6 - Update MemoNovember 7~~', 2007 TO: Landmarks Preservation Advisory Board FROM: James Hewat, Chris Meschuk SUBJECT: Update Memo November mid-month meeting We have scheduled a special mid-month Board meeting to discuss "big picture" issues for November 14`h from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Location to be decided. Depot Update Verbai Update at meting. Casey School Design Advisory Team The Casey School Development Advisory Team continues to meet though no discussion regarding rehabilitation of the historic portion of the school has occureed. An engineering report on the structural condiYion of the building will be reviewed by the team on May 5'h. Schematic design begins later this month. Preserve America Application Staff is revising the Preserve America application for designation of Boulder as a Preserve America community. 2008 Certified Local Government Grant Application, due date November 15, 2007. Staff is considering applying for funds to pay for staff and Board training at the National AUiance of Preservation Commissions Forum to be held in New Orleans, July of 2008. New and Pending Land Use Review Applications See attached Stop Work Orders: 2433 8`h Street, Mapleton Hill Historic District, Construction of garage not consistent with permiited set of plans and landmark alteration certificate. r Landmarks Preservation Advisory Board Stav of Demolition Status Summary, November 7~h, 2007 Date of Date Stay Date of Address Construction Im osed Ex iration Current Status 800 Pearl Street c.1875 7/18/2007 12/03/2007 Demolition application withdrawn (see attached letter} 5653 Baseline Rd c.1920 7/18/2007 11/1412007 Demolition application withdrawn (see attached letter) 211813TH Street Site Review Comments The large Colonial-Revival building at 211813w Street was constructed in about 1910. Research indicates that by 1913 the building was in use a boarding house operated by Anna Hugo. A 1994 historic building inventory of the property identified the house as being a significant and well-preserved example of Colonial-Revival architecture with its brick and stone construction, symmetrical facade, classical porch detailing, and round and oval windows. Staff considers the building to survive as one of the most exuberant examples of early-twentieth century Colonial-Revival architecture in Boulder and to be eligible for listing as a local historic landmark. The historic building inventory also noted the high degree of architectural and historic significance partially deriving from the building's function as anearly-twentieth century Boulder boarding house. As such, the survey suggested that the property may be eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places. Plans for the re-development of this property call for the addition of a stair tower at the rear of the house. The proposed addition appears to generally consistent with the General Design Guidelines for Boulder's Lnndntnrks and Historic Districts. However, staff recommends that the stair tower be lowered slightly and that some minor modifications be made to the proposed materials and fenestration in order for the design to fully meet the Guidelines. A condition of site review usually calls for an application for the designation of identified historic resources in the project area be made per Section 2.33 of the Boulder Valley Comprehensive Plan, Presernntion of Historic and Cultural Resources. However, because landmarking has usually been made a condition of site review in the case of significant redevelopment projects and the subject request is a relatively minor improvement and has a relatively minor impact on the historic resources, staff considers that providing the applicant with some flexibility regarding the conditions of site review appropriate. Therefore the applicant may either have: 1) Site Review approval with the condition that an application to designate the building an individual local historic landmark be made prior to issuance of a building permit; or 2) Site Review approval with the condition that any future exterior changes to the building will require Site Review approval and that a requirement of any such approval may call for the submission of an application to designate the building as an individual local landmark. Designation of the building would provide the property owner with the opportunity to take advantage of a state historic preservation tax credit (20% of the project cost up to $50,000) for the restoration of the house. Sanborn map research indicates the garage at the rear of the property is older than fifty years in age. Its demolition will require submission of an application for the demolition of anon-designated building older than fifty years in age per Section 9-11-23 of the Boulder Revised Code to determine whether or not there is "probable cause' to consider that the building may be a historic landmark. For more information regarding this matter, please call James Hewat at 303.441.3207. Pre-Application Comments for 191914th Street/1301 Walnut Street The Colorado Insurance Group Building located at 1919 14~h Street was constructed in 1955 after designs by noted Boulder Modemist architect, James Hunter. An architectural survey and context of architectural Modernism in Boulder undertaken in 2000 (see attached), has identified this Mies van der Rohe inspired building as the only "big city" high-rise in the city. The survey notes the building's strong Modemist horizontal and vertical forms, curtain wall construction, and high level of craftsmanship displayed as unique in Boulder. The architectural survey and context also finds James Hunter to be an "acknowledged master of Boulder architecture" and that the Colorado building represents one of his most important commissions of the 1950s. In 2006, the James Hunter designed "Nelson House', located at 1818 Baseline Avenue in Boulder, was individually listed in the State Register of Historic Places. While the building has been moderately altered over the years, the 2000 survey finds the Colorado Building to retain a high degree of historic integrity and to be eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places under criterion C (architectural significance), as an exceptional and iconic example of post-WW II, Miesian design in downtown Boulder. Planning staff considers the building would also be eligible for designation as a local historic landmark. Redevelopment of the property requiring discretionary review would likely include conditions of approval requiring the submittal of a completed application to landmark the building as per policy 2.33 Preservation of Historic and Cultural Resources of the Boulder Valley Comprehensive Plan. Tax assessor records indicate that the building at 1301 Walnut Street was constructed in 1949, though a historic building inventory form has not been completed for the property. It does not appear that the building is of historic or architectural significance. Because the building is older than fifty years in age, if removal of the building is planned, an application for demolition will need to be submitted and reviewed by the historic preservation program per Section 9-11-23 of the Boulder Revised Code. Please contact James Hewat at 303.441.3207 if you have questions, or need more information regarding this matter. Acacia Building Site Review Comments Historic Preservation: The Acacia Fraternity Building at 910 28"' Street was constructed in 1968 after designs by noted Boulder architect, Hobart Wagener. An architectural survey of Modernism undertaken in 2000 (see attached), identified this building as an example of Wagener's Rustic Modern manner of design which is characterized by roof dominated forms, strong vertical and horizontal lines, ribbon and clerestory windows, use of wood and stone, and an integration of indoor and outdoor spaces. The 2000 survey also included a finding that, though less than 50 years in age (typically the minimum age for buildings to be listed), the property was eligible for inclusion in the National Register of Historic Places under Criteria consideration G for buildings less than fifty years old due to its exceptional significance as an example of post-WWII Modern architectural design in Boulder. The building is most likely also eligible for designation as a local historic landmark. A condition of Site Review approval for the redevelopment of this property would likely require the preservation of the building and the applicant's submittal of a completed application to landmark the building and a portion of the property as per policy 2.33 Preservation of Historic and Cultural Resources of the Boulder Valley Comprehensive Plan. For more information regarding this matter, please call James Hewat at 303.441.3207. Page 1 of 1 Chris Meschuk - 800 Pearl From: "Bruce Dierking" < To: "Susan Richstone" <Richstones@bouldercolorado.gov> Date: 10/23/2007 10:41 AM Subject: 800 Pear] CC: "Hewat, James" <llewatJ@bouldercolorado.gov>, "Chris Meschuk" <meschukcC~bouldercolorado.gov>, "Libby Cook" < candy@~ > Susan, On behalf of 800 Pearl, LLC, I am notifying you that the demolition permit application for 800 Pearl Street is hereby withdrawn. Please let me know ii you need anything further from me at this time. We look forward to continuing to work with you toward a mutually acceptable redevelopment plan for this property. Best regards, Bruce Bruce D. Dierking Packard and Dierking, LLC WaterStreet 2595 Canyon Boulevard, Suite 200 Boulder, Colorado 80302 Voice: (303) 447-0450 Fax: (303)447-0451 Bruce @ packarddierking.com NOTICE: This communication, Including attachments, is covered by the Electronic Communication Privacy Ad, USC 1 B Sections 2510-2521, is confidential and may contain legally privileged information. If you are not the intended recipienror believe you have received this communication in error, do not print, copy, retransmit, disseminate or otherwise use this communication or any of the information contained herein. Also, please notify sender that you have receivetl this communication in error and delete the copy you received. Sending a-mail to us or receiving a-mail Irom us does not create an attorney-client relationship nor impose any obligations on us to treat information you send us as confidential. Unless otherwise expressly stated nothing herein is intended as an electronic signature nor as an intent to make an agreement by electronic means. _ _ . . Chris Meschuk -Notice to W i4hdraw 5653 Baseline... _ _ _ Pa e 1 From: "Shane Higbee" <Shane . To: "Chris Meschuk (E-mail)" <meschukc@bouldercolorado.gov> Date: 10/23/2007 2:28:19 PM Subject: Notice to Withdraw 5653 Baseline... In order io allow for further consideration of landmarking the barn structure located at 5653 Baseline, we hereby formally withdraw our demolition permit , As advised by Chris Meschuck during our telephone conversation on October 15, 2007, this email should be received as formal notice of such. Shane Higbee Prime Plus, LLC. Phone 303.413.1000 Fax 303.413.1001 777 29th St, Suite 500 Boulder CO 80303 «Shane Higbee.vcf»