2 - Minutes, September 5, 2007 - Joint Meeting with Environmental Advisory BoardCITY OF BOULDER LANDMARKS PRESERVATION ADVISORY BOARD ENVIRONMENTAL ADVISORY BOARD JOINT MEETING September 5, 2007 1777 Broadway, Council Chambers Room 5:00 p.m. The following are the action minutes of the September 5, 2007 City of Boulder Landmarks Preservation Advisory Board & Environmental Advisory Boardjoint meeting. A permanent set of these minutes and a tape recording (maintained for a period of seven yeazs) is retained in Central Records (telephone: 303-441-3043). You may also listen to the on-line at: www.bouldemlandevelop.net. BOARD MEMBERS: Susan Iott, EAB Nancy Kornblum, LPAB Leah Kukowski, EAB Leonazd May, LPAB Tim Plass, LPAB Lisa Podmajersky, LPAB Francoise Poinsatte, EAB Bill Roettker, EAB Kirk Watson, LPAB * Willa Johnson, LPAB - Planning Board representative without a vote STAFF MEMBERS: Susan Richstone, Acting Long Range Planning Manager James Hewat, Historic Preservation Planner Chris Meschuk, Historic Preservation Planner Marcy Cameron, Historic Preservation Intern Elizabeth Vasatka, Environmental Coordinator Jonathon Koehn, Environmental Affairs Manager 1. CALL TO ORDER The roll having been called, Chairs T. Plass & S. Iott declared a quorum at 5:07p.m. and the following business was conducted: 2. DISCUSSION ITEMS A. Review of the Green Points Program Update Recommendations • Focusing on the deconstruction of existing buildings and historic rehabilitation options. Public Hearing (covering al! discussion items) Robert Sharp, 5995 Marshall Road, spoke about the issues of reuse of buildings. Board Discussion Windows and doors • Direction of Greenpoints related to windows and doors on the right track, giving points for the retention of windows and doors is a positive step • Enforcement and compliance is very important • Reuse of materials, including windows and doors is a key factor • Should be a reward -more points for historic windows and doors rather than new windows and doors Deconstruction • Could atool/handout be developed to help guide people in making full demo vs. retention decision? • Could a carbon trading program be developed? • Can we develop abefore/after makeover information brochure? • Deconstruction and especially retention of existing walls is a positive step. • Some board members felt a need for more incentives (points) for retention of existing structure. • It is also important that deconstruction be economically feasible if required as part of the Greenpoints program. • The larger issue of regarding total demolition may need a larger community discussion of neighborhood character? (pops/scrapes) • Some board members supported making retention of some portion of the building required. B. Draft Guidelines for Historic Doors and Windows • Do the draft guidelines adequately address historic and environmental concerns? • Do the draft guidelines provide a fair and reasonable procedure for reviewing applications to replace historic doors and windows? • Do the Boards have additional suggestions? Board Discussion Overall direction is good to be able to categorize windows to help determine treatment/replacement options, a clear mark-up version will help in reviewing the actual revisions. The Landmarks Board chose not to initiate the rule-making process, and requested revisions be brought back to the board at the October meeting for review and discussion. C. Brochure/Website Update Staff gave an update on the brochure, and informed the boards that the website will be created shortly. The content is in the editing stage. 3. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 6:43pm Respectfully submitted, Approved on October 3, 2007 Chairperson