2 - Minutes - November 7, 2007CITY OF BOULDER
November 7, 2007,
1777 Broadway, Council Chambers Room
6 p.m.
The following are the action minutes of the November 7, 2007 City of Boulder Landmarks
Preservation Advisory Board meeting. A permanent set of these minutes and a tape recording
(maintained for a period of seven years) is retained in Central Records (telephone: 303-441-
3043). You may also listen to the on-line at: www.bouiderplandevelop.net.
Nancy Kornblum
I.eonazd May
Tim Plass, Chair
Kirk Watson
Lisa Podmajersky
*Willa Johnson- Planning Board representative without a vote
Sue Ellen Harrison, Assistant City Attorney
Susan Richstone, Acting Long Range Planning Manager
James Hewat, Historic Preservation Planner
Chris Meschuk, Historic Preservation Planner
Mazcy Cameron, Historic Preservation Intern
The roll having been called, Chair T. Plass declared a quorum at 6:06 pm. and the
following business was conducted:
On a motion by N. Kornblum, seconded by K. Watson, the Landmarks Preservation
Advisory Board approved (5-0) the minutes of the October 3`d, 2007 boazd meeting.
Mazgery Goldman, 1043 Pine Street, spoke regarding materials for flat roofing.
A. Public hearing and consideration of a landmark alteration certificate to rehabilitate
and construct a rear addition to the main house, construct a 952 sq. ft. free-standing
building 14' north of the main house, and to construct two, two-car carports on the
alley at the contributing property located at 1037 Pine Street in the Mapleton Hill
Historic District (HIS2007-00283). Applicant: Kyle Callahan Owner: Mark
Board members were asked to reveal any ex-pane contacts they may have had on this item.
T. Plass, N. Kornblum, and L. May reviewed the project at Design Review Committee
meetings and made a site visit. L. Podmajersky reviewed the project at a Design Review
Committee meeting. K. Watson and W. Johnson had no ex pane contacts.
Applicant's Presentation
Kyle Callahan, 2121 30`n St, azchitect, spoke in support of the project.
Public Hearing
Mazgery Goldman, 1043 Pine Street, asked a question regazding the distance of the new house
from the east property line.
Applicant's Rebuttal
Kyle Callahan, 2121 30`" St, architect, stated that the new house was 11'4" from the property
T. Plass, seconded by L. May, made a motion to deny the application for the proposed
rehabilitation of and addition to the existing house, and the construction of a 952 sq. ft., two-
story house and two detached carports at the reaz of the property located at 1037 Pine Street as
shown on plan included in the application dated October 18a', 2007 finding that it is inconsistent
with the standazds for issuance of a Landmazk Alteration Certificate in Chapter 9-11-18, B.R.C.
1981, and that the application is inconsistent with the following design guidelines: 6.2.1, 6.2.2,
6.2.3, 6.2.4, 6.2.5, 6.3.1, 6.3.2, 6.3.4, 7.2.4, and 7.2.14.
The applicant withdrew the application prior to the vote by the boazd.
The boazd provided the following feedback to the applicant: The boazd agreed that carports are
generally inappropriate in a historic district, the overall density of site should be reduced and that
the proposed secondazy building should be set farther back on the lot. The north elevation of the
proposed building should be revisited, citing the following portions of the guideline analysis
section of the staff memorandum: 6.2.1, 6.2.2, 6.2.3, 6.2.4, 6.2.5, 6.3.1, 6.3.2, 6.3.4, 7.2.4, and
B. Public hearing and consideration of an application to designate the house and property
at 3231 lla' Street as a local historic ?andmark as per Section 9-11-5 of the Boulder
Revised Code, 1981 (HIS2007-00255). Applicant: Landmarks Preservation Advisory
Board; Owner: Michael and Michelle Clements
Board members were asked to reveal any ex-parse contacts they may have had on this item.
T. Plass visited the site, received numerous emails, had a phone conversation with Ms. Clements
after the boazd took no action at the June boazd heazing, spoke with Dan Corson after the
board did not initiate and had two conversations with Mayor Ruzzin, first on October 12`s,
which at no time did the mayor indicate his opinion of the outcome of this issue, received a
phone call from Bev Potter, a neighbor of the Clements.
K. Watson visited the site, received multiple emails, and received a phone call from Ms.
Clements after the June meeting, regarding the landmazking process.
L. Podmajersky made a site visit.
N. Kornblum visited the site multiple times, reviewed the case at a Design Review Committee
meeting, received numerous emails and spoke to Ms. Clements before the process began to
discuss the situation before taking action.
She also stated that though her husband, Michael Shriner is an attorney at Caplan &
Earnest, the law firm that is representing the Clements, there is not a conflict of interest
because there is no substantial financial interest in the project and it is assumed that'
the law firm would check any ethical laws and conduct a mandatory conflicts check
prior to accepting the case.
L. May visited the site, reviewed the project at a Design Review Committee meeting, received
numerous emails, and had conversations with the Clement's neighbor, Bev Potter, prior to
the process regazding a pending demolition permit.
Willa Johnson recused herself because of her role on the boazd of Historic Boulder, Inc.
Owner's Presentation
Joseph de Raimes, Kaplan & Ernest, 1800 Broadway, Suite 200, (representative for the owners)
clarified that the there was no conflict with Mr. Shriner, and spoke in opposition to landmazk
designation and also asked that emails from Silverman and Angle stating their opposition to
landmazking be added to record as well as a petition with 55 signatures opposing landmazking.
Michelle Clements, 3231 l la' Street, spoke in opposition of landmark designation.
Public Hearing
Beverly Potter, 3201 l la' Street, spoke in support of landmazk designation and presented
additional historic research about the Albion Dam.
Kathryn Saunders, 3251 11"' Street, spoke in support of landmazk designation.
Abby Daniels, 1123 Spruce Street, Executive Director of Historic Boulder Inc, spoke in support
of landmark designation.
Kyle Callahan, 2121 30a' Street, spoke in opposition of landmazk designation for lack of
azchitectural significance.
Joseph de Raimes, questioned why landmark designation was pursued after the demolition
permit was withdrawn when other properties have been approved for demolition.
On a motion by T. Plass, seconded by N. Kornblum, the Boazd voted (3-2, L. May and L.
Podmajersky opposed) to withdraw the local landmazk designation application for the property
at 3231.11` Street.
Friendly amendment by N. Kornblum to state that the decision was reached based on the
following: the designation does not meet the standazds set forth by Chapter 9-11-1(b), B.R.C.
1981; there is not a balance between the community interest and private property rights; the
designation does not have the consent of owner; the house is not located in a potential historic
district; and the inability of the boazd to take action at a later date if the landmark application was
denied, because of the mandatory 1 year moratorium requirement as stated in 9-11-8. The
friendly amendment was accepted by T. Plass.
C. Public hearing for the repeal and reenactment of the General Design Guidelines for
Boulder's Historic Districts and Individual Landmarks including changes to Section 3.7
(Windows), 3.8 (Doors), 8.2 (energy Efficiency), 8.3 (Mechanical and Utility Facilities)
and 9.0 (Definitions), as Administrative Regulations pursuant to the rulemaking
procedures set forth in Chapter 1-4, B.R.C. 1981.
Public Hearing
Mazgery Goldman, 1043 Pine Street, regazding section 8.2.1 Energy Efficiency -and suggested
additional language to include for the protection of shade trees on adjacent properties.
T. Plass, seconded by K. Watson, made a motion that the Landmazks Board repeal and reenact
the General Design Guidelines are as part of the procedure to adopt administrative rules, per
Rulemaking, Chapter 1-4, of the Boulder Revised Code, finding that they are consistent with the
City's Council's January 16`h, 2007 Historic Preservation and Environmental Sustainability
Integration Policy Direction.
T. Plass and K. Watson withdraw the motion.
On a motion by T. Plass, seconded by L. May, the Board voted (5-0) to continue the item to a
date certain, scheduled for 3 p.m. on Wednesday, November 28, 2007, at a location to be
A. Planning Board Calendaz ,
B. 3231 11`~ Street- Motion by T. Plass, seconded by N. Kornblum the Boazd voted (5-0)
to direct staff to write a summary of action that occurred and send to council with
concerns expressed by the Boazd related to the withdrawal of the landmazk designation
The meeting adjourned at 11:17 pm
Approved on December 5, 2007
Respectfully submitted,