12.04.2002 LPAB MinutesCity of Boulder Landmarks Preservation Advisory Board ~A~A~,IMinutes ~City Council Chambers Municipal Bailding 1777 Broadway, Second Floor Wednesday, December 4, 2002 6:00 p.m. Board Membets Pxesent Leslie lluxp,in- vice chaix, Lisa ~ggex, Leland ltuclcex, Rory Salance- Chaix, Staff Members Present Jexry Goxdon- City Attoxney, Neil Holthouser- T'lannex, Sarah Myexs- Landmaxks Boaxd Secxetaiy, Matt Russell- Pxeservation Intexn, Deon WolfenUaxgex- Presexvation Plannex. Mr. Salance called the meeting to ordec at 6:04 p.m. The Uoaxd made an acclamation to change the ordex of items in oxder to heax item 5£ixst due to the large number of citizens present. 5. Public hearing and considexation of a request to designate a poxtion of the University Hill area, roughly from Grant Place to 16th, and from Univetsity Avenue to Mariposa, as shown in the map below, as a historic district undex the City of Boulder Historic Preservation Code. Applicant: Histoxic Boulder, Inc. Applicant Presentation Paul Sa~~xito, 2765 7`" St., speaking on behalf of Histoxic Boulde~, said that although his organization thixiks the axea is certainly a historic one, they realize the application has caused proUlems. Thetefoxe, they do not want the designation application pxocess to pioceed xight now. They would like to clarify things for xesidents aud owners in the area about what it means to be a historic district. He xead 2 lettex of withdxawal into the xecord and submitted a copy. Ms. Dnrein- made a motion to accept the withdrawal Ms. Leeex- seconded the motion. Vote 'The Uoaxd voted unanvnously (4-0) to suppoxt the motion. Mr. Salance assuxed the citizens that thexe would be meetings in the neai futuxe to better explun what the histoxic distxict means and what its e£fects would be. A tentative date is Januaty 25. Theie was a Uxief discussion of how best to contact those pexsons intexested in such a meeting. 1. Citizen Pacticipation fox items not on the agenda. Mary Street 790 Lincoln Pl. - is conceined about the process of iniuating the district. She wants the neighbors to vote. Sha feels there is too much of a mix of homes to m11ce it a district. She is also concexned about the extra cost of staff time when the City's money is so limited. The City should allow expansion on these Uni Hill pxopexues in a town that is ns expcnsive as Bouldex. Alex We2vex, 976 10`h St- feels it is inappropxiate to make the area a district. It will be hardex to impxove tlungs fox propexty ownexs and she wants it to Ue easy to do so. She has becn a suppoxtcx of histoxic pxotection, but she thinks this district will be a hindxance rather than a help to people who would like to unpxove their homes. Dx. Axnold Lichtncx. 965 10`h St.- says he is constrained with space. Property values nxe very high in thc Uni Hill area and you need to be able to expand yout home. He feels that bad ~lteraUons are not happening now. He would suggest that thexe be incentives fox being in a distxict in oxdet to make it a moxe attractive proposition. Lisa I{ehava, 873 Lincoln, said that managing time is a life challenge and it is very haxd to go about getting estimates fox woxk on one's home, and hhen getting it completed. She is not happy with having to go through a ciry review and she has heard regulates many very small detaIls. It will be an addiYional buxden when there axe alxeady otdinances to conttol buildings. Mx. Ruckex asked where this speakex got her infoxmation ou what ltind of changes to a property would Ue xegulated Uy the city. She said she got a lettex fxom a lawfixm, Faegxe and Benson, that contained mfoxmation about the ciry's xeview pxocess. Mx. Salance asked staff if thexe was any infoxmation aUout who was distributing this lettex to the neighborhood. Ms. Wolfenbax~ex said that it appeaxed that a Mx. )ames Cargill was who hixed the lawfixm to send out the letters. He is a property owner in the proposed district, but he lives in Wisconsin. The pxopextics hc owns axe not licensed as xentals. PhIl Loneen, 980 10`~' St- said it's already hard to get landlords to improve their properties. This will deter them moxe. Thexe are some eyesoxes now and he woxxies it will only get woxse with the diatsict in place. Otto Vexdonex 854 15`~' St.- tltanks thc boaxd fox its woxk. He is not in favox of a district Uecause legislating a person's style pxefexences is not appxopriate. He thinks that many things in the Mapletou Hill axea look like jokcs with huge additions on the backs of small histoxic homes. The Hill should continue to do new and better things without the xestriction of an histoxic distxict, Tom Moonev, 905 Lincoln Place- agxees it is impottant to makc The Hill's housing accessible fox families that are growing. It is unLCasonable to mandate a building's design fox histoxic xeasons. He had a tough time when he remodeled his home and this will just make it worse. 2 Rishi Rai. 852 14`h St, is concexned with the contcntiousness of tl~is issuc. He wants to know who is so against the proposal becausc he doesn't get the impxession that cvexyone is against it. People want to know moxe aUout what it means to be in a distsict and holding public meetings is a good idea. Tun Plass. 655 Ma~vell, thinks historic distsicts axe positive foi the community. Many of his neighUoxs in Mapleton I-Iill District hlve done addiuons and they've tuined out well. Hc asks that xesidents keep an open mind. Although theie will be moxe xcgulations, you'll be able to maintain the nice qualities of the district. David Baxdett. 954 I.incoln Place- aslcs that the board and HistoTic Bouldex continue with the pxocess of involving the community. He feels he is lucky to have histoxic districts in Bouldex. He supports the Uni Hill district. Vasi Fiflis, 1602 ColumUine Ave- propexty vnlues axe so high that it poses a pxoblem fox ptopetty ownets when thcy ate foxced to adhete to guidelines detexmined fox an histoxic district. It is a litde too late and too much to aslc that anothex layex of xeguladon be imposed. Chxistina Fiflis Eason. 1636 Columbine Ave- would like to tebut those in favox of the district. She feels this hasn't been a fa~ ptocess. Hex histoxic home has been preseived thxough the piocess in place now so additional tegulations aie not necessaxy. NeighUots axe sensitive when doing ie- designs, etc. Mxs. Ra' 863 14`h St- said that the eleven people who signed from the ncighboxhood association to suppoxt this pxoposal axe not xesponsible fox "initiating" it. They simply attended a meeting at the West Seniar Center sponsored Uy the city planning department and, at that time, signed their names in suppoxt of it. Some of the complaints made tonight would be moxe appiopiiate to bxing up at the xegulax planning Uoaxd meeting since they relate to the genexal building pexmit pxocess. A histoxic district designation might actually make it easier to go through building permitting. Susan Balint, 760 9th St.- pointed out that the notificntion pxocess far this issue was xeally lacking. You need to have notification in the newspaper the Sunday immediately before a mecting of the Landmaxks Boaxd besides the xegularly published one ten days befoxc. She also said that adding anothex layex of xeview to the alxeady complicated building pexmit process would be very pxohibitive to many busy peoplc. The citizen participation portion of the meeting was closed. Ms. D~ein- is stnxck by the numbet of comments heaxd tonight. She thinks thexe needs to be a lot of time spent on educating tesidents in the area about what historic distxicts xeally mean. Histoxic Boulder necds to look at the boundaxies carefully. Mx. Ruckex- agxees completely. He asks that everyone who is involved tries to cleaxly undexstand the issue on both sides. Mx. Salance- told the citizens present that he is indeed listening closely to their concexns and that he will support any meetings that ace held in thc futuLe. He wants to look cnxefully at the divexsity in the neighboxhood. 2. Report on Demolition Permits Issued and Pending. 3. Approval of the minutes of the August 21, 2002 and November G, 2002 meetings. The minutes were appxoved as submitted. 4. Considexation of a cecommendation to City Council concerning a request for individual landmark status for the sttuctuce and its site at G02 Maxwell Avenue. Owners: Sally and David Raccuglia Ms. Myets swoxa in those people wishing to spcak to this item. Mx. Salance asked boaxd membexs Yo Yeaeal any ex-paxte contacts they may haoc had Yelated fo this item. All memUexs said they saw this item at a previous boatd mceting. In addition, Mx. Salance, Ms. Fggex. and Mx. Ruckex saw the item at the design xeview committee. Staff Presentation Ms. Wol£enUaxgex gave an overview of the staff inemo. The applicant was not pxesent to do a pxesentation. Public Hearing No one spoke at the public hearing. Boaed Motion Ms. ~esex made a motion to xecommend to City CouncIl individual landmark status for the structure and its site at 602 Maxwell Avenue. Mx. Ruckex seconded the motion. Vote The boaxd voted unanimously 4-0 to suppoxt the mouon. 6. Publ'rc hearing and consideration of a xequest to grant a Landrnark Alteration Certificate foc constnxction of a new single-family residence and a new detached, two-car gatage for the property at 520 Spruce Stceet, within the Mapleton Hill Historic Distxict. This item was conunued from the November 6, 2002 meeting. Ownec: Steve Rice Ms. Mvets swote in those people wishing to speak to this item. Mr. Salance asked board membexs to revell any ex-paxte contacts they may have had xelated to this item. Thexe wexe no contacts to xeveal. Staff Presentation Mx. Holthouser gave an oven*iew of the staff inemoxandum. Applicant Pxesentation Steve Rice, 520 Spxuce owner, passed out a paclfet outlining the ways in which he and his architect attempted to xespond to the board's difection fxom the last meeting. 13iian Fuentes, 812 20°i St. #9, axchitect - showed how his plans have attempted to comply with what was aslced Uy thc Uoaxd last month. He said he also seduced thc footprint and FAR so that it isn't the largest house on the block. Public Hearing Phil Robextson, 550 Spruce, complimented the designer and said he would be happy to have the structuxe next to him as a neighbox. Board Motion and Discussion Mx. Ruckex- it took a longex time than we thought, and hc appreciates all the wark of thc applicants. The final plans ~xe grcat. He'll suppoxt it at this point. Ms. Durein has similar dioughts. She supparts die project. Mx. Salance and Ms. Eggcx agxee. Mx. Ruckex- made 1 motion to gxant a Landmaxk Altexntion Cextificate fox construction of a new suigle-family residence and a new det2ched, tevo-cax gaxage for the pxopexty at 520 Spruce Street, adopting the staff inemoxandum as fmdings of the Boaxd and subject to the following conditions: 1. Tbe applicant shall submit final plans, including siee plan, roof plan, grading plan, and all building elevations, including gaxage clevations, to the Landmaxks design teview committee. 1"he site plan shnll call-out all matuxe vegetation. Building elevations shall Ue dtawn at one-quaxtex-inch-scale, and shall call out all dimensions, detaIls, matexials, coloxs, and window and door scheclules. 2. The Landmarlis design rcview committee shall review final plans, inchiding window sizc, type and axxangement, trim details, coloxs, matexials, garage placement, dxiveway plan, reeainr a walls, and landscaping, £ox compliance with the Histoxic Pxesen~ation Oxdinance and the Mapleton Hill Design Guidclines. Ms. DurQin- seconded the motion Vote The boaxd voted unanirnously (4-0) to suppoxt the motion 7. Mattars from the City Attorney Thexe was nothing. S. Matters from the Planning Depactment - Stay of demolition for 428 Pleasant Street - General Design Guidelines The boaid talked about the usc of guidelines in the Uni Hill potential histoiic axea. Boaxd membcxs wanted to be sure that residents in this axea xealize that they would be included in the design of guidelines, should thcy be necessnry. - Update on the Chautauqua Cultural Landscape Assessment Project Mn Holthousex explained the xecent developments of this project. - Update Memo Susan Balint. 760 9"' St. came up and commented that thexe are some needs fox addirional parking at Chautauqua. The consultants have xesponded. The Uoaxd had a discussion aUout paxking spaces at Chautauqua. 9. Matters from the Board The boaxd talked about including the Fixst Methodist Church in the Downtown I-Iistoxic Disteict at it's xequest. They decided that they would wait until an official xequest came to them and perhaps include that with an adjustment far the CAGID lot. 10. Old and New Business 11. Adjournment The meeting adjourned at 8:30 pm.