3 - Landmark Altertaion Certificate 621 Pine StreetLandmark Alteratio~ Certificate Granted to Ttn~ t+ai~.rc~ For the property at ~o,Z~ P~K~. This ~ ~f~ day of _ ~~4v~-r , 2002 The following alterations have been approved: ~I~IS~'!'sl.L. A'~Tt- t.vNAt'17ot~tlJ~ C.~l1i~6~1SoVC, vr~~Y /~T R~- dE' ~tA~ih~ ~o r~ic.~b,~~lq ~`.~.ESSat~ g~~~.e~-~, , Prs s*4-w~.1 Signed By: ~~ ' Landmarks Preservation Advisory Board Me~nber h1~i4 ' Landmarks Preservation Advisory Board Member t ~1 . ~ _ . i if Historic Preservation Planner Q,~4~ ~~ s-~-~ P~J $.i~. aZ Expires 180 days from date slwwn. Issuayace of this certificate does not exenapt the applicant front cmnplying with all Ciry codes, induding land use and building codes. LANDMJ ARK ALTERATION CERTIFICATE APPLICATION Date Submitted: Oda ~~ ( ~ ~ S ~i _q / ~ 0~ Property Address: _~~ P' "~ ~R£'£ % . District: ~?AP/U~a,~ Landmark name: ---1'""' ,~/~ i Office Applicant name: ~ /h 0l / ~ l f/ ~.~ Phone: Mobile Phone: Fax: Relationship to project (e.g., architect, contractor): ©G~ ~ c ~ Applicant's Mailing Address: S ~ hl ~ /ar P,~,,o~ ~~; , ...303 y~., ~~t ~~ai Property owner's name: J Ii M T ~ t+~ o ~ /}'1 ~ l,/t,+~Day-Time Phone: ~ ~4^'h *1roperty owner's full address: ~~m ~ *This information is required in order to fully process this application. To assist us in reviewing your project, please provide a project description in the space provided below. Include all of the exterior alterations proposed for the property. Please bring the completed application with you to your first design review meeting. If you have questions, or to schedule an appointment for review, please contact Neil Holthouser at 303-441-4293. We look forward to working with you on your proposal! PROJECT DESCRIPTION Please list all exterior alterations proposed for the property. TYPE OF ALTERATION Please check all that apply. New Addition -New Garage** Demolition** -Window(s) Door -Fence -New Roof Other (please specify):- **Requires a public hearing -Roof Repair -Deck „_Dormer(s) -Skylight(s) Paint Porch Reguired• Lot size (in square feet) Total existing square feet Proposed additional square feet Existing height Proposed height 10.02-LACappl Page 1 of 2 What to Bring to Your Review Please bring this completed application form and the materials listed below to the design review meeting. To make the most of your design review, it must illustrate what you have in mind very clearly and accurately. Final approval cannot be given without the required documentation listed below. The following documentation is required to initiate 'conceptual' review by the Desien Review Committee: -Photographs (photos of existing building and surrounding context) -Drawings (sketches or scaled drawings of the proposal) The followine documentation is required for final review and approval: -Scaled site plans Elevations (usually 1/4" = 1' scale) -,Materials (brick/stone samples) -Colors (paintlstain color chip) -Photographs (photos of existing building all sides and surrounding context) -Manufacturer's/catalogue "tear" sheet -For fences, please bring drawings to scale showing dimensions, including spacing between rails. It is also helpful if you provide: -Building sections -Floor plans -Study model (additions) COMMITTEE COMMENTS ABOUT THE PROPOSAL: NEXT STEPS: PUBLIC HEARING? YES NO The Design Review Committee cannot deny an alteration application, however, any one Committee member can require afull-board hearing. 10.02-LACappl Page 2 of 2 Date: 8. /'T , 2002 Landmark Alteration Certificate `~ or Demolition /Moving Address of Property: (O2l ~ rlfi~ Owner's Name: 'C1 ~ rw~ttJlbSL. DRC Members: `.+~F ++~11.`t ~' 'iJ~sFdl, t~Tb14u,~klt. Remarks: Pt~PCSkI.' ~. INST+A.~- r4lR GN~~~7~1`~1vL / aoN1'~t~- v}t ~T prr t~-r+-- ,F- !'n,.P~^C ~ µtxT -r. eNusT-~r~ - Gr~1k '¢,~N+aq ¢oSt Stel~hw~-, bo~~~ati c+ob~, S+rw~l St1'ti P~ Fu1 fo 7.1 PIhFC. ~ f1S ~.,Jictti.. t~S ~S~ bob a+atJy @ n~?$r~i'I'~r-s. ~ ~+~h3T ', V`~ 4,bT r t~-~j.tr' ~ ~14Ti1.1.aJ~ ~t"µ,~" ~ N ~T ~1 tA.. ~aT l a~ ~t ~- ~~ ttxt.ct, ~t~~~ ~ pr~.~~awrM., S~wvt'y~j Next steps: Public hearing: Y N S:\PLAN\data\Comdev\HIS'I~GEN\ALTCERTSU.AC-app,etc\CommentsPage2.doc LEGAL DESCRIPTION {provided by Client) lots 23 and 24, Block 7, f+IAPLETON ADDITION, County of Boulder, State of Colorado. 8.1~.+ z " N N- rL~1TIRONS SULtVIsYING, INC. 5717 nrapuhae /load Boulder, Colorado 80303 (303)443-7001 • 6VWYRflC1t,SGlYV.COItI 2U' ALLEY EDGE DF ALLEY 5O - (}.~ - r- m GREENHOUSE & " SHOP ta.1' ~ ~ L * s.z' ~ w 3' •'~ 'd 15.2' m r i' .. ~ ~ a., I'' e~ --If '~~ . r, a ;. N '7~`~n12.Tn'~" ~ .~.. N ' , In N O _ o : 0.7' r'i a.2 12.5' O N ~ O ~ TWO-STORY `- O ~ .- URICK & J ' ~ %~ FRAME M '7~~ 3h.1' H COV RED :'a'. - <' n' OT OT ~ z ~ L L SCALE: 1"=30' ~: ;. J FounlD Na REBAR 25' 25' _ - FLAGSTONE WALK ,t CONC CURR 50 - - - ---- - 621 PINE STREET NUTESt 1-This Certificate does not constitute a Title Search by Fiatirons Surveying, Inc, to determine ownership, rights-of-way, easements or encumbrances not shown by the plat that may affect this tracta.of, land. There may be easements or rights-of-way that may affect this tract that are not,sl~own on this Certificate. 2-An Improvement Survey Plat is recommended to depict more precisely the locations of the improvements shown hereon. a'"'llj°'~4jf'ttuy 3-The Easterly fence appears to be off the lot lino as shown herabn. -- _ 7 l~ - ,` ~ ~ ;~, ~~u~ -~~~ luhn 9. (h,pon, CuwraJo L.S; pI4~lUG , . IMPROVEMENT LOCATION CERTIFICATE Iherebycertifythallthisim~provemantlocationcerliticatewaspreparedtorKERRNEY i7ERLTY-/mETRU BRUI<ERS and T.S.I. & LAWYERS TITLE INS. CD. ,tflatltisnotalandsurveyplatorimprovementsurvoyplat,andthat It Is not to be relied upon for the establishment of fence, btaild~negborUeTer f~l~ure~r~l~~ovement lines. I further certlty tlTal the improvements on the above described parcel on this date, y ~ ,except utility connections, are entirely within the boundaries of the parcel, except as shown, that there are no encroactlments upon the described premises by Improvements on any adjoining promises, except as Indicated, and that there is no apparent evidence or sign of any easement crossing or burdening any part of said parcel, except as noted. NOTICE: This Improvement Locaton Cer[Iflcate is prepared for the solepurpose of use by Ure parties stared hereon. It is not a Land Survey Plat as defined by C.R.S 39-51-102(12) or an Improvement Survey Plat as defined by C.R.S 39.51.102(9). It does not establish property corners. A more pprecise relationship of the Improvements to the botmdary Ilnes can to determined by a Land Survey or hnprovement Survey. The improvements are generally sl[uated as shown and only aPparent (vfslble at the time of Oeldworkl lmprovemems and encroachments are notn,J. Flatirons Surveywg, Inc. and John IT. Guyton will not be liable for more [I+an the cost of thi~ Improvement Location Certif sate, and then only to the parties spedfkally shown hereon. Acceptance andlor use of this Improvement Location Certificate for any purpose cansdtutes :mknowledgement and agreement to all terms stated hereon. Plmirons Nn. 02-40,056 Title Cn. No. 101527 13orrowcr Nilner m nn~ ,, 1~ anat_-_ __ 'li`~..1'J1~DllAT4 Rilll~/RV7N(: TIV(~ _. }T lllll[I!`P. t'!)jt)YSltftl