition of an existing garage and shed, and construction of a two-car garage on the property located at 1011 Spruce Street, adopting the staff memorandum as findings of the Board. The conditions of approval being that the following items be reviewed and approved by the Landmarks Design Review Committee prior to the issuance of a Landmark Alteration Certificate: 1. lower the ridgeline of the east and west dormers below the main roof ridge; 2. reduce the depth of the east and west dormers and continue the eave under the north, south and east dormers so that they are more secondary to the main roof form; 3. eliminate the cantilevered deck on the south elevation, and change the doors to windows; 4. reduce the depth of the deck on the west elevation. 5. retain the historic driveway through the porte-cochere of the house, and reduce the size of the new driveway 6. reduce the footprint of the garage two feet in depth from the south elevation, reducing its impact on the Squires-Tourtelott House; and, 7. submit final details, colors, materials, and final plans This decision can be reviewed by the City Council, by serving written notice to the Landmarks Board by April 3, 2001 and notifying the applicant of the call-up. S:\PLAN\data\Comdev\HIS'IIGEN\ALTCERTS\ 1011 spruc.dis.wpd 2 MEMORANDUM TO: Mayor Will Toor and Mambers of City Council FROM: Ronald A. Secrist, City Manager Deon Wolfenbarger, Planner DATE: March 8, 2001 SUBJECT: Call Up Item: 943 Spruce -Landmark Alteration Certificate This item went before the Landmarks Preservation Advisory Board on March 7, 2001. This decision can be reviewed by the City Council, by serving written notice to the Landmarks Board by Apri13, 2001 and notifying the applicant of the call-up. LANDMARKS PRESERVATION ADVISORY BOARD NOTICE OF DISPOSITION You are hereby advised that on March 7, 2001 the following action was taken: RECOMMENDATION: Conditionally Approved APPLICATION: Request for a Landmark Alteration Certificate for demolition of an existing garage, and construction of a two-car garage on the property located at 943 Spruce Street, within the Mapleton Hill Historic District. LOCATION: 943 Spruce Street APPLICANT: Carlo Persichetti This decision was arrived at based on the purposes and intent of the Historic Preservation Code as set forth in 10-13-1, B.R.C., 1981 as applied to the landmark alteration certificate application. Syno~sis of the aublic hearitta: The Landmarks Board moved to conditionally approve the application for a Landmark Alteration Certificate for demolition of an existing garage, and construction of a two-car garage on the property located at 943 Spruce Street, adopting the staff memorandum as findings of the Board. The conditions of approval being that the final details, colors, materials (stucco, brick, stone, trim, roof), driveway plans, and final plans be reviewed and approved by the Landmarks Design Review Committee prior to the issuance of a Landmark Alteration Certificate. This decision can be reviewed by the City Council, by serving written notice to the Landmarks Board by April 3, 2001 and notifying the applicant of the call-up. S:\I'LAN\data\Comdev~IlS'I1GEN\ALTCERTS\943 spmc.dis.wpd MEMORANDUM TO: Mayor Will Toor and Members of City Council FROM: Ronald A. Secrist, City Manager Deon Wolfenbarger, Planner DATE: March 8, 2001 SUBJECT: Call Up Item: 13th and Pearl Public Restrooms -Landmark Alteration Certificate This item went before the Landmarks Preservation Advisory Board on March 7, 2001. This decision can be reviewed by the City Council, by serving written notice to the Landmarks Board by April 3, 2001 and notifying the applicant of the call-up. LANDMARKS PRESERVATION ADVISORY BOARD NOTICE OF DISPOSITION You are hereby advised that on March 7, 2001 the following action was taken: RECOMMENDATION: Conditionally Approved APPLICATION: Request for a Landmark Alteration Certificate for demolition of an existing public restroom and construction of a new public restroom at the northeast corner of 13"' and Pearl Streets, located in the Downtown Boulder Historic District. LOCATION: The northeast corner of 13"' and Pearl Streets APPLICANT: Downtown Management Commission This decision was arrived at based on the purposes and intent of the Historic Preservation Code as set forth in 10-13-1, B.R.C., 1981 as applied to the landmark alteration certificate application. Synopsis of the public hearing; The Landmarks Board moved to conditionally approve the application for a Landmark Alteration Certificate for demolition of an existing public restroom and construction of a new public restroom at the northeast corner of 13"' and Pearl Streets, adopting the staff memorandum as findings of the Board. The conditions of approval being that the following items be reviewed and approved by the Landmarks Design Review Committee prior to the issuance of a Landmark Alteration Certificate: 1. final colors and materials; 2. submittal of final plans showing all elevations; 3. signage; 4. lighting; 5. explore using traditionally-sized building materials, such as brick, in place of the stucco This decision can be reviewed by the City Council, by serving written notice to the Landmarks Board by Apri13, 2001 and notifying the applicant of the call-up. S:\PLy1N\data\Comdev\HIST\GEN\ALTCERTS\MALL-MP\mall-bathroom.dis.wpd 2