04.26.2006 LPAB MinutesCITY OF BOULDER LANDMARKS PRESERVATION ADVISORY BOARD AND ENVIRONMENTAL ADVISORY BOARD JOINT MEETING Apri126, 2006 Council Chambers Municipal Building 1777 Broadway 6 p.m. The following aze the action minutes of the Apri126, 2006 City of Boulder Landmazks Preservation Advisory Board and Environmental Advisory Board joint meeting. A permanent set of these minutes and a tape recording (maintained for a period of seven years) is retained in Central Records (telephone: 303-441-3043). You may also listen to the minutes via the City of Boulder website at: http://www.ci.boulder.co.us/plannin2/landmarks/a eg ndas/previous landmark a¢endas.htm BOARD MEMBERS: Suzanne Jones Nancy Kornblum Leah Kukowski Leonazd May Tim Plass Francoise Poinsatte John Putnam L.eland Racker STAFF MEMBERS: Jim Gery, Plans Examiner Sue Ellen Harrison, City At[orney James Hewat, Historic Preservation Planner II Susan Richstone, Acting I.ong Range Planning Manager Marie Zuzack, Project Manager Elizabeth Vasatka, Environmental Affairs 1. CALL TO ORDER The roll having been called, Chair T. Plass declared a quorum at 6:10 p.m. and the following business was conducted: 2. ACTION ITEM A. Public hearing and recommendation to City Council regarding the Historic Preservation/ Environmental Sustainability Integration Project. Public Hearing Joyce Davies, 4475 Laguna #203 Pat Shanks, 3345 Broadway Robert Sharp, 59985 Marshall Lisa Morzel, 2155 Poplar Landmarks Preservation Advisory Board Motion On a motion by L. May, seconded by L. Rucker, the Landmazks Preservation Advisory Boazd recommended (4-0) that City Council approve Option A, adopting the staff inemorandum dated Apri126, 2006 as findings of the boazd, with the following amendments: 1) add a new bullet under Op[ion A tha[ states, "property owners are encouraged to increase energy efficiency by weatherstripping and add glazing through installation oF storm windows to historic windows", 2) N. Kornblum offered a friendly amendment encouraging staff to produce a brochure that ouUines techniques to make historic buildings more energy efficient. L. May and L. Rucker accepted the friendly amendment and 3) T. Plass offered a friendly amendmen[ to add a new bullet under Option A that states, "additional flexibility be given in the placement of solaz panels given the emergence of new technologies. L. May and L. Rucker accepted the friendly amendment. Environmental Advisory Board Motion On a motion by J• Putnam, seconded by L. Kukowski, the Environmental Advisory Board recommended (4-0, Susan Iott was absent) that City Council adopt the Landmazks Preservation Advisory Board recommendation with the following amendments: 1) "encourage staff to evaluate options for the city to take more proactive measures to improve energy efficiency of historic buildings, and 3) include language under B that states, "discourage the demolition of historic buildings and historic building materials. 3. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 8:50 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Approved on May 006 - Chai rson 2