5A - Consideration of a Landmark Alteration Certificate to retrofit 12 double-hung windows with therMEMORANDUM October 3~d, 2007 TO: Landmarks Preservation Advisory Board FROM: Susan Richstone, Acting Long Range Planning Manager Chris Meschuk, Historic Preservation Planner Marcy Cameron, Historic Preservation Intern James Hewat, Historic Preservation Planner SUBJECT: Public hearing and consideration of a landmark alteration certificate to retrofit 12 double-hung windows with thermal pane glass on the house at 516 Mapleton Avenue in the Mapleton Hill Historic District (HIS2007-00232) STATISTICS: 1. Site: 516 Mapleton Avenue 2. Historic District: Mapleton Hill 3. Zoning: LR-E (Low Density Residential Established) 4. Applicant: Phoenix Window Restoration Inc. 5. Owner: Dennis Goggin 6. Date of Con struction: c 1904 8. Request: Retrofit historic windows with the "Bi-Glass° system. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Landmarks Board adopt the following motion: The Landmarks Board approves the retrofit of the twelve double-hung windows on the contributing house 516 Mapleton Avenue as specified in the application dated September 16"', 2007, finding that it meets the standards for issuance of a Landmark Alteration Certificate in Chapter 9-11-18, B.R.C. 1981, subject to the conditions below and adopts this memorandum as findings of the Board. This recommendation is based upon staff's opinion that with the conditions listed above, the proposed window retrofit will be generally consistent with the Aeenda Item #SA Pa¢e 1 S:\PLAN\data\longrang\HIST\ALTCERTS\Histonc D~stric[s\Mapleron Hill\Maple[on 516\Window RetroFt LAQ103.07 memo final.doc conditions as specified in Section 9-11-18(a)&(b)(1-4) B.R.C., the General Design Guidelines, and the Mapleton Hill Historic District Design Guidelines. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: 1. The retrofit of windows on the front and sides (primary and secondary elevations) of the building should be undertaken using "clear", untinted thermal-pane glass in order to preserve the historic appearance of the glazing. 2. The Applicant shall be responsible for undertaking the retrofit in compliance with that described in the applicaHon dated September 16'", 2007, except as modified by these conditions of approval. SUMMARY: ^ This item was reviewed by the Design Review Committee in August of 2007. ^ The Dutch Colonial-Revival house with gambrel roof was constructed in 1904 and is a contributing resource to the Mapleton Hill Historic District. ^ The proposed "Bi-Glass System° retrofit of the one-over-one double-hung windows includes the replacement of the single pane glass with'/z" "clear°, untinted insulated glass; replacement of a rope and pulley system with a"hidden" balance system in the upper and lower sash; installation of fiberglass insulaHon in the weight pocket cavities; installation of compression bulb weather- stripping in the bottom, top and meeting rails; addition of felt pile to the vertical parting bead. • The proposed "Bi-Glass° retrofit (with'/z", °clear" un-tinted glass) will preserve original window casings, stiles, rails and not significantly change the exterior appearance. Such a treatment is consistent with Sections 3J (Windows), and 8.2 (Energy Efficiency) of the General Design Guidelines, and 9-11-IS(a)F~(b)(1-4) of the Boulder Revised Code. Aeenda Item #SA Paee 2 S\PI.AN\data\longrang\HISl1ALTCERTS\His[oric Dis[ric[s\Maple[on H~II\Maple[on il6\Window Retrofit LAC\103 07 memo.final.doc : ~ . ~+~ , n4~`~^t ~F..,TI .^ry _ ~.. ... ___.r.....}~Yi . ~ Fi~ure 1. 516 Mapleton tlvenue, ,September 2007. BACKGROUND: In August of 2007, the application to retrofit twelve historic double-hung windows with the "Bi-Glass" system was revicwed by the landm~rks design review committee (ldre). The dre considered that the potential impact of replacing the historic glass to warrant full Board review of the apj~lication for consistency with the historic preservation ordinance, the Gc~neral Design Giiidelines for Historic Districts nnd Individc~al Landrnarks and the Mc~pleton Hill Historic District. PROPERTY HISTORY: The two and c~ne-half story house at 516 Mapleton Avenue was constructed in 1904. It is listed in the 1913 Boulder City Directory as being thc residence of Ernest G and Lillian Veysey. Ernest Veysey operated a jewelry and optical store on Pearl Street until his death in 1920. Lillian Veysey was born in Wisconsin in 1887 and came to Boulder in 1907 with her sister. In 1910 she married Veysey; after his death she operated a student house at 1033 14t'~ Street until 1940, when she moved in Chicago to be near her children. The house is a well-preserved example of a Dutch Colonial-Revival residential architecture and is a Aaendx [tem #SA Pa~e 3 5:\PLAN'~dulaUungranglHIS7~IALTCERI~S1Historic DistrictslMaplcton Ilill\Mapleton.ilG\Window Rctrnfit I.AC\10.3.07 memo.final.doc catltributing resource t~ the Mapleton [-Iill Historic District. Character-definin~ features of th~ building include the c~ne-o~~c>r-one, double-hung ~vindo~vs ~vith stone sills ~nd lintels. REQUEST: The applicant proposes to retrofit t~velve dot~ble-hung wood winciows ~vith the "Bi-Glass" system. This system calls Eor the glass to be removed and the frame, stile, and rails to be stripped and routed out to allow Eor'/z" Low E thermal pane glass to be installed. The upper and lower sashes are to be retrc~fitted with a "hidden" balance system, which is to replace an insulated rope & pulley cavity. Compression bulb weather stripping is to be added to the top, bottom, and meeting rails; felt pile is to be added tc~ the vertical parting bead. The original ~vindow sashes, interioc and exterior wood frames, casings and trim is specified to be retained. The proposal does not call for the decorative fixed-pane windows on tlZe front (primary elevation) or side (secondary elevations) to be retrc~fitted. x ;~,., ~~~ . ~ ~.~~ , .. 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"~` ~ ~ = Y. ~ ,~yje •" < . - , ~~ 5 ~ ~' { ~ ,; _ ~ ~ ~ 6 ~ t; ' ~ ,i ~ .3. 7 ~ ~` , az •~, .,~.` ~ ,4°uo;, , ~ ~; - ] . t ~ ~ ,l ~ •v~'- F . /~ , r `s ' ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ 4 ~ _ . ~ 1 .. `- ,ss ' . f • - s '~-F" k_ ; } ~_ _ '~ ~~ ~ ,~ q , ~(: s + , ~~il~'a!~ ~ ~~~ -~~" 1~ ~ ' ,l. ~-i~..r,.~,.--. .~ . . . - ~ '.. -.n.~~.. !7 - ~ L y ; St~ r .~;.,~J_ J~~f y ..t .r~... ~ _ ._ ;%s: . ~ :~~1`.~ . ' f A .. . .~ Figure 2. 516 Mapleton Avenue, north-east corner A~endx Item #SA Pa~c 4 ~ I'I ,1~'Jata'Jon~ran_1fIIS~1Al.`fCERI~S\Historic Districts~Mapleton Hill\Mapleton.>1G1Windo~i Retrofit LAC110.3.07 mcnn~ tinaL~oc " ,I : ~ . ~: ~ ~ ~ , ` ~ ~~~~ ~~ r _ } ,., ~ ~ ~ . ` .r Figure 3. 516 Mapleton Avenue, Window proposed for retrofit, north (primary} elevation Figure 4. 516 Ma y~ ~ ~~,;~a,~',~ x .r`~ ~ -- ;~~ ~ * ~ i ~ ~ t ~~ ~.1~~„~i'~ ~~'4 ac~`~ V`: # ~ :~ .{~ J~~, th. S r , a ~. ~ ^~~. L Y :fi 1'~'` K ~., ' p ~k !°eM'k .~ ~ "~; 4~ ,~ t t t~ ` r ~,+'~~ e.s:~ ~ - r ;; ~t ,i,.*f Y - ~, .. :f ~ ~ - ~ ~ x x ~: `~ `" ,~ t o- i ~~',F.- >~ ~ ~~, r . ~ +lr`~^ .~ ~+~'e ~y~ ~ i ,~t~ >~~~~~r~ t ' ~~~0.5~"•Y-y*~~r ~YZ ~, . i - ,~~~~ r L~.;r" v _ Y.' ` . ~ . . . , w;,n.*l:~y.x•r°..a.q..,.,~....,...~... _ ..-r., b .. pleton nvenue, Window proposed for retrofit, west (secondary) elevation A~enda Item #_5A Pa~e ~ S:\PLANldata\longran~lFIISTIALTCERTS1Historic DistrictslMapleton flill\Mapleton.~l6~Windu~v Retrofit LACU0.3.07 memo. tinal.doc ANALYSIS: The Historic Preservation Ordinance specifies that a Lanc~mark Alteration Permit may not be approved by the Board or City Council unless it meets the conditions specified in Section 9-11-]8 B.R.C Specifically: 1. Does the pf•oposed nF~plication preserve, enhrrnce, or• resfvre, ancl not c~ar7ra~~~e o1• ctestro~ tlte exterio~~ architecturrzl fentrr-~es of the lnndmnrk o~• tlte sre(~ject propert~ ZUlf~1li1 Ri1 lilSfOl'IC G~IStYlCf~ Response: Staff finds the propc~sed retrofit ~vill not damage or destroy the exterior architectural features of the prc~perty c~r the district as the retrofit will preserve all existing wood elements of the ~vindows including sashes, interior and exterior wood frames, casings and trim. Th~ appearance of the windc~ws will not noticeably chln~e as a result of the retrofit as sash ~re single pane, 1/1 do~ible-hung and removal/replication ~~E mtmtins are nc~t required. While the windows are character-defining Eeattires of the hotise, in this case replaceinent c~f the glass, most of the glass which appears nc~t to be histc~ric, ~vill not have an adverse impact on the historic house (see design guidelines analysis section). 2. Does the ~~~oposed ctpplicatiort adve-~sef~/ ~ffect flte speCllil C~1LTYliCfL'Y Ol' S~7E'C117I IIISt01"1C, ni•chitectrrral, or aesthetic interest o~• z~al~le of the ~tistrict? Response: StafE finds that the proposed application wi(l not adversely affect the special character or special historic, ~~rchitectural, or aesthetic interest or value of the district b~cause the proposed retrc~fit will not adversely affect character- defining features on the fa~ade and secondary elevations and is generally compatible with the General Design G-ridelines and tl2e Mayleton Hill Histo~~ic District Giridelines (see design ~uidelines analysis sectic~n). 3. Is the architectc~ral st~le, arrnngement, textt~re, colol~, a~~rcrngement of color, c~ntl rnatc~•ials used on existinq artd proposed strt~ctt~res corrtpatible zvith tl~e c'hrrracter of tl1f~ l~ristoric ~1ish~ict? Response: The staff Einds that the proposal t be campatible with the architectural style, arrangement, texture, color, arrangement of color, and materials on the historic building. 4. The Landrnc~rks Boc~rd is reqerirecl to consider tlle economic feasillilit~ of alternc~tives, incorporatiorr of energy-efficierrt ~esign, and enhnnced access for the disc~Uled irr cletermining zohetlrer to appl~oz~e rr Landntcrrk Alterc~tion Certifieate. AQcnd.t [tcm #~A Ya~c 6 S^PI.;1N'ilata',Iun~~ran~ 111ST~:\I.TC'[?RTS',Ilist~,ric I)i,trict,'\lapl~iun Ilill'\1a~~leton.>I~i,~~lndo~c Rctrofit LAC',I(i ; ll; memu.iin;d dnc The Landmarks Board should consider the energy-efficient gains that will be achieved by the proposed window retrofit. 5. Is t1Te pro~osec~ a~plicntion consistent zvitlz the pe~rposes of G2apter 9-11, "Histo~~ic Pi~eservc~tion, " S.R.C. 1981 ? Response: The proposed window retrofit respects the character of the setting, does not imitate surrounding buildings, and represents contemporary, yet compatible and energy-efficient design (see design guidelines analysis section). DESIGN GUIDELINES: The Board has adopted the General Design Guidelirtes to Eurther help interpret the historic preservati~n ordinance. The Eollowing is an analysis of the proposal with respect to relevant guidelines. Design guidelines are intended to be used only as an aid to appropriate design and are not intended as a checklist oE items Eor compliance. The following is an analysis of the proposal's compliance with the applicable design guicielines: Section 3.7 (Win~ozns, Storryz Wivtdoivs, c~rtd Shi~tters), of the Gerteral DesigYi Gt~idclines states that "Repair of historic windows is always preferred within a rehabilitation project. Replacement should c~nly be considered as a last resort. Guideline .3 of this Section goes on to state that, "Repair rather than replace the functional and decorative feahires of original windows through recognized preservation methods. If replacement of a feature is necessary, replace only the deteriorated feature in kind rather than the entire unit, matching the materials, design and dimensions of the original." Guideline 8 goes onto direct that, "If a window that is divided into several panes of glass must be replaced, a similar true-divided-light window that m~~tches the dimensions, profile and detailing of the original is most appropriate. High quality simulated-divided-light windows may be allowed if they maintain thc muntin size of the original window." Aaend~~ Item #~A Pa~e 7 S:`f'L;1~ ~I;ila`Inn,ram~11I15T1ALTCERTSUIistoric DistrictslMapleton Hill\Mapleton.il6\~Vindow Ketrotit LAC\103.07 mcmo.lin;iL~i~~c Fis;ure 5. 516 Mapleton Avenue, 2^~ -story window proposed for retrofit, east (secondarv) Elevation Section 8.2 of the Ge~rrer~rzl Desig~t Gtcideli~tes states that, "Energy conservation is a growing concern for prc~perty c>wners today. In the historic districts it is impartant to ensure that stich cancerns are addressed in ways that do nc~t damage or diminish the historic character of the building, site or district." None of the guidelines specifically addresses the potential of retrofitting historic windows with systems such as "Bi-G11ss". 'I'he ldre has approved thc retrc~fit of historic one-over-one, sin~le panc windows with thermal panes on sevcral c~ccasions finding th3t such a treatment ~vas, in those cases, consistent with the ordinance and applicable guidelines. However, in this case the Idr~ referred the case tc~ the full Board over cancern that character-defining "~ld glass" c~n significant elevations of the building might be lost. Additionally, concern has been expressed regarding the tint oE low-E thermal glass and resulting chan~e to the character of historic buildings retrc~fitted ~vith such glass. A~cnda Itcm #~iA Pa~e S S:~PLANldataUon~ranglHIST1AI;IC'GRTti111isturic I)istrictslMapletun Hi111Mapleton.>161W'indow Keirofit LAC110.3.07 memo.tinal.doc N5w Exleriw WooO StOp Sealanl VS' / Olass P Exfshng .~ Wmm Etl9e Seai yy~~ Insulated Glass ~Ja, ~ Sash us- Glass After. aiginal Sash glazed wifh '12" insulated glass unit Figure 6. Window profile showing proposed retrofit of single pane glass Staff considers the proposed retrofit of the'/z' single-light sash on the house with the "Bi-Glass' system as generally appropriate and in generally in compliance with the guidelines given that little "old glass' on the fa~ade (primary) and side (secondary) elevations of the building appears to remain and the majority of the historic material including casings, stiles, and rails of the windows will be preserved. However, staff does agree that the retrofit of the windows on the front and sides of the building should be undertaken using "clear" glass without a tint in order to preserve the historic appearance of the glazing. With this condition, staff considers the proposed retrofit consistent with sections 3.7 and 8.2 of the General Design Guidelines. FINDINGS: The proposed retrofit of the single-light windows with the "Bi-Glass° system at 516 Mapleton Avenue will be consistent with the purposes and standards of the Historic Preservation Ordinance in that: The retrofit of the windows with "clear" un-tinted thermal-pane glass into the exisHng sash and frames will not adversely affect the exterior features of the contributing house or the special character of the Mapleton Hill District (9-11-18,(b),B.R.C). Aeenda Item #SA Paee 9 S:\PLAN\data\IongrangWlSiIALTCERTS\Historic Districts\Mapleton Hill\Mapleton 516\Window Retrofit LAC\103.07 memo.final doc 2. The proposed retrofit of the windows with "clear" un-tinted thermal-pane glass into the existing sash and frames complies with Sections 3.7 (Windows) and 82 9(Energy Efficienc~)of the General Design Gaiidelines, adopted by the Landmarks Board as Administrative Regulations, and the Historic Preservation ordinance, Section 10-13-18,(b)3, of the Boulder Revised Code. ATTACHMENTS: A: Historic Inventory Form B: Application C: Photographs Aeenda Item #SA Paee 10 S:\PLAN\da[a\longrang\HIST\ALTCERTS\Hisroric Dis[ric[s\Mapleron Hill\Maple[on.5I6\Window Re[roF[ LAC\10.3 07 memo final.doc COIORADO HIST ~AI IETr Office of Archaeology and Nictoric Precrrwtim 1300 Broedway, Derrver, Coioracio 802p3 HISTORIC BUILDING INVENTORY RECORD .~ Attachment A NoT FOR FIELO USE _ Eligible Mominated _ Det. Mot Eligible Certified Rehab. Date PROJECT NAME: Boulder Survey of Historic COUNTY: CIiT: STATE 1D WO.: 58L4516 Places, 1994 Boulder Boulder TEMPORARY NO.: 1461-25-4-08-004 LURRENT BUILDiNG NAME: O~IMER: RINGER YILLIAM A 8 LYNM U 516 NAPLETON AVE BOULDER CO 80304 ADDRESS: 516 KAPLETON AV CO 80302 BOULDER , TWkSHIG 1M RAMGE 71H SECTION 25 SE 1/4 NU 1/4 HISTORIC MAME: U.S.G.S. GUAD NANE: Boutoer, Colo. TEAR: 1966 (PR1979) X T.5' 15' BLOCK: 5 LOT(S): 10-11 DISTRICT NAME: ADDITION: Mapleton TR. OF ADDITION: 1888 FILM ROII NO.: 94-7 NEGATIVE NO.: LOGTION DF NEGATIVES: DATE OF CONSTRUCTIDN: BT: R. uhitecre 4 6oulder City Ping. ESTIMATE: ACTUAL: 190G - SOURCE: ' Boulder Canty Assessor 1 . % -/ ~' ~ ~. ~ - -.~` i' - - , 4. Y-~~ ~ " . ~ USE: -~ ~~- _ ~ ~ ' . PRESENT: -_ \ '" ,~_, - --==- ~ Residential -- =- -- _ "'~•, HISTORIC: `~ -_ _~ -Y' Residential - - ~ ' ~ _ -,- ------~-.~,_ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~T-" CDND I T I ON : -~""'~~-'0" 4~ti k.~4~ , X EXCELLENT GOOD ~ ~~ FAIR DETER[ORATI NG EXTENT OF ALTERATIONS: ~•, f ~ ~ MINOR X MDDERATE MAJOR +:< ,~ ~ ~ DESCRIBE: ,w ; ~ }r. ~~~ ;... Peinted brick. " ~(~( ' #y"~ ,F r •i _ ' "~I CDNTINUED YES X MO STYLE: Dutch Lolonial Revival STORits: ORIGINAL SITE X MO'VED 1 1/2 DATE(S) OF MOVE: MATERIALS: Brick, Nood, Stone S0. FOOTAGE: NATIONAL REGISTER ELIGIBiLITT 1652 1NDlVI WAL: YES X NO ARCHITECTURAL OESCRIPTION: Front gembrel roofed d+elling ~ith shingled gambrel end with lowered vent with CON7R18UT1NG TO DISTRICT: slanted surround and paired daible-h~ng uindows with shutters. Arched verge X YES MO board; eave return. Pent roof over first story, ~hich is cortposed of painted LOCAL LAHDMARK DESIGNA710N: No brick. Hipped roof, shingled dormers. Stone fourxiation. Off-center porch inset under eaves has paired colum supports, storie stairs and wall. Off-center, NAME: paneled and glazed door with stwie lintel arxi threshold. Dat~le-h~ng winrlows DATE: with stone sills and lintels; small, leaded glass window on east. Bay window ASSOCIATED BUILDINGS? % TES MO with beveled edges on facade hes da~le-h~g uindows with stone sills and TYPE: lintels; also two-story bay on west uith beveled brick on first story and Garage shingled upper story. Painted brick chirtneys_ Hitching post in front of house. If INVENTORIED, L1ST 1D NOS.: ~ COMTINUED? TES X MO AODITIONAL PAGES: YES X HO It~r~~ S~ F~gE~_ ~ ~_ __ ARCHITECT: Unkno~+n STATE ID MO.: SBLb51b _ ORIGINAI ONNER: Unkno~n SOURCE: ~ SOURCE: f t: BUILDER/COMTRACTO UNcno~m THE E S M C ): SOURCE: Urban Residential Neighborhoods , 1858•present CONSTRUCTION HiSTORY CDESCRIPTION, NAMES, DATES, ETC., RELATIMG TO MAJOR ALTERATIONS TO ORIGIIiNL STRUCTURE): COHTINUED TES l( NO HiSTORICAL BACKGROUND (DISGUSS 1MPORTAHT PERSOMS AND EVENTS ASSOCIATED YITH THIS STRUCTl1RE): The 1913 city directory indicates that this was the home of Ernest C. and Lillien Veyaey. Ernest Cherles Veysey operat~d e jewelry end optical s2ore on Pearl Street uitil his death in 1920. Liltien Veysey wes born in Wisconsin in 1887 and came to eoulder in 1907 uith her sister. In 1910, she married veysey. After his death she operated a student house at 1033 14th ~til 1940, when she moved to Chica9o to be near her children. CONTINUED YES x NO SIGNIFICANCE (CHECK APPROPRIATE CATEGORIES AND BRIEFLT JUSTIFT BELOY): ARCHiTECTURAL SIGNIFICANCE: HISTOR1C/1L SIGNtFICJ1MCE: REPRESENTS THE HORK OF A MASTER ASSOCIATEO N1TH SIGNIFICANT PERSONS POSSESSES HIGH ARTISTIC VALUES ASSOCIATED W1TN SIGNIFICANT EVENTS OR PATTERNS X REPRESEN7S A TYPE, PERIOD, OR METHOD OF CDNSTRUCTION COMTRIBUTES TO AN HISTORIC DISTRICT TlER EVAIUATION: Contributing Building STATEMENT OF STGNIFICAMCE: This house is representative of the Dutch Colonial Revival style, as reflected in its gembrel roof, wood shingles, and classical col~ms. i CONTINUED YES X MO REFERENCES (BE SPECIFiC): 8oulder County Assessor, real estate information; Boulder Dail~ Camera biographical files; Boulcier Carnegie Library, Boulcier County Assessor collection; Boulder City Directories; Boulder Genealogicat 5ociety, Census lndexes, 1900 and 1910 ~ CONTINUED YES X NO SURVETED BY: R.L. Simnons/T.H. Sirtmons AFFiL1ATI0N: Front Renge Research Associetes, Inc. DATE: June 1994 `~~~~_Sf~ ~.~:;~~ I ~- 516 Mapleton Street Attachment B _ A~ ~em ~ 5 f~` ~ge # ~.~. ~.:. ~:~ _ ~~ ' ~ ~' a. ~ ~~ ~.~ .. : ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~.~ ~ ~~ ._ ~~ ~ ~.,. ~ ~..... ~ A1: North Front Bay, 1st FI, left DH, 1/1 lights ~~ ~.~ ~~ ~ ~. i ~~ ,~ ~,~~ _~~ _~ga# ~ N__, A2: North Front Bay, 1st FI, right DH, 1/1 lights A3: North Front Bay, 1st FI, cntr DH, 1/1 lights _ ~ ~~ ~ ~~: ~~ ~5'.~ B1: West Side Bay, 1st FI, left DH, 1/1 lights 63: West Side Bay, 1st FI, cntr DH, 1/1 lights le ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ :~~ ~~ ~ ~_::~ : ~; ;. ~~=:~~r,. . . _ ~~tF ,.. _.~ . -- . . _. B2: West Side Bay, 1st FI, right DH, 1/1 lights .._: ,~ - R~ (~8f~ # _~/~' - ~ ~ ~. S/ „ C1: East, 2nd FI, single DH, 1/1 lights C2: West, 2nd FI, (2) DHs, 1/1 lights C3: North Front, 2nd FI, (2) DHs, 1/1 lights ~~,~_ ~/~ ~~...~1 ~ .~ ~ Ciiy of Boulder Planning and Development Services Attachment C ~'.;6" LANDMARK ALTERATION CERTIFICATE APPLICATION DaFe of application: ~~ ~~7 Cose number. HI$ Property address: ~(~p t~~ ~~1~ {~~~ G~ Historic Distrid/landmark name: ~f~ ~~ I APPlico~ name: f'Pt.Y/l~~ ~~•'~,*~ f E',S It..} ~~{ IRe.~i iid~ship to projed (e_e-. ~. mntraao~: ~1~~C;~LY'L Phone: ~~~-77c'~-qy ~~ Mobile phone-',~c'~3~ zJ7l"'.-1~c~ Fmc: ~~ ~~~ -c3~ ~ ~ x 3 `-~rcR ~d 5 ~-z- ~:~~ ~k' ~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~ S~c~-l 3; A~Splicant's mailing address: a-"~ `C~~ ~"~~ ~ Street CitY -~ S[ate Z'ip Property owners name: ~ x~M~ S(Y['~ /l Daylime phone: ~C )j "~ LI~~ ' ~(~~ ~~ l__ q~~_ '~ Q Property owners address: J ~ Lo ~C-~P 17Y) ~TK , I~i~ x~~~ CCI. t')~ 3~ 02 Street CdY ~ rro PROJE~ DESC~~ION: Please lisf all exFerior oltemtions proposed for the properly i~ ihe space provided below. Please see ihe folbwing pages for submittal requiremenh. All 4 poges must be induded in the applicafion. To improve energy efficiency and living comfort, (12) 1/1 light double hung windows to receive the Bi- Glass System~. Ttris includes: 1/2" Low E insula#ed glass to replace the single pane glass. T'he upper & lower sash to be re-installed with the `7udden" balance system, replacing the rope & pulley system. Fiberglass insulation to be added to the weight pocket cavities. Compression bulb weather-stripping added to the bottom, top, and meeting rails, and felt pile added to the vertical parting bead. All the original wood sashes, interior/exterior wood frame, casings, and trim to be retained. INITIAL CODE REVIEW The following applitations require initial review and sign off by o projecF specialist or zoning odministmtor np ~or to acce~tance of a landmark alteration ceriificate application. Weose mark all applicable boxes. ^ New deTached consh~dion (accessory shuctwe. 9arage, new residence, shed, etc) ^ Dormers ^ Porches ~ Fences ^ All new oddifions THIS SECTION IS FOR STAFF USE ONLY Property Zoning: Lot Sine: Required ~tbacls: Floodplain: Prior Reviews (Use Review. PUD, etc) Olher Applications whidi may be raquired based on proposed applicaiion: Preliminary Commenh: Reviewed by: Date: This sedion is a customer service ~eview, and does nW consfilufe o fwmal review of all applicable codes and regulatims. All secfions of ~e Please submif this completed applica6on, along wi~h ihe required informotion outlined on the following pages fo a project specialist. Applirntions for the design review mmmi~tee must be received on the Fridoy prior to your requested design review meeting. If you have any quesfions, plense mll (303)441-1880 and ask to speak to a hisroric preserva6on plonner. We look forward to worldng with you on your projedl ~~g S/~' P~gei / ~' tANDMARK ALTERATION CERTIFICATE APPLICATION Shown below at~d on the facing page is a list of the most common types of aiterations. Please check off the type of work you are proposing and follow ihe applicotion requirements listed to the right. ~n'E oF STAFF REVIEW ALTERATION: City stoH may review common types of applications, which invoive minor alierations. This (Please check all type of review con have a guick ooqroval tum-around providing the applicant submits a that opply) complete application form with documentotion and the proposed alterations meet the ~ Landscaping applicable design guidelines. ^ Paint A complete aRplimtion submitlol indudes: [] Roofing ^ This opplicafion: Completely filled out ^ fence (redr / side yarcl only if ~ P~ans and elevafions: All drawings should be to scale, wiih dimensions, and as maximum 5' tall with minimum detailed and cfear as possible, whether or not an orchitect or controdor is 1" spocing beiween pickeh) involved. Both existing structure ond proposed chonges should be shown. Fences: bring to-scale drawings showing dimensions and spacing between ~ RestoraYion oi fxisfing Features pickets. DOWMOWN ONLY: ^ PhoTographs: Comprehensive color photos of the structure ond of details ihot ^ relote diredly to the requested olteration are required. Commercial awning ~ ^ ^$omples: Color chips of point are required. Printed samples of roofing types ore Commercial patios helpful. ^ Commercial signs TYPE OF DESIGN REVIEW COMMITTEE (LDRC) ALTE~TION: City staH and 1wo designated members oi the landmarks boord review applications for olterations (Please check all to buildings or special feotures and determine within 14 doys after a complete applicaTion is filed ihat apply) whether or not the proposed work would have a significant impod uQon or be potentially ^ Deck / porch detrimental to a(ondmark site or hisioric disirici. Large projects usually req~ire more than one ~ meeting and moy be referced by the Committee to the full Landmarks Board for review. oors / windows ^ Dormers / skylighh The foltowing documentafion is required to iniTiate review by the Design Review CommiHee: [~ This applicafion: Completely filled out ^ Additions Q Photogrcphs: Photos of existing building and surrounding context ~ Fence (front yard or rear / side yord if over ~ Drawings: Ali drawings should be to scole, with dimensions, ond as detailed and clenr 5' fall or Iess than 1" as possible, whether or not an architect or contractor is involved. Both exisiing situcfure spacing beiween pickeis) e~d proposed changes should be shown. 6comp{es ore available ff needed. ~ New garo9e ~ a~~essory The following documenfotion is required for final review and opproval: building (340 sq. (t. ond ~ Scaled site plans: including existing and proposed siie plans under) ^ Elewtions: usually'/.° = 1' scole including existing and proposed e~evations ^ Other C7 Materiols: Specific moterials used should be noted on plans. Samples may be requested. ~ Colors: point/stain color chips ^ Photographs: photos of existing building from all sides and existing coniext ^ Manufadurers/catalogue `teor' sheets ^ Fences: bring to-scale dmwings showing dimensions ond spacing beiween rails. ^ Deiails The following may be requesied prior to final opprowl: ^ Building sections ~vlethods of restoration ^Study model or 3-D simulated model T~P: For iorge or compleac projects you ore encoumged to contad a Historic Preservation Planner eorly in your projed before detailed drowings ore completed. All comp{eted opp{imtions Sor LDRC review musF be tumed in by noon on ihe Fridoy prior to 5he requesled meeting. Please note that your requested DRC meeting moy not be ovailable due to scheduling. The Committee meets at 9:00 a.m. every Wednesdoy (excepi holidays) oi the P&DS $enices Center on the 3"~ Aoor of the Park Ceniral building, 1739 Broodway. Please call and ask foi o Historic Preservaiion Plonner if you have questions with any of the above alterotions or submittol reqvirements. Arnruia liam t ~A' l~ur! f Q LANDMARK ALTERATION CERTIFICATE APPLICATION LANDMARKS PRESERVATION ADVISORY BOARD (LPAB) IYPE OF New free-standing construcfion greater than 340 square feet, or the demolitio~ or moving of f~TE~T~~N: struct~res requires review by }he enfire Landmarks Preservation Advisory Board. A public hearing is (Please check all required in order to issue an aheration certificate under these circumsfances. The full board meets that apply) once a month, usually on the first Wednesday. S~bmittal deadlines are listed on ihe following page. All applications musi be submiMed to a projed specialist by 4:OOpm 20 days prior to The hearing. ~ New free-sfanding Public hearings must be held within 60 days afrer a completed application is received. All pvblic conshvcfion hearings for landmark alteration certificates are conducted as quasi-~udicial proceedings. Aher a (over 340 sq. N.) public hearing, a Notice of DisposiTion is served to City Co~ncil regarding the recommendation of the Landmarks Board. The City Council has 14 days to cail up a decision To approve a ~andmark ^ D lifi altemtion certificate application made by the Landmarks Preservation Board. If ihe Landmorks emo on Preservation Board voTes to deny a landmark alTeration certificate application, the City Council has (includes primary 30 days in which To call up the decision. and/or accessory buildings) A complete application submittal includes The same as that required for the Design Review ~ plicafion called Committee os listed on the proceeding page plus the following items: up from DRC d Previous Page requirements (Listed under LDRC) ~ Writfen project description ^ 10 folded copies of project drowings, showing exisfing and proposed conditions (preferably 24°x36") plans, including: • Scaled site plan (existing and proposed) • Scaled elevaTions for all sides of the building (existing and proposed) at 1 /4" or 1 /8" scale. • Sketches, as needed ^ 10 copies of any color renderings or photographs, color samples, etc. (preferably no greater than 11 "x17") C+7 1 reduced (8'h"x 11'~ copy of all materials submitted At the requesT of siaff or The board, The following may also be required as part of your application: ^ Building sedions ~lvteThods of restoration ^STudy model or 3-D sim~lated model T~P: Projecls which are required to be reviewed by The full board should be presented to sta{f early in your project before detailed drawings are initiated. Please contact us prior to submitting an application as These projecis and reviews are usually complex. We encourage you To compleTe The initial code review section on page 1 of ihis applicaTion prior to contaciing ~s. Call (303) 441-1880 and ask to speak with a Historic Preservation Planner. I agree To perfortn the vrork described herein, in accordance wiTh the plans and/or specifications s~bmitted and with all provis' of the Historic Preservation Code, Building Code, Zoning Ordinance and Health Regulations of the Ciiy of Boulder as en merat Bould r Revised Code, 1981. '- ~~% ~---- ~ ~~ -~ ~~ 7 S na of ow r or authorized o nt for owner ate Contact Us: Planning & Development Services - Historic Preservation Program 1739 Broadway, 3'~ Floor Boulder, CO 80302 (303) 441-1880 Http://www. boulderhistoricpreservation. net ~NeroN ~f~' P~ae# /~ LANDMARK ALTERATION CERTIFICATE APPLICATION FOR STAFF USE ONLY Date completed application received by Planning and Development Services Date of initial DRC meeting Date(s) of follow-up DRC meetings Date of Full Board Hearing Date Applicafion Approved/Denied Date of Building Permit Review Date Case Closed Date case sent to imaging 2007 Landmark Preservalion Advisory Board Meeting Dates and Applicalion SubmiHal Deadlines Landmarks Preservofion Advisory Board meefirgs a2 general~y held }he first Wednesdoy of evch monfh ot 6 p.m. in the Municipal Building, Council Chambers Room, locafed ot 1777 Broadway. Landmark Alterafion Certificote applimfions uheduled for o public hearing before the full Landmorks Bovrcl are due by 4:OOpm 20 days befo~e the meefirg dale. AI! applicntions must be submitfed through a project speciolist. Board Meetini lanuary 3 February 7 March 7 Apri) 4 May2 June 6 July 4 August 1 September 5 Odo6er 3 November 7 December 5 ~ Submittal Deodline December 14 January 1 S February 15 March 15 April 12 May 17 June 14 July 12 August 16 September 73 Odober 18 November 15 pp~ndaltem#_. S~ P~eA_~~-- Corwnents Sheet nace: ~dlrvSC Z1~ , aoo~ !-' ~ ~ o~ Landmark Alteration Certificate ~ or Demolition / Moving Address of Property: ~ ~~t ~~GC~101~ ~ • Owner's Name: ~NIJ t S ~!'0 G-GI^~ ,~['~a~ 1 f U1~ (/I~~Ov~ R tSC ~ U.v NTi~If'(.'~'b L DRC Members: ~-~Mk ' S~ IK 1{~ ~~'sW 11~', Remarks: - i KU06sfro ~~oFrt' af -1'wC~-~~ ~a~g~ - .{-EUn~~- , l / t 5rt5~4 w rt~4 -t~,~,~,,2= ~,q.~, ~ G~c.~S . -~„~-,ri'So,~ v~ oN fl E...S ~W I~t~c H~'Gt-o G-crtss" Z S Cf~ 6~ ttn~5~ • ' w~- M~ COnls t 10~5 ~bM'T `1~~ E S!t'S~ ~ t Tt~ ~~0 t~0 G-t-~ S~ 5 f-t~ U c,b N 0'r ~t ~.-~~ !TT'~s^ ~-~~-bS, IN l'(Y~?jUT M~R~ P~ ~E ~-~'C~.af i-TT~ . - W~iwa co~z~a~s t(~ ~a~a~E -~,.~~- s~C{stE- M,~~ ~ ~P.E-rn.of~t'1~-p w tr~t ~t3~ - G~~ S. ~` }t-~r„1 /1T C~ n~ 5 t ~Ota~ S~.f~~?.ct~-~T -fM~n.~l~Lt ~t'~'E G~t v E--~ ~/ i SftS l-~ ~ ~ ~C ~t-S1,U..- p-F ~.1U J S~ ~ ~~ ~ t~t ~! ~n•-t D~ WIN~)O~ S `tv {-17~~~. ~'' (vn~ S l h~ ~~ ~v G-. ~Mdfl~"tifi~-F ~F ~~-"' AN d~ r o f H-c~ S't ~' rIAJ~h~ Fi~ c cr~ o Ji N -, Nextsteps: i'-{~itA~-r `~SE' ~ti W~Ti-l" D~-b G-C.di~'.~S (1~- ~~t tt ~~ dr~c. ~l j.~ ~v~ s -~~ „~ ~- RE~C"~-of-~rt'Z~ W~t'i~} -t{~(~~t..tit/~ '~,~t~ ,-PSR- ~UI.~- ~-d I`~~Er)t €~~J . Public hearing: Y N S:~PLANklata~Co~rclevUil57\GEMAL7'CER7S\LAGapp,etc~CommentsPage2.doc Note: These comments do not constitute a Iandmark Alteration Certi6cata ~s x~, ~~i W' perr ik 21 1 f/~, ~ll Before: original Sash glazed with 1/8" clear glass Ngrr Extariot Wootl S[op S'ealant ~ S!3' / Cilass ~ClSiltl9 ~ .~ WArm Ed~e Seai Sash " I 1 Insulated Glass va- Gtass n ~~z (:~,~ After_ original Sash glazed with 1/2" insulated glass unit ~c,~aal~~~_~[~.~~ aZ_ ~- ~x~s~~ Exteriorwrwd 5[~p i invisible BO(393x530X24b~e9) ~r ~r • ~ ti ti ~ • A..awin Nw.. & ~ K IF~.n • ~~