04.05.2006 LPAB MinutesCITY OF BOULDER LANDMARKS PRESERVATION ADVISORY BOARD April 5, 2006 Council Chambers Municipal Building 1777 Broadway 6 p.m. The following aze the action minutes of the April 5, 2006 City of Boulder Landmarks Preservation Advisory Boazd meeting. A permanent set of these minutes and a tape recording (maintained for a period of seven years) is retained in Central Records (telephone: 303-441- 3043). You may also listen to the minutes via the City of Boulder website at: http://www.ci.boulder.co.us/plannin~Jlandmarks/a eg ndas/previous_landmark_agendas.htm BOARD MEMBERS: Nancy Komblum I.eonard May Tim Plass, Chair Leland Rucker, Vice-chair Rory Salance STAFF MEMBERS: Sue Ellen Harrison, City Attorney James Hewat, Historic Preservation Planner II Chris Meschuk, Aistoric Preservation Planner I 1. CALL TO ORDER The roll having been called, Chair T. Plass declazed a quorum at 6:00 p.m. and the following business was conducted: Swearing in of new board member T. Plass read the oath of office. 2. ELECTION OF CHAIR AND VICE-CHAIR On a nomination by N. Kornblum, seconded by L. Rucker, the Landmarks Preservation Advisory Board elected (5-0) T. Plass as Chair. On a nomination by L. May, seconded by R. Salance, the Landmarks Preservation Advisory Board elected (5-0) L. Rucker as Vice-Chair. 3. APPROVAL OF NIINUTES FROM THE MARCH 1ST AND MARCH 27~, 2006 LANDMARKS PRESERVATION ADVISORY BOARD MEETINGS On a motion by L. Rucker, seconded by N. Kornblum, the Landmarks Preservation Advisory Board approved (5-0) the minutes of March 1, 2006 and March 27, 2006 boazd meetings. 4. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION FOR ITEMS NOT ON THE AGENDA No discussion 5. DISCUSSION OF LANDMARK ALTERATION AND DEMOLITION APPLICATIONS ISSUED AND PENDING Staff gave an update on the following landmark alteration and demolition applications issued and pending: - 1615 7`~ Street, stay-of-demolition expires, May ls`, 2006 - 704 16`h Street, stay-of-demolition expires, June 15`~, 2006 - 1802 Canyon Boulevard Landmark application continued for up to a yeaz from June ls`, 2005 - On a motion by R. Salance, seconded by L. May, the Landmazks Preservation Advisory Board voted (5-0) to lift the stay of demolition on 1615 7~' Street, finding that all the alternatives have been exhausted, noting that the applicant has met with the Design Review Committee six times. 6. ACTION ITEMS A. Public hearing and consideration of a recommendation to City Council regarding the designation of the property located at 210 Arapahoe Avenue as a local landmark as per Section 10-13-5(c) of the Boulder Revised Code,1981(HIS2005-00169). Applicant/Owner: Tom Eldridge Board members were asked to reveal any ex-pane contacts they may have had on this item. T. Plass and R. Salance reviewed this project at a Landmarks Preservation Advisory Board Design Review Committee meeting. T. Plass, R. Salance, and L. May visited the site. All boazd members reviewed the applicanYs development proposal at the Mazch 1, 2006 meeting. Public Hearing Steve Montgomery, 2207 Mapleton Avenue, architect for the project, spoke in support of the staff recommendation. Motion On a motion made by L. Rucker, seconded by L. May, the Landmarks Preservation Advisory Boazd recommended (4-1, Salance opposed)) to City Council that buildings A& D together be designated as a local landmazk as shown on the designation map, under the City of Boulder's historic preservation code, Sections 10-13-1 Legislative Intent, and 10-13-3 City Council May Designate Z,andmarks and Historic Districts", adopting the April 5, 2006 staff inemorandum detailing the significance criteria as findings of the board. The board also recommended the landmark be named the Canon Cottages as per the 1989 administrative guidelines for names of landmarked properties. The name Canon Cottages is consistent with criterion D(original or later events or use), of those guidelines. B. Public Hearing and consideration of a Landmark Alteration Certificate to temporarily relocate the 1890 Union Pacific Depot (a desi~ated local Landmark) until a final site for the building is ready (HIS2006-00046). Applicant: Regency Centers Board members were asked to reveal any ex-pane contacts they may have had on this item. R. Salance served on the Depot Task Force in 2000. T. Plass received an email from Dan Corson expressing his disapproval of [he proposed method of relocating. Public Hearing Deborah Froeb, Regency Centers, co-applicant Curt Williams, Boulder Jaycees, co-applicant Chuck Sanders, representing Historic Boulder, 2055 Kohler Drive Betty Chronic (pooled with Bill Chronic), 4705 Shawnee Place Bill Flinchbaugh, 2275 30`" Street David Bragg (pooled with Vince Poneca), 2311 Winona Drive, Broomfield Joyce Davies, 4475 Laguna Place #207 Phil Shull, 497 Pearl Street Catherine Williams, representing the State of Colorado Jaycees, 961 15~' Street Motion On a motion made by T. Plass, seconded by L. Rucker, the Landmarks Preservation Advisory Boazd recommended (5-0) to issue a Landmark Alteration Certificate (HIS2006-00046) for the terr~ger-~ relocation the 1890 Union Pacific Depot to the Transit Village azea subject to the following conditions of approval: 1. design review committee's review and approval of a more detailed methodology as to how the te~er~ry re-location will occur; 2. execution of a contract between the city and the Jaycees for the city to purchase the depot; 3. execution of an agreement between the city and Columbia Regency Retail Partners, LLC, regarding each party's responsibility pertaining to the relocation of the Depot, including financial obligations; and 4. moving the building intact using proposal #2 "Move Building IntacY' as outlined in page 7 of the staff inemorandum and the means of temporary storage are not limited to solid temporary foundations. R Salance offered a friendly amendment to remove the word "temporary" from the motion. The friendly amendment was accepted by T. Plass and L. Rucker. L. May offered a friendly amendment to add "and the means of temporary storage are not limited to solid temporary foundations" to condition 4. The friendly amendment was accepted by T. Plass and L. Rucker. C. Public hearing and consideration of a landmark alteration certificate to move or demolish an eaisting garage and to construct a new one and one half-story garage with a floor area of approlcimately 800 sq. ft., at 413 Spruce Street in the Mapleton Hill Historic District (HIS2006-00042). Applicant: Kristin Lewis Board members were asked to reveal any ex-pane contacts they may have had on this item. N. Kornblum, T. Plass, and R. Salance reviewed this project at a Landmarks Preservation Advisory Board Design Review Committee meeting. Public Hearing Deborah Magaldi, 2324 14th street, applicant Kristen Lewis, azchitect for the applicant, 1928 14`" Street Cindy Carslile, 411 Spruce Street Justin Gold, 409 Spruce Street Motion On a motion made by L. Rucker, seconded by R. Salance, the Landmarks Preservation Advisory Board conditionally approved (4-1) the request for a Landmark Altera[ion Certificate (HIS2006-00042) to relocate the historic garage on the property at 413 Spruce Street and for the construction of a new garage, adopting the staff inemorandum dated Apri15, 2006 as findings of the board, with the following condition: 1) details to be worked out at the Design Review Committee level. T. Plass offered a friendly amendment to add a condition of approval that the Design Review Committee consider removing the 31~2' knee walls, possibly eliminating a dormer and lowering overall height of the proposed new garage. L. Rucker and R. Salance accepted the friendly amendment. T. Plass offered a friendly amendment that the approval is contingent upon the issuance of a variance by the Board of Zoning Adjustment and Building Appeals (BOZABA), with board support for the variance. L. Rucker and R. Salance accepted the friendly amendment. D. Public hearing and consideration of a landmark alteration certificate to construct a new one-story, two-car garage with a floor area of approximately 400 sq. ft. at 2433 8`~ Street in the Mapleton Hill Historic District (HIS2006-00047). Applicant: Tim and Mary Coonce Board members were asked to reveal any ex-parte contacts they may have had on this item. No boazd members had ex-parte contacts. T. Plass recused himself from the item. Public Hearing Tim Coonce, 2433 8`h Street, applicant. 4 The applicant withdrew his application. 7. MATTERS FROM THE LANDMARKS BOARD, PLAIVNING DEPARTMENT, AND CITY ATTORNEY The board approved the plaque language for 743 9`° Street and 1820 Pearl Street 8. DEBRIEF MEETING/CALENDAR CHECK 9. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 10:40 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Approve May 3, ~ / Ch rperso