7A - Concept Plan Review #LUR2000-00005, 1675 Yarmouth Avenue, People's ClinicCITY OF $OULDER PLANNING BOARD AGENDA ITEM MEETING DATE: January 18, 2001 (Agenda Itam Preparation Date: January 3, 2001) AGENDA TITLE: Public hearing and consideration of a request for Concept Plan Review and Comment #LUR2000-00005 to develop the site ]ocated at 1675 Yarmouth Avenue (northwest corner of Yarmouth Avenue and 17th Street). The proposal is to build a 35,400 squaze foot medical building and 118 parking spaces which will house the People's Clinia The property is zoned MU-D (Mixed Use-Developing) (south 2/3 of the property) and MXR-D (Mixed Density Residential-Developing) (north 1/3 of the property). Applicant: The People's Clinic Owner: Rick Koopman REQUESTING DEPARTMENT: Planning Department Peter Pollock, Planning Director Robert O. Cole, Director of Project Review Don Dixrso, Planner OVERVIEW: Review of the proposed Concept Plan for redevelopment of a 4.4 acre parcel of land on which a single family dwelling unit currently exists. A Site Review and Use Review will be required subsequent to this Concept Plan Review and Comment. Key issues raised in the staff review include the use of the site (appropriate mix of non-residential and residential uses), and the chasacter and scale of the development (orientation of the building on the site and access to the parking area and amount of parking). STATISTICS: Application: Project Name: Concept Plan Review and Comment The People's Clinic s:\plan\pb-items\memos\ddpeoplesclinic.conceptpbmemo.wpd AGENDA ITEM 7A. Page 1 Location: Size of Tract: Zoning: BVCP designation: Existing Use: Requested Variations: STAFF COMMENTS: Northwest corner of 17th Street and Yannouth Avenue Proposed for People's Clinic (lot 7): Total Site (lot7, lot 8 and tract 2837) Lot 7 and north 1/3 of lot 8: Tract 2837, and the south 2/3 of Lot 8 Lot 7 and north 1/3 of lot 8: Tract 2837 and the south 2/3 of Lot 8: 2.5 acres 4.4 acres MXR-D MU-D Mixed-Use Residential (MUR) Medium Density Residential (MR) (The area designated as MR if cunently proposed for a change to Mixed Density Residential (MXR) as part of the 5 year update to the BVCP.) One single family residence Building size in excess of 15,000 square feet The People's Clinic has submitted a concept plan for lot 8(2.5 acres), of which the south 2/3 of the lot is zoned Mixed Use Developing (MU-D). The north 1/3 is zoned Mixed Density Residential Developing (MXR-D). The applicants haue not submitted a concept plan for the other two parcels that aze part of the total property, lot 7 and tract 2837 (total of all three lots is 4.4 acres). As part of site review, staff has suggested (and the Site Review submittal criteria requires) that the applicant show a plan for the fu114.4 acres under contiguous ownership (indicated as Lot 7 and Tract 2837 on the applicanYs site plan, Attachment F). Staff supports the location of the People's Clinic at this site. However, staff has made a number of suggestions regarding the site layout and methods of accommodating housing as part of the project. A brief summary of the key issues that staff has identified is presented below. A full set of the staff comments are included as Attachment C as a reference for the Planning Board's discussion. s:\plan\pb-items\memos\ddpeoplesclinic.conceptpbmemo.wpd AGENDA ITEM 7A. PB~,Q 2 Summary of Issues 1. Is the location of the People's Clinic at this site an appropriate use in the MU-D zone? The Mixed Use-Developing (MU-D) zone is a mixed-use (residential and office) zoning district pattemed after the character of historic neighborhoods. It was created to implement the North Boulder Subcommunity Plan. It is located in North Boulder along Broadway and Yarmouth and serves as a transition between the "Main StreeY' area (the BMS zone) and the mixed-density residential neighborhood (the MXR-D zone). The concept for this zone includes: • A mixed-use zone for residential and office uses with streets arranged in a pedestrian-oriented pattern where buildings are located relatively closa to the street and parking in the rear. • A place where people can live and work within close proximity, potentially in the same building. • A transition between residential neighborhoods and retaiV full-service commercial centers. • In order to encourage a true mix of uses, by-right projects must have at least 50 percent of the floor area devoted to residential uses. In the MU-D zone, medical and dental clinics are allowed by Use Review only, and would have to meet the requirements of 9-4-9 (B.R.C. 1981). Staff feels that the use could be supported in this location, but does have concerns related to the scale and character of the proposed building, which must be resolved as part of Site Review. As part of the Site and Use review application, residential uses should be considered on the other rivo lots that are under contiguous ownership, as well as integrating housing onto this lot as well. 2. Is the scale and character of the proposa- appropriate? In the MU-D zone, building size is limited to 15,000 square feet unless varied through the Site Review process. The applicant is proposing a 34,500 square foot building, in three sections. In reviewing the Concept Plan, staff and neighbors have identified a number of issues (many of which are similar) regarding the scale and character of the design that should be addressed as part of Site Review. Some suggestions of staff include, but are not limited to: Height appears to be excessive (34 feet for a two-floor building) Commercial building facing residential uses across 17th Street s:\plan\pb-items\memos\ddpeoplesclinic.conceptpbmemo.wpd AGENDA ITEM ~A. Paee 3 Mass of the building should be broken up to not appear as massive along 16th and 17th: Second floor stepped back Ends of the building reduced to one floor PUBLIC COMMENT AND PROCESS: Required public notice was given in the form of written notification mailed to all property owners within 600 feet of the subject property and a sign posted on the property for at least 14 days. The Planning Board agenda was published in the Daily Camera. All notice requirements of Section 9-4-10(g), B.R.C. 1981 have been met. Staff has received eight telephone calls, four letters, and an e-mail (Attachment D) from neighbors. The telephone calls and letters express concern regarding whether the proposed use is a proper use within the MU-D zone. Concerns related to the site include the amount of traffic the use would generate, the design, scale, and integration of the building into the existing neighborhood. Staff requests Planning Board's comments on this Concept Review and Comment. In addition to the original submittal by the applicant, the applicant has provided responses to the staffls Development Review Committee comments, dated December 22, 2000 included as Attachment E. Approved By: L ~'_~~~~~~~=~ Peter Pollock, Planning Director s:\plan\pb-items\memos\ddpeoplesclinic.conceptpbmemo.wpd AGENDA ITEM 7A. Page 4 ATTACHMENTS: Attachment A: Vicinity Map Attachment B: Concept Plan Review and Comment Review criteria checklist. Attachment C: Development Review Committee comments, dated November 27, 2000. Attachment D: Neighborhood Comments Attachment E: ApplicanYs responses to the staffs Development Review Committee comments, dated December 22, 2000 Attachment F: ApplicanYs Original Written Statement and Concept Plan Submittal dated November 6, 2000. s:\plan\pb-items\memos\ddpeoplesclinic.conceptpbmemo.wpd AGENDA ITEM 7A, Pa~e 5 ~:~ J ~ • ° ° ~ I ~ °o\ ~\ ATTACHMENT A ~ u ~ ~ ~ ~ MU-D HOLIDAY DRNE•IN SITE ap ~ (BOl1LDER HOUSING ALLTHOR ?O _ ~- MXR-D ~ 9 ~ ' ° z;.: ~M D . 00 ~ ~ ~C • o °c~ p : 1~-D ~_ ~ BMS-X '~Bn $ Qu `d " O9'~~i i.. °~ -_ ~ b ~ ~ ~ ::', .0,.,. ~ ,~ ' ~-- P ~ QQ : ° _' ._ .. ' /' en Il MH BUENA ViSTA ~S ~~ m ~ ~ ' ~ --- E6 0 ~ -._..... . _ _------- --- - - ~~ ~ °p •° o o~ ~ o0 b T MA C~ ~ ~~ ~ VE ~ ~ ~ 0 ~ , o . . ..:.. ... ~.. .;. --- ci1~C1. _ . ~ t'6 ~ ---- --._..._-- - -- ~~ o ~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~ a ~] b0 •~ o~J V LET ~ ~ y ~] I~~~ _ ^Q' ~ ~ ~ o , , . ~ r` ~., B p ° B a {~ o e ~ o ° ~ B d ~ ° ° . i?'.4 V~~~ ° ~ ~ ~~ ~] f~J ~Y ra e a~~ - - - - ~ AVCp - .~: d ° ti ++ ~~;.::::~~:~::.:,.:, ~ ~ _ \•;.. ~ _-,pi °z Age~cta Item ~ Page R ~ ATTACHMENT B Concept Plan Guidelines for Review and Comment. (~Guidelines for Review and Comment: The following guidelines wil] be used to guide the Planning Board's discussion regarding the site. It is anticipated that issues other than those listed in this section will be identified as part of the concept plan review and comment process. The Planning Board may consider the following guidelines when providing comments on a concept plan. (1)Characteristics of the site and surrounding areas, including, without limitation, its location, surrounding neighborhoods, development and architecture, any known natural features of the site including, without limitation, mature trees, watercourses, hills, depressions, steep slopes and prominent views to and from the site; This site in generally tlat, with a single-family house located upon it. Directly east of the site is another large single family lot. The Boulder Meadows Mobile Home park lies to the south of the site across Yarmouth. The Buena Vista residential development lies north of this site, across 17th Street. The City of Boulder Housiug Authority's Drive In Theatre site lies to the north and northwest. A variety of newly developed mixed-use developments exist to the west of this site along the north side of Yarmouth. (2)Community policy considerations including, without limitation, the review process and likely conformity of the proposed development with the Boulder Valley Comprehensive Plan and other ordinances, goals, policies, and plans, including, without limitation, subcommunity and subarea plans; The use of this site for medical clinic use is consistent with the comprehensive plan designation, if residential uses are included as a component of this proposal. Therefore, the applicants are encouraged to provide as much residential use as possible on the remaining lots under contiguous ownership. It is also highly-desirable to retain this applicant within the City, as the use meets a number of Boulder Valley Comprehensive Plan policies, including: a. 8.01-Provides for Broad Spectrum of Human Needs b. 8.04-Provision of Maintenance, Remedial and Developmental Services (3)Applicable criteria, review procedures, and submission requirements for a site review; A site review application must show compliance with applicable site review criteria, including criteria for any requested variations, in this case, the maximum building size of 15,000 square feet is being requested to be varied. (4)Permits that may need to be obtained and processes that may need to be completed prior to, concurrent with, ar subsequent to site review approval; 1. A Site and Use Review will be required prior to building permit application. 2. A Technical Document Review may be required prior to building permit application for final architecturaUsite/landscape plans, any ~nal engineering or utility plans. s:lplan\pb-i tems\memoslddpeoplescl inic.conceptpbmemo. wpd Agentla ftem ~ Pane # __~ 3. A development agreement must be completed prior to building permit application. (5)Opportunities and constraints in relation to the transportation system, including, without limitation, access, linkage, signalization, signage, and circulation, existing transportation system capacity problems serving the requirements of the transportation master plan, possible trail links, and the possible need for a traffic or transportation study; Not applicable to this site. (6)Environmental opportunities and constraints including, without limitation, the identification of wetlands, important view corridors, floodplains and other natural hazards, wildlife corridors, endangered and protected species and habitats, the need for further biological inventories of the site and at what point in the process the information will be necessary; Not applicable to this site. (7)Appropriate ranges of land uses; and medical and dental clinics are allowed by Use Review in the MU-X zone district. However, housing is encouraged. (8)The appropriateness of or necessity for housing. Housing is strongly encouraged on this site. 5:\P~AN\PB-1TEMS\MEMOS\DDpeoplesclinic.conceptPBmemo.wpd s:\plan\pb-items\memos\ddpeoplescl inic.conceptpbmemo.wpd Agenda Item # Paqe # ~_ ATTACHMENT C CITY OF BOULDER LAND USE REVIEW RESULTS ANO COMMENTS DATE OF COMMENTS: November 27, 2000 CASE MANAGER: Don Durso LOCATION: 1675 YARMOUTH AV COORDINATES: N09W06 REVIEW TYPE: Concept Plan Review & Comment REVIEW NUMBER: LUR2000-00005 APPLICANT: SHERRY WASSERMAN DESCf21PTION: Concept Review and Comment for a new 35,400 sq. ft. medical clinic located between 16th and 17th streets on Yarmouth Ave. VARIATIONS FROM THE LAND USE REGULATION S: Building floor area in excess of 15,000 square feet. I. REVIEW FINDINGS This review is a Concept Review and Comment. There is no approval of the application as part of this review. Staff comments will be referred on to Planning Board for its January 18, 2001 meeting. The applicant will be expected to take into consideration staff, Planning Board and neighborhood concerns when preparing documents for their Site/Use Review submittal (staff level). The applicant should provide staff with 10 additional copies of their bound submittal, which includes elevations and site plans for Planning Board distribution by December 15, 2000. 11. CITY REQUIREMENTS Access/Circulation 1. Required improvements along Yarmouth include the following: a) A detached 6 ft. wide sidewalk along the frontage of the property on the north side of Yarmouth. A sidewalk easement may be required. b) An 8 ft wide streetscape area will be required along the frontage of the site between the future curb and the edge of sidewalk. Curb and gutter improvements on Yarmouth will not be required, however the grading plan submitted with the Site Review will be required to show how the sidewalk will tie in with future curb and gutter so that the sidewalk will not have to be replaced. 2. Staff does not support the second access with this site plan. If the northeast portion of the site were used for residential uses, then it would be supported. In any new site plan, the secondary access will be required to align with Yaupon or be offset from Yaupon at a distance of at least 150 feet. 3. 16`h Street Right-of-Way Dedication and Construction - The applicant is proposing to dedicate a 30 foot haif-width right-of-way for 16~h Street. However, the applicant has stated that this will be their primary entrance. Additionally, the applicant has control over both properties that would be responsible for dedication of the ROW for 16'h Street. Per Sec. 9-3.3-14 of the City Code, prior to the issuance of building permit the applicant will be required to dedicate the entire 60 foot right-of-way adjacent to Tract 2837/Lot 8, as well as the 30' half-width on the remainder of Lot 8 to the north and along the west side of Lot 7. Also, prior to issuance of a building permit the applicant will be required to provide a pertormance guarantee for improving the entire width of 16'h Street adjacent to Tract 2837/Lot 8, as well as escrow funds for the half-width improvement on the remainder of Lot 8. The qqAnua liam !t __.---- P9QA fl ~. applicant will be responsible for building the full width of 16~h Street prior to issuance of a certificate of occupancy, extending utilities to the furthest north extent of their property within the 16'" Street right- of-way, and possible provision of a temporary turnaround. The cross-section for 16~" Street shall be a Residential Street, consisting of a 30' street width, (flowline to flowline), 8' landscaping strips, and 4' sidewalks. Bruce Johnson, 3~3-441-3206; Don Durso, 441-3273. Building Design 1. OnIY a north and south elevation have been submitted. It is difficult to assess the streetscape along 17 h Street. As part of site review, the applicant is encouraged to address the residential character of 17th Street with the portion of the building which fronts on 17`h (if the buiiding remains in this location- see below comments on building location). 2. This zone limits buildings to 15,000 square feet of floor area, unless varied through site review. 5taff could support this variation if the building's mass is broken up to appear to be a smaller building. Additional work should be done to break up the mass of the structure, such as stepping back the second floor along 17~h and Yarmouth, due to the height of the structure, and reducing the ends of the building to one floor (these are examples of what could be done, not meant to be an exclusive list). As drawn, the building appears to be too tall and massive to warrant this variance. A model of the building would be helpful in assessing this variance, in relation to surrounding structures. 3. The applicant shouid address the necessity of a 34'5" two floor building at site review. It appears that two floors could reasonable be accommodated in 25-28 feet. The height may be excessive and unnecessarily block views of potential residentiai units along the east side of 17~h Street. Land Uses Staff supports locating the People's Clinic at this site. However, the foilowing issues should be addressed: 1. For the Planning Board hearing, the applicant should be prepared to address what other sites they have looked at onto which to locate the clinic, which may be more appropriate, such as closer to transit use afong 8roadway, or whether they have tooked into working with the Drive-In Theater site's MU-D zoned land (Cindy Brown of the Housing Authority) (not meant to be an exclusive list). 2. The appiicant should address what housing development options they have considered for this site, as well as the two lots to the north and west of the site. It appears that housing could be accommodated upon this site in the northeast portion, across the street from the Buena Vista development, or as part of the second floor of the structure. 3. A draft of comments related to the neighborhood meeting, as weil as comments from some neighbors indicates that the People's Clinic may not require the full 35,000 square feet of building as proposed, and that tfie clinic may lease out extra space to other users such as dental or daycare uses. The applicant is advised that other non-residential uses such as daycare and dental facilities are also use review uses, and a separate use review would be required for any other tenant other than the People's Clinic. Because of the size of the buiiding, staff is not supportive of making the building any larger than required for the People's Clinic. As part of the site/use review application, the applicant should address their required amount of space now and expected in the future. Landscaping The north side of the site shows a 5' pedestrian path, and perimeter landscaping. Due to the scale of the drawing is difficuN to determine whether the 5' path and perimeter fandscaping requirements are met. The applicant will be required to provide a 5' pedestrian path, in addition to a fuli 6' landscaped strip, meeting the requirements of 9-3.3. No other requirements at this time. Bev Johnson, 303-441- 3272. ~oeatla Rem # _ Page B_1~ Legal Documents Per the annexation agreement, the applicant will have to sell the Silver Lake Ditch rights that run with the property, and pay the deferred Park Fees (calculated at the time of building permit), prior to building permit. Neighborhood Comments Staff has received five phone calls related to this proposal. The callers were all residents of the immediate area, mostly from the Buena Vista residential area to the northeast of the site. The calls expressed concern regarding many aspects of the proposal, including the location (as opposed to along Broadway), design, scale, and size of the building, and whether a single use was appropriate in this area, where the zoning is mixed use. Parking At a pre-application meeting, the applicants were encouraged to assess the actual amount of parking they wili need, based upon their current facilities, and encouraged to not provide excess parking which may not be needed. This was not addressed in their application for Concept Review, and should be addressed in their Site Review submittal documents. Deferred or shared parking should also be considered, if their actual use does not approach the 1 space per 300 square feet of building area. Plan Documents The site plan does not show proposed uses and building locations on the two lots which are under contiguous ownership and part of the option to purchase in place. As part of site review, suggested uses and designs should be considered to be shown, and integrated with the current site. The Site Review Criteria requires that all contiguous lands be considered as part of the process (9-4-11(b)(1). Site Design 1. The applicant is encouraged to flip the building east to west, so that the building portion along 17~h would be along 16~h. There are a number of reasons for this: a. The building mass that now aligns along 17th Street would be across the street from property under control of the applicant, and so they would have control of the design of the transition from a clinic to residential/mixed-use development along Yarmouth Ave. and 16~h Street. b. The bulk of the building would then be situated further from residential units along the east side of 17t° Street, thereby reducing the blocking of views. c. Flipping the building around may allow the applicant to accommodate inciude residential units in the northeast area of the site, and continuing into the area zoned MXR-D, and would allow a better transition between this use and future uses to the east, north and west. d. May resolve possible drainage and utility issues that may arise at site review. The following departments had no requirements: City Attorneys Office III. INFORMATIONAL COMMENTS AccesslCirculation 1. Drive access into and through parking lot must accommodate emergency vehicles. Use SU-30 vehicle template as a guide. Adrian Hise, 303-4413350. ~~entla~temh_ Page~1~. 2. The minimum number of bicycle parking is required to be 10% of the total number of required parking spaces. Staff encourages increasing bicycle parking to 20°/a of the total number of required parking spaces to further encourage the level of bicycle use described in the proposal. 3. Staff supports the Transportation Demand Management strategies stated in the proposal which include the following: a) Construction of the off-street pedestrian path in accordance with the North Bouider Sub- Community Plan in addition to bike/pedestrian connections to this path as well as sidewalks along 16'h and 17'h Streets. b) Placement of bicycle parking in the "plaza" to encourage bicycle use. c) Voluntary issuance of RTD Eco-Passes to all employees. Steve Durian, 303-441-4493 4. Reimbursement for 17'h Street Construction - The applicant has been advised of the existence of a Public Improvements Reimbursement A~reement with the Thistie Community Housing regarding street and waterline improvements to 17 St. Bruce Johnson, 303-441-3206 Drainage At the time of Site Review, the applicant will be required to provide a Preliminary Storm Water Report and Plan in accordance with the City of Bouider Design and Construction Standards. The preliminary report and plan must demonstrate the feasibility of constructing the project in accordance with City standards. The following key issues must be addressed: Site drainage must be conveyed in a historic manner which does not adversely impact neighboring properties. The Preliminary Storm Water Plan and Site Plan must reserve adequate space for required storm water detention facilities. The Preliminary Storm Water Report needs to include calculations to support the approximate size of the detention facilities. The Preliminary Storm Water Plan and Site Plan must reserve adequate space for required storm water quality enhancement "Best Management Practices:' Storm water quality mitigation should include minimization of directly connected impervious areas and a minimum of one appropriately sized structural "Best Management Practice:' Design of storm water quality facilities must be in accordance with the Urban Drainage and Flood Control DistricYs Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3. Preliminary design of any public improvements required to serve the site must be provided. Prior to application for building permits, the applicant will be required to provide a Final Storm Water RepoH and Plan in accordance with the City of Bouider Design and Construction Standards. Bruce Johnson, 303-441-3206. ~aenda item ~ _ _ ___ Pa~o # _1v7 Fire Protection 1. Fire hydrant will be required in parking lot area, north of building. 2. Building is required to be fully protected by automatic fire sprinkler system. Adrian Hise, 303-441-3350. Housing and Human Services As a provider of comprehensive and primary health care for the medicaliy indigent, the People's Clinic provides an essential community medical service and constitutes a necessary community benefit. As such, the proposed use is consistent with a number of Boulder Valley Comprehensive Plan Policies, including policies: 8.01 "meeting the broad spectrum of human needs," 8.05 "access to human service programs;' and 2.18 "encouraging the development of support services for subcommunities:' Applicant may wish to consider the potential for affordable housing on portions of the site not proposed for the medical clinic as a compatible transition with the adjacent residential neighborhoods. Linda Hill-Blakley, Housing and Human Services, 441- Landscaping Please note that the following preliminary landscape plan requirements are due at the time of site plan submittal: Plan drawing at a scale of 1"= 1 D', 1"= 20; or 1"= 30; to include: Standard title block including scale and date Scale North Arrow Date Location of property lines and adjacent streets (with street names identified) Zoning and use of adjacent properties Existing and proposed locations of all: - Building footprints for existing structures and building envelopes for proposed structures - Sidewalks and curb cuts - Parking lots including layout of parking spaces, interior and perimeter parking lot plantings, bike paths and pedestrian walkways, driva aisles and curb islands - Utilities and easements, including fire hydrants, water meters, & height and location of overhead lines. Existing location, size, and type of all trees 1 1/2" caliper or greater Where fencing is used for required screening, a scaled drawing of the fence elevation. Planting and irrigation specifications Identification of type and location of irrigation in conjunction with plant groupings by water requirements Layout and location of all landscaped areas including: - planting strips along all streets - parking lot screening - interior parking lot landscaping - perimeter site landscaping or screening - all other landscaped areas Botanical and common names and sizes of all plant material proposed preliminarily. Locations of all proposed plant material, shown at the size they will be within 5 years of initial planting, and appropriately spaced. Location, size, and species name of any plant materials proposed for removal. Proposed planting of all ground surfaces. Grass surfaces must be identified as sod or seed with the blend or mix specified. Location and treatment of any proposed detention ponds. Location and dimensions of site distance triangles at all intersections of streets and curb cuts. Summary chart with calculations to include: ~ hgand~ ~±em fi - --- -- a~~ ~ -- -'- _ total lot size ( in square feet). total parking lot size, including all drives and driveways (in square feet). total number of parking stalls required and the total provided. total interior parking lot landscaped area required and the total provided. total perimeter parking lot landscaping required and total provided. total number of street trees required and the total provided. total quantity of plant material required and the total provided. Utilities All proposed public utilities for this project shail be designed in accordance with the City of Bouider Design and Co~struction Standards. A preliminary Master Utility Plan and Utility Report Qer Section 5.02 of the Standards will be required at time of Site Review application to establish the impacts of this project on the City of Boulder utility systems. Bruce Johnson, 303-441-3206. 2. Prior to building permit application, the appiicant will be required to provide Utility Construction Plans in accordance with the City of Boulder Design and Construction Standards. 3. As part of the construction of 16~h Street the applicant will be required to install those utilities necessary to serve the development. Additional fire hydrants may be necessary as no portion of any building shail be over 175 feet of fire access distance from the nearest fire hydrant. Coordination with the Holiday Drive In Redevelopment, as well as Tract 2837, will be necessary to determine what 16~h Street utilities are necessary to serve those sites, as these will need to be included up front in the 16~h Street construction. Bruce Johnson, 303-441-3206 kgenda Ifem # Page #~ Don Durson City of Boulder, Planning 1739 Broadway, 2nd Floor PO Box 791 Boulder, CO 80306 December 1, 2000 Dear Mr. Durson, I am writing as a concerned homeowner and resident of Buena Vista, a small neighborhood in North Boulder. I understand you are the planner who will be working on the People's Clinic site and i felt compelled to share my concerns regarding this development. I have also spoken with Sherry Wassern~an, director of Peopie's Clinic, expressing my concerns to her regarding her new Clinic site. I appreciate all that People's Clinic has to offer the Boulder couvnunity. I have used the'v services in the past and I am not opposed to the idea of the Clinic in my neighborhood. However, I fcel there are several Urings in the e~tisting plan that will have a serious negative impact on both the neighborhood and the quality of life for myself and my neighbors. My concerns regarding this development are outlined below. 1. The size of the proposed development, (35,000 square fcet) seems largely out of scale with what is existing in our neighborhood as well as any other residential neighborhoods in Boulder. It seems that the site was designed with purely commercial uses and needs in mind. 2. The site is zoned mixed use, which my husband and I were aware of when we purchased our home. We assumed that tlus would allow fo~ liva-work spaces similar to those aUeady wcisting along Yarmouth to our West. These buildings seem to be very compatible and consistent with the future ofthe North roulder Neighborhood plan. The Pe.,pE;;'s Clinic ptan dx: r.o!. 3. The People's Clinic plan as it exists now allows for access to their enormous parking lot along 17th Street. This would dramaticalty increase traffic along 17th Street. Our neigt~borhood is full of smali children and this is of great concem to me and the many other families who own homes here. Perhaps both accesses could be on 16th Street, where those individuals who purchase homes in the future would aUeady be aware of what they were getting itrto regarding trnffic. 4. The 118-space pazking lot attached to the People's Clinic building will negatively impact our neighborhood. The parking lot would have to be well tit in order to keep the area safe. The type of iigitting needed would change the feeting of the neighborhood from a resideniial to a business district. This would obviousiy impact the quality of life in our neighborhood. 5. The 35,000 square foot building and 118-space pazking lot wilt clearly take up a great deal of the area to the West of 17th Street. Rather than having homes, condos, or liva-work spaces, wa will have a large commercial area. I am conc:err+ed that the area be adequately Isndscaped so as to create a buffer for the existing neighbors. Thank you for you time and consideration in this matter. Sincerely, , Q,~~~~~~~~.~ ~l f" Leah Nickie ~ ~ 467417th Street Boulder, CO 80304 (303)786-9867 ,. ,~ e~ r. ~, ~ ~P /(D ~'; ',ui i..N ~ u~ o____ `d.~e t December 14, 2000 Kim Friel 1770 Yellow Pine Avenue Boulder, CO 80304 Plamiing Boazd c/o Mary Lovrine City of Boulder Planning Dept. P.O. Box 791 Boulder, CO 80306-0791 To Whom It May Concern: I am quite disturbed by the proposed plans of building a 35,000-sq. ft. medical clinic across the street from my neighborhood, the Buena Vista Subdivision. If the clinic was 4,000-sq. ft. I wouldn't have a problem with the plans at all. I would urge the board to turn down these plans, at the least have the People's Clinic plans scaled back quite a bit. The following are items I would like the board to consider. 1. Size of clinic is disproportionate to the size of the surrounding neighborhood and what the neighborhood infrastructure can handle. 2. Some of the plots the clinic plans building on is zoned as mixed use, which is supposed to be a combination of businesses and living quarters. 3. Disruption of the quality of family life in neighborhood. Kids cannot ride bikes in street or play without possibility of getting run over by 300-400 cars visiting the clinic each day (Mon - Sat). 4. Crime rate increase from having large parking lot across from street, 5. From my own experience, large parking lots tend to be a magnet for teenagers to hang out at night and blaze their music. (First place I lived at on 13th and Balsam was next to the Urgent Caze overflow pazking lot, had to call the cops at least once a week &om disturbances by teenagers playing loud music in their cars late at night). I will be attending the Public Heazing on January 18 and hope that my concerns and everyone else in the neighborhoods aze addressed by having the Planning Board tum down the Peoples Clinics' current buIIding plans. Sinc r~ ~ Kim Friel (lC'~r'~,91°•,r;n, li__ G9~9 ~_ ~.L.~.~~ December 15, 2000 Don Durso City of Boulder Planning Department PO Box 791 Boulder, CO 80306 Dear pon: This letter is regarding the People's Clinic concept review application. The People's Clinic are proposing to purchase property and construct a 35,000 square foot medical clinic at the northwest comer of 17~ and Yarmouth, which is adjacent to our neighborhood. We are the Buena Vista Joint Use Committee representing three distinct Homeowners Associations in the Buena Vista Community: the Condominium Home Owners Association, the Townhome Home Owners Association and the Single Family Home Owners Association. We comprise a total of 57 households north of Yarmouth between 17~^ and 18~"5~18 We are a diverse and active community and proud to be living in the City of Boulder, where preservation of quality of life is a shared community goal. Some of the households in our neighborhood are part of the Thistle Community Land Trust where individuais own the housing units and Thistle Community Housing owns the land. Some of the households are market rate homes and are not part of the permanently effordable housing program managed by Thistle Community Housing. We met recently with Sherry Wasserman, the Director of the People's Clinic and her architects and planning consultants to discuss and provide input on their proposal. We have not seen minutes from that meeting, but it is our understanding that they have submitted their concept application, which included a list of our concems. Since we have not had an opportunity yet to review the list, we are unable to say whether the concerns listed in the People's Clinic application adequately state our concerns. We have significant concems about the size and scale of the facility that the Clinic wants to construct and the types of impacts this size of facility will have to our residential neighborhood. A tist of our concems is included betow. • The development is out of scele, too big and is not compatible with the neighborhood. . Access from the parking lot on to 17"~ should be eliminated. Access can be provided on to Yarmouth or 16w Street where no residential units have been built yet. • There is no buffering or housing transitioning between the Clinic and the neighborhood. The Clinic should consider adding housing on 17"~ between Yarmouth and Yaupon ta provide a transition to the residentiai neighborhood. • The 118 stall parking lot wiil significantly negatively impact the neighbort~ood. Impacts from the pa~Cing iot lights and the sheer size of the proposed 120 stall pa~lcing lot will impact quality and character of the neighborhood, and can pose securtty issues during evenings and weekends. Even with additional landscaping, the aesthetic and noise impacts of the perking lot across trom the housing units will ,~ ~ ~ „ ~._~,`:.~r~~~'----~~~.:~~~r,_ _ be unacceptable. instead, place the parking lot on the interior with access via 1T"~ and housing units buiR from Yartnouth north up Yaupon as part of the Clinic development. Even with downcast special lighting, the sheer size of the paricing lot if facing 17~^ Street will have negative aesthetic impacts. Ensure a transit sheRer and adequate pedestrian paths from the clinic entrance to the bus stop are included. The People's Clinic is proposing to build on a lot zoned mixed use (MU-D). There are no housing units proposed along with their development. Buena Usta residents are supportive of the mixed use concept and would prefer to see a true mixed-use development at this location, or for the clinic to include housing along with a smaller scale facility. Residents are very pleased wfth the current live/work units that have been developed on Yartnouth, west of 17"~ "~ atchitect Jim Logan. We have envisioned this type and scale of mixed-use development to occur on this parcel. In closing, we do not believe that the Clinic will be able to design a 35,000 square foot medical facility with a 120 stall pa~Cing lot which will not significantly impact and erode our neighborhood. We do not believe the Clinic can create a design that can address these concems. ff the clinic signifrcantly scales back their facility, limits it to Yarmouth Street, adds housing up 17~", keeps access via Yartnouth and 16"~, addresses lighting and landscaping concems and provides better buffering to the neighborhood, then, we would like to see these designs and may be abie to support the Clinic in their efforts to find a new home. Thank, you for the opportunity to provide input on the People's Clinic Concept Application. Please c~ntact Buena Vista Joint Use Committee Officers Leah Nickie (303) 786-9867 or Paul Cardosi (303) 413-1922 if you would like additional information or want to contact residents. Sincerely, The Joint Use Committee of the Buena vsta Homeowners (Representing 57 households). Leah Nickie 4674 17~ Street Boulder, C 803~4 ~~~~~~ Paul Cardosi 4698 17~ Street Boul r, CO 304 Jen Carl 4649 18~' St. Boulder, CO 80.~04 ~CU~ ~ Cc: Peter Pollack, Planning Director Sherry Wasserman, Director, People's Clinic Mark Ruzzin, Chairman, City of Boulder Planning Board l,r^n~alFem~`_ FagE+~_~9 __ December 18, 20d0 I}uk Friel 1770 Yellow Pine Avenue Boulder, Ct~ 80304 Planning Board c% Mary Lovrine City of Boulder Planning Dept. P.O. Box 791 Boulder, CO 80306-0791 To Whom It May Concein: 1 am quite disriubed by the proposed plans of buIlding a 35,000-sq. ft. medical clinic within my neighborhood, the Buena Vista Subdivision. Ifthe scale ofihe clinic were smaller i would not have a problem. When T bought my house in June, 2U00 i was not notified of atty large businesses to be build, and in fact was told only small businesses woiild be considered within the mixed-use zone. I would urge the board to turn down these plans or consider having the People's Clinic plans scaled back qiiite a bit. The following are items 1 woiild like the bo~rd to consider. l. Size of clinic is disproportionate to the size of the siu-rounding neighborfiood and what the neighborhood infrastructure can hancile. 2. Some of the plots the clinic plans building on is zoned as mixed use, which is supposed to be a combination of bnsinesses and living quarters. 3, Disruption ofthe quality offauuIy Iife in neighborhood. Kids cannot ride bikes in street or play without possibility of getting run over by 300-400 cars visiting the clinic each day (Mon - Sat). The main entrance should be off of Yarmouth and not within a neighborhood. 4, Crime rate increase from having Targe parking Iot across fro~n street. 5. From my own experience, large parking lots tend to be a magnet for teenagers to hang out at night. I will be attending the Pubiic Hearing on 7anuary 18 and hope that my concerns and everyone else in the neighborhoods aze addressed by having the Planning Board turn down the Peoples Clinics' current building plans. Sincerely, ~~~~ Dirk Friel ~ ~ ,...~°"_--f~c;^R~_ From: Marcia Richardson <Marcia.Richardson@Colorado.Edu> To: <gSCComment@ci.boulder.co.us> Date: 01/02/2001 7:41:49 PM Subject: Attn Don Durso re. 1675 Yarmouth, LUR2000-00005 I am writing regarding the review of the proposed People's Clinic building of at 1675 Yarmouth. i live in the Buena Vista deveVopment and attended the meeting with People's Clinic in November regarding their interest in building a new clinic in this growing and developing neighborhood. After learning details, and hearing discussions, I have decided that I am opposed to having the clinic located at 1675 Yarmouth. I feel it would be significantiy out of proportion to the businessiresidential balance. 1 see this area as developing a unique and innovative residential neighborhood...one that contributes to the economic diversity of Boulder and aliows people who work in Boulder to live in Boulder, and to have have small businesses nestled around residentiai areas. I feel the residential atmosphere is crucial to this neighbor and that any business should blend in and be not significantly noticeable. The offices located in the 1400 and 1500 blocks of Broadway reflect this low-key business facade. I feel that the proposed building would not contribute to this model. I, as did many others who attended the meeting, support the vision and purpose of the clinic. I feel it needs to be in a more central location, e.g. on Broadway, Arapahoe, 28th, or 30th. I understand that the cost of property on these streets is prohibitive to what the People's Clinic can afford. I wouid encourage and support the clinic in asking the people of Boulder to support a tax initiative to help fund purchasing property in a more appropriate (yet costlier) location. i,.c,erra i'em i, ,_ Fa~e;, _~ ATTACHMENT E RESPONSE TO CITY OF BOULDER LAND USE REVIEW RESULTS AND COMMENTS PEOPLE'S CLINIC RELOCATION & EXPANSION DATE: December 22, 2000 REVIEW NUMBER: LUR2000-00005 APPLICANT: PEOPLE'S CLINIC ' DESCRIPTION: Concept Review and Comment for a new 35,400 sq, ft. medical clinic located between 16th and 17th streets on Yarmouth Ave. (1675 Yarmouth Ave.) VARIATION FROM THE LAND USE REGULATIONS: Building floor area in excess of 15,000 square feet. I. REVIEW FINDINGS The following is a response to the City of Boulder's Concept Review and Comment for the above referenced development proposal dated 27 November 2000. We have attempted to verbally address all of the comments and will provide additional graphic materiais at the 18 January 2000 Planning Board meeting. The responses are in italics. Enclosed please find 10 additional copies of the original bound submittal; including elevations and site plans for Planning Board distribution. ,t II. CITY REQUIREMENTS Access/Circulation 1. Required improvements along Yarmouth include a detached 6 ft. wide sidewaik along the north side of Yarmouth, and an 8 ft wide streetscape area between the future curb and the edge of sidewalk. Curb and gutter improvements on Yarmouth will not be required, however the grading ptan submitted with the Site Review will be required to show how the sidewalk will tie in with future curb and gutter so that the sidewalk will not have to be replaced. ACKNOWLEDGED 2. Staff does not support the second access wffh this site plan. Consistent with the comments received from the neighborhood meeting with the Buena Vista residents, the access to the site from 17"' Street will be eliminated and a second access from 1 G" Street will be provided, aligned with Yaupon. This should provlde convenient access to the site for patiants and staff without impacting the residents along 17'" Street. 3. 16'" Street Right-of-Way Dedication and Constraction - Pr+or to the issuance of building permit the applicant wiil be required to dedicate the entire 60, [58'?] foot right-of-way adjacent to Tract 2837ILot 8, as well as the 30' [29'?) half-width on the remainder of Lot 8 to the north and along the west side of Lof 7. Also, prior to issuance of a building permit the applicant will be required to provide a pertormance guarantee for improving the entire width of 161h Street adjacent to Tract 2837/Lot 8, as wel( as escrow funds for the ha(f-width improvement on the remainder of Lot 8. The applicant wiN be responsible for building the fuli width of 16'" Street prior to issuance of a certificate of occupancy, extending utilities to the furthest north extent of their property within ihe 16'^ Street right-of-way, and , ,,~~^?":.r: '' -______. "„'.%,~ ~- possible provision of a temporary turnaround. The cross-section for 161b Street shali be a Residentiai Street, consisting of a 30' street width, (flowline to flowline), 8' landscaping strips, and 4' sidewalks. The applicant intends to sell Lot 7 and Tract 2837 and will partner with the new owner in the dedication and construction of 16f6 Street. If the new owner of these parcels is not ready to p~oceed with construction at the time the People's Clinic initiates construction, the land will be dedicated and 16~" Street will be constructed as above. Building Design 1. Only a north and south elevation have been submitted. The elevations of the proposed People's Clinic building are being modified and the 171b Street elevation will be added to provide a clearer understanding of the building profile as viewed from the east. 2. This zone limits buildings to 15,000 square feet of floor area, unless varied through site review. Staff could support this variation if the buiiding's mass is broken up to appear to be a smaller buiiding. Additional work should be done to break up the mass of the structure, such as stepping back the second floor along 17'h and Yarmouth, due to the height of the structure, and reducing the ends of the building to one floor. As drawn, the building appears to be too tall and massive to warrant this variance. The design of the building is being modified to reflect the city's and neighborhood concems about the height and massing. The buildings' length along Yarmouth Street has been significanHy mduced to minimize the massing and provide additional area for detention. A model of the 6uilding will be provided at the 18 January 2001 Planning Board meeting. 3. The applicant should address the necessity of a 34'S" two floor building at site review. It appears that two floors could reasonable be accommodated in 25-28 feet. The height may be excessive and unnecessarily block views of potential residential units along the east side of 171h Street. In response to the Planning DepartmenYs comments regarding the height and massing of the proposed People's Clinic building the architect has redesigned the building and reduced the height by 1=6" to an overall height of 33 =0"at its hiphest Aoint This height is required due to the fact that floor- to-floor heights are taller in medical o~ce applications than residential applications, thereby increasing the overall building height The planned floor-to-floor height is 12'-6" at the ~rst level, and 12'-0"at the second level. Portions of the remainder of the building's height (8'-6') is attributed to the roof being integrated into the building to serve as a screen for the rooftop mechanical systems. The architect will continue to exp/ore opportunities to reduce the overall height. Land Uses Staff supports locating the People's Clinic at this site. However, the following issues should be addressed: 1. For the Planning Board hearing, the applicant should be prepared to address what other sites they have looked at onto which to locate the clinic, which may be more appropriate, such as closer to transit use along Broadway. For the past 2 years, People's Clinic has had 1 or 2 iealty services under contract in an attempt to find a site. Due to patient demographres, our City of Boulder grant, and our service area, the Board determined that the locafion should be within the City limits, and generally not west or south. It is evident that there is virtually no raw (non-indusMal) land available of sufficient size to meet the : ~,, v,°~ (,: ---- Wt:; _ ~13- - locational and other criteria of an acceptable site for the clinic. On the advice of the realtors, other properties not listed for sale, were explored in the hopes to be the first offer if suitable. Sites that were explored include the following: • land - Branding Iron Trailer Park - 2685 28'^ St. • land - 5965 Arapahoe Rd. - 12 acres. • land - 3060 Centergreen - 1.56 acres. • land - Gunbarrel Tech Center- 2.8 acres. • land - Valmont Industrial Park - 4.5 acres. • building - 4665 Nautilus - 37,120 sq. ft, • land - 5465 Spine Rd, • building - 5675 Arapahoe Rd. • land - Holiday Drive-In Neighborhood (Housing Authority project). • building - 1900 Folsom St. - 21, 128 sq. ft. • building - 3375 Mitchell Ln. - 29,998 sq. R. • building - 2865 Wildemess - 21,809 sq. ft. • land - 1845 Folsom - less than an acre. • building - 3015 47'" St. - only 8,034 sq. ft. as is. • building - 6797 Winchester- 36,048 sq. ft. • building - 6790 ~nchester- 30,000 sq. ft. - lease only. • land - 2505 Pine - possi6le 21,000 sq. R. building. • building - 1675 Range Dr. - lease only. • land - Sterling & Valmont Rd. - 1.73 industrial acres. • building - 3085 Bluff Sk - 1.73 acres. • Building - 6185 Arapahoe - 33,000 sq. ft. - lease only. • building- 1810 30"' Si$ - 15,000 sq. ft. • land - Steel Yard Project - 30f6 St. and Bluff. All of the above properties were rejected due to zoning, size, availability, or location constraints. Approximately 16 properties were eliminated without looking at them, generally due to lack of size. At this point, People's Clinic believes that no suitable altemative sites are currently on the market or are likely to become available in the near future. 2. The applicant should address what housing development options they have considered for this site, as well as the iwo lots to the north and west of the site. It appears that housing could be accommodated upon this site in the northeast portion, across the street from the Buena Vista development, or as part of the second floor of the structure. The applicant is exploring. various housing options with the Housing Authority of the City of Boulder and will have conceptual plans to share with the Planning Board at the 18 January 2001 meeting. 3. A draft of comments related to the neighborhood meeting, as well as comments from some neighbors indicates that the People's Clinic may not require the full 35,000 square feet of building as proposed, and that the clinic may lease out extra space to other users such as dental or daycare uses. The applicant is advised that other non-residential uses such as daycare and dental facilities are aiso use review uses, and a separate use review would be required for any other tenant other than the People's Clinic. Because of the size of the building, staff is not supportive of making the building any larger than required for the People's Clinic. As part of the site/use review applicatlon, the applicant should address their required amount of space now and expected in the future. SEE ATTACHMENT A ,..~ ~, t;~~:-- ~ ' ~ ~!`=xr.f --~'<;.,,~ - - Landscaping The appiicant will be required to provide a 5' pedestrian path, in addition to a fuli 6' landscaped strip, meeting the requirements of 9-3.3. ACKNOWLEDGED Legal Documents Per the annexation agreement, the applicant wili have to sell the Silver Lake Ditch rights that run with the property, and pay the deferred Park Fees (calculated at the time of building permit), prior to building permit. ACKNOWLEDGED. The applicanYs contract with the owner does not include any Silver Lake Ditch Rights. Neighborhood Comments Staff has received five phone calls related to this proposal expressing concern regarding many aspects of the proposal, including the location (as opposed to along Broadway), design, scale, and size of the building, and whether a single use was appropriate in this area, where the zoning is mixed use. ACKNOWLEDGED. The People's Clinic has held neighborhood meetings with the residents of Buena Vista and Boulder Meadows Mobile Home Park to present the design concept and discuss neighborakood concerns. We are aware of the concerns expressed at those meetings and are responding to them as best we can in the revised Concept Plan. Parking The applicants are encouraged to assess the actual amount of parking they will need, based upon their current facilities, and are encouraged to not provide excess parking which may not be needed. This shouid be addressed in their Site Review submittal documents. Deferred or shared parking should also be considered, if their actual use does not approach the 1 space per 300 square feet of building area. Nationally accepted standards for medical clinics of this type proposed by fhe People's Cllnic recommend one parking space per every 250 square feet This standard is based upon the combination of staff requirements and patient load and tumover. Parking for the People's Clinic as part of the site plan has been provided at one space per every 300 square feet, less than the normal standard. While this is higher than the one space per 400 square feet that is the general minimum standard of non-residential uses within the MUD-zone, this is an accurate ratio that the proper function of the building would require. A relatively high tumover of patient cars based on short doctor visits would put the facility at a ratio of slighGy higher that 1:300. This is mitigated by the fact that staff parking needs are lower. Also, the People's Clinic encourages and uses public transportation for its employees, through the use of Eco-passes, and carpooling by its staff. This would result in a parking ratio lowe~ than the 1:300 fo~ staff considerations to around 1:500. As a result of combining these hvo parking needs for the People's Clinic, it is our opinion that an average of 1 space per 300 square feet is appropriate. Plan Documents The site plan does not show proposed uses and building locations on the two lots which are under contiguous ownership and part of the option to purchase in place. As part of site review, suggested uses <<_,; ~., ~ _p"~'~_'- ~..., ~.:,ill ~ _--.- ';ri' and designs should be considered to be shown, and integrated with the current site. The Site Review Criteria requires that all contiguous lands be considered as part of the process (9-4-11(b)(1). ACKNOWLEDGED. As noted above, the applicant is explo~ing various housing options and will have concepts to share with the Planning Board at the 18 January 2001 meeting. Site Design 1. The applicant is encouraged to flip the buiiding east to west, so that the building portion along 17"' would be along 16'b. There are a number of reasons for this: a. The building mass that now aligns along 17'" Street would be across the street from property under control of the applicant, and so they would. have control of the design of the transition from a clinic to residentiallmixed-use development along Yarmouth Ave. and 16'" Street. b. The bulk of the building would then be situated further from residential units along the east side of 17'" Street, thereby reducing the blocking of views. c. Flipping the building around may allow the applicant to accommodate include residential units in the northeast area of the site, and continuing into the area zoned MXR-D, and wouid allow a better transition between this use and future uses to the east, north and west. d. May resolve possible drainage and utility issues that may arise at site review. This option was considered during inJtial site planning. By "flipping the building,"access to the parking lot from 16`" Street would be reduced to one curb cut, and the drop-off would no longer work with this configuration. A greater tra~c impact would then be placed back on to 17'" Street, as access to the clinic would have to be kept open on 17'" Street. In our opinion, the above concems are being addressed more eHecfively through modifications to the 6uilding design, as well as by closing the acces:~ trom 17'" Street. The following departments had no requirements: City Attorney's O~ce III. INFORMATIONAL COMMENTS Access/Circulation 1. Drive access into and through parking lot must accommodate emergency vehicles. Use SU-30 vehicle template as a guide. ACKNOWLEDGED. The access into and through the parking lot will accommodate a SU-30 emert7ency vehicle. 2. The minimum number of bicycle parking is required to be 10% of the total number of required parking spaces. Staff encourages increasing bicycle parking to 20% of the total number of required parking spaces to further encourage the level of bicycle use described in the proposal. ACKNOWLEDGED ~ ~~a ,-.~~:,._, , ::~... :r .,. .~.:,.~~ ~...:c,., -- 3. Staff supports the Transportation Demand Management strategies stated in the proposal which include the following: a) Construction of the off-street pedestrian path in accordance with the North Boulder Sub- Community Plan in addition to bike/pedestrian connections to this path as weli as sidewaiks along 16'" and 17'" Streets. b) Placement of bicycle parking in the "plaza" to encourage bicycle use. c) Voluntary issuance of RTD Eco-Passes to all employees. ACKNOWLEDGED 4. Reimbursement for 1 T" Street Construction - The applicarit has been advised of the existence of a Public Improvements Reimbursement Agreement with the Thistle Community Housing regarding street and waterline improvements to 17`" St. ACKNOWLEDGED Drainage 1. At the time of Site Review, the applicant will be required to provide a Preliminary Storm Water Report and Plan in accordance with the City of Boulder Design and Constnrction Standards. The preliminary report and plan must demonstrate the feasibiliry of constructing the project in accordance with City standards. ACKNOWLEDGED 2. Prior to application for building permits, the appBcant will be required to provi~e a Final Storm Water Report and Plan in accordance with the City of Boulder Design and Construction Standards. ACKNOWLEDGED ~ ... : . „ ! ~~~~,. ~~ ~... _. ,.... . - ,~ ~~ ~ -- Fire Protection 1. Fire hydrant will be required in parking lot area, north of building. 2. 8uiiding is required to be fully protected by automatic fire sprinkler system. ACKNOWLEDGED. Housing and Human Services As a provider of comprehensive and primary health care for the medically indigent, the People's Ciinic provides an essential community medical service and constitutes a necessary community benefit. As such, the proposed use is consistent with a number of Boulder Valley Comprehensive Plan Policies, including policies: 8.01 "meeting the broad spectrum of human needs," 8.05 "access to human service programs," and 2.18 "encouraging the development of support services for subcommunities." Applicant may wish to consider the potential for affordable housing on portions of the site not proposed for the medicai clinic as a compatible transition with the adjacent residential neighborhoods. Applicant is exploring options of providing affordable housing on site. Landscaping Please note that the following preliminary landscape plan requirements are due at the time of site plan submittal: ACKNOWLEDGED. Applicant will provide preliminary landscape plan at site plan su6mitta! per COB requirements. Utilities 1. All proposed public utilities for this project shall be designed in accordance with the City of Boulder Design and Construction Standards. A preliminary Master Utility Pian and Utility Report per Section 5.02 of the Standards will be required at time of Site Review application to establish the impacts of this project on the City of Boulder utitity systems. ACKNOWLEDGED 3. Prior to building permit application, the applicant will be required to provide Utility Construction Plans in accordance with the City of Boulder Design and Construction Standards. ACKNOWLEDGED 3. As part of the construcNon of 16tb Street the applicant will be required to install those utilities necessary to serve the development. Additional fire hydrants may be necessary as no portion of any building shall be over 175 feet of fire access distance from the nearest fire hydrant. Coordination with the Holiday Drive In Redevelopment, as well as Tract 2837, will be necessary to determine what 16" Street utilities are necessary to serve those sites, as these will need to be included up front in the 161b Street construction. ACKNOWLEDGED S:lwortltlocs\PeoDles clinic\COB Review-COmment2.doc ~_w~L`,Ili-~;_~_ "~r,n.'.~ at} _ ~~~~ ~r ATTACHMENT A PEOPLE'S CLINIC Space Size and Utilization Justification In response to the neighborhood's and planning staff's concerns, the programming and space requirements for the People's Clinic were cazefully re-examined. As a result, it has been determined that the clinic will require the fu1135,000 SF of floor azea. The key factor in estimating squate footage for the People's Clinic is a standazd provider/exam room ratio widely utilized by community health centers and most current clinical private practices. Family practice teams or "pods" contain a minimum of three providers who require three exam rooms each. Factored into these pods are the corresponding medical support and nursing staff as well as medical records, medical supplies, phazmacy, laboratory, triage, and procedure space. Typical of family practice health organizations, the business office requirements include a lazge medical billing and admissions departments. The non-profit status of the Peopie's Clinic impacts space requirements by adding additional fundraising and subsidy program related activities, auditing, and compliance requirements. As a cunent staff of approximately 90 full and part-time employees and volunteers, the HR department, staff ineeting, training and education activities also impact space requirements. Any~space not immediately occupied by existing staff would be utilized now and in the future for storage and flexible office/ administrative space. The clinical capacity of the building will not be expanded. There may, on an interim basis, be the opportunity to provide limited (1,300SF) space within the Clinic for other non-profit or agencies, which provide medical care to patients with similar needs to those currently served by the People's Clinic. The following chart provides the breakdown of the space needed for the People's Clinic's new facility. ~imicat space ior tour tamiiy ~ practice teams, of three providers !, Per team 3848 i 15, 392 using three exam rooms each with ! I corresponding clinical activities. ; ~ ___-- ___ . . - --- - - ----- -- Nursmg ' 305 x 4 i 221 0 ___. _ __. _.. . __.T___. . _ ._.---.~ ____.~ ~___~_~ Medical Records (includes storage 330 ; 330 i requirements) , ___ .. ____ _..._._.._._ ~ ~am~ss~on i uu x 4 ~, Reception 100 I Enrollment 90 x 4 ' Switchboard 100 ' ointments 100 x 4 ' ~_.~, ,a , .~, a9 _ _ ---- Phacmacy --- _ Phannacy 400 _. ----- -- . _ _._ --- 580 { Phannacy storage 60 ' ' Sample storage 60 x 2 ~ Laboratory •; Central Lab 160 408 ' Specimac~ collection stations 60 x 2 I ; Toilet 44 x 2 I Medical waste ' 40 I. _.._ Procedure / Triage rooms Procedure rooms 150 ' .. _._.._. 840 x4 ; Triage 60 x 4 ' ` Waiting room space ; Patient waiting 450 i 1,592 ~ ~ Childrens azea I ~ i Toilets ; i ~ Coats ' ~ ~ Allx2', ~ '; Patient education I Cubicle for videos 60 !~ 260 ! I Libr /stora e , ary g i ~ ~ ... ---------....---------------.~ ~ 100 x 2 ; ..__~ I ~- --~ ~ Ancillar•;~ Medical ~ Case Managers, '~ 800 ~ j Referral, ; j ~ ~ j ' Quality Improvement ~ Drug Assistance ~ t ~ ' Manager ~ i Diabetes/ '', Collaborative I ~ ~ ~ '• Obstetrics/Gynecology 'i Outreach, Specialty x i ; -- --------------- ------_; Staff education/ meeting i ~i ~ ~ ~ ~ __..._.----------? Toilets 44 x 2 ~ Conference 360 x 2 ~ --------.. 808 ~ ~ , _._ _ g Medical Billin , _. Work stations 240 ', , _ _-..__ 450 i. Fi(es 100 ! Copier 10 ; ' _. _. Billing Manager 100 ',' _ .._____.._.. ___. __ _ . ! Janitorial and storage 808 General storage 80 ~ 480 i Equipment storage 80 ; Clean and soiled 'i ! utility 120 x 2 '' Janitor 40 x 2 I ' ,~ I',(~;!i~~;_liel'iil;-----.-P~yCar_ . -.- _..___ _~-_ Administration _.._ -- ---- Executive Director, I ------- _ _ --- _ .- --... 1100 ~ Finance, Accounting, ' I HR, Medical ' ~ Directors, MIS, ' ~ Patient Services ; Director Assistants x 3 i Personnel Lunchroom, coffee, 240 ~ _ __ coats, :, _ __ - - - _. _-- ------ _ ---_{ ' _ _~ _ _ 25860 j Circulation 30% Halls, stairs, elevators, 7,758 (standard) ' - --- . . . .--- -- walking room, ' --- - --- 33,618 Agentla Item k Page # d3/ 1 ~ 1 1 ' 1 ! 1 ~ 1 ,1, 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ~ 1 ~ ~ r CONCEPT PLRN REVIEW F~ COMMENT WRIIfiEN STATEMENT Submitted by: PEOPLE'S CLINIC Prepared by: RRC ASSOCIATES ~ ~ BOULDER ASSOCIATES . 6 November 2000 , ~/fI ~5~~__. r ~ RRC A 5 S 0 C I A T E S , Reseerch • Planning • Oesign 6 November 2000 , , Don Durso City of Boulder Planning Department ~ P.O. Box 791 Boulder, CO 80306 ~ RE: Concept Plan Review and Comment for People's Clinic Relocation to Yannouth Avenue & 17~' Street ' , Dear pon: , W.e present to you herein our request for Concept Plan Reviey/ and Comment for the People's Clinic relocation to the 2.546-acre site in North Boulder bounded by I7`~ Street, Yarmouth Avenue, and the future 16~' Street extended north from Yarmouth. The enclosed and accompanying materials were , prepazed in accordance with the requirements for Concept Plan Review and Comment set out by the Ciry of Boulder in the Land Use Review application form. ', 1. Land Use Review Application Form - 1 copy 2. Sign Acknowledgement Form - 1 copy ~ 3. Names and addresses of all property owners within 600' radius of property, typed on 8.Sx11" sheets of self-adhesive mailing labels 4. Check to City of Boulder for processing fees -$1,125 , 5. Context Map -15 copies (included in Written Statement-Appendix A) 6. Concept Plan -15 prints i 7. Architectural chazacter elevations -15 prints , 8. Concept Plan Review Written Statement , The Concevt Plan Review Written Statement describes the site planning, landscape, and architectural design concepts for the proposed People's Clinic. The Concent Plan illustrates the major details of the - development including: site access, pedestrian and vehicular circulation concepts, off-street parking , azeas, usable open space,landscape buffering and screening concepts, and landscape enhancement of vehicular entries and architectural features. ' The People's Clinic was established in 1970 as a small outpatient medical facility. The Clinic has since evolved into a full-scale family practice, meeting health care needs throughout all cycles of , patients' lives, on a sliding-fee scale for low-income residents who cannot get health insurance. The Clinic has a laboratory and a pharmacy, and an extensive referral network of specialists willing to treat , Clinic patients on a sliding fee scale. People's Clinic physicians also continue their patients' care in the event of hospitalization. , , 4940 Pearl East Circle • Suite 103 • Boulder, Colorado 80301 •{303) 449-6558 •{303) 449-6587 FAX r ~ r , ~~ ~ ~ ' 1 , , , ~ Don Durso I1l6/00 pg~ ~ hi h uality health care for the medically indigens.Clinic People's Clinic is committed to providing g q health efforts who lack the fmancial, social ar cultural resources to obtain health care elsewhere. Peop also advocates health promotion, disease prevention and the coordination of community and resources. le s Clinic for the purpose of outh is under option to purchase by the Peop ' The site at 17`h and ~'~ to house their medical clinic and administrative services. These facilities constructing a new building an~ san J~n-and the new site would allow for oiurently occupy two ]ocations-BroadwaY ~sion will allow an increase in the nu a ents with a expansion of the services provided. The exp examination rooms to allow the clinic to operate more efficiently and to see more p minimal increase in the number of providers. ln the Boulder Valley Comprehensive Plan> and North Boulder Subcommunity P1~• The site is zoned Mixed The property is designated Mixed Use and Mixed Density ~ ~n the City of in concert with the existing zoning and Mixed Aensity Residential-Developing (MXR-D) ~ Use-Developing (MU'p~ pJan identified the site for "officefr i~ Yothold two we Boulder. The North Boulder SubcommunitY lans and have conducted two Pre-Application Conferences within the past 2 months an p neighborhood meetings the week of 6 November to solicit comments and feedback on the p building design. anded and much needed affordable otential of People's Clinic to provide exp ad~ acent to transit and a Wa are excited about the p oals and objectives of the medical services to the citizens of ~n andearchitectural harater meeeareas two smaller buildings set on growing Population. The site desig designing the building to app lacing the buildings up to North Boulder Subcommunity Plan by perpendicular axes, connected with a central receptioniadministration arYa~outh Avenue; and which is behind; articulating the facades to respond to the emerging the street, screening the parking ed area is In addition, a generous landscap neighborhood character and mass and scale of existing buildings a on act of the building while breaking uP the parking area with exten ou~ which further softens the imp proposed at the corner of 17 o d d~,~ g storm runo~• We believe we have addresold ch~ee~l ereview also serving as a detention p lication Conference meetings and encourage y concerns raised during the Pre-App uest. and comment" on this Concept Plan Review req under the direction of Nan~Y rovide conceptual site planning uestions of an RRC Associates has been contracted to p d Jim Siedler of Boulder Associates, Blackwood and Nolan Rosall. These professionals wi]] be available to respond to anY urban design and P1~~ng nature. In addition, Nick Re1~nb ae$ig ~ a~.e pr~viding their services in the We stand prepared to answer any questions or provide a local architectural firm that specializes in medical facility programming and design of the buiiding. additional informat~on if required. Very t~ly yours, 5herry waSSerma~' Executive Director PEOPLE'S CLINIC People's Clinic Written Statement TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Purpose and Intent 1.2 Background 1.3 Site Description and Surrounding Land Uses 1.4 Summary of Issues 1.5 Development Concept 2.0 SITE PLANNING AND CIRCULATION CONCEPTS 2.1 Building Location and Siting 2.2 Vehicular and Pedestrian Circulation 2.3 Vehicle and Bicycle Parking 2.4 Public Transportation 2.5 Open Space and Recreation 2.6 Utilities and Drainage 2.7 Solar Access Considarations 2.8 Views 2.9 Traffic Impacts 3.0 LANDSCAPE DESIGN CONCEPTS 3.1 Introduction 3.2 Plant Materials 3.3 Streetscape 3.4 Resource Conservation 3.5 Minimum Landscape Material Size and Quantities 3.6 Irrigation 4.0 EXTERIOR LIGHTING 4.1 General 4.2 Parking Area Lighting 5.0 ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN CONCEPTS 5.1 Introduction 5.2 Architectural Character APPENDICES A CONTEXT MAP B SITE DATA C CONCEPT PLAN D ARCHITECTURAL CHARACTER ELEVATIONS E NORTH BOULDER SUBCOMMUNITY RIGHT-OF-WAY PLAN- BIKE/PEDESTRIAN IMPROVEMENTS F BUENA VISTA SUBDIVISION PLAT r , 1.0 INTRODUCTION , 1.1 PURPOSE AND INTENT ~ The purpose of this Concept Plan Review and Comment request is to obtain feedback on the proposed 2.546-acre People's Clinic Concept Plan, architectural character, and use of the site (medical clinic). 1.2 BACKGROUND The 2.546-acre site, located at 17`~ Street and Yarmouth Avenue, is under option to purchase by the People's Clinic for the purpose of constructing a building to house a medical clinic and administrative services that combines their two existing facilities (Broadway and San Juan). 1.3 SITE DESCRIPTTON AND SURROUNDING LAND U5ES The site for this specific application totals 2.546 acres in size. The south two thirds of the site is zoned Mixed Use-Developing (MU-D) and the north one third is zoned Mixed Density Residential-Developing. The proposed People's Clinic building is located entirely within the MU-D zone. Medical clinics and offices are uses permitted through the Use Review process. Directly east of the site across 17th Street is the Buena Vista Community Housing and a large (30,000 SF) single-family lot. The Boulder Meadows Mobile Home Park lies to the south of the site across Yarmouth. Vacant lots, also under option to the People's Clinic, lie immediately west and north of the site. The proposed Holiday Drive-In Theater site is northwest of the site (at future Yaupon Avenue and 16'~ Street) and will be developed in a new urbanist, traditional neighborhood configuration A variety of predominantly mixed-use developments are situated along the north side of Yarmouth to the west of the site. Further west are more commercial and office uses associated with the North Broadway corridor. A community park is proposed to be built northwest of the proposed People's Clinic site. The general nature of the neighborhood is one that is evolving from a largely rural area with a mixture of residential and commercial uses, without a clearly defined overall character, to a more urban neighborhood, consistent with the broader subcommunity Master Plan. The site itself proposed for the People's Clinic contains one single-family home, and has had t no other known uses in the past. It is relatively flat, gently sloping approximately 3,0% from the northwest to the southeast. A number of trees exist on the site directly adjacent to the single-family house. The site currently has long-range views northwest, west, and southwest to ' the foothills and distant Flatirons at ground level. ~ 1.4 SUMMARY OF ISSUES The following is a summary of issues that were identified as important considerations for the ~ development of the People's Clinic Concept Plan. These issues were generated from the Pre- Application Conferences and input from the neighbors to date. ~ , CONCEPT PLAN REVIEW-PEOPLE'S CLINIC Community Design • Plan should reflect the development guidelines of the North Boulder Subcommunity Plan, including short blocks, a hierarchy of streets in a grid arrangement, front doors and front yards facing the streets, build-to lines, pedestrian scale architecture, etc. • Plan is integrated with the surrounding neighborhood. • Address impacts on adjacent properties. • Design parking areas to reduce visualimpacts. • Landscaping, including streettrees, should serve as visual and noise buffer to abutting developments. Environment • Address impacts on groundwater, drainage, and natural areas. • Plan for water and energy conservation. • Drainage should be conveyed to the appropriate drainageway without adversely impacting downstream properties. Transportation • Evaluate access to parking. • Provide bike and pedestrian connections. Evaluate traffic impacts, including mitigation of impacts to abutting properties. Evaluate Travel Demand Management (TDM) opportunities and programs to encourage the use of alternate transportation options. 1.6 DEVELOPMENT CONCEPT The new People's Clinic will be an attractive state-of-the-art building housing a medical clinic and administrative services. The development of this site will include the axtension of 16`~ Street north from Yarmouth. The building(s) have been placed close to the street and the parking area is located to the rear. The generously landscaped parking area will be accessed from both 17'" Street on the east side of the site and 16'~ Street extended north along the west ,_ side of the site. Narrow streets laid out in a grid framework provide interconnectivity within the neighborhood. The streetscape on all three adjacent streets will be pleasant, lined with detached sidewalks and regularly spaced street trees. The development concept is described in more detail in the following sections of the Written Statement. , CONCEPT PLAN REVIEW-PEOPLE'S CLINIC r ~ 2.0 SITE PLANIVING AND CIRCULATION CONCEPTS i 2.1 BUILDING LOCATION AND SITING ~ A. Buildin~ Siting In accordance with the North Boulder Subcommunity Plan, the building(s) have been located close to the surrounding streets to relate well to the neighborhood, and parking ' is located to the rear. The southeast corner of the site is the low point and is therefore an excellent location for an enhanced landscaped detention pond. The building has been recessed from the carner to provide this opportunity. ~ B. Setbacks , South (front yard) setbacks: 15.0' (Yarmouth) North (rear yard) setbacks: 10.0' (Internal) East and west (side yard) setbacks: 10.0' (16'~ and 17`^ Streets) ~ 2.2 VEHICULAR AND PEDESTRIAN CIRCULATION 1 A. Vehicular Circulation A study of the various circulation options for the surrounding area was undertaken to determine the appropriate access streets to serve the People's Clinic site. Two skreets ~ will provide access to the site: 17`h Street on the east, and 161h Street along the west edge of the site. ' Both entrances will be designed to convey a sense of arrival. In keeping with the North Boulder Subcommunity Plan, the east half of 16`~ Sueet will be dedicated. It is , envisioned that 16th Street will serve as the primary entry to the site, and 17`" Street.will be utilized as the secondary entry, and will provide access for service, deliveries, and trash removal. Patients to be dropped off at the Clinic's north entry will most likely 1 use the 16`" Street access. E. Pedes[rian and Bicycle Circulation ' Pedestrian and bicycle connections have bean maximized in the People's Clinic site to encourage alternate mode use. The building and parking area have been laid out to , assure slow speeds, thereby minimizing pedestrian/vehicular conflicts. In addition, pedestrian connections are provided within the parking area. Generally, detached walks along the public streets will accommodate comfortable pedestrian circulation. The ~ "front door" to the clinic can be accessed from the sidewalk on Yarmouth, less than 70' from the bus stop at Yarmouth and 17`h Street. , A sidewalk along the north edge of the site will provide an east-west pedestrian connection through the site to link the Buena Vista community housing with the ~ proposed Holiday Drive-In theater site and proposed park on future Yaupon St. It aligns with the sidewalk on the north side of Yaupon. , , Bicycle cacks are convenientty located at the ~plaza" adjacent to the front door on the north side of the building, and should encourage bicycle use. ~ WNCEPT PLAN REVIBW-PEOPLE'S CLIDIIC 2.3 PARKING Vehicle parking for the People's Clinic patients and staff is accommodated in the 118-space surface parking lot accessed from 16'~ and 17'h Streets. Parking is provided at a ratio of 1 space per 300 SF floor area, which is consistent with needs For a medical clinic of the nature proposed. Due to off-setting parking demands between the adjacent residential parcel to the north and the People's Clinic, the potential exists for joint parking opportunities which would be explored at the time a development plan is proposed for that lot. 2.4 PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION RTD Transit Route 204, a local bus route, provides service to the site via Yarcnouth Avenue, immediately adjacent to the site, with a stop at the corner of Yarmouth and 17'" Street. This route provides service north and south along 19ih Street and Broadway and connects to the "Skip" at Yarmouth and Broadway which provides service to Boulder County Health and Social Services, Community Hospital, Centennial Junior High, downtown, Boulder Bus Station, University of Colorado, Basemar shopping center, National Bureau of Standards, and Fairview High School a the south end of town. Additionally, route "Y" on Broadway provides service to Lyons via Broadway/U.S. 36. The bus stop location at 17'" and Yarmouth would be enhanced as part of the plan with a seating area for passengers, placed adjacent to the landscaped area on the corner, Convenient pedestrian access will be provided from the transit stop directly to the building. Opportunities are being created by the site plan to accommodate a future re-routing of the Skip to provide direct service to this location, should the opportunity arise. The People's Clinic intends to continue its participation in the Eco-Pass program, providing all staFf with Eco-Passes. 2.5 OPEN SPACE AND RECREATION Immediately north and west of the People's Clinic site is a proposed 2.3-acre City park to be developed in conjunction with the Holiday Drive-In site and will include passive and active areas. In addition, approximately ~/z mile west of the site is the North Boulder Community Park, providing a variety of open space and recreational opportunities to the staff, including tennis, basketball, volleyball, softball, soccer, and playgrounds. Open space within the People's Clinic site is provided primarily around the perimeter in the centrally located island or bosque of trees in the parking area. Those areas that function primarily as pedestrian ways such as sidewalks along the streets are also considered (but not counted) as open space, because they contribute to the livability of the neighborhood. The development of the People's Clinic site will provide approximately 30,800 SF (28% of site area) of open space, approximatety twice the 15% requirement in the MU-D zone. 2.6 UTILITIES AND DRAINAGE The People's Clinic site is covered primarily with native grasses, and the topography gently slopes from the northwest to the southeast at approximately 3.0 percent in pre-development i~ CONCEPT PLAN REVIEW-PEOPLE'S CLIMC 1 ~ conditions. No unique geological or physical features are known to exist at the site. No impacts to surrounding groundwaters are anticipated. A geotechnical report will be submitted 1 at final construction design with soil characteristics determined for consideration in foundation and pavement design. ~ A. Utilities Water and sanitary sewer are existing along the south and the east sides of the People's Clinic properry in Yarmouth and 17'h. Fire protection witl be provided according to 1 City of Boulder specifications. B. Stormwater Management j~ There is no storm sewer available in the viciniry. Stormwater management for the People's Clinic site is proposed to maintain theoretical historic drainage patterns across ~ the site. Based upon the Ciry of Boulder Design and Construction Standards, 100-year detention ponding will be provided on site. 2.7 SOLAR ACCES5 CONSIDERATIONS Due to the configuration of the proposed People's Clinic building, solar access shall be maximized, and passive solar techniques incorporated into the architectural design of the building. 2.8 VIEWS The location and configuration of the proposed People's Clinic building provides view opportunities for the staff and patients west and south towards the mountain foothills and Flatirons. 2.9 TRAFFIC IMPACTS Generally, this development will have minimal traffic impacts on the surrounding residential areas, because the primary access to the property is from streets connecting directty to Yarmouth Avenue, a major collector. , CONCEPT PLAN REVIEW-PEOPLE'S CLINIC ~ ~ 3.0 LANDSCAPE DESIGN CONCEPTS 3.1 INTRODUCTION Approximately 30,800 SF (28%) of the site will be in landscaped open space within the People's Clinic development. Landscaping within the site will serve the users and the community both aesthetically and functionally. The specific landscape materials chosen for the development will emphasize a variety of colors, textures and forms in order to provide year- round interest. Among the major landscape objectives are the foliowing: • Provide attractive streetscapes • Visually enhance architecturalfeatures • Screen, break up, and shade parking areas • Screen service and delivery and trash removal areas. 3.2 PLANT MATERIALS All landscape designs should include a variety of plant material. Types of plant materials and their uses will include: 1. Deciduous Trees • Provide shade during hot summer months, especially along sidewalks and within the parking area • Define space through a canopy/overstory and create a human scale 2. Evergreens • Provide year-round color • Provide year-round visual screen • Assist in climate control (diversion of cold winds) • Create an excellent backdrop for colorful ornamental shrubs 3. Ornamental Shrubs • Accent plants • Provide color and winter form • Berried plants attract wildlife 4. Hedge-like Shrubs • Create visual screen • Provide physical barrier 5. Ground Covers • Provide alternative to grass • Act as soil stabilizers to control erosion problems • Create textural accents 3.3 STREETSCAPE The Concept Plan for the People's Clinic site provides a rhythm of canopy/shade trees along the perimeter streets spaced 40.0' O.C. , CONCEPT PLAN REVIEW-PEOPLE'S CLINIC 6 ~ ~ At key focal points such as entries into the site, evergreens and/or ornamental trees will , provide backdrops to shrubs and perennial/annual beds, providing a variety of color and flowers throughout the year. 3.4 RESOURCE CONSERVATION (XERISCAPE) The landscape design for the People's Clinic site shall incorporate creative landscaping concepts to conserve water usage within the development. Some xeriscape concepts include: • Improve the soil by adding organic materials. • Incorporate al[ernative grass varieties that are drought-tolerant and require less maintenance, but have the same appearance as bluegrass. • Incorporate organic mulches to reduce moisture loss through evaporation. • Choose plants according to their need for water, sun and soils, and plant them within areas of the landscape where they will thrive. Cluster plants with similar water requirements together. 3.5 MINIMUM LANDSCAPE MATERIAL SIZE AND QUANTITIES The landscaping within the People's Clinic landscaped open space areas and along the perimeter streets will meet or exceed the City of Boulder's Landscape Design Standards. 3.6 IRRIGATION All planted and landscaped open space will have a properly designed irrigation system. Full coverage on all grassed and planted areas will be provided. The sprinkler system shall not intentionally spray water on streets, driveways or sidewalks. , CONCEPT PLAN REVIEW-PEOPLE'S CLIMC r ^ 4.0 EXTERIOR LIGHTING , 4.1 GENERAL ~ All outdoor night-time lighting within the People's Clinic Site and along the perimeter streets shall be designed to provide for the safety of the staff and patients, meeting EIS minimum standards. All outdoor lighting shall be installed so that all direct rays are confined to the site ~ and adjacent propertias are protected from glare. 4.2 PARKING AREA LIGHTING ~ The lighting for any group parking areas interior to the development shall be of low-level ~ pedestrian scale. Light fixtures shall not exceed 15.0' in height. ~ ~ ~ , ~ ~ ~ ' r ~ t t . ~ , CONCEP'C PLAN REVIEW-PEOPLE'S CLINIC ~ I 5.0 ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN CONCEPTS , 5.1 INTRODUCTION ~ The 17'h & Yarmouth site provides the opportunity to design a dynamic state-of-the-art medical clinic which will enhance the Yarmouth streetscape and provide for the needs of families with varying degrees of income. The MU-D zoning for this site allows a maximum floor area of ~ 60,540 SF (.6:1.0 FAR). The proposed 35,400 SF is approximately 58% of this maximum requirement. ~ 5.2 ARCffiTECTITRAL CHARACTER The People's Clinic is designed so that it relates to the buildings along Yarmouth and also to the people walking by. To achieve this goal, the two-story building has been designed to appear as two smaller buildings connected with a central reception/administration area. The building has been broken down into three distinct blocks to form an "L" shape. This "L" shaped building fronts onto both Yarmouth Avenue and 17~' Street and the parking is concealed behind the building. Two entries provide public access to the clinic: one at Yarmouth Avenue and 17`h Street adjacent to the Route 204 bus stop, and the other at the "crook" of the "L" on the parking lot side. The three "L" shaped blocks that comprise the People's Clinic are further broken down to create a more human scale, pedestrian-friendly building. The fagade of the clinic that orients towards 17~' Street will have a more residential feel through the use of building materials to relate to the Buena Vista Housing Community. The side of the clinic that faces onto Yarmouth Avenue would have a more businesslike feel to it through the use of materials that will relate to that street. The building configuration helps to capture views to the mountains. Second floor patios at the ends of the building will provide outdoor seating opportunities to take further advantage of the mountain views. The building will not exceed 35' in height. The exterior materials will be predominantly stucco and masonry biock, with the roof designed with standing seam metal. The composition and color of these materials are designed to further break the People's Clinic into a more human scale building that will belong in the neighborhood. (See Conceptual Architectural Elevations.) Through the manipulation and integration of simple geometric shapes, the building is designed, when viewed from nearly any direction, to be aesthetically pleasing and inviting to the neighborhood residents as well as the surrounding community. Slwdlpeople's cliniclwntten statement , CONCEPT PLAN REVIEW-PEOPLE'S CLIHIC ~ ~~~ ~~ ~ ~~ tJ~l Ll .~ ''~ ~ ~ ~r ~ ~ w ~ ~ -~t ~rr ~~s ~r +~ = o~.L)~, i ; ,, o ; _ ~ ~ ' , = o~ Q ~ ; D ~ i ~ ; - ~ ~ ' 0 ......... .~. ...... .__.~._.~ ~.. .,.__~, __.__ _ ..,.__. i~ __ ~::;; ~ LEE HIL DR Y' i o , ~~ W a ,(`~ ` ~ ; ~ ~ MU-D HOLIDAY DRIVE-IN SITE ao o ~ - - (BOULDER MOUSING AUTHOR ) ~s ' MXR-D ~ Mx "D ~y~ ~ ~ ~--- -- 6 - ~ BUENf1 ~ VISTA TiTRT j ~ COMMUNITY ' ~ HOUSING ~ ~ o...~.. o:,::::.,::,.::.` ~ M D - }~ o ~ :7 A a. ~ ° i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o~ ~ ~_~ '•'_ . f- __._______ ~ , 3..__. _ Y - : ~ o ~ = BMS-x ~ ~ ] . 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PARKING REQD: (1 SPACE / 400 SF FLOOR AREA) EXCESS PARKING PROVIDED: ~ OPEN SPACE TOTAL BUILDING COVERAGE: ~ TOTAL PARKING COVERAGE: TOTAL ROW DEDICATION; NET OPEN SPACE: r r z ~ ~ ~ 110,900 SF 10,900 SF 100,000 SF 60,540 SF 35,400 SF 23,000 SF 2 118 SPACES 89 SPACES 29 SPACES 23,000 SF (21%) 46,200 SF (41%) 10,900 SF (10%) 30,800 SF (28%) ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ f~ ~UI ~ ~ ~ Ey ~~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ !~ SITE DATA SifE AREA (GRO55): 130,900 SF (-) 30~ R.O.W. DEDICATION: 10,900 SF SITE AREk (NEt~: 300,000 Sf MAX.FLOOR AREA (ALLOWED PER NU-D ZONING) (.6'lA}. 60,540 SF PROPOSED ROOR AREA 33,400 SF MN(. FOOTPIiINT PROPOSEO: 21,000 SF ror. ~oorss oaovoseo: z ~ARK N TOT. PARKING PItOVIDEP. (15PACE / 300 SF FLOOR ARFA) 118 SPACES NIN. PARKING FEQD Q SPACE / 900 SF FLOOk AREA) 89 SVA~E~ FJLCE55 PARKING PROVIDED: 29 SPACES oveu srace rana eunnw~ covcwwE z;,ooo sF (ux) TOTAL PARKING COVERRGE: 46,20D SF (il%) TO~AL ROW DEDIUTION: 10,900 SF (IOA) NETOPEUSVACE 30,80OSF(28S) CONCEPT PLAN People's Clinic BOULDER,COLORADO RRC ASSOGIFiES Rexac~• Fldnnrtg' ~25yn 'm PROPOSED j o! MIXED DENSITY;,`~.o°:. RESIDENTTAL I ° (HOLIDAY ,, Iv~; DRIVE-IN ~ ~ THEATER SITE) ~ ~ I li II!:n~ __. -~ Yaupon Street(proposed)= , MXR-D MLL-D ', TRACT 2837 .958 AC. ACCE55 ' TO PAFKING ~ A ~ Yarmouth Avenue - '_.__ -._. - .___ _'.__ _.... .___'\ ~-._-- _-- ~ _ __ ' . _'" .-- '--.- -__. _.- - - _ ~ r- _ .. . _ ._ _ _ _ - -_'_ .~-._ __ .._ .._ ._. .. . _. _ _ _' . . ~ . . A+ PEDESTRIAN ENTRANCE ' d '~~ . TO CLINIC i c '' . a , d~ BOULDER MEADOWS J MOBILE HOME PARK -30'NOW DEDIUTION LOT 7 v ~ BLLENA VISTA .916 AC ~n i~~ (MXR-D) I' ~ . _-_ _ _ - _. ~ ... ~I'~'. R I I 1_LLJ 12 12 - - -- - -_-- LOT 8 ~• ^ ""~~ -10' S8 -TO VRNKING ~ E Yaupon Street ~' ~ MI9~~ ~' ~ I~_I:_._-_ ~_- __. ~ 6 I ~Q ~ .r~ sE' ~`~E ' , , MXR=p _' ~ ~ ~ oa~vEx j ,:. -._._. . ~ i., ~> >o. ii; MU-D , _.I ~~ > - - ~~ ; oF~,E~ ' ~ ; srREErrREEs ~ ~ s ~ i ~ ar vo' o.c. ~~ o r si~+'<~ ~ ass~ I~~' BUSSTOP ~ ovc "^~°s ~ ' ~;:, INCORPORATE BENCH , y~ ~ l '~~ mr i ; ~ INTO CORNER ~ e '~ I~~I~Q"~I~ -s i''. ; ~~ L4NDSCAPE FEAIURE .V ~ , i I . I , ~- ~i~~ . ~~H_~~__ _ ~'. •. I coucrrrw~ m ~~ ow I I I '-'t1' si¢iuius i '~'- I ~ ~ FOOIPRPT 1 i.. I~ I Y ~l _ _ -_ _ . I~~ ~ 1~ ." ___ 5~ WIDE E.q$T- WEST PEDESTRIAN CONNECTION ~ Z v X n _ ~ SCALE: 1"=50.0' ~~ 0' S0 30~ 6 NOV. 2000 i .....~~~ aPPE NDIX ~ 1 ~ ~no~cwrdz ~ i ` S Y YG6itOP I i ouvmer ~ C ~ i iee j i N i ~- ID12L99 ~ ~ I i urmaw ~ ~ I ~ i 9TA?~'~it~~i S~A,"I BOIILDSR Associarss ,.,~, ~. ~~,r«.~,mR~~ ~~~ WA%>y~ `m4q01.1~6~ ~A'Cl0 i i AF I el I 5'(ANt~WG~ S~AM kaDt~ 5ii~iuG~/ ~1 Uazr_ - ~d~,T~oti .( { ~~ ~1~n1'~0 b ~..i.~,~ . ~• - ~l 5f IAi~~ :.~-,,,....r ~ i ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~-,.<<.~ ~ N'r~+1uG~ B 0 Lr L D 5 R A S S O C I A T E S d r,hi;ett;rre + interioi Detign ~~.~.iw ~~.y~_ ~= ~, `-~ K?:.~. ~-.•.,. &:e:' ~ ~ ~; 4 ~' ~ s~ ~.: z:=~-) ~'" ) ~ r ~ 1 k10ot7 Si71u!~ ~s~~-~ 90L:~E ~'..^.?..4'_\~~ Ya6S3 :lEYA:ICNS 96CVI~E A1 (Il sousN €~EVA-r~au ~ 7 ~ ~,:'~' 1111~ ~III I ~ I II~ 1 ~ o ~ __,. ~. -.-E _~-=-- ~ k ~--- ~ ~ I ___._. ~~ ~~ ~ ~`~~. ~ ;~~ ~: ~ ~`. ~t ~ ~~~~~~ ~ a ~ s ~ a ~ ~ Yarmc ~ ~.: `~ =: L ~ ~ °~ ~. I ~ ~ . ---- - ~ ~~_ - __:----- = ~ ~ ~ ~`~ . ~\~', ~`~ ,venue 1 1 1 II ^ ou er nr~ u co mun~ Right-of-Way Plan Bike/Ped Impravements Existing Proposed ~ ---- On-Street Bike Route On-Street Bike Lane Sidewalk/Path - Key Routes Off-Street Multi-Use Path Off-Street Ped-Oniy Path On-Street Bike Route On-Street Bike Lane Sidewa(k/Path - Key Routes Off-Street Multi-Use Path Off-Street Ped-Onl Path ~-~` ~ ~ ~`"3 t ~ `~ _^_ I ~` :~\ ~ _ ~ _~~\ -7-- ( I~~~~ ~ ' ~ ~~~~ ~ _AVE------------~------il-_ = = - .a-~.. -.~ _ - ~~...~~~.~.~~.~.~._- BOULDER MEADOWS MOBILE HOME PARI~ ------- I ~•~• ',• IiiIGN OR \, C1 " """"" ",. . •\ , ,; ~r ,_ ___, ~ `~.. \ ~~ ~ t ' ;' '~ . ~.. ~ . :~~ ; -_ I ~ i _ : ; ` ~`.!P""~ ~ i""\ ~ ~\ ~~ '~ --% ~ ` \ ~wuoo wwr . ~ -----.~ ~~ ---~ -. i ,., ~, .~ F- ~~ . ~"~'~~ _: `~•_----`'~ ~ - ;~ - - -~-- `. ~ _ .~i `.__~ -4~. ` `'~•~~ ~`~ ~~ Ped/Bike Underpass ~~ Off-Street Pedestrian Path, Exact Location Undetermined ~~~~, Improved Bike/Ped Crossing CIVIC Slt@ x ~ 0 z APPENDIX "E" People's Clinic ^ ni ~ mii ~ i ~ i i ii~i - ~ . PLQT OF THE ~ BUENA VISTA SUBDlVISION A SUBDIVISION OF THE SW t/4, SE 1/4, SYVI/4, SEC.7, TIN,R70W, 6PM, COUNTY OF BOULDER, STATE OF COLORADO H 89'29~E 303.15 E .' e - O 6 ~ 589• 26~W 303.23~ ~ 589'2b'W waar -. wl lY n ~ople'~ Clinic ~~ ~ . ~I 4 8 ~ c SITE~ . I ° r ~ TO WITNE55 CORNER 30' NORTN 8 40' EAST OF THE SW LOANER OF SEG7 SET BY ~C.ARMSTRONG.IN i9~8 5 89' 61 N 89•29'E APPENDIX "F" KeCOrd~d Baok b PegG ~~ F;I~d Boe~ A! Paya 253 N OEC~Ge-~-.;, K' 7T AlL MEN ?Y TFESE PRESE~: i 5 inet fhe undeniqned,.osepAB.r.a, o-~ _ia ~~,a o~•: ~-c ma.er< ol lpat rt01 pr~paE1 :!I~e'q1 Bpulder :i~n1;, CcrrOE. :: i~nq Rrthn Me aterior Ooundaries ot tnt Bueno Visto :uLdris~on, a ~ wbdivbim, pt the 51M1/4, SEI/4, SWI/4, SecT, TIt7, R70W 6P:A accadnq to and m desaiDed oa the occan0anyinq plot thereol. ~ Thof ~Ehave toused tad real pmperty io be loid ouf ana ~ surveyed as tAe Bnr.c Vieo Sueair~s~on onE r+e nerep~ oe.Katt. va ~el opm: ms sfretl, eRC.n es ')•c cncer oc tc. a,com~m.pn9 Wet, lo I~e ux ot th: DuEli: Por,Y:r. T~W o8 e~pmses inrahrinq neceseay imqovemmis fa ail ;rilBy fN+GES~ ~reeinq und ~c~mxe~inq, ares am y~tter; s.a.aol:s and streef Do+nq snoq te finanad ty tAe telle~ a Ihe OurcAoser- not by tAe Countr ot Boulder. ~ Tlwt thnf at no uriqofion d~fehes o~ ~r:e soid real prope~ty. ~ ~ ~ N~iln~ss rhe~eof ~ye~~ ~h~a~~ ~ereu:n ~et eu: nonds and seals tris .L.r. acr o1 ~ILi~+~, 0.D. 1955. v • t' %..1 ' ~rg~ , 1 , Ml(n' ~i'V:' ~--r---- STATE OF COLOkl,L~O - COUNTY OF p0Ul.0Ek SS .*he for~goma insfrument we; c9nowieagcG beme m~ thu !~ Eoy of ~i4~ ,4,Q i955, bf wsepn 6. r.esi ontl ~ila Hess. ` ~ , Wifne~e my hcna anE oft~ciol sed. .~ ' My tanmiasion txD~es ' z3 _ . _ ~ ~ Gu-,. ;S:F:;,:,,Q,:c Nmay Puoii:.ti , ~ PLANNWG CGMMISS(Ot! CEP,TiFii F'.TE - - . apP~ed tks s~ Ocy of =. -~.--'~. , AL i955, Dy the Canty Pionninq Commn~ion o! baokcr Coumy, •:acrado. , ~ =:~•: ., ::i.~.,..,~. Cndrmor. . - ~ CGMlb15S~ONERS' CERTIFIC~TE ~ ApDroveO ihis _Ldoy ol '` w:J;~.-;.'•',A.0.1955,uy rhe Ccunty Commiscionas of Boulda County, to~oroda ~ . ~ Choirmon 3o'rw+oeiHSOF~ER ~ CLERK AND RECORDERS CERTfFICATE :SU4 CORI~ER Of SEC.7 SET 8Y ' STA7E Of COLOFIA00 562280 JE.BYRAN IN 1926 CIXINTY Df BOtILDERj 55 ,. ~v ) 667.i0 i herebr ~er.tifY tAat fHs instrument .as fded in my oltice ~ - ~ ` o1en7_ o'eloe4.~, • , ,40.1455.ond is duly , ., recaEe6 in Plat Book Jo_ an pege ~. . ~ ~ . . . . '„• .ti ~ . , • Recorder ENGINEER~S GERTIfICaTE 1, Nenry d Balond, do ~ere6y ee!tifY fhot tAe oceompanyinq . . •F< ,.•• ~~~.. plat of tAt Buena Vista Subd~v~sion nos been prepared Dea~tr undei my wpervision. , . • , . , . . '~r . ' . u~t.!:. ~.:.~:.i.w.. FeesJc:_p~ . ~ ~ Nedr d Bdaee ' . • . ~ ' ~'' Requhred Enginerr ond Lond Swreya • • . . ._. ....-- •--------- ~ - +° - . .. .