6C - Request for a Landmark Alteration Certificate to move or demolish an existing garage & to constMEMORANDUM Apri15"', 2006 TO: Landmarks Preservation Advisory Board FROM: Susan Richstone, Interim Director of Long Range Planning (`_hris Meschuk, Historic Preservation Planner James Hewat, Historic Preservation Planner SUBJECT: Request for a Landmark Alteration Certificate to move or demolish an existing garage and to construct a new one and one half-story garage with a floor area of approximately 800 sq. ft., at 413 Spruce Street in the Mapleton Hill Historic District (HIS2006-00042). STATISTICS: 1. Site: 2. Zoning: 3. Owner: 4. Applicant: 5. Site Area: 6. Proposed Bldg: 7. Proposed Hgt: SUMMARY: 413 Spruce Street LR-E (Low Density Residential Established) John Teleen Deborah Magaldi, Kristin Lewis 7,866 sf. 800 sf. total 20' • Received on March 16'h, 2006 this application calls for the on-site relocation of an existing building and more than 340 sq. ft. of free standing, new construction and, as such, a public hearing is required (10.13.14(3)(b) of the Boulder Revised Code. • Staff considers the proposed new construction consistent with the criteria for a landmark alteration certificate as per Section 10.13.18 (b) of the Boulder Revised Code and Section 7.2 of the General Design Guidelines. • Staff recommends that the Landmarks Board approve the request for a Landmark Alteration Certificate for the relocation of the existing contributing garage and construction of a new one and one-half story garage as proposed. BACKGROUND: On March 8w, 2006, the design review committee preliminarily reviewed plans to relocate the existing pre-1929 one-car garage on the property in order to provide space for a new, two-car garage. The applicant is now requesting a landmark alteration certificate to move the garage on the property and to construct an 800 sq. ft.., one and one half-story, two-car, detached garage at the north- east corner of the lot. Memo to the Landmarks Preservation ,~dvisory• Bocrd Re: 413 Spruce Street DESCRIPTION: Constructed about 1900, the one and one-half story masonry and frame Classic Cottczge at 413 Mapleton features a low hip roof, south facing dormer, segmental arch window openings and turned spindle work on the half-width porch. The historic building inventory form (1988, Front Range) identified the house as representing, "a type, period, or method of construction" and mentions the adjacent garage (Attachment A). At the time the property was surveyed this area had not yet been added to the Mapleton Hill Historic District. The 2005 accessory building survey (Ramsay & Barth) recorded the garage and establishment of a pre-1929 date of construction and a recommendation that the building be considered a contributing feature to the Mapleton Hill historic district. REQUEST: In an effort to preserve the garage, this proposal calls for it to be moved approximately 40' feet south and east on the property toward Spruce Street. Currently, the historic garage is set back approximately 70' from the street; a curb cut provides vehicular access to the building. In the proposed scheme, the building will be set back approximately 30' from the street. The main house is set back 14' from the street. Zoning requires a setback of 25' for garages in low-density established areas. Qn the approximate location of the existing garage, the applicant proposes the construction of a one and one-half story, two-car garage. Plans call for the front-gable garage to face the street and measure 22' by 22'. The overhead 1/z-story attic space is proposed as usable space and shown to feature a small gable dormer on the west and larger shed dormer on the east. Elevations indicate the detached garage will be 20' in height and contain about 800 square feet of usable space The building is shown to feature two single garage doors, two over two double-hung windows, four light fixed casement sash and 4" wood clapboard siding. 2 S:IPLAN\dataUongranglH[SiIALTCERTS1Historic DistrictsUvlapleton Hi111Spruce.413\O:i.OS.06 memo.doc Fib re 1. 413 Spruce Street Figure 2. 413 Spruce St., pre-1929 garage It4emo to the Landmorks Pr~serv^t~on A~vi;~rv °oarc Re: 413 Spruce Street Vehicular access to the new garage is shown to be from the street; a newly aligned drive will turn to the east and run between the historic garage and house to the ne~.~ garage. Figure 3. Proposed site plan. r ~./ •-~ ~ ~' I_--~~--xv 1~ , '4~• .,: .. . -~ ~ -J' .. _ _ _ .-t' . t~ Figure 4. Proposed Section 3 S:IPLANIdata~ongrangWlS'11ALTCERTS\Historic Districts~Ivlapleton Hi1llSpruce.41310~.05.06 memo.doc Memo to the Landmarks Preservation Advisory ~_~~rd Re: 413 Spruce Street _--- ; -- ~ . _~ ~.r ,- , . :.- .. _ .. .:~~_ ~_ .._~ .e" `~ ~_- -~--- ---~_5~- 4 _ .. r;~?- . ~7 !~ Figure 5. Proposed east and south elevations. ~ „~`'~ `\~~ ~T_ T, -- - '',,.~~~-=--~--- r~ . , t ~-~ _ -^. - / r~gure 6. Yroposed nortn ana west elevations 4 S:~PLAN\data~longrangU-[ISTIALTCERTSUiistoric DistrictsUvlapleton Hi111Spruce.413\04.05.06 memo.doc Memo to the Landmarks Preservation Advisorv Bocrd Re: 413 Spruce Street CRITERIA FOR THE BOARD'S DECISION: Subsection 10-13-18(b}, B.R.C. 1981, sets forth the standards the Landmarks Board must apply when reviewing a request for a Landmark Alteration Certificate. (b) Neifher tJte larzc~lrtarks board rtnr tJze city cot~rtcil shall apprnz~e a laridrrirrrk alter•ation certih'crrte t~rtless it meets tjie following coriditio~is: (1) T7Te proposed work preserves, enhances, or restore4 and does not da~riage or destrot/ tlie exferi~r architecturc~l features of the l~rndrnark or the subject property withirl an historic district; (2) T{ze proposed work does not adversely affect the special character or special historical, arclTitectairal, or a~_.: ~etic ir~ft~rest or z~altte of the Iand»2ark and its site or the district; (3) The architectural shjle, arrangement, textisre, color, arrarzgemerit of color, and rnaterials i~sed on existing and proposed strticti~res are corrrpatible with the character of tlte existing lartdmark arid its site or the historic district; (4) With respect to a proposal to demolish a building irz an historic district, the proposed new construction to replace the buildirig meets flte reqacireryiertts of paragraphs (b)(2) arid (3) above. (c) In determining whether to a~prove a landmark alteration certificate, the landmarks board shall consider the economic feasibiiity of alternatives, incorporation of energy-efficient design, and enhanced access for the disabled. :aure 7. Section and second ,v .,,,~ ; -E s =.. ,~:.. - ~,:.t : ~-~ ~ - ~~ _ T~ ., ~ti - a ~ . ~ ~ ~ ~ = .~econo ~_cv[:. ~~ Q ~. ~ - j ~-~_- ' . --S i t ~Ii~ '-_on ~Ir~~~ ~ I . o,*i' ~JI _._ .r, 7~ ~ ~~"""""_.-..:..-~ -:R : i ~ + I . ' j i ` , t I ~ - 1 '.~w E . - ; IF ~ i '~I. IA ' '-... _ __ -:: ~ O ~,' f~miO~r l) level nlan ~f nr~n~~ed oaraoe S:IPLAN\dataUongrangU IlST1ALTCERTS\Historic DistrictsVvlapleron HilllSpruce.413\0=1.05.06 memo.doc Memo to the Landmarks Preservation Advisory Board Re: 413 Spruce Street ANALYSIS: The Historic Preservation Ordinance sets forth the standards the Landmarks Board must apply when reviewing a request for a Landmark Alteration Certificate. The Board has adopted the General Design Guidelines to help interpzet the historic preservation ordinance. The following is an analysis of the proposed on-site relocation and new construction with respect to relevant guidelines. Design guidelines are intended to be used as an aid to a ro riate desi and not as a checklist of items for com liance. 7.2 New Accessory Buildings New accessary buildings should follow the character and pattern of historic accessory structures. While they shauld be take design clues from the primary structure, they must be subordinate to t)ie primary structure in size, massing and detailing. Alley buildings should maintain a scale that is pleasant to walk along and comfortable for pedestrians. GUIDELINES: ANALYSIS: CONFORMS .1 It is inappropriate to introduce a new Construction of the new garage will YES garage or accessory building if doing so not necessitate demolirion of an will detract from the overall historic existing building, and will not character of the principal building and the detract from the historic character of site, or if it will require the removal of a the property. Existing garage will be significant historic building element or relocated 40' southeast on lot. site feature, such as a mature tree. .2 New garages and accessory buildings The building locaHon is consistent YES should generally be located at the rear of with historic pattems oE garages the lot, respecting the traditional facing onto this street on the north relationship of such buildings to the side of this block of Spruce Street. primary structure and the site. .3 Maintain adequate spacing between Not applicable - no alley. N/A accessory buildings so alleys do not evolve into tunnel-like passageways. .4 Preserve a backyard area between the The new garage dces encroach YES house and the accessory buildings, upon garden space, but proportion maintaining the general proportion of of built mass to open space built mass to open space found within the consistent with immediate area. area. .5 New accessory structures should take The new structure is compatible YES design cues from the primary structure with the primary structure in terms ~, on the site, but be subordinate to it in of architectural details and ~I~ terms of size and massing. materials but is secondary to it in ' mass, scale and height. 6 S:~PLAMdataVongrangV-IIS7lALTCERTSUiistoric Districts~Nlapleton HiI1~Spruce.4l3\04.05.06 memo.doc Memo to the Landmarks Preservation Advisory Board Re: 413 Spruce Street .6 New garages for single family residences The new one story building shelters YES should generally be one story tall and trvo cars and limited'/ -~-ory space. shelter no more than two cars. In some ~°ases, a two-car garage mny be i ~ I i;tapqropriate. .7 Roof form and pitch should be The form and pitch of roof ~ YES complimentary to the primary structure. complimentary with the main housF. .8 Accessory structures should i~~~ simpler in The proposed garage is simpler YES design and detail than the primary than house in scale and detail. building. .9 Materials for new garages and accessory Materials as rroposed, including YES structures should be compatible with wood clapbc:t. i siding, traditional thosc =nund on the primary stracture and wooden doors and windows are in the district. Viny1 siding and appropriate. prefabricated structures are inappropriate. .10 Windows, like all elements of accessory T'he proportions, design and YES structures, should be simpler in detailing materials of proposed windows are and smaller in scale than similar elements ger~erally appropriate. on primary structures. .11 If consistent with the architectural style Dormers are appropriately sized YES and appropriately sized and located, and located on proposed garage. dormers may be an appropriate way to inerease storage space in garages. .L ~ Garage doors should be consistent with Proposed paneled overhead wood ~ the historic scale and materials of door is eonsistent within the YES traditional accessory structures. Wood is Mapleton Hill Historic District. the most appropriate material and two smaller doors may be more apyropriate than one large door. Staff considers the proposed relocation of the existing garage and adjacent new construction appropriate in terms of site planning, mass, scale, materials, and detailing. Many oi the other lots witi .; the immediate neighborhood also have smaller backyards due to the smaller lot size. The proposed footprint indicates it will be secondary to the main home and will be similar in size to other historic buildings in the area. In addition the S:~PLAN~dataVongrangU-IIS7IALTCERTSV-listoric DistrictsNlapleron Hill\SpruceAl3\04.05.06 memo.doc Memo to the Landmarks Preservation Advisory Board Re: 413 Spruce Street proposed re-location of the historic garage set fonvard in front of the proposed new construction means that it will remain a character defining feature of the property and the streetscape of the 400 block of Spruce Street. Materials proposed for the new garage are all traditional and appropriate and reflecting sunilar materials used on the prunary house. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Landmarks Board approve the request for a Landmark Alteration Certificate to relocate the historic garage on the property and for the construction of a new garage. FINDINGS: As per the recommendation outlined above, staff recommends that the Board adopt the following findings: 1. The request for the re-location of the historic garage on the property and adjacent construction of a new garage is consistent with the Historic Preservation Ordinance as per Section 10-13-18 (b) of the Boulder Revised Code. 2. The proposed construction generally meets Section 7.2 of the General Design Guidelines. ATTACHMENTS: A: Historic Building Inventory Record, 1988 B: Historic Building Inventory Record, 2005 C: Plans D: Photographs 8 S:~PLAN\dataVongrangu-[IS'MLTCERTSU-lisroric IhstnctsUvlapleron Hi11~,Spruce.413\04.05.06 memo.doc Attachment A COLORADO AISTORICAL SOCIETY NOT FOR FIELD USE Office of Archaeology and Historic Preservation ELIGIBLE 1300 Broadway, Denver, Colorado DET NOT ELIG HISTORIC BUILDING INVENTORY RECORD NOMINATED CITY OF BOULDER, COLORADO Boulder County CERTIFIED REAAB DATE PROJECT NAME: BOULDER HISTORIC PLACES State ID~: 5BL2347 "Building Name: Building Address: 413 SPRUCE STREET BOULDER, COLORADO 80302 Building Owner: GEORGE AND MARIANA POORMAN Owner Address: 1333 ALMSHOUSE ROAD IVYLAND, PENNSYLVANIA 16974 USGS Quad: BOULDER Quad Year: 1966 (REV.1979) Legal: Tnsp 1N Range 71W Section 25 1/4, 1/4 Historic Name: District Name: NOT APPLICABLE Block: 4 Lot: 2, 3 Addition: MAPLETON TERRACE Year of Addition: 1890 ilm Roll By: ROGER WHITACRE Number of Negatives: 25 Film Number: BL-17 Negative Location: BOULDER Construction Date: ESTIMATE: 1900 Source: ASSESSOR/1900 CITY DIRECT Present Use: RESIDENCE Historic Use: RESIDENCE Condition: GOOD Extent of Description: Alterations: MINOR ORIGINAL If Moved, Date(s): Style: CLASSIC COTTAGE Materials: BRICR, WOOD Stories: 1 1/2 Square Footage: 1344 Field Assessment: NOT ELIGIBLE ::t Potential• "'~ Local Landmark Designation7: NO Name: ~ Date: ~ Associated Buildings?: YES Type: GARAGE If Inventoried, List Id Numbers: Architect: DNKNOWN SourCe: 9uilder/Contractor: UNRNOWN Source: riginal Owner: UNKNOWN Source: 9 , 413 Spruce Street 'lan Shape: . . . . . . . . . Theme(s): The Urban Frontier (1660-1920). Page 2 Architectural Description: Brick house with hipped roof with large, central, gabled dormer. Dormer features decorative wood shingles and paired window. Segmental arches over door and windows. Brick belt course and water table. Stone foundation. Shed roofed porch supported by squared, tin, wood columns atop brick walls. Stone window sills on first floor. House is basically unaltered. Construction History: 9istorical Background: In 1901, C.J. Smith lived here. Smith was a real estate agent with the firm of Smith and DeBaker. He had been born in New Jersey in 1857. His wife, Alice, was also from New Jersey. The Smiths had four sons. Charles, Albert, Robert and Lawrence. In 1913, Jacob Faus, Jr. Lived here. Faus worked as a blacksmith with his father, who lived in the 1400 block of Spruce Street. Architectural Significance: _ Represents the work of a master. Possesses high artistic values. _X_ Represents a type, period or method of construction. Historical Significance: _ Associated with significant persons. Associated with significant events and/or patterns. Contributes to an historic district. Statement of Significance: This house is largely unaltered example of a turn of the century middle class home in Boulder. References: Boulder County Assessor's Records Sanborn Insurance Maps Boulder City Directories, 1901-02 and 1913 and 1914 Surveyr "ffiliation: Front Range Research ~V ~ Attact~ment B Address: 413 SPRUCE ST Boulder, Coloredo COIORADO CULTURAL RESOURCE SURVEY Cultural Resource Re-evaluation Form: Accessoria Building Survey 1. Resource Number: SBL2347 2, Temp. Resource Number. 3. Attachments: 4. Offical determination: (Check as many as apply) OAHP USE ONLY ^ Determined Eligible '~I Photographs ^ Determined Not Eligible ~~ Site sketch map _ ^ Need Data `~ U.S.G.S. map photocopy [,I Nominated ~~. ~ther ^ Listed ,_ i OtFer ^ Contributing to N.R. District ^ Not Contributing to N.R. District 5. Resource Name of Primary Buiiding 6. Purpose of this current site visit: Resurvey 7. Previous Recordings: Front Range Research Assoc. June 1988 8a. Description of Accessory Building: Gable roofed garage with composition roofi~g, wood sidi ng, Outbuilding Type: cornerboards, and trim. Side hinged doors face south. A small arched Garage window is inserted into eacfi door. Outbuilding Material: Wood Frame Outbuikling CoveriRg Wood Siding Outbuilding Roof Materia Asphalt 8b. Date of Construction: pre 1929 8c. Date of Construction Source: Historic Assessors Card, Camegie Ubfaey: 1929 note, tUx2U frame gafage with cement floor exisis. 1921 Sanbom Map: does not cover this area. 1988 Survey: garage listed as an "associated building." 9. C~~ndition: Good 10a. Changes to Location or Size Information: 10b. UTM Coordin8tes: i/ Cuiturel Resource Re~vatuation Fortn: - Accessory Building Survey 11. Current Ownership TELLEEN JON 413 SPRUCE ST BOULOER CO 80302 12. Other Changes, Additions or Observations: 13. Eligibility Assesment Individual National Register: NIA Local Landmark: NIA Locally Designated Properiy: NO 14. Management Recommendations: NIA 15. Photograph Types and Numbers: Type: B&W Roll No: 15 Address: 413 SPRUCE ST Boulder, Coloredo Temp. Resource Number District National Register: N/A Local: Contributing Frame No: 36, 37 16. Artifact and Field Documentation Storage Location NIA 17. Report Title: Accessory Building Survey 18: Recorder(s): Kathryn Howes Barth, AIA; Lara Ramsey 19: Date(s): Apr. 2005 20: Recorder Affiliation: Kathryn Howes Barth, AIA; Ramsey Planning and Preservation Colorodo Historical Society, OKce of Archaeology and Historic Preservation 1300 Broadway, Denver, CO 80203 ~ /~ Attachment C SBL2347 413 SPRUCE ST pIN~ ST ~ z ~- b- -•••«w~ ~- ,~-~` ~~ ~ S~C /3 SITE PLAN ~ ~ ab ,~-(H STONE Y1ALL ~ ~ ". w u , ~~ ~ ~ 484 5G FT. l i /~ ., , STOR• j ~ STOR. ~ I ~ li 2"f0 SQ FT. ~ C ~ ~~ C ~ ~~_ ~ SEGOND LEVEL PLAN iro•. ro• O SEGTIOM ~~•. ,~-0• ~~ ~ ~~ 3/l~~~G ~~-t ~/ ~ ~~YIh7~ `~'~ ~ I ~ - y"- - - - - - - -~- - - - - - --- ~ , y ( ~` ~ 'l2 ; ~rn~J ~iara.:c U _ - _ ---- ` I I I ----- -- -~ - ~- ~r --- -- ~~,~ r ~i, i~~_ _ _ --' t_ ,1=;._ -.l~ - ' -- - ~ - i~ , ~ pr. v 22 _ _--- - -1~---- - - a - -r ~ ,i~ f nu„GapMn.~,E ~, i I~r ~ I~ ~ -a---- , i ~~~~ 5~~ j ~ ~~I~~ y~ _ _ ~ ~ /6 3/~~~~ A~t li 1 ~__ y~~ I - 1 ~_ `e~ ___ -v7~'__ ~ _~ _ / ~ ' - _ _ __ ' _ ti- _ ~ _ J `- _ i, ~ __ __ I ' ~ ~ h ~~_ ~ c.,,~t.~{ tt4c~^c~ ~ - _' I I ---1- - '- - ~ - - - - - -~ r ~~ `~ ~ ~- ~ - - ~I ~ ~~"~- ~IDK'f FF ~ y~„ --_ - ~-- ~~ ~ ~ ~_ _ -- - __ __ _ ~ . _ - -_ - i _-- _"" -_ __ ~ "i-_ - ___ _ _ __- ~ _"_"' _ ~__ ~ -_- ~ ~ - ' 1- -~ ~ _--"__ _' ~ ~ -i r ~ _ - _ - _ ~ - ~_ ~ !~r ~-__ -._ - __ . ! 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