6 - Handout - Landmarks Board "Big Picture" Meeting Notes 1114~ufi~,c. ~ECCCD ~zJS/o,
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Landmarks Board "Big Picture' Meeting Notes
1. Historic Preservation and Green Building
LPAB should become involved with green building community
Embodied energy (look at Canada, new Zealand)
Framework for illustrating how green building and preservation are complimentary
Broaden discussion about green - embodied energy needs to be included
HP and CAP - need better integration
Comp plan embodied energy policy? See energy and waste as starting point.
Progress made on greenpoints! - huge first step
Sydney website! - Pull together info such as Sydney facts into a binder, website, etc?
Definition of sustainability - actions do not impact future generations ability to sustain [hemselves
2. Preservation - Perception vs. Reality
Fear of historic preservation ordinance
Lack of knowledge on what you can do w/ Landmarked buildings
People think that decisions are arbitrar~ - no knowledge of guidelines
Need better outreach on historic preservation, like Climate Action Pland
Meet with neighborhood groups
Home Tour? - Examples: Houses on tour are rehabs
Joint activities with Historic Boulder
Can we make it easier to do the "right thing"?
Public meeting/conference on what being in a historic district is? target audience?
Survey? Metrics for satisfaction on process: gauge reality _„ npp]icants' experiPnce~ :~, ~uc s
Self reflection - debrief
Hearings are intimidating - can we make it less so?
How to contact someone without becoming a threat. How do we do the early outreach?
Awards for best project? Highlight all the great DRC projects!
WhaYs the best way to develop outreach -focus on potential districts?... what about individual buildings?
3. Development of Historic Districts
Designations have often been a timing issue (West Pearl, DowntownY. ~atalyst has been either individual
building or larger planning issue
Whittier is a steady erosion issue
Uni Hill Commercial:
Redevelopment of this azea will force the discussion
Uni Hill Context study by New Hill Group upcoming
Board has talked with some of the players
Historic Boulder in lead?
1900 Block of Mapleton; 1400 and 1500 blocks of Pine
Prepaze map of landmarks, contributing/non-contributing buildings
Work with neighborhood association
Sit down with Historic Boulder
Coffee with HB, two board members, one staff
Whittier one and Whittier two?
I. Staff Board Roles
There has been tension between board and staff. It would be helpful to:
Contact staff to get more information/clarify information prior to hearing
Work from the same factual information in the hearing (no surprises)
Use staff as a resource
Separate yourself from the decision -disagreements are nat persona]
Recognize that staff recommendation is a piece of evidence
Perception to avoid: department policy agenda -trying to impose on board/ control outcome
Staff works for City Mgr, Boazd appointed by City Council -different roles are intentional
2. Legislative Agenda
Demo Ordinance
Talk to council regarding whether demo ordinance is working
What are triggers
Changing definition has been very painful -was created to ensure that if addition under the threshold
occurred, you can still identify the building
What is the intent of the demo ordinance vs current use to gain landmarks?
Time of review takes away from being proactive
Different solution may be needed -several board members expressed concern with outcomes
Biggest issue is how to bring more historic buildings into the preservation program
Change ordinance ! .c.:us on potential districts and/or survey? Durango Conservation district example?
Idea: On survey -staff reviews, If further, kick up to board
6. Council Joint Meeting Topics (Legislative Agenda)
Demolition ordinance: What triggers the review? Problems, potential solutions?
Residential Design review
How do we bring resources into the program...preservation plan?
Initiation -When over the owners objection? LPAB and Council need to be on the same page
Incentives to designation - we don't have enough incentives
8. Action Items
? Look into LPAB joining Center for Resource Conservation or Boulder Green Building Guild
? Set up meeting with Historic Boulder re: Whittier
? Explore role of Historic Preservation in CAP
? Prepare white paper on embodied energy
? Develop survey/metrics for HP applicants
? Better PR on HP Month and Awards
? Develop story on Channel 8 for 1212 Peazl
? Figure out scheduling of joint meetings with EAB and PB
? Gather data on number of demo permits, percentage reviewed by Landmarks, etc