5 - Replacement pages for January 23, 2001 Study Session NotebookTO: CENTRAL RECORDS FROM: ~a~~~ ,~c~c~ (Name/ Bo rd Or Comm' ion) PLEASE add these items to Meeting Packet of: /-~s-o/ (Date of Meeting) ~ MEMORANDUM TO: Members of City Council and Planning Board FROM: Bev Johnson, Environmental Planner DATE: January 16, 2001 SUBJECT: Replacement pages for January 23, 2001 Study Session Notebook Please find attached to this memo, revisions to your January 23, 2001 Study Session Notebook. Please replace pages 4-1 through 4-15 with the attached pages. ~ ~ City-Owned Land Inventory ~ BACKGROUND At their January 2000 goal-setting session, Council discussed the potential for using city-owned properties for affordable housing. At the March 14, 2000 BVCP study session, Council directed staff to conduct an inventory of ciry-owned lands to look for housing opportunities. This request was part of a conversation concerning a public application to change the land use of the municipal airport to a residential designation. Council directed staff to conduct an initial inventory and to consider all city-owned properties except for Open Space properties. A group of staff from the Planning Department, Housing and Human Resources, Public Works, Parks and Recreation, and Open Space and Real Estate, met several times to develop and refine the inventory. Below is an analysis of the inventory and a discussion of the top sites with the most potential for adding affordable housing. The initial inventory of the sites has been presented to deparhnent directors for their input. During the preparation of the inventory, the Boulder Valley School District (BVSD) came forward with a few undeveloped sites owned by the district and inquired about the possibility of City interest in these properties. Both school sites are located in Area II and neither site is directly contiguous to the city. City Housing staff had a preliminary discussion with BVSD planning staff ~ about the potential for affordable housing on these two sites with the possibiliry of targeting the housing for teachers and BVSD employees. Staff have initiated preliminary discussions with the County Housing Authority to further explore the possibilities. ANALYSIS Staff has completed a draft inventory of city-owned properties using the city's geographic information system (GIS). City-owned properties are organized into three separate lists which are described below. A. All city-owned properties in Areas I, II, and III. This is the initial list generated from the County tax assessors data. Copies of the complete Iist will be available at the study session. A list and map of all the city-owned properties in Areas I, II, and III will be available at the study session. B. City-owned properties in Areas I and II with some potential for housing. (see list and map in Attachment Al. The initial inventory above was refined to exclude the following: • Open Space owned and designated sites, ~ 4-1 • Minor transportation and utility right of ways and fee-owned easements. • Creek corridors, wetlands, and high hazard and conveyance flood zones. ~ After the above sites were eliminated, the list was refined to describe the remaining sites and to categorize each site according to the level of existing or planned use. The pazcels were then grouped according to the following categories: Cate~ories: 1 undeveloped parcels/no planned use 2 redevelopment potential or potential to relocate use 3 underdeveloped but with land use incompatibility or constraints 4 fully developed or planned for specific use/not feasible for development due to size, location or other physical constraints C. City-owned sites with the most potential for affordable housing. The following is a discussion of the top eight city-owned sites (categories 1 through 4) that were identified by staff has having some feasibility for development of affordable housing on the site: Public Works/Tran~ortation Right-of-Way Location: Baseline and 55"' St. ~ Size of buildable area: .93 acre I,and use designation: Area IIA - Low density residential (LR) Zoning: County - SR Potential number of units under cunent land use designation: 2-5 units This is a small, vacant pazcel on the southeast corner of 55'" St. and Baseline Rd. Multi-family residences aze located across the street. Single family homes are also adjacent to the site. Planning staff has included this parcel in the proposed land use designation changes for the BVCP major update. The proposed land use for this parcel is Medium Density Residential which would allow a density of 6-14 units per acre. The Housing Authority has contacted the Transportation Department about this site. Proximity to transit and services: On bus route, neaz bike paths and East Boulder Recreation Center, near middle school, elementary school is less than one mile away, Meadows Shopping Center is about'/: mile away. 2. Parks and Recreation - Foriune Park Location: 1920 4`" St. (at Canyon Blvd.) Size of buildable area: 0.15 acre 4-2 * Land use designation: Mixed density residential (MXR) ~ Zoning: MXR-E Potential number of units under current zoning: 1-2 units This an exisring single family house on a Parks and Recreation Deparhnent property at Canyon Blvd. The department is preparing to apply for a demolition permit for the structure. The buildabie area could accommodate two units, and would be next to a pocket park. Proximity to transit and services: On bus route, neaz bike paths, and next to park. Near downtown. Schools are located within one mile of the site. 3. Fire Deparhnent - 1888 Violet Ave. Location; 1888 Violet Ave. (at 19`h St.) Size of buildable area: 0.47 acre Land use designation: Low density residential (LR) Zoning: ER-E Potential number of units under current land use designation: 1-2 units This parcel is adjacent to Fire Station #5 in the North Boulder subcommunity. A single family residenriat house exists on the site. The parcel is zoned ER-E but is adjacent to higher density MH-E and MR zones. If the parcel is rezoned to allow i~ medium densities, the site could accommodate up to 7 units. Proximity to transit and services; On bus route, elementary school and park are located about 2 blocks away, middle school is less than one mile away, North Boulder shopping center is about one mile away. 4. Librarv: Blvstad-Laeser House Location: 1117 Pine St. Size of buildable area: 0.18 acre Land use designation: High density residential (HR) Zoning: HZ-E Potential number of units under current zoning: 1-3 units This parcel is adjacent to Carnegie Library on Pine St. The library currently us, the building for storage but is interested in selling the property. The building r. the parcel is landmarked by the city which would limit significant changes to t exterior structure of the building. Proximity to transit and services; Downtown location, on bus route, schools nearby. ~ 4-3 5. Parks and Recreation - Iris Center Location: 3198 Broadway Size ofbuildable area: 1.47 acre Land use designation: Low density residential (LR) Zoning: LR-E Potential number of units under current zoning: 9 units The Iris Center is currently the location of the Pazks and Recreation Depariment administration. The site is adjacent to the North Boulder Recreation Center and the Iris Gazdens on North Broadway. Use of the site for housing would require demolition of the existing structure (which was originally built as a church). Proximity to transit and services: Near elementary school, bus to middle and high schools, next to North Boulder Recreation Center, on Broadway bus routes, shopping is less than one mile away. 6. Fire Denarhnent - Fire Station #6/Gunbarrel Location: 63`~ St./Gunbarrel Size of buildable area: 0.96 acres Land use designation: Performance Indush-ial (PI) Zoning: IG-D Potential nuxnber of units under current zoning: Only live-work dwelling units are allowed. ~ This site is located in Gunbarrel, near the Diagonal and 63rd St. It is located in a wmmercial and industrial area, making the site less compatible for residential development. Only live-work dwelling units are allowed under the current zoning. Staff is proposing a land use designation change for this pazcel to Public. Availability of the site for housing depends on further assessment of the long-teim needs of the Fire Department. Proximity to transit and services: On bus route, Gunbarrel shopping center nearby, bus distance to schools. 7. Parks and Recreation - undeveloped outlot in Gunbarrel Location: 63`" St. and Longbow (Gunbarrel) Size of buildable area: .33 acre Land use designation: Performance Industrial (PI) Zoning: P-E Potential number of units under current zoning: 2 units This parcel is an undeveloped outlot in the middle of an industrial area off 63'd St. Commercial and industrial uses surround the lot on three sides. The pazcel was 4-4 acquired by Parks and Recreation several yeazs ago through annexation of the area. ~ The Parks and Recreation Deparhnent has no plans for use or development of the lot. The lot is fairly constrained by steep slopes on the property. There may be some opportunity for a live/work type of development. Proximity to transit and services: On bus route, Gunbarrel shopping center nearby, bus distance to schools. 8. Public Works/Utilities - Pump Station Location: 6801 Baseline Rd. (Area IIb} Size of buildable azea: 0.43 acre Land use designation: Area IIB - Public Zoning: County - RR Potential number of units under current land use designation: 1-3 units This parcel is the current site of a utility pump station. The pump station uses approximately %z of the site. Infrastructure may limit potenYial for further development of the site. The site is in Area IIB and is not contiguous to the city. Proximity to transit and services: On bus route, shopping and commercial is over one mile away, site is next to middie school, bus distance to elementary and high school. ~ 9. Public Works/FAM - The Yards Location: 5050 Peazl Parkway Size ofbuildable area: 4-10 acres Land use designation: Public Zoning: P-E Potential number of units under current zoning: 24-60 units Large pazcel with some portions of property currently used and plans pending for portions of the property. Available acreage dependent on the long-term needs of the Public Works Department. Proximity to transit and services: Near Boulder Creek path, and on the LEAP bt~ route, most shopping is about one mite away, bus distance to schoo[s. D. Other potential sites In addition to the above inventory of city-owned properties, other publicly owned properties with some potential for providing affordable housing are presented in the following attachments: 1) Attachment B is a list of the properties managed through a Central Area General Improvement District (CAGID) and the University Hill Genera; Improvement District (UHGID). CAGID and UHGID properties are listed separately ~ 4-5 because they are subject to a sepazate management authority and restrictions; 2) Attachment C is a list of the Boulder Valley School District properties which the district ~ has put forward for possible use; 3) Attachment D lists the properties currently owned and managed by the City of Boulder Housing Authority. DISCUSSION The inventory presented in the attachments is a list of city-owned properties by existing or planned use. The results of this analysis show that for the most part, most of the land that the city owns is either fully developed or planned for a specific use or purpose. Based on current programs and plans, a limited amount of city-owned land is presently auailable for other uses. It should be noted that the properties listed in above as hauing the most potential for adding housing may have a number of constraints such as incompatibility with adjacent land uses. Although the city owns several thousand acres of land throughout the valley (and elsewhere in Boulder County), the majority of city-owned undeveloped land was acquired for specific purposes and often with restricted funds. Open Space properties, for example, may only be used for specific open space purposes as outlined in the Open Space charter. The pazcels listed that appear to have the most potential for housing are those properties which currently have some amount of unplanned or undeveloped space or an existing use which potentially may be relocated. Each of the eight sites above has been screened on a preliminary basis to rule out sites with major physical constraints. Staff, however, has not yet looked into the ~~~ political, legal, or financial feasibility bf using these sites for affordable housing. With board and Council direction, staff could also look into the feasibility of providing housing in combination with other existing uses on a developed site. Other properties listed, in Attachment A could be considered for redevelopment to add housing to the existing use. ATTACHMENTS: Attachment A: List and map of City-owned Properties in Areas I and II with Some Potential for Housing. Attachment B: List of Properties Managed through CAGID and UHGID. Attachment C: List of Boulder Valley School District Properties With Potential for Housing. Attachment D: List of Properties Owned by the City of Boulder Housing Authority. 4-6 ~ ~ ~ ~ Attachment A: EX~,~s;o~s: City-Owned Properties in Areas I and II with Some Potential for OSownedanddesignated Affordable Housing ROWs Floodzones January 3, 2001 Wetlands Z W ~ ~ r ~ a w ~ ~ w ¢ ~ w Z [0 W ~ W (l U ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ U 0 Q Q u~ O ? a Z Z ~ uWi Q a U ~ O p ~ i rn c7 ~ ~ i j W ~ z ¢ ~ x w ~ ~ Z g ~ ¢ c~i~ ~ z ~ W ~ W a o = > o o a o a c¢i ~ o ~ ~ ° m g = ° i ¢ ~ o ~ u i ~ ~ m 0085447 1 PWlTRAN ROW 0 55TH CountylSR Area IIA LR 0.93 0.93 0033129 2 FIRE 1888 Violet Ave. 4365 19TH ER-E Area I LR 0.47 0.47 0004713 2 LIB Blystad-Laeser House 1117 PINE HZ-E Area I HR Yes 0.18 0.18 2042 2 PR Fortune Park 1920 4TH MXR-E Area I MXR Yes 0.31 0.15 0085000 2 PR Iris Center 3198 BROADWAY LR-E Area I LR 1.47 1.47 0072129 3 FIRE Fire station #6 0 63RD IG-D Area I PI 2.02 0.96 0084939 3 PR undeveloped 0 LONGBOW P-E Area I PI 3.14 0.33 0085051 3 PW/FAM Yards 5050 PEARL P-E Area IIA PUB Yes Yes 44.59 4.00 0'108666 3 PW/UTIL Pump station 6801 BASELINE County/Rf2 Area IIB PUB 0.80 0.43 0012297 4 FIRE Fire station 4100 DARLEY LR-E Area I LR 0.17 0037'I95 4 FIRE Fire station 1380 55TH ENCLV Area IIA MR 1.01 0085072 - 4 F1RE Fire station __-- --- 2441 - PORTLAND ------ MXR-E -- Area I --- MXR - - 0.48 0085185 4 FIRE Fire station 2225 BASELINE HR-E Area I PUB 0.52 0112298 4 FIRE Fire station 0 19TH ER-E Area I LR Yes Yes 0.56 0'112299 4 FIRE Fire station 0 19TH ER-E Area I LR 0.03 Q000662 4 HHS Youth Services 2960 SPRUCE MU-X Area I HR 0.42 0001250 4 HHS EFA office bidg. 927 MARINE MXR-E Area I MXR p.2g 0085600 4 HHS The Edge 9301 ARAPAHOE RB3-X Area I PUB Yes Yes 0.98 33212 4 LIB North Boulder library 4540 BROADWAY BMS-X Area I MUB Yes Yes 0003465 4 LIB Main library 959 ARAPAHOE P-E Area 1 PUB Yes Yes 1.11 ~ ~ ~ , ..::;nu planne;: ~,..~~: . ~ UavelopmeM potenfial 3- underdeveloped/land use incompatibility or constraints 4- fully developed, ptrysical consVaints, or approved master pian Attachment A: .p ~ Ezclusions: OS owned and desiy- -~ RowS Floodzones Wetiands 3045 I 4I 3046 41 3047 41 3048 4I 3049 4' 3050 4 3051 4 3052 4 5492 4 5591 4 0335 4 26 4 0820 4 5811 4 9630 4 9688 4 9700 4 9767 4 9829 4 9855 4 9868 4 9882 4 9942 4 9943 4 1839 4 1840 4 3620 4 404'I 4 ~ 4 ~'ity-Owned Properties in Areas I and II with Some Potential for Affordable Housing January 3, 2001 LIB Main library 1015 ARAPAHOE P-E Area 1 PUB 0.00 LIB Main library '1015 ARAPAHOE P-E Area I PUB 0.00 LIB Main library 1015 ARAPAHOE P-E Area I PUB 0.00 LIB Main library 1015 ARAPAHOE P-E Area I PUB 0.00 LIB Main library 1015 ARAPAHOE P-E Area I PUB 0.00 LIB Main library 1015 ARAPAHOE P-E Area I PUB 0.00 LIB Main library 1015 ARAPAHOE P-E Area I PUB 0.00 LIB Main library ~015 ARAPAHOE P-E Area I PUB 0.00 LIB library 3595 TABLE MESA MR-E Area I MR 1.09 LIB Camegie 0 PINE HZ-E Area I HR Yes 0.16 Police main station 1805 33RD P-E Area I LI 4.24 PR Angel Pines 5706 ARAPAHOE P-E Area I PK Yes PR Greenleaf 2490 SPRUCE P-E Area I PK 1.47 PR Heuston 3200 34TH MR-D Area I MR 2.00 PR Valmont Park 3158 AIRPORT ENCLV Area IIA OS 19.11 PR Valmont Par1c 4942 VALMONT ENCLV Area IIA PI Yes Yes 16.11 PR Valmont Park 5022 VALMONT ENCLV Area IIA PI Yes Yes 4.92 PR Valmont Park 5030 VALMONT ENCLV Area IIA PI Yes Yes 11.06 PR Valmont Park 3160 AIRPORT ENCLV Area IIA PI 5.18 PR Valmont Park 5098 VALMONT ENCLV Area IIA PI 0.95 PR Valmont Park 5325 VALMONT ENCLV Area IIA PI 20.41 PR Valmont Park 5'150 VALMONT ENCLV Area IIA PI Yes Yes 16.65 PR Valmont Park 5100 VALMONT ENCLV Area IIA PI 0.95 PR Valmont Park 0 VALMONT ENCLV Area IIA PI 7.31 PR Pleasantview soccer 0 47TH P-E Area I PK Yes Yes Yes 20.86 PR Pleasantview soccer 0 KALMIA P-E Area I PK Yes 31.68 PR North Boulder Commu 0 BROADWAY P-E Area I PK 13.65 PR North Boulder Commu 0 LEE HILL P-E Area I PK Yes Yes 43.49 PR East Boulder Rec Ct 0 55TH P-E Area I PK 11.66 PR Eaton Park 4900 63RD P-E Area I PK Yes 20.38 PR Access to Eaton Par 4950 63RD P-E Area I PK 2.05 Category: 1 - undeveloped/no pianned use 2 - redevelopment po[ential 3- underdevelopedAand use incompatibility or constraints 4- tully~ped, physical constraints, or approved master plan ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Attachment A: EX~,~ro~s: City-Owned Properties in Areas I and II with Some Potential for OS owned and designated Affordable Housing ROWs F~oodzones January 3, 2001 Wetlands a ~o 0068445 4 PR Campbell Robertson 0 PEARL MXR-E Area I MXR Yes Yes Yes 0.08 0068784 4 PR Campbell Robertson 280 SPRUCE MR-D Area I PK Yes Yes Yes 0.51 0069124 4 PR Stazio ballfields 0 VALMONT P-E Area I OS Yes 4Q.37 0069124 4 PR Stazio ballfields 0 VALMONT P-E Area I OS Yes 0.00 0069124 4 PR Stazio bafffields 0 VALMONT P-E Area ! OS Yes 0.00 0069124 4 PR Stazio ballfields 0 VALMONT P-E Area I OS Yes 0.91 0069186 4 PR Valmonf Park 5333 VALMONT ENCLV Area IIA Pl 1.25 0077310 4 PR Shanahan Ridge 3299 REDSTONE LR-D Area I PK 3.40 0077940 4 PR Meadow Glen 0 PENNSYLVANIA LR-D Area I PK 0.81 0083943 4 PR Wonderland 0 POPLAR LR-D Area I PK 7.39 0084572 4 PR Barker 1518 SPRUCE R62-X Area I RB 0.49 0084957 4 PR Heathenvood 0 HEATHERWOOD Area IIA PK 5.52 0084989 4 PR Columbine 0 GLENWOOD LR-E Area I PK 4.41 0084992 4 PR Catalpa 0 19TH LR-E Area I OS 1.29 0084993 4 PR Melody 0 16TH LR-E Area I PK 1.25 0084995 4 PR Paricside 0 KALMIA LR-D Area I PK Yes Yes Yes 5.58 0084997 4 PR Pineview 0 CLOVER LR-E Area I PK 1.04 0085001 4 PR Salberg 0 19TH LR-E Area I PK 2.97 0085003 4 PR North Boulder Rec C 3170 BROADWAY P-E Area I PK 5.26 00850i3 4 PR Palo CentraVSouth 0 PALO Area IIA PK 1.42 0085014 4 PR Palo Central/South 0 PALO Area IIA PK 1.41 0085015 4 PR Palo North 0 30TH Area IIA PK 3.05 0085021 4 PR Heusto~ 3200 34TH P-E Area I PK Yes 7.53 0085049 4 PR East Boulder Rec Ct 0 SSTH IM-D Area I LI Yes Yes Yes 0.00 0085061 4 PR Mapleton ballfields 0 MAPLETON P-E Area I PK Yes Yes 7.67 0085076 4 PR Civic Park/Bandshel 1777 BROADWAY P-E Area I PK Yes Yes Yes 2.07 0085079 4 PR Fitzpatrick 0 18TH LR-E Area I LR 0.27 0085093 4 PR Spruce Pool 2130 SPRUCE MU-X Area I PK 0.48 0085126 4 PR Spruce Pool 2'150 SPRUCE MU-X Area I PK 0.28 0085163 4 PR Beach 0 12TH LR-E Area I PK Yes 1.06 0085163 4 PR Beach 0 '12TN LR-E Area I PK Yes 1.00 ~;,. .y.,~~~::~.. ~. .~..- reiopment potential d- underdevelopedlland use incompatibiliry or wr.,.::. .. 4- fully developed, physiral constraints, or approved master pWn Attachment A: a ~ 0 ~ity-~~~~~~d Properties in Areas I and II with Some Potential for Affordable Housing January 3, 2001 4 PR Pottery lab 0 AURORA LR-E 4 PR Arrowwood 0 30TH LR-E 4 PR Scott Carpenter 0 30TH LR-E 4 PR Aurora 7 0 AURORA LR-E 4 PR Arapahoe Ridge 0 EISENHOWER LR-D 4 PR Golf Course 0 ARAPAHOE P-E 4 PR North Boulder Park 0 7TH LR-E 4 PR Maxwell Lake 0 LINDEN PARK LR-D 4 PR Linden Park 0 LINDEN PARK LR-D 4 PR Thunderbird 0 PAWNEE ER-E 4 PR Keewaydin Meadows 0 PAWNEE LR-E 4 PR West Highland 0 DARTMOUTH LR-E 4 PR Bear Creek 0 LEHIGH LR-D 4 PR Harlow Piatts 0 GILLASPIE LR-E 4 PR Tantra 0 LUDLOW LR-E 4 PR Tantra 0 MOOREHEAD MR-C 4 PR Shanahan Ridge 3501 LEHIGH LR-D 4 PR Canyon Park 0 CANYON HZ-E 4 PR North Boulder Commu 895 LOCUST P-E 4 PR Wonderland Park 0 POPLAR LR-D 4 PR Maxwell Lake 0 LINDEN PARK LR-D 4 PR North Boulder Park 0 8TH LR-E 4 PR Smith 0 GILBERT ER-E 4 PR Pineview 0 CLOVERLEAF LR-E 4 PR YMCA 0 28TH P-E 4 PR ballfields 0 JENNINE LR-E 4 PR Chautauqua 650 BASELINE LR-E 4 PR Wonderland Park 0 NEWPORT LR-D 4 PR Palo East 4340 CORRIENTE 4 PR Wonderland Park 0 POPLAR LR-D 4 PR Wondedand Park 0 POPLAR LR-D Category: 1 - undeveloped/no planned use 2 - redevelopment potential 3- underdevelopedlland use incompatibility or consGaints Exclusion;: OS owned anJ designated ROWs Floodzones Wellands 4- full~loped, physical constraints, or approved master plan ~ area I LR Yes 0.11 area I PK Yes Yes Yes 2.02 area I PK Yes Yes 1.01 area I PK 4.72 area I PK 4.66 4rea I PK Yes Yes Yes 124.04 area I PK 029 4rea I LR 0.19 4rea I PK 2.45 4rea I PK Yes 6.10 4rea I PK 4.56 4rea I PK 6.58 4rea I PK Yes Yes Yes 6.66 4rea I PK Yes 40.05 4rea I PK 526 4rea I PK Yes 10.49 4rea I LR 1.03 4rea I PK 224 4rea I PK 11.23 4rea I PK Yes 7.92 area I PK Yes 626 4rea I PK Yes Yes 12.23 4rea I LR Yes Yes 1.1'I 4rea I PK 0.60 4rea I PUB 0.19 4rea I LR 0.03 4rea I PKNU Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 7525 4rea I PK 7.14 4rea IIA PK Yes Yes 4.06 area I PK Yes 4.81 4rea I PK 0.61 ~ a ~ Ezclusions: OS owned and tlesignated ROWS Fioodzones Wetlands Attachment A: City-Owned Properties in Areas I and 11 with Some Potential for Affordable Housing January 3, 2D01 ~ 0'101946 4 PR Meadow Glen 0 LOVE LR-D Area I OS 0.18 0'106416 4 PR East Boulder Rec Ct 0 55TH p-E Area I PK 8.47 01096fi7 4 PR Meadow Glen 5652 PENNSYLVANIA LR-D Area I PK Yes 1.53 0110061 4 PR Christensen Park 0 FRANKLIN MR-D Area I PK Yes Yes 2,81 0110078 4 PR Tantra 0 TANTRA LR-E Ar~a f PUB 5.59 8654 4 PW/FAM Dairy Center 2590 WALNUT RB-E Area I GB 0001308 4 PW/FAM Main library parking lot 1015 ARAPAHOE P-E Area I PUB 0.00 0004401 4 PWIFAM Main library parking lot 1021 ARAPAHOE P-E Area I PUB 0.16 0005972 4 PW/FAM New Britain parking 1101 ARAPAHOE P-E Area I PUB Yes Yes 0.34 0005973 4 PW/FAM New B~tain Building 1101 ARAPAHOE P-E Area I PUB Yes Yes 0.31 0009293 4 PW/FAM Atrium 1300 CANYON RB'I-X Area I PUB Yes Yes 0.49 0073053 4 PW/FAM Main library parking Iot 1015 ARAPAHOE P-E Area I PUB 0.32 10.00 0085076 4 PWIFAM Municipal Bldglparking 1777 BROADWAY P-E Area I PK Yes Yes Yes 6.29 0085127 4 PW/FAM Park Central lot 1705 BROADWAY P-E Area I PUB 024 0085'128 4 PW/FAM New Britain parking 1129 ARAPAHOE P-E Area I PUB Yes Yes 0.11 0085147 4 PW/FAM Park Central 1739 BROADWAY P-E Area I PUB Yes Yes 0.35 0085148 4 PW/FAM Main library parking lot 1750 10TH P-E Area i PUB Yes Yes 1.12 0085~76 4 PW/FAM Main librery parking lot '1045 ARAPAHOE P-E Area I PUB Yes 0.35 0085177 4 PW/FAM Main library parking lot 0 ARAPqHOE P-E Area I PUB Yes 0.14 0085600 4 PW/FAM The Edge i301 ARAPAHOE RB3-X Area I PUB Yes Yes 024 0120058 00'15023 4 4 PW/FAM PW/TRAN Mustard's _- ._ --- Foothills ROW 1719 - 5180 BROADWAY ----- SOUTH BOULDE P-E -- --- TB-D Area I - _-- Area I PUB - AB - -- - 0.02 -- p.7g 0029569 4 PWlTRAN ROW at Valmont- pr 2948 47TH IS-D Area 1 CI 1.64 0029569 4 PW/TRAN ROW at Valmont - pr 2948 47TH IS-D Area I CI 0.16 0033388 4 PWITRAN Trail easement 2455 SUMAC ENCLV Area IIB OS Yes Yes Yes 0.94 0071886 4 PW/TRAN Airport 3300 AIRPORT P-E Area I PUB 0.00 0077429 4 PWffRAN Trail to park 1000 MOOREHEAD MR-D Area I MR 027 0077966 4 PW/TRAN Access drive 3200 34TH HR-D Area I HR 0.17 0085028 4 PW/TRAN Airport 3300 AlRPQRT P-E Area 1 PUB 128.34 0085157 4 PWITRAN ROW 0 CONCORD MXR-E Area I MXR Yes 0.14 008521'I 4 PWlTRAN Tree farm 0 FOOTHILLS RR-E Area f VLR 2.49 _ .. f.ic'~_l:i'_. ... ,. . - .:,;~: ~~opment potenfral 3- underdevebpeNland use incompa}ibility or consiraim> 4- fuiry developed, physical constrainis, or approved master plan Exclusions: OS owned a~ ~d desi;~:r:- - ROWs Fioodzones Weitarrds ~ ~ .- N Attachment A: ~';~y~~~nrned Properties in Areas I and II with Some Potential for Affordable Hou~ing January 3,2001 ]085505 4 PWlTRAN ROW south of Majest 0 BROADWAY LR-E Area I LR 7.00 J094149 4 PW/TRAN ROW at Pearl 0 47TH IG-D Area I LI 220 ]094857 4 PW/TRAN Centennial trail 5220 CENTENNIAL LR-D Area I LR 0.51 7114729 4 PW/TRAN Airport 3300 AIRPORT P-E Area I PUB 0.00 ~116468 4 PW/TRAN ROW at Del Prado 0 PALO MR-D Area I MR 023 5197 4 PWIUTIL Mapleton Mobile Home 2635 MAPLETON HR-D Area I HR Yes Yes Yes 15.49 114457 4 PW/UTIL Mapleton Mobile Home 0 28th P-E Area I HR Yes Yes 1.89 ~085022 ~085204 4 4 PW/UTIL PW/UTIL Pump station Drainage/detention 3715 0 IRIS MERR(TT HR-D LR-D Area I Area I HR LR 0.46 027 ]085332 4 PW/UTIL Reservoir 0 LINDEN ENCLV Area IIA LR Yes Yes Yes 1.44 )085453 4 PW/UTIL Wetlandlflood mitig 0 36TH LR-E Area I ~R 1.00 )085476 4 PW/UTIL Reservoir 0 DARTMOUTH LR-E Area I PUB Yes 7.18 ]085692 4 PW/UTIL Reservoir 0 LINDEN PARK LR-D Area I LR Yes Yes Yes 4.98 Category: 1 - undeveloped(no planned use 2 - redevelopment potenfial 3- underclevelopedAand use incompatibility or conshaints 4- fully~ped, physical constraints, or approved master plan ~ ~