5B - Public hearing & consideration of a landmark alteration certificate to construct a 2400 sq. ft.MEMORANDUM March 7, 2007 TO: Landmarks Preservation Advisory Board FROM Susan Richstone, Interim Long Range Manager Chris Meschuk, Historic Preservation Planner Alice Gilbertson, Historic Preservation Intern James Hewat, Historic Preservation Planner SUBJECT: Public hearing and consideration of a landmark alteration certificate to construct a 2400 sq. ft. house at front of property and rehabilitation of the contributing building at the rear of the property at 70416"' Street in the 16~' Street historic district, per 9-11-18 of the Boulder Revised Code (HIS2006-00165) STATISTICS: 1. Site: 2. Historic District: 3. Zoning: 4. Owner/Applicant: 5. Date of Construction: 6. Historic Name(s): 7. Requested new const: 704 16`" Street 16"' Street RL-1 (Residential Low-1) Ed Lau 1932 Totten 2400 sq. ft, new construction. STAFF KECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the Board approve the proposed rehabilitation of the contributing building and the proposed new construction as to siting, mass, and scale with the following conditions: 1. That steps be taken to reduce the footprint of the proposed new construction to provide for a front setback closer to the 22' average for the district; 2. The final design should address the following design details: exterior materials, windows, and deck/balcony details and materials, as well as materials for doors, roofing, clapboard siding, and brick. 3. That final plans including those items listed above be reviewed and approved by the landmarks design review committee. Aeenda Item #SB Paee #1 This recommendation is based upon staff's opinion that with the conditions listed above, the proposal will be generally consistent with Section 9-11- 18(a)&(b)(1-4) B.R.C., and the General Design Guidelines. SUMMAIZY: ^ On January 4~', 2006, the Landmarks Board imposed a stay-of- demolition on 70416~h Street. ^ On June 27, 2006 Historic Boulder, Inc. submitted an application for the designation of five adjacent properties (including 70416~h St.), and on October 17`h, 2006, the City Council designated 700, 701, 704, 711, and 71616th Street as the 16'" Street Historic District. • Because of the potential impact to the district and interest in the case, the design review coinmittee referred the case to the full Board for review in a public hearing. ^ The stone garage/apartment building at 70416th Street was constructed in 1932 and is considered to be a contributing resource to the 16`h Street Historic District. • On December 6'h, 2006, the applicant requested continuance of an application to construct a 2047 sq. ft. addition to the front of the stone garage/apartment building in order to provide time for redesign. ^ Revised plans call for the rehabilitation of the contributing building and adjacent construction on the property of a 2400 sq. ft free-standing house. • In terms of mass and scale, staff is of the opinion that the proposal is generally consistent with the historic preservation ordinance and the General Design Guidelines provided the conditions listed in the staff recommendation are met. BACKGROUND: A demolition permit application for the house at 70416th Street was received on December 5'h, 2005. The Landmarks Design Review Committee reviewed the application on December 7'h, and determined that there was "probable cause° to consider that the building at 70416`" Street may be eligible for designation as an individual landmark. On January 4'h, 2006, the Landmarks Board imposed a stay- of-demolition on the property. Subsequently, several property owners adjacent to 70416th Street presented a petition to the Landmarks Board on June 19, 2006 requesting the formation of a historic district and on June 27, 2006 Historic Boulder, Inc. submitted an application for the designation of the five properties. On August 2, 20~6 the Landmarks Preservation Advisory Board reviewed and forwarded the application to the City Council with a recommendation to designate. On October 17`h, 2006, the City Council designated 700, 701, 704, 711, and 71616`h Street as the Aeenda Item #SB Paee #2 16"' Street historic district. Because the area is now designated as a historic district the proposal requires a landmark alteration certificate. On October 25"', a proposal to construct an addition to 704 16"' Street was reviewed by the design review committee. Because of the potential impact on the streetscape and public interest in the case, the proposal was Eorwarded to the full Board for review in a public hearing. On December 6", 2006, the applicant requested continuance of the application to construct a 2047 sq. ft. addition to the front of the stone garage/apartment building in order to provide time for redesign. The current application to rehabilitate the garage/apartment and to construct a 2400 sq. ft. free-standing house on the property represents the applicant's redesign. 704 16"' Slreet - c.1949 PROPERTY HISTORY: In 1906 the Denver and Boulder Land and Investment Company sold numerous blocks of land in the University Place addition to the Northern Colorado Investment Company. It appears that this company was owned by the Fulton Brothers, who also partially owned the Denver and Boulder Land and Investment Company. In 1930 the subject lot was sold to W.W. Morris, who sold it to Mary P. and Clyde W. Totten in 1932. The Tottens constructed the existing stone apartment/garage building later that year and three of the other four buildings in the district over the course of the 1930s. The address 70416"' street does not appear in the city directories until 1936, with the first reported residents being Elias D. and Sophia Seldin. Elias was a Earmer. Their two daughters, Alice and Bernicc als~ appeared to have resided in the small house, and wcre students at the University of Colorado. On the Boulder County Assessor card, the house is described as a two-car garage with an apartment. A~enda [tem #5B Pa~c #3 The city directc~ries indicate the bttilding was primarily rented to students, although Ms. Florence Carpenter (mother of astronaut Scott Carpenter) resided in the hotise for 10 years while working as the librarian af inedical records at Boulder Community Hospital. The house is considered to be a contributing resource to the 16"' Street Historic District. -z. 70416'" Street - November, 2006. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: Thc 1932 vernact~lar stone building c~n the 4923 sq. Et lot at 704 16"' St. has histarically fttnctioned primarily as a rental unit, with a garage below, and an apartment above. Measuring 26 feet in width by 22 feet in depth, with sliding glass doors and a centrally located doorway facing towards 16"' Street, the field stone builciing is located at the rear c~f the pmperty indicating that the edifice was probably constructed with the intent of further developing the lot. The majority of windows appear to be original one-over-one, double hL~ng wood frame windows. Sometime in the 1950s, the l~wer portic~n of the garage was cc~nverted to living space with the front porch (9' x 26') added in 1959. Sliding glass doors replaced the original garage doors. Prior to 1976 a carport was added to the rear oE the building and in the late 1970s the construction was enclosed as a shed. Currently, a narrow Frame shed measuring 3' x 18' is also attached to the north side of the stone buildin~;. ANALYSIS OF HISTORIC SIGNIFICANCE: While the building has been moderately altered c~ver the ycars includin~ the replacement of the west facing garage doors, addition of a west-facing c~vered porch, and the rnnstruction of a shed ~nd carport on the east elevation, the edifice associated with Clyde and Mary Tatten still retains a high degree of historic integrity and is, therefore, cc~nsidered to be a contributing resource to the newly designated 16''' Street Hist~ric District. Awenda [tem #SB Pa~c #~1 PROPOSED REHABILITATION & NEW CONSTRUCTION: Rehabilitation The applicant proposes to rehabilitate the contributing stone garage/apartment at the rear of the property. Plans call for the existing non-historic carport and shed on the alley-facing east elevation to be removed and a single-car garage door installed. The existing historic chimney and three upper-story windows are to be rehabilitated. Drawings also show that the historic upper story windows on the west elevation of the historic building will be preserved, while the lower (non-historic) sliding glass doors will be replaced two sets of three panel garage doors with fixed four light windows, and the non-historic covered porch will be removed. The applicant also shows the triangular pediment over the front door will be retained. . , , ~ ~ ~ - ----- - ~ , ~ ~ ---=?--.. _ ,:~. ~;~, ..~ 'i, '`: t ~ ~ I ` " ~,i._ _ _- - ~.~ , ` ` ~ I' ~~ '~ ~' 4 ~ ~ ~ i ,; , . ~ ,. .. ., ' ~ , : ~ ~ ; ' ' , , , ~zs-0 ~ ~ - ~- - , .. ~ '4~ ~ ~ I~3,. ``~ l _._'_ ~_ .. ~ '_ . - _ _ ~ ; ~ ~ ~ . I ` 55~ ~~~ ~ '~~.. I ' ~ ~s ~ ';f ~, 1~~ S ~ _ ------'--------- b ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ' I, ~S .i./ ! l o i ~ ``': ~ r _ ' y.'j _'~--.__.___. 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'j__..:.ii~l`_!. , ~1 a d:_'~ Cn ; 1 ~ ~--i ti7 J ~ C T o ~ ~ ~p _, m : , r . , ~r ~~~"f ° ~ ~ ~ ;''~~',t" ~ ~ I'~'~. •~~ ~~~~~ ~;~ ~ ,•;; -~,,. ~ ~ ~ ~ _ ~ y ., ~ ~~ i ~. ~~ ~~ ~~r~ ~ ~ o ~ ~~ ~.~.~~, n j ~,:~ ;; ; ~.`:i, ~,~: j'~~~ i~ - ' p ~ -- ~"' ~ii(.(.~4', ;' f~~l.{'1~,~,~1'~++'7; I y.'J.1yJy~' __ "_ __~-._.J New Construction: Proposed new construction - west elevation In plan, the proposed new construction is shown to have a footprint of approximately 1290 square feet and to be constructed 12' west (in front) of the historic garage/apartment building. The distance from the projecting portion of the porch to the west property line is shown to be approximately 15'. A~enda Item #5B Pa~e #7 The praposed new Craftsman Bungalow house is based upon a 1928 design taken from a Sears-Roebuck cat~loKue for the "Honor Bilt Oakdale" kit house. It features a front facing 3/4 width engaged porch, low-pitch roof, wide overhangin~ eaves, and exposed rafter tails The frame house is shown to be sheathed in clapboard, supported by a brick foundation, and to be fenestrated with three- over-one double hung windows and fixed, eight-light sash . Elevations indicate the west (front) face of the house to be one-story in height (17', 10" in height when measured from grade) and to be detailed with a brick- faced porch and supported by three Craftsman inspired tapered piers. The one-story house is shown take advantage of the declining grade to the east to allow for the installation of larger windows inta the brick fottndation, which is shown to be 5', 6" in height at the building's rear. Proposed south elevation ANALYSIS OF NEW CONSTRUCTION: Because of the location of the historic garage/apartment at the rear of the lot, the only location to build on the property is at the west (front) of this contributing building and for this reasc~n the application is unusual. The existing edifice was constructed as an accessory building at the rear of the property and has more presence on the alley than on the street, even though the garage was historically accessed from 16"' Street. In addition to the large front setback, the declination in grade will likely serve to diminish the impact of the building from the street. Plans are to re-establish the historic function of part of the ground floor of the stone building, but to provide vehicular access from the alley by way of a single- car garage door. The Historic Preservation Ordinance sets for the standards the Landmarks Board must apply when reviewing a reqttest for a Landmark Alteration Certificate. The Bo~ard has adopted the Generc~l Design Gttidelines to help interpret the historic preservation ordinance. The following is an analysis of the proposed demolition and new construction with respect tc~ relevant guidelines. Design guidelines are :1~enda Item #~B Pa~e #8 intended to be used as an aid to appropriate design and not as a checklist of items for compliance. GENERAL DESIGN GUIDELINES ALTERATIONS TO CONTRIBUTING SUILDINGS, 3.0: Exterior Materials - Masonry 3.6 Meets Guidelines Guideline? 1 Ori;in~zl Iri~toric fi~~i~l~r ~rtr~tc~~~i~~ls Existing hist~~ric windows, door, and Yes . ~hc~ufd ~c~ prese~~~~ed rind r~t~pnired - masonry to be preserved. iuheri repr~irin,~ ~rutsuriri~ it;e iT ~~f~c> >ri~~tr trrhrri~ ~i~~~ rui~1 nrnrt~~r. Windows 3.7 1 R~~t~~i~~ ~irul C~f~~~~ert~~~ ~°.~~i~ti~r,~~ Irr~t~~ri~ HiStorir ~vin~ic»~v~ ~nd duu~~~ tivill be Yes zt~i~ido<<~s rt~rcludijt~ th~ir fut~ctional rehabilitated. decov~iti-ve fe~itt~res ... Lrt some crrses, it mi~qht be nppropriate to use zvindozu eletrierits frorn the srde or renr ~~1~~~~«tio~1~ t~~ r~~,air tJru~~~ u~r t{<<~ frnrrt. 3.8 Doors FI'OIIf ~~001'5 ~iYiG~ ~)i'ililr7l"I~ P111 J"(lli( i'S l71"L' !71)1U11~r f{IP 1110SC lltl~)01't~Ii]t L:~C~71Pl~ifS Of ~lISf01"IC ~ll~(l~l~~iF1~~5. Thc ori~if~rr~l siac aild prn~~ortio~r nf ct fro~2t ~~oor, the c~etails of the door, tlrc door st~rroatrrd, i~nd the ~J~17C~711ti2f Of f)4C' ClUOY lTjj COilrl'1~76IfC f0 t~l[ C~4C71"~~C{Pl' Of f~'1C PYIt1"lTj1CP. Meets Guideline? i r:~~t«~,~ ~~~<<i ~~~~t~,t~f~~~~~ «ri ~„~~;;,,,~~~ ~i~~~„~~ j:,~~>>,t ~i~~~~ ~~z~~ ~~«~~r„~„t t~ i,~5r~»-;~ . ~ind cfoor ope~iin~qs. building will be preserved, ori~inal garage doors restored at west YES elevation as evident in 1949 tax assessor hoto. 2 Ret~in c~nd preserve the fi~nctional, Primary entrance to double garage YES proportionc~l arid decorrrtive will be restored triangular pediment fecttt.~Yes of c~ pYi~tzctrJ et2tt'it~2ce. over doorway and front daor will be These fcatures i~~clttde the door nrtd preserved. its fr~nrie, sill, liead, j~~mb, rrtoldings, cti~zd mi~ flnnking zvi rzd o ri~s. j If ctjr o~'igirtcil door rYtt~st be Openings of original garage doors YE5 ' replacPd, tlte ~'ej~lctcelttent dool' ~vill be preserved on west elevation. s{1ot~ld attcrtch fhe arl~qituzl ~25 Proposed glrage door on east closel~ as ~ossibfe. If thP origrnc~l elevation should replicate historic c~00Y C~OC'S i10t CX1St, thPl4 E~1C doors evident in 1949 tax assessor crppearcznce of the replacernent phc~to. should be hcrsed a~~o~2 sin~rilaf~ '~ historic hi~ildiri~~s. Aaenda Item #5B Pa~e #9 g DOOYS IYi C~C~C~Ifl0l1S (111C~ 11eI11 bt~ildings should -'~~1PCt yt'opoYtt01~1s Pro~o5ed ~ara~;e door on east elevation will replicate historic doors YES Of G~DOYS 111 fhC CYISfIIl~ btlllCllil~ originally on west elevation as shown atld/or Phe distt'icf. on 1949 tax assessor photo. GENERAL DESIGN GUIDELINES FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION, 6.0. 6.1 Distinction Erom Histori~ Buildin s .1 R~iildin~>~ ~h~~r~ld bc oC tl:cir c~zrni time: Neo-traditional in design, the YES creatin~> contetxpornry interpretntions of proposed new construction is historic ~lernents, closely based upon 1928 Sears and Roebuck Craftsm~n kit house design. Proposed construction will be distinKuishable as ne~v building through use of contemporary materials and systems, i.e. simulated divided li =ht windows. .2 luterpretatiorts of historic styles may be Proposed construction will be YES appropriate if they are di~tin~qaiishnble ns distinguishable as new building n<<c~. through use of contemporary materials and systems, i.e. simulated ~ divided li ~ht windo~vs. 6.2 Site and Setting Nern biiildiirg~ 5huaild be desi~t~ncd arrd lorntcd ~o N:nt si~~urfir~mt ~itc fentiires, includirig nuiturr trees, m~e t:nt lo~t ar obscured. The ~ize of tl~te nezn strtr~hu•es sho~~~ld ~tot ot~e~rpozoer tFie site or drnmaticnllt~ alter its hi~toric chnraeter. Buildirigs u~ithin historic ~~istricts y~eraeralli~ di~plai/ n eon~i5tcftei~ irt setbnck, orientatio~t, spncing and di~ttrnce befznce» adjnetnf bttildir~~~s. "I7at~r•efore, the ~-onrEuitibilitil nf F~rnpns~~d ueu~ crnrch•uction will he rez~i«ved to ensw•c thrrt these elernents nre ~rreixtainrd. 1 Coiifor»i to the desi~~>>: ~~~tidE~li~ies foanr~i Building location on the site and MAYBE iu Sc~cfivn 2.0 Sitc Desig~t, rc~~>m•dittg tiite orientation is typical for thc and ~ettin~t~ in developlit~~~ a proposed sitc~ neighborllood. 15' front setb~ck less plan. than 22' aver~ge for the other four houses in thc~ district. tlpplic~nt intends to take advantage of porch ordinance in urder to gain relief from rec uired 25' front setback. Z Desi~~~/T 1IET(~ CD1IStYL1CIIDII SD F{7Rt t{it' Construction of new house will YES oz~er~ilI charizcter of t11e sit~, site require removal of some vegetation, tope~Yraphy, cltnrncter-definin~~ site though applicant plans to retain eature~ a~rd h~ces arc rctnincd. mature trees at front of ro ert . 3 Site neiv co~:structiai tn be comprrtible Proposed ] ~' front setback is less MAYBE with ~(il')'OIfYIC~fH~~ b~iildiuy~s tliat than avera~;e of 22' for Eour other cotttrifn~te to the overnll clTm•acter n thc: houses in district. A~cnd~~ Itcm #~F3 Pa~c #l0 12istoric district iir ternas of ~etbnck, orientntiori, ~pacin~~>, arid dista~tce fro~ri nd'ncer~t buildiraYs. 4 Nc~z~~ ca~zstruction s11ould ~iot be The FAR for the proposed house MAYBE siY~tificantly differerit frorn coritributi~ig and existing garage building on 4923 historic bttildinE~s ifi the district i~i terrns s.f. lot, will be .4~. The average FAR of the proportiott of built rnass to open for the other Eour houses in the spnce on the individieal site. See district is .28 (average lots size is Guidelirte Z1."l. 6,455 s.f.). However, excluding existin~; contributing gara~e in calculation, Ff1R of proposed lzouse i s .26. 6.3 Mass and Scale ]n coizsic~ering the overnll co~npatibilit~ of r:ezn coiist~~r~tctiort, its height, fnrm, ri~assirlg, size nrici scnl~ z~~ill ~Il be revieu~ecl. The oz~ernll ~roportion i~f the bttilding's frout fa~ade is especialI~ irnportarit to coiisider si~tce it zvill hane the most impnct ofr tlte streetsenpe. While ~aezn coristri.~ction te~~ds to be lnrger thar: l~istoric birildings, reflectitig tlie rzeeds nitd ~~esires of the rn~~deni )zolneozviier, 1iez~~ structarres ~ho1-ild riot 6e ~o out-of-scale z~~ith the si~rrou~i~iri~~ builcliia~s as to loom over the»i. 1 Desi~n new buildi~igs to bc compntible Neo-traditional Craftsman YES ~vit{2 s~~n•irot.~ttcfittg l~i~~ildings tl~at Btingalow design is not found i~1 corttribtite to the overnll chnracte~~ nf thE: district though similar buildings on Fi{storic c~istrict ift terrns of height, size, the block and very ch~racteristic of scale, mnssili~~~, and p~roportiotts. buildings constructed during the eriod of si nificance Eor the district. 2 The mRSS and scale of ne~n cnTistr•uctior: Plans aild elev~tions indicate the yES should respect 1leigy:bor•ing buildings ~uid scale, massing, and orientation of the the streetsccrpe as n zoliole. proposed house will be coinpatible with nei hborin buildin s. 3 Historic ltei~>hts afcd u~idths ns tuell ns The proportions of the proposed YE~ tlieir ratios s)rould be ~itnintai~ied. The house are cansistent with those c~n proportio~ts of tlic frortt ta~ade are the streetsc~pe of the district. pnrticc~lnrl~ importaf~t a~id sho~ild be compntihle to those of st~rrc>a~r~dirt~~~ hiGtoric buildirt~s. 4 A r~ez~~ house cottstrircted behiud etlt Unusual conditivn in that new house N/A existin~~ histor•ic lior.ise should be of lesser• is being constructed in front of rr~ass anr! scale thari the original structttre. contributing accessory building. Proposed house ~vill be nearly 4' lower than existing ~;ara~e. 6.4 Materials Mat~°r~irrls shottld be siriiilar in sca(e, Plans call for thE: usc of clapboard and 1 ~7l'0 ~OYfIO}t, tC.YEl61'B, fC}liS]t, 11JTC~ COlOY hC1C~C t0 hE' LIS~Cj Oll ilE'W flOUS~ - A~enda Item #~B Pa~e #ll tv those foa~~tr~ ~»t ftcar•6y historic compatible with materials found on YES bciildin~=s. buildin s in the district. 2 Mni~ttai~t a l~irnrnTi scale bi~ az~oic~i~tt~ Proposed building shown to be YES lnr~S~e, fe~iturefes~ ~i~rfaces n~ic~ ~y iising re(atively diminutive - lower than EJ"llCl2t10111~II1~ SiZCCl ~Jllll(~211~~ contvoitertts adjacent houses. R311~ ITIRfCYllilti. 6.5 Key Buildin Elements ROOfS, ~)01"C~1CS, [~Ol"111L'1"S, 2(1Li1C~OTi1ti af1C~ C~0OYS [~l'L' SOl71f Of f~1P i?IOSf 117i~J0Yfl~7tf C{1l~Yl7CfPY-C~tfl}lI)1~' CI~YYIL'11fS Of 1i121J 6raildir~g. A5 ~uch, thei~ require exh-n atte~itior- to assiu~e tkat t{~ei/ complimeut tlr~ historic architect~rre. I~i additioii to t{ie S~uide[i~tes Gelozv, re er also to St~ctio~i 3.0 AJterntioxs or rclated tiul~t>estinr~s. 1 Design the spacin~~~, placerne-it, scale, Fenestrition on house shown in YES nrie~:tatiori, propoetiolt, nrect size of ~oirrc~oz~~ submitted clevations is generally a~~td cfoor npenin~~~ iti -iezn stritcturt~~ t~~ be compatible with historic compntible zvitlr the surrou~idi~t~~ Guildi~rgs buildings in the streetscape. thnt cortt~ribute to the historic ctistrict, while reflectiri~~~ the ~irrderl~ir2~> desi,~~r~ of the nc~zu 6tcilctrnE>. 2 Select zi>ir~dotus ai~d doors for ~rctc> b:rrldiu~~>s Specified windows and doors yES tknt are cnrrtpatiEJfe in rrraterial, Sl(I7C~1U1~(D)1, compatible with houses in propnrfiolt, patte~•n mrd detnii ~nith tltc district and those found on the Tl~T1(C~OZOS !ii(C~ (~00)'S of surror+~icli~t,~> b~iifctir:g~ larger 700 block of 16~~~ Street. that coirtribt~tc tv the historic district. 3 Ne~v h~cilrfin~~s should eise n ronf forrn fo-ntd "The proposed low gable roof YES iu tlze cfi~h~ict c~r uf~ the lnridmark site. form is compatible with roof forms found on historic buildin~;s in the distrirt. ~ Porches ~hould her coutpaEible i~t uut~sirt,~~ ruid The proposed porch on the front YES details to liistoric porches in tJ2e clisfrict, a~td end of the house is compatible should be apprnprinte to the stylc nf tl:c with houses in the district and lioc~se. appropriate to a neo-traditional Crafts~nan-Bun alow house. PUBLIC COMMENT: As mentioncd, the effort to desi~;nate the 16"' Street Historic District was prompted by plans to demolish the existing buildinK at 704 16'~' Street. Since the initial demolition application there has been significant interest on the part ~f neighbors as to the plans Eor constrt~ction on the property. Initial reviews of the proposal by the design review committee were attended by several people who expressed concern about the size and design of the proposed addition to the property. A letter tc~ the City Manager from a neighbor claiming that the design has not changed ~ince the December 20Q6 Board review and that the proposal is inconsistent with applicable design guidelines is in Ai-tnclTrnent E. A~enda Item #~K Pa~e #12 BOARD'S DECISION: The Historic Preservation Ordinance specifies that a Landmark Alteration Permit may not be approved by the Board or City Council unless it meets the conditions specified in Section 10-13-18 B.R.C. Specifically: (a) The landmarks board and the city council shall not approve an application for a landmark alteration certificate unless each such agency finds that the proposed work is consistent with the purposes of this chapter. (b) Neither the landmarks board nor the city council shall approve a landmark alteration certificate unless it meets the following conditions: The proposed work preserves, enhances, or restores and does not damage or destroy the exterior architectural features of the landmark or the subject property within an historic district; 2. The proposed work does not adversely affect the special character or special historical, architectural, or aesthetic interest or value of the landmark and its site or the district; 3. The architectural style, arrangement, texture, color, arrangement of color, and materials used on existing and proposed structures are compatible with the character of the existing landmark and its site or the historic district; and 4. With respect to a proposal to demolish a building in an historic district, the proposed new construction to replace the building meets the requirements of ~ara~raphs (b)(2) and ~ of this section. FINDINGS: With the conditions outlined in the staff recommendation, rehabilitation of the contributing building and adjacent construction of the proposed new house at 70416'" Street are consistent with the purposes and standards of the Historic Preservation Ordinance in that: 1. The proposal will not adversely affect the special character of the 16~~' Street Historic District (9-11-18,(b)2, B.R.C). 2. The proposed work will not damage or destroy the exterior architectural features of the landmark or the subject property within the district. Aeenda Item #SB Pa¢e #13 3. The architectural style, arrangement, texture, color, arrangement of color, and materials used the existing and proposed addition will be compatible with the character of the existing historic district. ATTACHMENTS: A: Historic Building Inventory Form B: Tax Assessor Sheets C: Site Plan and Elevations of proposed construction D: Photographs E: Letter from joel Ripmaster S:\Plan\dataVongrang\H1S"I7ALTCERTS\Historic Dis[ricts\Ibth StreetU6th.704\03.07.07\03.07.07 memo w edits.doc Aeenda Item #SB Paae #14 31a~7Yq0. NIi~aIW pC1Er~ irt*~a or ~renaeoiopy ria xictoric PI'eservetion 1300 Broediey, Demer, Wlorado l0203 NISTORIC BUILDIMG IMVENTORT RECORD NOT FOR FIELD USE Attachment A Eliyible ~~~t~a Det. Not Elipible _ Certified Rehab. Dste -°~tWECT NNE: bulder LLrvey of COIMTY: CITY: STATE ID NO.: SBL3419 Nistoric P[~ees, t941 Boulder Baulder TEIOORARY MO.: ti63•31-4-11-007 q1RREM1 BUILDIMG NNIE: OYMER: Reep PeuL S d Joen B ?b53 Sqruce St Boulder CO 60302 AODRESS: 7Pt 16th St. bulder, Wlordo E0302 TQMSNIP 1N RAMGE 70V SECTIOM 37 SY 1/4 SE 1/4 XISTORIt MIIIE: U.S.G.S. OWD MAME: Boulder, Colorado Sedlin Residenee YEAR: 1966 (PR1979) X 7.5~ 15' 21p BLOCK: 37 LOT(S): 20 DISTRICT W~ME: , ADD1TfON: Univercity VLece YR. OF ADD1710N: 7890 FILM ROII MO.: 91-20 MEWTIVE MO.: LOGTION OF MEGI~TlVES: DATE Of CONSTRUCTION: BT: Thooac Siwrons 77 Ciry of Boulder Plemin9 ESTIMIITE: ACTUAL: 1932 SOURCE: Boulder Canty Assessor USE: PRESENT: Residence HISTORIC: Residence CONDITION: ATTACH PHOTOGRAPH XERE E%CELLENT X GOOD FAIR DETER]ORATING E%7ENT OF ALTERATIONS: MINOR MODERATE X MAJOR DESLRIBE: Porth added across entire front of Aouse; Sliding gless doors edded on eech side of front door. CONTINUED YES X NO STYLE: Vernacular Mesonry 570RIES: ORIGINAL SITE N MOVED 2 DATE(S) OF MOVE: MIiTERIALS: Stone, Yood SC. f00TAGE: NATIONAL REGISTER ELIGIBILITY 1144 INDIVIWAL: YES % NO ARCXI7ECTURAL DESCRIPTION: Side gable roofed d+elting with overhanging eaves and wood shingle roofing. LONTRIBUTING TO DISTRICT: irregular sheped stone with flat surfece. Gable Yalts are eaapoBed of rendnn YES NO , ends heve rood 6iding end vmts. Cenier, gebled, tw-story mtrance bay uiih LOCAL LANDMARK DESIGNATION: No ~ood siding. Center, peneled and 9lazed door. Double-h~ng uindows with flat arches erd ctone sills end lintels. Center, stone chiimey. ~" DATE: ASSOCIATED BUILDINGS? YES % NO TYPE: IF INVENTORIED, LIST ID NOS.: CONTINUED? YES X NO I ADDITIONAL PAGES: YES X NO A/:CtdllA ITCPA it ~J ~ DAP~C /~ Address: 704 16TH ST Resource Number: SBL3479 Temp. Resource Number Cultural Resource Re-evaluation Form page 2 ot 2 15. Photograph Types and Numbers: Type: b8w Roll No: 07-AA Frame No: 3 16. Artifact and Field Documentation Storage Location N/A 17. Report Title: University Hill Resurvey 18: Recorder(s): Kathryn Howes Barth, AIA; Lara Ramsey 19: Date(s): Oct 2001 20: Recorder Affiliation: Kathryn Howes Barth, AIA; Ramsey Planning and Preservation Attach Photo and Map if Extensively Altered Colorado Historical Sociery, ONce of Archaeology and Historic Preservation 1300 Broadway, Denver, CO 80203 ~ /~ P LAlI SF IAPE : ARCMITECT: STATE ID NO.: 58L3419 Urtkrwwn ORIGIMAL 041NER: Unkno~+n SOURCE : SOURCE: BUILDER/COMTRACTOR: k U nown n TNEME(S): SOURCE Urban Residential Meiphborhoods : , 1858-present COMS?RLICTIOM H15TORY (DESCRIPTION, NMIES, DATES, ETC., RFLATING TO 1U1JOR ALTERAT10N5 TD ORIGINAL STRUCTURE): Porch added in 1959. CONTINUED YES X NO H15TORICAL BACKGROUND (D:SCUSS 1MPORTANT GERSONS AND EVENTS ASSOCIATED ~ITH THIS STRUCTURE): The first li5ted residents of this house were Elias D. and Sophia Seldin in 1936. Seldin uas listed as a farmer. CDNTINUED YES x N' SIGNIFICANLE (CNECK APPROPRIATE CJITEGORIES AND BRIEFLY JUSTIFY BELON): ARCHITECTURAL SIGNIFI GNCE: HISTOR1fl~L SIGNIFICANLE: REPRESENTS THE WORK OF A MASTER ASSOCIATED LIITH SIGNIiICANT PERSDNS POSSESSES H1GH ARTIST]C VALUES ASSOCIATED WITH SIGNIFICANT EVENTS OR PATTERNS REPRESENTS A TYPE, PERI00, OR METHOD Of CONSTRUCTiON CONTR161JTE5 TO AN HISTORIC DISTRICT STATEMENT OF SIGNIFICANCE: Althou9h someuhat altered, this house reflects the native stone construction po{x~lar during the early t~entieth century in the University Hill neighborhood of Boulder. CONTINUED TES X NO REfERENCES (BE SPECIFIC): Boulder City Directory, 1936; end Boulder County Assessor records. CONTINUED YES l( NG SURVEYED 8Y: Judith Broeker/R. L. 5immons AFFILlATION: Front Range Research Associates, ]nc. DATE: July 1991 ~.i~~~~~8~. d~~~l+~ ~F ~~!/~~i~'~C~i~ ...G ~ Attachment B ~r Appraised 19_ - BOULDER COUNTY REAL ESTATE APPRAISAL owNER ~: ; . - _. __ _ _-__`L__ - ~- - - --- __ __-- HnTTfiF Nn `.',J cj. STR.R.6:T ('.1Tti ~O~m ~ 4}~ ?. M; ATE OF VALUATION BI.DG. PAH7 A I BLDG. PAS? B ~ CAHAGE No. Cubic Feet. Cost per cu, ft. <---9• Utility 'Class of Bldf Conscroccion Char. of Coni Exterior_ __ Interior Fini Floore -__-- of ' Photograph auiLv ~ ~r U f ~~ , . 0~~ ~' ~L~-',~, ~ ~--'yr i ~ _ , .f r._ J ' _ ~ .< < :~ ~ . = ~~ {G~~~~ Gec_.~Yr~ il ~ ~ . . T I ' .r ~ ~ ~ 7 r~..,~.,, ~e+.,.C` . ' J ,.-~.a Gc .:-~.~r._.se. ; ~ : u --------- --- ~=~-------- . l: . ~ _ - _.--~ 7/tc< ~-es^u~? ~;r~-vc. ~f~'.~{..«~tc.~c-~r:Du: b/~ cf v _ '._.. ___~ 'sv:t': ~~-_~-t. . , .. _ ~ . ' -R:.... L- - ~, Height of [3uildinB--_'-'-~c-------- T SL~IMAHY 1AYUAl. A:+SNS3MF.YT OR9CRiPTI(1v ~ '~ AMODN'[ ~ 76A8 I LAtt- I IAfP80V6lIeNT9 TOTdL Boilding Prrmit 5 ' '~ 1933 I~$ - -_II$ ~ -I!S -- .~~.`+CfV~~. ~~~Pt:P 1i=-:~~~!^l~~IC:...~"-.~~%~._ 31-1N-7D 5664 OJ06755 JJI~ 14G3 31 4 11 0~7 LOT 20 ,:ND 1d 15 fT ~L7 L1 ~LK 37 RO UNIV PL 704 RtEP VAUt S 6 JOAN 7~g 16TH ST BOUlO[R llltl 33~0 171:i 38 )~J 16iH 5T 8 102 J000 CO 80302 SObt] 57U0 lllb7 551+1 57U:1 12v67 il+3- U U 7113-4 ~0-Ji3 i ~cae~ roat~ 12M 2 SEf.'~iSEC~MaPYO DIS'T E IMA[I I lHAii "H481 T1'FE DOC ~aGE i~rySTe~ ~EE i 000 1 - lbbbl Ii 18367 , Photograph '~~ ~~.~~.~f~! ~F'~i :`'; _ `i~ -~'~~~.a~ ~./~f~ ~~. CLASS OF BUilUIrG _ ~ HEIGIIT --- - +la~,,wnis ('becY ~. . . . 1-Single Hesiden~e _ No. ut 5torion._.____ i 2-Uuplex---'----------'r'- ~ FOUNl1ATt~~ti 3 --[~unKalow. ApG. CrL --,---- ` - - - ~ . . Rrick ------------- ~---- 4-FlatorTerrace __._____:___i - 5-Ap¢rtment tlou~a--------- ~ Concrete-----'---------_ f -Flotel._...---- -- ---'._._ ~tone'°-"'---"-----'~ . g "'___'_"' 7-Store [3uildin ~~O°d----°.~~----------~ ----°'_ Tile------'-"--"------ ~ ~----•---•------- - ----------- -- ~ 9-Officc Building---------- -- -`-- • !0-~liunyi[alor Sanitnrium"'-__ "-' -------'--' _.- ' ""_"_'""' ' . ll-Bank [Suilding . ------ - I (?-Thentre---'-__-------'-•-' BASEMF:NT ' --. ...- --~ - . ]~-~4arehnuee_____--- -------~ ~ l~f-FneCor Quutor.---------°----- : y---- "'- ---- -' -' -"- Ilalf---'-'------°-'--- • 15-Pablic Garage_____________ _ , _._ ^' R.(!!KU' fN ~ a- - ~ t ~m~m an :. ~~ M J f c m fle ore S+a ~ . , ~,.~a~~ ~ .• ,1 PLUMBINS_.~.__•___r __ _ _-_ ..- a ec,e --_ : "`7 -t. .~'-i - MpY B? F~~l: e Bnln ~/ Sa, i i s 5 _. . ./~l , _ - __ . . . 2 ~ . R 1 ~ ~`. ~ . h~~K~ E i' ralo•~ ~ . _ . _. .. _ _ _. . ~ :_ -~_-_ - . -~ ~ . _. _ _~- _--1 - _ _-_ ' . .. ~ . _'?_ __ E . 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J ~ ', ~ II .. ~ 't 25'-0' t _.. . ~. - * ~I '~-e' I_.\~. ~ _ _._ _.._. .....__-.._ ~ • I „ ... - -~ _'. __ _~ .-• _ .- ' ...~~~~~ ~ ........... ... .._._' _ _ . ~ ~ SCRLE: 1" = 10'0"y~ ~ ~ ! `;, .~._- - - - ~._ -- ~ i i l 4; ~ --- _-- ' __ ,,, I~, ; -- - ~ i~ - ~:_.:.- -- ----_ -__ .,,I.,4 ; ~ . ~ - - ~~ !i i ; I ~„ ,-- ----~ ' ti ~, ~ ~. i. -r--- . - ~, ~i'~ I ~ ~ ~~~~ ~ i I ~~ ' _ __ . . _ . ~ " ._.. . , ~_~~ ~ ~ _ ___ . ---~ . _- . - . ... _ LkC6ND '~I"~ ' ~~ N.~ -... ! 1.2~1{l ~f i a~ as yu'' _ ~ ~t .~i :~w r,~.~ - . . b'::. ~~ N ";, :,:.::''~,,...,...,.. ~ !"~• ~' a ~ ~ .r~D ~ !~ l 1 ~OwER ~.rt~~:LO~F a~/N~ I~EV-h sCA~[ ~l~' .~0' 704 16TH STREET Lf~U RESIDENCE BOULUER, COLORRDO ;,~ `~ _ _ _ _ SEfAND FLOON OLhN - EXISTING SCALE: I/0"=1'p" 'pa 151h SL A~OIT10~/NEMOOEL SIkGIE FAMILY HOUSE a-s - ~ ~;.;: _-.. ~.aecv ie~a r~ooa a.a ;..-s su~e u.-. ro' FIRS` F~OOfi PLnf.' - C%ISTINV SG1L.E: 1!4"~1'U" ~IORTH EIEVATION SCA~E I/4"zl'0" EYSST:N(. +CCf5S0(1• OUILOt'.[. ... . .... ... ....... NORTN ELEVATiON SCALE U4"~l'0" caovosro urrt~~ rwv,n• ~wvx ' . . . ' ^ WnpanbachConsc/~esiyn ..'~ 704 i61h5~ •.` .~• 1•u " ~ ; . ~ i118 1 TTn 5~ eo~b... ca bcaon PROPOSE~ SWGLE FAMILY Flp~SE REMOOEI ACCESSOICY BUII,p~NG 0.;,°i"' "" "''" U R E 5 TD E N C E 704 16TH STREET LP ,. 1303)958~Ia91j301)5]9~39B3 p "• ,, `. A4 ~ R HOULDER, COLORADO " """ ~~"~~~ NONTH/SOUTH ELEVATIDNS W~~~•~~oor ___._ ` mi, n..wenrw~..,.,.~.. . ~ . ' . ~ ` ' , . _ _ _ __ __ __ ,...... rnsi .. ..,r ..__._...... ._.... ___......_..._............_.........__._..._'....._ ................................ .___.__._ _.. ._.. ._. SOUTH EIEVATiON SCALE V4"• t'O" uurne ~caaawrv w~.ooe $OU7N EIfiYATION SCALE i14"~ 1'0' GNCM SEO S~uGIF /M~I~~ wU5[ 8-0' 1 WEST EIEVAT(ON SCALE 1!4". 1'D" anorouu w.w ~c~~se EAST EIEVATSON SCALE 1/4". 1'0" or,ocosco xcw wc~u SOUTH ELEVATION SCALE I/4"~l'0" fv1'.*INS nCCE550Nr ~~IlO:MG EAST ELEYATSQN SGALE i/4":CO" r.x~sr,HC •ccESSOa• e~u~m~ EAST ELEYATION SCA~E I{4",1'0" E%ISTIUG M:.ESSONr 6~I~OIrIGi w~iH eROPO5E0 CM~+GES ' ,.' mngennaniCOrrsvucapn 7047tiTh`t `~ uu ~ 231A1~Thst A1701T10N/REMO~EL W ~~..~c• ~ 7~4 ~bT~'{ STRE~1 _ . ~. 13031 `J3B t~•S91 ~f03)35]9 3°83 L%ISTING ELEVATIUNS ~/~MI•` F y` L~4U RESIDEI~CE aou~aER, co~oRAao - ~" ° ~ - - .. _ . ,=oo, ~ ~" _"__ i NORTH ELEVATiON SCHLE V4"=I'0" E~IST{NS ~CCf150iv tlU~~UInG 'lYl ~.„~.C-;.Ir- ~J ~ ~ .~ _ ~ - .. . . . . . ~- ~.. ..~'. ~q-r ._~tiA~ ~ ~ ~ .:.ti~-; `~a~~tCT _ _~?•: . ~kws. ' _ . _ .. . .. . . . . . . . _ . _ .. . .°i;gt'~ .2.`~..~al9'd:~ '•±' `"~.i~~°- t-.. _ . Attachment D 7a ~ 1(0 ~"h S+re e ~" ~ 1 -~c~ n~ P oY~~ -I~ ~e. d~MO~,s~~d ... ,~=rior~i;x r-ti~'4tu ?. ~ ~_761h'al'= (~ ~l i.ew ~~ .~w n~+- o.~ h o-~se ~am I b~' S-Er.e k.-E-' f YO n'~ ~-~ G~ 0 u S-~. ~( 0 4 l b'~ ~-- . ` ~~, ..~.~~~, a--7 5 ou+t~ s~ de c~-~d b~a~ s~ d~e ~,~ ~ ~ S}~~ ~ S~u c~`wv~ -~ 0 4.. ~ b -~ S~- . -. ~,:~~: . .. . . ~"R .., .~-~ ~~ ~ael~ o,~ h~5f9%~c ~~'vac~4ur¢, toak~~g from neY~1~.~p5~- Na~~, S;Q~ o.~- r, ~5-~~ ~ s-~u ~.Y~ Spirit of Provence Page 1 of 1 Attachment E James Hewat - 16th Street Historic District New Building Review Process From: "Ripmaster" To: "Ariel Calonne" , "Frank Bruno" , "Susan Richstone" , "Sue Ellen Harrison" , "Committee Secretary" , "Committee Liason" , "Ruth McHeyser" Date: 2/28/2007 3:02 PM Subject: 16th Street Historic District New Building Review Process RE: March 7 Meeting of LPAB The 16~h Street Historic District has reviewed the plans that will be submitted for the second time to the Landmark's Preservation Board for the proposed new structure at 704 16~h Street. At the Board's December meeting staff was clearly directed by the board to assist Mr. Lau (owner at 704 lbth Street) in the re-design of a structure that was consistent and complementary to our Historic District. The plans we have received for review Mazch 7 are similar to those reviewed at the Board's December meeting. We were informed in December that we would receive new plans as per the Boazd's request that incorporated our District's guidelines, the city's code requirements and were compatible with the character of our Historic District. The plans: • Do not meet our District's setback requirements. • Do not meet our District's guidelines for mass and scale. • Do not meet the City's Code requirements for an Accessory Building Unit. • Remove two mature trees which are significant site and District features and alter the site topography. • Are not compatible with our District's architectural style, building materials and characteristics. We would appreciate your attention to the review process which has now become redundant. Please advise as to how we should proceed. Respectfully, Joei Ripmaster ;~~~,~~C3e4 Gl'~~~ sF~- ~f~~h~..~/