5E - Public hearing and consideration of a demolition permit application for the demolition of the pMEMORANDUM March 7, 2007 TO: Landmarks Preservation Advisory Board FROM: Susan Richstone, Acting Long Range Planning Manager ,Iames I Iewat, Historic Preservation Planner Alice Gilberts~n, Preservation [ntern Chris Meschuk, Historic Preservation Planner SUBJECT: Public hearing and consideration of a demolition permit application for the demolition of the primary structure located at 1621 16`h Street, pursuant to Section 9-11-23 B.RC. for non-landmarked buildings over fifty years old. (HIS2006-00003). STATISTICS: l. Site: 2. Zoning: 3. Owner/Applicant 1621 16t" Street RH-2 (Residential - High 2) Brady Burke STAFF RFCOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Landmarks Board issue the demolition permit for the house and shed located at 1621 16`h Street, adopting the staff inemorandum as tindings, including the following: 1. Issuance of the demolition permit for 1621 16th Street is appropriate based on the criteria set forth in section 10-13-23(g) B.R.C, in that the building: a. Is not eligible for individual landmark designation; b. 'l~he building does not contribute to the character of the neighborhood as an intact representative of the area's past. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: On January 8, 2007 the Planning Department received a demolition permit application for the house and slied at 1621 16`~' Street. This building is not in a historic district or locally landmarked, but is over titty years old and meets the criteria For demolition defined under Section 9-11-23 of the Historic Preservation Ordinance. On January 10, 2007, the Landmarks Design Review Committee (DRC) reviewed the demolition permit application and referred the app(ication to the Landmarks Board for a public hearing based upon the DRC finding of probable cause to believe that the building may be eligible for designation as an individual landmark. "I'he application was certified as complete on February 14, 2007 After detailed analysis, staff considers the building does not meet the criteria set forth in Section 10-13-23(g) of the B.R.C. and the Individual Landmark Significance Criteria (1975). Staff recommends that the demolition permit be issued. e ~.~i4~`h~ll~i ~r~ ~ i~ ~.~u1?~ 5:' ~Ir/'\~i~l~J, ~ _ ~ Memo to Landmarks Preservation Advisory Board 03/07/2007 Re: 1621 16'h Street - Demolition Permit DF.SCRIPTION: The approximately 6,700 square foot lot is located on the west side of 16th Street, between Canyon Boulevard and Grove Street. The 1,248 square t~~ot, 1'/2 story house is representative of frame dwellings built in Boulder during the 1930"s. Character detinin~; features of this cross- gabled, vernacular frame house include the gable front v~~ith steeply pitched roof; the small porch with ~abled roof~ and tapered columns, the stone foundation and open eaves. ~See Attachment A: Hi.ti~turic I3ulldin,~7 Im•ef~tnrv Recard. A~enda Itcm #~E: Pa~c #2 Figttre 1: c. 19-~9 Asses.sor Pholograph Memo to Landmarks Preservation Advisory Board 03/07/2007 Re: 1621 16"~ Street - Demolition Permit CONSTRUCT[ON HISTORY: The house at 1621 16`~' Street was constructed in 1939 by Jacob Blosser. The Boulder County Assessor lists the construction date as 1910, although Sanborn Map research, analysis of city directories, and permit research has claritied the construction date. On December 13, 1938, well known Boulder contractor Jacob Blosser applied for a building permit to build a stucco dwelling at a cost of $2000. That same year he also built the duplex at 1623-1625 l6`h next door. There are very few permit records on file for this property. In 1962 the house was converted into a duplex by remodeling the basement, adding a kitchen and bath, as well as remodeling throughout the house. The assessor card notes that the fireplace was removed. Also in 1962 the house was re-roofed. In 1992 the house again received a new roof, and in 1995 the fence was constructed. It appears that some of the windows have been replaced, including those on the fa~ade. Others appear to have storm windows installed. See Altachmenl B: Tux Ass•e.ssor C'urd und Altachmenl C: Permit A~licutions. CRITERIA FOR THE BOAItD'S DECISION: The Historic Preservation ordinance states that the Landmarks Board shall consider and base its decision upon any of the following criteria [9-11-23(t)J: (1) The eligibility of the building for designation as an individual landmark consistent with the purposes and standards in Sections 9-11-1 and 9-11-2, B.R.C. 1981; A~enda Item #SE Pa~e #3 li igure 2: 2007 Photogruph Memo to Landmarks Preservation Advisory Board 03/07/2007 Re: 1621 1 b~h Street - Demolition Permit (2) "1'he relationship of the building to the character ot~ the neighborhood as an cstablished and definable area; (3 j "I'he reasonable condition c~f the building; and (4) The reasonable projected cost ot~ restoration or repair. In considering the condition of the building and the projected cost of restoration or repair as set forth in paragraphs (3) and (~l) above, the board may not consider deterioration caused by unreasonable neglect. As detailed below, staff considers this property is not eligible for desi~nation as an individual landmark and that demolition would not have an adverse impact on the character of~ the area. CRITEItION 1: INDIVIDUAL LANDMARK ELIBILITY "I'he follo«~ing is a result of staffs research on the property relative to the signiticance criteria for individual landmarks adopted by the I.andmarks Board on September 17, 1975. HISTORICAL SICNIFICANCC: Summar,y: The house at 1621 16°i Street may have historical si~nificance under criterion l. 1. Datc of Construction: 1939 Elaboration: Although the I3oulder County Assessor lists the constructio~l ciate as 1910, tfle address tirst appears in the 1940 City Directory, and permit records state the building ~~~as built in 19i9. There are approxim~~tely SS e~ctant buildings constructed in 1939. 2. Association with Historical Persons or EventS: Nonc Obscrvcd Elaboration: In 1935 Jacob Blosser purchased this lot trom Henry Drumm. Jacob E3losser was born ~ugust 31, 1875 in Uhio. He came to Boulder in a covered wagon in 1897, and camped on University Hill. Blosser began his career in Boulder as a ti-eightcr to the mining towns and held excavation contracts for many private and public buildings. In tlie early 1900's he became a contractor and cement contractor, and canstructed the first curbs, walks, and streets in E3oulder. An article in the Daily Cameru from 1915 stated that he had `'practically completed the concrete bridges at Eighth Street on Mapleton Avenue and at Fifth and Spruce and will begin Monday on the retaining wall on the sc~uth bank oF Boulder creek below the Twelfth Street I3ridge." Blosser died October 3. 19~=1 at the a~e of 79. It does not appear Blosser ever li~~ed in the house, but constructed it as a rental ~nd then sold in 1946. In 19~0 Gilbert Granger purchased the property at 1621 16'h Street. Gilbert was born May 17, 1920 in Nebraska, and married Berniece Lambeth in 1940. He attended the University of Colorado, and served in the navy during WWII in Pearl Harbor and Japan. After returning to Boulder, he worked as a mechanic. In 1966 he began ~~~orking as an instrument maker for NCAR, a position he held for 22 ycars. Gilbert died May 23, 1989 at the age of 69. Granger and his family lived in the house until 1962. A~enda Item #>E Pa~e #~ Memo to Landmarks Preservation Advisory Board 03/07/2007 Re: 1621 16~h Street - Demolition Permit Mr. Blosser is locally significant to E3oulder as an early pioneer, but never lived in the house. The association with Mr. Granger is interesting, but there is no evidence to suggest that any persons who lived in the house are of local, state, or national historic significance. See Attuchment E: Directary and Deec~ resecarch._ 3. Distinction in the Devclopment of the Community of Boulder: None identitied 4. Recognition by Authorities: None Identified ARCHITECTURAL SIGNIFICANCE: Summary, : The house 1621 16`f' Street does not appear to have architectural signiticance. 1. Recognized Period/Style: Vernacular Frame Elaboration: The frame house at 1621 16`h Street represents Boulder's vernacular housing during the rise from tlle depression prior to WW11. The house has some distinctive elements including the stone foundations and porch, but staff believes this house does not stand out as an exceptional example of late 1930's residential architecture. 2. Architect or Builder of Prominence: None identified 3. Artistic Merit: None idcntitied 4. Example of the Uncommon: None identified >. Indigenous Qualities: None identified ENVIRONMENTAL SIGNIFICANCE: Summary: The property does not appear to have environmental significance under criteria 1 through 5. 1. Site Characteristics: None identified 2. Compatibility with Site: None identified 3. Geographic Importance: None identified 4. Environmental Appropriateness: None identified 5. Area Integrity: None identified 6. Other: None idcntified A~enda Item #~F, Pa~e #5 Memo to Landmarks Preservation Advisory Board 03/07/2007 Re: 1621 16'h Street - Demolition Permit CRITERION 2: RELATIONSHIP TO THE CHAItACTER OF THE NEIGH130RHOOD: 1621 16`~' Street is located in the Orchard I-Iome subdivision, platted by Marinus Smith. Smith's personal residence was located in Orchard Home. across the street from the house at 1621 16'h Street on the lot now addressed as 1603 Grove Strcet. Smith was a significant pioneer to Boulder, and platted a number of subdivisions in the city. Marine Street is named in his honor, as his nickname ~~~as "Marine". The area immediately surrounding 1621 16`h Street is characterized as an eclectic mixture of housing types and architectural styles. "I~he house is located in the Goss- Grove neighborhooci, 4vhich has bcen identit7ed as being potentially eligible for designation as a local historic district, but this building does not stand out as a significant example of residential architecture. CRITERION 3: COND[TION OF THF. [3UILllING AND CRITERION 4: PROJECTED COST OF RESTOlZATION OR REPAIR: Staft~ has observed some deterioration of~ the toundation and front porch, which has cracks and appear to be settling. Stat~f did not focus on the projected cost of restoration or repair due to lack ofdetailed evidence of unreasonable costs to perfornl such work. NEIGHBORHOOD COMMEN'I': Staf~f has not rcceivecl ~ny comments on the proposal. UECISION OF THE I30ARD: If tlle Landmarks I3oard tinds that the buildin~~ to bc demolishcd does not have historic significance under the criteria set torth in section 9-1 I-23(tj E3.R.C., the city manager shall issue a demolition permit as long as all othcr pernlit reqtiircments have beeil met. . If the Landmarks Board tinds that the building to be demolished may have historic significance under the criteria set forth above, the application shall be suspended for a period not to exceed 180 days from the date the permit applicati~n ~ti~as accepted by thc city manager as complete, in order to provide the time necessary to consider alternatives to the demolition of the building. [Section 9-1 ]-23(h)]. A 180-day stay periocl would expire on August 13. 2007. ATTACHMI?NTS: A: Historic Building Invcntory Record B: Tax Asscssor Cards C: Permit Applications D: Sanborn Maps and Plat Map E: Directory and Deed Research F: Current Photographs G: Signiticance Criteria for Individual Landmarks H: Demolition Permit Application Ayenda Item #5E Pa~e #6 ~ - ~ n ~ '::Y Attachment A = Y ~ ~ ~ ~ . Y:{v~:_'~ .~.~,?,y.: tOIORADO NIiTCRICAI iOCIETY Offiu of A~chiaoloQy r+d Ni~tortc Pres~rv~tion 1300 Brod+q, DsrMr, Gotordo b0203 HISTORIC WILDIMG IMVEMTORT RECORD MOT FOR FIELD llSE E t ip ible 1lo~ie-~ted _ Det. Not Elipible _ Certified R~hab. Date PROJECT MA11E: Boulder Survey of Historic CW11T~': CITT: STATE ID li~.: 5BLi6T0 Placec, 1944 Boulder Boulder TEMPORARY ItO.: tf63-30-3-62-002 CURREMT BUILDING NAME: OWNER: BOGGS LESIIA N MKA ALE%AMDRJI NEART IIOON 1621 16TB ST 80ULDER CO 803D2 ADDRESS: 1621 16TH ST ' BOULDER, CO 80302 TOwMSHIP 1M RAMGE 70'Y SE~TIpi '.i0 SV ~~~ SE 1/~ HISTORiC NAME: U.S.G.S. OUAD NAME: Boulder, Colc- YEAR: 1966 (PR19T9) X 7.5' 15' BLOLK: 1 LOT(5): 1p DISTRiCT MAME: 11DDITIOM: Orchard Nome YR. OF ADDITION: 1902 FiLM ROLL MO.: 94-17 MEGATIVE MO.: 'n LOGTIOM OF MEGATIVES: OATE Of COMSTRUCTiON: "'.•' _.- _. ESTIMATE: ACTUAL: 1920 BY: T_N_ s:s~r+: SOURCE: . r~r+w . .~r~ ~ - f ~ .. "'~` Ywlder CantY Atsessor ~ ~„ t, ' ~ ~ ~ , ~ f ~ > ' ~ ~ ~ - ~ . . . ~r ` ~ ~ y ,~~ a USF.: ~ PRfSENT: ti'~ te~ identiel - ~ . .V' NISTORIC: _ '. - ~., s tecidential '} . A~.. t-L.~ !:. ~ . , r `~f_ 'i ~ - d ' ~NDITIOM: ," -; ~ . . , _ ~ a~.. '.~~ r' El(CELLENT X CAOD ~~k . i '' r3~ ;- - :, ~ ~,: F11IR DETERIORATING ~'`. . 1~ ~ :'yi. l `~R ;XTENT OF ALTERATIONS: ~`~`_~. MINOR X NOOERATE IUIJOR ~ - ~ESCRIBE: ,~1. ~~ ituccoed wallc; pipe railinp. ~M ~ ;arc . - "~ ~ : r~.` - ~ - _ ~ ~ ~+ : !~ _ . . :~ ,,s J r~' ~ ~y ~ .- ~ ~ - . . ~ ~ Vfi\y . Y .i `~{ ,.Q. . /~.~ ,'. ' ~4. _ ".~' • _ .a .~.. l... Lri _ -- - CONTINUED TES X NC STYLE: Vernewler Yood Freme STORIES: ORIGINAL SITE X MONED 1 DATE(S) OF MOVE: MATERIALS: Yood, Stucco, 5tax S0. FOOTAGE: NATIONAL REGISTER ELIG181LITT 1248 .~nf..trvu~ . vcc r ~e ARCHITECTURAI DESCR1PT10N: One-story d~elliny with pebled roof with overhenging eaves and exposed refters. Front geble with stuccoed gable face. Projecting pebled porch with narrow vertical sidinp in gable end is supported by squered, capered colums atop rusticeted stone ~alls. Stuccoed ~ells; weter table; atone fouxietion. Paneled end glazed door. Da~le-hung 6/1 li9ht windo~+s and multi-lipht windows. L011S 1MNE~t 'IE8 X 1l0 CONTRIBtJT1NG TO DISTRICT: YES NO LOCAL LANDMARK DESIGNATION: No IIAl1E: _ DATE: ASSOCIATED BUILOIMGS7 rES X MO Tl'PE: IF IIfVENTORiED, L1ST IO IfOS.: _ ADDITIOMAL PAGES• YES X ND I AC:~P~D~ I"f'~i1~ #~ ~~~'AGF ~.~ _. JIRCHITECT: Unknovi SOURCE: BUILDER/COMTRIICTOR: tU11Q1oi~t SOURCE: STATE ID MO.: 58Li670 ORIGIMAL OYMfR: lk~kriorn SOURCE: THEME(S): Urban Reeidential Neiphborhoodc, 1a58-present COMSTRUCTION HISTORY (DESCRIPTION, NAMES, DATES, ETC., RELATING TO MAJOR ALTERATIONS TO ORIGIIlAI STRUCTURE): CONTINUED TES HISTORICAL BACKGROUND (DISCUSS IMPORTANT PERSONS 11ND EVENTS ASSOCIATED WITH THIS STRUCTURE): Unk-wrn. This address does not appeer in city directories throuph 1928. x NO ,. . • _,. CONTINUED YES X ~NO SIGNIFICAMCE iCNEpC APPROPRIATE GTEGORIES AND BRIEFLT JUSTIFY BELON): ARCHITECTLIRAL S1GMIFICANCE: HISTORIGL SIGNIFICANCE: REPRESENTS THE NOitK Of A MASTER ASSOCIATED HITN S1GpIFICAMT PERSOMS POSSESSES H1GH ARTISTIC VALUES A5SOCIATED WITH SIGMIFICRNT EVENTS OR PATTERMS X REPRESENTS A TYPE, PERI00, OR METHOD OF CONSTRUCTIOM CONTRIBUTES TO AN HISTORIC DISTRICT T]ER EVALUATlOM: STATEMEMT OF S1GNIf1GMCE: This Aouse, elthoueh sltered, is representetive of verneeular construction durinp the eerly tMentieth century, es reflectedin the pabied roof, porch with squered colums atop ataie watls, and multi-over-einple-li~ht windows. LONTINUED YES X Ii0 REFEREMCES (BE SPECIFIC): Boulder Caaity Assesaor, reel estate infora~ation; Boulder Daih canere bio~repAicel files; Boulder Carnepie library, Boulder Canty Assessor collection; Boulder City Directories; Boulder Genealogical Society, Cenrua Indexes, 1900 and 1410 CONTIlWED rES x Mo SURVEYED BY: R.L. Simaons/T.H. Simma~s AFFILIATION: Front Ranpe Research Auociatea, lnc. DATE: Aupuat 199L ~ ~ ~' ~' ~'' "" ! ~ Appraised 19 _____,._ ~tJt..JLIJER COC..fNTY REAL ES~"AT~ AF'PRAlSAL :. , 0``t'?,~FR . . - ._:_:.~ ~ T~ e ~ f~ s '„ ~;~ ,~,-;~ _ _.~ %~ -~ _ ~ ------_..____._ _.. .-....~ . _.....__.._. . i. `~a_~r',:+1;~: _f . . . _.~_...~ . _.-- ----__~ .~_ =~i )i_; ~ `r: :ti ~ ~. ~"PRrFT ~' 1'i `; L~~~~.. ~ , .. }i~',: :`,;.:'ll~_1'_~::~i .:!• _„~,-;~r~~~. ~,:{ 1~~"~s't. I~;:f.r- in 4°ears v ESTIPrtATE OF VA - --- - - - - - III.DG. PART A '~v. GuhicFeet____... ___.._____..____ Cost per cu. ft. ---- -•----_--- ' "'I" .. .. ..~a ~I~OtR~ COSt------------~~ ~ .' : Porches------°-------I-------`r---i--- C.,z~r~iae---------------~- -- -~--~--- k;xtras.---- ------ --------=----- -----------------------~,----------~---- ~ --- ------------------- '---------~---- Tc~TAr.------+a------= =--=- , ----~o Obaolesence---i------:'---!_-- _ _ '° Physical Dep.--~------~`-=- :=- ';~Tet P Pter I~Fdnc tin~; i,~~~ ~ Uc.preeiFLtian_____IaJ _,.______~.' 17 ~-"_-_~'~ LTti]ity Dr:p.---~~--f._.-------: ~v' PREST:\'T VAI.(Jr__;___--..------- I I ~_.,..a,.,~ 4.~.~./G„ ~,~..,,., :.: BUILDiNG PLAN -- ,~ :~ r - - :a r.;.n ~~:.L.v. . '4' ~ , - .. _^i r TJ f ~~ I ! ~ i t-- / d r/ f I~ . ~ ~X:'. ~. - :~ ^ Y' Sr. T~ ~~~ 2 L~t !$"' ~- ~ w tm C Ci~l BLD6. 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Use 2one R-7 ER-1 ER-2, R-2 R-2A, F.3, T. loht, Ceilin0 I I B'~~ B'Z' ~ 6cterior Studs i 4_ Fiie Zone t, 2, -J ~ ~ - Interior SNds ~ - CESCRIPTIOId OF WORR - ` Ra~f Rukrrs 1 I .G~L~~-E/.~S'~! ~~-xG1„T~~CCL~-~~~ -•- C O V E R f h G -- ~G ~~i- ~~'~~= '~ d~~ ~ -Sa2- Exterior Walls Roo.` A J _ / ~l~Le"~f r1~,e-n.2i ~Y l.f_1~~~) 6~T..f ~ ~ Interior Wcl[s Rcroof ~~ ~ ,~~; ~ d np.do%-~~_ I hcre4y ocknowledqe lhot 1 havc rcod this a0plicotion o,.e s:af< <+,ar.rt,. ~~ ~ m.~Kr ~,~e aQ.n ro c«~aa ,.;w olI ciry ordinances ond state laws repalotSm. b~itdfnq com :lr~ctlon. ~ ~J . /I ~~~~ _1 h!/r _~,~--T._^ -~ I ~~ /~ ~ ~ SlynCturc m` Ownef.....~l,f,iY'~ r... .. ~~ ~ B - y- _. ~, ~~ ~z ~~r .. Ot!-Strecr Pcrkln~ . . fNa. Ca~i ~~e~~io~ ~os o Con,er tar p Revcrsrd Gomar Lot f] "~ro y $ a l ~.~ f ) I ) c-~ c-> IE i ~ r ~J Srrm~~.u=-a,c-._~ -.. ~~r ~ ~' ~ , ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~'J . ;;,,c ~Ct~! ~~-a d~~"~.+~ '+r v -~~... --,~~~K~{~ , _v _Q C~71' OF 80i1~T~ER BU1! i}I~3G DEPAR'flVtiEi+i~ APPLICAT(ON FOR BUILDING PERlA1T AtiD CERTIFICATE OF OCCUF.kNCY TO BtII~D, ALTER, REPAIR, ADD TO CR WRC~C /. BUIIDlNG OR STRt1CTURe' fAPPC1Gl~T F[Ll (N 7HI5 SEGifON ONL7) ~Y/J -CLA55 OF WORK- ,~~~ / Bufld~rq Addreu ~~ H~,~, pcmolish D ateoE IimKOn f~ /.YJ 19 AltcroHOn Rc7olr ~ Nome +~~/ci ~s:rn I Mcv~ I j Moi~ Addr I lhe of B~iidinp G~.y Td. No, Size of Bclld~r~~ HeiQht Namo ~ ,~j ~• ' ' ~. ~~ Na Fomil~es ~ 0 Address ~~~~ W No.Rooms I No.Elctt.0u:ic:s ~ o vI City ~ GN Ucense Na ~O Tel_ No~t~yl-35S/ No. Weter Ciose:z No. 8aths Si:e of lot Frvnta r o/ Lot ~ -SPECIFlCATIONS- 9(ock - - FOUIYDATIOhI - - ~ -° Subdivisian Extari7r letcrior or Pitrs . . % nnohrtoi I ~ ' ' o W~d~h 6~ h~c~rurs of Faotiny ~ ~ o Width ~:f Fo~mdotltn Woll ~ I ~ Dcp~h in G.~und ~ I ~ -- P R A M 1 N G -- Moximum Sl S ' o S SUrde Correct ciosvtkollony 1. Type of Const:uctian 1 U Itl Y 1V ;t p n no Grdea ~ , , , , 2. OecuponeyGroup h B F H 1 7 ~ D E G Jasr, lse FI. ~ ~ , , , , . , . Div;slon 1, 2, 3. 4 Joist. 2rr! Ft. ~ 3. Vse Zonc R-I ER-1 ER-2, R-2 R-2A, R-3, T, Joist, Ceitinq B-l, B-2. ~ ~tcriw Studs ~. Rre Zcno 1, 2. 3 Inrvior $tuds I I - OFSCRIPTION OF WORK - Rocf Rafccrs ~ I I -- C O V e R f N G -- Fxtcrior wolis ~ Foof ~ _ Ei Intcrior Wolts ~ Rrroof <~ ~,~U - - ~ I hereb; ockrwrledqe that I have read this application ond stole thot the abore is eoneei ond eprte to cemD~y w~ih ali ciry ord;nerr_ei end stn:e hivt reperktinQ bvilEn~ cor~ :trvction . $iynal ,,/ ~ oi ow ~' . .......... . ..~_._-'--'---'-'--- ~ j BY-i'~~ _.._._. t- _.__~ ~,:~: ~r ~ ~ oo;, r~,.d 0 C T i 5 19 62 PLANNING AND ZOtdEiVG INFOR1tiiATIOiV TYOe cf~Qrc+POncp ToRat Fioor /lrec iVa ot Stvrlas Tot~l tlafphs Meo of Lat Fronto~e New Cortitnxtfon Altsr c}wmo a 6cwpancr fran - To OIf=5lrctt Po+4infl __ ~ lNe. Cai) Intcrlw lot ^ Cover LAt [j Revened Come: '_ae [! n ^.. ~ i ~ VV 1 t ) c 7 ~-7 !-~ n - I } B ~~ St r e a r._ ~.... _---....^ __-... . ADD~~ ~soe oF :ia~m.nq BY- -- - ApPmva.'-. Ch{t! Buil~np lrepetf~r ~ I ~ l~~ ~ ~Z ~ ~ ~-s~r'= ;;: i~~N,"lr~l~ +> ~"~--.-~k'6~.C~k~ .// ~.~w7ir~ Wl ~T1S~@CtIOII .~'i~IV 7 C8a 17~~ Bro~aY~ R.o~ 405 p. ?~ ~oz 797 g~~_3~r, CO 8Q306 ~- Buildiag t~ctress: T 62'~ 16TH ST L~ate o~ Pera?t: 10JOb/92 Le3al L~scription: L~~ ~ Blocic: Sub: A3locarion/~xe~t: .•,;,;.`~,. ~ _,...~:. - , ` . ~ ~ ' ~~ ~.: ° ya4za~ i7s~ T~x Puicl~ernit Ho . : ' IIse Tas F~ictnse ~o.: ' Yaina~iom: $1 , SOQ . 44 C2~s$i€ication/i3se: I}U t~LE~i t er~.f ~pe/Code: ROOF ~ Ouner/Tena~t~Te?ephone i~~: :~~SHA 30C~S 443-~5i9 Co~ztractar/Lic:~o/Tel, ~'a: L~,SffA BOGC~3 ~i Perni.t is ~sereby i~sRe~ for the Furgns~ ox RE~aO~' E~ISTiNG Z'5~70 E'AAIILY STRLT~TURE ~,TITH ASPHAi.T SHINGLES ' in ~ecvrdsnce ~rifb approved pi~ss b~ud sperifiea~ions ~r.s~ ptovisiof':u se~ fcrth ia ta~ Ci~y of : Ea~slder ~~ri~ed Cods 7~3$~ ~ ca~~~r st~~licab3~ C~~9es. ~ ~ ~7fl 35300t~Qs~e ~el~~)flflOUd ~~rsait ~~ee ~^*~ ~• - • ~4~SOEC.~ " $35.00 . rr~--. . . .. . . ~`sfl81'~' PeQ . • • M`~~. _. ~ ..«s..'' 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($es~~3.oat '~t)-5-2t~~, ~1~ ~~s~tY. 4;oda 9~9.~ ~'~1 ~Tt II~~ ~Y~. ~~ l~t$9-3~'e~ ~ ~ ~ B~ ~~~~_ _ i~,~-~-~. - G'tsief 3uiZdiag ~fficia~ .~.:~',:I.'.VjF~ l~t: A R'j.'-.!.~.4:'~ i`- _ ~~~- ~~~ Z~ / i l t~~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~ ,,~.,~ a~ w~ ~e ~ -u~ ,~~r,~o~, ~ - ' ~ ~z.~ ~ o~ '°~~ 1 ti ~u~~~s ~NS~t~oN avis+oN ~ ~tr., ~; ,~,~ ~ ~ T. ~rstt. 111ar « ~aMi~- i~noN ~y wNN i~~-,r- ~ ~wyyM 0~ ~1 --..-~ ... .~.4s~...i..iAC.t.`.~~l.I~...L.r.....(~~1.{,ifw +~+ ~.,,~.« .1.~:?~! ._~.~._;~.._...~............. ~.... ... _._.~. . ... t~ ____.._c~~.~.,,~....::..~,;~c:.~...,~,,,,, ..y.y..I...~: r.71.- ~~ ~~~1~~ ,.L~~-t,`= .~~' _._...... ....~. +rw~ A.i.«. ... ::1.G `.~....~.e.~~' .~.c~.~.~:~l~..~ . . .........~ .~.. ....._ ~-h ...~ ~~~L1 .............~~.?~~3.. Ma~ . ~ .~.~.~_~L~.~~~ ~... c~~,- u..~.. H.... ~..Z~-..~-.~_......_......._.._...~____ M~ b~i~ ~h ~~~t H~n+~ jn ~~~ rrlM~ fM ~i.n~ n1/M .I~Kpt~ w~MlN/~ ~M wNA ~1~ Mwi~ M th~ 2w~+~ ~M"„'°'~ ~W 1Mrr C~1ti .w~ l~.d~h Nw~.-~ ~t ~h. Ci~, M i.~,+b.,. ft_ r-- / ~-{ / ' ` ~'^'~T~ ~~~.~~. . ~.~~. ~w1tM~ r1 I~11~wf ~ '~"~R ~n W iaua~ nya *~o ~sMar~~ a wa~. „ ~ "'".. C~. ~at a W~11 ^ 1~~ Q ~r+M t~f M.+..~.~.. .....~~.?aa.d _ ~`" i'"' ....... J c..~ .~ c..~...,K~~..~: : .1~_.r-~~'__rr~~........_ sA~w I~e~tt~A t~11s~/w~t~r IIEAA IAO~tR?1/ L1NE ~~r l i (l~ . L l rt r l~-t Il. r~~~u~ iU1L01tv~ +~~t~r , ~ ~ LC~ ~. ~ t ~ c~ z ~ ~ :L_ '~oN~ -*a~~rv ~~N~ cuRa s~E~Y ~ ~ cuR• ~ 5 1621 16"' Street Sanborn Map Analysis 1906 ~; = L g \~;_i _'_ Ua•,.,= e \, <:ru,h,:~,~.;H a--- ~_ _;'_'u ---;.:,;~ ---~- -+.--~ - ---- e -- -~~-~-'--- b _ i g ,;"{. , we._..y R..~;.: F;, ; a..,~ ~ ° ' ~~~ ~ t i ~ _... ... ~.,,,. :....... - ---- __ . ..YJATER -' --...... ....---.. ._.... _.~ ~« v~. IV --°--.....~......_. ,. .._...._.__. ..•--..._... . !, -. °°- ~y .~r, ~I ' ~. I Ik ~ " j `I _- ! ~ y i i e ~' I ~ ,p --~ j _ ~ `~ ~ ~ . ~ I ~ -- ~ `~ `~`~ ~I ~ ! r ~ y I . ~ f i ~~ ` ~ ~ ~ :, '~ , j ! 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' ''~-:`~' f ~.,' '~?~,f _'-I ;a -`%~' ~ ~ ; o '~c>"'-- i i ~ ~ ~ ~, a ~ ~ ~ __' ,~ ~1_~~ ' y% ~ -_Y ~ i ~ f; _~n,f -.._,~ ~ ~ ` ~ - 0 ~v ~ . . ~~- ...~~'. .~~S7.i.~_, ~ Attachment E: Directory and Deed Research OWNERS OF 1621 1GTH STREET: Sold Indicates long-term ownership Prior to 1915 Marinus G. Smith/Drumm Family/MyersBondo 181~ to 1935 Henry llrumm 1935 to 1946 Jacob Blosser 1946 to 1)50 Walter E& Mary E Machin 1950 to 1962 Gilbert G& Bernice Granger 1962 to 1972 Thomas & Cora M. Gardner 1972 Katherine Anne Boshetto 1972 to 1975 Katherine A., Anne Z., & Ronald Boshetto 1975 to 1983 Thomas E. & Gail M. Lacy 1983 to 1992 Charles S. & Lesha Heart. Boggs 1992 to 2003 Alexandra Ileart Moon (Name change from Lesha Heart Boggs) 2003 to 2006 Timothy Michael Ireland & Leslie E. Ireland 2006 to present Richarcl Brady Burke R~SIDCNTS OI+ 1621 16TII STREET: Sold lndicates long-term residency Prior to 1940 ilddress Not Listed in Directories 1940 Wifliam B& Genevieve Kennedy (Clerk, Jones Drug) 1943 Ralph & mabel Cuthbertson (salesman) 1946 Oral C. & Mabel Raper (Miner) 1949 Walter E. & Mary Machin (foreman, Antrim Mators, Inc) 1951 to 1960 Gilbert G. & Bernice E. Granger (Granger Motor Service) 1960 ta 1964 Vacant 1965 William & Maxine Jansen (Dept Mgr - Safeway) 1966 1621 - Ernest & Sharon Zamora 1621 ~/x - James R. & Carole McCotter (stucient) 1967 1621 - No Return 1621 'h - Vacant 1968 1G21 - Donald & Sharon McDonald (Tech -- Ball Bros) 1621 ~/z - Robert D. & Pamela S. Ginn (Pittsburg De Moines Steel) 1969 Vacant 1970 1621 - Mrs. Mary A. Gillmore (widow, retired) 1621 ~/z - fl. J. Best (student) 1971 1621 - Mrs. Mary A. Cillmore (widow, retired) 1621 '/z - Alice Brewer (student) 1972 1621 - Mrs. Josie Holden (Director, Kiddie Kampers Nursery) 1621 '/z - Vacant 1973 to 1974 1621 - Kathy Boschetto (bookkeeper) 1E21 '/z - Ron Boschetto (student) 1975 V acant 1976 1621 - Julie McDermott (student) 1621 %z - Jerry Mooney (employee - Liquor Mart) 1977 1621 - Laura Winterfield 1621 '/z - Robert ]. McQulade 1978 1621 - Laura Winterfield 1621 '/z - Jerry Mooney (employee - Liquor Mart) 1979 1621 - Laura Coulter 1621 ~/z - Kieth Coulter 1980 1 G21 - No Return 1621 ~/~ - Robert S. Osborn 1981 No Return 1983 1(i2 l- Kim Era 1621 '/2 - No Return 1984 1621 - Carolyn Toakimedes (midwife) I62I ~h - T.M. Loconsolo (student) 1985 ro 1986 1 G21 - Tish Parmeley 1621 ~/z - Rick carrigan 1987 1621 - De L. Hoeft 1G21 '/z - Sparka Hall 1988 to 1989 1621 - Vacant 1621 '/z - David Suda 1990 1621 - David Fodel 1621 '/z - M. Lindberg . ~ ~:~~,p: ,, ~f` , ~ :.. ~/Z~ ~~~~~~i- ,a/ 1991 to 1994 1621 - Lcsha Boggs 1621 '/z - Jean Chance 1995 to 1996 1G21 - Alexandra Moon 1621 '/z - Jean Chance 1997 to 1998 1621 - Alexandra Moon 1G21 '/z - M. Urouhart 1998 to 1999 1621 - Greg Eisenberg 1621 ~h - M. Priebe 2000 Iti21 - Greg Eisenberg 1621 '/z - Eric Deviro 2001 Rebekah Lane, Bryan Zimmerman, Enc Devito 2002 Rebekah Lane, Bryan Zimmerman, Sara Lemmoon, Derek Bryant 2003 Bryan Zimmerman, J. Zimmerman 2~04 No Listing 2005 to 2006 Nathaniel Biklen NOTE: Carnegie Library's collection of city directories is intermittent beginning in 1869, and annual beginning in 1958. "No Return" or "No phone" does not necessarily mean the building was vacant. - .. ~r,-~ ~a- L_ q~3~ 1~ ~ ha~~~ ta Gi a.n - ~-~-' ~ acob Blosser H~~`f 7 7 ~Q A.~ Severe H eart At Jacob Biosser, 717 Grant Place. eufPered a aevere hear~ atCacwhFre day and is in the Sanitarium; he must have complete rest !or ~. seaeral dayas-D,?r• Blosser is having no vtaitors. --: ._ . . _ __ ^°~. T:,riri'~3?iant ~city Br.ot er-in L'aw Of J ob Blasser Dies Jacob ~t~se~ 4V~ih~bnt road, has received word of the death on March 13 of his brother-in-law, I George W. Harding, at New~b~rg, Ore., his home and where funeral services were conducted for him March 18. . Eightp-flve years old at the time .pf his death, Mr. Harding h~d been retired for a number of years. He is survived by his wife, Nirs. S~alIp Harding„ three sons, a daugh• ~ter and a stepdau$hter: ~ A teamster and Preighter in Bouldei for many years, Mr. Hard- ~ ing left here 43 years ago. He homesteaded near .Nunn, Colo., aft- er leaving Boulder and . beforer moving to the f'ac~fic northwest. I Jacob Bl~sser~ Wide~y~ Kn~~v~n _ • Contractor, ies ; _. Was Popular Resident' Of Boulder ~or Fifty-Seren' Years #. ~ A widely known $ot tor, Jacob Blosser, afternoon at the ~iou] Sanitarium 'wh been a patient 5ince Death was due to a 1 wfth ~vhich he ~a 1 for a number of ea During a resid ced Bonlder Mr. B sser~ tween Boulder a n held excavation ntr of its private an and eventually be ~ and cement co held the cont for walks for er's , ~ J~F ~~, 4' f ',f ;~.~:1'..~. ~;-; ~`~°E~:.~,~t ~,-. _. _ _ CzL°.. _ and 5ome side streets between Wa!• nut and Spruce. ~ In addition to an extensive exca• vation and concrgte business MP. Blosser held contracts for build• ings, business houses, institution: and residences. Came To ~oulder In Spring Of '97 He ~vas born Aug. 31, 1875 in Au~ glazie County, Ohio to Joseph anf Mary Gleason. ~Ie drove to Boul der in a covered wagon in 189' from Webber, Kan. and camped oc the then sparcely settled Univer sity Hill until getting located. Hit wife, Carrie, preceded him in deatt Feb. 4, 1935. ' Survivors are five dau~hters an~ two sons. The daughters are Mrs Iva Ratcliff and :12rs. Ruth Gard - - t_.~ _r „___..._. rR.... ~a;+ti A widelq k~nOwn Bot tor, Jacob Bloss~r, afternoon at the Bou: Sanit~rium 1vh been a patte~t since Death was due to a: with which he ba ~ for a number of e~ Durin~ a resid icei r ~ ' tween : -, ~ _~ ~ of its private ani~- lic bUildings, and eventually be me a buildeY' and cement co n 1917 he held the cont fo e curbs ant~ walks for er's first paving district whic ' luded Pearl street and some side streets between Wal- nut and Spruce. ~ In addition to an extensive exca- vation and, cnncrQte business 11ir. Blosser held contracts for build• ings, business ltouses, institutions -. Iu Spri»g Of '97 He was born Aug. 31, 1875 in Au~ BLOSSER ~ JACOB ( MftS .~ ~ glazie County, Ohio to Joseph attd'; Di e s in Ca 1 i Po rn i a 2/7 ~35 P 8 C4 ; ~ Mary Gleason. FIe drove to Bou1= der in a covered wagon in 1897 ,/~ G' ~~- ' C'l~ O~^' ~~ ~ ~J from Webber, Kan. and camped on the then sparcely settled Univet'- ~ ~ ~ ~ sity Hill until gatting located. ,Iiis wife Carrie preCeded t~im in death ~ y / ~ , ~ , Feb. 4, 1935. ~ Survivors are five dau~hters and i ~ two sons. The daughters are Mrs.;: + ~ Iva Ratcliff and :l4rs. Ruth Gard- ~ I ner, both of Denver; , Mrs. ~dith; ~ Brummer, ~ Boise, Idaho; Mrs. ~ ' I Pearl Watters, Cheyenne, and Mrs, ; ! ' Ruby Buchanan, wife of John E: . ~ Ruchangn. ~irectnr ~f thA internal ° ./J / ~-, ~ p } . Blosser Home Visit On I r ~~ ~~C COpSt ~ 3 1 f~9 ~acob Blosser, 717 Grant Place, returned Wednesday Lrom a train trip of several weeks which he took to the West coast. He went to ArIington, Calif•, to visit relatives, then to Los Angeles, to visIt a son, E. J. Blosser and family, and a grandson, Babby Brummer, and family. Later he went to Newberg, Ore., w~here nat only his two sisters, Mrs. Sally Harding and 'Mrs. B. W ~Iaxweli and ~M~r. Maawell, resid~, but where his brother,, Elder John Bloser of Cooks, Mich., is visiting. Mrs. Harding. a former Eoulder resident,• was 90 years of age last September, but is very young look- ing and acting for her age, Mr. Blosser says. ~ Mr. Blosser, who was very ill in Decem~ber, is much improved and feels "better every day." Relatives liere ~ I for Funeral Of , .lacob 8loss er ~ Relatives coming to $ovider.to ' attend faneral d t~arial services ` ' Tuesday for J c o 81o$ser, late ~ o~ ?17 Grant P c e~re his sons- in-larv a~pd d ~ h e Mr. and 14Srs. Paul R tcl ~tf and Mr, and I Mrs. R. Ster ing Gardner, all of , Denvei; and M. and Mrs. Ray- ~ mond A. W~t~te,r. ~heyenne, Wyo.; i a daughter, Mr , d I dith Brummer, J Bl r E a.; a BoiSe, J osse , . . , I Las Angeles, Ca " a grandsons, and ~vives, A'~rs. ~Ray- ~ mond A. Wat , r. of Cheyenne, ~ Wyo., and - . an Mrs. Jerry Brummer, e~ Raymer, and a granddaughte , Shirl~y B~ummer, pf Cheyenne. ~ , Friends coming were Mr. and Mrs. Carl Heberl, AenNer, and Mrs. ftvfh Preston, Lafayetf,e. Mr. Blos- ser was buried in Columbia ceme- tery besuie the grave of his wife, C,arri,e, w#~ose death oceurred Feb. ~ 4, 1935. ~erviees ~vere frAm the Howe mortuary. ~ Jacob Blosser, 717 Grant Place, was released from. the Sanitarium Saturday after being removed there Dec. 16, for treatment of in8uenza aud pneumonia. He will be oUliaed to i•emain in bed for severa~l days. Those to be with him Christmas i Day will be Mrs. Edith Blosser ~~ Brummer and son, Jerry, oP Ft. ~ Lupton, as well as her oth~er son,, Ph.M. 3/c RoUert R. Brummer, I here froni Terminal Islznd, Calif.,' and her. daughtet, Charlotte, C.U. stuctent, 1vlissD~Cn2 ~ol~e~5 and Jack Blosser. ~ ~ Nl f11 ~ k Jac ` Blosser To i Vi On West Coast I h Son And Others ~ Jacob: Blosser, 717 Grant Place, ~ ~ft Monday tor a visit wlth rela- tives on the west coast. He took the southern train route through ~anta Fe and will first visit his son, E. J. Blosser and Yamily oY Los Angeles, then go to Newberg, Ore. In Nawberg he will epend seme time with his siaters, Mrs. 5allie Hard{ng and Mrs. S. W. Mazwell, and brothar-in-law, Mr. Maxwell, aho reside there; and where hie one remalniAg brother, John Bloes- er oi Coaks, Mich., is visiting. Z`he four are planning on a very, enfoyable Yamily reunion. ~ bZr. Blosser went to Cheyenne, Wyo., earlier in the moath to make an overn'igh~t visit with a daugh~ ter, Mra. R. A. Wattera and fam• 11y, and then leave ior Newberg. but storm conditione, causing e day-by-day postponement, madE him decide to return hom~ anc take tlia southern route. Sarah Harding, Sister Of Jacob Bfosser, Dies In Oregon Mrs. Sarah Harding, 91, oE New- Uerg, Oi~e.,. die there during the weekend, ac • ng to a telephone messag~ re iv d Monday by her Urother Jacob ser,~'717 Grant Ylace. Death as due to a stroke ~ suffered Jan. ' . Funeral services will be he Wednesday. Mr. IBlosser .d s ot plan to attend.i' Surviving r ativea, hesides Mr.;l Blosser, are e sons and ;a ~ davghter, Ar r, sude and Wil-1 tiam Hardi ,an 4rs. Ethel Ved= der, all ot Newb g, also a sister and brot '.4lrs. Melisaa Max- well of N erg and F71der. John Blosser, wl~o resides in Cooks, I Mich., Uut is' n o w visiting in Loma Linda, Calif. _ The Harding family ~came to Boulder ~in 1896 and Mr. Harding engaged in Yreighting and othec team wark. Atter residing here Por a number ot years they moved to Pearl, In North Park, and then to Wellington, where Mr: Hardin~ homesteaded and proved up' on land. They went to Oregon many years ago. Mr. Hardtng's death occurred there two years ago. IL9~t wi h to 1t1us. .~~r~y . . ~ Jac b. B osser has practically c pleted the concrete brldges.,et ElE street on Mupleton avenue und Fiith and Spruce and will begin b day on the retaining wall on:the ac bank of Boulder creek belnw TweIfth street bridge. Boss of 3tr~ F`It2patrick has complimented Blof an the hridges bnilt. . . . "~ n ~ ~, FOR R BOULDER R S DENT TO E NINETY SUNDAY Jacob Blosser, 717 Grant Place,", has received a]etter from a sisteY,i Mrs. Sarah Harding of Newberg Ore., in wbich she stated that she will be 90 years old on Sunday, Sept. 6, and that she is doing a1T her own housework and taking ca.re oC her garden. Mrs. Harding and her late husband, Georga Harding, and their family came to Boulder county in 1896, set~ling on; the Raleigh Hay place a mile below Tungsten. The winter oY 1897-98, they moved to Boulder and ~ Mr. Harding built a home on 20th , street, near North. In ~.900, Ehey ' went to Pearl, returning to Soul- ~ der for a ahort time beYore home- steading land in the hTunn, ~istrict. From there they moved to Oregon, where Mr. Harding's death occur- red several months ago. Improvement ~though the condition oi Jacob osser, 717 Grant Place, show¢ ~Ught improvement, he remains in a verp serious, condition at the , Sanitarium where he was taken by ambulance last Friday after suL- fering a heart attack. He is under ~ an oxygen tent. No callera are ~ allowed. A son, E. J. Blosser, oi Los Angeles, Calif., arrived by plane Sund~y, and a daughter, Mr~. Et. A• WatE'ess and daughter, Shi;- ley June W~tters, ara here from Cheyenne. Wpo. 'T'wo other daugb- ters, Mrs. Edith Brummer, who , teaches in the Ft. Lupton high school, and Mrs. Paul RatclifP, a teacher in the Opportunity ,&chool in Denver, also Mr. RatclilP, re- turned to their homes to continue their work after being here during the weekend. , Miss Ruth Blosser, teacher at Louisville, has a substitute to fill her position, so ahe can be at home with her sister, ~Mrs. John Buchaa- an, of the Grant Placa address~ with whom Mr. Blosser makes his ~ home. ]ACUB IsLU~a~R ILL AT TAE SANI'1'ARIUM : Jacob _Blo e 17 Grant der•Colorado was taken e ~after suffering/a severe heart at- tack at his hq-nde. His conditioa is repa~ed '~ving. His son, E. J. Bl r, family, are her,e from Los gel ,. Calif., and were housegue s of Mr. and Mrs. John Buchanan of the Grant Place ad- dress, when Mr. Blosser became ill in the night and suffered the aEtack. Mrs. Buchanan is the elder Mr. Blosser's daughter. S~ 2~ G'TCBERT"G. GRGseSGE~ l.EAVES TO,rylORRO p After a leave spen~Slh~is ~ and two children at their home, 3-~8 Mapleton, and with his par- ents, iVlr, and Mrs. Guy Granger, Ui]bert Glenn Granger leaves 'to- morruw to return to Camp Farra- gut, [daho. He completed his boot training before getting his leave and hopes to be assigned tn n school on his return. He gained 12 pounds in weight. ~i~ber~ G. firanger Artendjn~ Advancec~ Gilbert" G' Granger is at Dear- bnrn, Ileh•oit, Micti., attending an advanced mechanics sr.huol oY the navy. He was one of seveu out of , 30 companies al Camp Farragut to ' be tielected Eor this wark. Mr. Granger is the s'rin of Mr, and Mrs. Guy Gran~~er. Hts wife and two children live at :i43 Maple[an. ~ (`rilhert Granger is at Farragut, Idaho, in Camp Bennon, Co. 643_ 4~ Hi ~ Gilbert Granger W~ites . s wife is at ;44 Mapleton. ~ FIis parents are Mr, and Mrs. Guy c~-anser, ~~z7 wat~iJUN $ 1944 ~~ ~ I 'Fron~ yo a ' l ~ ~ b '~-'~ Mrs. Gilbert Granger and sons ger sends his Glenn ran Gil e ~ Robert a~erry are at the home of ~her p s and Mrs. Al- Parents and his wife intereeCing letters from Tokyo Bay along with •~The ' rt Lambeth ~~~~ton F 2/C b s paper, I copie~ of the ship , . e Gilbert Granger ~s the Navy Jolly Roger." The letters carry School at Dearborn, Mich. special cancellations, obeerving the _,,~,_ __ _ __ surrender of Japan. Gilbert G. Granger, machinist's ~ mate, leaves Saturday foz New York City to repoi•t for sea duty ; after a visit with his wife and chi]-: dren-and with his parents, Mr. aud Mrs. Guy Granger. He came ±o Boulder for the liolidays from Dear- born, Mich., where he Kraduated from an advanced machinist class last week, seventh in his class of 34. DEC 3 1 1944 HOME ON LEAV~~ ~ ~ ~ Gil;:ert Ulen Grariger, fireman first c!ass, is home on leave irom duty on a dest~oyer. He Is uisit- 9nK bis wife and children, Gary Dean and Robert Glenn, 348 Ma- ~leton, and his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Guy Granger, 1527 Water. Mr. Granger was recently pro• mated to petty oYficer, machinist mate, third class. He leEt the Siates in 7uly and stopped at Pear: Har- bor, Eniwetok, Guftm, Saipan, and Iwo Jima. The USS Rogers, on ~vhich he serves, carried some high oificials and news men to the eur- , render serviee and was anchored about a half mile from the Mie- souri, on wliich the surrender tei•ms were signed. NIr. Granger's wife and two hoys live at 348 Mapieton. His parente, IMr. and Mrs, Guy Granger, live at 1152i tiVater. ~ GILBERT GRANGER rethrned witb a growtfl of whis-` kers that would _ put-to shame the best Lorigmont has_to ofYer in its Z5•year anniverarsy. contest. ~ Mr. Granger comes from the -Par Okina~va to iosa. • Je were in a ~, and in the so much da~ Hawaiian isl at i~etroit; ,.~o rne nrvvni~ yards where. he wae assi the Underhill; then to Nbs now constructian and : pre sioning training; th~en to Fla., where he was aseigne US5 Rogera, a ne~v destrt went on it to Cuba on_a sh~ cruise, then to Pearl Ha: Panama canal; later to 1 shall Islands, Iwo Jima an His wife-. and twa ch41 side at 348"Mapleton. , ~, , , ~-~/_,;:`,`?, ~/ ((/ ~ ~c~D 7ACG ~ • ~ ~ --4 P~ ty W c~ ~ e* •'S N~+ ~ ~ p'' 49 • tdc~ m ~ w~ cv o~c~F+~K. ~ ~ h+ ~ c~ ~+ F~ (~ t ; ~'o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ w _ ,`i ~~~ ~ ~~nw C F+• r+ ~ ~ „ 1Y . and nlr~. (}i16eFt G, G 0 1611 Arapahoe are the F f a daugbter born at the munity hospitaI Frida~` at 5 m. S'he weighed seven" ~ and a half ounce ~;Lp~~n~ ~y y+~ th' an been na~~~iiie~~aY., Sh two brot ers, Robert"Glen, s Gary Dean, 3. ~'he father ii ployed as a ~machinist.' Gran ents are Mr, and Mrs. Albert betb. 1611 Arapahoe, and Mr. Mi`s. Guy L. Granger, 1527 Wa :~ Gilbert Glenn~Granger , Gilbert Glenn `~ Granger of F% ~ 2950 Sixth St., - Boul'der, died Tuesday, May 23, m . • Boulder. He , ~~ ~;' : was 69. ~., ' ~< - He was i ~° :' born May 17, , ~;,'. >, ' 1920, in North '~ ~ " ~- ' ~ Platte, Neb., ~. the son of ', Guy L. Granger and Myrtle V. ' ~ Elwick Granger. He was a ; member of the first graduating ` class of the new Boulder High ='School. He attended the Univer- : sity of Colorado. ~ He married Berniece Lam- '~ beth in 1940 in Fort Morgan. He ~-'' ~ worked as an instrument maker ~~' at the National Center for Atmo- ~ ~"spheric ftesearch from 1966. .`:' ; until last October. He was a life- '~ long resident of Boulder. Mr. Granger was a member '~ of the Boulder Elks Lodge N566 ' ~:and the American Legion•Post' ~:~10 of Boulder. He is survived ~ by his . wife;; -', two sons, Robert Granger , of ±~ Fort Collins and Gary Granger of Boulder; a daughter, Kay , Perry of Gilbert, ,Ariz_ three ,~___ ~-graiiu~~...u. ~,,. ~, A visitation will be held from ~' ~ noon to 8:30 p.m. today at Crist , :~ Mortuary, 34th Street and Diag- ; = ~nai Hi~hwav. Boulder. °h Funeral services will be neia ; ,. at 11 a.m. Friday at Crist Mor- ~ ~. tuary Chapel, with the Rev. Wi1- ~ liam Malling officiating. %: Services will conclude at the •_ < Mountain View Memorial Park '` in Boulder, with graveside ser- : vices conducted by members of ^', the Boulder Elks Lodge N566 and . ~~ the American Legion Post ~10. . ~ Contributions can be sent to ~< the Boulder County Humane So- ,;. ciety, 2323 55th St., Boulder `: 80301. . ~, a~ , ; :, . .. v;~;,_,,, h~;~R-~,, J~~;, ~O _ ;~' . _ . ..r- ,.vN. ) ~ ~i`M~~..~' ~ _ ~~.'.r-: u 1'.~- P / A'TTACHM[~;NT C: Landmark Preservation Advisory Board Adopted 9/17/75 Secretary to the Board SIGNIFICANCE CRITI;RIA Individu~il Landmark September 1975 On September 6, 1974, the City Council adopted Ordinance #4000 providing procedures for the designation of Landmarks and Historic Districts in the City of Boulder. The purpose of the ordinance is the preservation of the City's permitted cultural, historic, and architectural hcritage. The Landmarks Board is permitted by the ordinance to adopt rules and regulations as it deems necessary for its own organization and procedures. The following Significance Criteria have been adopted by the Board to help evaluate each potential designation in a consistent and eyuitable manner. Historical Si~nificance The place (building, site, area) shauld show charactcr, interest or value as part of the development, heritage, or cultural characteristics of the community, state or nation; be the site of a historic, or prehistoric event that had an effect upon society; or exemplify the cultural, political, economic, or social heritage of the community. Date of Construction: This area of consideration places particular importance on the age of the st~~ucture. 2. Association with Historical Persons or Events: This association could be national, state, or local. 3. Distinction in the Development of the Community af Boulder: This is most applicable to an institution (religious, educational, civic, etc) or business structure, though is somc cases residences might qualify. It stresses the importance of preserving those places which demonstrate the growth during different time spans in the history of Boulder, in order to maintain an awareness of our cultural, economic, social or political heritage. 4. Recognition by Authorities: If it is recognized by Historic Boulder, Inc. the Boulder Historical Society, local historians (Barker, Crossen, Frink, Gladden, Paddock, Schooland, etc), State Historical Society, The Improvement of Boulder, Colorado by F.L. Olmsted, or others in published form as having historical interest and value. 04.OSsignif-indiv ~ ~ 5. Other,if applicable. Architectural Significance The place should embody those distinguishing chazacteristics of an architectural type specimen, a good example of the common; be the work of an architect or master builder, known nationally, state-wide, or locally, and perhaps whose work has influenced later development; contain elements of architectural design, detail, materials or craftsmanship which represent a significant innovation; or be a fine example of the uncommon. RecoQnized Period/Style: It should exemplify specific elements of an architectural period/style, ~e: Victorian, Revival styles, such as described by Historic American Building Survey Criteria, Gingerbread AQe (Maass), 76 Boulder Homes (Bazkar), The Historv of Architectural Stvle (Marcus/Wiffin), Architecture in San Francisco (Gebhard et al), Historv of Architecture (Flectcher), Architecture/Colorado, and any other published source of universal or local analysis of "style." Architect or Builder of Prominence: A good example of the work of an architect or builder who is recognized for expertise in his field nationally, state-wide, or locally. Artistic Merit: A skillful integration of design, material, and color which is of excellent visuai quality and/or demonstrates superior crafrsmanship. 4. Example of the Uncommon: Elements of architectural design, details, or craftsmanship that are representative of a significant innovation. Indigenous Oualities: A style or material that is particularly associated with the Boulder azea. 6. Other,if applicable. Environmental Sienificance The place should enhance the variety, interest, and sense of identity of the community by the protection of the unique natural and man-made environment. Site Characteristics: It should be of high quality in terms of planned or natural vegetation. 2. Compatibilitv with Site: Consideration will be given to scale, massing placement, or other quali[ies of design with respect to its site. 3. Geographic Importance: Due to its uniyue location or singular physical 04.05signif-indiv ~_;r',; ,:~, ~; ~,°; :',1%a ~ f_ S~~r~~Y 3/ characteristics, it represents an established and familiaz visual feature of the community. 4. Environmental Appro~riateness The surroundings are complementary ancllor it is situated in a manner particularly suited to its function. 5. Area InteQritv: Places which provide historical, architectural, or environmental importance and continuity of an existing condition, although taken singularly or out of contexf might not qualify under other criteria. Other, if applicable. S:~PLANIdata\Comdev~F3IST\GEN~Designa[ionWbou[ Landmarks~signif cri[-indiv.wpd 04.OSsignif-indiv ~,.a~, a.,~~,3:a a`~~_~~°a sF ~ ~~'~`~~~= 32- Attachment H City of Boulder Planning and Deveiopment ~ervices ~enter -'~`'f'"~ DEMOLITION PERMIT APPLICATION Project Address ~~.PZ ( ~ l.~ ~ c~~~T Date ~ o~ BuildingUse 1~~s~0er+T~~r2~- Owner Name ~($~<' ~~~-~- Owner Phone ?JO3 P,~"1 ~3 ~ ~.P Owner Address LQ Z~ 1~~' ~ T~~-T Contractor ~ JR-1iE. r~ J~~~-oF-R~ I~t~C~ Contractor Phone ~°'J ' g~1'~3~~-O The applicant is responsible for obtaining all applicable signatures n~~av~~~ ~ ae+~ I C~ ~~ ~T rwoF-- E~-r q-Pirc-~r~l F-r~ ~ ~# of Dwelling Units ~ppO uare Footage ~_ Date of Construction Type of Dwelling (pick one) - Required ^ Single-Family Dwelling ~ Multi-Family Dwelling ^ Townhome Accessory Structure ^ Detached ^ Attached Describe structure to be removed: Square Footage Primary Business Use ^ Office ^ Commercial/Retail ^ Other Date of Construction ^ Parking Garage -Accessory Structure ^ Detached ^ Attached Describe structure to be removed: AFF USE ONLY ^ DEMOLITION PERMIT APPLICATION Case Number: PMT Date Issued: LANDMARKS BOARD ^ PRE-1940 DEMOLITION APPLICATION ^ POST-1940 DEMOLTRON APPLICATION ^ OFF-SITE RELOCATION APPLiCATION ^ ON-SITE RELOCATION APPLICATION Case Number. HIS ~~ ~U6a o'~ ~ Date Issued: ~e•~w;~w:~» u`a'~.f, ~ a~ ~ .~~a~:= 3~ REQUIRED APPROVALS If the demolition will affect the utility right-of-way, please obtain signatures from the three utiliry companies listed below BEFORE submitting the application for a permit. If you are unsure of whether the demolition wifl effect the utility right-of- way, visit a Project Specialist at the Planning and Development Services Center. Partial Entir Agency Name, Ad ress and Phone S~gnature Date XcelEnergy X 2655 N. 63rd St. 303-938-2265 Call Daniei Nival for an appointment. Qwest Communications X 1855 S. Flatison Court 303-q41-7113 Call Kathy Dunbar for an appointment. 303-441-6683fax Comcast X 720-49p-3786 Call Mike Kascak for an appointment. 3 -4 0-001 f x Boulder County Heaith Department X 3450 Broadway 303-441-1180 Call for specific information. City of Boulder Fire Department X 18D5 33rd St. 303-441-3348 Call Ray Mullins for an appointment. 303-441-4350fax Liaison to Landmarks Preservation Advisary Board X X City of Boulder Planning and Development Services 1739 Broadway, third floor 303-441-4293 Approval needed fnr buildings that are 50 years old or older, located in an historic district, or individually City of Boulder Planning and Development )( Services Utitity Administrative Technicians 1739 Broadway, third floor 303-441-1880 City of Boulder Planning and Development X X Services Project Specialist 1739 Broadway, third Floor 303-441-1880 I agree to pertorm the work described herein, in accordance with the plans and/or specifications submitted, and with all provisions th ilding Code, Zoning Code and Health Regulations of the city of Boulder as enumerated in the Bou/der Reuised ode, 8 1 0 Applicant's Signature Date Notr: If you need you~ wate~ seruice tumed oh`o~ you~ wate~ meter ~emoved, p/ease contact Uti/ity Bi/ling at 303-441-3160. Be cautlous of hazardous materials such as asbestos and lead-based paint. Call the State of Colorado Air Pollutlon Control Division at 303-692-3150 for mwe information. ~ 1~, li-ii~; J;a 'f ~i"r;1~:~ ~t -`-"~ ~r>r`-A~siS~ .~ FOR STAFF USE ONLY Landmarks Preservation Advisory Board review of non-landmarked buildings over 50 years in age. ~~ 8• 4~- Date completed application received by Planning and Development Services ~'( ~ V~} Date of initial review by ~'~~` ^ No significant impact or potential detriment to historic resources of the city ~Building may be eligible for designation as an individual landmark; permit application is stayed for a public hearing before the full Landmarks Preservation Advisory Board. ~hU 0~ C- r ~'rv Sc , Q~-~T'~ U~-'~ 1~v '~l4-c.t~ ~~~~Al.t ~ ~~v lb~ b t+~STU2i~ 'DisTx.c~r CCtt,+~w~t3~.2~m~~ I~ the event that a stay is imposed, the time requirements of 9-11-23 shall be tolled until the additional fee is received. Date the full board hearing fee is received by Planning and Development Services Date of full board hearing ^ Additional submittal requirements ^ Black-and-white photographs of interior and exterior ^ Scaled site plans and elevations ^ Historical information ^ Other _,"ha;~_),a'i`~'r-~."ISr ~~,I~f~~a~~~`J~