5D - Public hearing and consideration of a demolition permit application (HIS2007-00011) for the demMEMORANDUM March 7, 2007 TO: Landmarks Preservation Advisory Qoard FROM: Susan Richstone, Acting Long Range Planning Manager James Hewat, Historic Preservation Planner Alice Gilbertson, Preservation Intern Chris Meschuk, Historic Preservation Planner SUBJECT: Public hearing and consideration of a demolition permit application (HIS2007-00011) For the demolition of the primary and accessory structure located at 1530 8th Street, pursuant to Section 9-11-23 B.R.C. for non-landmarked buildings over tifty years old. STATISTICS: l. Site: 2. Zoning: 3. Owner/Applicant 1530 8`~' Street RL-1 (Residential I,ow.- 1) Olga & Marcel De Lange STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Landmarks Board issue the demolition permit for the house and shed located at 1530 8`~' Street, adopting the staff inemorandum as tindings, including the following: 1. Issuance of the demolition permit for 1530 8th Street is appropriate based on the criteria set forth in section 10-13-23(g) B.R.C, in that the building: a. Is not eligible for individual landmark designation; b. 'I'he building does not contribute to the character of the neighborhood as an intact representative of the area's past. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: On January 22, 2007 the Planning Department received a demolition permit application for the house and shed at 1530 8`" Street. This building is not in a historic district or locally landmarked, but is over fifty years old and meets the criteria for demolition delined under Section 9-11-23 of the Historic Preservation Ordinance. On January 31, 2007, the Landmarks Design Review Committee (DRC) reviewed the demolition permit application and referred the application to the Landmarks Soard for a public hearing based upon the DRC finding of probable cause to believe that the building may be eligible for designation as an individual landmark. Aftcr detailed analysis, staff considers the building has lost its integrity as a result of extensive alteration, and does not meet the criteria set forth in Section 10-13-23(g) of the B.RC. and the Individual Landmark Significance Criteria (1975). Staff recommends that the demolition permit be issued. A~enda Item #~D Pa~e#1 Memo to Landmarks Preservation Advisory Board 03/07/2007 Re: 1530 8'h Street - Demolition Permit DCSCRIPTION: The appr~ximately 7,000 square foot lot is located on the east side c~l~ 8th Street, between University Avenue and Marine Street. '['he 1,450 square foot, l`/~ story housc is representative of frame dwellings built in Qoulder durin~ the early 20`~' century. Character detining features of this cross-gabled, vernacular trame house include the gable Cront and ~t~ing form ~~•ith steeply pitched roof; the one over onc ~~~indows, the horizontal sidin~~ ~~~ith gable end shingles, and boxed eaves. Sc~e Altaehntent .~1: Ifi.stnric f3riilclin,~~ Ii~i~c~jttorl' Rec~~rcl. ;, , ~,;~ ~ , ~ ` =\ _ J ~ % { - . ~ _ ~ _ ~ _ _ ~ 4 , ' ~ , _..r"~' ' '~ ' i . f, '~ ~ - _ _ - _ , - l. ~ {~ ~ ~ ; _,_~ '7'~s..°`""R°~` Y - - .... ~; `~ t1 ~ y 1b ;:~ ~ ? I ~ ~ y ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1y~~ y ~ ~..~ ,~ ~ ' _ . _ _ y7. ~..~f ~~ 0. 5 , ~ j _ ~. ~ ~ _U ~ Lt_.. ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~t ~ . = ~.~..~ _-- . Fi~ure 1: c. 1965 ~ls.sessnr Ph~~1o~,~raph A~enda Item #5D Pa~e#2 Figur•e 1: Asses.sa~ Photograph ~crkc~n 11/23/195-~ Memo to Landmarks Preservation Advisory Board 03/07/2007 Re: 1530 8'h Street - Demolition Permit CONSTRUCTION HISTORY: The original form of the house is intact, but numerous additions have been constructed, including one on the front where the porch and front door once existed. See Attachment B: Tux ~lssessor Curd und Attachment C: Permit At~nlication.s. The house is of frame construction, and appears to have been built sometime around 1900-1901 based on city directory research, although the assessor lists a construction date of 1910. The house was originally constructed in the gable-front-and-wing form, with a front porch with simple columns, horizontal siding with a small reveal, and shingles in the gable ends. Permit records indicate the building was re-sided in April of 1953 with asbestos shin~les, which were just recently removed. The house was re-roofed in 1948 and 1962, and in 1965 the porch was repaired, and in 1977 the skylight on the front of the house was installed. Additionally in 1477 and 1978, some of the ceilings and wiring were repaired and updated. In November of 1986 major alterations to the house occurred, including the removal of the porch and construction of the front facing addition. Other alterations during this time include the rear additions and relocation of the front door. In 1992 the current fence was constructed. CRITERIA FOR THE BOARD'S DECISION: The Historic Preservation ordinance states that the Landmarks Board shall consider and base its decision upon any of the lollowing criteria [9-11-23(t)]: Agenda Item #SD Pa~e#3 Fi~7trre 3: 2006 Photngraph Memo to Landmarks Preservation Advisory Board 03/07/2007 Re: 1530 8~h Street - Demolition Permit (1) The eligibility of the building for clesi~nation as an indi~~idual landmark consistent w~ith the purposes and standards in Sections 9-l 1-1 and 9-11-2, B.R.C. 1981; (2) "I'he relationship ofthe building to the character of the neighborhood as an establishccl and dcfinable area; (3) The reasonable condition of the buildin~; and (4) "I'he reasonable projected cost of restoration or repair. In considering the condition of thc building and the projected cost of restoration or repair as set forth in paragraphs (3) and (4) abov~, the board may not consider dcterioration caused by unreasonablc neglect. As dctailed below, stal~f considers this property is not eligiblc for designation as an individual landmark and that demolition would not have an adverse impact on the character of the area. CRITF.RION 1: INDIVIDUAL LANDMARK ELIRILITY "l,he follo~~~ing is a result ot~staffs research on the property relative to the signiticance criteria for individtial landmarks adopted by the Landmacks Board on Scptember 17, 1975. HISTOItICAL SIGNIFICANCE: Summar-y : The house at 1530 8°i Street may have historical si~~niticance under criterion l. l. Datc of Construction: c. 1901 Elaboration: Althou~h the Boulder County Assessor lists the construction date as 191 U. the address tirst appears in the 1901 City Directory. 2. Association ~vith I-(istorical Persons or F.vents: Nonc id~ntified Elaboration: On Jt~ne 8. 1874 Marinus G. "Marine" Smith platted Smith's Addition to West Boulder. which includcd the land upon which this house now sits. ~I~he property was sold three times prior to 1900, and Gom 1900 to 1902 the property was owned by LuLu E. Gerritson. In 1901 the City Directories list F.H. & l ~attie Farrington as residing at the house. Dr. Farrington was a physician and sur~;eon in Boulder, and a pr~minent early resident. (n 1902 the property was sold to Andrew J. and LuI_.u Moore, who was a miner and lived there until 1920. The property changed o~~~ners approximatcly every 2-~ years until 1980, when Susan Garlock purchascd the property. Garlock was a local artist who later changed her name to 'Cetsuko of Cold Mountain. Tetsuko is a native oF New York, who studied drawing and painting at the University of Chicago, and received a bachelor's degree in art history from thc University of~ California at acrkley. She moved to Boulder trom New Mexico around 1980, and practiced art in hcr Ilome until 2005, when the bank foreclosed on the property. .See Attuch~~rci~t E: Directur.y cm~l 1)c~ed resenr•ch. A~enda Item #~ll Pa~ei#4 Memo to Landmarks Preservation Advisory Board 03/07/2007 Re: 1530 8~^ Street - Demolition Permit 3. Distinction in the Development of the Community of Boulder: None identified 4. Recognition by Authorities: None Identified ARCHITECTURAL SIGNIFICANCE: Summary: The house 1530 8`h Street does not appear to have architechxral siguficance. 1. Recognized Period/Style: Folk National: Gable-Front-and-Wing Elaboration: The frame house at 1530 8`h Street represents Boulder's early vemacular frame housing, which could be categorized as a Folk National form, prevalent during the boom of the railroads. Extensive alterations to the building including removal of the porch, relocation of the front door, and an addition to the fapade of the house have diminished the character and integrity of the house. 2. Architect or Builder of Prominence: None identified 3. Artistic Merit: None identified 4. Example of the Uncommon: None identified 5. Indigenous Qualities: None identified ENVIRONMENTAL SIGNIFICANCE: Summary: The propei-ty does not appear to have environmental significance under criteria 1 through 5. 1. Site Characteristics: None identified 2. Compatibility with Site: None identified 3. Geographic Importance: None identified 4. Environmental Appropriateness: None identified 5. Area Integrity: None identified 6. Other: None identified CRITERION 2: RELATIONSHIP TO THE CHARACTER OF THE NEIGHBORHOOD: 1530 8`h Street was constructed in Smith's Addition to West Boulder, which was platted by Marinus G. Smith on June 8, 1874. Smith was a significant pioneer to Boulder, and platted a number of subdivisions in the city. Marine Street is named in his honor, as his nickname was "Marine". The area immediately surrounding 1530 8`h Street is characterized as an eclectic A¢enda Item #SD Paee#5 Memo to Landmarks Preservation Advisory Board 03/07/2007 Re: 1530 8~n Street - Demolition Permit mixture of housing types and architectural styles. The neighborhood has been identified as being potentially eligible for designation as a local historic district, but due to extensive alterations the building is not an intact representative of the area's past. CRITERION 3: CONDITION OF THE BUILDING AND CRITERION 4: PROJECTED COST OF RESTORATION OR REPAIR: Staff has observed deterioration of the current historic exterior siding, which until recently was clad in asbestos shingle. The building's foundation has some cracking, and many of the additions are settling and beginning to pull, away from the original house. Staff did not focus on the projected cost of restoration or repair, But the applicant has provided details and information regarding the condition of the building. See attachment H: Application and apnlicant information. NEIGHBORHOOD COMMENT: Staff has not received any comments on the proposal. DECISION OF THE BOARD: If the Landmazks Board finds that the building to be demolished does not have historical significance under the criteria set forth in section 9-11-23(~ B.R.C., the city manager shall issue a demolition permit as long as all other permit requirements have been met. IF the Landmarks Board finds that the building to be demolished may have historical significance under the criteria set forth above, the application shall be suspended for a period not to exceed 180 days from the date the permit application was accepted by the city manager as complete, in order to provide the time necessazy to consider alternatives to the demolition of the building. [Section 9-11-23(h)]. A 180-day stay period would expire on August 12, 2007. ATTACHMENTS: A: Historic Building Inventory Record B: Tax Assessor Cards C: Permit Applications D: Sanbom Maps and Plat Map E: Directory and Deed Research F: Cunent Photographs G: Significance Criteria for Individual Landmarks H: Demolition Permit Application & Applicant Information Aeenda Item #SD PaEe#6 , Attachment A COLORADO HISTORICAL SOCIETY NOT FOR FIELD USE O£fice o£ Archaeology and Historical Preservation _ ELIGIBLE 1300 Broadway Denver, Colorado _ DET NOT ELIG _ NOMINATED HISTORIC BUILDING INVENTORY RECORD _ CERTIFIED REHAg City of Boulder, Colorado Boulder County _ DATE --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Project Name: BOULDER HISTORIC PLACES State ID#: 5BL2500 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- *Building Name: Temporary#: 1425 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- *Building Address: 1530 8TH STREET BOULDER, COLORADO 80302 Building Owner: SUSAN GARLOCK Owner Address: 1530 8TH STREET BOULDER, COLORADO 80302 ~~ --------------------------------------------------------------------------- USGS Quad: BOULDER Quad Year: 1966 (REV.1979) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- *Legal: Township: 1 N Range: 71 W Section: 36 1/9, 1/4 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- *Historic Name: District: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Block: 10 Lot: 7,8,9 (northern 2/3) Addition: SMITH'S ADDITION Year of Addition: 1874 TO WEST BOULDER --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Film Roll By: ROGER WHITACRE Film Number: BL-2 Number of Negatives: 11 Negative Location: BOULDER --------------------------------------------------------------------------- *Construction Date: ESTIMATE: 1900 Source: ASSESSOR RECORDS/1901-2 BOULDER CITY DIRECTORY --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Present Use: RESIDENCE Historic Use: RESIDENCE --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Condition: FAZR Extent of Alternations: MAJOR Description: NEW SIDING; REMODELED DOOR; SHED ADDITION. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ORIGINAL or MOVED: ORIGINAL If Moved, Date(s): --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Style: VERNACULAR WOOD FRAME, GABLED "L" Stories: 1 i/2 Materials: WOOD Square Footage: 1998 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Field Assessment: NOT ELIGIBLE District Potential: NO --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Local Landmark Designation?: NO Name: Date: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Associated Buildings?: YES Type: SHED If Inventoried, List ID Nos.: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ARCHITECTURAL DESCRIPTION: Steeply-pitched, gabled roof with overhanging eaves; asphalt roofing. Non-Y,istoric siding. Double-hung windows. Remodeled doorway. Several additions. Concrete foundation. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- r9GcN0A ITEPtA # ~ PAG~ 7- 1530 8th Street Page 2 I PLAN SHAPE: ~ ARCXITECT: Unknown I STATE ID NUMBER: SBL2500 ~ I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i I I I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I I ORIGINAL OWNER: Ur.known ~ I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I I I I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I SOURCE: I I I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 I I I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I 1 SoUeCE: I i . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . L___""__'__""_'_"___'_________'_'_I I I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I BUILDER/CONTMCTOR: Unknown I I I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I 1 I I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ I'___'_'_"_"_""____"_"___'_'___~ I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I I TNCME(5~: The Urban Fzoncler I 1 ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I SOURCE: I (1860-19]0) I I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I I I I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 I I I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I'___'__'__"____'_'_'_'_'_"'______'_"'___'_"_'_______________'___'_____'_~ I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I CONSTRUCTION HISTORY: (DESCRIPTIONS, NAMES, DATES, ETC. REiATING TO MAJOR I I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I 7~IIDITIONS OR ALTERATIONS TO OAIGINAL STRUCTURE) Unknown I I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I I I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I I I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I i I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I CONTINUEp' ~ j YES ;xl NO ~ ~______________'_______________________________________________________________________'_________ ___~ I HISTORICAL BACKGROUND: (DISN55 IMPORTANT PLRSONS AND EVENSS ASSOCIATED HITH THIS STRUCTURE7 I I In 1901, [hIs was the adtlress of F. H. and Na[CSe Faciln9ton. F.H. Harrington was a physlclan ana surqeo:. i I 1 I ~ I I 1 I I I I I I CONTINUEC: [ I Y65 ~x~ NO I ~ _'__"____'____"___'_____'_______'_'__"_'_'_'_"_""'_'__"_'______'_'_'______'_"'__'______'________________'_'_""___'_ ~ I SIGNIFICANCE: (CHECR APPROPRIATE CAREGORIES AN~ BRIEFLY ~IUSTIEY BELOW) i I ARCHITOCTURAL SIGNIFICANCE: HISTORICAL SIGNIFICANCE: I I ( I REPRESENTS THE WORR OF A MASTER ~ ~ ASSDCIATED WITH SIGNIPICANT PERSONS i 1 [ ~ POSSESSES NIGH ARTISTIC VALUES ~] ASSOCIATED WITH SIGNIEICANT [V[FTS OR PATTER~S ~ I [ I REPRESENTS A TYPE~ PERIOD~ OR METH00 OF CONSTRUCTION ~ ~ CONTRIBUTES TO AN HISTORIC DISTRICT I I STA]'EHENT Of SIGNIFICANCE: T~is residence, once the ~ome of F I remoaeletl antl Aas lIC[le historlc inceqricy. I I I 1 I 1 ~___"'__'_'__'___'__'________'_'__'__"_'___""'_____'_______' __________'__________________________'_______'_______________~ H. Fazzington, an early-tlay Boultler doccor, ~as been I I I e I I I -- CONTINUCD7_(-7 YES ~x~ NO I _'___'_'_'_""'__"'_""'_ ____'_'_ ~ I RflPERENCES: ~BE SPCCIFIC) Boultle[ CounCy Assessor iemttls; Sanborn Insuzance maps; 1901-02 Boultler C1[y Dlaec[ory. I 1 I I I I 1 I I CONTZNUED? ~ I YES ~xl NO I ~ _"'_____'_'_"'_'_~'__'__"'__"_'___'_"'___"_"'___"_'___'_"______"""_'_'_"____'____'________"__"_"__________"~ I SURVCYED BY: L. Simmons/C. Whitacre I AFFILIATION: Front Ranqe Reseaich AssoclaCes Inc. I DATC: June 1989 I ~il l ._...,... /1 ~ ~. ~ ~ n ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ' ` .~~ _~iv-7 J ,:: ~ , . ~ ~' 3~5/ Appraised 19_ - ~ ' BOULDER COUNTY REAL ESTATE APPRAI~AL OWN~R ; . , , .,. i ,,., j ' f.L .Ci",f ~GC r'~..a t,~./•/~~/ - t ~'..~-~.,,,~11 . '~ ~ ~ ~..,: ~,~. .~.__~_.~ _ ~ LO'PS i1: '~; 'f ' BI~OGK -~ ADDITION. !'~ I --~- --- , . e. f • , c. r, , ~ A~r':. ._... _-~ _ __.~..__._._.__.._.__~---~----_.~___ +, r- . Year Constracted `: -~ Est. Life in Years . ~ . --- ' ~..._ -------_~----____~ _...- . _--~ _- ---- _.. . ---_ -_ ____-.---- ESTIMATE OF VALUATIQN .--° ---..____-BLAG. PART:A_.~ ~ ABT II ~~~~ GARAGR -- _. __ .___,~ ________. _. r 3 - ~ ! . No. Cubic I'eet------- -=-==-1- ".. ' -- ^---- ------------j~ ------- -------- ,~ Cost per cu. ft. " ' Tatal Cost------____-_ $___=__~-----i_!$----_-,~~_----- ~---------- ± Porches------------- ----------"f---- -...--- f= F- --------- ( ' ` ----- -- . -^ ,.~. ~ I "';""~---"' - '-' Garage--------------- -----•- „ , ~,~.. ' - - _ _ ' ~__'__'--' ' rxtraa_ ~-='--------- ------=~=-~~~rv -- - _T'~ t.?;- ---------- -~- - " "-_-"'--" ^-"'-'---"' ' ----- "'-" _` -'- 1 -' -'---------- "-'-_""--- ~ ~ - _.~ - _ _ - - ~ - -- --~ -- - ~ ~,~~ / ~ d . _.~ _. _.~ _ --- .y _ ~ TOTAL------I$--=- ~ $ ,~.. ~_ '/ ~' . IS--------~` ~ ~ 3 ---- % Obsolesence ___ ~ +. ~ • {'~ ~ ----~---------° -:~----~-------I-- ------ ~ - _~ ~o P6yszcel Dep. ~__ _! __ Y-I--~-=~ ~.,.' ~ _.~ _ . ._ _. _ _ ,. 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I_~~a ~ ~s~~~^ '~~rm~~~ ~,. ~~-~~ +~~y.;~ y . , x'. 'V aA' _ « h• t.. N ].'+r .e °~ ~..i :. ,- -. .. ., .~ ~+ r •.. .~ ~ ..~ LJ~5"~L~1 ' ~T/.'4A#~ ~~}~ .4~~~r ~r .~ ~ r, ,. r .. ~ :4~~~~°{~ 9~,~"~.~~t~y'i~.~ ~ - ~ ~ ~ ~`"; ~.~~.-+~~ , ~~. 4 ~ ~ ~E'%~ ~ ~~~~~ ~.~M~~~' ~~ ( E~ . , ~! r.. • ~~ _ .,~`. .. _. _ .. oa3 ~:~ Z,(? G ~' k1 ~~,~,e ;'t~sl~>~ ;~''+~'° . ' f : , ~~~- ~. .,: ~.~~~~~e'~"..~ ~... +. ~..• ~ ti ~! ; ~ ~~' T, ~,y~.. „ }3~iY8,Q ~1~ F';'~A7'k@+~"~'C~t~. ~@~OY+S~ ~''$r~~~~~~'~?':,~r e+liil~-FiJ ''"~T..i4 ~~ ,i, ,.rGS~~z1d ~i~!~`~~c~' xV,i1't!"\'!;:'dr,:~ct~ ~ .. . . , ~ !"h l"r ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ aeo ~ ~' 1 ,~ / ~ Z~ ~~ ~{~ - Appiication n'o. "~~~ Addreas ~' " 3 ~ Permit No. A pp~i~~ tion for B uild in g Perm it Boulder, Color~do,~ _ ... ---....Q..G.' ...............1fNl.~C Appl~cation ts bereby maae for permiasion to huiid a . . .. ._.. _._._.... ... .. . ,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,, ta be Iocat~ci oe~ Lot.-- ............._......$lock. .----._._.............._.. Addition............_._-•--....................___..._._.._..-•--••--•-••-• ZoAe,...~~_.....~ , coasisting oi ............. ....Room~..._.............Baths............Water Closets.._......~. Ft. Froata~e. HeatinQ.._._.....-•---•_..._......._.._~~ K~nd of Material.....----_...~. .......................... ....Es~. Cost 3. .~..'_.~~(~!~._.llimenaions....._.._...........------......._..---_..._.i t. lon~ ............................ft. vVid~--- ~.__._...._~....._.. ft. ~~g~. f. plication ia also made for a Cert~B~cate of Occup~aucy and Complian~e ta be i~-ue~.~ Aft~r the ~om~rle~ioa .,- a~tho buitdin~ , •----b-ereby agre~- to construct this t~aildin~ in accordanee with the plot, ~?t~li[~1Dg p~AQ9 A~l~ ~}~~,'t~C~~lOIIB ~~ svbmiited herawitb, ~itd in strict compfi$nce ~ith a9i the prov:~ians ot the Zonir~g flrd~r,.ance~ ~uit~ Co~~ ,sad ~iealtb Re~ulstions o[ tbe City of Bonlder. . ~ , , - ~ -~ ~ppraved ............ ............ .... .. .... ,.._................__. awnelr . .~.- , --• ;_~~~.~.. Denied ..................................•-------............._....----:--• Signed Adt~ress .~~~..~~._...._.__. _.,'~'.~f"~.'. ~ . _ Fee ~ ..... ...................... ~ontra~~a ....,. . - . ~ Addre~ ~f....~-~~ --~- _ ._. __.-------.. . ~ ~ F~ ~otlected by._...... .. ................. Rekurned 6y.....-•---- -~ .............._._........_.....---.__._._...---..~. ~ov~w~ ! C~ ,~~~ Z3 5 3 , / -----~ ~ s~a~ ~ ~ , ~ ~ , -~,._ I7 r~,~ :h~:~~~r ~,~a ~~~~F_~;; , : ~ .~ :~~~~- . ~ 1~ i5 6~ ~ l ~ ~~~ CiTY QF BOULDEB Bl31LDING DEPA~tTMENT APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT AND CERTIa1GATE OF OCCUPANCY TO BUICD, ALTER, REPAIR, ADD TO OR WRECK A BUILD~NG OR STRUCTi1RE IAPpLIC.AFIT Flll IN 74115 SECT10P/ OHLYI -CLFiSS OF Va'ORK- r 6~iI~An9 Add(w ` ~ 7 (S ~~- G ~ I I ~_ ~_ _" -- ' ~_ N~'- ~ Oatc of Ico~ion '^, i' 79~c ~ lreration~ ~ Repdr I Nome • ~ - ~(/_ % ~iP,~'~j 5 : (- ~ ~I. '" _ Add t~on Move ~ I I I ' ; nb~i nee.~ ~ s- Z o ,~ ri~, pl _~ v ' u~ oa s~.~~~o _ T ,Gry I;riC/L/~(-~'~_ Td.Nu, SlzeofBuildinq Height i Nort+e ~7 ~ ~Lf~.PS. Tie~ ~OwIC~a.*~ rz ! ~ ~ ~ ~'~o. Ffoors No. Fumilies ` = , , . " -Add-r su ',~ '~ rJ~~~~ ,1~y~ ^- No. Raoms No. Elect_Oullets ~l ~ C;ty ~~j f} (/L-/JL~7~ .--~~~ ~,.• ~ f~la. W~ter Closefs Sizv of lot U G Llter '~. Tel. No. hhz Boths Front e of lw ~o~ -SP EC! F ICAT1 Ot~tS- g~ - - fOVNDAT ION -- - € ~ $ubdivlsion ' ----~ _ ~ Extetlor ~In1e~'~or w Plerc -- - -- - -- - - a Moterial _,..T,_ _ ( I ~ Wideh 6 Thicknets of fooring ~ - --- ..-'-- I --- wdth of Foundarlan Wo17 t t ~ --- __ Depth ~n Ground ~ I --- - fxnMl NG I M ^,~^ ~ S i I S I Siz lCnde Cnaan dauH}catnnl e pec n0 pon --- - 1 Type of Consiructian I Itl IV It V Girden ~ I _ . , , . , Occu arc Grou F M I 1 2 A 8 C D F G /oirt, Is1 FL i I f _ y . . ti . . , , p p , , Oivisiun l. 2. 3. 4 __ loist. 2rW FI. I 3. Use Zotro R-1 ER-1 ER-2, Rd R-Z1 R-3, T. lofst, Gil:.g ( &1. &~ ~ ~terior $tud, ~-_- " A. Flrc Zona I, 2, 3 -- " Ineer[or Sn+ds - DESCRIPTION OF WORK - _ - Roof Rohcrs I I ' - ~ ~ _ - - CO VERI NG -- - - ' _ ~zL-2~ ERte~or Watls I R oof Y - - C/ _ - _ -- -- --- Intcnor 'Walis I Reroof I hr.eby «knwleJpe fhat I hor~ reod ihfs applicoNOn und ;ra[e rhat rbe obove Ic cwrett und oprce to comply wlth ofl c.iy ordincncn ond slate lovs requlotinp bui~Jin9 con- - ---- ---- stn.cNon. ---- --- -- s~4.,e~~yuf~,~ _ _ ~ - - -- - BY ~f~~*-~~ --~~7<-r-~ ~I 87dg. Vcrmlt -is ~~ bnta IwrL~- O L i ~ J I;.JZ ~~nc . ~« : ~ ~ V~a'k~~ aM •t I - mo -qscno~n ~ £`Z U ri e, ^~~ Tow~l . S ~iC~ PLANNING AND ZONING INFORMATION Tyos d Oauponcy Twcl fbor Aroo No. at Slorltl Totol :{aiphl f~e New Construction Alter Chonqe ot Occupancy from To Otf-Sireef Porkinp . ._. . - . INo. Ca.s] ~ntedw t.o~ ^ Cw~nr Lot [J Rc~•crsed Corner Lot Q "_~a .I~ 'v l ) l 1 --~ ~-~ ~^ 0 i E "J~ Srrcet-----__.._ _. .___._......... ._._ . Aporwed By Appwd: Chlaf 8~itdng Iropecfor ey_.._'__ ___'_'._.._. b~:~=.t~~l.~.~-~~~;, 5D :,~:~;,_. !~f_ ~ ~ ~ ' Z~l l ~1 ~ 5 ~ P~~ ~~~- P o ~-- _ ~'/~If~~ DD NOT GSE THIS SECTIOH ~roq o~nce we ow~~> ClTY OF BOULDER 6UILDtNG DEPARiMEN~ uALES °at ~'wi° ~ Al9LlGATION FBIR !U[LDING PERMIT AND rERTfFICATE OF OCCUPAHCY TAX ~~ `" Bldq. Pnr~if No. prr TO BUILD, AITSt, Af^MR, ADO TC OR WRL{K A DUILDIt~ OP, STRUCTURE pqlD ~'~~ / IA~PLICAHT FlLL IN TNIS SfCf10N ONL•_'1 T ~ V A L U A T 1 0 N PLANNING AND ZONIPtCa IIJFORMATION ~~ Cest of Constn~cflan (labw6 Matnlola) S-~ -^ 1 °~ - C L A S S 6 F W 0 R K- Typ° °t Clxupo~y - Towf Flow Mp utia~ (~ j " ~ ~9 H~w . AddtNon M). ~11~ i. ~~\~' ' e1..n..~.,.. o~.i. ~ Na a~ Shalm . . Tefel Nwi~~ ~ ~~- Wdth ' (Cww fiwra-t daaunmtwil ~ . 1. Tips of Coapncri.n I, II, IIi, IV, '~ 1 h.., N- 1 Iv. ~ 2. Occupm.ry CwwO A. 8. C, ~, E, F. G. H, I~, ~ Divl~lon 1. 2. 3. ~ 3. Us~ Zme $R•9~ SR-1, SR.2, R3: MR•1, MR•2, 11R-3 MR T, PH, 6,.i-I, L !. Ffro Zone 1, Y~ - - DESCRIP710N OF WURK - I -- G ~ V E R I N G -- Siqnotur~ of own6rcr~~9n~.1.~. +--i n ` ' u Reversed ConMr lof p '. ~ ,np 8 E J~ Nlon ApprOV~d riM1 iOr~ 1 wr~y 9y~~_.~ ~47ti^~1~'li ~;~ Q~~~~'r'`'~V~1 ~~ .irj~~e'1~~_ / / . " ~ . ~ IVE1iV .~ __ RENEWAL TRANSFER ~ ~ APPLICAT N FOft CEEtTIFiCATE OF COMPLIANCE RErrwriorv ~ ~,23~4 1 (Applfcont: Ffll in itcm~ ( I) thraugh ! i I) bcfow.) ~ ~ (1) DATE OF APPLICATION: ,1`nuaz-~- 3Q~ lyT y, (2) PROPER'I'Y AUDRESS: 1~30 - At.h St., &,ulder, Colo. ,;~(31 OWNER of KECORU: Peul Avril •r (4) OWN~R'S ~4UUFtESS: l~2R Corbatt Ave. 9an Franclaco~ Calif. 91~lllt (Sf Plic)lYF: (6) LUCAL AGENT~ TyLr Renlty. Fava Tvler. 20l~~ Al~ine Dr. So~.lder, (7) AGt:N f'S AUUK~:SS: (8- riic~Nt~.: !~l;~-0l;31 (~) n iti~~ ~;i'DWI:LL1Ni~UNI"TS. p~;a f10) NUMk'~ht( ()~ ftUUMIN(~ 1~N1'IS: rlone _- --- - l, IL. iUwnrt. Ag~nt) ut thr ahuvc p~~~}xrly. Ju hrrchy allirm lliat Ihr :~h~wr ii~lnnnaliun c: t~u~: {111 SI(~NATUKl:: 112) ZONIN(; U1STFil(°C {1 i1 h1AXlM1ti1M 1'i:KMISSAtiLt•: cX'Cl~l'AN('Y. ~>rn~ :a,nil~__ ~ tta~ I~L:l~. S~~ QG (151 'fIIIS('l~lt'Tfi~l('Al't:LXI'lkl•SUN~ - ( kcnru Sixty t!>UY I):~ys Yn~,~ FZEC~iV~.n Ff P 1 ~`~?l~ Wh{tt • HXU II~Dt. drr~n • llrn~t Ydlor • Ilwnar If NequiNA hnk • IINQ Urpl. OoMr~v~~d ~ h~nanr. ~\i :i„~~; ~:~ ~~' .-~;`' . ~ .fr~f-~:i•".~.V " •. ,~•' .. ' 'I.CtI1NG 1•!srr•irrTC~~ *~:~.:orn Prnjarf;y,x~tdrroe 30 ~ 6 ~ _ I.FX1hf. D!~",CRI T10N Owncr t f Av~,' 1 ~~ 7• r- n~o~k n ONncr'n A~'~troan SuhdiviaSon ~Tr- Aganl'e Name 'i addroes (if a) J y/~~ ~~~ ~ ~a.u,,~ ~, --~` ~o ~G~~ Yoar con:tructcd ~~'~~' +i;- Frannnt %oninr` `%;l ~- ~ ~`J~ V;ntor Df].linr ,_,nHF. wir.'iY~ ].ob 31~~ .r!'.~~{ X L!~ ~ r~. i~. ~Y.. ft.? . . r.t t 1'roscr,t uacf ~~ ~~_ •' T ~..... .,r .~ •• ---. . .. . ~ d ~c~~--' i ll w}r N~,m~~ar of d~sallin~ ~nita uan ts u lVuclma~ u~ .r;N Nambar of Kitchene , Numher of frunilic~ ~ Number of Roanore ~~ •Unroln~.ed y,ro•>>~~ ? Yun~ No Ilix, pwzs~r:nt.r. IY R005!I17G 11()J~?.~ FI;.:. I;a lI:;1.0'N i.r.~~:c~~e ~~ Numbor of ruann Hum!~cr of i~a~hs To!.al potcntial occup~nn,Y Conforming ? Yea " No ,~,,.,,,F,~~+"~;;~ 7'~.`~" ~~ `f~: ~ " "Iv : ~ Lo~lity ostnblished ? Yes ~' tio i"-<;..' ~ ~~e ~,. . }~~ .•-~ ..~' _..~....: /+#'~~R °+_~'+. \ BOA Uockut .N f1o2d Incpecf.o .;~. Zoning Claared bvs !~,[~ Dato y~ /~" ~~ Tho u~•u aa lndlcatrd IS ~!i NOT pcrmSttod / R'r.A50,! t~~~e~I/ cG.1.~I/~/fl~/ Oh cS/.~:~i0~~~/J~G4/ r1G~lU~~la ~T~1th s"~ . ', •.: .. .' . CASE STATUS Addrsss ~5~ 8 th Stre t, Units ~_ Fina1 Cort~pl(ance By ~~~,d,.r 6 tq7~ Extenstons: J~mer (apent) p.~l ~~A t Srrucwres 1 Date Compl . by Oecuyant Racannsnded Action r.h ~iltr.cw Case Clnsed C~use o~` a~~fan: Complafnt Rec'd ~ Referral Action Taken Rout{ne Survey p~,~,~y~ ~o» Pre-Insp. Surv, Ltr ^,,. Code Vfol. Insp. ~ust 4_ t971 _ Photo Bc~' l~ 199/ - Rt•i~rs~ ~+/l Nr~. Ty~ir Q~n,r~ b~J~ F., b..f::.8. ~ tnspector ~gK ~~~~aham !11 ReDor[ ~%J~llJp{MX~1FX A'~4,_1971 Ceft 0 Remed~al Actton eo~ypjjapeP 6oard Of Appeai~ _ Appeal to Distrfct Court ~ Permlts: Roof p}bg E Icc PU Notificd PU OK ~_ Decision ~ Detislon Gas ,f,s~. <T/49 Z -~"~....,. ~ Demo Bldg 1 st folla+-up Insp. Pro9ress ~!1 Y ~WLttd!!' tr~~/ 2 nd follow-up Insp. .L~.~q/~ / Progresi ~'(~~~ ~'~`~~ S~ost Nork Completed Thank you LeUcr tard Filed ~~Ca~i~d1~~ wlf~~htl,=~~ ~ ~ ~~~7 ~" ~/326 F ptly VwMt No. ENa Mm~ Ms. I ~ Rpp. VwM~ Na M11ed~ MM No. I Natw P.1. . w!-ZS'7~ we. D ~ S C~~' ~' OF BOULDER • --BUILDIN( ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~c` ~" ~° f BLDG.A110RESS - ~ OWNE / 7~ l~e • I CONTqACTOR .a / ~ >„",~C J- ~~ ~fcr 7N .~.. < _ pams Mal MNm ~2 ~!'~ _/~ r s_ ~'t ~~~••1 ^ r lionse Na" _ OHia - Td. No.. L~ Ie ~f'..- Jou ~n No Nn~'j`1'L~~ tN TA 26 Nour ~e4 No. ~y . . . . . DESCHIVTIQ.i OF LEQAL DE'tRIPT10N {,p47/_~/~~ Bfotl~ ~ ~/ SubdnisiM 1~.~..'~f ~o7i7~T•:.-~_ I hOMbV {fib [M WOYG Y M~CL ~11A I~QG 10 LO~.y..~ wt~dla~FdWksysa~ qp~+b rnpu ~ ~j r L/ ~ s~y~nunA n~rsA ~mm _ DO NOT WRITE BELOW 1HIS UNE ~ TYPa W CWtrt. OW. Q~~IOtl~p~ Faa2one ~~7'-r- Ram /J~I~+ -~ ~_M%i 7.oiL0 Wh i ~~~P.~:.~. EES s s p~~qi Rvmx Fee S _ Nummeq Pa+ni[ Fee S - NedieWml Permk Fea E _ s~ r~. a s~ Ot6ee S - TOTAL S ~ L ~ w-~ cR., ----- s~~1~ 5 ~~- ~~~ S ~ r ~ ~~~ bwrP.1.F. I i u~PJF. I omv~F.VaiO I M iw s VALUATION IUUer A h~+~el~kl S~'~ cuSS OF WONK ~~ Nwv AGditbn Altxation~ --newnG. (M otMr qrn "NEW". pleax wmpieR the laibrin; Will Nis d~na~ a up~Q We pintlp4 auo/tlr6u~dwg7 Yn- No ''~ tlY~-Yi~a~eaiwaMdweNnB / araamFAUait Ya-11b- en ELECfRICAI PENIWT CwlrstwName G.`~~ £~`~ '~ pe9Na~~NaUniu Vd._ 0.4w Wo~k AddlRem. Sq- Fc Unt Na 1 54 F. ~Lril Nv. 2 Outleu ._awimin runumx_ ... /~ ( f Perfo'm 1l ~ wak in wmplianm wiM the_CO~sof Na CiN of Boultlw. ~a~ Y~ ~. ~d YJ~ x~~. ~.~~ J p~y~ ~mro ~ sy~..u+.m~wron vm PI.UMBIMG PERItl11T / / ~li+~ F ~~ ~l ~^ ~ Name o.. < - . Lie.ry . Fee_ NaaWo~k No.O~tl~ ' Igeempr.rtormM' moomYSSnmwiNiAeCOdesd~MCaydBoWdn. g'e S / ~~ ~ NECHANICAI PERIWT ce.n.m.r~~ u~.aa vi__s..- x.w-nm~- aM..*-aniw.uoy N.v. ~.mse. 1btWeMHb. &Aetlfum4.Ntr.-SP~Ha.-Uv{tNo-._ConrtwlCaa6W lw+Prm. BoJe. _ Mh~ P,es Bmin _ Wp F~mre_ FinaeO Air Fonam VeaHl~un9~PUPmmt Re41yrn0owbYsMm 1 aprze b perRxm thii arark in mmppmmwith tM Caki o( Ihe City ef BauMer. 1qpe~eley O~b SpmunalAP-livrot pM \r-.,N.~9t~3/r 1 ~"~:'~~~~ <, `-'V_I~tk€°~i° ~:J 1 ~ `7~ --- C_~5 ~ ~-~~ ~L~~~ . ,~, &tly.ParmM1 / ._.~ ENe.M IaWa. , ~~ ROy. ~ MM.Pwa~itNO. ~ W~wP.IF. SnnuP.1.F. ToNIP3F. ~ ~ U~FPI,F.PY! I Pu4Fyx~(~~{I ~~• ~ o.ro ~-s~7a o .j~ 7 om ~e~~/ Dn. s s S f ""' ~ CITY OF BOULDER --• BUILDING PERMIT APYLICATION Y i3D 8°L J'~~LG /` E 3 7`~ ~ dD0 BIOG.NDOfl SS , Da4 / YAlUAT10W ILabw&Materiafslt R2~6'B y ~ OWNER > / e~f '~ w Ter rc~ ~ / CONTRACTOR `P~e • CLASSOiWOPK Q ~~n' L - . . ~mo O/~9~ Ap ~~ o hP (. r P/1 K Qe M. pew AdGtbn AltmNOn peoa"v 3.2~cS /`'' a'S,no Gul~.• a ~i a ~ Li N ~n.a I N «~ ou~ u„~ •wEw^. v~ ~M<k w. ewww~~: ..n ,a __ ame o. . o. T¢ WiN t0i~ w ehsn9i +aWndllrPwPW Q ~~96 ~~ ~ Td T ~~ uuMtMWYdin9? Yq_No~ ~ Ttl.No. GN NO ~ ~ HA~ Sl~e3 l~j'$ ] will Mb u~a enothn ewelling d D( Y ~ ' ' ~ /COG P wroon nBUriA Vn_!b_.)L_ I . pESCflfPTIONOFYlOpK: / ~ ~ ~ .f . Wss (w is~ Mis bmld'~p m _ scsmrY MwlAin9~ Ya __ No LECqL ~ESCRIP710N ELECTflICl1L YEflMI /' ~. > ~ iL4,~ L~ ~c~ /p ~` CootraetorName l ~ r `! ~ ~~ Reg.NO ~~ Na.Unita~VaL~~ ~ / J New Wo~k A dd/pem ~ S i F U N ~~~' A~ ~ /~`A~ SV6dlYitianl[ N' . n y. t o. 7 E. Sq. Ft Uni[ fJO. 2 Ouflxn~j~_,Swid*e~~Fucmrc~_Fge__ ~ ~ 1 herabY sti~e Ne ebove u mreea, aM 1~gree to complY 1 m perFo th2 y oM i~ wmPlimce vit t das o1 Ne Gty af Bou1 1 R ~iM MI Cky Ordna1wes fe9u~aun9 mmvuc~ion 9 p~~ ~,/~ ~ T ~ / n~ ~j/'/ ' $ ~ ~/YY6~i / C/~ M v+a 5' I' p V \T sq•+~~.~.erov...o.amnom p~UMe1NGFEPMR `d v DONOTWfl1TE6ELOWTHi$~INE / ) / Fv ~ TYV~o/Camt~.'la.Gr u~~ ~/ ~ Ca~ttractwNarne b// ' ^ Q~I.F/i~~- /..dh.isc ~..No VeI.~Fa_ '~' K.e Zona Date ~ ela e ~yH, Wyp No. Bac1n Ramodel _J( ~u+. Un:ts .~ ~ m r: ~ 1 ' pertwm thn in eomplyncs w+ch ihe C~dc of the tiry o( ~ F 1 ~~~ ~/ `d/` ~ // SJ . _ Wh DN~ N mt O~n FEES MECHANICAIPEpMIT ' BuOdinqMmitFee S CentraeforName lie.No. Val. Fes- ElecvblPemitFes 5 ~-R~~- ~W~-BNRaNrg HF. Lootion %um6iry Psmrt Fw 5 Ilat Waw Hb. SWM Com6. Hb. _ SP~u Htr. ~_ Unit Hb. __ Canfen Caeliig law Prts Bailer __ NyO P~m.9oiin __ Duct P~e~ ___ FpW Air Fwnxe , MechaMOl Pnmk Fre S /^ /~~ Yentil~v~q EWipment flehigerrtiunSystem ~ ~° T~ S~ 1 agru Io pertw~n Nrc work in wmpliance with q~e Ladvs N tM C'ty o/ BwMer. Olhv $ TOTAI j ~~ bv o.a swn~~w. W AnW'M+we oau i)_ " ' --- - _ _' _ StiCs .~~ ,k ='i`4,tor sµ d7rk ~It'~ n. ~ k~~~,(_?~_,~ 2 0 H 1 N G I M F 0 R n A i 1 0 N nwre Receivetl ~/J/1~ ~~t [o be filied in bY auvliun~I _~_ . ~ ~ ' I ` Zmin9 OistNc[ ~ (J A~y ,/ ,', / / pe of OccupancY I /~I/~I ~ V~I~~I'H`/ T S[ree[ F~on[ y • Lo[ Arpa~ ~~j~~~~~ s ~ . ° 7 I ~70M/t i~ ~~..7.1 F ~a ~ ~ ~ 9 Number of Flaors~_Mei t Tobl ilwr Area of Pr7ncipal Bwidf~gs A~cessory Buildings Open Space Peyu~reA Open Space ~~ s ~ Number of Unlts Perwit[eE M~nber of nit / ~ ~ Change of Occupanry frorti /f~ N~M~~~'f[Jrfr~ ~'/ ~ ~ Spxes Pspuired ~ ~r.vided Nwbnr of Parking • ~~ ` InteNOr Lot / Cor~r Lot ThrwgM1 lo[_ "L" Shaped ~~ New tmstruction AAAltim AI[eraiian ~~ LandsWring, Vavin9• Screeni~g or Bar~ta~s Peqaired ~ ~ Mscribe ~ { ~ taonbncs /J ~J/ J3/1 T ~ G 1 ~/ ~ ~ G I Nor[h ~~ I 0 E i A R T X E N T R l C l E A 0. A N C E S . Mcosory Siaa Orainaqe 6 Flood Cm~rol E~pineer Wte BuIlding T~ansOOrutian En9~~~ Date_~ Mater Utility Engiivwr Date 5o.er utcllty FnglMer Oate Parks Jepar[mrse ~ Oate iira anG/or Meal[h Departwen; Oate Loning Administratar Date No Sule / 1~.~FL~k DFr PY~I!ll t,, ~ l~,k,Ca~ ~°~~ ~ 1 [~ I~.g~ --- ~~-M. ~ ~~ . . _, _ ....._H~:. _ ENCti~MMe. I MW~fvnltNe. ' M~sLlisleNo.,~'~1Y~~lJ.F. 7M ~Jt. I a _ ~~} ~ wc. aonxESS 53G5 _~' ~' m„ O/ =1.1 c~v~wnnaw u..~. r~.e.w.~ ~fT/-!--~ lfn~.~.~"S!/5~r /'~i~P/ot. ~aucos F K.. as^c~n~oFwan~~ ~ _ _ orc1ar t~~ouruau"NEW`.Awaa~WmtM~oeow~c ' ~yry/yy~p ~i~ ~ - IbwMO. TY.Ib. 1KIItlaq~ w~~qntltlrp4aip/ ~ boSin 24Hwr MAtlrWI~~? Yw_!b_ ~~ O!/ _ rN. ~. ~•S-S,3 r~. xo. ~x xo. www+a.a wu. a.~.r~ ° ~ rrswi, R~~.'~~ ~..~~ ~ - oESCruma+cswona: E 1~ l ea . , _ "'°... ~.'d..~ra~.o°uiNry'" v.. .r ~ , OESCRKf~ I µ TwnP OeeM. Ma1PM. No Fw__ ~ ~ : y~ ~ 91w.k Canrtfn Nwn~ 0~0. ~° ~b. Uaib_ VN_._ ~~ ~ . Nw Wak. AQd./R~m~ Hy. Ft IMk Na f____Sq. F4 UnM F10. 2 Fr__ ._.~ `~ ~ E~qMrY1M~ ~ ~` / Wv9: ON.e+e. _Sir11W~ 8nlawdEMcMy. _ ~ Q 1 !S .l +GQ I NbmnpY Ih FWtlrtlewwaa~st b Iy~rbP~~~Mwkbe FeroMA4fu..s aa ~ ~ M m . Y ~htMCedwdWGMdF MMr - , ~~4 ww.aokraa~o...w~w~+~ ~v X m .n.. IYp~,ye„e •~nm~~ o.r '' " • "°"' ~"'~ f ! ~ ~ ~ nu~~eseEaenr ~ ~ DONOT ITEBEIOWTHISUNE ~ . ~ ' ~ N oa. rvwew.n. ~ ~ ~m.ro~.- p~ -v+._ vw.z,~._ iJ tn. u,,, , 3T a..vron~ie.w~_ p~ }v~~/~ " ~,V~~~ TYOwaIFI~WlaM^: ~~ F~__ _ ~ Ia wtoMdstlmratbeM r:yllmp~tenW: p .. ~ ~~ DM O~ .~. ~j BYWOMf1WaIfFN 6 •d'~ MECXRNIGI/EXW7 -InCwekFw s CaeWwl'h ~ tie.Na_ Y. iM__._ EMprieYPS~mitFa S /M.~~RNw--NMb-~-BNx~tl7 N.P. I.eutlm NMCNnicAh~mStf~e s Mot1Y~Xu. iWwGnb.MV.s9YwMV..,UnitNtr.__CwAatC Sd"a7~.~_ MumbNq P~nnlt iw ! Lor Rm.Bailx _ MiW~ Pls. OaW _ O~n fum~n_ FaaA IW F~wuo/ U~e!&dniu~ i Va~Wa1MEVWV. NdM~~A~~ tirNPMy n+.. ~+rW S INwtoprtamtWwerkbmTypwiMwaptMCWwAtlrCflY~/lOauMw. e v.rkwca~unnra.. • cr/G~/'.. o~ ~_ ~ ws.ae. a.u +.w~w+ern on. ~ TOiAL f , - . q ~'. ~'.'i'," '. ~,.~~i.LC _ ~~-'~ ~ .- ~ ~>i- ~ - . ~~~/~ . .. ~ ~'Z~ONIM6 IM.i~OA'N~11T'/O:N,~ Wte buive0li~J-L=-~ (nat to 6e Ntled in bY ~VVIiCan[) Zanin9 Olsarict~C /~'~~ ~ Type of OccWancl~/~~~ l ,~~ X~a or~~~~. .33 ~ Lot Aree y-~ y~..~ N~mieer of floon ~-~' 11e19ht L"/i- G57~• irontye,ry- Total ~loor Area of Yrinci0al Bu1lAilps Accessury Bui ppe~ SW¢ RVUirad ' ,.c~.~ OO~r SOau NueEa~ of UniK Pe~n~cted K~+ Nw~ber of Units ~ C~~nqe of O<cupancY fro~ /.~ to Nub<r of hraln9 Spicen kpufr~d ^~~Provfded~_ Int<AOr laf~ofmr tot Throuyh Lo[ °~" tla1 Consarvctian ~ddition ~ ~hvatla LanESCe01n9. taviny. SC/~ning Or BerAan Ilyuited R DEPARTMEMiAI ClEAL11NCE5 -p Site Dr~inqc s Flood Contiol Tnnspor[~tian E~q~~~~~ Wtu Utiliry EIq{Mer~_, Sewsr U[iliry En9inear~_ Yarkt WOLltuen[ Pl~e anCPor Nulth OeDartwn: Lmin9 sdminietn[e~ Current %amror _ _ ~~~}~ Straet Front l~~ ~ ~~ ( PlinCipii fullA~n9 n-~.~ ' ~Itr e ~ ~ . I ~~ _ ~ ^f 0 N 0 2 7 ~~ :~.~I ~la a5?EIlr~ ~> ~ f~~~f ~a- - .ft yF.'y.?.r .£.: `...- .,aSji'~ ...k ~... _.,i.~ _ . _ . q~..~.,Y. hf~ - . ' ... "cy.~•a.. ~£,._' .~.'f ^^py ','-r~.`a,~;eY~ryz4._"`: P.4~~ac..sr:.:.-n.i:Y-£>`:;.~i'v:"~J-ro ''' ~Y4 ~ ~ ~Y . -- ~ E .,rr i ~~.p*1~ R• ~ ' , . . ,i "vvs~~ ~'~Y`y`- -:Sr,- _ ' ' _ ' . 'ir ~ -. " _ . " . '`/ .r.::• ' - iF ' , - iJri, " _- ' _ 9 . - . '`/..,:. Y~ :~._'~,`-':: . _ , - _ " . ' . " _ . . . - A^~ - .:i; . . . _ _ . ,_ ~ . ' - .3= , . _ "- . - _ _ ~ . . . ' " .~. . ,~.; ~ _._ r 2 FLt,#'~'~tONS S~tRYE~fQ+1G; WC.; _ ~: . ..-, - . . . . . _ - ' 'c~:: ~ ' . ' _ - . . . . ~ , _ " ' : ' ' °"-" Y':: ELEVRT3IIN CSA~IFTCATE., ~ ;^~} . _ ; ": ... _. ~ ' . ,::_r,=~;; ;:« SuLIding ,ovner:. ~ Suqea;,'._G,aiZock ` "- t ~ r, A"ddrese: `~ •. 1530-•Bb'ti`"Si"eeee. 84aidsr, Cq_. a430~ -: .,_~.,: . ; - ;, -:~•,"•;.,.-.>_; ~. 1 ~ ~ ,~ } ^,r:~~ _`,«,.;; ;' ~e. YroQert locdtiaa-s. l.S 0,: th:,S"treet'^` '` - '~~~-" ^'+ ={is~ : ..;:;~ '>;. -- . : .::;;'°,:;.i::. ~: w:., . ~ . ~~~4T~'#$kjr ' oSC~~OQ::,=O#, 1:D i~~F7-;'• ~._ ' ~ ~, ;'''i-;;.',,;,'_'-`'~'. F en¢ 4 y B~N~k `~;D~FafSaiith`r ~I+AaY#tl,oa toBVasx ~ ' r < ~ , ~' ^:~~otiilryder ~ ~ s ~'~ -;' ~w• X'~ '" . 3~ ` -~ ;._ ' . ~ . ~ • ~; ,, .rt^F.]'':.s tv .c .s-i3 {~}- i~ .t~ ,- ~ -aa -?' ;~,~ H ~~' ~A'' ~ ~; ~ ` I cert~f~ .that ehs'iiu~l~~n~ gt _CLe ~ropa#T.floeKlva"`~epca'~68d ~_ z~~~~ a4ova 4ee !he°'~1o~oat~~f~oos~~=. c,~.ae~:a.la' ~~;~qq=-'`'f;:~3,~R~:4f; re'i;iyr;;~:~:_?=,-'_,~-y-~"~'S ll•..: F ~ ' ~..~ ~^'}-'.;=.~:w;^e.~~~ 7i .. :~...~.. 1!Y`~yvy,~'.~~[~&:'.°--3 NGVD f'meaa sea').axe7~~y^a4~:.:Ehb~rsvee,i,g~;rsrdd'oE.:sti;,:,Ches:bal~1'diq~:~.-~z='3',_~-;~ 4 ~G`,~`. .',, ; . _~r °.,.~ s3; ~:;~; at~te 'i"s st an',-'elovalia~t..of ;-5404:4 fd i`,, ' ' : . _ ~ . `a(y; '9:~.,~„ ; ' "•q%j Certlfier'• NsmA: John;~,D,.Wille~.., pI;S~CoI'oi Title: prasldeut ` 31grteYUre:~,,, ~ s Data: 12/dll86 T`, ' ' . .~ ':~. _i._ ,~, #~3~2$:,"'; ~ . :, ;`~i ~ '_;~~ r., ,~ .•a.-~ _9~. `'yr,:,~.ieS.Q 'M .... ' i! Y : 's 5717 Arapahoe Road Boulder. Colorado EOD0.i (303) t43-7001 . . *: ,'~ ~ CISY OF BOOLDEH ecaxoessaug =p; Ray Bizzo~ Bailding laepec[ion p=py; Den Birch, Flcod Naaagement ~,7 DdY6: December 3, 1986 SIIBJSCS: 1530 Bth balldiog Farvit applicatlon The above huiding Le lor.ated in the 100-Teat floodplain of Gregory CYeek and the propos::d resodel aod addition suet be in accordaace with City floodplain regulations. I have deterained that the P2ood Protectioa Elevation (FPB) !or the building Se 5406-65 USGS Datum. Nev und replacemea[ mechanical and electcica2 equiptent integral to the bnilding, lntludiag bu[ not lisited to lig6ting. svitches~ outleta. and HVAC equipment, suet 6e located •t or abov.a the PPH- tiev aad replacement plumbing and vestevater devlces sust be locaeed at or above the FYB or be inetalled vith a backflor prevantion device. The loaeat fiaieh floor of the addltion sust be planed at or above cha FPS. The ovaer has provided me vitfi a cert3flcitioa of tfie lovest finineh floor alevatloa of the existing houea stating !t to be 5406.4 USGS Datum. Thus ehe proposed £Lnieh floor wust be 0.25' or 3" above the existing finiah floor. Ae an a2ternetive, prior to conetru::ion the applicsnt may apply for a vatianee to locatE the propoead flaiah floor a~ the uxisting finieh floor elevation. Ateached ie a copy of the floodplaLn regulation• for the applica»c's reference. Please ask Hs. Garloak !o contact ^e vith any queettona. cc: ApplLcanC Alan Taylor Att \4_:~I~ ~,il,i,-~); ~~ d~;'f ~~l~fl 4s =_~ rlr~'~esi 5 ~-' -=~- , er~ TiME -S:3S~ :FOH ~~-~ . . ~an0 IiONK (UNOERGNOqNQ),. €LEC__iLbG~ R~=~N: ELEC V~9G__NT6f0UCiS ~ VENi/FURMp~E F~,UE_Gq$ pjp~y~~~s ~R FRAHE SH~FTROCKlNAiI]NG RIWF INSULAT101/: FpTM _`~q~LlCE7LING FIREVLACE: ROI~q1/FIUE FIRAL IOODSiOV~; ROU~H/FLUE~FINAl, -~~_ - ~ ~ ~ . TEI~: COIKT_ pp{~p TEIW F F~~< (pfW?: ELEC PLBC N REHOOEL FtNAI: ELEC P~,~, AEINSPECT: HOI.G FOR~~j . . FCOOD ApPROYFD BY: R~JECTEO OAiE: TiME; EIEt PIf a ~~ ~t ~_ ~~_;,4~~~r,r,/\pi?f°I'>(d;'~ ~~f~~~-,~~ I~b E~.^ k -r..nr - - -~- - - w.+M• .. • Rwet, wwu ,-Ne NfN~ ~twK ~~'~tq~ ~/~~.-~~ • C177 01 ~OY-Lfa wn.o~NO ~wcrw~ avwow Boct94}.KasJ.~r. c:x:-a.w- ~~ ewr,~ ~r-16'fJ ~"` st ,•n O ~~•• .ia.t... . ...._. _ ~r.M. ^ w.u o.. N ,~~~«.,.~1.c~! 9.! ~!9~_ -- ---- - `" ~ y.w w w~ ~.a- ~..wN~1 MrNn ~n ~ca6nn .Mh n. Non. M/r NafkMWr r~wIMM. W~IM ~M p~.Y'rr d rN tw+1 }Mn~nr~ ~WMM Gr. / IrMM~ n~M4m N ~M,/dM N Mukw. iEi7~~~ ~ --._. A NWR MIMt N IpYr MIM 10 COMMWCWMT Or WO~R 7 ' ~3 ~ ~ ~' . . ~ ~~~~ ^ O ~~ !'1 Me1r " r l.M w :«.. _ . __ r«. z.._.._..._....--- ra wa.~.i vJacx.l . _....... _ r~ w a aM.,~~.~ ~ r 1 /~p~ ~ •~e• i~~~u~e ~• •iw •r w~ur. ~ ~"~'~^^~ /~NCt, WAIL ANp NIOOR -tMtIT A-KIGTION . . CITY 0~ WULOtR • [f ~~p~~ /YtlO1N0 INSI~CTION DIVISION ~a~~~~'~tQ~dIF41~• l'~.x~1~1~.~i.7.[JTO GM. A11n w NMair lMC~~ aM Wall~ [wyN~ ~ur~.i6~ ~_..-_..~{aG-} . .... ~ ~1 AiVIkMNn~.{~_~.~_~~.. _.._ ....... ... ~~ ~ ~la5ael _,~.~,a•lxtc. . . _... .. . . . . . ~aa.. C3~t 3`t~~_ ...._ .......... ... _...._.. .Q}??!du~ _......._. __.__..... ~w,,. 4`, i 3 :533 3 w,,,. ~ t.,.• r: r' Y' _.._._ L1_._.._.,_.._._... ww~ ~sa~.. .............._.............. ....... ........_ ... ........... . . ~M ................ _.............. .......... np.. _ - .. .__. ....._ . . CMr ~w.. rb ..............--...._. ~ ww ro rMom~ Mr .aA d.wWM MMn x~ ~eerd~nn .iM tlw rkm I Y~/> p~cMoMbrq wdnMlN. W~11h NI O~p'Mqrr of I~Y 2p4ro ~~.. ~wrxq ew.. w/"/Maen .y~.I.nar .e nr eNy a hdev. ~fP~~ .~..___-' A MWR MY/T N MMIY KIM TO ~ p MpK. . /O~M r'IQ ~~~1 hrn~~ N.. eue~ eue~ tTll~~i i ~ ~ 3 d O Z ~~nc~ ~ Wol~ U R~oeir a Co-n~r La ~ ~4W . ` Ini~.qr LM UN ZOti _ ....FIh z01M....._ .. Mbbrwl V`~ ~•..... ~.~ IN'OMI _btf c«~ o~ caw.,.~~,,. s bg4..r i aAS~ _•• •hoW lee~tlen I~~a~/M~t~r ~~t~r i i . .~ ~ CVII~ ~ ~ :.-i ~ : ~~ ~~ O ~ + ~: ~ ~ ~ i' w i~ Q ~ U - _ ~~1 ;; ~ ,iG 1l~twtlao ~~_ NEdUN~ICAL -EIeUT AMLIG1TIat -EIINtT N0. ~ 3'CSYb CITY OF ~0l0.DER ApOrov~t eUJL6iM6 iNtPECTION DJYlSIOM Yt~w1t FN //.,z,~ ?o oautruet, add, r~plan~. e1Mr or r~psSr Aeatin~, ~~tlLtion, ~~*t Taa ~'3 aytrlpratiari, eadort oeolin~ ~yst~w ~ud othu~ ~Sie~ll~nwus h~~t- TO?Al _ ~uc~~• •~~~~mces !n n~v ~nd ~xistinc Auildinn • eu~latny ~aa~•:s /~ O - R 'm ~~-t~t O~t~ of JIpp11ct41on . 4y~:; ,~,'~J OYNER'S ~ NAME .5 4 S 4/1 ~ y~ a C ADORE55 ~ / ~ ~ 0 - ~~ 5~Y e ~ f' CIT1 Bpu/d~/ _ STATE ~ PNONf YY3-sJ,~ NAME ~~lML ~ -e. t~~ CJTY , TATE 1,~j,_ ONIMEy'1~-/hYllC fL(~y I~~~ to pertoaw tl~ vork dncrib~d r~r~Sn in a:ourGnc~ wSe~ tM p1m~ wd/or ip~cificati.ans suEeitt~d. ~nd rStA all prwiclop~ of tM tuild- !n{ Ce6~. INClwpial Cod~. Zouits~ OrElnn~:~ ~nd Du7,tA 1t~suLtiocs o! th~ CSty e! t~ld4~. e tEro~n M,sr ~~ ix ~n r~i~i~ to sa~+E~c ° {USINESS _ RESIDENCE _ Q~ INDUSTRiAL NEW REPAIR REPLACEMENT_,~, TYPE OF APPLIANCE: Mot ~'atK IN~ter Forc~d Mr Furn~ce -Low Prnfun 6011e~ -11n1t N~~t~r -'"1119h P~essun boiler -Spec~ Nt~ter -;a1W N~ate- -buct furnue -k~trtq~r~tion Systen tomio~t toollnp ~-limtilat4nq Equ1p. ~,,,O:her +~'~r/'~•' +"a"t !TU RATIN6 H.P. _- ~ ' " LOCATION IN lUiIDING ~~ T ; s~ PlANS ON FILE OTHER ~ : _, r ~ ~z b~ INSPECTION DI1TE COMtENT~ NAM[ _ ; ~ ~~ - ~- a z ~ ~ ~ O ~ ~ V _ I~" r Attachment D 1530 8`" Street - Sanborn Map Analysis NOTE: Property is not covered in maps until 1931. 1931 , ,~;~ .ro»,~»~ .. ~,.~~,.t x ~ ~ r~ \ s. . $':z .Y ~, ! ., 7 ~~, H ' S ~ ~ r f i ~" '~ 6 3~ ;. ..f'`~ t ~ m ~~ , ~ ~t ? Y . ~ . ~) ~ a ?~ k~i3 . i' ~"':~ ~ 5 -~ ~ ~~"n ' ` ~`~ ~ .~-~J 'v_ ~~ _.~,. .."_'_` . ~ -k~ Y"`" ' = " wF~ ~ `! 4 4~`, E . ' ~ J ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 a ~ ~ i ~ t ~ '.;y_1 a V ~~4 k ~ r ~ _~~ *i ~~ :3~T''- c b~ 'tr : ` ~ ~ `= i ~ ~ a '~ p '~~r~ ~%> .. i'~i :,~-~ , ; ~, n U E 0 c. 5 - y Lll i~ ~ _~` i ~ i x, - - NIVERSITN°°:""' 1960 a ~~" '` , \~cn ~\ ~1~~ ~ 6 ~ ~ ~z , lr ~ J~sN T O n ~~ ~' j ~§o~ 91 ~ D ~ ~~ 911 D. ~ ~ JIJ ~ ~t 0~ ~,~ '~ ~D D' ~n MPa~NE .o,,. ~, - Y ~ `'c~ F~(1 cn~ '~ n ~ ° ` J > 9 T¢3 ~ itb~ . ) •, p n A-I w ' ~ ~ 'Q ~L I ' D. D Q ~' ' 3 ~[a ~o )a ~ 6 o ~D Q D+~ .~... D ~ p 't ~ ` ~ A~ ~ I / ~ 9 QD ~ Z~ D +~ f KI!~ fl 5 ~, D v__• 6 , ~ P ' vt ~ 1 O I" n, ~ ~. ~~,~. a ~ a,D • re e ', n Z 1~' ~ a.D' ~ ~ -14. R ~;,l~a'~\ ~p tt ~ P.,...' \~" e 9 • u i~' . .,~T~ I ~ A p. ~ o aD ^ ~' a ,` - ,.,e. ~. ; ~o / l 3 ! 5 ~ R ~ ~ D ,t ~ D n. • ~ `~ Q 'Ai , ' e ^ _ ~ p~ • ~ N9 ^ mo _ ~~ ~ p 192 ° p D N~ N D r yD ' D, iD p ~ D ~ ~ 4 8p v~ 1JS WS %$ ] A Rp/ !I/ !1! 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' ~~ ~ ._ ,.. ._~ ~ ~ :.:~ ~~ ..(._r: .,'.~'3 Ci. ,i',-_ 3~~kM++1w §~ 1 ~ ,. „ I I I r ~ \ 1~NNW ~I`'E E~R ' ~~r- '~~~ i.~ I \\ ~ ny~ ~ T Y I ~\~, ~ ~~ ~• ' , l , ~ ~~ON I ~ I , ~. ~ ' I i ~ ! ,,, 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ,.~__ ~ _ ~ - -.__....__.~~ _ ._._.." ____.R}`~. _.~_~..a.u a. _ ~. ,...~i:n" ~'m:~«r.e~-~ =« „ •~....~.~,:'r. ., ~ ~Ilt! 0 534~ Attachment E: Directorv and Deed Research OWNERS OF 1530 8TH STREET: Y1' L7 ETAL B10 SMITH'S ADDITION Bold Indicates long-term ownership Prior to 1881 Marinus G. 5mith 1881 ro 1890 Mary S. Grill 1890 to 1900 Hiram A. Scars 1900 to 1902 Lulu E. Gerritson 1902 to 1920 Lua A. Moore 1920 to 19?4 Bessie Irene Moorc 1924 to 1931 Ruby L. Fulbright 1931 to 1942 Soulder Building and Loan 1942 to 1947 John R. Coss 1947 to 1949 Mclha Coss (Carlson) 1949 to 1950 Otro & Dorothy C. Uppendahl 1950 to 1954 Claude L. and Lillian Dowse 1954 to 1959 Judson A. & Gertru~le M. llawks 1959 to 1960 Richard & Glenna I. Mohler 1960 to 1963 Robert F. & Mabel K. Bowron 1963 to 1965 Bob Bowron Builders Inc. 1965 to 1967 Barbara R. '['oy 1967 to 1974 Pau1 Avril 1974 to 1978 Daniel H. & Judith L. Staffler 1978 llouglas & Tessa Penick 1978 to 1980 Beverley R. Edie & Susan Garlock 1980 to 1998 Susan Uarlock 1998 to 2005 Tetsuko of Cold Mountain 2005 to 2006 Deutsch Bank 2006 to present Olga & Marcel DeLange RESIDENTS OI' 1530 8TH STREET: Bold Indicates long-term residency Prior to 1901 Address Not Listed in Directories 1901 F.H. Farrington (Hattie); physician & surgeon 1903 to 1921 A.J. Moore (Lulu); mining 1923 ro 1932 Mrs. Ruby A. Fullbright (widow of Clint R.) 1936 Vacant 1938 to 1946 Jacob G. (Olive P.); carpenter and Wallace G. (Lilly) Coss; salesman 1946 Mrs. Melba L. Coss (widow of 7. Richard); waiter 1949 Carl A. Carlson (Melba); operator of PSCo 1951 to 1953 Claude E. Dowse (Lillian E.); Varsity Cleaners 1955 Archie Hawks (Gertrude M.); engineer Federal Center 1956 Not ]isted 1958 [0 1959 Archie Hawks (Gertrude M.); engineer Federal Center 1960 Vacant 1961 Race T. Anderson (Verna M.); employed by Dow Chemical 1962 to 1964 Neil S. Bresler (Shierly M.); convactor 1965 to 1966 Not listed 1967 to 1968 Ronald L. Weinard (Tamara K.); operator 1969 Vacant 1970 Kathy Murowski; student 1971 Secky A. Eitel; student 1972 Tom R. Hunter (Debbie); carpenter 1973 Joe Kindstiatl~er; student 1974 Vacant 1975 to 1977 Darl Staffler 1978 Vacant 1979 Barbara Barboreck 1980 Not listed 1981 Vacant 1)83 to 2003 Susan C:arlock; artist (also known as Tctsuko of Cold Mountain) 2004 to 2006 Susan Garlock, Nathan Gilles, Tetsuko of Cold Mountain, Dou~las Perty NOTE: Carnegie Library's collection of city directories is intermittent beginning in 1869, and annual beginning in 1958. "No Return" or "No phonc" does not necessarily mean the building was vacant. _ .-T,~ 2~ DAVID P. GILKEY / D, AL4NE: Tetsuko of Cold Mountain, artist and photographer, sits art room of her home. Her iwo dogs escaped from her back yard a is short of money to bail them out of the pound. _ ~bout a i n ou nd fee ' pYJp , By JULIE HUTCHINSON Japanese, and it's the name 5he .:i Camera Staff Writer signs on her art. In her dreams, Tetsuko of Cold Tetsuko said keeping her dogs un= !, Mountain walks while her dogs run der control for the past couple of ,! free. years hasn't been easy. She said,she " But on Thursday, Tetsuko sat in t in frustra- h r wh lchair and we has spent $2,000 on a~backyard fence but that Charlie and ~Alexan- p e ee tion. ~ , der continue to outsmart her in their ' Charlie and Alexander the Great, i d f h f d l pursuit of freedom. ko sed a l 1 Tet h h s he ers, those ree om- ng ogs o ov , w - su o a u w e dug another hole under the backyard chair since she broke her neck- 21 ~ fence earlier this week and landed' years ago, refuses to give in to re- ,~ themselves in the pound again. quests from animal control officials ~ That's the fourth time in the past to neuter her animals, describing ~ couple of months that Tetsuko's'dar- her dealings, with the Boulder Coun- i ing dogs have done her wrong, and ty Humane Society as an "ongoing I she's up to her ears in fines, penal- war." , ties and bond postings. "They're my family," said Tetsu- "I've tried io explain I'm in a_: wheelchair," she said, "and :it's like ko of her dogs. they don't care." -- , "Actually," she said, wiping away Tetsuko, who is in her 40s, lives tears and smiling self-consciously, alone on Social Security and what : ~ "I've been incredibly lonely; and she earns from her art. Coming up , they're my friends. These dogs are with the latest $70 required to spring real company for me, especially as her dogs from the pound won't be the winter comes on." easy, she said. A painter and photographer who If she doe§n't claim her dogs by lives in a wheelchair-accessible Oct. 1, they will be offered fot adop- house near University Hill, she calls tian or killed. herself Tetsuko of Cold Mountain be- "I don't know what to do," she cause it means woman of steel in (See DOGS, Page 2C) v .. disabled owner worries ~ • ,~ ~~.~. ~~ ~/ , ~ >: ~ ; _ ,~ i \'c .!;:-, ,1. ~/ ~ ~aaaea; d owner ~ crunch .,.. P___ e~e her in aear,n A memorial service ~ > (~Z a~ed'S90Q aas) at ~ aqs „`op 0~ ~E[;M nnou~ ;,uop I„ aq, •pant~ lo aoi~ snf -dape ao; paia~o aq fin~ ~Saq; `i '~~O atq ~iq s~op aau iuteia ~,usaop aqs ~ oq1 •piss aqs `~fs~a ~ aq ~,aon~ panod a~ uioa; s~op aay se~ ~atads o; pa.mibaa OL$ ;sa;ej aqa q1in+ ast dn 9uicuoa ~;ae iaq uio.~ saaea aqs pn~ ~ELjM pvs ~Sat.m~as t~i~og uo auoi~ `~I sanr~ 'sp~ aaq ut st oqm 'oKnsaay ~eJ <<'aaea;,QOp ~taq~ l a~ s,;t pus„ `ptgs ays „`~eqajaaqn~ -n5 a ui iu,i ~neidxa o} paia; an,I,~ ~ , „•aen~ i~j ~uto~uo„ ne s~ ~S;aiaog auetung ~; pu+ -uno~ aapinog ay~ u;inn s~uReap aaq -.cs~ j ~utqca~sap 'sietutne aau aaanaa o; ;sej ~ sj~t~t;;o ioa;uoa jeu~tae cuoa; s~sanb ~ ; o; ui ani~ o~ sasn;aa `o~e sa~aR -aa .,pa~ j TZ K~au aaq axoaq aus aaals .nsya pa~ ~ -iaaun~ e pasn s~q oum 'oxns~ay `sa~ a • ~.uopaaa; ;o amsmd 'ae; siaq; ui aaq;seuis~no oa anur~aoa sap ~ -usxaiy Pue aijaeu~ 3eu; anq `a~ua; ~ -~a p.c~,~xasq e no 000`Z$ '~uads seu ut ; aqs ptes aqg •~isea uaaq ;,ase~ saea~ ~ ;o ajdno~ ;sed aq; ao; ioa;uo~ aap una, -un s~op aay ~uidaax pies oxns;ay pjo;, •;ae aaq uo su~is ays auieu aq; s,;t pus `asaasdep Dogs nab.bed; , disabied ~~i~ier P in cash .crunch (From Page 1C) said. "Do I give up my dogs, or . do I give up the money? I'd love to have some help, but I'm also at the end of my rope. Is there any leniency for a person in my situation?" Jan Glick of the Humane So- ciety said she's willing to work with Tetsuko, but that the dogs need to be neutered. . , "Our goal is to keep animals . in responsible homes," said _ Glick. "I guess the issue herE is whether this is a responsible home." Tetsuko said she ------"~" mind a little help imprc fence to protect again, breakouts from her dog; But the whole situa left her feeling helpli sometimes, hopeless. "I'm very attached dogs and I don't want t of them," she said. "I j my dogs back before But i.f they stay in tb and if they're adoptei OK. I'll survive. I've su lot." ~ to ,: =;;: ;,: ~ ^ _. aa~ punoa au~n~ saiaaonn aaunno :a~anoa~ oiu~ u ~nv ~,. i //: ~~ _.. ~,~, -, ~ ~ ~ ~*'.~ `~ " ' ; ~ ,~.~.> ~, £.- a `"~ ~~ ~;~; ` < a .~: ~ f '. ~ _.. <,, r: . ;~ ~-:~~ <t:V t :i' ~ Y . ~rt~` ~~ .:~1\i':li..~.~.~:i:.;'y.~,.~:. ~ ~.:J ~ tr~i~ Y~.(E -r~ ~ c . . .. . ~ - -;'C_ f - w;.K ~~S ~~aa. "` . .. . . ~;'~~i~a::;si;eihi,;: ~. d ~ . ~i~~e:. .., r k~ r~v, q i,:. ~.. ~~ ~~~~x ~ ,:'x s i ,i:~'ISf ,y ~n ~Nf''i, ~, ~.~ ~~ "n4:- I ~ ~.!_~ ~Ir~L.°n~. ~ n . ~ .r.~~~i.~ ~~ ~3 ~~d ~~G~F~ S~F _ Att~irhment G Landmark Preservation Advisory Board Adoptcd 9/17/75 Secretary to the Board S[GNIFICANCI~. CRITF,RIA Individual Landmark September 1975 On September 6, 1974, the City Council adopted Ordinance #4000 providing procedures for the designation of Landmarks and Historic Dist~icts in the City of Boulder_ Z'he purpose of the ordinance is the preservation of the City's pei-mitted cultural, historic, and architectural heritage. The Landmarks Board is permittcd by the ordinance to adopt rules and regulations as it deems necessary for its own organization and procedures. The following Significance Criteria have been adopted by thc Boar-d to help evaluate each potential designation in a consistent and equitable mannei•. Historical Sianificance The place (building, site, area) should show character, interest or value as pai-t ot~ the development, heritage, or cultural characteristics of the community, state or nation; be the site of a historic, or prehistoric event that had an et~fect upon society; or exemplify the cultural, political, economic, or social heritage of the community. Date of Constt•uction: This area of consideration places particular importance on the age of the structure. 2. Association wilh Historical Persons or Events: This association could be national, state, oi- local. Distinction in the Development of thc Community of Boulder: ~I'his is most applicable to an institution (religious, educational, civic, etc) or business structure, though is somc cases residences might qualify. It stresses the importance of preserving those places which demonstrate the growth during different time spans in the history of Boulder, in order to maintain an awareness of our cultural, economic, social or political heritage. Reco~~nition by Authorities: If it is recognized by Historic Boulder, Ine. the Boulder Historical Society, local historians (Barker, Crossen, Frink, Gladden, Paddock, Schooland, etc), State Historical Society, The Improvement of Boulder, Colorado by F.L. Olmsted, or others in published form as having historical interest and value. 04.OSsignif-indiv ~ - ,~ ~~ ~~ Other, if applicable. Architectural SiQnificance The place should embody those distinguishing characteristics of an architectural type specimen, a good example of the common; be the work of an architect or master builder, known nationally, state-wide, or locally, and perhaps whose work has influenced later development; contain elements of architectural design, detail, materials or craftsmanship which represent a significant innovation; or be a fine example of the uncommon. Recognized Period/Stvle: It should exemplify specific elements of an architectural period/style, ie: Victorian, Revival styles, such as described by Historic American Building Survey Criteria, Gingerbread Aee (Maass), 76 Boulder Homes (Bazkar), The Historv of Architectural Stvle (Marcus/Wiffin), Architecture in San Francisco (Gebhard et al), Historv of Architecture (Flectcher), Architecture/Colorado, and any other published source of universal or local analysis of "style." 2. Architect or Builder of Prominence: A good example of the work of an architect or builder who is recognized for expertise in his field nationally, state-wide, or locally. 3. Artistic Merit: A skiltful integration of design, material, and color which is of excellent visuai quality and/or demonstrates superior craftsmanship. 4. Example of the Uncommon: Elements of architectural design, details, or craftsmanship that are representative of a significant innovation. 5. Indigenous Qualities: A style or material that is particularly associated with the Boulder area. 6. Other, if applicable. Environmental Significance The place should enhance the variety, interest, and sense of identity of the community by the protection of the unique natural and man-made environment. Site Characteristics: It should be of high quality in terms of planned or natural vegetation. 2. Compatibilitv with Site: Consideration will be given to scale, massing placement, or other qualities of design with respect to its site. Geographic Importance: Due to its unique location or singular physical 04.OSsignif-indiv '<t"~P~f ~„~ 4T~i4~i ;~ ~ f~AG~ ~~ chazacteristics, it represents an established and familiar visual feature of the community. 4. Environmental Appropriateness: The surroundings are complementary and/or it is situated in a manner particulazly suited to its function. 5. Area Inteeritv: Places which provide historical, architectural, or environmental importance and continuity of an existing condition, although taken singularly or out of context might not quatify under other criteria. 6. Other, if applicable. S:~PLAAndata\Comdev~I-IIS'I1GEN~Designa[ionW.bout Landmarks~signif crit-indiv.wpd ~4.OSSiPnif-inrliv r°~ ~~~if~.~. 9~ i~i ~~ if ~V ,~K~7!` V V _z~`.._-. V - _ `- _ Attac}tment H ,~, City of Boulder Planning and Development Services Center ~~ ~ DEMOLITION PERMIT APPLICATION 303pdf i~ 3o g~~ S i Re~T lG/23 Project Address Date BuildingUse slN~v~ ~Am~l~`~ DvV~L~-1n,'(- Owner Name ~ L 6-A ~ E L A N 6~ Owner Phane 3~3 ~ OwnerAddress ~`~~ a~~' w~'iSr~Y 'P~ i~~EDt~~~A~~ ~~ 8C~4 Contractor ~~ C~ ~~' ~- A N C E Contractor Phone 3~' ~ The applicant is responsible for obtaining all applicable signatures Revisetl Sept 2006 ~2cc6 65 06 G3 6~ (~HS OCO ~ # of Dwelling Units ~~ s~ Square Footage Type of Dwelling (pick one) - Required ~ Single-Family Dweliing ^ Multi-Family Dwelling Accessory Structure ~ Detached ^ Attached Describe structure to be removed: ~~-rl,~g Hvv~~. + STORn~^~ ~~-I~ D ^ Townhome Square Footage Primary Business Use ^ Office ^ Commercial/Retail ^ ^ Parking Garage Date of Construdion ~~~ ~ U Date of Construction Acce55ory StruCture ^ Detached ^ Attached Describe structure to be removed: FOR ^ DEMOLITION PERMif APPLICATfON Case Number: PMT Date Issued: DMARKS BOARD PRE-1940 DEMOLIfION APPLICATION OFF-SITE RELOCATION APPLICAlION Case Number: HIS'L~~d ' C~O ~( Date Issued: Y ^ POST-1940 DEMOLITION APPLICATION ^ ON-SIfE REIOCATION APPLICATION =~C' qi\t }A Y'C~rlt~ ;r ~~ PP~Caf J~ FOR STAFF USE ONLY Landmarks Preservation Advisory Board review of non-landmarked buildings over 50 years in age. Date completed application received by Planning and Development Services Date of initial review by 1/ ~- ^ No significant impact or potential detriment to historic resources of the city ~ ilding may be eligible for designation as an individual landmark; permit application is stayed for a public hearing before the fuil Landmarks Preservation Advisory Board. In the event that a stay is imposed, the time requirements of 9-11-23 shall be tolled until the additional fee is received. n ~ C Date the full board hearing fee is received by Planning and Development Services Date of full board hearing ^ Additional submittal requirements ^ Black-and-white photographs of interior and exterior ^ Scaled site plans and elevations ^ Historical information ^ Other ~,c°.:=a.~-~a ~,~ :-;~a~ :~ _'J~b_wr~t~~ . J~ Attn: Chris Meschuk, Additional information for submittal for public hearing landmark review boazd: Attached is a structural condition assessment for the property on 1530 8`h street done by Aazon C. Jones of Structural Integrity. Mr. Jones is a licensed Colorado engineer and a former project manager for JVA consulting engineers in Boulder. Attached are photographs that depict the current state of the house. Best regards, Marcel de Lange Olga de Lange ",~EIUbA ITEIUI # sD PAG~ ~ l ~ %-~ StruCt al , ~nte ri ~.~ Consutting Engneers, Inc. Februazy 19, 2007 Mx. Maxcel de Lange 641 West Design 146 Old Whiskey Road Nederland, CO 80466 Refecence: Suuctural Condition Assessment 1530 8~' Street Boulder, CO 80302 Structucal Integrity, Inc. Job: #07-0011 Deaz Marcel, I am pleased to have completed my assessment of the existing zesidence on 8`~ Stceet in Bouldez. I have compiled the following condirion teport, based on observations made during my visit to the site and photos of the suuctute. The following ieport will addxess the cunent condition of the e~cisting structure and critical imptovements that should be completed at the pxopexty to ens~e public safety. The opuuons and comments contained in this xeport axe based on limited visual observations made during my visit to the si[e on Novembec 10`", 200G, as well as photos ptovided by 641 West Design. Physical testing and instruinent based elevadon and location sucveys have not heen petfotmed. No calcuLltions have been made to detennine the adequary of the complete struchual systems or theit compliance with accepted building code tequixements. Atchitectural, mechanical, electrical, and plumbing conditions aze not included in ttus report. No wananty expxessed or implied, as to the condition of the shucture, is intended. The elcisting zesidence is a one and a half story wood framed structute ovex a stacked stone shallow foundarion, constructed atound 1900. One-story addidons were added and modifications were made to the original structuxe possibly in the 1970s. It appeus that the additions and modificarion wete not designed ox constructed to meet building code cequixements. The ent~e building is showing signs of distcess. The changes to the original structure have weakened the building envelope and should be stabilized to avoid potential future failute. Thexe aze axeas of concem related to the original structute that need to be addressed to ens~e the safety of the buildings occupants as well as stabilize the structure to accotnmodate gypsuxn finishes. The new openings foz the doozs and windows that wexe cut into the original exteriot walls of the home wexe not built with structutal headets oc jamh xeinfotcing. The original ctawl space was excavated to inctease the headxoom to accommodate a fumace and associated duct woxk. This excavarion has cxeated un- xeinforced vertical soil cuts that could potenrially slide into the excavated axea and comproxnise the stability of the existing foundation walls. In the crawl space there axe several wood support posts that are sunply bearing on flat 2x plates, which ate duecdy on the soil. It appeats that none of this wood is decay resistant, which will allow accelexated p. 207-774-4G14 ~ f. 866-793-7835 ~ 77 Oak Street, Portland, ME, 04101~~~I~~www.s~rn~, fi;~ ;~AGL-= "'Y ,-~ _ S'tl'UC't ~ , ~nte r~ ~~tY Coneuking Engineers, lne. deteriorarion. The posts could also setde into the soiLs since there doesn't appear to be any footings in place. To the outside of the e~cisting foundarion is a thin un-zeinforced concrete wall that was sistered to the stacked stone. This thin conctete has extensive ciacking and is showing signs of movement. There is also an exteriox chitnney that was added with the addirions that is showing signs of movement aad does not appeaz to be pxoperly secuced to the original home. Theze aze signs of a f~e at the coof of the origutal home. Based on obsexvations it appeats that the original xoof bumed and was zeplaced with new roof decking over the original rafters. The zafrers show sings of fixe damage. It is hard to determine how much of the original strength of the xaftess is left without extensive testing, but in general it appeazs that the tafters have lost ten to twenry percent of theu effective size do to the fire. This ieduction in effective size iesults in laxger teduction in strength. As is typical with homes of this age, the existing xoof, prioc to the Sxe, would most likely not have adequate stcength to carry cu~ent design loads. The roof has the potential to fail under current design loads and needs immediate attention. The flooxs of the original home also appeax to be inadequate. Snnply walking actoss the floots of the main and uppet level cxeates excessive deflection. This indicates that the floois ate substandatd and could potentially fail under full design loads. The addirions that have been constructed aiound the original home all appear to be substandaxd. The £zaming and foundations aze showing signs of movement in relationship to the original home. The fxatning of the xoofs does not appeaz to meet cucrent design xequixements and is showing signs of sa~ ng and excessive deflection. The addition has also czeated azeas of substantial snow drift in the valleys and on the lowex roofs. This is a concem since these ateas of excessive snow drift load could become ovex loaded and potentially fail in the future since the new framing at the additions does not appeaz the be properly connected or supporCed where it meets the original structuxe. There aze also ateas where the exposed fxatning does not have any continuity. Thexe aze studs that axe cut and do not meet the top ot bottom plates as well as top plates that axe cut and are not strapped ot blocked. All of these fraining adequacies combine to create substantial risk to the safety of the buildings occupants. Anothei major concem is that the e~cisting structure appears to be buiit within the flood plain, based on the City of Bouldez's Flood Insutance Rate Maps. The ciry cequizes that homes build within in the flood pLtin be constructed such that the top of the main level floor is two feet above the 100 yeaz base flood elevadon. In addirion the ctawlspace below the main level needs to have propexly sized flood panels to allow the flood water to fill the ccawlspace. This balances out the hydxostaric pxessure so the foundarion does not collapse due to forces which it was not designed to xesist. This is a sdcking point that has the potenlial to limit the insurabiliry of the existing building and compzomise the City's Fedetal Flood lnsurance status. If changes are made to e~cisting strucnue, the building will have to be brought up to Fedetal and local Flood Management standards. At the time I visited the site thete was a public norice on the building that appeats to have listed the building as condemned and unsuitable for occupanry. Based on my observations I would agree that the building is structurally unsound and unsafe for occupancy. The extensive problems throughout the structuce cequire xemediation befoze the building is suitable foz occupancy. The extent of the stxuctuxal problems along with the flood plain concems cteates a substantial financial b~den. The costs of the needed tepairs to the structuce would quickly exceed the current value of the home. -~~:~~~,~ srE~n ~ 5~ ~aG~ ~~_ p. 207-774-4614 ~ f. 866-793-7835 ~ 77 Oak Street, Poxdand, ME, 04101 ~ wwwstructuralintefl.r~.~, Struc~ , ~nte ri _...~~ tY Consutting Englneero, Inc. Based on my observations of the curtent structute, I believe the building should be demolished and a new structure built on the lot outside of the flood plain. If any part of the new structuce needs ro be built within the flood plain, the main level should be constructed two feet above the base flood elevation. The crawlspace should be built with propetly sized flood panels to allow the equalizarion of the hydrostaric flood foxces. In short, I have found that this is an unsafe structute that should be demolished as soon as possible to ensure the safety of the public. I suggest we follow up with the design and construction of a new building designed to meet cuxtent building, flood and energy code xequitements fox the good of ownezs, the city and the public.. Do not hesitate to call with any question, ot if I can be of furthet assistance. Sincexely, ~~^ C~ Aaxon C. Jones, P.E. Pzesident ~,~°GE~C)~ 9T~i11~ t: ~!~1~PA~E U/~ ~~ t`N,s~ i`Y ~ ~y.~ Y ~ ~ ] ~ ~i .~1~ 1 ~ ~~ s1I' ~ ~ w , ~. ~. ~ ,,,,,,~'"~~° .. . ~,~..... _~.~ ---~-~i .. :~ Zlc~-? ~b'z~Vk~-"3-~~ ~ro~-+.u nn ~oo(t. Q~Qb I 1 '~• - .~r~w/~. . . ..... ~ _ 1 ^Y...r- . •~ ` . . 'IF ~ - .. . . ~ ~i ; -~ h~ r .~ ~ ila 1~ ,~~ ~~ ~~ ~~~ ~W V~l ~. :~ t~ ~ ~ F ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ WF ~ I ~f Z" ' h ~ ~ v ~ G~ Z r; sT. ~ v ~ ~~ a ~ ~ ,~ ~~ rm ,: ~ .~ ._ ,__ . ~ r" =+ '~'b ~„y,;. .. ... - ..,~~ . ~ m;. '~~R ' ' ~Y~~ ~ . . _ . :i.~'. ~ ' '__" L7~L(.SI~C~ t1..ll'.^" c~Fr ~F-C. l~t~:L ncl~ tv~n~~~.P~V, ~, :. `S~'r' ~ ~~~ ~ ~