00 - Landmarks - Cover Sheet - November 07, 2007CITY OF BOULDER ,~3~ LANDMARKS PRESERVATION ADVISORY BOARD 'n'~ ~ DATE: November 7, 2007 TIME: 6:00 p.m. PLACE: 1777 Broadway, Municipal Building - Council ChamhP*~ D~~--- Central Records 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES FROM THE OCTOBER 3rd, 2007 LANDMARKS PRESERVATION ADVISORY BOARD MEETING 3. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION FOR ITEMS NOT ON THE AGENDA 4. DISCUSSION OF LANDMARK ALTERATION, DEMOLITION, AND DISCRETIONARY REVIEW APPLICATIONS ISSUED AND PENDING 5. ACTION ITEMS: A. Public hearing and consideration of a landmark alteration certificate to rehabilitate and construct a rear addition to the main house, construct a 952 sq. ft. free-standing building 14' north of the main house, and to construct two, two-car carports on the alley at the contributing properry located at 1037 Pine Street in the Mapleton Historic District (HIS2007-00283). Applicant: Kyle Callahan, architect Owner: Mark Trumbull B. Public hearing and consideration of an application to designate the house and property at 3231 11"' Street as a local historic landmark as per Section 9-11-5 of the Boulder Revised Code, 1981 (HIS2007-00255). Applicant: Landmarks Preservation Advisory Board. Owner: Michael and Michelle Clements C. Public hearing for the repeal and reenactment of the General Design Guidelines for Boulder's Historic Dist~icts and Ind+vidual Landmarks including changes to sections 3.7 (Windows), 3.8 (Doors), 8.2 (Energy E~ciency) 83 (Mechanical and Utility Facilities), and 9.0 (Definitions), as Administrative Regulations pursuant to the rulemaking procedures set forth in Chapter 1-4, B.R.C. 1981. 6. MATfERS FROM THE LANDMARKS BOARD, PLANNING DEPARTMENT, AND CITY ATTORNEY A. Planning Board Calendar 7. DEBRIEFMEETINGJCALENDARCHECK 8. ADJOURNMENT For more information call James Hewat at (303) 441-3207, or by e-mail: hewatjCalbouldercolorado.gov. You can also access this agenda via the website at: www.boulderplandevelop.net and click on 'boards'. *** SEE THE REVERSE SIDE FOR MEEfING GUIDELINES *** CITY OF BOULDER LANDMARKS PRESERVATION ADVISORY BOARD PUBLIC HEARING PROCEDURES Board members who will be present are: Nancy Kornblum Leonard May Tim Plass Lisa Podmajersky Kirk Watson *Willa Johnson *PlanningBoa~d~epresentative withouta vote The Landmarks Preservation Advisory Board is constituted under the Landmarks Presentation Ordinance (Ordinance No. 4721; Title 9, Chapter 11, Boulder Revised Code, 1981) to designate landmarks and historic districts, and to review and approve applications for Landmark Alteration Certificates on such buildings or in such districts. Public hearing items will be conducted in the following manner: 1. Board members will explain all ex-parte contacts they may have had regarding the item.* 2. Those who wish to address the issue (including the applicant, staff members and public) are sworn in. 3. A historic preservation staff person will present a recommendation to the board. 4. Board members will ask any questions to historic preservation staff. 5. The applicant will have a maximum of 10 minutes to make a presentation or comments to the board 6. The public hearing provides any member of the public three minutes within which to make comments and ask questions of the applicant, staff and board members. 7. After the public hearing is closed, there is discussion by board members, during which the chair of the meeting may permit board questions to and answers from the staff, the applicant, or the public. 8. Board members will vote on the matter; an affirmative vote of at least three members of the board is required for approval. The motion will state: Findings and Conc/usions * Ex-parte contacts are communications regarding the item under consideration that a board member may have had with someone prior to the meeting. All city of Boulder board meetings are tape-recorded and the tapes are available from the Central Records office at (303) 441-3043. A full audio transcript of the Landmarks Preservation Advisory Board meeting becomes available on the city of Boulder website approximately ten days after a meeting. Action minutes are also prepared by a staff person and are available approximately one month after a meeting.