3 - Minutes, March 1, 2006CITY OF BOULDER LANDMARKS PRESERVATION ADVISORY BOARD March 1, 2006 Council Charnbers Municipal Building 1777 Bmadway 6 p.m. The following are the acUon minutes of the March 1, 2006 City of Preservation Advisory Boazd meeting. A permanent set of these ~ (maintained for a period of seven years) is retained in Central 3043). You may also listen to the minutes via the City of B r BOARD MEMBERS: Nancy Kornblum I.eonard May Tim Plass, Chair Leland Rucker, Vice-chair Rory Salance (absent) STAFF MEMBERS: Sue Ellen Harrison, City Attomey James Hewat, Historic ' Ruth McHeyser, Long ge Chris Meschuk, His serva 1. CALL TO ORDER The mll Planner Planner I a tape recording hone: 303-441- a quorum at 6:03 p.m. and the following ~ THE FEBRUARY 1ST, 20116 LANDMARKS OARD MEETING ~nded by N. Kornblum, the Landmarks Preservation the minutes of February 1, 2006 board meeting. TION FOR ITENiS NOT ON THE AGENDA 4. DISCUSSION OF LANDMARK ALTERATION AND DEMOLITION APPLICATIONS ISSUED AND PENDING Staff gave an update on the following landmark alteration and demolition applications issued and pending: 1227 High Street, stay-of-demolition expires, March 8`h, 2006 1615 7`h Street, stay-of-demolition expires, May ls`, 2006 704 16`~ Street, stay-of-demolition expires, June 15`h, 2006 1802 Canyon Boulevard Landmark application continued for up to a year from June 1~` 2005 The board discussed 1615 7`" Street, and Carlo Pershecetti, architect for the project, 600 Pearl Street Unit A, discussed the proposal. 5. ACTION ITEMS A. Public hearing and recommendation to City Council regarding proposed changes to the Historic Preservation Ordinance Public, Title 10 Chapter 13, B.R 81, including: • changes to the process for designating historic distri Sec n 10-13-3 to 10-13- 10) • changes to the process for review of non-land ed gs or buildings outside of historic districts over 50 years of a are p for demolition, moving, or removal (Section 10-13-23). • Other minor changes throughout Cha `'`c13. Public Hearing ' Dan Powers, Boulder Chamber of Commerce, 2440 Nolan Rosall, 4940 Pearl East Circle #193 t.... Susan Balint, 760 9t° Street _- Dylan WilBams, 646 Pearl Street Brad Farkas, 1019 Spruce Street Susan Osborne, 525 College Avenue Margaret Hansen, Histo ' der, Bill and Betty C Estella Cole, PO Phil Shull, ex-of Motion On a me 900 Log ;e Place member, 4~''eazl Street by L Rucker, the Landmazks Preservation ~or a period not to exceed 45 days. B. Publi 'ng and con ration of a recommendation to City Council regarding the designation building'. 227 High Street as a locally designated Historic Landmark Applicant: Steve Board members were asked to reveal any ex pane contacts they may have had on this item. R Salance, T. Plass, N. Kornblum and L. May reviewed this project at a Landmarks Preservation Advisory Board Design Review Committee meeting. T. Plass and N. Kornblum also visited the site. Public Hearing Steve Burke, 1227 High Street Motion On a motion made by L. Rucker, seconded by N. Kornblum, the Landmarks Preservation Advisory Boazd continued (5-0) the application for Landmarking 1227 High Street (HIS2006- 00008) for a period not to exceed one year to allow for the appropriate approvals and variances in order to move a portion of the building on the site, prior to hearing the application and making a recommendation to City Council. C. Public Hearing and consideration of a Landmark Alteration Certificate for the final design features of an addition to and rehabilitation of the former Howe Mortuary building and the erection of two adjacent free-standing houses at 212111u' tin the Mapleton Hill Historic District (HIS2005-00062). This hearing follows co o approval of the project granted by the Board on January 4`", 2006 an will be to review of those matters that were subject to further approval by the Design to mittee of the Landmarks Preservation Advisory Board. As proposed, a velop will comprise approadmately 16,850 sq. ft. of floor area on the pro Applicant: Scott Woodard Advisory d approved ( • R. Sa~nce opposed) final a~proval of the Landmazk Alteration ~: w Certificate redevelop t of the property at 2121 11 Street (HIS2005-00062), adopting the staff memo ms date ' nuary 4, 2006 and March 1, 2006 as findings of the board, and final design detai win¢mvv schedules, roofing materials, finished materials and retaining wall shall go before "dmazks Preservation Advisory Board Design Review Committee. This recommendation j aced upon [he finding that the proposed redevelopment is generally consistent with the Landmazk Alteration criteria in Section 10-13-18(a)&(b)(1-3) B.R.C., 1981, the General Design Guidelines and the Mapleton Hill Historic District Design Guidelines. T. Plass offered a friendly amendment that staff address unresolved issues relating to design details and materials in accordance with the General Design Guidelines and Mapleton Hill Design Guidelines. L. Rucker and N. Kornblum accepted the friendly amendment. D. Public hearing and consideration of a proposal to change the conditions for the preservation of the site at 210 Arapahoe as a specified in the Site Review approval for the redevelopment of that property. Applicant: Phil Shull Public Hearing Stephen Sparn, 1731 15s' Street Steve Montgomery, architect, 2207 Mapleton Avenue Phil Shull, 497 Pearl Street Motion °_ _ On a motion made by T. Plans, seconded by L. Rucker, the P nervation Advisory Board scheduled the Landmark Designation hearing for 2 pahce a Apri15, 2006 hearing. (5-0) t 6. MATTERS FROM THE LANDMARKS B , PLA NG DEPA ,AND CITY ATTORNEY The following items were discussed: Historic Preservation and Environ Sustainabih grati University Place Historic District 1820 Pearl Designation NAPC Forum Special Meeting .a. ,, `. ;~ ~. ~•: a ~.tr""..... r 7. DEBRIEF MEE GlCA AR CHE 8. ADJOURNMENT The meeti a ~~„T Approved on Chairperson 4