1 - Handouts - Comments on the Eldorado Mountain/Dowdy Draw Tail Study Area (TSA) PlanComments on Eldo/Doudy TSA EM-DD-TSA - Comments on Eldo/Doudy TSA Page 1 of 1 From: Lucy Buckley <lucy@buckleyassociatesneU To: <EM-DD-TSA@bouldercolorado.gov> Date: 10/10/2006 7:48 PM Subject: Comments on Eldo/Doudy TSA Dear OSMP Board arM Slaff members 1 live in the Eldorado Springs valley. Last SaWrday [here were 6 larpe horse hailen FROM THE LAKEWOOD RIDIN6 CLUB vyin9 for parking apace at the Doudy Drew trailhead. Is this whal we wan~ b e~ou2ge with our OSMP plan tor lhe Eldo2do MouMain-Doudy Draw TSA17 wth all due respect, much Bood work has been done by staff in lhe Inventory Report; it appears this Is now being ignored in tavor of'demands' and'pressure" by special interest groups. The Eldorado Moutain-DOUdy TSA has some oi the most remote, pristi~ habital in the entire OSMP system - and it should be preserved for tuNre genera6ons. Please act accordingly with your role as guardians and managers of the OSMP. I urge ihe followin8 ~+'~h regard lo the'final plan': • NO trail #13 - unaxeptable; ill suiled • NO mouMain bikes west of Doudy D2w-too much disturbance • NO trails i~ Spring 8rook area-shouW be HCA as recommended in studies ~ • Dogs ON LEASH in Doudy-dogs otf leash will displace wildl'rfe in ihis area • NO addNOnal parki~ in the Doudy and Mesa Treil Heads - tratfic should be NnneleU fo access directly oH NW 93; rwl tlown a dead-end road • NO atlditional twrse access in Doudy Draw/Spnng Brook - heavy tlamage M irails and system; it is known that mosl horse iraHic comes from OUTSIDE the county Please preserve ihis area for future generations antl do not give in to ihe'me-me•me'voices crying for more acceu in inappropriate wild areas. Thank you, Lucy Buckley 4524 Predo Dr. Boulder, CO 80303 Page 1 of 1 EM-DD-TSA - Fwd: Eldo TSA comment From: Lisa Nieman To: EM-DD-TSA Date: 10/9/2006 3:22 PM Subject: Fwd: Eldo TSA comment »> <LaureBob6@]uno.com> SO/9/2006 3:20 PM »> name: Laura Bass email_from: LauraBObB@Juno.com phone: comment: As a supporter of Boulder County Horse Association and of equine access to trails and open space I am in support of the following: -Redesign and Expand the Doudy Draw Trailhead. At a minimum redesign the trailhead parking area to aaommodate pull-through treiler parking. Ideally initiate a total redesign that would include restrooms potable water trorse trailer pai-king and other amenities. -Throughout the trail system build new trails first then if necessary close social trails. -Maintain equestrian aaess to the Eldorado Mountain HCA-Doudy Draw Natural Area. Please give the off-trail permit process a chance and give more designated trails the opportunity to relieve pressure on existing social trails. -Include equestrians in the revised EMDD TSA Plan pool of visitors who can go off-trail unless direct and unsustainable equestrian impactr are proven. -In the EMDD TSA Plan darify determine and articulate clear standards and objective limits of acceptable change and consider equestrians and people as the same management category with equal rights and responsibilities. Thank you for your interest and I encourage you to adopt the above recommendations. website-comment: .. Page 1 of I EM-DD-TSA - Fwd: Mtn biking From: Lisa Nieman To: EM-DD-TSA Date: 10/9/2006 1:47 PM Subjed: Fwd: Mtn biking I don't know if this is really an EM-DD-TSA comment, but wasn't sure where else to send it. Thanks, -Lisa »> <tddare@excite.com> 10/9/2006 1:35 PM »> name: Will and Terra Hangen email_from: tddare@excite.com phone:8314582771 rnmment: Dear Boulder officials, I'm a mountain biker from Santa Cruz, CA and I was looking around various websites to see where I was going to spend my mt biking vacation dollars. It would appear that the Boulder Area, while better than it used to be, is seriously out of step with mt biking walfions in varous other parts of the state of Colorado. This is a sad affair. Therefore, I've settled my search to Crested Butte or Aspen or maybe Durango. They seem to simply offer better linked trail systems. On my webpage I'll recommend this to my readers also. Sorry to have to take our money elsewhere. Will and Terra Hangen 314 Swift St. Santa Cruz, CA 831 458 2771 website-comment: slick... but get a better trail network!!!! s Page I of 1 EM-DD-TSA - Fwd: Eldo TSA comment From: Lisa Nieman To: EM-DD-TSA Date: 1~(9(2006 8:41 AM Subject: Fwd: Eldo TSA rnmment »> <calamityk@mysite.com> 10/8/2006 8:46 AM »> name: Karen Pppelka email_from: calamityk@mysite.com phone:303-324-1747 comment: As a wpporter of Boulder C.~unty Horse Association and of equine aaess to >trails and open space I am in support of the following: > >-Redesign and Expand the Doudy Draw Trailhead. At a minimum redesign >the trailhead parking area to accommodate pull-through trailer parking. >Ideally initiate a total redesign that would include restrooms potable >water horse trailer parking and other amenities. > >-Throughout the trail system build new trails first then if necessary >close saial trails. > >-Maintain equestrian access to the Eldorado Mountain HCA-Doudy Draw >Natural Area. Please give the off-trail permit process a chance and give >more designated trails the opportunity to relieve pressure on existing >social trails. > >-Include equestrians in the revised EMDD TSA Plan pool of visitors who >can go off-trail unless direct and unsustainable equestrian impacts are >proven. ~ >-In the EMDD TSA Plan clarify determine and articulate clear >standards and objective limits of acceptable change and consider >equestrians and people as the same management category with equal rights >and responsibil'~ties. > >Thank you for your interest and I encourage you to adopt the above >recommendations. website-mmment: : Page 1 of i EM-DD-TSA - Fwd: Eldo TSA Comment From: Lisa Nieman To: EM-DD-TSA Date: 10/6/2006 12:54 PM Subject: Fwd: Eldo TSA Comment »> <marthalankton@hodnail.com> 10/6/2006 12:52 PM »> name: Martha Lankton email_from: marthalankton@hotmail.rnm phone:303-570-3395 comment: As a supporter of Boulder County Horse Association and of equine access to trails and open space I am in support of the follawing: -Redesign and Expand the Doudy Draw Trailhead. At a minimum redesign the trailhead parking area to acrnmmodate pull-through trailer parking. Ideally initiate a total redesign that wouid include restrooms potable water horse trailer parking and other amenities. -Throughout the trail system build new trails first then if necessary close social trails. -Maintain equestrian access to the Eldorado Mountain HCA-Doudy Draw Natural Area. Please give the off-trail permit process a chance and give more designated trails the opportunity to relieve pressure on existing social trails. -Include equestrians in the revised EMDD TSA Plan pool of visitors who can go off-trail unless direct and unsustainable equestrian impacts are proven. -In the EMDD TSA Plan clarify determine and articulate clear standards and objective limits of acceptable change and consider equestrians and people as the same management category with equal rights and responsibilities. Thank you for your interest and I encourage you to adopt the above recommendations. website-comment: ~ Page 1 of 1 EM-DD-TSA - Fwd: Eldo TSA comment From: Lisa Nieman To: EM-DD-TSA Date: SO/5/2006 8:05 AM Subject: Fwd: Eldo TSA wmment »> <jrudy@educause.edu> 10/4/2006 8:10 PM »> name: Julia Rudy email_from: jrudy@educause.edu phone:303-940-8474 comment: As a supporter of Boulder County Horse Association and of equine access to trails and open space I am in support of the following: -Redesign and Expand the Doudy Draw Trailhead. At a minimum redesign the trailhead parking area to accommodate pull-through trailer parking. Ideally initiate a total redesign that would include restrooms potable water horse trailer parking and other amenities. -Throughout the trail system build new trails first then if necessary close social trails. -Maintain equestrian aaess to the Eldorado Mountain HCA-Doudy Draw Natural Area. Please give the off-trail permit process a chance and give more designated trails the opportunity to relieve pressure on existing social trails. -Include equestrians in the revised EMDD TSA Plan pool of visitors who can go off-trail unless direct and unsustainable equestrian impacts are proven. -In the EMDD TSA Plan clarify determine and articulate clear standards and objective limits of acceptable change and consider equestrians and people as the same management category with equal rights and responsibilities. Thank you for your interest and I encourage you to adopt the above recommendations. website-comment: Page 1 of 1 EM-DD-TSA - Fwd: Eldo TSA comment From: Lisa Nieman To: EM-DD-TSA Date: 10/4/2006 9:59 AM Subject: Fwd: Eldo TSA comment »> <singletreefarm@msn.com> 10/4/2006 9:45 AM »> name: Jan Treadwell email_from: singletreefarm@msn.com phone: comment: As a supporter of Boulder County Horse Association and of equine access to trails and open space I am in support of the following: -Redesign and Expand the Doudy Draw Trailhead. At a minimum redesign the trailhead parking area to accommodate pull-through trailer parking. Ideally initiate a total redesign that would include restrooms potable water horse trailer parking and other amenities. -Throughout the trail system build new trails first then if necessary close social trails. -Maintain equestrian access to the Eldorado Mountain HCA-Doudy Draw Natural Area. Please give the off-trail permit process a chance and give more designated trails the opportunity to relieve pressure on existing social trails. -Include equestrians in the revised EMDD TSA Plan pool of visitors who can go off-trail unless direct and unsustainable equestrian impacts are proven. -In the EMDD TSA Plan clarify determine and articulate clear standards and objective limiks oF acceptable change and consider equestrfans and people as the same management category with equal rights and responsibilities. Thank you for your interest and I encourage you to adopt the above recommendatlons website-mmment: Page 1 of 1 EM-DD-TSA - Fwd: Eldo TSA Comment From: Lisa Nieman To: EM-DD-TSA Date: 10/4/2006 9:58 AM Subject: Fwd: Eldo TSA Comment »> <adlermm@aol.com> 10/4J2006 9:45 AM »> name: Mary Adler email_from: adlermm@aol.com phone: comment: As a supporter of Boulder County Horse Association and of equine access to trails and open space I am in support of the following: -Redesign and Expand the Doudy Draw Trailhead. At a minimum redesign the trailhead parking area to accommodate pull-through trailer parking. Ideally initiate a total redesign that would include restrooms potable water horse trailer parking and other ame~ities. -Throughout the trail system build new trails first then if necessary close social trails. -Maintain equestrian access to the Eldorado Mountain HCA-Doudy Draw Natural Area. Please give the off-traif permit process a chance and give more designated trails the opportunity to relieve pressure on existing social trails. -Include equestrians in the revised EMDD TSA Plan pool of visitors who can go off-trail unless direct and unsustainable equestrian impacts are proven. -In the EMDD TSA Plan clarify determine and articulate clear standards and objective limits of acceptable change and consider equestrians and people as the same management category with equal rights and responsi6iliUes. Thank you for your interest and I encourage you to adopt the above recommendations. Sincerely Mary C. Adler website-comment: ~ Page 1 of 1 EM-DD-TSA - Fwd: Eldo TSA Comment From: Lisa Nieman To: EM-DD-TSA Date: 30/3/2006 8:14 AM Subject: Fwd: Eldo TSA Comment »> <patjarvis@river.com>' 10/2/2006 8:47 PM »> name: Patricia Jarvis email_from: patjarvis@river.com phone: comment: As a supporter of Boulder County Horse Association and of equine access to trails and open space I am in support of the following: -Redesign and Expand the Doudy Draw Trailhead. At a minimum redesign the trailhead parking area to accommodate puil-through trailer parking. ~ Ideally initiate a total redesign that would include restrooms potable water horse trailer parking and other amenities. Throughout the trail system build new traiis first then ff necessary close social trails. -Maintain equestrian access to the Eldoredo Mountain HCA-Doudy Draw Natural Area. Please give The off-trail permit process a chance and give more designated trails the opportunity to relieve pressure on existing social trails. -Include equesfians in the revised EMDD TSA Plan pool of visitors who can go off-trail uniess direct and unsustainable equestrian impacts are proven. -In the EMDD TSA Plan clarify dete'rmine and articulate clear standards and objective Ilmits of acceptabie change and consider equestrians and people as the same management category with equal rights and responsibilities. Thank you for your interest and I encourage you to adopt the above recommendations. Thank you Patricia Jarvis website-comment: Nice site. I would like to see some photos of equestrians. I could even supply the photos if you don't have any. Page 1 of 1 EM-DD-TSA - Fwd: Eldo TSA comment From: Lisa Nieman To: EM-DD-TSA Date: ~ 10/2/2006 11:05 AM Subject: Fwd: Eldo TSA comment »> <Lparks@theparksgroup-boulder.mm> 10/2/2006 10:54 AM »> name: Linda Parks email_from: Lparks@theparksgroup-boulder.com phone: 303 447-2026 comment: As a member and supporter of Boulder County Horse Association and of equine aaess to trails and open space I am in support of the following: 1. A redesign and expansion to the Doudy Draw Trailhead. At a minimum redesign the trailhead parking area to accommodate pull-through trailer parking. Ideally a redesign that would include restrooms potable water horse trailer parking and other amenities. 2. Throughout the trail system build new trails first then if necessary close social trails. 3. Maintain equestrian access to the Eldorado Mountain HCA-Doudy Draw Natural Area. Please give the off-trail permit process a chance and give more designated trails the opportunity to relieve pressure on existing social trails. 4. Include equestrians in the revised EMDD TSA Plan pool of visitors who can go off-trail unless direct and unsustainable equestrian impacts are proven. 5. In the EMDD TSA Plan clarify determine and articulate clear standards and objective limits of acceptable change and consider equestrians and people as the same management category with equal rights and responsibilities. Thank you for your interest and I enwurage you to adopt the above recommendations. website-comment: ~ Page 1 of 1 EM-DD-TSA - Fwd: Eldo TSA comment From: Lisa Nieman To: ' EM-DD-TSA Date: 10/2/2006 11:04 AM Subject: Fwd: Eldo TSA comment »> <annesompbell@comcast.net> 10/2/2006 10:20 AM »> name: Anne Campbell email_from: annescampbell@rnmcast.net phone:303-447-2465 wmment: As a supporter of Boulder County Horse Association and of equine access to trails and open space I am in support of the following: -Redesign and Expand the Doudy Draw Trailhead. At a minimum redesign the trailhead parking area to accommodate pull-through trailer parking. Ideally initiate a total redesign that would include restrooms potable water horse trailer parking and other amenities. -Throughout the treil system build new treils first then if necessary close social trails. -Maintain equestrian access to the Eldorado Mountain HCA-Doudy Draw Natural Area. Please give the off-trail permit process a chance and give more designated trails the opportunity to relieve pressure on existing social trails. -Include equestrians in the revised EMDD TSA Plan pool of visitors who can go ofF-trail unless direct and unsustainable equestrian impacts are proven. -In the EMDD TSA Plan clarify determine and articulate clear standards and objective Ifmits of acceptable change and consider equestrians and people as the same management category with equal rights and responsibilities. Thank you for your interest and I encourage you to adopt the above recommendations. website-wmment: Page 1 of 1 EM-DD-TSA - Fwd: Eldo TSA comment From: Lisa Nieman To: EM-DD-TSA Date: 10/2/2006 11:04 AM Subject: Fwd: Eldo TSA comment »> <bgreen@ball.com> 30/2/2006 10:02 AM »> name: Bette Green email_from: bgreen@ball.com phone:303-499-5865 comment: As a supporter of Boulder County Horse Association and of equine access to trails and open space I am in support of the following: -Redesign and F~cpand the Doudy Draw Trailhead. At a minimum redesign the trailhead ,parking area to accommodate pull-through trailer parking. Ideally initiate a total redesign that would include restrooms potable water horse trailer parking and other amenities. -Throughout the trail system build new trails first then if necessary close social trails. -Maintain equestrian access to the Eldorado Mountain HCA-Doudy Draw Natural Area. Please give the off-trail permit process a chance and give more designated trails the opportunity to relieve pressure on existing social trails. -Include equestrians in the revised EMDD TSA Plan pool of visitors who can go off-trail unless direct and unsustainable equestrian impacts are proven. . -In the EMDD TSA Plan clarify determine and articulate clear standards and objective limits of acceptable change and mnsider equestrians and people as the same management category with equal rights and responsibilfties. Thank you for your interest and I encourage you to adopt the above recommendations. website-comment: Page 1 of 1 EM-DD-TSA - Fwd: Eldo TSA Comment From: Lisa Nieman To: EM-DD-TSA Date: 10/2/2006 9:01 AM Subject: Fwd: Eldo TSA Comment »> <amoldjen@yahoo.com> SO/2/2006 8:44 AM »> name: Jennifer Arnold email_from: amoldjen@yahoo.com phone: 303 447 2655 comment: As a supporter of Boulder County Horse Assaiation and of equine access to trails and open space I am in support of the following: -Redesign and Expand the Doudy Draw Trailhead. At a minimum redesign the trailhead parking area W accommodate pull-through trailer parking. Ideally initiate a total redesign that would include restrooms potable water horse trailer parking and other amenities. -Throughout the trail system build new trails first then if necessary close social trails. -Maintain equestrian aaess to the Eldorado Mountain HCA-Doudy Draw Naturai Area. Please give the off-trail perrnit process a chance and give more designated trails the opportunity to relieve pressure on existing saial trafls. -Include equestrians in the revised EMDD TSA Plan pool of visitors who can go off-trail unless direct and unsustainable equestrian impacts are proven. -In the EMDD TSA Plan clarify determine and articulate clear standards and objecUve limits of acceptable change and consider equestrians and people as the same management category with equal rights and responsibilities. Thank you for your interest and I encourage you to adopt the above recommendations. website-comment: Page 1 of 1 EM-DD-TSA - Fwd: Eldo TSA Comment From: Lisa Nieman To: EM-DD-TSA Date: SO/2/2006 823 AM Subject: Fwd: Eldo TSA Comment »> <awtimber@hotrnail.com> 10/1/2006 8:19 PM »> name: Millie Williams email_from: awtimber@hotmail.com phone:303-494-5996 mmment: As a supporter of Boulder County Horse Association and of equine access to trails and open space I am in support of the following: -Redesign and Expand the Doudy Draw Trailhead. At a minimum redesign the trailhead parking area to aaommodate pull-through trailer parking. Ideally initiate a total redesign that would include restrooms potable water horse trailer parking and other amenities. -Throughout the trail system build new trails first then if necessary close saial trails. -Maintain equestrian access to the Eldorado Mountain HCA-Doudy Draw Natural Area. Please give the off-trail permit process a chance and give more designated trails the opportunity to relieve pressure on existing social trails. -Include equestrians in the revised EMDD TSA Plan pool of visitors who can go off-trail unless direct and unsustainable equestrian impacts are proven. -In the EMDD TSA Plan clarify determine and articulate clear standards and objective limits of aaeptable change and consider equestrians and people as the same management category with equal rights and responsibilities. Thank you for your interest and I encourage you to adopt the above recommendations. Millie Williams website-comment: ~ Page 1 of' 1 EM-DD-TSA - Fwd: Eldo TSA Comment From: Lisa Nieman To: EM-DD-TSA Date: SO/2/2006 8:21 AM Subject: Fwd: Eldo TSA Comment »> <awtimber@hotmail.com> 10/1/2006 8:19 PM »> name: Millie Williams email_from: awtimber@hotmail.wm phone:303-494-5996 comment: As a supporter of Boulder County Horse Association and of equine aaess to trails and open space I am in support of the following: -Redesign and Expand the Doudy Draw Trailhead. At a minimum redesign the trailhead parking area to accommodate pull-through trailer parking. Ideally initiate a total redesign that would include restrooms potable water horse trailer parking and other amenities. -Throughout the trail system build new trails first then if necessary close saial trails. -Maintain equestrian aaess to the Eldorado Mountain HCA-Doudy Draw Natural Area. Please give the off-trail permit process a chance and give more designated trails the opportunity to relieve pressure on existing social trails. -Include equestrians in the revised EMDD TSA Pian pool of visitors who can go off-trail unless direct and unsustainable equestrian impacts are proven. -In the EMDD TSA Plan clarify determine and articulate clear standards and objective limits of acceptable change and consider equestrians and people as the same management category with equal rights and responsibilides. Thank you for your interest and I encourage you to adopt tlie above recommendations. Millie Williams website-comment: ~ Page 1 of 1 EM-DD-TSA - Fwd: Eldo TSA Comment From: Lisa Nieman To: EM-DD-TSA Date: 10/2/2006 8:16 AM Subject: Fwd: Eldo TSA Comment »> <mccook1589@aol.com> SO/1/2006 4:56 PM »> name: Mary Cook email_from: mccook1589@aol.wm phone:303-823-5512 wmment: As a supporter of Boulder County Horse Association and of equine access to trails and open space I am in support of the following: -Redesign and Expand the Doudy Draw Trailhead. At a minimum redesign the trailhead parking area to accommodate pull-through trailer parking. Ideally initiate a total redesign that would indude restrooms potable water horse trailer parking and other amenities. -Throughout the trail system build new trails first then if necessary dose social trails. -Maintain equestrian aaess to the Eldorado Mountain HCA-Doudy Draw Natural Area. Please give the off-trail permit process a chance and give more designated trails the opportunity to relieve pressure on existing social trails. -Include equestrians in the revised EMDD TSA Plan pool of visitors who can go off-trail unless direct and unsustainable equestrian impacts are proven. -In the EMDD TSA Plan clarify determine and articulate clear standards and objective limits of acceptable change and consider equestrians and people as the same management category with equal rights and responsibil'dies. Thank you for your interest and I encourage you to adopt the above recommendations. website-comment: ~ Page 1 of 1 EM-DD-TSA - Fwd: Eldo TSA Comment From: Lisa Nieman To: EM-DD-TSA Date: 10/2/2006 8:16 AM Subject: Fwd: Eldo TSA Comment »> <jwhearst@msn.com> 10/1/2006 12:50 PM »> name: )ay Hearst email_from: jwhearst@msn.com phone:303-499-4578 comment: As a supporter of Boulder County Horse Association and of equine access to trails and open space I am in support of the following: -Redesign and Expand the Doudy Draw Trailhead. At a minimum redesign the trailhead parking area to acrnmmodate pull-through trailer parking. Ideally initiate a total redesign that wouid include restrooms potable water horse trailer parking and other amenities. -Throughout the trail system build new trails first then if necessary close social trails. -Maintain equestrian aaess to the Eldorado Mountain HCA-Doudy Draw Natural Area. Please give the off-trail permit process a chance and give more designated trails the opportunity to relieve pressure on existing social trails. -Include equestrians in the revised EMDD TSA Plan pool of visitors who can go off-trail unless direct and unsustainable equestrian impacks are proven. -In the EMDD TSA Plan clarify determine and articulate clear standards and objective limits of aaeptable change and rnnsider equestrians and people as the same management otegory with equal rights and responsibilities' Thank you for your interest and I encourage you to adopt the above recommendations. website-comment: ~ Page 1 of 1 EM-DD-TSA - Fwd: Eldo TSA Comment From: Lisa Nieman To: EM-DD-TSA Date: 10/2/2006 8:15 AM Subject: Fwd: Eldo TSA Comment »> <jane.thomas@colorado.edu> 9/30/2006 3:48 PM »> name: ]ane Thomas email_from: jane.thomas@colorado.edu phone: 303 492-0438 comment: Dear Staff As a supporter of Boulder County Horse Association and of equine access to trails and open space I am writing in support of the following proposals: ~ -Redesign and Expand the Doudy Draw Trailhead. At a minimum redesign the trailhead parking area to accommodate pull-through trailer parking. Ideally initiate a total redesign that would include restrooms potable water horse trailer parking and other amenities. -Throughout the trail system build new trails first then if necessary close social trails. -Maintain equestrian access to the Eldorado Mountain HCA-Doudy Draw Natural Area. Please give the off-trail permit process a chance and give more designated trails the opportunity to relieve pressure on existfng social trails. -Include equestrians in the revised EMDD TSA Plan pool of visitors who can go off-trail unless direct and unsustainable equestrian impacts are proven. -In the EMDD TSA Plan clarify determine and articulate clear standards and objective limits of acceptable change and consider equestrians and people as the same management category with equal rights and responsibilities. Thank you for providing this forum and I enmurage you to adopt the above recommendations. website-comment: ' .. Page 1 of 1 EM-DD-TSA - Fwd: Eldo TSA Comment From: Lisa Nieman To: EM-DD-TSA Date: 10/2/2006 8:13 AM Subject: Fwd: Eldo TSA Comment »> <marierupsa@comcast.net> 9/30/2006 2:30 PM »> name: Marie Rupsa email_from: marierupsa@comcast.net phone:303/420-3780 comment: To Whom It May Concern: As a supporter of Boulder County Horse Association and of equine access to trails and open space I am in support of the following: -Redesign and F~cpand the Doudy Draw Trailhead. At a minimum redesign the trailhead parking area to accommodate pull-through trailer parking. Ideally initiate a total redesign that would include restrooms potable water horse trailer parking and other amenities. -Throughout the trail system build new trails first then if necessary close social trails. -Maintain equestrian access to the Eldorado Mountain HCA-Doudy Draw Natural Area. Please give the off-trail permit process a chance and give more designated trails the opportunity to relieve pressure on existing social trails. -Include equestrians in the revised EMDD TSA Plan pool of visitors who can go off-trail unless direct and unsustainabie equestrian impacts are proven. -In the EMDD TSA Plan clarify determine and articulate clear standards and objective limits of acceptable change and consider equestrians and people as the same management category with equal rights and responsibilities. Thank you for your interest and I encourage you to adopt the above recommendations. Marie Rupsa 3352 CopperAvenue Broomfield CO 80020 website-comment: Page 1 of 1 EM-DD-TSA - Fwd: Eldo TSA Comment From: Lisa Nieman To: EM-DD-TSA Date: SO/2J2006 8:11 AM Subject: Fwd: Eldo TSA Comment »> <jhoiem@speakeasy.net> 9/30/2006 11:40 AM »> name: Jeanne Hoiem email_from: jhoiem@speakeasy.net phone:303-776-8989 comment: As a supporter of Boulder County Horse Association and of equine access to trails and open space I am in support of the following: -Redesign and Expand the Doudy Draw Trailhead. At a minimum redesign the trailhead parking area to accommodate pull-through trailer parking. Ideally initiate a total redesign that would include restrooms potable water horse trailer parking and other amenities. -Throughout the trail system build new trails first then if necessary ciose saial trails. -Maintain equestrian access to the Eldorado Mountain HCA-Doudy Draw Natural Area. Please give the off-trail permit process a chance and give more designated trails the opportunity to relieve pressure on existing social trails. -Include equestrians in the revised EMDD TSA Plan pool of visitors who can go off-trail unless direct and unsustainable equestrian impacts are proven. -In the EMDD TSA Plan clarify determine and articulate clear standards and objective limits of acceptable change and consider equestrians and people as the same management category with equal rights and responsibilities. Thank you for your interest and I encourage you to adopt the above recommendations. website-comment: Page 1 of 1 EM-DD-TSA - Fwd: Eldo TSA Comment From: Lisa Nieman To: EM-DD-TSA Date: 10/2/2006 8:10 AM Subject: Fwd: Eldo TSA Comment »> <smeade6813@aol.mm> 9/30/2006 11:19 AM »> name: Susan Meade email_from: smeade6813@aol.mm phone: 303-642-7118 comment: As a supporter of Boulder County Horse Association and of equine access to trails and open space I am in support of the following: -Redesign and Expand the Doudy Draw Trailhead. At a minimum redesign the trailhead parking area to accommodate pull-through trailer parking. Ideally initiate a total redesign that would include restrooms potable water horse trailer parking and other amenities. -Throughout the trail system build new trails Frst then if necessary close social trails. -Maintain equestrian aaess to the Eldorado Mountain HCA-Doudy Draw Natural Area. Please give the off-trail permit process a chance and give more designated trails the opportunity to relieve pressure on existing social trails. -Include equestrians in the revised EMDD TSA Plan pool of visitors who can go off-trail unless direct and unsustainable equestrian impacts are proven. -In the EMDD TSA Plan clarify determine and articulate clear standards and objective limits of acceptable change and rnnsider equestNans and people as the same management category with equal rights and responsibilities. Thank you for your interest and I encourage you to adopt the above recommendations. website-mmment: Page 1 of 1 EM-DD-TSA - Fwd: Eldo TSA Comment From: Lisa Nieman To: EM-DD-TSA Date: SO/2/2006 8:10 AM Subject: Fwd: Eldo TSA Comment »> <barbhm2000@yahoo.com> 9/30/2006 10:21 AM »> name: Barb Haaland-Michaels email_from: barbhm2000@yahoo.com phone:303-776-4907 comment: As a supporter of Boulder County Horse Association and of equine access to trails and open space I am in support of the following: -Redesign and Expand the Doudy Draw Trailhead. At a minimum redesign the trailhead parking area to accommodate pull-through trailer parking. Ideally initiate a total redesign that would include restrooms potable water horse trailer parking and other amenities. -Throughout the trail system build new trails first then if necessary close saial trails. -Maintain equestrian aaess to the Eldorado Mountain HCA-Doudy Draw Natural Area. Please give the off-trail permit process a chance and give more designated trails the opportunity to relieve pressure on existing social trails. -Include equestrians in the revised EMDD TSA Plan pool of visitors who can go off-trail unless direct and unsustainable equestrian impacts are proven. -In the EMDD TSA Plan clarify determine and articulate clear standards and objective limits of acceptable change and consider equestrians and people as the same management category with equal rights and responsibilities. Thank you for your interest and I encourage you to adopt the above recommendations. website-comment: I think iYs a wonderFul website & love the photos. Page 1 of 1 EM-DD-TSA - Fwd: Eldo TSA Comment From: Lisa Nieman To: EM-DD-TSA Date: 10/2/2006 8:10 AM Subject: Fwd: Eldo TSA Comment »> <cdmoblett@earthlink.net> 9/30/2006 8:48 AM »> name: Cathe Read email_from: cdrnoblett@earthlink.net phone: comment: As a supporter of Boulder County Horse Association and of equine access to trails and open space I am in support of the following: -Redesign and EXpand the Doudy Draw Trailhead. At a minimum redesign the trailhead parking area to accommodate pull-through trailer parking. Ideally initiate a total redesign that would include restrooms poYable water horse trailer parking and other amenities. -Throughout the trdil system build new trails first then if necessary close social trails. -Maintain equestrian access to the Eldorado Mountain HCA-Doudy Draw Natural Area. Please give the off-trail permit process a chance and give more designated trdils the opportunity to relieve pressure on eacisting social trails. -Include equestrians in the revised EMDD l'SA Plan pool of visitors who can go off-trail unless direct and unsustainable equestrian impacts are proven. -In the EMDD TSA Plan clarify determine and articulate clear standards and objective limits of acceptable change and consider equestrians and people as the same management category with equai rights and responsibilities. Thank you for your interest and I encourage you to adopt the above recommendations. It is important to remember the roots of Boulder County were agricuftural and horses are one of the primary remaining symbois of that heritage. Sincerely Cathe Read website-comment: Page i of I EM-DD-TSA - Fwd: Eldo TSA Comment From: Lisa Nieman To: EM-DD-TSA Date: ~ 10/2/2006 8:09 AM Subject: Fwd: Eldo TSA Comment I'm assuming this is meant as an Eldo TSA comment... »> <hellis@tir.com> 9/29/2006 11:14 PM »> name: Hope Ellis email_from: hellis@tir.com phone:l-303-442-3506 comment: We have onty lived in Boulder for 1 year. I can't tell you how much we enjoy the open space available and particularly the enjoyment we get from trail riding our horses on some really wonderful trails. website-comment: The website looks great but haven't accessed it until today. Will use it more in the future. ~ Page 1 of 1 EM-DD-TSA - F~vd: Eldo TSA Comment From: Lisa Nieman To: EM-DD-TSA Date: 30/2/2006 8:08 AM Subject: Fwd: Eldo TSA Comment »> <ejchurgin@msn.com> 9/29/2006 10:46 PM »> name: Erica Churgin email_from: ejchurgin@msn.com phone: comment: As a supporter of Boulder County Horse Association and of equine access to trails and open space I am in support of the following: -Redesign and F~cpand the Doudy Draw Trailhead. At a minimum redesign the trailhead parking area to accommodate pull-through trailer parking. Ideally initiate a total redesign that would include restrooms potable water horse trailer parking and other amenities. -Throughout the trail system build new traiis first then if necessary close social trails. -Maintain equestrian access to the Eldorado Mountain HCA-Doudy Draw Natural Area. Please give the off-trail permit process a chance and give more designated trails the opportunity to relieve pressure on existing social trails. -Include equestrians in the revised EMDD TSA Plan pool of visitors who can go off-trail unless direct and unsustainable equestrian impacts are proven. -In the EMDD TSA Plan clarify determine and articulate clear standards and objective limits of acceptable change and consider equestrians and people as the same management category with equal rights and responsibilities. Thank you for your interest and I encourage you to adopt the above recommendations. website-comment: a Page 1 of 1 EM-DD-TSA - Fwd: Eldo TSA Comment Prom: Lisa Nieman To: EM-DD-TSA Date: 10/2/2006 8:08 AM Subject: Fwd: Eldo 75A Comment »> <khibbard@earthlink.net> 9/29/2006 828 PM »> name: Kathie Hibbard email_from: khibbard@earthlink.net phone:303-579-4974 comment: As a supporter of Boulder County Horse Association and of equine access to trails and open space I am in support of the following: -Redesign and Expand the Doudy Draw Trailhead. At a minimum redesign the trailhead parking area to accommodate pull-through trailer parking. Ideally initiate a total redesign that would include restrooms potable water horse trailer parking and other amenides. -Throughout the trail system build new trails first then if necessary close social traiis. -Maintain equestrian access to the Eldorado Mountain HCA-Doudy Draw Naturel Area. Please give the off-trail permit process a chance and give more desi9nated traiis the opportunity to relieve pressure on existing wcial trails. -Include equestrians in the revised EMDD TSA Plan pool of visitors who can go off-trail unless direct and unsustainable equestrian impacts are proven. -In the EMDD TSA Plan darify determine and articulate clear standards and objective limits of acceptable change and mnsider equestrians and people as the same management category with equal rights and responsibilities. Thank you for your interest and I encourage you to adopt the above recommendations. website-comment: : Page 1 of 1 EM-DD-TSA - Fwd: Eldo TSA Comment From: Lisa Nieman To: EM-DD-TSA Date: 10/2/2006 8:07 AM Subject: Fwd: Eldo TSA Comment »> <ksmithhe@ucar.edu> 9/29/2006 528 PM »> name: Karen Herman email_from: ksmithhe@ucar.edu phone: comment: As a supporter of Boulder County Horse Association and of equine access to trails and open space I am in support of the following: -Redesign and Expand the Doudy Draw Trailhead. At a minimum redesign the trailhead parking area to accommodate pull-through trailer parking. Ideally initiate a total redesign that would include restrooms potable water horse trailer parking and other amenities. -Throughout the trail system build new trails first then if necessary close social trails. -Maintain equestrian aaess to the Eldorado Mountain HCA-Doudy Draw Natural Area. Please give the off-trail permit process a chan~ and give more designated trails the opportunity to relieve pressure on exisHng social trails. -Include equestrians in the revised EMDD TSA Plan pool of visitors who can go off-trail unless direct and unsustainable equestrian impacts are proven. -In the EMDD TSA Plan clarify determine and articulate clear standards and objective limits of acceptable change and mnsider equestrians and peop~e as the same management category with equal rights and responsibilities. Thank you for your interest and I encourage you to adopt the above recommendations. website-mmment: Page 1 of 1 EM-DD-TSA - Fwd: Eldo TSA comment From: Lisa Nieman To: EM-DD-TSA Date: 9/29/2006 4:32 PM Subject: Fwd: Eldo TSA comment »> <poneill@hughes.net> 9/29/2006 4:18 PM »> name: Patricia ONeiil email_from: poheill@hughes.net phone:303-449-7893 comment: I am a supporter of (BCHA)the Boulder County Horse Association. I also support equine access to trails and open space. Please consider the following: -Redesign and Eupand the Doudy Draw Trailhead. At a minimum redesign the trailhead parking area to accommodate pull-through trailer parking. Ideally initiate a total redesign that would include restrooms potable water horse trailer parking and other amenities. -Throughout the trail system build new trails first then if necessary close social trails. -Maintain equestrian access to the Eldorado Mountain HCA-Doudy Draw Natural Area. Please give the off-hail permit process a chance and give more designated trails the opportunity to relieve pressure on existing social trails. -Include equestrians in the revised EMDD TSA Plan pool of visitors who can go off-trail unless direct and unsustainable equestrian impacts are proven. ' -In the EMDD TSA Plan clarify determine and articulate clear standards and objective limits of acceptable change and mnsider equestrians and people as the same management category with equal rights and responsibilities. Thank you for your time. I hope that you will consider adoption of the above recommendations. Regards Patricia O'Neill website-comment: w Page 1 of 1 EM-DD-TSA - Fwd: Eldo TSA oomment Prom: Lisa Nieman To: EM-DD-TSA Date: 9/29/2006 4:08 PM . Subject: Fwd: Eldo TSA comment »> <Inichols@jacknichols.com> 9/29/2006 3:55 PM »> name: Laura Nichols email_from: Inichols@jacknichols.com phone: comment: As a supporter of Boulder County Horse Association and of equine access to trails and open space I am in support of the following: -Redesign and Expand the Doudy Draw Trailhead. At a minimum redesign the trailhead parking area to accommodate pull-through trailer parking. Ideally initiate a total redesign Yhat would include restrooms potable water horse trailer parking and other amenities. -Throughout the trail system build new trails first then if necessary close saial trails. -Maintain equestrian access to the Eldorado Mountain HCA-Doudy Drew Natural Area. Please give the off-trail permit process a chance and give more designated trails the opportunity to relieve pressure on existlng social trails. -Include equestrians in the revised EMDD TSA Plan pool of visitors who can go off-trail unless direct and unsustainable equestrian impacts are proven. -In the EMDD TSA Plan clarify determine and articulate clear standards and objective limits of acceptable change and consider equestrians and people as the same management category with equai rights and responsibitities. Thank you for your interest and I encourage you to adopt the above recommendations. website-mmment: <. Page 1 of 1 EM-DD-TSA - Fwd: Eldo TSA Comment From: Lisa Nieman To: EM-DD-TSA Date: 9/25/2006 8:45 AM Subject: Fwd: Eldo TSA Comment »> <Cathy.Comstock@colorado.edo> 9/24J2006 8:15 PM »> name: Cathy Comstock email_from: Cathy.Comstock@colorado.edo phone: comment: Thank you so much for all the care and detail that has gone into the Eldorado Mountain - Doudy Draw Trail Study. Balancing access with the need to conserve the natural habitat and its creatures that are so beloved by visitors is a tremendously challenging task and the thoughtful work here shows great understanding of that. I'm writing to ask that you please mnstruct no new trails in the Habitat Conservation Areas. There are very few remaining areas in which wildlife such as mountain lions black bears wild turkeys and goshawks can live out their lives in relative peace. Ironicaily as the interest and the numbers of people interested in the experience of wildemess grow the need to protect critical habitat areas grows as well. I speak of myself as well as others when saying that it's crucial that our deep love for nature not lead us to love it to death along with the creatures whose well-being depends so directly on these areas. In the long run it serves all interests best to be as protective as possible of these sensitive areas that hold the heartbeat of the the dwindling wildness that we are so deeply drawn to. I recently read the Audubon Society's response to the Eldorado - Dowdy Draw study and I also wanted to say that I agree with their conclusions throughout. I am especially concerned however about the prospect of new trails constructed in Habitat Conservation Areas and wrote in particular for that reason. Thanks so much for your time and mnsideration and especially for all you do - iCs such a gift to everyone. website-comment: Page 1 of 1 Joe 1VIantione - comments on Eldo-Doudy TSA Plan From: <reynolds331@comcast.nev To: <mantionej@bouldercolorado.gov> Date: 9/30/2006 2:18 PM Subject: comments on Eldo-Doudy TSA Plan Dear Boazd Member I am sending comments on the Fina1 Draft report of the Eldorado Mountain-Doudy Draw Trail Study Area The Final Plan contains some excellent provisions that reflect the very sound Inventory Report. But the Plan also contains a number of recommendations that would generate irreparable damage to a highly sensitive and untouched habitat in the TSA. In my comments, I show that the provision to focus and fixnnel people, bikes, dogs, and horses through pris6ne grassland (Trail 13) and then through the Spring Brook area makes no sense. The Plan would also set poorly conceived precedents for futute study azeas. I am especially concerned that poli6cs aze driving some of the DepartmenYs plans for this TSA. If carried out, the plan would establish the Eldorado-Doudy Draw Sacri~ice Area by creating a Mountain Bike Pazk in the middle of one of the most remote and untouched parts of the entire Open Space system. I fear that local political pressures may trump the enormous body of lrnowledge and informafion about sound ecological practices in land and resource management of our Open Space. Such information is available within the Department and from local experfs. In my work and research in the federal government, I am personally awaze of how political clout is misapplied to limit (ar even erush) knowledge, experience, and sound practice in the areas of land and resource management and other areas of environmental science. I trust that the Boazd will stand above this kind of pressure and make decisions that will ensure ecologically vibrant open spaces for future generations to appreciate and enjoy. In the spirit of constructive crificism, I submit these detailed comments, with deep hopes that you will read and carefully consider my informed views. For each topic, I suggest reasonable and fiscally sound solutions. My strongly worded disapproval about some aspects of the Plan has not come easily. I am a devoted supporter and volunteer for City Open Space and have served the DepaRment in many capacities, most recently as a member of VPAC II. My other qualifications to address technical issues are summarized at the end ofmy comments. Thank you very much Richard Reynolds September 29, 2006 Eldorado Mountain/Doudy Draw Trail Study Area Comments by Richazd Reynolds, 4331 Eldorado Springs Drive, Boulder CO 80303 The Draft Plan makes an attempt to "balance" competing interests, but it falls faz short in its protections of the unique natural resources of this spectacular Area. The Draft Plan is badly disconnected from the excellent Inventory Report. Why? This area, above all others, should be managed to preserve its wildness. "There aze many excellent decisions in the Plan; absence of trails in Bull Gulch is one example. Unfortunately, this plan is also packed with provisions to promote access to bikes, dogs, and horses into the most sensirive, most vulnerable, and most critical animal and plant habitats on all of our Open Space without adequate consideration for inevitable deleterious impacts. In the spirit of constructive criticism, and with deep respect for the Department and Board, I offer the following assessments of the poor decisions, with recommended solurions. As a summary, the Plan would be greatly improved by making all of the following changes: • No trail 13 connecting Doady Draw and Fowler Trail. It is unsustainable, unsuitable, and unacceptable. • No trails in Spring Brook area • No mountain bikes west of Doudy Draw; or limit to Fowler Trail • Change status of Doudy Draw-Spring Brook sub-area to Habitat Conservation Area, as originally designated by Staff • No dogs west of Doudy Draw (Doudy Draw/Spring Brook sub-area), except on the Fowler Trail • Dogs on-leash always on Doudy Draw Trail • No horses in the HCA • Horses on trails only in the Doudy Draw Natural Area and no horses in Doudy Draw/Spring Brook sub-azea (which should be HCA) • Development of detailed, specific plans and strategies for monitoring effects of trail building and usages along with the establishment of criteria for evaluating impacts and for closures if well-defined, unacceptable impacts aze found. All such plans should be cleazly written and evaluated by public process before accepring any TSA Plan. I will address problems under several different categories: • Trails-suitability and sustainability • Trail uses - mountain biking • Trail uses -- Dogs • Trail uses -- Horses Trails-suitability and sustainability Issues: The issues of trail suitability and sustainability link the following elements: • Trail locarion and design (physical and ecologic impacts) • Trail uses (physical and ecologic impacts) • Costs of trail building • Costs of trail maintenance • Monitoring for success or adverse effects; costs of monitoring Trail locarion and design These factors must account for (1) ecological attributes and risks (how will the trail affect wildlife and plant communities, and what aze the risks of introducing non-native plant species such as noxious weeds?) and (2) physical attributes, such as substrates (what is the trail built on?) and topography (slope, for example) (1) Plant & Wildlife Habitats. Conshvcted trails promote invasion by invasive plants, including noxious weeds. Trail 13 would traverse an extraordinary area of native grassland and would forge a predictable pathway for invasion by non-native weeds and grasses. Trail 13 should not be constructed on this basis alone. The azea bisected by Trail 13, extending into Spring Brook meadow, is one of one of the most pristine in terms of native vegetation and the most important wildlife habitats in the TSA. Deer aze numerous and are remazkably shy, perhaps because they are hunted by lions here; they aze disturbed at distances of about 100-300 meters. An unfortunate example of recent plant invasion is found in the TSA along the new trail from the Flatirons Overlook trailhead on Highway 93 to Greenbelt Plateau and Mazshall Mesa. Numerous weeds quickly infested the mazgins of that trail, including a high density of knapweed. (Please see attached photogaph taken Oct. 2005.) Tlus disastrous condirion will be repeated along Trail 13, unless you act to prevent it What assurances can OSMP give that such invasion will not be repeated over and over and over again as more trails aze built in this TSA? Is it acceptable to OSMP to build trails with the certainty that such trails will inevitably be pathways to invasion of knapweed and other noxious weeds? The lack of serious attention to this problem in the Draft Plan indicates the need for much greater engagement in the Plan by Staff experts in ecology and, in particular, in the field of invasive plants. (2) Neazly all of Trail 13 is planned for Pierre Sha1e substrate, much of it on moderately steep side slopes. This situation can be read cleazly on the geologic map of the Eldorado Springs Quadrangle (Wells, J.D, 1967, U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 1221-D). No new trails should be constructed on Pierre Shale that underlies lazge parts of the TSA. The Pierre Shale contains expandable clays and tums to thick goo when wet. Such conditions lead to inevitable damage under high density of tire tracks and horse hooves. The Community Ditch trail in the TSA is mostly on Pierre Shale and, when wet, is impassible for bikes (I tried that once) and nearly so on foot. Moreover, there are many problems associated with surfacing a shale h-ail with imported materials: (1) high costs and (2) possibilities for bringing in seeds of invasive plants with the material. We aze still paying dearly for the knapweed introduced in remediation materials at the rock quany. Trail Uses Bike tires and horse hooves cause deep cuts into surfaces, especially when wet. Tires and hooves are highly erosive agents, having much higher density (mass/unit area) than the human footprint. We can expect high levels of erosion on a shale trail when it is traversed by bikes and horses. There aze stunning examples of this condition on trails in the TSA. Costs of trail building All projected, itemized costs should be transpazent to the public for review and comment. Costs of trail maintenance and monitoring: All projected, itemized costs should be transparent to the public for review at~d comment to evaluate whether a reasonable and feasible plan is adopted that matches OSMP language in the Draft Plan. Solutions: • New Trails - recommended guidelines It is lrnown through unassailable science and sound observation that dishubed land promotes invasion. Much ongoing invasion on Open-space land is along our trails. To control spread and impacts of invasive plants: 1. Minimize new trails through areas that harbor staads of native species and that would be at risk to invasion. Do not build trail 13. 2. Do not construct trails on unsuitable substrates, such as shale on side slopes. Do not build trai113. 3. Build new trails ONLY after specific plans are adopted for each new trail to eliminate any possibility of plant invasion. Provide funding for success. Do not count on volunteers, such as myself, to bail out OSMP. There would be too much to handle. Trails-mountain biking Problems: Mountain biking is a marvelous activity, but narive grasslands and critical wildlife habitat should not be sacrificed in the TSA to accommodate the demands from this community that blatantly ignore ecological values. Biking is not acceptable west of Doudy Draw (to Fowler trail) for several reasons. First, the intrusion of bikes on proposed trail 13 through extraordinary wildlife habitat runs counter to acceptable principles and practices of land management. Second, the substrates for the connection (trail 13) aze unsuitable for any kind of trail (see above). Third, biking access into this azea would inevitably lead to deeper, out-of compliance incursions onto other trails in the azea. Even today, there is a high level of prohibited biking on the Fowler trail, on the social trail in Spring Brook meadow, and even on the proposed Goshawk trail (proposed #25), as well as the Doudy Draw trail. We can expect more of the same if bikes aze given access into the Nahual Area. Enforcement is already inadequate and would be impossible with more trails. Education and signing have not worked in the past and thus will not in the fuhue. Biking may be acceptable on Flatirons Vista (trail7). Fourth, if a mountain-bike loop is built (trails 13, 14, Water Boazd Road), the Natural Area (should be HCA) will become a de facto Mountain Bike Park. As such, this incompazable azea will draw bikers from the Metropolitan Region. Other users will be run off, as happened at Betasso. Please do not sacrifice the Doudy Draw-Spring Brook azea for a Mountain Bike Park. Solutioru~.• If bike access "musY' be granted on the basis of politics (and I strongly question the soundness of this option), there is a much better route than the one proposed. A connection from upper poudy Draw could run southward and connect with Fowler trail. This would provide bike access to the State Pazk, while offering essential protection to the unique native grasslands along proposed trails 13 and 14 and the extraordinary habitat in Spring Brook. This trail connection should be relatively easy to construct. Simply recreate the trail that goes westwazd into Doudy Draw from Flatirons Vista. This connection trail would go westwazd and generally southward from Doudy Draw to the top of the terrace and then to the Water Boazd Road. Problem solved. Other altematives include: Provide a bike path along Eldorado Springs Drive from the Doudy Draw trail head to the Walker Ranch trail head in Eldorado Canyon. In this way, bikes would have access to Walker Ranch and Rattlesnake Gulch from trail heads east of Highway 93 (via Community Ditch). This is most fiscally and ecologically sound altemative. Trail Uses - Dogs Problems: Dogs displace and stress wildlife in the TSA, and I've also observed dogs chasing cattle in Doudy Draw. Over many yeazs, Pve observed dogs rmuiing free, many harassing birds and deer in Doudy Draw and in the no-dogs azea west of the Draw, including occasionally in the Spring Brook area. Opening the Doudy Draw/Spring Brook sub-azea to dogs would be a huge mistake. I would expect an on-leash compliance rate of about 40-60%, based on observations at the on-leash Towhee Trail nearby. Staff concur with this expectation. Dog invasion of this area is completely unacceptable. (Please note that I am a dog walker on Open Space). The area west of Doudy Draw is a key deer habitat and, as such, a supetb grocery store for mountain lion. (I have found one lion kill in this area within the past 10 yeazs and, about 15 yrs ago, ran into a friend who also was an Open Space Ranger immediately after he observed a lion chasing deer in this part of the Natural Area.) The current Draft contains a decision that, I'm very sorry to say, defies sound reason. Trail 14 would now closed to dogs (which by itself is good) but this would thereby funnel all dogs in tkris azea into the most sensitive region-habitats in the grassland along Trail 13 and Spring Brook. This would increase the problem for the most fragile part of the TSA. If dogs "musY' go west of Doudy Draw, and I firmly believe that this is both unnecessary and ecologically unsound, then please funnel them (on-leash) up Trail 14, not 13. Introduction of dogs into the heart of this habitat would destroy its value and funcrion. Solutions.• No dogs west of Doudy Draw (Doudy Draw/Spring Brook sub-azea), except on the Fowler Trail, as currenfly allowed. Dogs ALWAYS on-leash on Doudy Draw Trail. Similaz riparian zones have such restrictions. Why not Doudy Draw? Trail Uses - Horses. Problems: Horse travel is responsible for many of the social trails in the TSA and for neazly a11 of the deep erosion on steep sections of social trails west of Doudy Draw (personal observarions over the past 15 yeazs). Allowing off-trail trauel in the Doudy Draw Natural Area will only add to the problem of social trails and resultant erosion. Much horse use in the TSA has been by out-of-county horsemen's associarions that commonly come in groups of 8-12 horses and that can create trails in just one day, especially when the ground is wet. Solutions.• No horses in the HCA Horses on trails only in the Doudy Draw Natural Area and no horses in Doudy Draw/Spring Brook sub-azea (which should be HCA). Evaluation of impacts Problem: The Draft Plan completely lacks detailed, specific strategies for monitoring effects of trail building and usages along with the establishxnent of criteria for evaluating impacts. The plan is filled with good words about "enhancing resource protection" and "sustainability" but these feel- good phrases seem contradicted by the specific plans for development. The promises ring hollow. To paraphrase the combined trail-building and monitoring Plan: "We will do damage, and then we will observe the damage we have done." Is tlus the way to manage the Area? We have the lmowledge from scientific literattue and within our own Resource Conservation Staff to inform the appropriate land-management decisions. But we (you) must have the resolve to apply this knowledge. Why isn't this reflected in the P1an7 Will polirics trump sound practices? Solutions: To be complete and acceptable, the Draft Plan should provide detailed strategies for monitoring (how and by whom) and list specific criteria for success and failure. The plan should contain provisions for closures if well-defined, unacceptable impacts aze found All such plans should be clearly written and evaluated by public process before accepting any TSA Trail-building Plan. To repeat my first concern, the Draft Plan is badly disconnected from the excellent Inventory Report. Why? To address one of these reasons for this disconnect, I hope that you act to bring sound ecological input to the planning process. This input is auailable, as you know, within the Department and from local ecologists and biologists. In summary, PLEASE don't allow political pressure to dictate bad decisions and to control the currently inadequate Draft Plan. Please don't let tlus happen under your watch. The protections or damage that you enable will last for generations. The precedents that you establish will set the tenor and tone of decisions faz into the future. We aze at a crossroads. Please choose the path that will ensure the long-term viability and sustainability of our open spaces for current AND future generarions to enjoy and appreciate. Thank you very much for your considerarion of these comments. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lest I be labeled as one tlung or another, please consider: I am primarily a recreational user of open space-runner, hiker, scrambler. I have a dog and enjoy taking her on open space. I am an Open Space volunteer and have spent at least 200 hours since 1997 pulling weeds from the mine azea and along trails in the TSA. I have worked on behalf of each referendum for City and County Open-Space tax issues since becoming a resident of Boulder in 1968. As a founder and Officer of People for Eldorado Mountain (PEM; 1985-2005), I helped lead the effort to preserve Eldorado Mountain for fucure generations. I served on several Department committees for access and management at the request of the Open Space Director in the 1990s. I was encouraged to apply for the VPAC II Committee. I did and was appointed. I gave unselfishly and impartially to that effort, only to see it subverted by self-appointed lobbyists. I am qualified to make technical comments. As a senior reseazch scientist with a federal agency, I lead a project that investigates, as one of its components, the effects of human activity on the ecological and physical health of semi-arid and arid lands including conditions that foster the spread of cheatgrass. I conduct original reseazch, have published many articles in peer-reviewed international journals on the topiq and spoken at many scientific conferences on these matters. In this capacity, I also advise federal land mauagement agencies on recognizing pathways of invasion and min;m;z~g damage &om human disturbance that promotes both erosion and the spread of invasive plant species. I have intimate laiowledge of the Area having run and hiked more than 30001an in it over the past 25 years. Comments on the Impacts to Plant Communities of Doudy Draw Trail Plan Segments 13 and 14. Although the process of evaluating trail development in the Doudy Draw is, I realize, well- advanced, I just recently was alerted to the some of the details and looked at the placement of two planned segments, (13 and 14) that connect Doudy Draw to the Denver Water Board road and form a loop to be used as a bicycle track. The following would much more effectively be accomplished in the field, but in any case we need first to put ourselves onto the s8me page in understanding the ecological nature of the existing plant communities . The area in question lies in the zone immediately downslope (east) of the mountain front, of course, and included here are a variety of geologic forms. This area has experienced through the past few million years, some very large episodes of outflow from the higher elevation terrain immediately west. In some cases there have been major depositional events that left plains of often very coarse debris on broad floodplains. These periods were then followed by periods of downcutting, and most of the original debris and the surfaces they created were eroded away. But not all. The flat-topped "mesas" of our area are largely "pediments" preserving (for now) small portions of those very old depositional surfaces. On these surfaces, the soils and vegetation have mostly remained undisturbed by major geologic action for periods of time far exceeding most of the rest of the landscape. Some of these surfaces are as old as 2 million years (Rocky Flats Alluvium). In the area of interest here, the uppermost surfaces are of Verdos age and may have been intact for upwards of 1.5 million years. During the passage of these 1000+ millenia, the large climate changes have facilitated the alternating presence of differing assemblages of vegetation. And, although the evidence of the presence of these various vegetation assemblages has been "wiped clean" by erosion over most of the landscape, no such erasing has occurred on these remnant old surfaces. As such, although these places do not harbor species unknown other places in the western U.S., they do support plant communities in which primary components are unique combinations of species from the moist prairies of the central U.S. and from mountain environments to the west*. And, these ecosystems also possess a level of "ecological integration" that sets them apart from most other grasslands of the region. By this, we are referring to an ability to resist the invasion of opportunistic plants, be these opportunistic natives or non-native ("invasive") plants. For example, whereas the bulk of native grasslands of our region are beset with the abundant presence of annual bromes (cheatgrass and Japanese brome) during a year preceded by a wet late summer/fall (such as 2006), these very strong old communities in their intact form, are nearly or even completely devoid of annual bromes. This stability provides evidence that these are among the very few exampies of plant communities with the highest levei of "ecological integration." The nature of this internal strength has not been explored,.....yet. It is not known, for example, 'rf this sVength is a reflection of the very extended duration of time that these ecosystems have been allowed (by chance so far) to remain intact. There are, as you might expect, many nuances to the occurrence and importance of these grasslands that cannot reason~ably be included in this short communication. But, I wouid welcome the opportunity to accompany any of you in the field to explain these with the communities in front of us. As chance would have it, Boulder OSMP includes the bulk of examples of these grasslands; further north and south, circumstances are/have been less favorable and they have been mined, developed or otherwise prevented from surviving to the present. It is my strong belief that the preservation of these very few examples of these admittedly somewhat mysterious stable ewsystems for the study and appreciation of future generaUons is warranted and, really, ethically necessary. In other words, Boulder OSMP should consciously choose (by management decisions such as those confronting you now) to extend the protection these areas have experienced by chance for so many 100's of thousands of years. So, in terms of the proposal at hand for new trails between Doudy Draw and the DWB Road, segments 13 and 14 are largely situated on the upper slopes and ridges / mesa tops and intersect large areas of the above-described kinds of grasslands. These upper slopes are the locations where the coarse old pediment alluvia dominate the surface. It is this substrate that supports these very oid grasslands. The OSMP general vegetation map attached to this package shows a unit labeled "bluestem grassland" which includes these in part but is not quite showing the large extent of the real occurrence of the grasslands in question. Please consider alternatives for the bike track that would occupy portions of OSMP where the landscapes are younger, more disturbed, certainly of iess potential future scient~c importance and I would suggest could be every bit as exciting to the off-road machine users. *Note - That in a zone of ecological transition there should be found species from both adjacent zones is not a new concept -it is known as an "ecotone." But the situation in the subject grasslands is that. the major species from the grasslands (east) direction are from two zones over (to the east -lowa, E. Nebraska, etc), not the adjacent shortgrass prai~ie. Likewise the mountain species are largely not those typically straying into the ecotones between forest and prairie. David L. Buckner, Plant Ecologist 1077 So. Cherryvale Road, Boulder, CO 80303 10/9/06