5B - Public Hearing Handout - Consideration of an application to designate the house and property at 3233 11th Street (HIS2007-00244) as a local historic landmark(5)' t~ /~~o~ ~Pa~
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Jess Chambers ~ecalls I~ards~i~,s .Of ~,u~` _ ~~,~ ~ ~
Freig~tirr~ rr~ ~o~ldar 1Vtc~~~itains
By Forreat Cro~sen I q Typlcal Day ' I Sp~nt Wlnter At Alblon
l,et ue Luni asa~n in lhoso [ull fie nodded, emlling. "We uaed "We spent oue wlu[er at Camp
Lopo(ul' days N'i1P.11 (hrnugh [l~e to get np at 4 o'clock 1^ tho ntorn• IAlblon, Lnullag tor tite «`aode
strneta ot Doulder I.liere rolled ~~~~ tu go up [o dlmtown. Ne llved brqtllurs. wl~o I~ad a mill belo~v ~1-
horsa or mulo-drawn wngone load- a~ 19Lh nud ~'~ater and our barn ~-ou llam. R'n aslablished a
ed wllh necesaltfea nnd luiurlee tor set out ou the nurtl~ bnnk ot Heae• ~a~p at Hill's Slding, on tl~u
tho minfug cauipe 1n tlia mountalne. dltclt. We'd go out tlret Lt~lug ~~d y,p.ecW narrow•gauge raltroud,
And lhese e+une wagons, returning, .
and watar and teed LLe harsea [helr ~y~~lcL wae the neit etaUon-abuve
carrled down gold, aliver und other corn and onts. W'hlle they Glacle.r Lake, about one mlle awuY.{
ore, tl~elr liw•ses and mulea tl~e ,
n'dr~ eatlug wa cuf[ed lhem (comU- ~ya ~Siaule:l ,s.uPplisa :cr Lhe u::ll,
kinge ot trnusportation, thely drlv-
ere meu of alcUl nud cournge, hlgh• nd Hud bruslied tUeir coats). 'Phen ~~~os~~y coal. lt was a 6-mlle l~aul
ly respaciod roamhere u1 an uncleut A'e Luruessed them. Tliis ~vas a au~ a pretty steep oue.
Xnd hw~orublo cra[t. rY
blg jo~ fnr me wl~en I[irst started
, '~lt enow u loL up lu ll~al couu
~u e:.ger ]ight cume lnlo ~he
~ helpiog Fatl~er; I liad to 6et up In alld so wo lxad lo usa sleda, tour
e~ es n[ Jasse N. ChamLera, 2014 the mangor to put Uia collaru ou. ~iorses to the aled. Ne IlBUled oYeP I
~l'aluut Streel. "I llke tu talk ahout ~~~~°~'~ ~<~ ~~i nnd LaYe U~eak[t~sl. ~jrifts as 1dSL as u liouse. ICa cold
~hoae old days, when Fnther and 1 m~
~n[ullier was oue o[ tho best o[ ~~n tLere too and wucli o[ Lho
}relghLad up to Uie miniug cnmps, couke. She's have pnucnl:es, hnin ~yp ~~ud to wnik tu keep warn~.
Poii see," lie went un, "1'm qullo and eggs or bncon aud .eggs uud ~~~ye got a)ong Lnlrly we~l must
!~« old-tlmer here
I waa Uorn In cot(ee. 3he halted her own hread o[ llle tlme. Oue morning we were
like my falher, R'allls
Iioulder +~nd put u~i a Uig hiucl~ tar us. going up through the llmber wlth
~'6aitiibers. Itty grand~ather, George "Tlte next Lhing wns tn ]dtcl~ t~e g ~oad. The auu was uut und it waa
was a F't(ly-ntuer:'
1ti'. Chainl~ers hases to lhe wlgou. ~9o nBnrly ul• culm, real ulce. Then, wl~eu we
, A•apa picl:ed up nur loads tlie aL[er- got up to tim~ecllne,; a b~lzzaid
I well uuderelood tt~e prlde Su liis I
noon before. ~Ve l~aulod a lot ot etruck.
coice. 1359 wns the year lioulder
i,~as fouvded
tlie dale nf tlie dlacov- thfngs trom Aloyd Hardcrare etore Recalls Bllxzard' ,~
Ltia year
erY ot gold uear Gold H~U -
nnd we usunlly hnd to plck up dyua- ~~llad wae drlving snd 1 was wa
k lnile nt the powder house up !n Sun• ~vg, ~ye used to chaugo ot(, eo we
y r
' shine cnnon. We'd Ue on clie road wouldn'i get eo tlred. The tiret
ul ot man
ot uoderwuy. A 1~aniL ~'y G o'clock. Lliing I know I eaw Ll~o leadera com-
~ad r.ome to the slte ot Boulder ]xte ~~;~`O w'eut out North 1~ at.reet iA~ ~eck. '1'l~e U112zard l~sd ezclt•
In 1SG3, eyeudtog 11~a winler, to he ~B~~Oade~ay), kurned le[t up past tl~e ed them and tLey's jackka(Ied. The,
joiued tUe uext yenr by a Losl uC 13uU r%uler place, up I~ ow•-11111e cam rond was packed wllh enow up 3 or
gager-eyad ndvanturera. °P 1ud o~~e1' Red H[IL oc Lea 1 .~ teeL higlt, real Lard. Uue llorea
~"Fatuer used lo frelght to Carl-
' 8c~nr4iug tu tho condilfon o~FL, jumPoa ~ver U~e bauk and landed'
ard, Sugar Loat,
ou, Cold lilll, ti\ rnad. ln tlie du~'~ngtlme wa tilc~~.\jli ll~e sott snow and lha otlier oue
Rowenn aod ~lmlown. lle usually ~~uma tnubh old tl~nas pulllug thru junlped over ]dm. 1 caugltt lhem
0rove four horses, someLimes six, to ' tlie mud~ and 4uieled them dowo. We ~ um
a wngov, wliicl~ now and tLen linil ~t no~^ wo'd ~mierally he uyer hooked nnd hurrieS back Lo Ii111'a
a Lrat1 wa6ou lioolced onto it. ~-o Re~ Ilill. 1Vo'd atc~p und faad lhu SldlnB~ leaviug tl~a aled.
alwnys hud the besC nallve horsea horsea. ~Ve had [eed bage lhat we ~~~1'lie last teauilug wn d~d. the
taieed rlght liere fu lhe couutry,
o ~~u°6 over lhelr Uenda iflled wilh
sumuicr o[ 1911, was liauling sup•
PLcee horsea wolglied truiu ]..UO to corn clioppod with onts ar corn
~ies in [or the 6uildU~s ~~ the Al-
11DU poutlde nplece, tho lenders ~
chopped with bran. Now and llieu
~~on nc+ui. ~V° hauled trom lllll'a
ubout lzuo. n,~a at oue time liad ~ve te~l theui etralgLt oala. H'e'd
Slding snd we had to hlre Itvo out-
ull black ha~ses-eight LenU. i
ea6 otu• owu luncL and take a full ~~i~y Un~ides our own two. We hnul•
Frelphting Hard Work
' one liour rest. p,y i„ gg(ip~ 6;,rn .~r~y~y~ArB~'~:l"~"
relghllug ln LLe moun[alna seas
I ~ pn To Jimtown
hard wm•k. nlaguolla wae the hnrd- ~, "Theu we'd go down to Lett H~nd
'ost trip on tliu horses; to«r head (creelc) aud up lo d1m creek nnd uu
could ouly lalte 3 lons uP the liill. up lo dimlowu rn4 tlte 1Vauo mina.
'fl~en tice l~ad lo etop overy IltLls ~ye'd usunlly reaciti .lim[own a6nut
h'ays aud glue them 'breatUera'. Lhree or d o'clock. \Ye'd uuload om•
'~ "Con.tng yowu was ~:nrd Lou. ~4n ~ eupplles ut tLe ~Vaua and taka ou a
~ad to Ue ntlghGy cxre[ul AbULLI OOT ~uad ot [luoraDar ore.
hraleea. In Lha swumerUiuo NP USJ~I ~~~'~'~~~t atny overnisht in JLulown.
th~ cegula~ i~r.~l.os, woicu und to be
~ ~ya elwaye put up at Lhe Lvana
wl~icli liad tt barn and cur•
Yepalred o[ten. \Ve used ryuaking ,
ral. 1'he nRxt a~oruing R•e'd leat~e
usp 6locka lu the Lrnlce shoes, about E o'clock. 12 tltlnsa wauL aoll
Rh(ch ~ve worked with a Pedal un tive'd Ket lulo Buulder Letween 3
the elde oL fhe wagon boz ou ttre
' and 4 in lha u[larnoon_ 7'his would
rlblit hand (drlver
s) eide. It l~ad
a rachet an the m~tsid
eo we g~ve tlie'Lorsea a guod rest tor U~e ,
could sut Il:• ueit dny. .
TUue when n drtver aLarLed duwn ~~lt it l~ad LL'EL a l~urd U•ip and
h grado he eho~~ad tLn pedal for- ~~le liorsea were aweaty, we'd rub
ward, whlch puehad the brake ehoes ~l~em dowu avd throw !he hlankels
againet tUe iron rlins o[ the two ~ver tl~em ~utUl lhey cooled o[[.
renr wliaels. Down LLey went, the L~ter we'~l Lave to r.onte ~ack ou[
horses stepping carefully, the hrake ~10~ tahe tL~ LIaul:aLs o!!. We luok
blocke ahrlakln$ and a~oklnp„ tha b~od care o[ uur horses; lLey caa
drlver praying Lhat nathing would catcl~ cold liie anwe as a mau.
fall aad roleaeo tho ]oad ugalnat Au affectla~ ]uy li~ Itin volca tl~at
h1e taSthtul horeas. Runaways ln the i'ecalled to mu vlvldly U~e luve that
mnnntalns o(ten wanut dealL. ' "~~uy n:eu had 1m• thelr fuilhPul
"Nuw ~ell ma about a typlcal ~0iuials. Blm•e tl~au ouca 1 liud
duP." I requoaled. seuu my fau~cr, u fiue ~~ursemuu,
s liip
Jsy a haud geutly on n lwrau
aud cull Lim by name or tor a tlcet-
ing mumeut caress the crealw'e'a
nose. Aud LLe Yiorse alwu)'a uud'er-
sloud the touci~ o[ tliis luviug liand,
~ lhe ~oun4 0[ iLia comradely volce.
l~ 5u~. 1Rla .Z S 5u~- \Q l~
The road work from Hill's Siding to _ ~ _
can,,, Albion is rapidly nearing com- THE CITY OF BOULDER
plelion, as is also the r1c~ reenter wori:
on the bunk .housepp at>SY the otiice at ~ -WILL BUILD THE DAM - ~ _
that place. tl'he/o~ly wort: that has -
Ueen ripue ori, f~iie am proper is the HAMM WILL BOSS ~ -
rlc•aring away~rof the underbrush and •
„reparing~ it for the hard work which CONTRACTS FOR THE ALBION ALBION LAKE DAM
is to fo w. Upon the completion oP WORK EXCEEDED CITY ENGI-
the road to the danr sl'te the work oP, NEER'S ESTIMATES AND
hanlh,g the necessary materials wily
C~-1-3~ o~
~`'(S.~ Thee •bids oP the •Morrison Contract
~ - - ing company and oP Seerie Bros. fo W. H. Hamm, who has been tore-
• AL810N MASONRY DAM construction of the dam at Camp Al mangy for the McArthur Bros. in the
Boulder, Colo., June 13, 1910. bion were rejected last night by the construction at the dam at Barker
Sealed proposals for the construe- city council which body finally, afte Meadows, h been retained by the
lion of a Rubble Concrete 11Sasonr~ much d[ecussion, resolved to do th~ city to s erl tend t:he constrnctin~
Dam at Albion Lako Reservoir, Bou?•' worlt itself through City tEngineer Fre, work of the da to be erected by the
der County, Colorado, will be : eceived Dungan And Consulting Engineer miih city at Camp Albtoir: 'Mr. Ham¢n~ 1s
by the City Coun it of Boulder, Cola S, Ketchum, Tne bids o! the two com ~ an able en~gineer~d knows his busl-
rarlo, at the Cit 1~a11 [n said cif unit' espies were far above the es'timate~ ness tram A He has ~t,een en-
7 o'clocl: P, M., July 18, 1910,ywhen cost of tyre riiy'eaeineer's ofllce. Th~ ga:;ed in slmlla~i work for the last two
they will be open and real. -The .Morrisori Contr ctin~ company ~place~ decades and is onsil3ered one oP the
work includes ab r 13,000 cubic yards ..its bid at G5.2a' anu tha -5i?gFt~ best men 1n t bu~il{ess,
rubble concrete, ogetber with peens- Bros. pedple at 49,3fi2, while the estl " lVe consider ou elves tort>mate."
nary excavation, gate houses, valves, mete of the city as a little more Char said Mayor Gr nman 'this mornint', •
etc. Bidders shoal visit the site be• $100,000.- MacAr hur Bros., wha bull "tn being xhle t get. such a r=ood man
Pore bidding on the work. the huge dam a arker Meadows, re He is familiar wtih the climate and
Yropnsals shall b accompanied by fused to•bid o e grounds, it is said all 'branches of the work which the
a certified check o a Colorado Banlt that the speci ca 'ens prohibited Mon engineers w111 have to conternd with in
for Five Thousand dollars ($5;000.00), -.golian labor o a kinds. the constrnetlon of 'the dam."
made payable w' n reserv.rtion to `The city wil r the work to com Mr, Hamm's many friends in this
A A. Greenman he successful con- p~etton us fast asible; will employ city will be delighted fo hear that he
traitor will be re a red to furnish an as• much Boulc a labor as possible; is to remain in Bmtlder to superintend
approved Surety mpany Bond for will use ste to generate power in- the 'city's dam work.
Twenty-flue Thousand Dollars ($?5,- stead of electricity, and will let part
000) within 10 days after notice that of the avork out on contract, eriTn RAN OVER CHILD
the contract has been awarded to A contract with the Denver, Boulder _
him. & Western for the construction of a - - ~ ~
Plans, specifications and pr posal 1 i~5-foot spur at Hill's siding was ra i-
blanks may be obGlfned, from con- fled and work will begin immediately
nutting eno neeh, M. 3. Ketchum, 43q on this installation, the citq having
Century Bldg., Denver, Colorado, upon I already •bul]t a large warehouse at that
the deposit of Twenty-flue Dollars place.
($2::.001, which will be returned when a Appropriations of $250 es.ch were
the plans and specifications are re- i made to the 'Boulder band and to the
turned, Plans and speciflcattona ara - Boulder Fish & Game club, the Iatter
on file at the office of Fred R- Dungan, appropriation being made with. the
Cite Engineer, Bo,ilder, Colo. , stipuiation 'f.hat the officials of the or-
The City Council reserves the r1~h r ,garilzatlon give a detailed report of !ts
to reject any and al] b[ds. _ work.
A, A- GREENMAN, l Ordinance No. 611, assess(nq the '
Mayor cost of the Mapleton improvement dts-
FRED R. DUNGAN, trio, was passed, _
City Enb Weer i The council rejected all ~bfds on Im-
M. S. I{);TCHIIIt, 7rrovement District No. 8, which tn-
Consttlting Engr., 438 Cent ~ eludes South Broadway, and will su-
~ Bldg., Denver, Colo. 2R pervise its construction through the
~ OftiCe,S At city engineer and street su•
-The new 'Federal postotflce w111 he
f~rrritsherl 'with water according to the
meter rates at .Colorado Springs,
which `iproc(des a charge,:' ot'~16 cents
a- thoirsand,~ decreasing`as ~the~,quan'tity
°o~t' wafer used increases. ~ ,
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The following is are the names of members of the Boulder P
Community who OPPOSE landmarking our property
located at 3231 11th Street, Boulder, CO 80304
Date Name Address Si natur
/6~25/G? ~d! ~.Ja ~ o ~
l0 ZS o4 ~ (.e. S~avr;n 1420 Can , vD h 1-~ $ c
Z5 1v~0 ~L A I/6
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/c 27 D7 3~ Y/ / jz' &b
/U~ Z'7-07 ,~N ~I3 ~
The following is are the names of members of the Boulder
Community who OPPOSE landmarking our property
located at 3231 11 cn Street, Boulder, CO 80304
Date Name Address Si nature
~ a,~'2 S ~ ~ d%~ -~cd 2~' Tf~ ~ z
~c. 5 ~ ~ 307 ~
~~12s r- S
1 U 28" U65 ~to~ s c a't 3 Imo,
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to 3l~~ ~ ~tl~~l
3 G ~6~ 3 ~7 'Inc 5 ~u
The following is are the names of members of the Boulder
Community who OPPOSE landmarking our property
located at 3231 11 to Street, Boulder, CO 80304
Date Name Address Si nature
/0 3' ~ r l4
i> 3/ Anl (~an1~Y l/b a- ~
33 b
/ ~ /I~ ~/D11~
0 1 ~ rYll.l'~ rn ~ ~~b b'Ak-o~'~P K3w ,y.~~sw