2 - Minutes, September 5, 2007CITY OF BOULDER
September 5, 2007
1777 Broadway, Council Chambers Room
6 p.m.
The following are the action minutes of the September 5, 2007 City of Boulder Landmarks
Preservation Advisory Board meeting. A permanent set of these minutes and a tape recording
(maintained for a period of seven years) is retained in Central Records (telephone: 303-441-
3043). You may also listen to the on-line at: www.boulderplandevelop.net.
Nancy Kornblum
Leonard May
Tim Plass, Chair
Kirk Watson
Lisa Podmajersky
*Willa Johnson- Planning Board representative without a vote
Sue Ellen Harrison, Assistant City Attorney
Susan Richstone, Acting Long Range Planning Manager
James Hewat, Historic Preservation Planner
Chris Meschuk, Historic Preservation Planner
The roll having been cailed, Chair T. Plass declared a quorum at 7:07 p.m. and the
following business was conducted:
On a motion by N. Kornblum, seconded by L. Podmajersky, the Landmarks Preservation
Advisory Board approved (5-0) the minutes as amended of the August ls`, 2007 board
Robert Sharp, 4995 Mazshall Road, spoke regarding the discussion of the joint EAB/I,PAB
5653 Baseline Road
800 Pearl Street
A. Public hearing and consideration of a landmark alteration certificate to construct a
second-story addition to the non-contributing house located at 2620 7~' Street in the
Mapleton Hill Historic District (HIS2007-00159). Applicant: VAST Architecture
Owner: Jen Pitt/Mike Cohen
Board members were asked to reveal any ex-parse contacts they may have had on this item.
T. Plass and L. Podmajersky reviewed the protect at Design Review Committee meetings,
T. Plass had a phone conversation with Jennifer Pitt, directing her to similar & recent projects
but did not discuss current project.
Applicant's Presentation
Joseph Vigil, VAST Architecture, 2020 20`" Street, spoke in support of the application.
Public Hearing
No one from the public addressed the Board.
On a motion made by T. Plass, seconded by L. Podmajersky, the Landmarks Preservation
Advisory Board approved (4-1, Watson opposed) the application for the proposed construction
of an 850 sq. ft. addition for the ~roperty located at 2620 7"' Street as shown on plans included in
the application dated August 17` , 2007 finding that it meets the standazds for issuance of a
Landmark Alteration Certificate in Chapter 9-11-18, B.R.C. 1981, subject to the conditions
below and adopts this memorandum as findings of the Board.
1. The applicant shall be responsible for constructing the rehabilitation and addition in
compliance with the approved plans dated August 17th, except as modified by these
conditions of approval.
Prior to submitting a building permit application and final issuance of the Landmark
Alteration Certificate, the applicant shall submit the following, subject to the final
review and approval of the City Manager final architectural plans, that include
materials and colors that address the following design details: windows, doors, roofing,
siding material and paint color to insure that the approval is consistent with the General
Design Guidelines and the intent of this approval.
3. The fenestration on al] elevations be revisited to achieve more consistency in shapes,
sizes, and solid to void ratio, especially on the north elevation, which shall be reviewed
by the Landmarks Design Review Committee.
B. Public hearing and consideration of a request to reconstruct a historic dormer on the
historically contributing house at 453 Pine Street in the Mapleton Hill Historic District.
Because the height of the dormer will exceed 35', review of the application by the full
Landmarks Board is required per 9-7-7(b) pf the Boulder Revised Code. (HIS2007-
00230). Applicant: Carlo Persichetti, Owner: Jason Mendelson
Board members were asked to reveal any ex-parte contacts they may have had on this item.
T. Plass, L. Podmajersky and K. Watson reviewed the project at Design Review Committee
meetings. N. Kornblum was recused because she resides within 300' of the property.
Applicant's Presentation
Carlo Persichetti, 600 Pearl Street, spoke in support of the application.
Public Hearing
Jason Mendelson, 453 Pine Street, spoke in support of the application.
On a motion made by L. May, seconded by K. Watson, the Landmazks Preservation Advisory
Board found (4-0, Kornblum retuned) that the proposal for the reconstruction of the south
dormer on the house at 453 Pine Street to a height of 38'6" (as shown on drawings dated August
10, 2007) meets the standards in Chapter 9-11-18(a)(b, 1-4), B.R.C. 1981, is consistent with the
General Design Guidelines, the Secretary of the Interior's Guide for Reconstruction, and is
approvable per Section 9-7-7(b) B.R.C., in that the work restores and does not damage the
historic character of the property or district, and adopts this memorandum as findings of the
board, subject to the conditions below:
1. The applicant shall be responsible for ensuring that the development shall be
constructed in compliance with all approved plans on file in the City of Boulder
Planning Department, except as modified by these conditions of approval.
2. Prior to submitting a building permit application and final issuance of a Landmark
Alteration Certificate, the applicant shall submit the following, subject to the final
review and approval of the City Manager final architectural plans, that include
materials and colors to insure that the approval is consistent with the General
Design Guidelines and the Mapleton Hill Historic District Guidelines and the
intent of this approval.
C. Public hearing and consideration of an application to designate the house and property
at 800 Arapahoe Avenue as a local historic landmark as per Section 9-11-5 of the
Boulder Revised Code, 1981. (HIS2006-00277). Applicant: Landmarks Preservation
Advisory Board, Owner: West Arapahoe, LLC, and Chris Maurer
Owner's Presentation
Bruce Dierking, 2595 Canyon spoke in support of designation with a reduced landmark
Public Hearing
Abby Daniels, Executive Director of Historic Boulder, 1123 Spruce Street, spoke in support of
the designation
Gail Grey, 670 Logan Mill Road, spoke in support of the designation with the reduced boundary.
Waived by the owner.
On a motion by T. Plans, seconded by K. Watson, the Landmarks Preservation Advisory Board
voted (5-0) to forward to City Council an application to designate the property at 800 Arapahoe
Avenue as a local historic landmark, finding that it meets the standards for individual landmark
designation in Section 9-11-1 and 9-11-2, B.R.C. 1981, subject to the following conditions of
approval and adopts this staff memorandum as findings of the Board.
1. The boundazy of the landmark site match the proposed subdivision lines, as shown in
the drawing in Attachment C, which limits the landmazked site to the main house,
and portion of the site surrounding the house.
2. The features to be including within the boundary include the main house, the
wrought iron fence, and all mature trees.
L. May offered a friendly amendment to include an additional finding as follows:
The proposed designation is based upon the representative of the owner's
presentation that the owners will consent to the designation application with the
conditions as proposed in the staff memorandum
L. Podmajersky offered a friendly amendment to include an additional finding as follows:
4. The proposed designation is based on the representation that a permanent and
irrevocable easement to protect the fence, subject to having an opening that would
allow for a pedestrian walkway, will be established as part of the subdivision
D. Public hearing and consideration of whether to initiate designation of 3231 11`h Street
as a local landmark, per Section 9-11-3, B.R.C. 1981 Applicant: Landmarks
Preservation Advisory Board, Owner: Michael and Michelle Clements
Owner's Presentation
Scott Jurdem, 1847 Senda Rocosa Street, Attorney/representative for the owners, spoke in
opposition to the initiation.
Public Hearing
Mike Clements, 3231 11`h Street, spoke in opposition to initiation
Michelle Clements, 3231 11`~ Street, spoke in opposition to initiation
Kyle Callahan, 2121 30th Street, architect for the project, spoke in opposition to the initiation
Sherry Snyder, 3076 9`h Street, spoke in opposition to the initiation.
Beverly Potter, 3201 11`h, spoke in support of initiation
Abby Daniels, Executive Director of Historic Boulder, 1123 Spruce Street, spoke regarding the
decision of the board, and that the building has significance, but that the organization does not
support or oppose the initiation.
Michelle Clements, 3231 11`h Street, spoke in opposition and reminded the boazd about the June
6`h, 2007 hearing and discussion.
On a motion made by L. May, seconded by L. Podmajersky, the Landmarks Preservation
Advisory Board voted (3-2, Plass and Watson opposed) to adopt a resolution initiating
designation of 3231 11`"Street at a local landmark.
On a motion by T. Plass, seconded by L. May the Landmarks Preservation Advisory
Board voted (5-0) to continue the time period for the individual landmark application at
800 Arapahoe Avenue from 100 to 180 days to the council hearing. The representative for
the owners of the property agreed to the extension.
A. Planning Board Calendar
The meeting adjourned at 11:45pm
Respectfully submitted,
Approved on October 3, 2007