6A - Handout - Correspondance on Request by Michelle & Michael Clements to waive the time requiremenPage 1 of 1 L-p~~ ~~I3~~n g~oA3-~~, 6 James Hewat - Tonight's Agenda Item 6A citizen input From: "Fran Brown and Michael Hibner" To: , , , , "Lisa Podmajersky" Date: 10/3/2007 1231 PM Subject: Tonight's Agenda Item 6A citizen input CC: , , "Aimee Dill" Dear Landmarks Board Member, Please do not set or exoand anyprecedent by waiving time requirements for designation hearings, as defined in section 9-11-5(a), B.R.C., 1981 at tonighYs Landmarks Board meeting regarding 3231 11~h Street or, set a "special" meeting for this or any property in the future. The landmarks staff must not be time restricted in fulfilling their mandate to complete the required research and analysis on this or any property under their purview per the existing B.R.C. now, or at any time in the future. Respectfully, Michael Hibner and Fran Brown 2950 Washington St., Boulder 303-447-8936 Page 1 of 1 James Hewat - 3231 l lth Street From: "Anne Fenerty" To: Date: 10/3/2007 1122 AM Subject: 3231 l lth Street Please convey our message to the Board members to save the little stone house on 3231 11 ~h Street. Thank you....Anne and Mike Fenerty Page 1 of 1 Chris Meschuk - 3231 11th Street From: <Alevineed~aol.com> To: <AlevineedC~aol.com> Date: 10/2/2007 11:21 PM Subject: 3231 11 th Street Dear Board, I protest the short notice given about a meeting tomorrow, Wednesday, October 3, at which consideration will be discussed regarding the waiving of the time requirement for the landmarking of this properry. I see no reason for attempting to waive the requirement and rushing a decision on this critical landmarking. Sufficient time is needed for the staff to conduct a thorough evaluation of the historical value of this property. Sincerely, Alice Levine alevineed @ aol.com 585 Juniper Avenue Boulder, CO 80304 303-447-0799 See whaYs new at AOL.com and Make AOL Your Homepaqe. Page 2 of 2 assured - this is a VERY INII'ORTANT ISSLTE for us and the neighbors. Once consWction begis - there will be no turning back the clock for this lovely representation of Newland's legacy. "A society grows great when old men plant trees whose shade they know they shall never sit in." Liz Be a better Heartthrob. Get better relationship answers from someone who knows. Yahoo! Answers - Check it out. "A society grows great when old men plant trees whose shade they know they shall never sit in." Liz (Veed a vacation? Get great deals to amazingplaces on Yahoo! Travel. Page 1 of 2 Chris Meschuk - Re: 3231 llth Street Landmarking From: Elizabeth 7acques _ _ _ , - To: Elizabeth Jacques ~ ~, <tim.plass@gmail.com>, <meschukc@bouluercolorado.gov>, <kwatson@frii.com>, domay@nilenet.com>, <lpodmajersky @ comc ast.neb Date: 10/3/2007 3:39 PM Subject: Re: 3231 l lth Street Landmazkine CC: Paige Jacques _ _ _ .com> , All, I was notified yesterday that the owners of 3231 l lth Street have asked to be on this evening's agenda. I would like to reiterate that the historic nature of this house will not be preserved given the current plans to develop to 7 to 9,000 sf. Please be aware that these feelings aze shared by neighbors new and old. Neighbors who are doctors and teachers and members of the rea] estate committee. Neighbors who aze vets and engineers and counselors. Boulder has to be sensitive to the fact that simply because one does not live in designated historic sites; other sites should not also be preserved. Yes, this is a probably a new concept, unfortunately, new concepts aze hard. Nonetheless - I appeal to your sense of good judgement to allow the process to continue with public notice and partipation. Thank you for your time and commitment to our city. Elizabeth Jacques rote: I respectfully request that you consider landmazking 3231 l lth Street. This request is based on a unique set of circumstances: 1) The history of this home and residents is rich and played a part in creating this lovely neighborhood. 2) Newlands has very little of this sort of icon to remind us that stone workers and miners and tradespeople were the foundation of our community 3) The current plans do NOT incorporate the materials used in the original structure - but are from a different era that is inconsistent with the stone house's look. 4) The current plans will engulf and swallow up [he stone house so that no one will be able to appreciate the charm and most importantly the reminder of the original hard working community members. 5) It has come to my attention - based on personal interaction with the owners and their representation at the last meeting that the owners have NO respect for this property and aze not being truthful. The property cunent's status is of a run down, abandoned site - trees from the big storm aze still on the ground. The lawn is dried up and brown. 6) Lastly - the plans indicating chopping down a 40 foot evergreen on the west side of the house. The carbon foot print to replace this oxygenator has [o be enormous. Please consider these thoughts. My husband and I Iive at 3240 th Street. I respect the landowner's rights - but, they also should show a little respect for century old buildings and neighbors who have lived here over 20 years and have made this neighborhood attractive to live in. • Unfortunately, we will be backpacking next week. We aze unable to make this meeting. Rest Page 1 of 1 Chris Meschuk - Little Stone House From: Kathleen Saunders < om> To: Nancy Kornblum <kornblumn@qwes[.net>, Leonard May <lomay@nilenet.conv, Chris Meschuk <meschukc@bouldercolorado.gov>, Tim Plass <tim.plass@gmail.corru, Lisa Podmajersky <lpodmajersky@comcast.net>, Kirk Watson <kwatson@frii.cotn> Date: 10/3/2007 3:49 PM Subject: Little Stone House Hello again, Bev just informed me last night that you all aze meeting this evening, starting at 6 p.m., to discuss the Clements' requests to waive time requirements and for a special meeting on the 24th of this month. I was so surprised to find out there's a meeting; nothing was posted on the sign there. Isn't that required? I hope you will not waive any time requirements, or hold any earty special meetings, and allow your staff to thoroughly evaluate the historical value of that property. Thanks for all the work you do for us all! See you tonight. Kathleen Saunders 3251 l lth Street 303-447-9697 Need a vacation? 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