2 - Minutes of 10/04/06CITY OF BOULDER LANDMARKS PRESERVATION ADVISORY BOARD October 4, 2006 Council Chambers Municipal Building 1777 Broadway 6 p.m. The following are the action minutes of the October 4, 2006 City of Boulder Landmarks Preservation Advisory Board meeting. A permanent set of these minutes and a tape recording (maintained for a period of seven years) is retained in Central Records (telephone: 303-441- 3043). You may also listen to the on-line at: www.boulde~nlandeveloa.net. BOARD MEMBERS: Nancy Kornblum L.eonard May Tim Plass, Chair Leland Rucker, Vice-chair Kirk Watson STAFF MEMBERS: David Gehr, Assistant City Attorney James Hewat, Historic Preservation Planner Sue Ellen Harrison, Assistant City Attorney Chris Meschuk, Historic Presarvation Planner Susan Richstone, Acting Long Range Manager 1. CALL TO ORDER The roll having been called, Chair T. Plass declared a quorum at 5:35 p.m. and the following business was conducted: 2. PRESENTATION ON THE ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE PLANNING BOARD D. Gehr gave a presentation to the Landmarks Board on ihe roles and responsibilities of the Planning Board. 3. APPROVAL OF NIINUTES FROM THE SEPTEMBER 6, 2006 LANDMARKS PRESERVATION ADVISORY BOARD MEETINGS On a motion by N. Kornblum, seconded by L. Rucker, the Landmarks Preservation Advisory Board approved (5-0) the minutes of the September 6, 2006 board meeting. 4. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION FOR ITEMS NOT ON THE AGENDA There was no public participation. 5. DISCUSSION OF LANDMARK ALTERATION AND DEMOLITION APPLICATIONS ISSUED AND PENDING Staff gave an update on the following landmark alteration and demolition applications issued and pending: 3805 North Broadway, expires October 10`h, 2006 563 Arapahoe Avenue, expires October 10`h, 2006 6. ACTION ITEMS A. Public hearing and consideration of a landmark alteration to move an existing contributing shed/garage building and to construct a new 441 sq. ft., two-car garage at 2529 6`h Street in the Mapleton Hill Historic District (HIS2006-00169).Applicant: Scott Coburn Board members were asked to reveal any ex-parte contacts they may have had on this item. L. May, T. Plass, and K. Watson visited the site. N. Kornblum reviewed the project at a Design Review Commiitee meeting. Applicant's Presentation Scott Coburn, 1142 Linden Drive, Architect, spoke in support of the application. Public Hearing John Ezell, 2528 6~h Street, spoke in favor of the application, but questioned the feasibility of moving the existing shed due to its condition. Motion On a motion made by L. Rucker, seconded by K. Wafson, the Landmarks Preservation Advisory Board approved (5-0) the request (HIS2006-00169) for a Landmark Alteration Certificate to relocate and rehabilitate the shed/garage and construct the proposed two-car garage, with Option C as the pitch of the new garage roof (7:12) on the drawings presented in Ihe meeting, and adopting the staff inemorandum dated October 4, 2006 as findings of fact, subject to the following conditions of approval: 1) The applicant provides details rela[ing to the proposed two-leaf garage doors, two-panel exterior door, and double-hung windows and color samples for the proposed garage in addition to detailed plans, and a timeline for how the shed will be moved and rehabilitated on the proposed site for staff review and approvai. N. Kornblum offered a friendly amendment that details regarding the move and rehabilitation details of the existing house be reviewed by the Design Review Committee, requiring one member to be a design professional. L. Rucker and K. Watson accepted the friendly amendment. B. Public hearing and consideration of a landmark alteration certificate to construct a 2800 sq. ft. one-and-one half story house with rooftop photo-voltaic panels at 429 Spruce Street in the Mapleton Hill Historic District (HIS2006-00180). Applicant: Jim Logan Board members were asked to reveal any ex-parte contacts they may have had on this item. L. May and T. Plass visited the site and reviewed the project at Design Review Committee meetings. Applicant's Presentation Jim Logan, 1455 Yarmouth, Suite 114, Architect, spoke in favor of the project. Public Hearing Blaine Kerr, 411 Spruce Street, spoke in support of the project. Bruce Oreck, 203 Morningside Pazk, spoke in support of the project. Blake Catlin, 437 Mountain View, expressed concern of the photovoltaic roof and the appropriateness of the technology. Cody Oreck, 203 Morningside Park, spoke in support of the project. Via Handley, 101 Fowler Lane, Eldorado Springs, spoke in support of the project. Motion On a motion made by T. Plass, seconded by L. May, the Landmarks Pt~s~rvation Advisory Board approved (5-0) the request for new construction at 429 Spruce Street (HIS2006-00180) adopting the staff inemorandum dated October 4, 2006 as findings of fact, subject to the following conditions of approval: 1. The fenestration on the house is redesigned to make it more in keeping with traditional propoftions of glazed area to wall area and scale of windows more in keeping with those found on historic houses. 2. The roof and extending eave over the garage on the south elevation be redesigned to reflect a more traditional form. 3. Details regarding conditions (I-2 aboqe) in addition to details relating to windows, doors, roofing, siding material, and color be submitted to the Design Review Committee for review and approval prior to the issuance of a Landmark Alteration Certificate. 4. If necessary, variances from the required setbacks be granted by the Farmer's Ditch Association and the Board of Zoning Adjustment. K. Watson offered a friendly amendment for the ~vestern gable to be changed to a normal gable instead of flat roof to because of solar issues. T. Plass and L. May accepted the friendly amendment. L. May offered a friendly amendment to replace condition 1 with the following language: The Design Review Committee will review the placement of windows on new building. T. Plass accepted the friendly amendment. L. Rucker offered a friendly amendment that the Design Review Committee review alternatives to the proposed porch design. T. Plass and L. May accepted the friendly amendment. C. Public hearing and consideration of a landmark alteration certiticate to install photo- voltaic panels on the roof of a contributing garage at 454 Pine Street in the Mapleton Hill Historic District (HIS2006-00229). Applicant: Namaste Solar Electric Board members were asked to reveal any ex-parte contacts they may have had on this item. L. May and K. Watson reviewed the project at Design Review Committee meetings. N. Kornblum was recused from this item. Applicant's Presentation Stephen Kane, 2639 Spruce Street, applicant, spoke in support of the project. Pubtic Hearing Blake Catlin, 437 Mountain View, spoke in opposition to the proposal. Motion On a motion by T. Plass, seconded by L. May, the Landmarks Preservation Advisory Board approved (3 -1, L. Rucker opposed, N. Kornblum recused) the installation of the photo-voltaic panels at 454 Pine Street (HIS2006-00229) adopting the October 4, 2006 staff inemorandum as findings of the board. K. Watson offered a friendly amendmen[ that staff review altematives for the mounting system to improve its aesthetic appearance. T. Plass and L. May accepted the friendly amendment. 7. MATTERS FROM THE LANDMARKS BOARD, PLANNING DEPARTMENT, AND CITY ATTORNEY Consideration of contributing-restorable status for the building at 1212 Pearl Street in the Downtown Historic District. Tom Thorpe, DTJ Architects - Postponed Review of Boulder Valley School DistricYs Plans for the proposed demolition of Casey Middle School. Lou Novak from BVSD answered questions regarding the school district and the bond issue MOTION On a motion by K. Watson, seconded by L. Rucker, the Landmarks Preservation Advisory Board recommended (5-0) to send a resolu[ion to City Council requesting the BVSD to clarify the fate of Casey Middle School. Update on revisions to Option B of the Historic Preservation Environmental Sustainability project. Update regazding the historic preservation code changes. MOTION On a mo4ion by T. Plass, seconded by L. Rucker, the Landmazks Preservation Advisory Boazd directed (5-0) staff to: 1. Investigate developing criteria for organizations and develop options regarding a recognition proeess to bring back to board for discussion and potentially adopt as Administrative Regulations. 2. Investigate revisions to the historic district designation application to require more reseazch or analysis prior to the submission of an application packet and return to the boazd with proposed changes. 3. Investigate options for historic district boundary criteria. 4. Look at issues relating to historic preservation enforcement (e.g. raising fees for violations of Landmark Alteration Certificates and raising fines with regards to non-designated demolitions} and to further look at a possible moratorium on building for a ceRain amount of time (as per Aspen). The board also directed staff to look at a provision tying contractor licenses to the historic preservation ordinance, which will give [he Landmarks Board an administrative option, instead of just criminal proceedings. The board also requested that staff develop a flowchart to see how enforcement works, how summons are issued, how decisions are made to issue summonses, and whether there will be a pre-summons meeting before a summons is issued. 4 The board prioritized the above direction as follows: 4, 3, 2, and 1. N. Kornblum offered a friendly amendment, under the enforcement portion, to direct staff to investigate potentially adding a contractual obligation through signing Landmark Alteration Certificates, and adding civil penalties. T. Plass and L. Rucker accepted the friendly amendment. 8. DEBRIEF MEETING/CALENDAR CHECK 9. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 10:11 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Approved on November 1, 2006 Chairperson CITY OF BOULDER ,~~~~„ Planning and Development Services +~ ~ ~ 1739 Broadway, Third Floor • P.O. Box 791, Bouider, CO 80306-0791 ~ phone 303-441-1880 • fax 303-4413241 • web boulderplandevelop.net Histuric District Desianation Reviews Between 9/29/2006 & 10/27/2006 Case Number: HIS2006-00147 Case Manager: Chris Meschuk Landmark: Not Landmarked Address: 700 16TH ST Request Type: Historic District Designation t Description: Historic District Designation Application for 700, 701, 704, 711, 716 16th Street. Submitted by Historic Boulder. Decision: Application Approved On: 10/17/2006 LPAB By: Number Of Historic District Designations Approved Or Denied In The Specified Time Frame: 1 Page 7 of 7 Landmark Alteration Certificate Reviews Between 9l29/2006 & 10/27/2006 Case Number: HIS2006-00062 Case Manager: Chris Meschuk Landmark: Chautauqua Park Address: 32 CHAUTAUQUA PK Request Type: Landmark Alteration Certificate 33 Description: Removal of 1964 rear addition and new rear addition Decision: Application Approved On: 10/4/2006 By: Staff Case Number: HIS2006-00174 Case Manager: James Hewat Landmark: Address: 210 ARAPAHOE AV Request Type: Landmark Alteration Certificate 115 Description: Construction of additions to historically landmarked buildings A& D. Decision: Application Approved On: 10/18/2006 Staff By: Case Number: HIS2006-00186 Case Manager: Chris Meschuk Landmark: Mapleton Hill Address: 413 SPRUCE ST Request Type: Landmark Alteration Certificate 125 Description: one siory addition of 494 sq ft, dormer addition to second story, and renovation of basement. Decision: Application Approved On: 10/2/2006 By: Staff Case Number: HIS2006-00206 Case Manager: James Hewat Landmark: Mapleton Hill Address: 603 SPRUCE ST Request Type: Landmark Aiteration Certificate 140 Description: Reconstruction of rubble wall with existing stone and added trellis on top. Decision: Application Approved On: 10/6/2006 By: Staff Case Number: HIS2006-00229 Case Manager: James Hewat Landmark: Mapleton Hill Address: 454 PINE ST Request Type: Landmark Atteration Certificate 158 Description: Installation of photo-voltaic panels on alley facing roof of contributing garage. Decision: Application Approved O~: 10lt il2~06 Staff By: Case Number: HIS2006-00231 Case Manager: James Hewat Landmark: Downtown Address: 1035 PEARL ST Requesi Type: Landmark Alteration Certificate 160 Description: Landmark Alteration Certificate: Installation of walf sign."Tahona Tequilla Bistro" Decision: Application Approved On: 10/2/2006 By: Staff Case Number: HIS2006-00236 Case Manager: James Hewat Landmark: Atldress: 1735 MAPLETON AV Request Type: Landmark Alteration Certificate 165 Description: Installation of gutter to run pipes and wiring for A/C at west elevation of landmark house. Decision: Application Approved On: 10/2/2006 By: Staff Case Number: HIS2006-00237 Case Manager: James Hewat Landmark: Mapieton Hill Address: 620 HIGHLAND AV Request Type: Landmark Alteration Certificate 166 Description: Installation of flush mounted solar photo-voltaic at rear (south) of house. Decision: Application Approved On: 10/2/2006 By: Staff Case Number: HIS2006-00239 Case Manager: James Hewat Landmark: Address: 1949 PEARL ST C1 Request Type: Landmark Aiteration Certificate 168 Description: Installation of oval signs on east and west sides of individually landmarked building. Decision: Application Approved On: 10/6/2006 By: Staff Case Number: HIS2006-00240 Case Manager: James Hewat Landmark: Mapleton Hili ~ Address: 643 MAPLETON AV Request Type: Landmark Alteration Certificate 169 Description: Construction of wrought iron fence to height of 5' at northeast corner of yard and simple iron railing on second-story balcony. Decision: Application Approved On: 10/6/2006 By: Staff Page 2 of 7 Landmark Alteration Certificate Reviews Between 9/29/2006 & 10/27/2006 Case Number: HIS2006-00241 Case Manager: James Hewat Landmark: Highland Lawn Address: 527 MARINE ST Request Type: Landmark Alteration Certificate 170 Description: Removal of existing wood shingle roof and instaiiation of Tamko Heritage Series "Weathered Wood" 50 year asphalt shingle. Decision: Application Approved On: 10/6/2006 By: Staff Case Number: HIS2006-00242 Case Manager: James Hewat Landmark: Downtown Address: 1043 PEARL ST Request Type: Landmark Alteration Certificate 171 Description: Re-roof flat roof; all work will occur below building's parapet. Decision: Application Approved On: 10/6/2006 By: Staff Case Number: HIS2006-00243 Case Manager: James Hewat Landmark: Mapleton Hill Address: 526 CONCORD AV Request Type: Landmark Alteration Certificate 172 Description: Retrofit of historic on-over-one, double hung windows with thermal pane glass into existing sash. Historic stles, rails, and frames will be retained. Decision: Application Approved On: 10/6/2006 By: Staff Case Number: HIS2006-00244 Case Manager: James Hewat Landmark: Mapleton Hiil Address: 420 PINE ST Request Type: Landmark Alteration Certificate 173 Description: Construction of wood fence between 64" and 72" high between house and east and property lines, construction of wrought iron fence to height of 60 along east property iine and various hardscaping in front and rear garden area. Decision: Application Approved On: 10/11/2006 LDRC By: Case Number: HIS2006-00245 Case Manager: James Hewat Landmark: Mapleton Hill Address: 643 MAPLETON AV Request Type: Landmark Alteration Certificate 174 Description: Installation of copper gutters and new Tamko "Oxford Grey' roofing. Decision: Application Approved On: 10/11/2006 Staff By: Case Number: HIS2006-00249 Case Manager: James Hewat Landmark: Downtown Address: 1200 PEARL ST Request Type: Landmark Alteration Certificate 176 Description: new non-illuminated wall sign and window graphic for "Powell's Sweet Shoppe", as shown on pians dated 10/13/2006 Decision: Application Approved On: 10/13/2006 Staff By: Case Number: HIS2006-00251 Case Manager: James Hewat Landmark: Address: 2115 13TH ST Request Type: Landmark Alteration Certificate 177 Description: Relocation of entrance to "Q's" restaurant. Decision: Application Approved On: 10/18/2006 Staff By: Case Number: HIS2006-00252 Case Manager: James Hewat Landmark: Mapleton Hiil Address: 2352 9TH ST Request Type: Landmark Aiteration Certificate 178 Description: Construction of 5' high frnce at sides and rear of property with 3/8" spacing between the pickets. Fence will be finished with opaque stain. Decision: Application Approved On: 10/13/2006 Staff - ~ By: Case Number: HIS2006-00257 Case Manager: James Hewat Landmark: Mapleton Hill Address: 920 PINE ST Request Type: Landmark Alteration Certificate 180 Description: Replacement of rear deck with "Ever Grain" simulated decking material. Decision: Application Approved On: 10/25/2006 LDRC By: Page 3 of 7 Landmark Alteration Certificate Reviews Between 9/29/2006 & 10/27/2006 Case Number: HIS2006-00258 Case Manager: James Hewat Landmark: Mapleton Hill Address: 2443 6TH ST Request Type: Landmark Alteration Certificate 181 Description: Repaint house with Benjamin Moore "Nantucket Gray" (body) and creamy white trim. Decision: Application Approved On: 10/20/2006 Staff By: Number Of Landmark Alteretion Certificates Approved Or Denied In The Specified Time Frame: 20 Page 4 of 7 Non-Desiqnated Post-1940 Demo/Off Site Relocation Reviews Between 9/29/2006 & 10/27/2006 Case Number: HIS2006-00247 Case Manager: Chris Meschuk Landmark: Not Landmarked Address: 775 18TH ST Request Type: Non-Designated Post-1940 Demo/Off Site Description: Landmark review for post 1940 demolRiet~O~~uf2i~bal structure. Decision: Application Approved On: 10/13/2006 Staff ey: Case Number: HIS2006-00254 Case Manager: James Hewat Landmark: Not Landmarked Address: 999 CEDAR AV Request Type: Non-Designated Post-1940 Demo/Off Site Description: Full structure demo of SFD and acces~d9~81RiAtliRe. Decision: Application Approved On: 10/20/2006 Staff By: Case Number: HIS2006-00255 Case Manager: James Hewat Landmark: Not Landmarked Address: 6180 ARAPAHOE RD Request Type: Non-Designated Post-1940 Demo/Off Site Description: Demolition of house constructed in 196C~location 3 Decision: Application Approved On: 10/20/2006 Staff By: Number Of Non-Designated Post-1940 Demo/Off Site Relocations Approved Or Denied In The Specified Time -eme. Page 5 of 7 Non-Desiqnated Primarv Demolition Reviews Between 9/29/2006 & 10/27/2006 Case Number: HIS2006-00016 Case Manager: Chris Meschuk Landmark: Not Landmarked Address: 3805 N BROADWAY Request Type: Non-Designated Primary Demolition 10 Description: Non-designated primary demolition (1920's farmhouse/bunglaw style) Decision: Application Approved On: 10/10/2006 LPAB By: Number Of Non-Designated Primary Demolitions Approved Or Denied In The Specified Time Freme: 1 Page 6 of 7 Historic District Desiqnation Reviews Between 9/29l2006 & 10/27/2006 Total Number Of Denied Historic District Designations For The Specified Time Frame: 0 Total Number Of Approved Historic District Designations For The Specified Time Frame: 1 Total Number Of Historic District Designations In Review For The Specified Time Frame: 1 Landmark Alteration Certificate Reviews Between 9/29/2006 & 10/27/2006 Total Number Of Denied Landmark Alteretion Certificates For The Specified Time Frame: 0 Total Number Of Approved Landmark Alteretion Certificates For The Specified Time Freme: 20 Total Number Of Landmark Alteration Certificates In Review For The Specified Time Frame: 28 Landmark Desianation Reviews Between 9/29/2006 & 10/27/2006 Total Number Of Denied Landmark Designations For The Specified Time Freme: 0 Total Number Of Approved Landmark Designations For The Speci(ied Time Frame: 0 Total Number Of Landmark Designations In Review For The Specified Time Frame: 1 Total Number Of Denied Non-Designated Post-1940 Demo/Off Site Relocations For The Total Number Of Approved Non-Designated Post-1940 Demo/Off SQee~~Yb~~~s ~~fhg Total Number Of Non-Designated Post-1940 Demo/Off Site Reloca~gi~f~~f~i~I{I~PfnF~~fh~ Non-Desiqnated Pre-1940 Demo/Off Site Relocation Reviews Between 9/29/2006 & 10/27/2006 Total Number Of Denied Non-Designated Pre-1940 Demo/Off Site Relocations For The Specified Total Number Of Approved Non-Designated Pre-1940 Demo/Off Site Relocat~rgs ~~h~ Total Number Of Non-Designated Pre-1940 Demo/Off Site Reloca~~i°s~f~Tf~t~Ul~~~r~fhg Non-Desiqnated Primarv Demolition Reviews Between 9/29/2006 & 10/27/2006 Total Number Of Denied Non-Designated Primary Demolitions For The Specified Time Frame: 0 Total Number Of Approved Non-Designated Primary Demolitions For The Specified Time Frame: Total Number Of Non-Designated Primary Demolitions In Review For The Specified Time Framel Total Number Of Cases In Review For The Specified Time Frame: 40 Page 7 of 7