5C - Handout - Public hearing and consideration of a landmark alteration certificate to remove the r~JU\`C. ~~ ~ Mazch 7, 2007 MEMO: This memo is in response to the email from James Hewat sent March 6, 2007 at 7:06 pm MST requesting a review of the dimensions of the neighboring houses' widths on the submitted site plan and the height of the south house on the elevation sketches. After returning to the site with measuring devices (tape measure and digital laser measuring device) the following are deviations to the site plan and sketched elevation: The south property at 2241 4`h Street has a front elevation width of +,/- ;2', not 3T as is drawn on the site plan. The submitted elevation sketch was drawn correctly with a width of 32' at the front face of the house; elements 20' behind the front of the house were omitted for drawing clarity. In the email mentioned above Mr. Hewat states that the homeowner represents that the roof height is 22'-6', as measured at the northeast corner. The submitted elevation sketch was drawn showing the roof height as 28'. The reading from the digital measuring device indicated 26'. As for the 22'-6" measurement, it might be true for the lower roof on the north side. The site plan for the north property at 2305 4`" Street was drawn showing the width of the house as 40' (footprint taken from ciry aerial topo map.) After field verification the actual width is closer to +/- 34'. This revised width was estimated by counting the number of bricks in a row and multiplying by one brick's length. The submitted sketch elevation for this house show the width to be 32' and should be drawn at 34' in width. All neighboring measurements aze correct to our best knowledge and cannot be more accurately measured without a professional survey of both properties. We are submitting a revised site plan and east elevation sketch with the new corrected dimensions additional elevation information pertaining to the south house. 1 'U ('~l.A C. 1~-~~-D 5~/ Ryan & Katherine Mclntyre 420 Pine Street Boulder, CO 80302 Members of the Landmarks Preservation Advisory Board c/o Mr. James Hewat Historic Preservation Planner and Staff Liaison, Landmarks Preservation Advisory Board Park Central Building 1739 Broadway, 3rd fl Boulder, CO 80302 CC: Tom Higley and Nanette Beall 805 Maxwell Avenue Boulder, CO 80304 Re: Public hearing and consideration of a/andmark alteration certificate to remove the roof, remode/ a non-contributing house and add a 2,490 sq. ft. second-story addition at 2299 4th Street in the Mapleton Hil/ historic district, per 9-11-18 of the Boulder Revised Code (HIS2007-00028) Applicant: Harvey Hine Owner.~ Thomas K Higley Members of the Landmarks Preservation Advisory Board: We are writing to voice our support for the proposed remodel of 2299 4`n Street in the Mapleton Hill historic district. We are familiar with the property and live less than one block away on Pine Street between 4'h and 5ih. We know that the structure is a modern one, and have toured the property, spoken with the owners Tom and Nanette and the architect Harvey Hine, who is a weN-respected professional with a reputation for doing great work with modern architecture. We support Tom, Nanette and Narvey's vision and efforts to build a second story addition that will be true to the vision of the original house and believe they will tailor the construction to cause the addition to both contribute to the surrounding neighborhood and to maintain the original architectural style of the home, as recommended by the General Design Guidelines and the Mapleton Hill Historic District Design Guidelines. Finally, we would like to mention that while we respect and appreciate the need for historic preservation in general and historic preservation in the Mapleton Hill District in particular, we are not in favor of a regulatory approach that subjects even modern buildings, constructed "outside the period of significance" to the same scrutiny and standards as are applied to historic structures. In our opinion, there are numerous homes in the Mapleton district that are not historically significant, nor are they architecturally interesting or aesthetically pleasing, and we would hope that a flexible policy concerning these homes will lead to an overall improvement in the neighborhood over time that will benefit all members of the community. Inflexible policies with respect to homes that are clearly not historic can also unfairly and negatively impact the equity value in these homes, depriving long-time owners of the equity appreciation in their properties when potential new buyers learn that renovations on these properties may be impossible or require enduring a protracted and expensive process. One again, we believe this is a project worth supporting that will contribute to the neighborhood and preserve the original architectural style, and we encourage the Members of the Landmarks Preservation Advisory Board to approve this project. Sincerely, Ryan Mclntyre, 420 Pine Street , ~~~Z~L~~~ ~~ ~~ ~~~~~~ Katherine Mclntyre, 420 Pine Street A RT & Sou~ Mazch 3, 2007 Members of the Landmazks Preservation Advisory Board C/O James Hewat Pazk Central Building 1739 Broadway, 3'~ Floor Bouider, CO 80302 CC: Thomas Higley & Nanette Beall RE: Public heazing and consideration of a landmazk altercation certificate to remove roof, remodel a non contributing house and add a 2490 sq ft second story addition at 2299 4`~' Street in the Mapleton Hill historic district, per 9-11-18 of the Bouider revised code (his2007-00028) Applicant Harvey Hine: Owner: Thomas Higley Dear Mr. Hewat and Members of the Landmarks Preservation Advisory Board, I am writing on behalf of Thomas Higley and Nanette Beall. I purchased 814 Maswell Avenue in 1995, and was living there when they moved in across the street to 805 M~well. Over the past several years, I have come to know them not only personally and professionally, but to value their commitment to the Boulder community and the Mapleton Hill historic district. I am fatniliaz with the house at 2299 4`~ street, and have seen the plans drawn by their architect Harvey Hine. I have full co~dence that the renovation that they are proposing at 2229 4~' Street will not only enhance and maintain the original modem azchitectural style of the house, but will be in keeping with the overall standards of the neighborhood and respectful of the character of the district. Please feel free to contact me at any time with any additional questions you may have. Thank you for your time, I~X -~~~ Deborah Klein Owner ~ Art & Soul Gallery i Residential address: i 2432 10`~ Street i Boulder, CO 80302 r 1615 PEAR~SL, BoUIDER, CO 8o3oz PH,3o3-544-5803 ~ Page 1 of 1 Heidi Joyce - Fwd: Support for 2299 4th Landmark Alteration Certifcate From: Timothy Plass To: James Hewat Date: 3/5/2007 5:25 PM 5ubject: Fwd: Support for 2299 4th Landmark Alteration Certificate Begin forwarded message: From: Ryan Mclntyre • Date: Maroh 5, 2007 1[:16:38 AM MST To: 4wolass@aol.com>, domay~mayyin-architecture.c_o.m>, ~kornblumnC~qwest net>, <kwatson~frii.com>, <lerucker~comcast.net> Cc: Tom Higley atom~tomhigiey.com>, Katherine Mclntyre <kmcintyre~stanfordalumni.org>, Ryan Mclnryre <ryan(~mobiusvc.com>, <nanettomato~~hoo.com> Subject: Support for Y299 4th Landmark Afteretion Certificate Dear Neighbors, We live about a block away from 2299 4th Street on Pine Street, just off of 4th, are familiar with the neighborhood and have toured the property at 2299 4th owned by Tom Higley and Nanette Beall and have examined the architedurel plans and drewings and discussed their goals for the proposed project with then. We believe that Tom & Nanette have worked diligently and in good faith in cooperetion with their architect Harvey Hine to improve upon 2299 4th in a way that is consistent with the original design intent of tTre house that also incorporates elements of the Historic Distrid's vernacular in the design as well. This is a single story home built in 1970 on a block surrounded by much larger two story houses. And to us, it is also clear that that side of 4th Street has a different charader than the rest of the Mapleton Hill Historic District. The proposed changes to the house will be done in an aesthetically pleasing manner and serve simply to bring the home up to the the standards of the other houses around it. We are also aware that a few members of the community have made efforts to organize opposition to what seems to us a reasonable proposal. It is oRen that case that a small minority of individuals who are vocal in their opposition to a proposal can have undue impact on a decision-making process. As such, we wish to voice our support in favor of the approval of the Landmark Alteration Certificate for 2299 4th Street. Best, Ryan & Katherine McIntyre 420 Pine Street Boulder, CO 80302 Page 1 of 1 Heidi Joyce - Fwd: 2299 4th Support From: To: Date: Subject: Attachments: Timothy Plass James Hewat 3/5/2007 5:26 PM Fwd: 2299 4th Support Begin forwarded message: From: "Jason Mendelson" cj Date: March 3, 2007 624:51 rm ma ~ To: <lerucker~comcast.net>, <kwatson~frii.com>, <komblumn~qwest.net>, <lomay~mav-vin- architecture.com>, <lwplass~aol.com> Subject: 2299 4th Support Landmarks Board, I wanted to email you to give Tom Higley support in his bid to add his planned addition at 2299 4~' street. I've reviewed the site and the plans and fully support him and Nanette. Please see the attached letter. Best, Jason March 3, 2007 Members of the Landmarks Preservation Advisory Board Go Mr. James Hewat Historic Preservation Planner and Staff Liaison, Landmarks Preservation Advisory Board Park Central Building 1739 Broadway, 3rd fl Boulder, CO 80302 Re: Public hearing and consideration of a landmark alteration certificate to remove the roof, remodel a non-contributing house and add a 2,490 sq. ft. second-story addition at 2299 4th Street in the Mapleton Hill historic district, per 9-11-18 of the Boulder Revised Code (HIS2007-00028) Applicant: Harvey Hine Owner.~ Thomas K. Higley From: Jason Mendeison 453 Pine St, Boulder, CO 80302 I am familiar with the Higley property and have reviewed the proposed plans. I live in the same neighborhood as the propecry and am familiar with the modern building at the site. I'm writing in support of Mr. Higley's proposed modifications of his home at 2299 4~" Street. Specifically, I support the pian for an addition of a 2ntl story to the b~ilding and I think their plan preserves the original architectural style of the building and respects the overall character of the neighborhood. Sincerely, 1 ~ Jas n A. Mendelson Cc: Tom Higley & Nanette Beall Page 1 of 1 Heidi Joyce - Fwd: 2299 4th Street From: Timothy Plass To: James Hewat Date: 3/5/2007 5:27 PM Subject: Fwd: 2299 4th Street Begin forwarded message: From: °Craig Willert' Date: March 5, 2007 t0:5u:26 AM MST To: derucker~comcast.neb, akwatson~fni.com>, <komblum~gwest.neb, doamy~may-vin- architecture.com>, dwplass~aol.com> Subject: 2299 4th Street [Unable to display imagej Greetings, I am writing to confirm my support for the application to renovate the property at 2299 4~' street. While the architectural style is not to my taste, I do believe that the applicant is working within the historic guidelines - both in adhering to the structures original architectural style and in appropriate mass and density. Further, I dislike the current street appeazance of the home, and would welcome the additional presence that the addition will provide. I wanted to write as it is likely I will not be able to appeaz in person. We have a couple of little ones that need to be put to bed on schedule - and my wife and I cannot both attend. Good ]uck on your deliberations. Craig Willert 454 Highland Ave. Page 1 of 6 Heidi Joyce - Fwd: [MapletonHillNeighborhood] 2299 4th From: Timothy Plass To: James Hewat Date: 3/5/2007 5:27 PM Subject: Fwd: [MapletonHillNeighborhood] 2299 4th Begin forwarded message: From: "Thomas Higley" Date: March 4, 2007 11:02:46 PM MST To: MapletonHi{INeighborhood~yahoogrouos com Subjed: [MapletonHillNeighborhood] 2299 4th Reply-To: MapletonHillNeighborhood~vahoogroups com Hello Catherine et al. Recent Activi Per Catherine's request, I have attached a copy of the New Member east elevation for the proposed renovation at 2299 4th. Visit Your GrOUp It may also be worthwhile to provide some SPONSOREI background and outline a few key features of this LINKS project. First, the existing structure at 2299 4th is not an historic structure. It was built in 1970, outside . Culture the "period of significance" referenced in the General change Design Guidelines and the Mapleton Hill Historic • Hill District Design Guidelines. City staff has also countrv concluded that the building is not a"significant . Hill newer" building. The structure at 2299 4th is, countrv therefore, a"non-contributing" structure from the real estat perspective of both the GDG and the MHHDDG. • Ma letor real estat We are aware that some people in the neighborhood . Beacon believe that all construction in the Historic District hill ought to embrace and replicate the architectural styles that prevailed during the "period of significance." Got Yodel? These people may find it difficult to accept as legitimate any construction within the Historic District Best Yahoo! that is charcterized by a modern atchitectural styling - Yodel Page 2 of 6 whether this modern construction is entirely new or an addition (as in our case) to an existing non-historic building. While this may seem to some to be a reasonable view, it is not the view supported in the language of the GDG or the MHHDDG. The building at 2299 4th was commissioned by Bob & Helen Davis and designed, at least in part, by the architect Gale Ables. We have a deep appreciation for Bob & Helen and a genuine respect for what Bob & Helen and Gale Ables tried to do with this home. Section 5.3 of the GDG, "Additions to Non-Historic Structures in Historic Districts" states: Alterations to non-contributing buildings built in a recognizable architectural style should preserve and respect that style. The recognizable architectural style of the building at 2299 4th is Modern, and that is the style our design is meant to preserve and respect. To remake the home in a"faux old" style would be disrespectful both to the existing architecture of the structure at 2299 4th and also to those homes in the district that represent such wonderful examples of the architecture that the District and the Landmarks Preservation Advisory Board were created to preserve. Several provisions in the GDG and MHHDDG speak direclty to the issue of additions to non-historic structures or new construction in the context of the character of the neighborhood, and I will make reference to two of them here. The first, from the Section 6.1 of the GDG, "Distinction from Historic Structures" states: The replication of historic architecture in new construction is inappropriate, as it can create a false historic context and blur the distinction between old and new buildings. While new structures must be Give us your best yodel and wir Yahoo! Photo Create your own Photo Gifts Yahoo! Mail Drag & dro~ With the all- new Yahoo! Mail Beta Page 3 of 6 compatible with the historic context, they must also be recognizable as new construction. The second, from Section U of the MHHDDG, states: While new construction should fit into the character of the Mapleton Hill Historic District, there is no intent to require historic imitation. It is appropriate that new designs incorporate the elements that contribute to the character of the District, such as overall mass, rooflines, windows, porches, front entries, etc. However, innovative ways of incorporating such elements and modern expressions of detailing are strongly encouraged. Finally, we have seen the fliers distributed in the neighborhood that describe this project as nearly "6,000 square feet." In fact, the finished square feet above grade (not includang the basement) totals about 4,300 square feet and is quite appropriate for a lot of more than 11,000 square feet surrounded by wonderful homes that are themselves quite substantial in size. Again, we hope this helps, and we welcome any questions anyone may have. Wann regards, -- T Tom Higley -•->-~- Messages in this topic (1) Reply Lvia web post) ~ Start a new topi~ Messa~es ~ Files ~ Photos ~ Links ~ Database ~ Polls ~ Members ~ Calendar 0 4 ... ~ f'~. ,4 :Y 4 ~~ ~ { -. K_. :;y..~~x ' t~ ,:, ~ ~~" . . _ ~. ~ . .. 4 t ~Y , i ~ A „; I * m 3~' . ,+pYNi.l~q{N4SN~' _" f{ p,~ '3 i ~ ~ ~ a ~ 4~ f ~ . Y, i ~ i P ~ ~ a d s w' ~, . ~~. af . ~ ~~~".t .. ' :u.;Y...~~ ~.. ;~'s: ~ . ^H .:;_ ` : ~: "~,- ~,~; +;: . ~r~; r. ~~"„„. ~d ~ ao c~ ~ O ~ ~ ":; 1 . ~f ,~~„Rti ~~~ _ . . - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~! t _ .: s . _ i~... . . . Page 1 of 2 Heidi Joyce - Fwd: Support for 2299 4th Street modification From: Timothy Plass To: James Hewat Date: 3/5/2007 5:28 PM Subject: Fwd: Support for 2299 4th Street modification Begin forwarded message: From: i Date: March 4, 2007 10:07:51 PM MST To: IeruckerC~comcast.net, kwatsonC~frii.com, kornblumnC~3qwest.net, lomay@may-yin-architecture.com, TW Plass Q aol.com Subject: Support for 2299 4th Street modification I am writing to the Landmarks Preservation Advisory Board to urge you to support the renovation plans for 2299 4th Street. My husband and I have lived in Boulder for 15 years and recently moved into a newly constructed home. During the site selection I traveled throughout Boulder for three years Iooking at properties and neighborhoods searching for what would constitute a good match between architectural design and compatibility with surrounding homes. I've seen good matches and bad matches. As proposed, the modification for 2299 4th Street definitely presents a good match. The existing residence compliments the surrounding homes, and as drawn, the new plans will be consistent with the current design. Forth Street has a variety of home styles including the modern home existing on the property. Proposed alterations will not detract from the house or the neighborhood. For this reason I urge members of the Landmarks Preserving Advisory Board to approve the renovation plans. Regards, Diane Rosenthal Diane Rosenthal Page 1 of 1 Heidi Joyce - Fwd: 5upport for 2944 4th Street Addition From: Timothy Plass To: James Hewat Date: 3/5/2007 5:28 PM Subject: Fwd: Support for 2944 4th Street Addition Begin forwarded message: From: Dan Friedlander Date: March 4, 2007 6:03:33 PM nna i To: <hewaj~bouldercolorado.govThis> Cc: deruck _r_~comcast.neb, <kwatson~frs.com>, akornbiumn~qwest.neb, <lomay~mav_y_in- architecture.com>, <twplassC~?aol.com> Subject: Support tor 2944 4th Street Addition Dear Landmark Board, I have looked at the plans for 2944 4th Street and am very impressed by both their architectural and site sensitivity. It is clear that a great deal of effort has been invested to remodel in a manner that is both functional and an asset for the neighborhood. I urge you support this project. Sincerely, Dan Friedlander (303) 499-0300 Page 1 of 2 From: Timothy Plass To: James Hewat Date: 3/5/2007 5:28 PM Subject: Fwd: 2299 4th Street Begin forwarded message: From: 'Marcus A. Martin" ~ Date: March 4, 2007 420:73 rna M~ i To: IeruckerC~comcast.net, kwatson~frii.com, kornbium~awest net, loamv~mav-vin-architecture com, twolass~aol.com Cc: Paula JK Martin < SubJect: 2299 4ih Street Reply-To: TO: Landmarks Preservation Advisory Board We live at 522 Highland Avenue. We will not be able to attend the March 7th hearing concerning the proposed addition to the above-referenced property. However, we wanted to state our objection to the size of the proposed alteration, which based on our review of plans we believe is not appropriate as it will overwhelm the existing historic structures in both mass and scale. Further, we are concerned that the site drawings of the proposed alteration are not accurate and do not properly reflect the true scale and size of the project. We believe the drawings attempt to minimize the actual mass and scale of the proposed project. You may contact us at (303) 442-3950 if you have any questions. Thank you. Marcus & Paula Martin Page 1 of 2 From: Timothy Plass To: James Hewat Date: 3/5/2007 5:29 PM Subject: Fwd: Landmark alteration Certificate Begin forwarded message: From: "Elizabeth Flanagan" • Date: March 3, 2007 4:38:17 rM MST To: <lerucker~comcast.net>, <kwatsonQfrii.com>, <kornblum~awesi net>, <loamk@may-vin- architecture.com>, <iwolass~aol.com~, <hewat~boluldercolorado.aov> Cc: "'Nanette" <nanettomato~yahoo.com>, "Tom Higley'" dom~vaultalliance.com>, "Howard Diamond" <hdiamond C~J egartnersolutions.com> Subject: Landmark alteretion Certificate Dear neighbors, As home owners on 4U' street in Boulder, we take seriously the character of our neighborhoods, and are very interested in the things that make Boulder special. On the other hand, we get annoyed when people use community character as an excuse to protect self-interest. We recently received the hand-out about the proposed renovation of 2299 4U' Street After reading the cover letter we assumed one of our historic homes was being gutted to be replaced by some monstrosity which would overwheim the neighborhood and destroy the special tlavor of the Mapleton Hill neighborhood. Instead of reacting too quickly, we decided to try and find out what was really being proposed so we could understand the facts of the situation. Imagine our surprise to learn that the house in question was actually built in 1970, that the renovation being proposed would be consistent with the current "tlavor" of the house, aad that the new total square footage of the home would be consistent with the houses around it. We are glad we didn't have a knee jerk reaction against this proposal without considering the reality of the proposal. It is obvious that some of the people opposing this renovation are doing so because of self-interest, but using the guise of neighborhood impact. Based on this, we decided to take the time to write to you in support of the proposal for the remodel of 2299 4th street. Opposition to change of any kind without justification makes no sense for our city or our community. Sincerely, Elizabeth Flanagan Diamond & Howard S Diamond Page 2 of 2 3084 4U' Street Boulder, Colorado 80302 Elizabeth Flanagan Diamond, CMT 3084 4th St. Boulder, CO 80304 303 6012080 Page 1 of 1 From: Timothy Plass To: James Hewat Date: 3/5/2007 5:29 PM Subject: Fwd: [MapletonHillNeighborhood] Intro; 2299 4th Street; Landmarks Board Meeting Begin forwarded message: From: Andy Horning << Date: March 3, 20071G.~i: ia r~m nnsi To: MapletonHillNeighborhood~vahoogroups.com Subject: Re: [MapletonHillNeighborhood] Intro; 2299 4th Street; Landmarks Board Meeting Repty-To: MapletonHillNeighborhood~yaho_ogr~u sp com xi Tom, This is off-line...thanks for writing to the group as it provides an altemative take on the package we received on our doorsteps yesterday opposing your design. I live at 437 Highland Avenue and have gone thmugh the historic district review process to tear down a~ old garage and build a new one...I know it can be a long and frustraring process at times. Anyway, I don't really have any problems with the new design regarding its height etc. but I do wonder why not just tear the building down since it wasn't built in a period of significance, as the board notes, and build something tl~at connects with the neighborhood mare. See the house on the southwest corner of Sth and Highland. Thoughts? Thanks Tom! Andy and Genny Horning 437 Highland Avenue Boulder, CO 80302 Messages in this topic (3)Re~ly (via web oost) ~ Start a new tooic M a es Fdes Phot4.@ I inks ~ D abase ~ Polls I Mem rs ~ CaI n r Chanae settinos ~ia the Web (Vahoo! ID required) Change settings via email: Sw~tch deliverv to Dailv Dwesk ~ Switch format to TradiFional Visit Your Groqg_~ Yahoo!_Grouos Terms of Use ~ Unsu scribe RECENT ACTIVITY New Members Visit Your Grouo SPONSORED LINKS • Culture chanc • Hill countrv • Hill countrv re estate • Mapleton real estate • Beacon hill Got Yode4? Best Yahoo! Yodel Give us your best yodel and win! Yahoo! Mail You're invited! Try the all-new Yahoo! Mail Beta Yahoo!Photos U~load & Order Same-day pickup at Target Page 1 of 1 From: Timothy Plass To: James Hewat Date: 3/5/2007 5:29 PM Subject: Fwd: [MapletonHillNeighborhood] Intro; 2299 4th Street; Landmarks Board Meeting Begin forwarded message: From: Caiherine Schweiger Date: March 3, 2007 12:39:30 PM MST To: <MapletonHillNeighborhood~yahoogrouqs com> Subject: Re: [MapletonHillNeighborhood] Intro; 2299 4th Street; Landmarks Board Meeting Reply-To: MaoletonHiilNeiohborhood~yahoogrouuscom --just a reminder that if you wish to reply "off-line" please enter the RECENT ACTIVITY recipienYs e-mail address rather than using the send now command New Members Tom-I am OK with your posting an attachment (showing elevation of front Visit Your Group fasade?) and brief summary of your project to the group. I think it is an SPONSORED LINKS appropriate use of the group. Catherine Schweiger • Culture chanc Group moderator • Hill count~ • Hill countrv re Messages in this to~ic (4)Reply (via web post~~ Start a new toQic estate Messa es Files Photos ~ Links ~ Database ~ Polis ~ Members ~ Calendar • Maoleton real estate Chanoe settinos via the Web (Yahoo! ID required) • Beacon hill Change settinqs via email: Switch deliverv to Dailv Diqest ~ Swrtch format to Tradi[ional Visit__YOUr Group~ Yahoo! Grouos Terms_of Use ~ Unsubs[ribe Got Yodel? Best Yahoo! Yodei -•--~- Give us your best yodel and win! v! Toolbar Get it Free! = easy 1-click access to your groups. Yahoo! Groups Start a aroup in 3 easy steps. Connect with others. Page 1 of 2 From: Timothy Plass To: James Hewat Date: 3/5/2007 5:30 PM Subject: F~d: [MapletonHillNeighborhood] Intro; 2299 4th Street; Landmarks Board Meeting Begin forwarded message: From: 'Tom Higley" Date: March 3, 2007 a: i a:n Hnn nn~ i To: MapletonHillNeighborhood~yahoogrouos.com Subject: [MapletonHfllNefghborhood] Intro; 2299 4th Street; Landmarks Board Meeting Reply-To: MaoletonHillNeighborhood_C~3yahooarouns.com Hello. My name is Tom Higley, and I'd like to introduce myself to the RECENT ACTIVITY group. We live in the Mapleton Hill Historic District on Maxwell Avnenue in a home we purchased in 2002. We very much love the Mapleton New Members Hil] Historic District, including its architecture, its people and its Visit Your Grouo (I1StlIlCY1vC CilazaCtCi. SPONSORED LINKS WhaYs Your issue? Recently, we purchased the property at zz99 4th Street, and our application for alteration is scheduled for a hearing of the full Film it. Change the Landmarks board at 6 pm on May ~th in Ciry Council Chambers (1T/~ world. Broadway). If you have any interest in the project, I urge you to attend and Got Yodel? provide your input. Best Yahoo! Yodel By way of background, the current home was constructed in i9~o and was occupied by Bob and Helen Davis, the original owners, unti] we Give us your best purchased it in November zoo6. It is a modern home, and our plan for renovation is intended to respect and preserve that modem style as yodel and win! recommended by the Mapleton Hill Historic'District Design Guidelines and the General Design Guidelines. Yahoo! Photos With our architect, Harvey Hine, we've developed a plan to add to the exisring sYructure in a way that conforms to the syniax of the Easy Uoload District - e.g., respecting the vernacular that characterizes homes in througout the district by i~corporating a poreh-like element and Share photos now incorporating other elements of the vernacular of the district while also remaining consistent with the home's original modern architecture. Yahoo! Mail Whatever your views, we welcome your input, and we would be happy to You're invited! provide additional information - including a summary of our application, the elevations, etc. - though out of respect for this forum, we'd prefer to do that "offline" via separate email Try the all-new communication. Yahoo! Mail Beta Kind regards, - Tom Messages in this topic (1)Reply (via web post~~ $tart a new to~[r Mes a s Files Ph ~ Links ~ Database ~ Polls ~ Mem rs ~ Calendar Page 1 of 2 From: Timothy Plass To: James Hewat Date: 3/5/2007 5:30 PM Subject: Fwd: [MapletonHillNeighborhood] FW: Mapleton Hill Yahoo Group Attachments: Begin forwarded message: From: Catherine Schweiger Date: March 2, 2007 4:54:00 PM MST To:'MapletonHillNeighborhoodC~yahoogroups com' <MapletonHillNeighborhood~vahoogrouos com> Subjed: [MapletonHillNeighborhood] FW: Mapleton Hill Yahoo Group Reply-To: Map~etonHillNeiqhborhood~yahoogroups.com ------ Forwarded Messaqe Visit Your From: susan scnu~te < GIOUp Date: Thu, 1 Mar 2007 22:28:12 -0700 SPONSOREI Tor Subject: Mapleton Hilt Yahoo ~roup LINKS Hi Catherine, Kim Keech suggested I contact you. There is a house at 2299 4th Street that may • Culture be "technically demolished` for a second story addition. The Design Review Committee Ct]an~e is giving their approval to the Landmarks Board, who is holding a hearing next week, on M h 7th i th 6 C il Ch • Hlll arc n , pm, e ounc ambers. I would like to invite the Mapleton Hill Community to leam more about the project and encourage them to come to the meeting. This n m h d ill b i t l 6000 f t d i d f COUllt 1~ ew mo e ouse w e approx ma e y square ee an s initely a e - diversion from the architecture in the neighborhood. I am attaching a letter to this email • Hlll ihat I hope can be shared with your list. I have packets of information that include the rendering and the elevations of the proposed project. I would like Io drop off a packet for COUntrv you. Please let me know if you are interested and if you would be able to share the attached invitation. 2'C11 eSta.t~ Thanks, • Ma letOX real estat Susan Schulte 230541hStreet . Beacon hill ------ End of Forwarded Message -•_,_•- Got Yodel? Messa~s in this topic (1) Re~ly (via web post~) Start Best Yahoo! a new to~ic Yodel Messa~es ~ Files ~ Photos ~ Links ~ Database ~ Polls ~ Give us your Members ~ Calendar best ~ yodel and wir Chanee settings via the Web (Yahoo! ID required) Yahoo! Mail Change settings via email: Switch delivery to Dai1X Next ~en ema Trv the all-ne Page 1 of 1 From: "Susan Schulte" To: "James Hewat" Date: 3/5/2007 6:52 PM Subject: 2299 4th James, James, OK, so I am told that the surveyors would have done the measuring to determine the height from lowest point of grade. I trust they did their job. But... can you please tell me where I can get a copy of the solar calculations? Thanks, Susan Page 1 of 1 From: Timothy Plass To: James Hewat Date: 3/5/2007 7:16 PM . Subject: Fwd: Landmark Alteration 2299 4th Street in the Mapleton Hill Historic District Begin forwarded message: From:"DeanJohnson"• Date: March 5, 2007 7:1,,.,,.. rm nnS i To: derucker~comcast.net>, <kwatson~frii.com>, <kornblum~qwest.net>, <loamv~may-vm- architecture.com>, <twplass~aol.com> Subjed: Landmark Alteration 2299 4th Street in the Mapleton Hill Historic District Dear Landmarks Preservation Advisory Board members: We live on Highland Avenue one block from the proposed addition. We feel that neither the modem architectural style nor the overvvhetming size of the addition fits in with the overall historic character of our neighborhood. Dean and Christina Johnson Dean M. Johnson dmiohnsonsr@comcast.net Page 1 of 2 From: Timothy Plass To: James Hewat Date: 315/2007 7:42 PM Sub,ject: Fwd: [MapletonHillNeighborhood] Re: 2299 4th Street; Landmarks Board Meeting Begin forwarded message: From: °Thomas Higley" Date: Maroh 5, 2007 7:~~..,~. ~ ~~~ i.~.,, To: MaoletonHillNeiqhborhood~yahoo~roups.com Subject: Re: [MapletonHillNeighborhood] Re: 2299 4th Street; Landmarks Board MeMing Reply-To: MaoletonHilWeighborhood~~hoogroups.com I'm happy that people care enough about the neighborhood to become so involved in this discussion. It's clear that someone has gone to a great deal of trouble to try to create a visual representation of our plan. Marije is right that these drawings include some of the basic elements in our design. Unfortunately, they are also missing some very fundamental components. For example, the design reflected in these drawings leaves out the porch and door that are such a large part of Harvey Hine's genius in reconciling what is clearly the renovation of a modern structure (in a manner that respects and preserves that architectural style) with the more tradirional elements ( e.g., porch and front facing door) found in most of the homes in the Historic District. Please note the east elevation that I supplied in an earlier post to this list. Thanks again for taking the time to comment and participate in this process. And I do hope those of you who are able will plan to attend the Landmazks Board meering on Wednesday, March 7, beginning at 6 pm (i~7~7~7 Broadway, City Council Chambers). In that session more illustrarions of the project will be available, including (we hope) an animarion that provides a much clearer view of the proposed renovation from multiple angles. Warm regards, -T On 3/g/o~, Marije terEtlen-Flaherty !Hello everyone, Tote: I agree with Tom that visuals are helpful in this matter. Here are a icouple more perspectives. We did our best to make an accurate ~model, ;going off the architectural drawings that were provided. I think Tom will agree that this is very close to his design. `fhanks, SvSarije terEllen-F7aherty ~403 Highland Ave. RECENY ACTIVITY New Members Visit Your GrouQ SPONSORED LINKS • Culture chanc • Hill countrv • Hill countrv re estate • Maoleton real estate • Beacon hill Got Yodel? Best Yahoo! Yodel Give us your best yodel and win! Yahoo! Mail You're invited! Try the all-new Yahoo! Mail Beta Y? GeoCities Create a Bloq And tell the world what you think. Page 1 of 2 From: Timothy Plass To: James Hewat Date: 3/5/2007 7:42 PM Subject: Fwd: [MapletonHillNeighborhood] Re: 2299 4th Street; Landmarks Board Meeting Begin forwarded message: From: Catherine Schweiger Date: March 5, 2007 728:16 rnn nna i To: <MapletonHillNeighborhood~yahoogroups com> Subject: Re: [MapletonHillNelghborhood] Re: 2299 4th Street; Landmarks Board Meeting Reply-Ta: M~IetonHillNeighborhood(~?yahooarouos.com Thanks for sending out the "3-D" images. They cleared up a question I had about where the second story addition started. Now I have a question about setbacks: Because the existing structure sits so close to the street, is it OK to build on top of that structure even though the existing garage doesn't meet set back requirements (at least I don't think it does)? Catherine S On 3/5/07 6:44 PM, "Marije terEllen-Flaherty" Hello everyone, I agree with Tom that visuals are helpful in this matter. Here are a couple more perspectives. We did our best to make an accurate model, going off the architectural drawings that were provided. Ithink Tom will agree that this is very close to his design. Thanks, Marije terEllen-Flaherty 403 Highland Ave. RECENT ACTIVITY New Members Visit Your Grou~ SPONSORED LINKS • Culture chanc • Hill countrv • Hill countrv re estate • Manleton real estate • Beacon hill Got Yodel? Best Yahoo! Yodel Give us your best yodel and win! Yahoo!Photos Order Online Pick up at Target Start now Yahoo! Mail Get on board You're invited to try the all-new Mail Bete Messages in this topic (6)Reply (via web post) ~ Start a new tooic Page 1 of 1 From: Timothy Plass To: James Hewat Date: 3/5/2007 9:40 PM Subject: Fwd: 2299 4th Street Begin forwarded message: From: "Chris Centeno' Date: March 5, 2007 9:18:53 PM MST To: twPlass~aol.com, lomay~mayyin-architecture.com, komblumnC~owest.net, kwatson~frii.com, terucker~comcast.net, jcenteno~centenoclinic.com Subject: 2299 4th Street Dear Board members, We have just completed a renovation of 541 Highland and have reviewed the plans for 2299 4th street. This is a contemporary home with modern bones, and the plans are wonderfully true to that property. As a neighbor, we support the plans as they are currently presented. Christopher J. Centeno, M.D. Page 1 of 3 From: Timothy Plass To: James Hewat Date: 3/5/2007 9:41 PM Subject: Fwd: [MapletonHillNeighbarhood] Re: 2299 4th Street; Landmarks Board Meeting Begin forwarded message: From: "centenohighland' Date: March 5, 2007 9:13:04 PM MST To: MaoletonHiliNeiqhborhoodC~?yahoogroups com Subject: [MapletonHillNeighborhood] Re: 2299 4th Street; Landmarks Board Meeting Reply-To: MapletonHillNeighborhood~yahooc,~roups,com Tom, RECENT ACTIVITY We think the design is great. I understand that this is a historic New Members neighborhood and we all have a love for Victorian buildings. Visit Your Grouo However, your lot has a contemporary home which is also the history SPONSORED LINKS of this neighborhood. I think this process can get out of hand when neighbors become a bit too involved. We all need to keep this in • Culture chanc perspective...people starving, war in Iraq, global warming....hopefully • Hill.countrv we all get the idea. We respect that you are honoring the soul of • Hill countrv re that house. These are major life decisions for you and your family estate that a neighborhood can't decide. We have just completed a • Mapleton real renovation and know what you're going through. We'd be happy to estate write a letter of support to the landmarks board. • Beacon hill Chris and Jen Centeno Got Yodel? 541 Highland --- In MapletonHIllNeighborhoodCa)yahoogroups.com, "Thomas Higley" Best Yahoo! Yodel <tom@...> wrote: > Give us your best > I'm happy that people care enough about the neighborhood to become so yodel and win! > involved in this discussion. It's clear that someone has gone to a great > deal of trouble to try to create a visua] representation of our Yahoo! Mail plan. ~ Get _o_n_board > Marije is right that these drawings include some of the basic elements in You're invited to try > our design. Unfortunately, they are also missing some very fundamental the all-new Mail Bets > components. For example, the design reflected in these drawings leaves out > the porch and door that are such a large part of Harvey Hine's Yahoo! Photos genius in > reconciling what is clearly the renovation of a modem structure Uoload 8 Print (in a > manner that respects and preserves that architectural style) with Same-day pickup the more > traditional elements ( e.g., porch and front facing door) found in at Target most of Page 2 of 3 > the homes in the Historic District. Please note the east elevation that I > supplied in an earlier post to this ]ist. > > Thanks again for taking the time to comment and participate in this process. > And I do hope tlaose of you who are able wil] plan to attend the Landmarks > Board meeting on Wednesday, March ~, beginni~g at 6 pm (1T/~ Broadway, City > Council Chambers). I~ that session more illustrations of the project will be > available, including (we hope) an animation that provides a much clearer > view of the proposed renovarion from mulriple angles. > > Warm regards, >-T > > On 3/5/07, Marije terEllen-Flaherty <marije@...> wrote: >> > > Hello everyone, >> >> I agree with Tom that visuals are helpful in this matter. Here are a >> couple more perspectives. We did our best to make an accurate model, >> going off the architectural drawings that were provided. I think Tom >> will agree that this is very close to his design. >> > > Thanks, » > > Marije terEllen-Flaherty >: >> » » » » » >> >> >> » > > > -- > ------------------------------------- > Tom Higley > Messages in this tooic (8)Reply (via web oost) ~ Start a new to~ic Mess es Files Photos ~ Links ~ Database ~ Polls I Membere ~ a~ nd r Chanoe settinas via the Web (Yahoo! ID required) Change settings via email: Switch deliverv to Dailv Diqest ~ Switth format to Traditional Vist Your Grouo ~ Yahoo! Grouos Terms of Use ~ Unsubscribe Page 1 of 1 From: Ted Guggenheim To: ,,,, Date: 3/5/2007 9:56 PM Subject: 2299 4th Alteration Request CC: Dear Landmarks Preservation Advisory Board, We are the residents of 2424 4t St., owners of the home since 1996. We are very familiar with the property at 2299 4th St. and while the home may not have been built during a traditionally, "historically relevant" period, there is in fact a great tradition of modern homes built during that time both in Boulder and throughout the country. It is our opinion that the new owners of the property, fortunately, have a great appreciation for the architecture of that period and should be celebrated for that. The due diligence and thoughtfulness that they have applied to the redesign of the home is possibly unprecedented and should be encouraged by the historical board for that fact alone. The proposed scale of the modification appears appropriate to the lot and original footprint. The proposed design conforms with many other recently modified homes in our neighborhood, as well as, the connected properties. We applaud the notion that the "history" of homes did not occur between 1850 and 1950, and wholly endorse the modification requested by the homeowners, in order to update the property to that of a more adequate space, as many area homeowners have recently realized. The fact that the homeowners are embracing the original architecture and not asking to "scrape" the house to build a psuedo-traditional home is a wonderful concept that we wholly embrace. With respect, Ted Guggenheim Sr. Vice President CelebrityAceess EventN/ire Page 1 of 3 From: Timothy Plass To: James Hewat Date: 3/6/2007 7:56 AM Subject: Fwd: [MapletonHillNeighborhood) Re: 2299 4th Street; Landmarks Board Meeting Begin forwarded message: From: "Thomas Higley" Date: March 5, 2007 10. ~ ~.~~ ~~.~ ~..... To: MapletonHillNeighborhood~kahooyrou~s.com Subject: Re: [MapletonHillNelghborhoodj Re: 2299 4th Street; Landmarks Board Meeting Reply-To: MapletonHillNeighborhood~yahoogroups com Hi Chris and Jen, Nanette and I really appreciate your support and encouragement. We are wonderfully fortunate to be able to live in this country, in this City and in this neighborhood. And there are most definitely more important things in the world to worry about. Still, as I have said before, we understand and appreciate how much people love this neighborhood, are connected to it and want to see it protected and preserved. And we do too! As you intimated, this is has not been a simple process. It can sometimes be frustraring to discover that enormous effort, expense and earnest attempts to follow the General Design Guidelines and the Mapleton Hill Historic District Design Guidelines are misunderstood, overlooked or in the worst cases ignored altogether. That is why it is especiaIly encouraging to have the support of someone who has so recently been through the process. Thank you very much. We would be grateful, indeed, to have you write a letter in support of the project. If you are able to attend the hearing itself on Wednesday, we will look forward Yo seeing you then. If not, we hope to meet you soon. Kindest regards, - Tom (& Nanette) On 3/5/07, centenohighland '1'om, wrote: think the design is great. I understand that this is a historic ;hborhood and we all have a love for Victorian buiidings. vever, your lot has a contemporary home which is also the this neighborhood. I think this process can get out of hand when ighbors become a bit too involved. We all need to keep this in rspective...people starving, war in Iraq, global we all get the idea. We respect that you are honoring the soul of khat house. These are major life decisions for you and your family ~that a neighborhood can't decide. We have just completed a renovation and know what you ie going through. We'd be happy to write a letter of support to the landmarks board. ReceNr acrrvirv New Members Visit Your Grou~ SPONSORED LINKS • Culture chanc • Hill countrv • Hili countrv re estate • Maoleton real estate • Beacon hiil Got Yodel? Best Yahoo! Yodel Give us your best yodeland win! Y! Toolbar Get it Free! easy 1-click access to your groups. Yahoo! Groups Start a oroup in 3 easy steps. Connect with others. Page 2 of 3 Chris and Jen Centeno 541 Highland --- In ManletonHillNeighborhoodCa~yahoogrouos.com, "Thomas Higley" <tom@...> wrote: > > I'm happy that people care enough about the neighborhood to become so > involved in this discussion. It's clear that someone has gone to a great > deal of trouble to try to create a visual representation of our plan. > > Marije is right that these drawings include some of the basic elements in > our design. Unfortunately, they are also missing some very fundamental > components. For example, the design reflected in these drawings leaves out > the porch and door that are such a large part of Harvey Hine's geniusin > reconciling what is clearly the renovation of a modem structure (in a > manner that respects and preserves that architectural style) with the more > traditional elements ( e.g., porch and front facing door} found in most of > the homes in the Historic District. Please note the east elevation that I > supplied in an earlier post to this list. > > Thanks again for taking the time to comment and participate in this process. > And I do hope those of you who are able will plan to attend the Iandmarks > Board meeting on Wednesday, March ~, beginning at 6 pm (i~T7 Broadway, CiTy > Council Chambers). In that session more illustrations of the project will be > available, including (we hope) an animation that provides a much clearer > view of the proposed renovarion from mulriple angles. > > Warm regards, >-T > > On 3/5/07, Marije terEllen-Flaherty <marije@...> wrote: » > > Hello everyone, >> >> I agree with Tom that visuals are helpful in this matter. Here are a >> couple more perspectives. We did our best to make an accurate model, >> going off the architectura] drawings that were provided. I think Tom >> will agree that this is very close to his design. Page 3 of 3 » > > Thanks, o> ;> > Marije terEllen-Flaherty > > 403 Highland Ave. » >> >> >> » » » >> » >> > > -- > Tom Higley > Tom Higley Messages in this topic (9)Reolv Nia web post~~ Start a new to~ic Messa es F~le Photos ~ Link~ ~ Da[abase ~ Polls ~ Members ~ Calen r Chanqe~ettings via the Web (Yahoo! ID required) Change settings via email: $witch deiiverv to Dailv Digest ~ Switch format to Traditional Visit Your Gro~~ Yahoo! Grouos Terms of Use ~ Unsubscribe Page 1 of 1 From: Timothy Plass To: James Hewat Date: 3/6/2007 7:57 AM Subject: Fwd: [MapletonHillNeighborhood) Re: 2299 4th Street; Landmarks Board Meeting Begin forwarded message: From: Linda Cornett Date: March 6, 2007 o.uo.o~ ..~~~ ~.~., ~ To: <MaoletonHillNeighborhood~yahoogroups.com> Subject: Re: [MapletonHillNeighborhood] Re: 2299 4th Street; Landmarks Board Meeting Repty-To: MaoletonHillNei~hborhood~yahoo~rouos com We have just completed a RECENT ACTIVITV renova[ion and know what you're going Ihrough. We'd be happy to wri[e a let[er of support to the landmarks boazd. New Members Visit Your Group SPONSORED LINKS Chris and Jen Centeno 541 Highland • Culture chanc • Hill coun~ • Hill countrv re And received an awacd from Historic Boulder for it's quality and attention to detail. estate Congramlations. • Maoleton real estate Linda Comett • Beacon hill (lookiug at your place from 620 Highland) Got Yodel? Messages in this topic (10)Rep~ (via web post~~ Start a new topi~ Best Yahoo~ Yodei Messa es Files Photos ~ Links I Database ~ Polls ~ Members ~ Calendar GIVe US yOUf b2St - yodel and win! Chanoe settinas via [he Web (Yahoo! ID requireG) Y8h00! MSII Change settings via email: Switch deliver~o Dailv Diaest ~ Swi[ch format to Traditional Next gen email~ Visit Your Grouo ~ Yahoo~ Grouos Terms of Use ~ Unsubs[ribe Try the all-new Yahoo! Mail Beta. ~ Yafioo! Pfiotos ~ - U~load & Print Same-day pickup at Target 3/7%2007) Heidi Joyce - A Question 4~ ~+~ ~ ' Page 1 From: Nanette To: James Hewat <HewatJC~3bouldercoloraao.yu~~ Date: 3/6/2007 9:31 AM Subject: A Question Hello James, Can you tell me if the disclosure of "ex parte" communication refers only to communication with the applicant, or does it also include communication with those in opposition to the applicants proposal? Thank you, Nanette Page 1 of 1 From: Heidi Joyce To: LPAB2007 Date: 3/6J2007 10:06 AM Subject: Fwd: 2299 4th Street »> Amy Muller 3/5/2007 9:22 PM »> Hello, I am writing to express support of the request to remodel the non-contributing house at 2299 4th Street. Thanks, Amy Muller 1019 Mapleton Ave Boulder, CO Need Mail bonding? Go to the Yahoo! Mail Q&A for great tips from Yahoo! Answers users. htto:/Ja nswers.yahoo.com/dir/?link=list&sid=396546091 Page 1 of 1 From: To: , , , Date: 3/6/2007 11:27 AM Subject: Re: 2299 Proposed Addition CC: Attachments: Landmarks Preservation Advisory Board: While I am not opposed to general improvements to the neighborhood, it appears that the proposed addition to 2299 4th Street, far exceeds the mass and scale of any of the immediate neighboring residences. The proposal calls for a completed size of approximately 4300 square feet above grade. The average size of the houses immediately surrounding the properry is about 2700 square feet above grade, making the proposed property over 1600 square feet or 59% greater in scale (see attached analysis). The mass of the proposed home is exacerbated by iYs "box design." Already tipping the scales at nearly 6000 square feet, the "block design" will make this already excessive residence appear even larger. The massive scale of the house is more typical of "The Resenre" than of Mapleton Hill. I urge the Landmarks Board to reject this proposal, which will detract from the overall historic character of the district by overwhelming existing buildings in mass and scale. James P. Gregorich AOL now offers free email to everyone. Find out more about whaYs free from AOL at AQL.com. Page 1 of 1 From: "Susan Schulte" To: "James Hewat" Date: 3/6/2007 11:41 AM Subject: Re: 2299 4th James, Can you please get a copy for me? Thanks, Susan ----- Original Message ----- From: James Hewat To: Susan Schulte Sent: Monday, March 05, 2007 9:46 PM Subject: Re: 2299 4th Hi Susan: Solar calculations are typically done by the applicant. I assume that they Harvey Hine has done them as part of his design, though I have not seen them. He is probably the best person to ask or I can ask him, if you like. ]ames Hewat »> "Susan Schulte" James, James, > 3J5J2007 6:52 PM »> OK, so I am told that the surveyors would have done the measuring to determine the height from lowest point of grade. I trust they did their job. But... can you please tell me where I can get a copy of the solar calculations? Thanks, Susan Page 1 of 2 From: To: ,,,, Date: 3/6/2007 1:18 PM Subject: Landmark Aiteration Certificate for 2299 4th Street (HIS2007-00028) To: Landmarks Preservation Advisory Board I am writing with regard to your request for comments on the proposed remodel/addition to 2299 4th Street in the Mapleton Hill Historic District. Having completed a remodel of our own historic home (directly south of the proposed remodel), I have a true understanding of what it feels like to buy a home and to want to make it "yours" in every way, especially given the cost of such an undertaking. Despite my sympathy, however, I do not think the applicants have given enough creative thought to how they can accomplish their goals without detracting from this truly historic neighborhood. My opinion is based both on 1) the nature of the existing house, and 2) on the visual impact of the proposed addition on this historic neighborhood. Although the existing home is modern in nature, it is truly what I would call "historic modern." It was jointly designed by a renowned architect, Gale Abels, and by it's previous owner, Helen Davis, a life-long student of modern design and an accomplished modern artist. Although I am certain Helen would downplay the significance of her involvement, the multitude of people who have established and funded the Helen B. Davis Scholarship Fund at the University of Denver would argue to the contrary. The current home has been featured on several home tours, is beautifully designed, and although now 30 years old, is wonderfully functional even by today's standards. While I would certainly agree that many of the homes along the west side of 4th Street are "non-contributing," I do not understand why the Landmarks Preservation Advisory Board, or anyone else, would consider this home lacking significance. Regardless, however, of whether the Board has decided this home has individual significance, there can be no denying that the size and design of the proposed addition shows little respect for historic nature of the district. Not only does it dramatically increase the above ground square footage of the house (well beyond any of the neighboring homes), the "square" nature of the addition, half of which directly faces the street, makes the impact even more dramatic. I do not believe the drawings submitted to the Board accurately represent this impact. On a personal note, I would just like to say that we were faced with many of the same challenges that the applicants are now faced with, that is how to update Page 2 of 2 and expand an older home in a historic neighborhood, while still respecting our neighbors and the historic nature of the district. I am certain the applicants, with a little more thought, can have the house of their dreams, while aiso respecting the historic nature of the home and iYs surroundings. Sincerely, Shefly Benford 2241 4th Street Boulder, CO 80302 303.413.9057 AOL now offers free email to everyone. Find out more about.whaPs free from AOL at AOL.com. Page 1 of 1 From: Timothy Plass To: James Hewat Date: 3/6/2007 3:37 PM Subject: Fwd: [MapletonHillNeighborhood] Re: 2299 4th Street; Landmarks Board Meeting Begin farwarded message: From: Catherine Schweiger Date: Marcn 6, 2007 1:53:3a PM MST To: <MaoletonHillNeighborhood~yahoogroups.com> Subject: Re: [MapletonHillNeighborhood] Re: 2299 4th Street; Landmarks Board Meeting Reply-To: MaoletonHillNeighborhood~yahoogrouns com I have the packet for landmarks board for tomorrow's hearing. There is RECENT ACTIVITV information on the proposed project on 4th Street. New Members If anyone is interested in reading through it, you can find it on my front Visit Your Group porch. I'il put a rock on it so it doesn~i bIOW dWaY. SPONSORED LINKS Please feel free to sit on my steps and read through it but leave it so others may also take a look through the packet. • Culture chanc Catherine Schweiger • Hill countrv 328 Maxwell (behind tall, ugly wood fence). • Hill countrv re estate Please do not let black and white cat out the gate if he is in the garden. • Maoleton real Please feel free to rub his tummy (and it's Ok to laugh at him as he thinks he estate is normal). • Beacon hill Messayes in this tooic (12)Repiy (via webpost) ~ Start a new to~ic Got Yodel? Mes a Fil s Photos ~ Links ~ Database ~~ ~ Members I Calendar gest Yahoo! Yodel Give us your best Chanae settinos via the Web (Yahoo! ID required) yodel and win! Change settings via email: Sw~tch delrvery to Dailv Diaest ~ Switch format to Traditional Visit Your Grouo ~ Yahoo! Grouos Terms of Use ~ Unsubscribe Y8h00! PhOtOS Uoload & Share Delight friends -'- -'- and family Yahoo! Mait Drag & drop With the all-new - Yahoo! Mail Beta Page 1 of 5 From: Timothy Plass To: James Hewat Date: 3/6/2007 3:38 PM Subject: Fwd: 2299 4th Street ~ Begin forwarded message: From: Marije terEllen-Flaherty Date: March 6, 2007 3:30:44 F m iwa i To: lerucker~comcast.net, kwatson~frii.com, kornhlum nancy <korr~6lumnC~qwest.net>, IoamyC~may-yin- architecture.com, twolassC~Jaol.com Cc: Marije terellen <. Subject: 2299 4th Sireet Dear Board Member, I am writing you regarding the application for an addition to the home at 2299 4th Street set to be reviewed by you tomorrow evening. What concerns me is that while Tom Higley has launched a massive letter writing campaign, calling in favors from everyone he knows, the majority of the people we have spoken to who are against this proposal are planning on staying silent because they "don't want to get into it with him". Approval for a major project such as his should not be won like this. We are working to counter this and other manipulation of the system. To that end, I am attaching some rough 3D renderings of the proposed new home. While we did our best to make the models accurate, we had only very basic information to go off. Design details are therefore not included, but that is also not the point of the drawings. We are not taking issue with the fact that one modern home is replacing another in that location. The problem is that it is over the top and massive. Thank you, Marije terEllen-Flaherty ~ f;~, ~ ~ x b ~ Ua N N O ~ ~ ~,: , ""~~+.fe ._ ~. ~~.J ..~^~:4 ' ~R _ ~ ,r f - ~.{,y~ ;.sr ~~ n;'.a«~ : t .- . . . ... ........ . .. .. . . Page 4 of 5 ' , ~ .~ `• ! ' 'q- . . •~,,~,.__~ . . ~`"``.-- - n ; ''~~~-^-~....... ri ~~'"""w.•~~ ~ ~,' ~ ~R_ [ - Page 1 of 1 From: Timothy Plass To: James Hewat Date: 3/6/2007 4:06 PM Subject: Fwd: 2299 Fourth Street Begin forwat-ded message: From: Date: March 6, 2007 4:04:33 rM M51 To: <twp_I_ass_C~?aol com>, <IeruckerC~3comcast_net>, <kwatsonQfrii.com>, <kornblumn~qwest.net>, <lomay @ may-yin-architecture.com> Subject: 2299 Fourth Street As the original owner of the residence 2299 Fourth Street, Boulder I find it fascinating the concern shown over the request by Tom Higley to remodel. The West side of Fourth Street between Mapleton and Pearl has been known as one of the most interesting areas in Boulder with its most eclectic architecture styles most of which were built or remodeled before Landmarks or Historic Boulder days. Please support the Higley-Hines proposal as it continues the contribution that good and vital architecture can bring to a community. Helen B. Davis 4840 Thunderbird Drive Apt. 283 Boulder, CO 80303 720-562-8034 3/7/2007) Heidi Joyce - support of the 2299 4th st pro'ect ~ Page 1 From: "paige bodine" To: <hewatjCDbouldercolorado.gov> Date: 3/6/2007 8:01 PM Subject: support of the 2299 4th st project CC: <lerucker~comcast.net>, <lelandr~newsgator.com>, <kwatson~frii.com>, <ko. My 17 years in the Mapleton Hill Historic District have been marked by a heightened appreciation of the aesthetics resulting from the countless home improvemenUexpansion projects. Ours is a thriving neighborhood in large part because of the strict building guidelines and requirements coupled with the substantial resources within the homeowner ranks. For this, I am most grateful as I have witnessed rampant disregard for the fundamentals of conceptually valid design within limited lot sizes (read Newlands). In reviewing the details of the 2299 4th St., I believe this to be a vast upgrade with a considerable degree of sensitivity paid to the surrounding homeowners. It is a certainty that this property is in the best hands, and the transformation will be both modest and stunning. Sincerely, Paige Bodine 815 Maxwell _ __. _ _ ___ . __ _ 3!7/2007) Heidi Joyce Re: technical question... ~' '4 ~' ~ Page 1 From: Marije terEllen-Flaherty ~r To: James Hewat <HewatJ~bouldercolorado.gov> Date: 3/6/2007 9:03 PM Subject: Re: technical question... Thanks for the quick response, James, see you Wed night Marije On Mar 6, 2007, at 5:02 PM, James Hewat wrote > Dear Ms. Ellen-Flaherty: > > In the RL-1 zoned district if more than 50% of the basement needs > to have foundation 2' or more above grade in order to be considered > floor area. If less than 50% is 2' or more above grade, it is not > technically considered floor area. As far as I tell, this house > does not meet this standard. > > James Hewat > Historic Preservation Planner > City of Boulder > 303.441.3207 > > »> Marije terEllen-Flaherty .,,,,2007 4:30 PM »> > Hi James, > > I have a question about something that might seem insignificant but > has been bothering me. The house at 2299 4th is stated to have an > unfinished basement. What defines unfinished? 1 have been down > there quite a few times and it looked pretty finished to me. > > Thanks, ' > > Marije terEllen-Flaherty > 403 Highland Ave. Page 1 of 2 From: Timothy Plass To: James Hewat Date: 3/6/2007 9:31 PM Subject: Fwd: 2299 4th Street Begin forwarded message: From: BBaker Date: March 6, 2007 922:3:1 F'M MJ I To: <IeruckerC~tcomcast.net>, <kwatson dfrii.com>, <kornblum~qwest.net>, <IoamyC~mayyin- architecture.com>, <twolass~aol.com> Subject: 2299 4th Street Landmarks Board Members, As a citizen of Boulder, a business owner, and a lover of architecture, I would like to cast my positive opinion on the changes proposed for 2299 4th street. I have reviewed the plans and feel comfortable that the addition to the property will enhance the Mapleton Hill experience. I am, frankly, dismayed at the opposition to this project and to the idea that "all progress is bad." It seems to me that we need to move forward in Mapleton Hill, while maintaining the heritage that brought us to this neighborhood in the first place. The plans for 2299 4th street succeed in this endeavor. As the people who will be responsible for this decision, I'm hoping you will weigh heavily in favor of this fine addition to our community. I am suddenly unable to attend your meeting tomorrow, but I am hopeful that you will enter this note into your official record and that your decision will be true. Page 2 of 2 T't1arilC yOU, Brian Baker 303.956.7270 Page 1 of 2 From: "Susan Schulte" To: > „ Date: 3/6/2007 9:37 PM Subject: 2299 4th Street CC: "James Hewat" Landmarks Preservation Advisory Board: Although a seemingly influential, determined owner has decided he is entitled to an overbuilt modern home at 2299 4th Street, there are many reasons this proposed house needs to go back to the drawing board. At a Design Review Meeting I attended in October, regarding this project, members of the Design Review Committee pointed out that the houses located on the North/South streets of the Mapleton Hill Historic District are somewhat smaller than the houses located on the East/West Streets. I suspect the logic behind this is to capture the views to the west. If this house were to be approved, the Red Rocks views out the front doors of Highland Street residents would be replaced with large white boxes. The Modern Architectural style of this house speaks of volume, mass and scale. This mass and scale overwhelm the existing buildings, and contradicts the guideline that states, "it is not appropriate to construct an addition that will detract from the overall historic character of the district by overwhelming existing buildings in mass and scale." The existing home has a very lovely and significant lower level, but it is now labeled an "unfinished basement." Although this level is large, we can deduct it from the overall "above grade" and the house is stifl 1700 square feet larger than the average square footage of houses on 4th Street between Spruce and Mapleton, also including the houses between 4th and 5th Streets on both Highland and Spruce. The proposed structure is enormous and occupies almost the entire VISIBLE lot. This large of a footprint, including cantilevers, contradicts the guidelines that state the"proportion of built mass to open space should not be significantly different from contributing buildings." I'm definitely in favor of improving the aesthetics of this neighborhood, but this proposed "addition" is not the way to accomplish that mission. Thank you, Susan Schulte 2305 4th Street 720.272.0909 Page 2 of 2 The above letter was unsolicited and I did not receive "suggested contenY' from a third party. Page 1 of 1 From: "DAVID KIRK" To: Date: 3/6/2007 9:39 PM Subject: Concerns with 2299 4th Street Attachments: Hi James, I've attached my concerns with 2299 4th Street that I provided to the Landmarks Board Members. Thank you again for your hard work on this project over the last few months. You will see from my letter I am opposed to the current version of the project, but it will be interesting to hear the project reviewed tomorrow night. David Kirk 3!7/2007) Heidi Joyce - Deny application for 2299 4th Street, please f~ ~ LL~ " Page 1 From: Marije terEllen-Flaherty < To: <IeruckerC~Jcomcast.net>, <kwatson~frii.com>, kornbium nancy <kornblumn~qw... Date: 3!6/2007 10:21 PM Subject: Deny application for 2299 4th Street, please CC: James Hewat <hewatjC~3bouldercolorado.gov> Dear Landmarks Board, I am writing to express my concerns about the proposed project at 2299 4th Street. I am 100% opposed to this project. I feel that both the large size of the building and the ultra-modern design are inappropriate and damaging to the site. Please deny approval of this project. Sincerely, from within the district, Joseph Michalski 505 Highland Av. Page 1 of 1 From: Timothy Plass To: James Hewat Date: 3/7/2007 9:41 AM Subject: Fwd: 2299 4th Street-landmarks review Begin forwarded message: From: 'Lori A. Carlucci" ' DetB: MBfCh 7, 2007 9:3o.co r~rv~ rvio i To: <lerucker~comcast.net>, <kwatson~frii.com>, <komblum~qwest.net>, dwolass@aol.com> Sub~ect: 2299 4th Street-landmarks review Hello, I understand Ihere is a landmarks review meeting tonight regarding a remotlel at 2299 4th Street. Wow, has this created a tizzy in ihe neighborhood. I am writing to encourage everyone to review this as it xroultl any other projecl, review it on the merits of the design and its impact on the neighborhood, and not on'we received more letlers in favor than opposition...' As a neighborhood and facilities planner I see two issues with ihe proposed building; mass and size Of the footprint. Alihough the lot itself is large, the proposed house takes up almost the entire buildable porlion. Secondy, its just massive; it feels so heavy. I am curious if there is a solar impad plan? Looks as i( ihe neighbors to ihe imrth will lose most of their natural sun light. Albeit a cooi desigtt, its in the wrong neighborhood. Thanks for your time. Lori Caducci 2441 Sth Street ps sorry my computer kept kicking mail to Leonard May, please forward Page 1 of 1 From: Timothy Plass To: James Hewat Date: 3/7l2007 10:05 AM Subject: Fwd: 2299 4th Street Begin forwarded message: From: "Norman PINKHAM" Date: March 7, 2007 10:02:42 nM MST To: <lerucker~comcast.net>, ckwatson~frii.com>, <kornblum~awest.net>, doamyC~may-vin- architecture.com>, <twplass@aol.com> Subject: 2299 4th Street Dear Board, I am writing about the proposed changes to 2299 4th Street. The proposed changes are striking. While the design elements are very much in keeping with the architectural style of the original home, my concern is the scale. I cannot help but feel, the addition of an entire third Floor with a flat roof at the height limit, will overwhelm not only the narrow !ot but also the neighborhood. While there are large homes in the immediate vicinity, they are of all less square footage and on corner lots on the opposite side of the street. The size of the lot, the landscaping, and the size of the homes are proportional. These homes are on a grend scale but it is not disproportional. The appearance of the proposed changes to 2299 4th Street are disproportional. While it is a beautiful architectural feature, I believe the light refleding off of the three- story high curved glass block east facing wall will only highlight the scale of the proposed changes and serve to overwhelm the variety of other architectural styles in the neighborhood. Thank you in advance for your consideration of my input, Norman Pinkham Page 1 of 2 Heidi Joyce - Landmark Alteration Certificate for 2299 4th Street (HIS2007-00028) From: "Tom Flaherty" To: , > „ Date: 3/7/2007 1:30 PM Subject: Landmark Alteration Certificate for 2299 4th Street (HIS2007- 00028) Landmarks Preservation Advisory Board, I would like to take this opportunity to share my opinion on the proposed demolition at 2299 4th Street. As I look through he drawings of the proposed new house, I am troubled with the idea that we can witness another demolition (see below) in the historic district. Yes the same historic district that it appears to be easier to tear down a home than to change a paint color or move a window. I do believe that this is constitutes a demolition, as the only architecturally significant remains of the original house is the front door. In addition, the eastern elevation clearly demonstrates the overwhelming profile, dwarfing the existing footprint and completely ignoring the Environmental Significance Criteria for Landmark Districts. Considering the name of this board, Landmarks Preservation Advisory Board; where is the Preservation? I think it is time for the home owner and architect to revisit what living in a historic district actually means, and actually create a more appropriate solution. Therefore, I am requesting that you deny the Alteration Certificate applied for 2299 4th Street. Unfortunately I cannot attend tonight's meeting, I hope the e-mail will serve as a proxy to actually attending in person. Is there a way to "dial in" this evening? Regards, Tom Flaherty 403 Highland Ave Boulder, CO 80302 408-455-4785 Cell Page 2 of 2 http://www. bouldercolo rado. gov/index. php? ~tion=com content&task=view&id=1430&itemid=531 Demolitions To prevent the loss of buildings that may have historical or architecturai significance the Design Review Committee of the Landmarks Preservation Advisory Board reviews applications for demolition of buildings over 50 years old. Demolition of buildings on landmark sites or within historic districts requires a Landmark Alteration Certificate. How is "Demolition" Defined? For the purposes of the Design review Committee's review, "demolition" means an act or process which removes: . 50 percent or more of the exterior walls of a building as measured contiguously around the "building coverage;" or . 50 percent or more of the roof areas as measured in plan view; or . any exterior wall facing a public street, but not an act or process which removes an exterior wall facing an alley.