5A - Public Hearing Handouts - Consideration of a demolition permit application (HIS2007-00285) for the demolition of the accessory structure located at 800 Arapahoe AvePackardDierking A T T O R N E Y S A T L A W August 13, 2007 VIA HAND DELIVERY Susan Riclvstone City of Boulder Department of Planning & Development Services P.O. Box 791 Boulder, CO 80306-0791 P.;3c.ic ~~-c,aR~ l2-`~~~7 ~.PAP~ HGEN 9A t?EM ~A B-euce D. D~wc¢~c bruce@packarddierking.com Re: Locally Designated Historic LandmarkApplication for the Hannah Barker House,800Arapahoe (FIIS2006-00277) Deaz Susan: As you know, I represent the owners of the 800 Arapahoe property. Since earlier this year, the owners have undertaken a number of steps to facilitate protection of the Hannah Bazker house. Those steps included removal of the non-historic rear additions that were making it difficult to secure the property against trespassers and animals, roof repairs, substanrial reinforcement of the temporary protection on doors and windows and major cleaning of the interior. Additionally, the owners retained Bob Hunnes of NA Structural Engineers to conduct a structural assessment of the house. We expect Mr. Hunnes' report to be available later this week, and of course, we will shaze a copy of his report with you at that time. During the past few months, we have also engaged in conversarions with Historic Boulder regazding options that might permit the Hannah Bazker house to be restored. As you know, the major impediment to restoration of the house has been the lack of an economically viable use that would generate enough value to cover the anticipated cost of the restoration. One oprion that has been discussed is the possibility of subdividing the property so that the main house would be on a sepazate lot, which would permit a potential gift of the Hannah Barker house to Historic Boulder and allow that organization to oversee its restorarion. Such a subdivision could be structured so that the remainder of the lot would be large enough to accommodate two residential units under applicable zoning, wlrich would help provide an Packard and Dierking, LLC Attomeys at Law WaterStreet Voice: 303.447.0450 2595 Canyon Boulevard Fax:303.447.045t Suite 200 www.packarddierking.com Boulder, Colorado 80302 Susan Richstone August 13, 2007 Page 2 economic return for the owners that might make such a gift possible. Although at this point in time, neither the owners nor Historic Boulder are prepazed to commit this structure, both parties have indicated a willingness to continue exploring the possibility of this approach. Of critical importance if a subdivision approach were to go forwazd, however, is that the rear portion of the lot not be included in the locally designated landmark determination. Accordingly, the owners aze hereby requesting that the locally designated landmazk designation be limited to the main house and the land azound it, as depicted in the enclosed diagram. The owners have shazed this proposal with Historic Boulder and asked Historic Boulder to concur in this request. Implicit in this request is that the existing alley house would be found not to have material historic significance and would be eligible for demolition in the future. We hereby ask the Board to make a finding and/or pass a resolution to this effect. Although we recognize some may believe the alley house is charming, we aze awaze of no evidence that would indicate the alley house possesses any material historic significance in its own right, and we believe it is a small trade-off in the big picture of trying to save the Hannah Bazker house. Please let me know if you have any questions regarding this letter or whether you need any additional information to submit these requests to the Board. trul~ s, nice D. Dierking Enclosure c: Abby Daniels, Historic Boulder (via hand w/enc.) Mike Cameron w/enc.) Chris Maurer (w/enc.) Tom Hand (w/enc.)