5A - Handout - Consideration of a Landmark Alteration Certificate for 1037 Pine Street (HIS2007-00283) - to rehabilitate & constru...14' north of the main house, & construct tPage 1 of l James Hewat - HIS2007-00283 From: "Ganiaris, Nick J" To: Date: 11/6/2007 4:41 PM Subject: HIS2007-00283 Dear Mr. Hewat, I am writing regarding the meeting tomorrow with the Historic Landmarks preservation concerning 1037 Pine St., Boulder. I live at 1041 Pine St. directly to the east of the property in question. My concern is not the development of the condominiums since it would improve the property and upgrade the neighborhood appearance. Specifically, my issue is the proposed development, specifically the new addition is: 1. Too ciose to my properry (12') and would affect my views (I only have limited south and mostly western views) and block the sunlight in the afternoon 2. View from the street would be greatly aitered and the historical perspective of the property would be affected 3. Overall, our general welfare would be diminished. I suggest that the new building be placed directly behind the building at 1037, so it minimizes impact on my property and does not alter the historical perspective of the two houses (1037 &1041 Pine) from the street. Please let me know if there is any additional information you require or how I can provide more info to the Landmark Commission. Sincerely yours, Nicholas Ganiaris