6 - Site Review Comments for 4051 BroadwaySite Review Comments for 4051 Broadway
A c.1950 tax assessor card indicates that the concrete block house at 4051
Broadway (John & Catherine Stephens property) was under construction during
the assessment. The assessment also includes a photograph of the newly
constructed frame barn on the property. Information provided by the Stephens
children indicates that John Stephens constructed the barn in the late 1940s to
raise turkeys. The turkey farming business was ultimately unsuccessful, and the
bam was used for storage most of its life.
An historic building inventory has not been undertaken for this property.
However, an application to demolish the house and barn was reviewed by the
Landmarks design review committee in 2005. At that time, the committee found
that the house did not appear to be of architectural or historic significance, but
referred the bam to the full Landmarks Board finding that, based upon its
unusual architecture, that it appears to be one of the last agricultural buildings in
the city, and that there was "probable cause' it may be eligible for designation as
an individual landmark.
Based upon research undertaken to date, staff is also of the opinion that the barn
is eligible for designation as a local landmark for its architectural significance as
a rare and unusual example of agricultural architecture in Boulder and for its
environmental significance as an established and familiar visual feature in the
community. As such, a condition of Site Review approval for the redevelopment
of this property would be the preservation of the building and the applicanYs
submittal of a completed application to landmark the barn and a portion of the
property as per policy 2.33 Preservation of Historic and Cultural Resources of the
Boulder Valley Comprehensive Plan.
Staff recommends that the developer submit a completed landmark application
to designate the barn as soon as possible so that we can schedule a designation
hearing. This will allow for the Landmarks Board to review the proposed
landmark and boundary in the context of the larger re-development of the
property and that the subsequent Planning Board review will include the
Landmark Board's comments and recommendations. Please note that the
historic preservation ordinance (9-11-5(a)) states that once a completed
application made by the property owner is received, a public hearing must be
heard by the Landmarks Board between 60 & 120 days of the application date.
Additionally, an application for the demolition of the house will need to be re-
submitted and reviewed by the historic preservation program per Section 9-11-23
of the Boulder Revised Code.
Please contact James Hewat at 303.441.3207 if you have questions, or need more
information regarding this matter.
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James Hewat - Re: 900 28th
From: James Hewat
To: Walsh, Steven
Date: 11/20/2007 4:52 PM
Subject: Re: 900 28th
CC: Ferro, Charles; Gehr, David; Harrison, Sue Ellen; Meschuk, Chris; Ray, Robert; Richstone, Susan
Re: 900 28th Street
Dear Steven:
I am writing this a-mail as a follow-up to our telephone call this morning.
As I explained during our conversation, there is currently no procedure in place to allow the Landmarks Board
to review and comment on a property that is not landmarked (or for which there is not a pending landmark
application). Based upon the Boulder Valley Comprehensive Plan policies and the Site Review criteria, concept
review comments include a recommendation that a condition of Site Review approval for redevelopment of the
property will be the submission of an application to designate the 1959 Green Shield office building (Lotus
Building) an individual Landmark.
For this reason, we recommend that Flatiron's Village, LLC submit a completed application to designate
the Green Shield office building as soon as possible so we can schedule a designation hearing. This will allow for
the Landmarks Board to review the proposed landmark and boundary in the context of the larger redevelopment
of the property and that the subsequent Planning Board review will include the Landmark Board's comments
and recommendations. Please note that the historic preservation ordinance (9-i1-5(a) states that once a
completed application made by the property owner is received, a public hearing must be heard by the Board
between 60 & 120 days of the application date. However, this section of the code also provides for the waiving
of this time period if "mutually agreed upon by the board and the applicant". Provided the designation
application is received by 5 p.m. November 26th, the Board could discuss a request by Flatiron's Village to waive
the time period and potentially hear the application at the Board's January 9th, 2008 meeting.
The application for landmark designation and associated information regarding Landmarking can be accessed at:
http://www.bouldercolorado.gov/files/PDS/historicpres[pdfsJindivLandmarkApp.~df and
htto://www.bouldercolorado.gov/index.~hp?option=com content&task=view&id=1431&Itemid=531.
Please feel free to call me at 303.441.3207 if you have questions or need more information regarding this
James Hewat
Historic Preservation Planner
City of Boulder
"Steven Walsh" <stevenbwalsh@hotmail.com> 11/ZO/2007 9:29 AM
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I met with Charles Ferro last week and we had a good and encouraging meeting. The changes we made seem
to be heading in the right direction. I would really like to meet with you this week so that I can make sure we are
ready for the Landmarks Board hearing on December 5th.
Please give me a call at your earliest convenience so that we can find a time that works for you. My schedule is
flexible and f can meet at a moment's notice.
Steven Walsh
303 579 6365