6A - Public Hearing & consideration of a recommendation to City Council concerning a request for indMEMORANDUM Apri15'", 2006 TO: Landmarks Preservation Advisory Board FROM: Susan Richstone, Director of Long Range Planning James Hewat, Historic Preservation Planner Chris Meschuk, Historic Preservation Planner SUBJECT: Public hearing and consideration of a recommendation to City Council concerning a request for individual landmark status for the property at 210 Arapahoe Avenue (HIS 2005-00169). STATISTICS: 1. Site: 210 Arapahoe Avenue 2. Zoning: MR-E (Mixed Density Residential - Estabiished) 3. Owner: Tom Eldridge 4. Applicant: Phii Shull 5. Site Size: 43,871 sq. ft. SUMMARY: ^ The purpose of this item is for the Board to determine whether the proposed designation of the property at 210 Arapahoe Avenue, conforms with the purposes and standards of Sections 10-13-1 Legislative Intent and 10-13-3 City Council May Designate Landmarks and Historic Districts of the Boulder Revised Code (BRC). • Units A& D are locally significant for their association with and contribution to the growth of automobile-related tourism in Boulder and to the City's economy as a whole during the first half of the 1920s and 1930s (Historic Significance criteria 2 f~ 3). • Units A& D are significant as well preserved examples of indigenous vemacular automobile-related stone architecture dating from the 1920s and 1930s (Architectural Significance criteria 1 f~ 5). ^ Staff recommends that the Board find that the designation of Units A& D on the property at 210 Arapahoe Avenue Canon Cottages conforms with Sections 10-13-1 and 10-13-3 of the Boulder Revised Code and recommend to City Council the approval of the application for landmark designation, adopting the staff memorandum as findings. April 5'", 2006 Memo to the Landmarks Preservation Advisory Board Re: Individual Landmark Designation, 210 Arapahoe Avenue BACKGROUND: On July 5'h, 2005, City Council approved the annexation and site review for development of the property at 210 Arapahoe Avenue. In accordance with City code, the annexation and site review became effective on August 4'h, 2005, thirty days after the Council's decision. A condition of the annexation of the property into the City relative to historic preservation is that the applicant, "submit an application for the designation of buildings A, B, D, & G as individual local landmarks° (see Attachment B). An application for designation was submitted by the owner and a hearing by the Landmarks Board scheduled for September 7~, 2005, as per the code. Upon request of the applicant and owner, the Board voted to continue the application in order to sort out a pending transfer of ownership. A condition of the Site Review approval of the property (see Attachment C) is that, "final architecture for the buildings that will not be considered for designation as individual landmarks under the conditions of annexation shall be subject to review and recommendation of the Design Review Committee of the Landmarks Preservation Advisory Board to the Planning Director." As such, the Board must approve a landmark alteration certificate for the landmark site, and further, comment on work occurring on un-designated portions of the property. On March 1~t, 2006, the applicant requested the Board comment on proposed changes to the redevelopment of the property as part of a proposed minor modification to the approved Site Review conditions. The Board considered that in order to review changes to the proposed development, it would need to complete its review of the application for its designation. This item represents a re-activation of that application. THE BOARD'S DECISION: Section 10-13-5 (c) Public Hearing Before the Landmarks Board, of the historic preservation ordinance specifies that in their review of an application for local landmark designation, "the landmarks board shall determine whether the proposed designation conforms with the purposes and standards in Sections 10-13-1 Legislative Intent, and 10-13-3 City Council May Designate Landmarks and Historic Districts". The Board may approve, approve with modifications, or disapprove the application. Findings must be adopted within 30 days of the hearing date. Should the Board disapprove the application, the Board must notice City Council of that action within fourteen days of the hearing date. City Council may call up a decision S:~Plan~dataUongrangV-IIS'IV.andmarksWrapahoe.210\04-05-06 memo.doc April 5'", 2~06 Memo to the Landmarks Preservation Advisory Board Re: Individual Landmark Designation, 210 Arapahoe Avenue disapproving a designation. Should an application be disapproved, the same application may not be submitted for a period of one year. If :he Board finds that the proposed designation conforms to Sections 10-13-1 and 10-13-3 of the code, it shall adopt specific findings and conclusions approving or modifying and approving the application. If the board approves the proposed designation the application will be forwarded to the Planning Board (within 30 days) and City Council (within 90 days) for public hearings. DESCRIPTION Just slightly more than one acre in size, the property at 210 Arapahoe Avenue is located on the south side of the street directly across from the city-owned Eben G. Fine Park. The lot slopes gently up from the south, the c.1860 Anderson Ditch forming the southern boundary of the property. Eben G. Fna Park (famer muniapal aulo pmp) ~ 0 LJ L.J ~D ~-, f '~ 210 Napahoe Avenue L Cj L a m Anderson Ditch Figure 1. Location Map, 210 Arapahoe Avenue Six one-story buildings are located on the property with the four largest buildings located at the northwest end. T`hree of the buildings are of frame construction and three of stacked field-stone construction. With the exception of the shed building, all feature gable roofs sheathed with either cedar shakes or asphalt shingle. Stylistically, all the buildings on the property :~re vernacular with simple, one- story rectangular forms and few decorative features. Building #A (identified by the tax S:~Plan\dataUongrang\HIS'T~LandmarksWrapahoe.210\04-OS-0G memo.doc April 5`", 2006 Memo to the Landmarks Preservation Advisory Board Re: Individual Landmark Designation, 210 Arapahoe Avenue assessor survey as building #1) is characteristic of the stone houses at the west end of the property with its random field stone construction and gable roof. A massive stone chimney emerges from the side. The building is simply fenestrated with small four and six-light casement windows and a four-light, half panel door. Buildings #D (identified as #2 by the tax assessor) also located at the west end of the property is of random field stone construction. It features archite~tural elements similar to building #A with its gable roof, casement windows, and massive stone chimney. Both of these buildings appear relatively unaltered with doors, windows, walls and roof framing that are older than fifty years in age. While in fair condition, these buildings are in need of repair and maintenance, this is especially true of building #A. Building #B (identified on the tax assessor card as building #3) is also rectangular in plan, but significantly larger and of two-by-four frame constructed set upon a stone foundation. The building is basically utilitarian in form with a gable roof, board and S:1PIan\dataUongranglHIS7lLandmarkslArapahoe.2 ] 0\04-0~-06 memo.doc 4 Figure 2. Building A, 210 Arapahoe Ave., c.1959 Figure 3. Building A, 2005 Figure 5, Building D, c.1958 Figure 6. Building D, 2005 Aprii 5'", 2006 Memo to the Landmarks Preservation Advisory Board Re: Individual Landmark Designation, 210 Arapahoe Avenue batten wood siding, and wood casement windows. The c. 1958 tax assessor photograph indicates that building has been significantly altered with the peeled log siding having been changed with board and batten, the addition of a front porch, and the construction of a cupola on the roof. Constructed between 1940 and 1958 Building #G (#4 by the tax assessor) is of stacked stone construction with wood framed gable ends. In terms of its construction and form it differs from building #s A and D. The 1958 tax assessor photograph indicates that this building has been altered little since its construction. Figure 7. Building #G, c.1958 Figure 8. Building #G, 2005 There are two other buildings on the property, a centrally located frame house and small shed to its south. Both were constructed between 1958 and 1966 and are in poor condition. S:~PIanl~lataUongraneu-IlS-[1LandmarkslArapahoe.210\0~-0~-06 memo.doc Figure 3. Building #B, c.1958 Figure 4. Building #B, 2005 April 5'", 2006 Memo to the Landmarks Preservation Advisory Board Re: Individual Landmark Designation, 210 Arapahoe Avenue Figure 6. Post-1958 House, 210 Arapahoe, photo, 2005 ARCHITECTURAL SIGNIFICANCE: ANALYSIS OF LANDMARK ELIGIBILITY SIGNIFICANCE FOR DESIGNATION AS AN INDIVIDUAL LANDMARK UNDER CRITERIA ADOPTED AS ADMINISTRATIVE POLICY,1975 Staff considers that the property at 210 Arapahoe Avenue does not, as a whole, have sufficient historic significance for designation as a local landmark. However, it does consider that buildings A and D possess historic significance that make them eligible for landmarking under the criteria for Architectural and Environmental significance, adopted by administrative policy in 1975 (see attachment E). A. Historic Significance: 1. Date of Construction: Constructed between 1923 and 1938, unit A& D represent well-preserved examples of rustic stone automobile related architecture dating from the 1920s or 1930s in Boulder. While also constructed during this period, Unit B's alterations, including the construction of a front porch, a cupola, and replaced siding, has significantly diminished its historic integrity. StaEf does not consider Unit #D to be eligible for local landmarking because of its later date of construction (between 1940- 1958) as determined by aerial photographs (see attachment D). 2. Association with Historic Persons or Events: The property appears to have Functioned as a motor court at least from 1946 until the 1970s. In 1937, the property was sold by the Boulder development Ass~ciation to A.E. Heaton and C.V. Moore. In 1946, the complex (then known as Canon Cottages) was sold to W.W. II veteran pilot Curt Jensen. Jensen was an active army reservist after the war and in addition to being proprietor of the motor court was employed at the Rocky Flats weapons testing range. Jensen sold the property in 1968 then known as the Stage Stop Motel. Jensen's role as S:\Plan\dataUongrang~f-[IS~Landmarks~Arapahoe.'' 10\04-05-06 memo.doc 6 April 5"', 2006 Memo to the Landmarks Preservation Advisory Board Re: Individual Landmark Designation, 210 Arapahoe Avenue reservist and national security expert in Boulder are of local significance. Staff does not consider Heaton, Moore, or Jensen to be of local historic significance. 3. Distinction in the development of the community of Boulder: The property is located in an area which since at least the early 1920s contained automobile related lodgings. The 1923 map of Boulder identifies the city owned municipal auto camp as being located across the street from 210 Arapahoe Avenue on the site of the present day Eben G. Fine Park. Development of the motor court at 210 Arapahoe appears to have occurred sometime in the 1920s or 1930s and corresponds with the dramatic period of expansion of automobile tourism in the United States. A 1923 tourist brochure boasted that Boulder owned more than "six thousand acres of mountain park land" and as being connected to Denver by way of a"splendidly paved highway" (see attachment G). Modest cottages such as that found at 210 Arapahoe Avenue contributed to the growth of middle-class tourism in Boulder and to the City's economy prior to WW-II. Figure 7. 1920s photograph of Municipal Campground just across Arapahoe Ave. from subject property (stone building still extant in Eben G. Fine Park). 4. Recognition by Authorities: A 1989 historic survey of the complex by Front Range Research Associates (see attachment A) described the buildings as having been altered and no longer representing the original character. Staff does not concur with this assessment for buildings A& D and considers them to retain a high level of integrity and survive as well-preserved examples of rustic stone automobile-related construction characteristic of 1920s & 1930s in Boulder. S:~PIanlciataVongrang~EIlST1L.andmarksWrapahoe? 10\04-OS-06 memo.doc 7 April 5'", 2006 Memo to the Landmarks Preservation Advisory Board Re: Individual Landmark Designation, 270 Arapahoe Avenue B. Architectural Significance: 1. Recognized Period or Style: Vemacular masonry/frame, early motor/tourist court architectue as identified in, The Motel in America, (Jakle, Sculle, Rodgers), and Main Street to Miracle Mile (Liebs). Vernacular buildings generally lack architectural ornamentation that would distinguish a specific style. Instead, they are categorized by roof shape and floor plan. The two identified historic buildings (A & D) at 210 Arapahoe are examples of the vernacular idiom with their sunple rustic stonework, functional form and lack architectural embellishment. The use of field stone construction on the buildings is a local Boulder expression of vernacular architecture during the 1920s and 1930s. Character-defining feaiures of the buildings include their stone wall construction, wood and steel casement windows, half panel doors, stone chimneys, and diminutive scale. Units A& D at 210 Arapahoe Avenue survive as well-preserved examples automobile-related rustic stone buildings characteristic of vernacular architecture in Boulder from the 1920s and 1930s. While somewhat deteriorated and in need of repair and maintenance, the buildings survive substantially intact. As such, staff considers 210 Arapahoe to meet Architectural Significance Criteria 1 Recognized Period/Style and Indigenous Qualities for individual landmark designation as excellent representative examples of automobile-related rustic stone vernacular architecture dating from the 1920s and 1930s. C. Environmental Significance: The property is located in an area that historically contained a free, city-owned auto camp and several motor courts. While the original municipal auto camp across the street from 210 Arapahoe is now the Eben G. Fine Park, a stone shelter associated with the auto camp dating from the 1920s is still extant. Immediately west of the property in question is the Foot of the Mountain Motel, a motor court still in operation dating from around 1934. The north boundary of the 210 Arapahoe is defined by the c. 1860 Anderson ditch. The buildings survive as a well-preserved vestige of the automobile tourist trade which flourished at the extreme west end of Arapahoe Avenue during the 1920s and 1930s. Located as it is at the foot of the Flat Irons and just off of Canyon Road, the area was a logical one in which to locate lodgings from which early automobile tourists could launch exploration of the Colorado Rockies. While the buildings are a survival to S:~Plan~dataUongrang~Ei15'I~LandmarksWrapahoe2l0\04-OS-06 memo.doc , C2!OAQDO HIST,R?CA~~SCC:ET~ ~1i.,._ J' Ff.OdeG.7^y;; 3C~ XiSLJ':C ?'.,52."/3C.0~ 130U Broadway, Demer, Colorado 80203 ' NISiORIC BU:LDING INVENTORY RECORD --------------------------------------~---------------------------- ; PR9JEC' NAME: ; CiiY: ; Bouider Survey of Historic Places, 198° ; Bou'.aer '-------------°-'--------°-------------------------'------------ i ~ , N~ -,~k ; __„~ ,.;L Attachment A ; _ ~Ily:bl? nu,uina~ea , ;__ Uet. Not Eligiole _ Certifizd Renab. ; ' DarE ~ _M-- ------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------- ; STAT~ :e Na: sEL.,...`-~', ; i;MPC~ARY NO.: 26J}- --------------'-'-------"---""------~ ; CURP.EA? BUILCING NAME: ~; OWNER: Thomas E. and Betiy L. Elarid;: ; ; 10a7 Pearl S:. ~---------------------------------------------°------~ Boulder, Colorado 803C: ; ADDRESS: 210 Arapahoe Ave. ; ~ Bou:der, Colorado 90302 ;----------°---------------------°--------------------------- '- ------------------- ; HISTORIC NAME: ~ ;- ------------------ ; DISTRICT NAME: '--------------------- ; FILM ROLL NO.: B1-17 ; BY: Roger Nhitacre ~ ,--------------------- ~ ~ ~ i ~ ; TOWNSHI° 1 N., RANGE 71 W., SECTION 36, 1/4, 1~4 ---------•---------------+-----------~------------------------------------------------------- ; U.S.G.S. DUAD NAME: Boulder, Coloradc (1966; photorevised 1979) '----------°---------------°-------------------------------------- •------------------------; ADDITION: Boulder Trect 416J3 YEAR: ; BLOCK: LOTS: ---------------------~---+-----------------------------------------------------------____---- ; NEGATIVE NO.: 1,9 ; NEGATIVE LOCATION: ; DA?E OF CONSiRUCT?ON: ; ; City of Boulder Planning ; ESi:MA1E: 14~5 ACiUAL: -------------------------------------~------------------: SGURCf: Bauld=r County Aressor I rcarCs ' US:: ;, P0.ciENi: Rencal 'Jni?: ; NiSTORiC: Mcczl ; ATTACH PHOTOGRAPH 4ERE. -----------------------------------------; ; ' CONC:iiON: ; i ~ l,' `-;t:E:''.ENi I 1 600D ; ; ' [a] fA:R [ ] DETEP,iORATiNG ; ~ '-•---------------------------~----------' ' ; ExT:NT Oi ALTERATIONS: ; ; ; ( ] MiNOR (aj MODERATE [ ] MA10R ; ; ; DESCRIBr: ; ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ---- ~ ~ '----------------------------------------------------------------°------------- +----------------~-•----------------------' ; STYIE: Rustic ; ST~RIES: ; ORIGINAI S;TE [xl MOVED [~ ; ; ; 1 ; DAiE(5~ 9F MOVE: ; ~-------------------------------------------------------------------+------°------+----------------°~--------------------° ; ; MATERIALS: Stone, wood ; SG. FOOTAGE: ; FIELD ASSESSMENT: ; ;--------------------------------------°----------------------------~ 4,483 ~ I~ EIIGIBL'e ~u] NOT ELIGIBLE ; ; AACHITECTURpL DESCRIPTION; A small cluster of ~otel buildings, ;--------------------------------------------------------; ', now used as rental units. Same of the buildings are of stone ', DISiRICT P~TEATIAL: ; ; construction; wood shingle roofi • 'ndows. Others ;[ j YES [] CONiRIBUTING ; ; are~ construction, board and batten siding. ;(] NO [ j NON-CONTRIBUTING ; ~ ~-----------------------------------------------------°° ' ~ There are t6rea stone and two wood sided units ~ ' ~, in this complex. , i LOCAL LANDMARK DESIGNATION? [~ YES [x] NO ~ ~ ~ ~ i i ;------------------------°- ; ADDITIONAI PA6ES: [ ] YES ---------------------------- [x] NO , NAME: DATE: , '---------------------------------------------------------' ~ ~ 0 ; ASSOCIATED BUILDINGS. [ ] YES (x] NO ; °--°°----------~ TYPE: , i ; IF INVENTORIED, LIST ID NOS.: ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------•------ ~ti Artachment B c. Pay a Storm Water and Flood Management Utility Plant investment fee based on a lot area of 47,050 square feet and an impervious area of 10,200 square feet of $8,772.00. ~ omplete and s ac~-applieetr or e esignation as an individual landmarks for buildings A, B, D and G as identified on the site plan dated January 2005 on file with the City of Boulder. 2. Affordable Housina. Covenants or deed restnctions to secure the permanent affordability of dwelling units shall be signed and recorded with the Boulder County Clerk and Recorder prior to application for any residential building permits. The Applicant agrees that no additional dwelling units shall be approved for the property unless the following requirements have been met. The following requirements shall apply to the Property: a. Permanentlv Affordable - Low to Moderate Income. At least two of the units on site the site shall be permanently affordable consistent with Chapter 9-6.5, B.R.C. 1981. b. Permanentlv Affordable - Middle Income. At least one of the units permitted on site shall be permanently affordable to middle income households. The maximum allowable prices for this unit shall be based upon household incomes that are 20% greater than the HUD Low Income Limit for the City of Boulder. c. Size of Permanentlv Affordable Units. The size of the units shall be based upon the size of the new units proposed to be built after the property has been annexed. The size of the permanently affordable low and moderate income units shall be consistent with the requirements oi Chapter 9-6.5, B.R.C. 1981. The average size of the permanently affordable middle income units shall equal 90% of the average size of the newly constructed market rate units up to a required average size of 1500 square feet of floor area. If site constraints prohibit the Applicant from meeting these size requirements for all the permanently affordable units, then the Applicant shall pay two times applicable cash-in-lieu per square foot amount for each deficient square foot of required floor area, payable at the time of building permit application for the first new building added to the property. ~~ ~'~ ~ ~ . ds ~ ~ Y ~ ~ ' ~ 1 ~, ~ a~ ~ s ' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ _ ~ . ~~y w.L- =A- . ! f ~~ Y~ti ~ ~ ~ + ~ ~ ~ . • y ~ S.q ~ ~ ~ ~' ~ . ~ ~~~ , ~ ~ :~ r.r~ ~ .~ ~~' ..,~`R ~y. ~ .~ ~ ,. . ~Y 1 ~ ~ ~ `~~~''j 7L': ~ru'°~ /T t:,^C ~4 :~tlilCtl[llf Ilt ll ~ _ ~'~"_ ' ~ - xf •~~ ~t. ~.. '. - ~ r~ 7 'Y ~ ~ 2~ x r ~ ~r~~ _~ • l~~h T~ ~ •' <t' • ~ ~i 3 i~[ '^~ .. ... {'~_.,,.':' _'-.~ aF~ s~~~ ;.: ~ ~ t ~ ~T * •.~. ta 7 } ~ 4: s • '. ~ r ~5. . `3 ~2 ~ !. :'~1'ra. ~~, ..i ~ ! .~ ;~ ~ z..~,r ' -~',: ~ ,3 ~~~e ,„ . ~' 1 1 Attachment E Landmark Preservation Advisory Board Adopted 9/17/75 - -7r --~ /i y~,~ /IC ~ 4.~~~ Secretmv to the Board SIGNIFICANCE CRITERIA Individual Landmark September 1975 On September 6, 1974, the City Council adopted Ordinance #4000 providing procedures for the designation of Landmazks and Historic Districts in the City of Boulder. The purpose of the ordinance is the preservation of the City's permitted cultural, historic, and architectural heritage. The Landmarks Boazd is permitted by the ordinance to adopt rules and regulations as it deems necessary for its own organization and procedures. The following Significance Criteria have been adopted by the Boazd to help evaluate each potential designation in a consistent and equitable manner. Historical Si¢nificance The place (building, site, area) should show chazacter, interest or value as part of the development, heritage, or cultural chazacteristics of the community, state or nation; be the site of a historic, or prehistoric event that had an effect upon society; or exemplify te cultural, political, economic, or social heritage of the community. Date of Construction: This area of consideration places particulaz importance on the age of the structure. 2. Association with Historical Persons or Events: This association could be national, state, or local. 3. Distinction in the Develooment of the Communitv of Boulder: This is most applicable to an institution (religious, educational, civic, etc) or business structure, though is some cases residences might qualify. It stresses the importance of preserving those places which demonstrate the growth during different time spans in the history of Boulder, in order to maintain an awareness of our cultural, economic, social or political heritage. 4. Recoenition bv Authorities: If it is recognized by Historic Boulder, Inc. the Boulder Historical Society, local historians (Barker, Crossen, Frink, Gladden, Paddock, Schooland, etc), State Historical Sociery, The Improvement of Boulder, Colorado by F.L. Olmsted, or others in published form as having historical interest and value. 04.OSsi¢nif-indiv ~a Architectural Significance The place should embody those distinguishing characteristics of an architectural type specimen, a good example of the common; be the work of an azchitect or master builder, known nationally, state-wide, or locally, and perhaps whose work has influenced later development; contain elements of architectural design, detail, materials or craftsmanship which represent a significant innovation; or be a fine example of the uncommon. Recognized Period/Stvle: It should exemplify specific elements of an azchitectural period/style, ie: Victorian, Revival styles, such as described by Historic American Building Survev Criteria, Ging.erbread Age (Maass), 76 Boulder Homes (Bazkar), The Historv of Architectural Stvle (Mazcus/Wiffin), Architecture in San Francisco (Gebhard et al), Historv of Architecture (Flectcher), Architecture/Colorado, and any other published source of universal or local analysis of "style." 2. Architect or Builder of Prominence: A good example of the work of an architect or builder who is recognized for expertise in his field nationally, state-wide, or locally. 3. Artistic Merit: A skillful integtation of design, material, and color which is of excellent visual quality and/or demonstrates superior crafrsmanship. 4. Example of the Uncommon: Elements of architectural design, details, or craftsmanship that aze representative of a significant innovation. Indieenous Oualities: A style or material that is particularly associated with the Boulder azea. Other, if applicable. Environmental Sienificance The place should enhance the variety, interest, and sense of identity of the community by the protection of the unique natural and man-made environment. Site Characteristics: It should be of high quality in terms of planned or natural vegetation. 2. Compatibilitv with Site: Consideration will be given to scale, massing placement, or other qualities of design with respect to its site. 3. Geoeraohic Importance: Due to its unique location or singular physical chazacteristics, it represents an established and familiar visual feature of the 04.OSsignif-indiv /9 commumty. 4. Environmental Appropriateness: The surroundings are complementary and/or it is situated in a manner particulazly suited to its function. ~,, 5~ Area Inteeritv: Places which provide historical, azchitectural, or environmental importance and continuiry of an existing condition, although taken singularly or out of context might not qualify under other criteria. 6. Other, if applicable. S:~PLAN~data\ComdevU-IIS'iIGEN~DesignationWbout Landmazks~signif crit-indiv.wpd 04.OSsignif-indiv o~ Administrative Regulation L Adopted August 2, 1984 Attachment F Adopted August 2, 1989 i , ~ ,,.~ ~%% /, , ~ w Secretary to the Boara GUIDELINES FOR NAMES OF LANDMARKED S7RUCTURES AND SITES PurpoSe: The City of Boulder LandmarKS Preservation Advisory Board finas tnat atloDtion of guidelines for the officiai landmark names of structures and sites desig~atea by the City Council as City of Boulder Landmarks will provide consistency in meeting the historic preservation goals as set forth in the HistoriC Preservation Code (10-31-1 and 10-13-3). Criteria for Selection of Official Landmark Names: 1. The official landmark name of the site or structure should be based on one or more of the following criteria: A. Original owners, architect or builder; B. Historically significant persons or prominenti long term residents; C. A commonly accepted name; D. Original or later events or use; E. Unusual or architectural characteristic which clearly identifies the landmark; and F. The contributions of both men and women. 2. Owners requesting landmark designation for their buildings may be considered under the above criteria. In the event that the official landmark name does not include the present owners, a separate plaque containing the statement "Landmark designation applied for (date) by owners (names of owners)" will be made available at the owner's expense. ~ LMNames.GDL ~l U9.14AdminReg-L lu~i'I _[)E•:fd. AN lUf~ ;1l \',~~ \ I IU1 c ENl l it ~:~-,~il~l~„~, ~~i~ ...~i~~l,.r~ ai~~n, ~ In I~'~~i,-:: :~n~l th, I;ii~~l:c \lin S:ili~.n:il I`.irl.:.. in :ituul~~il lliirlr niil..,, ~~i~rt}i~ci.r:t nl I~~~in~.~r. ~~iiii ,rLirli it i:;~~~.ni:~~y~~~l Lt-: ~~~I~~n~lid ~r~c~~d hl~Li~:i~~. ~ciiiL n~n~J~~ ~U',iln :in~l I~,~tn.'~. 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