5 - Information Items (2)TO: CENTRAL RECORDS FROM: ~,l (Name/ Bo r Or Com ' sion) PLEASE add these items to Meeting Packet of: /- /fl'-D/ (Date of Meeting) AFFORDABLE HOUSING Report for Planning Board January 25, 2001 YEAR 2000 HOUSI NG PRODUCTION 121 Permanently Affordable Units (Produced/Acquired) 4 Restricted U n its 27 Rehab Units (23 mobile homes; 4 single family homes) 28 Homeownership Assistance ~22 Hzo ~oans; 6 Private Activity Bond) YEAR 2000-2001 E F FO RTS Housing Task Force Report to Caunci~; Ballo~ ~~-ast~re -~- Inclusionary Zoning Boulder Valley Comprehensive Plan University of Colorado PI'Ogl'drYl DeS1g11 ISSUeS (income & asset ~imits ad~usted, work/live in Boulder preference) Draft DET Waiver Draft Density Bonus for MXR-D Mapleton Mobile Home Park Homeless Shelter Administrative Systems: Asset Management & Financial Management Production Initiatives ~SWeat equ~~, energy conservation, accessibility) YEARS 2001 - 2010: TEN YEAR PROJECTIONS ~ Fanding ~ High confidenee that at least 1/2 (400) can be produeed; balance contingent upon ^ 7800 = Existing units thru 2000 ^ 800 = Units thru funding, 2007-2010 (including units thru additionat $479,000 City funds) ^ 600 = Units thru Inclusionary Zoning, 2007-2010 leveraging, YEAR 2010 market conditions 2,800 - 3,200 PROJECTED AFFORDABLE UNITS 6- 7% OF HOUSING STOCK 1,300 - 7,700 UNITS SHORT OF 10°1o GOAL PROJECTIONS COMPARED TO TI-IE 1-0% GOAL. -- 4500 Units = 10% AfiFordable Housing Goal 1800 Existing Units Through Year 2000 4% of Housing Stock as AfFordable 1000 - 1400 Projected Units Years 2001-2010 2- 3% additional Housing Stock as Affordable Existing (~800)+ Projected (1000 - 1400) 6- 7~10 of Housing Stock as Affordable 1300 - 1700 Units Short of 10% Goal GROWING GAP BETWEEN INCOME & HOUSING PRICES 1990 - 2000 Income & Single Family Housing Prices $aoo,ooo ~so,ooo ~ ~ ~oo,ooo ~ $250,000 Median Single Family Home Rice Gpp $zoo,ooo i i I $15Q000 i Affordable Price $100,000 ~ I $50,000 i Average Median Income for 3 Person Household $0 . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . , ~ ~ 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 Year ~AMI for 3 Person Fiousehold 'i , -~Affordable Rice ~~ ~~Median Single Family Home Aice TRENDS IMPACTING FUTURE AFFORDABLE HOUSING Red~ eStdte Va~U2S (median) 111CreaSeC~ ~y ZZ°lo (attached)` t0 26% (detached) in 2000; buying power of dollars is decreasing An estimated 75% of remaining build out will occur within the next 6 years; fewer units produced through inclusionary zoning in later years Inclusionary zoning tends to produce units for moderate incomes; less opportunity to produce units for lower income households, which require greater subsidy INDICATORS OF PUBLIC SENTIMENT _ Healthy Communities Initiative, 2000=: 97°!0 0~ - ._: :- employers feel that housing is a problem; 22% consider it a major problem Citizen Survey, 1999: 70 - 80% of citizens polled believe that lack of affordable housing is a significant community concern Housing Needs Assessment, 1999: An estimated 8800 households are burdened by housing costs, paying more than 30% of their gross income on mortgage or rent Ballot Measure, 2000: 47% voted No 43% voted Yes 9% did not vote on measure