2 - Minutes 11/16/20CITY OF BOULDER PLANNING BOARD MINUTES November 16, 2000 Council Chambers Room, Municipal Building 1777 Broadway, 6:00 p.m. The following are the minutes of the November 16, 2000 City of Boulder Planning Board meeting. A permanent set of these minutes is kept in Central Records, and a tape recording of the meeting is maintained for a period of seven years in Central Records (telephone: 303-441-3043). BOARD PRESENT: Peter Gowen A1 Gunter, Vice Chair Andria Jacob Tina Nielsen Alan O'Hashi Beth Pommer Mark Ruzzin, Chair STAFF PRESENT: Randy Earley, Public Works/Utilities Jerry Gordon, Deputy City Attorney Jean Gatza, Planner Bob Harberg, Public Works, Utilities Bev Johnson, Planner Mary Lovrien, Board Secretary Peter Pollock, Planning Director Susan Richstone, Comprehensive Planner CALL TO ORDER Chair M. Ruzzin declared a quorum at 6:00 p.m., and the following business was conducted. 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: There were no minutes to approve. 3. CITIZEN PARTICIPATION Rick Koopman, P.O. Box 65: He said that he was concerned that the Board minutes do not give sufficient background information needed to make decisions regarding North Boulder and the North Boulder Subcommunity Plan. He referenced the Board minutes of October 7, 1999 regarding the Drive-in Theater site and stated that many important Board comments were not included. He was concerned that the minutes were passed on to other boards and commissions who mayhave assumed incorrectly that there were no problems with the project as it was proposed. He said that he hoped that the official record was the information contained in the recorded tapes rather than the minutes. s:\plan\pb-items~minutes\001116tttin.wpd City of Boulder November 16, 2000 Pianning Board Minutes Page 2 4. DISCUSSION OF DISPOSITIONS, PLANNING BOARD CALL-UPS M. Ruzzin pointed out two Planning Board dispositions (Friends' School Site Review and Use Review and First Congregational Church of Boulder Site Review) and a Planning Department disposition (Upland Meadows Subdivision). He asked that a location and plat map be included with future Planning Department dispositions. 5. MATTERS FROM THE PLANNING BOARD, PLANNING DIRECTOR, AND CITY ATTORNEY M. Ruzzin noted a staff inemorandum that will be sent to City Council requesting vacation of a portion of steeply sloping 17th Street right-of-way located one halfblock north of Mapleton Avenue where the 17th Street ends at the reaz property line of 1700 Bluff Street. The Board had no comments. (The following discussion occurred after the action items.) S. Richstone updated the Boazd on the City Council meeting regarding the Boulder Valley Comprehensive Plan (BVCP) policychanges. She pointed out the following significant changes: 1) City Council added a first sentence under Principles of Sustainability to read "Sustainable development meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs;" 2) City Council adopted the following wording in the sentence in Section 2, Preservation of Community Character: "The City will encourage the preservation of community character as reflected in tl« devel~pment pattern and relative affordability of the existing housing stock in Boulder's varied neighborhoods" deleting "which may include regulating demolitions and out-of-scale new homes and additions;" and 3) City Council adopted the following wording in the sentence under Accessory Units: "Consistent with existing neighborhood character, accessory units shali be encouraged in order to increase rental housing options in single family residential neighborhoods" deleting "and without increasing cumulative negative impacts on neighborhoods." She distributed a copy of the flyer to be mailed to residents near Table Mesa and Basemar shopping centers informing them of the December 6 meeting regazding the mixed use concept in those areas. She said that City Council did not want to consider mixed use in these areas as part ofthe Year 2000 BVCP land use map changes. B. Pommer suggested that the Board vote be included in the Planning Board minutes, summaries, and dispositions, and A. Gunter suggested that the reasons for disagreement also be noted and that more detail be provided in the minutes to get a better undersCanding of how the Board arrived at its decisions. P. Pollock gave an update on next steps for affordable housing in Boulder. He mentioned that the Design Committee for the 28th Street Project has been reassembled to review the objectives for the northern section. M. Ruzzin gave an update on the Homeless Shelter Working Group, and P. Pollock distributed information regarding the definition offive different shelter types, assignment to land use categories, whether they are prohibited, conditional use, or use review, what those s:\plan\pb-items~minutes\001116min.wpd City of Boulder November 16, 2000 Planning Board Minutes Page 3 conditions might be, different occupancy levels, and suggested uses and conditions that require further discussion. He said that other issues identified were overwintering, the zoning code, and options for alternative sites. T. Nielsen said that she was not able to attend the Downtown Design Advisory Board (DDAB) meeting last week, but the agenda included three by-right proj ects, including a refinement ofthe Pazk Plaza project. She said that there was a special DDAB meeting last night that reviewed the public space at 9th and Canyon. B. Pommer gave an update on the Civic Center Task Force meeting, including its discussion on the update of the 1992 Civic Center Task Force plan. The Board scheduled a joint Planning Board/Boulder Urban Renewal Authority (BLJRA) meeting for 5:30 p.m. on January 18 to discuss issues concerning redevelopment in the Boulder Valley Regional Center and the application of design guidelines. The Board agreed to have another meeting with BURA at a later time. M. Ruzzin reminded the Board of the joint Planning Board/City Council study session on January 23. P. Pollock reported on the Community Development Coordinator position in the Planning Department. 6. CONSENT ITEM A. Pubiic hearing and consideration of the Treated Water Master Plan. The Board took this item off the consent agenda and placed it as an action item to allow staff to present some new information on employment and population projections. R. Earley presented information regarding how much asbestos-concrete pipe remains in the infrastructure (4.6%) and location of the pipes. He said that the city has a variance from the State Health Department that waives its requirement to test for asbestos because eazlier tests indicated that it is at a low level. He explained why the Treated Water Master Plan used a population projection from 1999 and showed the differences in the 1999 and current projections for population and employment. He explained why the recommendations and conclusions in the plan aze correct even with the increased population and employment projections. He discussed the conservation plan, including notices to the public about conserving water, a rate structure that penalizes high use, and rewards for using low water use appliances. B. Harberg explained the purpose of the Treated Water Master Plan regarding system and financial needs over the next 20 years and the 5-year rate updates. Public Participation: There was no public participation. Return to the Board: The Board suggested that the following items be noted in the plan: the new conservation plan, the lime-slurry treatment that the city uses to protect the asbestos-concrete pipe from degradation, and the low hazard to the public from asbestos pipes. The Board also suggested that staff use the current population and employment numbers in the current draft document rather than waiting six months s:\plan\pb-items~minutes\001116min. wpd City of Boulder November 16, 2000 Planning Board Minutes Page 4 to update the plan. The Board discussed the impact to the system with projected population and job growth, water availability with impacts from global warming, the need for financial statements and projections, funding to upgrade facilities, water rates over the last 10 years and projects that were implemented because of the increase, updates from the Capital Improvements Program Committee regarding master plans, projected future water peak demand for the two treatment plants and priorities for upgrading those facilities to reach that capacity, steps taken to promote water conservation among commercial users, the plan to use Boulder Reservoir water for drinking water, plans for protecting the water quality in the Boulder feeder canals from contamination that might occur from future adjacent trail use, and the possibility of destroying wetlands created by leaks in the water distribution system when those leaks are repaired. MOTION: On a motion by P. Gowen, seconded by A. O'Hashi, the Planning Board endorsed the Treated Water Master Plan and recommended (7-0) that City Council adopt the Plan as presented in the staff inemorandum dated November 16, 2000 (preparation date November 3, 2000) with a modest technical memorandum addendum to incorporate the discussion regarding the new employment and population projections. B. Pommer offered a friendly amendment that financial data be provided in the Plan. The friendly amendment was accepted by P. Gowen and A. O'Hashi. 7. ACTION ITEMS A. Request to continue a public hearing and consideration of the following amendments to Title 9, Land Use Regulations: a) To allow a density bonus for affordable housing in the MXR-D (Mixed DensityResidential-Developing ) zoning district as follows: To maintain the maximum density in the MXR-D zoning district at 10 units per acre, but allow an increase to the maximum density when more affordable housing is provided as follows: up to 15 units per acre when at least 30% of the dwelling units are permanently affordable, and up to 18 units per acre if at least 35% of the units are permanently affordable to very Iow and low income households; and b) Allow restaurants no larger than 1,000 square feet as a use by- right in t6e MU-D (Mixed-Use Developing) zoning district, and allow restaurants no larger than 1,500 square feet through use review in the MU-D zoning district. MOTION: On a motion by M. Ruzzin, seconded by P. Gowen, the Planning Boazd continued (6-0; A. Jacob was not present for this item) this matter to December 14, 2000. A. Gunter suggested that the public, including property owners and neighborhood associations, be notified extensively since this item has the practical effect of changing zoning and increasing density significantly. s:\plan\pb-items~minutes\001116min.wpd City ofBoulder Novemb~r 16, 2000 Pi~~Dg BO~'d Minutes B~ Pu61ic hearin III - Plannin~ ~nd consideratinn ofinitiation o~'a co Preservation ~ Reserve Area and pag~ 5 Area. Potential e m~~~bensive stud ' p• Pollock said that Cit xAansioq of y°f ~e Area the Area ITI . ~ur~~ Reserye desi Y CO~cil askad that the pY~In initiafin ~ation or further re S a study of the ducing t]ie size of tha g Bo~d consider elim' developm~nt of the Pla ~~a ~-PI ~'ea ~ PI ~jiating the Ala presenteda ~ingR~s~ ~ing RQSer~,e. B. JoLnson I~&Reserveandfo ~ing mapthatshoWS~~n~ ~'e'SheouYlined presented ~onsid~r a~nher study would entail. She WlYado ~~~'elopment a histo and thep pt~Plapn~ngR~s~ potential based o ~' °F the arks and Recreation mentionad • rve bound n couz~ty Zoning, issues raised byrh~ p Advisory$o~. lssues raised b ~eS~ ~d outlined ' d reg~d~n y~e parks and R~~r jssues that of futu~.e Op~n ~ Pen Space Board of T 8 the area ro eation De paCea~quisitionsinthaarastaesreg~dingthepossbil~yofarkdevelo p~ment Publicpar~cf ~'therstud mentand patfon: Y because Lancepe C$dor Plannin a~ SO52 North F g Board meetin °ptbf~~s FIi 6 desigqafion-- ~ wh~'~ the $o~.d g waY~ Sheraiteratedher that ttrese four ~liminat statements properties She said that if the r~perhes hava f~w ~£our properties made nam~ desi of ~e eli from tha Rura1 pat an earlier only, Sh~ SUggeste~ that thes ~ation is chan m~nation neservat~on nexf fpur $ed, these °ptena used for the Plann~nears or, ifit~ndtr turn nt to r~p~lye the Qr°n~ prope ~a~n ng Reserv~islandhrura ~n ~ Resarve Prese 1~ft in the P dll the latid to i~ur py Spa~e> then remove all the at least for the Jeff Brown, 4168 Amber Place: aI Preserv pro e Recreation De ation. P rties from said p~~ent be ke He S°bgested that the I9 im there are proven needs for a the Plafhe coReserva for lang-term future g to tha Parks atld pacts that w park in ~at beron ould occur on tha prop~rty ~nunit Y, and the Park developm~nt, xe L~o Ho[Ibe Y outu,eigh sorna of th~ negative entire Plar~n~g R serverth FootLills Iiigh~,ay: He supPorted a furtherco Sallypqartin,lgq7Bro mprei~ensivestud Center k,oula adway: She Yofthis redesi n~~a to b~ consistent~ked whether the extension of gnated. ~t~ the Rural eit ee P~~S~'ar1On desi rvl~s af Gateway Fun Return to the $oard; ~~ion if the area were Regarding the question about the Gateu,a ~10~' for extension of wat~r servi Y Fun Center, p, po~~ock explained ~~ ~nt0 `~a ~, but t$af extension n that the B~Cp doos eeds to be ~ansistc~t with the s: iplantp(~iterrey~nutes1001116rn~n, wpd City of Boulder November 16, 2000 Planning Board Minutes Page 6 land designation in Area III. He explained that the goal of the Planning Reserve is to maintain options for the future, and the goal of the Rural Preservation is to maintain the rural character of the land. He said that the change in land designation might be an issue far the Gateway Fun Center, especially if it wanted to expand. The Board and staff discussed the decisions made by the Boulder County Commissioners, Boulder County Planning Commission, and City Council, benefits that might occur with further study in the area, whether a study needs to be initiated at this time, the problem with allowing cityproperty to develop but not allowing private propertyto develop, the type of development that could happen in this area, the need £or a park site in this area, and a joint discussion with City Council regarding this issue. MOTION: On a motion by P. Gowen the Planning Board supported a study for reducing the size or eliminating the Planning Reserve azea for the next BVCP update but not for the year 2000 BVCP update. There was no second to the motion. B. Pommer and M. Ruzzin expressed concern that the study not be predetermined with a particular outcome. MOTION: On a motion by P. Gowen, seconded by B. Pommer, the Planning Board recommended to City Council (5-2; M. Ruzzin and A. Gunter opposed) against proceeding with a study for the purpose ofreducing the size or eliminating the Planning Reserve area as part ofthe Year 2000 BVCP update. M. Ruzzin offered a friendly amendment that this item be part of the agenda for the joint City Council/Planning Board study session on January 23, 2000 should they so desire. He withdrew his friendly amendment because the issue would probably be discussed at that meeting. M. Ruzzin and A. Gunter opposed the motion because they thought that there is value in further study of the Planning Reserve. C. Public hearing and consideration of proposed changes to the Plan Amendments section of the Boulder Valley Comprehensive Plan. S. Richstone said that it would be beneficial to review the amendment section of the BVCP to provide clarity as to the process that should occur for amending the plan. She said that Claire Levy, consultant, convened a task force to discuss this issue and made recommendations. She explained the provision when non-landowners request a change to the BVCP and the added procedures to clarify that a property owner may, at his or her discretion, have Planning Board consider their request for a change that may be considered separately from an annual or five-year review. Public Participation: There was no public participation. The Board discussed the following issues: Concern with the possibility of generating a lot of applications for changes instead of reviewing a rare request that needed to be addressed at once; a suggestion to push every request at least to the annual review with a call-up provision so that the other four-body reviewers can vote on the matter ifthey so desire; the reason that the words "major" s:\plan\pb-items~ninutes\001116min.wpd City of Boulder November 16, 2000 Planning Board Minutes Page 7 and "minor" were deleted to distinguish the types of amendments; whether the Planning Board should adopt findings or show cause if it wants to defer a minor amendment; that the B VCP not be changed whenever someone makes a request; whether to notify the property owner if there is a consideration of a change in the land use designation on that person's property; and the differences in the language provided by the task force versus staff regarding the notification process to property owners. MOTION: On a motion by P. Gowen, seconded by T. Nielsen, the Planning Board adopted (6-1; A. Gunter opposed) the changes to the Plan Amendment section of the Boulder Valley Comprehensive Plan as presented in the staff inemorandum dated November 16, 2000 (preparation date November 2, 2000). P. Gowen suggested a friendly amendment to incorporate revised language on page 13, last paragraph, to read "Any property owner whose property would be affected by a proposed change in land use designation or by service area expansions, contractions or boundary changes will receive timely written notice that such change or changes will be considered. Planning staff shall exert its best efforts to provide such notice within 30 days of receiving a suggestion that is to be considered. However, no hearing on any such proposal shall be held unless the affected property owner was provided with this written notice at least 30 days prior to the date set for the hearing on the proposed change." T. Nielsen accepted the friendly amendment, A. Gunter offered an amendment to the motion to delete "upon a finding of good cause" in the third sentence in the last paragraph on page 8 to read "Changes determined to meet the criteria in this section may still be deferred by the City Planning Board or City Council to the annual or five year review." A. O'Hashi seconded the motion. The amendment failed (2-5; M. Ruzzin and A. Gunter voted for the amendment, and P. Gowen, B. Pommer, T. Nielsen, A. Jacob, and A. O'Hashi voted against the amendment). A. Gunter voted against the main motion because he thought it was important to provide the Boulder County Planning Commission and County Commissioners with a call-up provision to the current process when there is a request for a change to the land use designation outside of the annual or five-year update process. 8. DISCUSSION ITEM A. Update on the Year 2000 Major Update to the Boulder Valley Comprehensive Plan - proposed changes to plan document organization. J. Gatza said that the recommendations regarding the text and organization of the plan are to make the BVCP more usable. She explained the purpose of the changes in the draft introduction to the plan and proposed changes to the outline. s:\plan\pb-items~minutes\001116min.wpd City of Boulder November 16, 2000 Planning Board Minutes Page 8 The £ollowing comments were made by individual Board members, not by consensus: • Be cazeful not to add too much language in the document. Write in a matter-of-fact manner; • Be careful in stating that the Plan is a"shared vision of the future." Be careful in stating that "sustainability drives the overall framework of the Plan" because it is not driving the overall framework in the way that sustainability has been defined; • Upgrade the graphics in the Plan; • Remove or correct the statement "Those who can live within the city find themselves spending an increasing amount of their income on housing." Newcomers to the city do spend an increasing amount of their income on housing, but those who have lived in the city for a long time do not. • Complete an action plan; • Work on the document or pieces of the document sooner so that Boazd members have time to review the plan; • Make sure that the use of "shall" and "musY' in the document is consistent throughout; 9. ADJOURNMENT The Planning Board adjourned the meeting at 9:55 p.m. s: \plan\pb-items~minutes\001116min.wpd