5A - Public hearing and consideration of wheterh to initiate the designation of 1936 Mapleton AvenueMEMORANDUM March 7, 2007 TO: Landmarks Preservation Advisory Board FROM: Susan Richstone, Acting Long Range Planning Manager James Hewat, Preservation Planner Alice Gilbertson, PreservaHon Intern Chris Meschuk, Preservation Planner SUBJECT: Public hearing and consideration of whether to initiate the designaHon of 1936 Mapleton Avenue as a locally designated Historic Landmark, per Section 9-11-3, B.R.C. 1981, prior to the expiraHon of the stay of the demolition permit application. STATISTICS: 1. Site: 1936 Mapleton Avenue (Hill Street until approx. 1916) 2. Zoning: RL-1 (Residential Low -1) 3. Owner: John and Laurel Hickman SUMMARY: ^ At the February 7, 2007 LPAB meeting, the board requested that an initiation hearing be scheduled for 1936 Mapleton Avenue at its March 7, 2006 meeting. ^ The purpose of this item is for the Board to determine whether to initiate individual landmark designation of 1936 Mapleton Avenue. • On November 1, 2006 the Landmarks Board imposed a 180-day stay of demolition on the application to consider alternatives to the demolition of the building, finding that the building may be eligible for designation as an Individual Landmark. • Recent changes to the code require notice and a public hearing when thetboard is considering whether to initiate landmark designation. PROCESS TO DATE: Staff has met with the property owner once and has had several phone conversations with the owner. The conversations have focused on the condition of the house, especially the foundation. The applicant has supplied staff with two letters regarding the condition of the house. The applicant has stated that a detailed analysis and condition report is currently being prepared. Aeenda Item #SA Paae #1 Memo to Landmarks Preservation Advisory Board 03/07/07 Re: 1936 Mapleton Avenue Initiation Hearing NEIGHBORHOOD COMMENT: Staff has received approximately 5 phone calls regarding this property, all have expressed opposition to the demolition. ATTACHMENTS: A: Letters supplied since the stay was imposed B: November 1, 2006 LPAB Memo A¢enda Item #SA Paee #2 S:\PLAN\data\longrang\HIST\Demos\Mapleton.l936\3.07.07 LPAB Initiation Memo.doc Attachment A WES TERN FD UNDA TION, INC. EXCELLENCE IN CONCRETE FOUNDATIONS & FLATWORK January 15, 2007 RE: 1936 MAPLETON AVE BOULDER,CO TO WfiOM IT MAY CONCERN; IN REGARDS TO THE STRUCTURE AT T'HIS ADDRESS; I WAS ASKF.D TO RXAntiNR 7~ g~~TIVG FOUNDATIQN TO HFd,P DETERMINE THE FEASABIIITY OF PI,ACING A NEW FOUNDATION UNDERNEATH THE E~IISfING STRUCI'URE. A SITE INSPECTION WAS MADE 1/IS/OT AT 50:15 AM. THIS HOUSE IS FOUNDED ON A SHALLAW RUBBLE FOUNDATION THAT SUPPORTS 'I~ EXTERIOR BRICK WALIS. THE FLAOR JOISfS SEEM TO BEAR DIRECTLY ON THE RiIBBLE AS WELI.. NO RIM JOISI' IS EVIDENT ANYWFTERE. T'H~ POSSffiII.ITY OF SI'ABILIZING THIS STRUCT'[JRE TO ALLOW FOR THL+ CONSTRUCCION OF A NEW FOUNDATION IS, IN MY OPINfON, REMOTE AT BESI: BASED ON MY EXPERIENCE PLACING NEW FOUNDAT'IONS UNDER EXISI'ING STRUCfURESs WE WOULD RECOMME~ND COMPI.ETE DEMOLITION OF TFIE STRUCTURE, AND PLACEMENT OF A NEW PROPERLY ENGINEERED FOUNDATION. (~~~~~(~ i~ DAVID M. HORTON, PRES. WESTERN FOUNDATION, INC. P.O. BOX 619 • BOULDBR, CO • 80306-06f9 PHONE: (903) 443-9379 • FAX: (303J 443-8928 I~GEP~DA 17EM # 5~ PAGE 3- WHITCO CONSTRUCTION 1811 BIuH St Boulder, CO 80304 Phone & Faz 303449-5389 NTiLCallins~attrret To whom it may concern John Hickman asked me to look at the property at 1936 Mapleton Avenue to give him advice concerning a possible renovation he is considering. I visited the site and looked at the inside of the structure, the outside, and the crawl space. There are many concerns I have relating to the sVuctural integrity of this house and the feasibility of realistically repairing this structure to a habitable condition without exorbitant expense. The overriding issue, it seems to me, is the original use of rubble as a foundation and the lack of height out of the ground the rubble was placed, creating negaGve water flow towards the building. Over the years, the rubble has sunk eight to ten inches along the ent(re west side of the building causing the building to sink along with it and warping and bowing the exterior double brfck walls. The floor joists are resting directly on the rubble and have sunk along with everything above them. The interior walls have followed suit and are cracked and separated in every room. The east wall of the building has been moving outward and bowing causing the exterior brick walls to separate, spread and crack. The windows and stone headers in these walis have moved outward, up and down and are nearly falling down. To repair of the foundaGon seems to be the fundamental starting point of any renovation of this property. Without a new foundation, this house is not fixable. To replace the foundation on this structure would be exVemely difficult and perhaps impossible within reasonable financial limits. There are no sVucturai rim joists to secure the floor joists. The double brick walls are just sitting on top of the rubble foundation which make lifting the building very risky. In my professional opinion, this house has passed the point of being renovated without spending an enormous sum of money which doesn't seem justified given the extreme dilapidation of this property and the likelihood of structural collapse if the building is lifted. Resp ctlully, ~T~ C~'~ Whit Collins t;.'A l~i7~ i7Ei\A ;s - J~~ PAGE _..A ._ Attachment B MEMORANDUM November 1, 2006 TO: Landmarks Preservation Advisory Board FROM: Susan Richstone, Acting Director of Long Range Planning James Hewat, Historic Preservation Planner Chris Meschuk, Historic Preservation Planner Alice Gilbertson, Preservation Intern SUBJECT: Public hearing and consideration of a demolition pemilt application (HIS2006-00222) for the demolition of the primary and accessory structure located at 1936 Mapleton Avenue, pursuant to Section 9-11-23 B.R.C. for non-landmazked buildings over fifty yeazs old. STATISTICS: 1. Site: 1936 Mapleton Avenue (Hill Street until approx. 1916) 2. Zoning: RL-1 (Established Residential I,ow Density 1) 3. Owner/Applicant: John and Laure] Hickman STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Landmarks Board issue a stay of demolition for the house and accessory structure located at 1936 Mapleton Avenue, for a period not to exceed 180 days from the day the pernut application was accepted by the city manager, adopting the staff inemorandum with the findings as listed below, in order to further explore alternatives for the building. Alternatives to be considered include rehabilitation of the building and an addition off the rear of the house, moving the building, or withdrawal of the demoliUon pernut. Staff encourages the applicant to consider landmark designation of the structure and incorporation into redevelopment plans for the site. Landmark designation would make state taac credits available to help offset the cost of rehabilitation, as well as the waiver of sales taac on building permits. FINDINGS: Staff recommends that the Landmarks Board adopt the following findings: A stay of demolition for the buildings at 1936 Mapleton Avenue is appropriate based on the criteria set forth in section 9-11-23(~ B.R.C, in that the building: a. May be eligible for individual landmazk designation based upon its historical and architectural significance; b. Contributes to the chazacter of the neighborhood as an intact represen[ative of the azea's residential past; AQENDA ITEM # ~?A PAGE ~ Memo to Landmarks Preservation Advisory Board 1 1/Ol /2006 Re: 1936 Mapleton Avenue - Demolition Permit c. Has not been demonstrated to be impractical or economically unfeasible to rehabilitate and add onto. Should the Boazd choose to issue the demolition pernut, or if the pemut is allowed to expire, staff recommends that demolition be conditioned upon submittal of the following to the Planning Department for recording with Carnegie Library: 1. A site plan showing the location of all existing improvements on the subject property; 2. Measured elevation drawings of llte building depicting existing conditions, fully annotated with azchitectural details and materials indicated on the plans; 3. Black and white medium format archival quality photographs of all exterior elevations. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: On September 13, 2006 the Planning Department received a demolition permit application for the house and gazage at 1936 Mapleton Avenue. This building is not in a historic district or locally landmazked, but is over fifty yeazs old and meets the criteria for demolition defined under Section 9-11-23 of the Historic Preservation Ordinance. On September 2Q 2006, the Landmazks Design Review Committee (DRC) reviewed the demolition per~it applica[ion and referred the application to the Landmazks Boazd for a public hearing based on the DRC finding of probable cause to believe that the building may be eligible for designation as an individual landmazk. After detailed analysis, staff believes the building is an intact example of historic residential architecture, and meets the criteria set forth in Section 9-11-23(~ of the B.R.C. Therefore, staff recommends that the Landmazks Board impose a stay of demolition in order to consider alternatives to the demolition of the buildings. DESCRIPTION: The approximately 6,900 squaze foot lot is located on the southwest corner of Mapleton Avenue and 20th Street. The 1,912 square foot, 1~/z story house is representative of vernacular masonry dwellings built in Boulder during the late 19~' century. Character defining features of this cross- gabled, Queen Anne house include a corner entrance; the combination of fishscale, diamond- shaped, and regulazly coursed shingles in the gable ends; wrap-azound porch with turned spindle supports and a triangular pediment over the corner entrance; and the first floor double-hung windows with segmental azches and stone sills. See Attachment A: Historic BuildinQ Inventory Record. S:~PLt1N~data\Iongrang~IIIST1Demos~Ivlaple[on.i936\I1.01.2006.LPAB.memo.doc AG-ENDAIT~M#~PAGE ~ Memo to Landmarks Preservation Advisory Board 1 1/O1 /2006 Re: 1936 Mapleton Avenue - Demolition Permit Figure 2: 1949 Assessor Photograph Figure 3: 2006 Y{zotograph CONSTRUCTION HIST~RY: The house appears to have much of the original material, with very few exterior alterations to its appearance in the past 110 years. See Attachme~at B: Tcrx Assessor Card and Attachment C: Permit Applications. The building is constructed of red brick with a nan~ow joint running bond, with shingle clad gables and dormcrs comprising the second story. In Sanford Gladden's Improvements in Boul~ler to 1900 reFerence manual, it was noted in the paper that a$125 addition occurred in 1897. Based S:~PLAN~datallongranglHIST\DemoslMapleton.1936U 1.012006.LPAB.memo.doc y-~j. ~ AGENDA IT'~Bl~ # Jf.! pAGE _ Memo to Landmarks Preservotion Advisory Board 1 1/O1 /2006 Re: 1936 Mapleton Avenue - Demolition Permit on historic photos, the front of the house appears unchanged since at ]cast 1949, except for the addition of the west dormer, which was most likely part of the 1955 conversion to a duplex. The doors and windows appear to be original as well, including early screen doors (including transom screens) and storm windows. In viewing the building, some rear portions of the building may be later additions, including the enclosure of that may have been a porch on the northeast corner. Upon examination of building permit records, no modifications were found other than re-roofing the building in 1987, and the upstairs of the house was remodeled into a duplex in February of 1955, which is most likely when the west exterior dormer was cons[ructed. The garage is a simple one story frame structure, with simulated brick asphalt shingles. There are no records to assist in establishing the exact date of construction for the garage, but is shown on the 1906 Sanborn Fire insurance map (when the area was first covered by the maps), and the garage is indicated in the 1929 notes from the assessor card, which establishes the building was constructed prior to 1906. CRITERIA FOR THE SOARD'S DECISION: The Historic Preservation ordinance states that the Landmarks Board shall consider and base its decision upon any of the following criteria [9-11-23(~]: ~ (1) The eligibility of the building for designation as an individual landmark consistent with the purposes and standards in Sections 9-11-1 and 9-11-2, B.R.C. 1981; S:IPLAMdata\IongranglHISTIDemos~Ivlapleton.193G\11.01.2006.LPAS.memu.doc Ac:~NUA ITEPtii # ~~PAGE __~ Figa~re 4: Garuge/Shed Memo to Landmarks Preservation Advisory Board 1 1/Ol /2006 Re: 7 936 Mapleton Avenue - Demolition Permit (2) The relationship of the building to the chazacter of the neighborhood as an established and definable area; (3) The reasonable condition of the building; and (4) The reasonable projected cost of restoration or repair. In considering the condition of the building and the projected cost of restoration or repair as set forth in pazagraphs (3) and (4) above, the board may not consider deterioration caused by unreasonable neglect. As detailed below, staff believes this property may be eligible for designation as an individual landmazk and that demolition would have an adverse impact on the character of the azea. CRITERION 1: INDIVIDUAL LANDMARK ELIBILITY The following is a result of staffs reseazch on the property relative to the significance criteria for individual landmazks adopted by the Landmarks Boazd on September 17, 1975. HISTOffiCAL SIGNIFICANCE: Summary: The house at 1936 Mapleton Avenue may have historical significance under criterion 1 and 4. 1. Date of Construction: estimated 1897, assessor lists 1898 Elaboration: According to the Boulder County Real Estate Appraisal in 1929, the house was constructed over 40 yeazs prior to that date, or eazlier than 1889. The address first appears in the 1898 City Directory. Gladden included the home in his "Improvements in Boulder Colorado Through 1900" publication, listing an addition costing $125 by Mr. Sherwood in the summazy of activity for 1897. That would place the date of original constmction of the house at 1897 or earlier. Upon further reseazch, the house at 1936 Mapleton was most likely constructed in 1896 to 1897, by Metta and Ella Frakes, who owned [he property from 1896 to 1897. They purchased the lot from James North for $200 in February of 1896. From reviewing the property deeds, quit claim deeds, and deeds of trust during this period, the Frakes obtained two loans in 1896 and 1897, which were most likely obtained to construct the house. The Frakes then sold the property to Fred Sherwood, a miner and eventually a mining superintendent, in October of 1897. 2. Association with Historical Persons or Events: None Observed Elaboration: In 1881, Albert Myles sold this property (as well as the sunounding lots) to James. M. North, who owned t6e property until 1896. Mr. North, a lawyer and county judge of Boulder County, was appointed assistant attorney general for the interior department by President McKinley in 1898, two years after the sale of the land at 1936 Mapleton Avenue. Judge North initially moved to Boulder in 1876 due to his asthma. The Judge, his wife Sarah, and family resided at 1927 Pine Stree[ and he had a law office over 1227-1229 Pearl, according to the city directory for 1883. In S:~PLAN\data\Iongrang~HIST1Demos~IvIapleton.1936\11.012006.LPAB.memo.doc :;~ ;ENDA ITEM # ~' " PAGE ~' Memo to Landmarks Preservation Advisory Board 11/Ol/2006 Re: 193b MapleTOn Avenue - Demolition Permii addition to owning the property at 1936 Mapleton, Judge North had other ]and holdings in the community. Metta and Ella Frakes, purchased the lot from Judge North in Februazy of 189G. The Frakes most likely constructed the house, then sold the property to Fred Sherwood, a miner and eventually a mining superintendent, in October of 1897. The Sherwood's sold it ro George W. Simmons, a retired fazmer, and his wife Minnie in 1902. In 1919, the home was purchased by Laura Kennicott, who resided there with her husband Clazence and children. While residing in the house, the family endured a number of personal tragedies. A son, Ralph, was killed in France during World War I. Another son, Harold, died in the house from tuberculosis contracted while a miner. A third son, Laurence, died in a mining accidenc in Wallace, Idaho. In 1934 and following an extended illness, Clarence also passed away prior to the home's sale in 1945. Mary Elizabeth Hurst purchased the home in 1954 for her family. Four of the six children lived with their mother at 1936 Mapleton. Mazy, a teacher and saleswoman, passed away in 1993 yet shows up in city directories until 2001, when her son William J. Hurst was listed as occupying the residence. According to deed research, William took legal possession of the property in 1992. Throughout the Hurst's years of ownership, a series of tenants occupied a portion of the home, primarily the second floor apartment. In 2006, John P. and Laurel H. Hickman purchased the home from Mr. Hurst. Until its recent sale, the Hurst family owned the home for 52 years. While the associations with the North, Kennicott, and Hurst families are interesting, there is no evidence to suggest that any persons associated with the property are of local, state, or national historic signiFicance during their period of ownership of 1936 Mapleton Avenue. See Attachment E: Directorv and Deed research. 3. Distinction in the Development of the Community of Boulder: Not observed Elaboration: The property is one of approximately 215 buildings constructed prior to 1897 that still remain in the city. Therefore, other buildings exist that demonstrate the growth during this time in Boulder's history. 4. Recognition by Authorities: Front Range Itesearch Associates Elaboration: The property has not been observed in any publications, nor written about by local historians as having historica] interest and value. The 1987 Colorado Histoncal Society inventory form completed by Front Range Research Associates concluded that the property would contribute to an historic district and adds co the azchitectural diversity of Mapleton Avenue and the Whittier neighborhood. S:~PLt1N~data\longrang~IIIST~Demos~Ivlapleton.1936\11.01.2006.LPAB.memo.doc pQENDAITEM# ~!~PAGE ~o Memo to Landmarks Preservation Advisory Board 11/O1/2006 Re: 1936 Mapleton Avenue - Demolition Permit ARCffiTECTURAL SIGDTIFICANCE: Summary: The house 1936 Mapleton Avenue has architectural significance under criterion 1 and 3. 1. Recognized Period/Style: Vernaculaz Masonry with Queen Anne Styling Elaboration: The frame house at 1936 Mapleton Avenue represents Boulder's early vemaculaz housing, with elements of the Queen Anne style and very little, if any, modification since its construction in 1897. Of particular note is the comer entrance; cross-gables; combination of fishscale, diamond- shaped, and regulazly coursed shingles in the gable ends; wrap-azound porch with tumed spindle supports and a triangulaz pediment over the corner entrance; and double-hung windows with segmental azches and stone sills. 2. Architect or Builder of Prominence: None identified 3. Artistic Merit: Porch, shingles, brick work Elaboration: The vernaculaz masonry, Queen Anne styled house contains some unique azchitectural features, especially the corner entrance porch with small entrance pediment, as well as the decorative shingles and detailed brick azches over the windows. 4. E~mple of the Uncommon: None identified 5. Indigenous Qualities: None identified ENVIRONMENTAL SIGNIFICANCE: Summary: The property does not appeaz to have environmental significance under criteria 2 and 5 1. Site Characteristics: None identified 2. Compatibility with Site: Corner location Elaboration: The house at 1936 Mapleton is located on the corner of 20`" and Mapleton, and as a design feature the house was constructed to address both streets, with the entrance to the porch directly facing the intersection corner. 3. Geographic Importance: None observed 4. Environmental Appropriateness: None observed S:~PLAN~dataUongrang~HIST1Demos~IvIapleton.1936\11.01.2006.LPAB.memo.doc AQENDAITEM#~~PAGE // Memo to Landmarks PreservaTion Advisory Board 11/O1/2006 Re: 1936 Mapleton Avenue - Demolition Permit 5. Area Integrity: Potential Whittier District Elaboration: The house is located within an azea identified to be potentially eligible for designation as a IocaH his[oric district and National Register historic district. The azea was first identified as a potential historic district in 1988 based on survey work, with the 1988 report by Front Range Research Associates citing that the neighborhood "represents a broad spectrum of early Boulder History, and includes both mansions and working-class vernaculaz homes." See the section on Criterion 2 below for more infortnation on the Whittier District. 6. Other: None observed CKITERION 2: RELATIONSHIP TO THE CHARACTER OF THE NEIGHBORHOOI): 1936 Mapleton Avenue is located in the East Boulder Addition, platted in 1872 by Granviflle Berkeley and Amos Widner, two of Boulder's most prominent pioneers. In 1874, the Addition was revised and expanded. The East Boulder addition continued the original town grid east seven blocks to what is now Folsom Street. The sunounding Whittier neighborhood was surveyed in 1986/1987 and 1988 as par[ of tlie Boulder Survey of Historic Places project. The report by Front Range Research Associates identified the azea as potentially eligible as a local historic district, as well as potentially eligible as a NaUonal Register Historic District. The building at 1936 Mapleton would be considered contributing to those districts. Several efforts have been made in the past to designate the Whittier neighborhood as a historic district, but none have resulted in a designation application. The neighborhood is a mixture of one to two story houses, and was considered one of the gre,~t early neighborhoods of the city, with many early prominent citizens residing in the azea. When the building was surveyed in 1987, they stated that "This pre-1898 building represents Boulder"s eazly vernacular housing. The building, which was once the home of a gold miner, has retained its original detail and adds to the azchitectural diversity of Mapleton Avenue and the Whittier neighborhoad." CRITERION 3: CONDITION OF THE BUILDING AND CRITERION 4: PROJECTED COST OF RESTORATION OR REPAIR: Staff did not observe extreme deterioration of the structure, but did observe some structural settling in the northeast corner which appears to have been re-pointed wi[h concrete mortar. The porch is in very poor condition due to wa[er damage and rotting of the wood posts. The exterior wood azeas aze in need of repair and painting. Staff did not focus on projected cost of restoration or repair due to no detailed evidence of unreasonable cosis to perform such work. S:~PLAN\data~ongrang~HIST~DemosUVlapleton1936\11.012006.LPAB.memo.doc qGENDA ITEM # ~P~'~GE ~~ Memo to landmarks Preservation Advisory Board 71 /Ol /2006 Re: 1936 Mapleton Avenue - Demolition Permit The applicant has provided details and information regarding the condition of the building. See attachment H: ADP[ication and applicant information. NEIGHBORHOOD COMNNIENT: Staff has not received any comments on the proposal. DECISION OF THE BOARD: If the Landmazks Board finds that the building to be demolished does not have historical significance under the criteria set forth in section 9-11-23(fl B.R.C., the city manager shall issue a demolition permit. If the Landmazks Board finds that the building to be demolished may have historical significance under the criteria set forth above, the application shall be suspended for a period not to exceed 180 days from the date the pernut application was accepted by the city manager as complete, in order to provide the time necessary to consider alternatives to the building. [Section 9-11-23(h)]. A 180-day stay period would expire on April 4,,2007. ATTACHMENTS: A: Historic Building Inventory Record B: Ta~c Assessor Cazd C: Pernut Applications D: Sanborn Maps and Plat Map E: Directory and Deed Research F: Current Photographs G: Significance Criteria for Individual Landmazks H: Demolition Permit Application I: Application and applicant inforrnation AGENDA ITEM # ~/ I PAGE /3 S:~PlanulataVongrang~I IIS11Demos~IvIapleton1936\ 11.01.2006.LPAB.memo.doc Attachment A COLORAUO MISi0RIG1L SOCIETY Of'ice of ArcAaeology and Histcric Preservatxon 1700 Braadmay, ~enver, Colorado 80~03 NiSTORIC BUILDINfi iNVENTORY RECORfl : Pft0.1ECT NAtff: : ~I7y; : Boulder 5urvey af Nistoric Piaces, t9B7 : Eoulder : CURRQdT BUIL9IN6 NAME: : ADDRE55: 1936 Mapieton Ave. . 9aulder, CO : HISTORIC NAt~: : DISTRICT NAME: Nat applica6le : NnT F+~R "r:ELL' USc . Eligihle Nominat2d . _ Det. Not Eiigiblz _ Cer:ified Rehah. : . Uate . : 5SATE 1~ b0.: SEL1779 . : ir11POP,ARY NO.: Not applicable . : OWNER: Mary E. Hurst . 193o Mapleton Ave. . Baulder, CO 80302 : TONNSHIP t N.~ RAN6E ?C ~., ~~TION ,i0, yr~ 114, N'E :/4 . r- -. : U.S.fi.5. QUAD Wk1E: Baulder, Coiarado (1466; photorevised 1979) . : AOUITION: Eaulder East Yu1R: 1872 . : BLOC(: I42 10T5: 1 . *- ---~~ ~---------~~~----' : FIf11 ROIL NO.: PL-10 : NE:v17IVE NO.: I~ : NE6ATIVE LOCATION: : DA?E CF CONSiRl1CTI0P:: . : BY: Rager Ilhitacre . : City of Eoulder Plarning : ESTiM,ATE: prr1848 AC?UAL: . . --- : SOURrc: 1°98 City Direc:ory . . ~~f~'~ ~` . . . USE: . , : Pfl'e5"cHT: residencz . , ; HISiORIC: residence . , • : CONUIT:ON: . . : [ 7 'cXCELL~T~7 C X ] u000 . , : C 7 FAIR t i GEiERIOAAiiN6 . , : EXTEdT OF ALTERAiICNS: . , : CX7 MINOR C J MOOERATE I: ] MAdOA : , : UESCRIEE: . . _ + -. : 5TYLE: Vernacular Nasonry-fia6led L(c•+•~ n++.~e~ ; STOfli~: : ORIGINAL SITE CX7 MOVED C 3 . . : 1 11'_ : UATEISS UF MQVE: . : MA~RieN.S: hriek, wood : SQ. FOOTAG't: : FIELD ASSE55Mf7rT: . , -: 204~ : C ] e1IGIELE [X] N07 ELIGIBL' . AACHITEC?UNAL ~ESCRIPTION: Cross-ga6led buildingq corner entrance. A con6inatian af fishscale, diamond-shaped, and regularly rnursed shingles in tAe ga61e ends. Nata6le features include the urap-around porch mith turned spindle supports and a triangular pediment over the corner entrance; and the first-Flar douolrfiung mindoms mith segmental arcnes and stone silis. : D157RICT POiEYT1AL: : Q(] YES f)C,7 CONTRIBUTING : C 7 NO C] NON-CONTRIBUTIYG : lOC+1L IAN~MARK OeSt~^rAT;011? C 7 YES .C%] M~ : NAME: DATE: : ASSOCIATE'J BUILDINGS? CX] YES ~] NO . : TYPE: garege . AGENDA ITEM # ~~PAG~ _~~ _ . FLAf'J 5i-!APE: . ,~'r'•~;~I'._,.~. unk:to~,~ , _"-`'_ ~;; ~,;~II=.. _--:-- . ~ . . . . . . . ~ . . . . . . ,:,~'::tiA~ C,a?;~:~c~ unknown . • • • • • • • • • • • ~ ~ • • • JC~~~~~+~-• • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . ~,,~C._~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . FU:L~~„iC~?NTqAC?~??: un}cnown • ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TIiL~_~•Ji . ~=,~ ~'r~ar~ , , ~; -_=r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SC~UR~~: . ,_ ".. ._, g.;_' .u'uu • i , , ` I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . '__-__~_ _----'-------°-____-_--__^______---___-_~----------------' . ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . --~-___~- , ~ Tq T ~ •Cr.,.Db II^.C~ C'^TT A:C ~I fAC^ rt~'r^ _- _r.~r; ~•'RIC Tii a.~ . . • . . . . . . . . . , . . . ~~~rs, uc or. .,...~ ~_,~,:. ,L_~c,,., , :o„~, ~,a, ~.:, ~n, __. ~. ~. .:~~,..~,~ . ,.._ .,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ADJI-~~~~~s ~4 ~~r~~;~~::.r~s ~~~ ~~-.~:r;~:~ ,--~~,~-:,a~: . .~ . . .,, . . . . . . . . . . . .~ - . . . . . . . . . . . . . : °~y :.';! "" . ' '' _~ _ '_ ;': . - ~~" . HISTURICAL BACi~6RGUND. (DISC!1SS It1P~~RTANT °E~?S~:~MS ~ND ~.E,iTS ~:.~t!C:riiCJ :IiTV "I: ,"?~ ~±~'~:; . Pu 1998 this mas tt~e home of Fred Sherwood and ~~is ~amiIy. ~har~y~ad, ~L1iJ 'JQi C~~ .,,, ~~s„__, ~_s `h: =.;~e. .--_r,c~ ~: _~ ~ . : Sald ~Uine. °y 1413 tt~is ~yas the ad~±re_= af S. S. Wor:^ei.. --a~~: - - : SiuNIFiCANCE: fG1ECK APPROPRIATE CATEG~?Ri~S AP~L~ BRIEF!Y JUSTir~ ~E~OWi . . ARC}iITECNRAL SIGP~IFICA~lCE: Ni~T!'F,.C~~ ~:'~ ~:`=~~~::~: . TC ~ ~r_~~^"T.-.. ' ' "^i-~-^.»~~ 4=:C:!•'C . [] REPRESr~ ~~ TH WQRK ~)i A MASTE? [ l r_...;,..,~~t:.~ i:~~~ J.W1~1 ~rAlil ~~..'J`~PbJ + . [] F9SSESSE5 liIGH AP.TISTIC VALUES C 1 AS~~::'~'~.. ~i,,: ~_~'!.:~._~;~+' _.~'!'v :'~ ~~~'~^`;~ . . [Xl REPP.ESENTS A TY°E, ?ERt~iD, {1R "E7hOQ'!F Cf''JSTR!1~Ti~P~ f ; ,^alrc,?;:i~~ ,. ~~! ~:~-'~:, ~~i~-":.- . . SiATEMENT ~)F SIuNIFICANC.: Ttiis pre-.°99 5ui:d:~g reere~e%t~ Bc~l~zr's 2ariy :?r~3cui_~ -:~~;;=i-y. ``~_ ._.:~:-„ .~,__~ y== - . on~e the home ar a gold ~i~er, has retainzd its ~rigiral :~t3i1 ar.d add_ to t`,? ar_...;=_*L-;: __:ar__-_ ~- "a;:'__=u- ._.,__ • : and the Whittier n2igt~borr,cod. • - - . - , ,~:, . ~~:~iE._..:t~~.' : ~ ._~ _ _ . . . : REFERQVCES: (EE SPECIFIC) Eoulder County Asses~ar's recards, l9~° and 1~37; `he :89° and ;91:; Rou;der i;:`y D:r?c`_r:~~; .:': ; : the 1900 U.5. Censu~ for Eoulder. ~ ,¢ ~~ ~ • A~ENDA IT~f~ # ~=_.~F'AGL. • . ,,:";Ti";U~~? ~ 7 YE~ C 1 N~' . . . ~ i ~ . ' ~ ~ - ' ~~ s ;~r:h. t ~ { ~,.,~' ~ ~ ` ~. f ~ ,+ ~^Y i., _ . a~'.. ~ .. ~. ,t~ , ~~'f~~ t~ .. ~~'~.~ ,_-:~it... ~~~p~' ~`~'~3i ~ a!. %4it x ~wy ~*~~~'" "~+_~ r i:. , . Appraised 19 ~ ` ' 1 ' :; >..... ~ :.. . . . ~ BOULDER COUNTY REAL ESTATE APPRAISA!_ i ~' ~ . r' - ~ I M.r* s~ y'~ ~~~~ .. , 5 h owNEx ..~~.• y ~.,.A, r ~ ~ ~~_ ' " -------~._ ...~~..~.-._._.~..-'-'-- ~ ----~.~. _ L._.... ~ _~) . ' y' Fr~; ~ SC . . . ,,. J ~ j , ', J ~. ~ ~ / , ~ ~ '.. ~ ' ` ~~ HOUSE No. ~ ,.' --. STREET ~ ~ , CITY z ~ ~ ~,~~ ~~ A +~_ ~ ....~~~-.~....~...~.~. ~..~_ _.._....._..., ....___~_ L ' i "., . I ,. t <,Y ~ , t t~ Y ~ Y+. , ,. ~ . ~ (~ p..? ~ y. ~ y ~, ~,~ ~ , ,I ~~.~r x ~ '~ 4 ; . ~ -• ~~~. ' ..e i ~ 5~... \ . . , s~.,~., ~ ~ fit~~a~l~tr~a „~ -arr^ ~y ~~.' r ~S~ ~ rti~ e . . _ , LUTS ; __-._...._._._ F~LOCK ~' ::; . ;:_ AD DITION . , ., , ,~. " ,~,`,_ - ` ~ = -- :~~~i `'':~ `~ -` ~ I - q~, ~~~ r` --_. ..~- --- -------- -- -_-_____.__ ,. --__~.__.._....~_ ._..______...._.---- ~ ti,a„ "~MI~~ a .~. x': a}~~~~ ~b .. , r , Year Constructed Est. Life in Years k~~ ~' ;y~'"-~' ~f'',• ,. ~ ~ ~ ~ , . , - ~ - ---- ---- ~ea~ ~ * ~ _ : _.'~~. .:,,,, . ~ ;,., .i..~,~ ,~'-~,~~y ,"1~> u.._ . --~ "Y".~. -~t,. I f " - . l _ : -: . __. _ . . - _~ _~~_-~~-=`- =_~- _--- - - ~_ ~, .~ _-_ - --- _ . ._ .. , .,,. . _ _ ESTIMATE OF VALiJATION ~ ~r • - - - l L..._.~ •.~ BUILDING PLAN.,.~,~ . ,~; - -- ---- I BLDG. PAST A ~ BLDC,. PA&T Ii ~ GARAGB {~V ~ _ ! A. !, < ' : .,, ~''~ ' ~,'~ ~~ No. Cubic Feet------- ----=~- -~------ -- ------• ~ : ~ r . yY...~:~ -r'~ ;nn Cost per cu. ft.------ ---- -~- ~- I- --- --------- ------------ ~~ . ' ~ r `- . ~ :.r ~1 J ~, X ; ~ ,._ '' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ , . ~. ~ . _ -^ , -; , Totn1 Coet------------ $----- ----f -~$---'3- ------ ~- -------'- . ~ i , x .. . , _ _~-r. ~`} f_; '~ , `1 :: i- C'~ ; ' i ,, Porchea-------------- ------ - - ------ ------------ . l Y,~ .:.J ~j ~r~''~r: ,, ~ Hj~ f .. ; . ~ ~ ~J . , Garage ------- ------ -------------- ------------- ---------- , ___..__ ._ . ~ '.. . ... , ; t~ ~ ~ . ~~ - Extras-------------- -------------- ------ ~!. r . '" y~ .J.,4;~~~•~ `~.,... .._..._.._.. - - - -------- ------------ ~ ' . ^ .^~; '~~~~.~~~'~~~_~~~~'~~"` "_"_"~'~~~..' "_'~~"~'~~"' ~ ~ t K y.. i ------- ---- -- -------- -- ~ . ~_ _._.__. -- . ____ _ _ ._ _ -__.. --- TOTAL------$..--- ------~-i$--------------$---------- __~_ , j ~~r,„, ~ -- ~k Obsoleaence--- ---- - ~ --------------- ----------- ^` ~• x- `~ ~ .y,w~~ I~~ , ~r . ,_ -' ' . ' y .~ _ q Phpaic21 Dep.-- ------ =- ---- -- ----- ~ ' I ~ , ~~ ~~, ro ~ ._Net After Deducting ~ ~,` - ~ '_. '`~ ~ ; ! ~ . Tr _. h !~t -' ,,~+' . ~ }. I~ j ~f~ ~ l~y, ~ ` ~~ r~1 ~~~~xrri~}~'~.:~ . ~j Depreciation----- ~-------------cl$--~- ------ -~$---------- ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~? - ~ ~- - _ ,;. ~. v : ~_ ~ t'" ~. I +*7,`~~~ ~: _' ~ Utilitq Dep.--- ~--------------i~-~----:--_-----E~----------- 1 ~ ~; --~ ~ -~ k~.:~.:. ~, ~ ti E~'I:ESENT VALUE- $ -------------~~------ -I~---------° ~.~ r'' {~: ' , ~ # ~' ' "x ~- _____ _..~_ ., _._ _. --------- ; J ' Mr'" ; ~ ~ ~ :! , t Cs '~ %~ ~ _.. I[ __ ___ ------- -----_.._-__-._----- s , DESCHTPTION j ~'~~~. , ; ' ~ ~ '"_ ~ 3 ~.- _ .._ _ _.. . _ _ - __ . . _ C~sas of Bldg ~ -i----- - ---- Basement-----1-1------- ;~ y,, i~,t-` f ~ r r ., . ~ ~~ ~ > ,., ~ truction-- --- ------------- Roof------°- -- ----------_ . ' ~~ .~.,.~el ~`` .,,.._ ,,,.,.''r~, ` - -- of Cans~ .__ Ficating----- . 'I ~ . ~ Height of 13uilding--_' .~„~_ "~ _.T_ __. ~ ~ ~_.__.__ _.._ _ ~+. rior ____._ _ ___ Plumbing ___ ~ " SUMDIARY ~ ANNUAL A88E$BMENT ~ 1 - .__._.. __ . ---- ------ --- _. ...~. i rior Finish ~ Y t ~ DE9CRIPTIOiV AsIOUNT ~ YEAR LAND P1iOV'E~fENTB ~_..__ ~, - --_ Li ht _. ____. 1 __~- ___ _._. t:~.._ . . ~:~ .. . .. I . ~ ., ~ i R„ilrlin~ Doem;r .. ... _.__-~. _.~ .__ ...__-_._..~. __.... . .--- - I~ ' ,~ -------- ----____._ rr~v. u~~rsge ~ ~ - ..~.~._..~=-. ,! --- ,_ly6ts '~__ ,~ i.~ C' '; "~ ' r' , ~D w ..._.N I . _ _ -~ ~~ ~ ~,.. ----- -- ------------ ,_._..~ $ : .~ , . $ ~ ,,~ ,,. Original Cost, Improvements Only $ lp~g S .----- _--------------IBsrns or Sheds _ . .:: ~ ~~._. ~ ~ -----------------' , -_ Additions and Bettermenta ----- ~-' r"' F ~isting- -' --------------- 5tate of Reps. - ----_----_.=-- Owner's Estmate of Present Velue ~$ ~ 1J41 ~ -- ~ - ~ ~ ~ . ---...._.._ _---------..~ Founoa~ion---- -------------~---- Local Imps.---i-----------------_ Yrivate Appraioal i$ 1942 i ?!„ f, ~ ~~' '/ ----_~T~__ -__-;= .._.___. ---___....~___---. __..~ _ ------- -- - _ ___ - ADDIT10N8 AND $~TTER14iE1~T8 Inaurance j$ i 1943 4 ` ~ _~_..._.....____.~______._~~~_._._------ -- I ... -- , ~ ------ ~ - --_ .-~_T.-~_:- : ,_ . .~ ~.--- =- .~-.;~-, ~~~ _~-_ ~_ _ ------ __ ~ _.. __._ . _ .. . __._< -T ___-_:_-= - .. ---===----_----,^a~:..-_.---------.~~~._==~ CLASS OF BUILDING $EIGHT ROOF LIGHT DESCRIPTIO,N Chtek Check ~ Cherk ~ ChecN Ct~a ~Ivmbazs 1-Single Reaidence_______. "_ Na, of Stories______________ ~~_'_-' CON:~i'RUCTION ~ Electricity___________________ _~_ ROOJ'IS STOftIES ~ ---___ _._.,_ , . __ . , ---. ._ ___. _ _ _. _ 2-Duplex----------- V.__...~ ~, . FOUNBATI4N , i Gas----_-----_-----_- -------=--- ~ ~Vood Shin e--- ~~ -------- ---- i ~~ ---------- ---- [~a~~,~~ i z e ncc~c 3-Bungalow, Apt., Crt.___ ___ , 0;1________ ------------------- ---- 4-Flat or Terrsco ~rick ,____________________~____ Compoaition Shingle_______ ___ ._._---- I ----------------- ---- --- Concrete -------------------k-- Tar tind Gravel------------ ---- ------------- Living Hoom_---- -------- ---J -- ----- ------ ---------- 6-Apartment House____.._ ___ ~ - ----- Stoae ----------------------1-,- Prepared Ya~er ---- ------- ~ -- -----------------°------------ -- - Dining Room----- --- - r----- - --- ------ S-Hotel ------------------ ._.- - --------- Wood--------- - --------- ~---- Sheet Iron---------_ ~ Dinette---------- -------- --'----~---- -=~=~'~.,~ ~ - ------ PRIVATE GAI2AGE 7-Store Bnilding --------- ---- -~---- '-- - -------- Tile------------------------'---- COp~~r------•-------------~---- . - ~ - Kitchen---------- -------- --~---~ 1 ~ ~--- ----------- 8------• ----------------- ---- ; ! Size __? ~ ~ - --- ~-- -------------------------------- ---- ~ .~. ~ Breakfast Nook-- -------- ---°- ----------- 9-Office Building _______._ --„--- 5laterete Tile---- ---------a ~onatruction- ---------------- ---- _, ,r-;~--- ------ -------------- ~---- ClayTile----=--- ' , r ~~ BedRoom--------- '~'= =~ -----.-_ 10-Hospita] or Sanitarium- ---- ---------~ -------- i -- _ ---- Floor-------- _ ~•r -~' - -°- ------- - - i ---- ----------- ---------- -------- , ~ ~~~;fy ~};, ; .,- Bath Room ------ -------- ~ -~ ------~------------ 11-Bank f3uilding----------- --- ------ -- , - ----- ---- ~ , -~-- 12-Theatre- ----- ---- ~ T n estoa Shingle--------------- Roof -------- ---~-=1-~,~-----~1--c- Shower~K om----'--------- ------L----- ------------------ __-------------I-- .----- ----- -----------• ---------- BASEMENT -------------------------------- Heat -------- ----------------~--~- ~ I ------ I3-V~'arehouse-------------~ . ~ -------------~-----------------~ 3'-----------------i---' Halfter-------- ----------;----. bleeping Porch---~-------- ~----- ------------------ I 15-Pcbiic Garage--------------- ~ - STYLL --~- Sun Room-------- ------- ------I' 14-Factor _ ~ --- --- I ~ ~.' I------ ------------------ : Three- uarter ----~=:-='-T--;- SHEUS AND BARNS Den-------------~-------- ~------~----- ------ ----------- 16-Private Garage----- -- ---- Cement Floor----•_-•--___~---- xaPle---------------------a /-. ~ize°;---------~Const. .-------~I---- Stora e Room-------------I------.------ ----- ------------ 18-F ot Ho se8o1rGr. House ---- Finisbed Z'~'allsandCei;in--~I---- Flat ----------------------a---- ~ize--'--------- Const. -------- ---- Office~-----------I---------I----- I~----- ------I-°--------- - ou tr ouse------_----- y ---- Halls --------------------- ------I------ ------------------ --- ------- Gumbrei ------------------ ---- LOCAL Id1PROV~?YICNTS `LO-Barns or Sheds_--_----- Y------------ ~ ~ I ~ -- Laundr ------------------ 1--------- ----=------ ------------------ ~ ---------------- -, biansard ------------------ ---- ----- 5treet Yavin ---------- }------------ ----- ' ------~--------- ------------ -- ---- J---- 5---------------- ---- -- ~ -----------------------------~---- Leanto____._-------------- ---- - - ------------~---- •---- AlIey Par-ing_______________ FINISH ---------------------------- ---- ------ ---------------------~---- - _ ___ u_um eie ------------------------- I---- -- ---~ ~ Sidew alke-------------------- ---------------------------- ---- _ _~._ PLUb181N~~ Curbin ~ Unfi~iished______ ~ .j ---------------------------- ---- 8------------- --__._ "".._'_' -'-- El'f~RIOR j " ~-- '` ~" ?lastered Plain-.~-------•-~-1~_~----- •-- --___________ ______________ ____ - _--------- Old Style_.------------------~--- W ater_--------------------- ---- ' ------ ----- -- i Common Brick _-_-_----- ~ Modcrn ------------------ Storm Se wcr------__--_--_---y---- Plastered, Ornam---------~_--~ ~------ -----~;------------ ---- CONSTRUCTION -~---~ - ------------_.-_.__ - Presaed $rick-------- ~_ ---- -~ ~ - t - ~--- Frame ----------- --------- __ ~'Gire Cut Brick-------.__- 1 No. Shower Latha _____ ,_' I-_-- EiectncitSewer ------------'" ---- apered°------- I--------- ------ ---- J-?-- ~Y Y ------------•------~ ' --------- ~ ------ -----~------------ ----------~ --- F---;- ~-----;------------ 33rick ------.------ 1f Glazed Brick------------------- h o. 1 oilets_'__ --- Soft~ ood Fioored'F--------}-~ ------- -----,------------ "` -'-"-'-'.r--~' I-' Ci83 ~ "'-"--------'°""'.'~.." ! I Tite-------------------------~---- `~ood Sidin ----.~---- No. I.ur•Atories---------~- ~ Tele hone----------------- HardwoodFloor-.;---------~.~.:- r ' ----- Stoae ~ , ---- ---------- ' tiVood Shin tes ---- --- Softwood Fin~ah- -------- ------ : ------------- - ~----- ~ r----- ------------------ ~-- ----- i No. U rinalsY--------------- ----- ----------------------•-~---- H ardwood FiniahJ -----y------- Ces~crete, Plain or Block___ ~____ Cernent 5tucco____________J____ No. Laundr TvUs , 1___ ___~____ I ~' I ------------ CfA'icrete, Heinforced--•.----~---- S.otnestone---- ------ - J---- S nit ryCloeets____---__---'~-'-- Tile------------- ~--------- -----! -----~-----~------------ ~ ~ -•------ ° --- - ------- ~ --- ---- I b1ISCELLANE0U3 cio ; , S l Frame--------------- * No Marble or Onyx----------- -----1------j~------ . ---- ~ -- - -- , Wall Board _____ .~ -~--------------------- --~---- Corrugated Iron-----------~--- Cess Pool-----------------~---- 5ideboarda----------- y°------~----- ------I-----~'------------' -------- ---- C RACTER OF CONST. Terra Cotta_______________ ~ y____ Buf£et _____________ ___ Sheetrock _______ .._ ____ i __ __ : ------------------- -' ,---- ---------- _-__.__'_- Tile ---------------------- -~ HEATING ~ ~ Cabinet ---------------------- -- Celotex --------- ---------~- - ~ - ---- , - --- C~ap----------------------~---~ ~ ~ ---- ---- -- ---- Bo k _ ------------------ ------ " ~ -- -- ~ Stove '' f~~' ? o Csees-------•- Wainscotin g --- --------- - - -•--- ---- ----- ----- ~ --- ---- / ~---- ---------.~..-------- -- ------- ---- M t 1 1 ---- ---------yl___ , ~. , ~ ~: ---------------~~-- >. i e~ e a Cei ing - -_ - ,. I ---- -- ---- - ----- ---- ---- ------------ ---------~---- Hot Air-- --- J Bean C il~ng--------~-'-~----- i -------- ------ ---- ---------------------,---- i " ------------------ Incinerator------------------- ------ - ___- _- ~---------~----- ------------ ------------- H ot Water____------------ _ . k~e ktesistin ~ --------------7--- ---• g-------------- ---- , Slt Li bts----------- OUTSIDE TilIM 5Leam -------- __ ~ Y b' -----°- --- REMARKS i~" ~ -.__.._ _ _ - .~ _~_ No. Fireplacea --------_ y__ I~-Fire Resisting--------- ---- ~ , --•--~-'~--- I -- Refrigerator or Cooler .-----.._.. .--= ------~- T .-'-- ~-- ~--Z- "-~-~- ------ ~ Gf I -.--- --- ------------------- ~---- Waod ------ , ,.,~ --------1_1-- No. Dumrny P~repiaces----.~---- Bay W.ndows---------------- - ___ " ~ ~ v... } ~. . ~ ~ d ? ~ 4 ~ ~ '~.lA. ~r1 .~ P„ Ps ~ 'Perra Cotta -------- ~=- ^ ----- ---- - --°° -- --- 'ATE QF REPA.IRB ! ------~---- Air Conditioned -------.- --- Dormer 4Vindows------------- ` ` ` .r : : , A -.,.. ..._.___~ . , c.._--- '"~- " .. ..r ~... ; ~t r ~ r~ l t, .& ":'~ .,~..... at....,, "'"-- ' `-'y~u1'"--"--' ,~;x .,'-"_'-----^"'----- Y' . , ., " y -~a~t i , ~ ~ . _ ' ~ ~.I4.. ~ a,~~~ ' . ? 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Legality Estabiished ~ Yes ~p i3.0.A. DOCY.ET JJ ' ~ . . . ._ . , Tfie Use as Indicated IS' iS ~l07 Pcrmitted. _ ' ' No -- - -- ~20NIIJG VERiFICATION l.E77ER NEEDE~ Ycs tf "YES"~ oare Sent ;9 ~ R[Pll' . - _ . .. . . tO~tIWG CLEr1kE0 by Datc /D ~~ -~ R[ASON FQIt CLEAF IIdG ~/J~ 7'`. ~~c7~ C~.- ~-`~ ir, ~ ~ ...~. - ~ - a~ ~~^.;,~ _'~~~~:~~~ _ ~~'.~ --°~---~~:.:._, ~~: -- - -_~--- w ~.~.:~:~Et~FWRG _' _ __R _ ~•:~~: - ..,~• . . . .: yt f > :,;- T .,..,d.Y ..._ -~} . l~1S?ECTt QN ~,~ .. . •~ON I~3~~ i ~~57>ECT I~ON ;t~C6Rb ~. L CEti~E N.0 yf/d S~~'. - . _.. « :-~~.. .~..~...r~,~„~Lk ~ . . f . . , _~~:,; _ ... . ; . . . . - -- _ _ ,.ap~~ ~ .,,- .~,~•,-, w r.- _ _~.~„.. _ .. -, . . .,,.:.;r~ ~~~G /`1AffLC7`~itiJ. ..- ~.~ , ~YG~~~~'y~ . Prese~L Use Property Address `~ ~ ~ ~G/G R Dwet1~~:~ U~its_. ~ e-,~ /~-f~9lt S{ ~ r'~~G 1°S f' • _ , - . • .. .. _ -. _ ~~. Dwner's_ .Na;ne; . .~ . . -_.. ~_ ~. . ~r.-- ~G'. ~. 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' :.; .:i O~v>>er's Namc Agent's Address ~ ' ~~ l Q,~G ~~~.~/d~,Crt~ - - - . ~~ s Uwner`s Plailing Adcress tity 5tate Zip •' ! ~ ~~~c.~rE<L- ~`c~ • ~ .. . ~ Ciyy Siate Zip COPY OF WOT(CF TO~GO TO AGENT? Yes No~ ~: <l~/L - i Sa r ~ t ~ . EXISTING RECORDS b INFORM.~TIOU ' _ _ ' - ~ - - , -- =a ; : - ~ ,~ LEGAI DESCR I P71 oFJ ZON I;JG C.tAraGE REASON FOR I NS PECT { ON : _. .~ ''-' Lot 1l~,Block ~~Z From x License_ T~~f~9~ ._ 4 Svbdivision ST ~ r 7o Complai»t fiousing -~ _~. ? Trac t;l •.• ~ Da ~e„ . Com Tain: ?onin p g • --~- ; ' n 19tiQ ~ Year Corstr~.,ctAd. Request . -- ~ - ~ . . / . '~ -„ l_. ~ ,7,L%~..~.,~~..;~., f ~ n,.,. .. ! , _;`~ _ . ~._ 1~~12~~ . .:Presen.t~7_~ning.; ' • ' . .. _ .•- , . i . ..... .. - t~~`•-Z'. •Maximum Units;Allowed~ ~--~: '; -~ ; ---- ~ ~ Ll.1C7 ~.4/ater, s i..1_1.~_n9. !f . . . . _ _ _ ~ , - ~•. ' ~} ! DOQ ~ ~ , Lat S i ie ( ~p X J p.) ~`k (PROV I DED THAT ALL TIECESSARY FEES A~lD DEVELOPf4EN7 ARE . ~ -% ~i ' ~ SAT3SFiEQ) ' ~ FfELD ltJrOR11?tTION . . . ~-- ' - .a ; ._~uf?lEj[ Present Use . _ , ~ / FvCl r9 D~ve]1 ing Un; ts . ~ - -. - ~. _ ~. j ~ ~uJ r~ . . ;! Ki tchegs / ' ~ ... i=.q ~'--• . , ~( ~ pYV~ fl Roocrers ~ ,. ~ j -. ~~~~`'~ ~ ~ o~ _ ~9 Families ~ ~ ~ - - - ~ • Ycs Ne Alix UnrclaCed ~r•oups? ~ _ ~F~; ~ _~` _ ~~~ ~~~ ~ Da ~:: ~ __.l C-~~ ~ • D3.it _ ::c'i1.3::' :~i= ;~ :'~~~':~,i ~ ~v1ki'~:.'.t li: ~~::.' -- _.. ., . .. . . ~ ~ -~.: ......,~~x,wxxrw~~ 0 Y.1~..i ' . . . ~ .. _._ ~'~jry-~o~~-:~.~ - ~` ~-; ~~ ~,~. 8~d- 7wmh Na. ` ENc. ~rmN Na _~ ~i ` Daa G~AfO / l O.t~ ~ BLDG. AOpRESSi~ `~ OWNE 1 I ~ ~i. . N~m^ ~ ~ 1~ YYr P ~, ' M411 Mdnss~ ° -- ~"+ . -- CI ~ `~ Td. N~ 4' ~~ DESCR1PT10N OF YYORK: ~L~ ~- } yY. F~ppd ~~W~IO/I ~1 /~Sf fi LEGAL 6ESCRIP710fd Lot ~ Blocl ~ SU~VIfIOn -~ 1 henby tuta fh+a6ow is aorreot, ~'-' t~ y -.r~ Y~1~~`!tl CI(y Of ~MfICO I~ 11I L~IIq } 7~ ~ ~1.~. L`~~~ S +~n e! r I AP Iitan ~'~ D T WRITE B6L0' ~~ _ 7ype of Const. ' - Ffn Zan~ ~ ~ itms Apprortd By: ~ ~ Finattnsp~ction y: ~f.... ~. . Bullding Psrmit Fe S ~"'' Plan Ci.eck Fea S l.: ?~'' -Electrlul Parmlt Fee ~ S ~' • e -: ' Meehonlul Parmlt Fee S . ~= Plumbiny Permit Fea S k k ~ ' Use/Ss~e: Tax S ?4. : Enarqy ~ 5 - ~~_ Park/Community Der. . . . ' - :.,5 - plUMBING PERMIT ' _ . Contr~ctnr N~me _Uc. TFo. ~ No. Ua'm ~ New WorkJOrih~ Remodel/8~thi Typaf ol Fixturtt/No. Types of FwronsMo, Other- - . _. _ 1 aqro~ to p~dorm tbi~ wwk M oompi'unu with th~ Codn bl tfi~ GIy oi 8ouldar. ~ ~ .:a.~.~ - - -- •- . _ . Imq.e~W by D+N ' Syn~mn at Appfium ._~ _ .-... ..-_:_'._ :-~_ _... ~F. ._ .•~ i MECHANICALPERM~T.~ -'- ` -.._.,... .__.._ ....._.._. . _ Contncta Namn„ ~ ~ - - Lic.~No..' ~ ' , Vst.. ..~_ f~ New Aanalr RaD~+a -- -BTU R~tiriy"-- - - HP. -:. . . . . Loatlon _.._. _ HotWnaHtr.~„~SailedCom6,,Htr~._~,Sp~c.Hv.~ ~~Unit.Htr. ~ ComlertCOOi~. _„ ~ ,.t~._z . Low Prau. Boi~er Hl~h Pr~. Boi~ar ~" ~uct Furruoe ~~.~:, Forced~Air Furn~a ~. . . Vstrtii-tinq.Eawp. . : Rddq~t~on SYrtem ~~ ~ . ~ ', ' ' G~s~ipmp . n*~• ~ 4 ? _. ; . -srs,'p+TeL . "'lT~'~ Fq.s.~ T'u~*. r . . . I ayiee m{»Aorm this wwk n ooriipL+nta wrtb tkJCoda~ o! the Gty of Bou~da "' ' . . . _._... .__.-'--___ ._~_~.~.~_ ____._.. ~ .~.... -... ..._ . ~ C .- ~-~~ ~~~ SJeW $Ye._ .r1i.~Y. $VG Sllt I~prc~ ta wmpiy ~~9rn to par~ofm this wwk in mmpfitnce ~tranion wich ~he Codes of [he Gty ot Boulda'~.___, _. • /~' ~Y..~..~ 1.. n~t~ .~, ~ ~'p~ C N~RA OA ' ~ . ~ N G .$ y 2 ~..~ ~ - . t i+ - . '" : ~ ~....T. - . . ~ - . . _ ClASS OP WORK . - - . . N~w -°AdJit7on Alt~r tlon' ~ R NI~' amf - -~ ptuu iompl.n M~ fullarinp - ' .. UT och~r th.n ~T1EW" } pp;~ ~ . _~_~,,_ _ ' . . . liaou No. Td. No. yyjxihis thanp~ o. «r~ ~n. ~t~~~ lldl ~ Yn 7 , No Job S'ite . 2d Hoor_.__ .. _._ :... - - n9 y.,=: ..r.. an DF_tM bu ~_ ~ ~_ 7.I.Mo. _~Tel.hto. ~ ._.~~.~.,,..,~.r..,: 1Ydi this eiuti mothn dw.Rinp ~ ~ . !~ .. - - - - - ~ - - - ' .aroomfn~unlt7-.-' Yts _NO? ` , , ~ ~ -' ' . . . . --' KGTfOryr Duildiftq7 ' ELECTRiCALPERMIT ' ' - `= - ~"' • 'Tmiv: Con:i. AwiJ Contrccto+ N~m~ -A~p. Na_ ~ " -- . _ _ _ _ _ _ .. _ % ~,Has,Nevcr Secn_l_nspectcd _ ~ -- `~_....- . R F _ LfCENSE N0. '~ ~;,^~^ .' ~econd or. Subsc ucn [ I ns ~cc t i ons. `~ ,;,.. . . ;.. ; .,. . . . . ... .._.... ..~- - ~- -.. . _ T~,[~ ~ --- .. _ _ _. _ _. ---- ~f,~1~B1`lA I~'~Att #t ~J~' / E~,4f;F~ ~ -" "" ~-_~E';C " ~ ' r' , . _'' ,. . . ~ - ~ . .. - . . _ ~.. - .- ..~5;~3'i~~-K'..~=i~i~r: . ^~ .-a~ ..cLy~,_.f:1r~_~'~~=.". . .. .. . .•_t..'-' f '. .:r _ .__Y~_~^'_`.~~ ~" '. _.:`.'i iM.~San-~+:a~::~~"_~.s .~..~..~~_~-"_. Y. uati~an _,~,~?,~`~` SdEi:tL~liI~AI. FEkt~IT-~FPLICr1TIflK PEftMIT tt0_ c1€ f~rJ~{~~ -- -~ -- CI3lt OF 3Ql3LDEF ~ M Approval _ _ SUIi.DilEG 3~lSPEC.I~F DIYISiO~ Pertn7t Fee . ~~ Q , : ventzlatzan ~aTes Tdx _.. Tc ctms~ruct, add, rc l~ce, aL~cr or ^ep~_r h~aring, , ~~r,~~Qna,t3.on, corafaz-r cool,a.ng s~steus and. othes ~iscellaneous hea~- _~aTat __ $uilding Address ~ Oa#e of ~pplication 011NER'S 1~ HAf~E / ~ ;~ArtE ~ITY~~'STA3~ "~{ , pKay&~~rc ~ I a~e ta perfo: ~a r?~e w~rk described ~erein in ac~ordance xith the ~lans andlor spec.ixications sub:zi~tad, ~d wi~h all provisions o~ ~Y:e Bui1d ing Ca~e, Mecha~i.cal Code, Zoning ~i.a:i~e and Y.eaj ~h Regu~arions o= ~he C~.ty of 3oulder. > 6 tiE S RESIDENCE ~ INI~USTRI~~ _ ~ 1 N'Fi~i ~'EPAIR RF~iACEMET~t~ ~, ~ - ' ~,. TYPc: 0~' APPLFANCE: ~bt Water Heater F~rced Air Furnace ., ~orr Pressure 8ailer Un~t Heater ~~ ' ' ~ ~iigh Pressure 8oiler S~ace Heater _ Sealed Heater uct Furnace = Refrigera[ion System ComFort Cooling _ Ventilating Equfp, Other BTU l~TFiVG N.P. ,~ _ .~ _LOCATICN Ii~ BUIL~I G • =1.~~ ~~-~- - PL~,NS ON ~ItE Q OTHER _ JNSP£CTFON DA7E COMt4ENiS E _ _ ~~.~' - _;_ ~ ~gnature o .pp ~can = A PERN1iT t~it1S~' S~ I55UED PKI4R TO COMi4ECiCE~tEi~T = fl~ N~RK. ' s _ ~...~r. ..~FT ,~ ._ '.:;_,a = -~r91~f.~~`- - ~.` ~ ~~ - :~_~ ,:~`-:-, _ ~ . , , -:~ ~_'~ ~'...- . .. `~Y ..~. = ___. =.-a~=•~:' r =c. - . ... ..~~.6~ ~~~~~~~- r - ."' - ' ~ . . ~.'1~ . .' ~ ` -- - -,.__._. _. .. `°-~"'... ~.=--=-~ - - --- __ r. ~ f ~~ _ _ ~S~ Sanborn Maps 1936 Mapleton Avenue 1895 Sanborn (area not covered) , .. ;. .. L ~ ~ ~ lI`~ Attachment D ~~ ' 1900 Sanborn (area not covered) _ / _ -__ -/ / J, ~ ~ . is~t i r~?.-~ _ ,~L„' . .1 /a ~ ~y~.~ `U~ ~p.1 s ~ C C C ret:~r~t~~ iY~n~ ~ .~~..~~ca~~ ~°~"y 1906 Sanborn ~.s .~. ,s~ .~ ,".f--- ~ ~---~x~s- ,-'--;T--~-- _ _ A ~.~ • ;.vn I 1 -E- -7-------------HILL ------------------- ~~~ ri• ~~^ .a. ---~---------------_..~,~_ /' .___ \~~--- ~ f= t Q! ~ ~ C_ 4 p ~ ~~ ry;'~ I ~ ~ 1 ~ ~ at _..._~l_ LI7 '~ ' _' 4 4. N ~ I .~ f ~:r P1i~tE s•nr~tie.. 1910 Sanborn ~_ HILL A ~ N N ~ ~ -~i ~ ~ ~ ~~ k `. ~ W ~ ~s ( ~ i I ~ ~ f d tl ~ ~ ~ ~ .~- ~ a ---~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ - _ ` ~f.1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 4 h ~ ~ ~ : .s.,,c. G ti : s~ _ ~ N 4 ~ ~ V f` F~ ^V I ~ N g ~ ~ ' ~_ N 4 --" i ~ • ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ' 1 ti t r• 1 1 .. 1 a v y .~ h 1 I 1 -ti 7 r ~ + N ~ -~ ~ ~ ,~ y n ap y { ~s i '_~~ '_3 ~. ' ~ 1 . dN M'/ iy • g• ~ ~ 4i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~_ ~ ~ ~ Q ~_ II u, ~ .~ sYti .etics isa 6v ax~ rsz~ ~a~a -• 4~' P ~ yNf3qr ~ PlNE ,,. _~,.._....,,~_, ~ ~ G i. h ~~ 1 ~ c~ nc~~~lC~A iT~~ifl # .~~._.~~AC~F _ 1918 Sanborn ~` MARLE7l~N AV. (H~W G ,e~ atw a~ m,~ ,dar .axa f m (~ S ~ N :~i .bV ~ ~b ~ ~~, ~ '~ r~ ~ ~ ` '- ~ ~ w M ~ N N c,~ ~ - - ~ ~ ~ e s a H ~ ~ ~ 1 & ~ _._, ~ y ~i : _ 8'y. ` G •----- -p-"--~-- +aza ~ o - z' •~ l ,b : a i~ w ?~ ~ V I~ _ P ~ ~ ~ ~ m m a -t ~ ~ b ` b ~I ~ 'ti----~ , -~ i --~ , ~ ~ , ;~;~ -. ~ ,~ ~ ~~ h ~ , ~ PI N E •-• =~x "-'r--~_.....:.. i 1922 Sanborn ~ MAPLETON A~I/. ~ °mr ~ ~ ~ r.: ~` . v ~~ S" `'1 ~ ~ C-+ ~ ~ F ~ _ ~~ -p a ~. ~. ~ ~ ~-~ _ ~ c ~ ~ ~_ ~ •~ ~ ~ +b • ~ ~ E ~ ~~ .,z., i .,,, ~~ N N ~ ~ ~* ~ ~~ PiNE ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ A 4 ~ E: 2 i,~ ~ oy ~t <o ~e O~ • ~--~ ~'{ .b ~ a ~ f ~ s~ d r~ a ~ z....M ~ ..._ 4~~=-=1 "s __f' ~ ~+~ IVI 1~ • ~~ h~~ J ~ ~ ~ S --a~'1'3x. .~.......~.;.. A~:EfVC7l~, IT~tVJ # _` ~.."..~..PAGE ~ / 1931 Sanborn ~ MAPLETON AV, g c~~ ~ ~ ~ •~ ~ ~ PWE a ~ ~ ~ ~ h~ j ' ~. o ~ ~ ~ N A (~~. ~ I ,,_ _~ -'~~ ,A ~ ~ A a b~ ~ v ~~' b O b ~Q b y ~ `r 3 ,. I b ~.J __""7 i y_.__..i . .. .l ~-~ -~ x ~ N ~ `r+ /~a +OW Ai/ 4S7 ~ SvR+x,.~...... . .. •Y• ~ t 1931-1960 Sanborn ~ MAPLETQN AV 2_ ~ ~ y ~ i~ i ~ b 5 ~ , ' ti _ I~ y _,. ~ ` n ~ q ~- ~ W I b ti . b • ~ . ~ '• ~ b ~ .;~ + ~ --b' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~"J ti ea ~ ~ • ti r p > ~ ~ ~ '~ A .~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 V , ~. ~ ~ ~ a~ 6 ~' i b ~ ~ b ~_'~ ~o ~ ... ~.: -~__..I l ~" P R , ~ , ~ ~ aE ~ , ~ & _J~ k K ~~ {% ~_'1 ~ ~ ~ y ~ ~ a bj ~ i ~_~ ~= ~ :~ __. -- ~- m ~ ~ :-1 n t- .~_ ars a~' f!R ~ ~A ~.• PINE ~ .1..r1.. ~~.. ~ ~ ~i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ 4 -- ~ti a b .ry ~~ '! SN b ~ {; a ~ ~ ~ ~ N O ~i a - i ~ i ~~ 1 ~ i~ ~ ~ N ;~ N ~ ~ ~ ~ ,ax~ r~ rx, ,ur. ,.+ ~ s•,.Pr: .~, ..-- - . [. ' _ _ ~ ~ (~~' ~ uo7 w _ > ~ b v - ~ ~ b i : oa :, .I b a . ~ ,.f _ I ,~ b. ' ~ b `_ L "_' ~ ~ ~ J ~ ~ ~~.~:L~ca~ ~~t~nn ~ ~._ ~p.c~~ 32~ ,~ : - -- ~ ^ -- - , _ _ - - . --~ - . _ .. -----, --~-~ ; ~ , ` CORR[CTE~'..CtCLAR6C4 . PLe.Y or ,_ ~C~C~~`~ ~ OM[~DCG°~o ~ . OouIDGR.CO LoLOR~~O - ' ~ JANIE7~. ~1' . .. ~ 1cel. 10a ~ul r. ro. Inch, .. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 4~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ f ~ 1 ~ ~ ~il~t I I. 1 /~ ? \ LUfF .'1• 'SY }• n~ 0 N14`,. ~~ ,J,,.~, ,~, n y . . :~• tl• •sY Mil y~ '1, h ..1N~' 1 ~~• ,'', '~ ~ ~. - 1~--~ -- - P~- -'1. --`,-i: -- 1=j1- _f31-'~~---~-- ~ .~``' ~ ~ ~~Mfls. i~ . 1, '' ~ R t SPRU`L D G~~K Y. M1'' ~ ~ ' • _ i .. N ~. _ n• ^ ^ ~P~at 1' `~ 1`~ N .1• ~ ^ ~ 1. • N' I wl ,~" T. .• VtN~'.f • °-. ~ ,i.1• p, •f ~~~~ ' ~ eo r•5 ,,» .~y.. a., i _I, ,~~ r - .... G. y i ~8~.~'` ~ ~ ~ .. , f..~~i.~ ~~ ~ ~ s.~ tr.~ ' B~U.~. 4.w~ p... w h 4./..o../ ~~'..+ .l.y.u«J..,..u-~1Qr eGSL+ e.+s. .. 4...~ W.~`y_ ~. sc ~, { a. e}. .... ., a. ^~.s~rti ~.y_w ~...A~t.y~o .~ ..~_~l~.r ~ 4. ,_~~_3 _. p. ...`'`a S~._.a w e ~~.' ......il..r a. f.~F" .. a-u..:.+i , .. ~. 4 ...., ..~.~ R.---~ .S t.~... .' ~... C... y .S e. ^. 5.~.• 4 .....~ ,. ~ ..y .~ s..~..y. e o u~.. .. .a..~ . m ..a ....,+.n -1e..c .~ T....n~.~. .. •y. 0.4L.. A-......~ :r ~', ` ~ L era~~'1.r .+..n. n. a. xh.r ~~ ~1.-t£N~L.~-.a~~~w.a~R..abv.r J ~ ~.w .l~~v i l ~~ r -~ .~l~J , - ..'r,:: ' . ~. f a ~i+r~.~ v~..+ _.a. .~...~-.- ' . . ~w ~ f.~ w.y~~ w.~ J+ L..~ •1~~. ~ 3260,. ~C~ y ATTACHII~NT E: D[RECTORY AND DEED R~SEARCH OWNCRS OF 1936 HILL/MAPLETON AVENUE: Bold Indicates long-term ownership Prior to 1881 Albcrt Myles 1881 to 1896 James M. North 1596 to 1897 Metta & Ella Frakes (No«se estin:ated to be constructed in 1897) 1897 to 1902 Frcd Sherwood 1902 to 1919 (~corgc W. Simmons 1919 to 1945 1945 ro 1945 1945 to 1946 1946 to 1946 1946 to 1954 1954 to 1992 1992 to 20Ub 2006 to present Laura Kennicott S.J. & Ivah M. Paxton Harold J. & Goldie E. Sturges Alvin A. & Doris L. I3ritt Raymond & Patricia Moloney Mary E. Hurst William J. Hurst John P. 8c Laurel H. Hickman NOTE: Address changed from 1936 Hill to 1936 Mapleton Avenue around 1916. RCSIDENI'S OF 193G HILL/MAPLETON AVENUE: Bold Indicates long-term residency 1898 to 1901 Miss Mary A., Fred & Mrs. Sherwood 1903 to 1908 George W. and (wife) Minnie Simmons 1911 Hodie B., (wife) Ann, and Mabel Doudna 1913 Samuel S. Worrell 1916 Vacant 1918 J.W. Pierre 1921 to 1943 Clarence M. &(wife) Laura Kennicott 1946 Sidney J. &(wife) Ivah Paxton 1949 to 1953 Raymond L. &(wife) Patricia Moloney 1955 to 1959 Mrs. Mary E. Hurst 1960 IIarry M. Noyes & George F. Schattinger 1961 Harry M. Noyes & Merle E. Gregg 1962 Ronald L. Ricker & Thomas P. O'Rourke 1963 to 2001 Mrs. Mary E. Hurst & various tenants 2001 to 2006 William J. Hurst NOTE: Carnegie Library's collection of city direcrories is intermittent beginning in 1869, and annual beginning in 1958. "No Return" or "No phone" does not necessarily mean the building was vacant. ,`1~.~~vnEa ~r~nr~ fi} "~PAG;S_'~ ~ - . ,.~". ~ _ t:~ . ~'r; ~'~,~ ~ ~~ ~'-. %`,~ :~°~t~b~, d~"~°~tti ~; .": '_ I~~1G~ ~ Attachment F: Current Photographs 1936 Mapleton Avenue Attachment F: Current Photographs ~(~ - ~: ;1=.l~lL~l~ I7~hA #~ ~,F~AG~ -. 1936 Mapleton Avenuc Attachment F: Current Photographs ~~ 3~ ~ ::~°~V{?!~ fT'I~#1rs a, ----~--PAG~ 1936 Mapleton Avenue Attachment F: Current Photographs ~,8 ~~,~ _,=~~~~~ i`~;v~ ~, -- ~~~~~.~ 1936 Ma~leton AvellUe Attachment F: Current Photographs ~~_;~=;l~t:~f1 I!'~~1~1., "~,~'A~a~ ~ / 1936 Mapleton Avenue Attachment F: Current Photographs ra~~~ura rr~~+ fi~ ~ t~nCak ~ 1936 Mapleton Avenue Attachment F: Current Photographs 1936 Mapleton Avenue 1~- ~~ >°~r.~~=1~#~7f\ I`~'~C~N #t `~~ -~-,~'e~~a~ ~ ,~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ e 2 ~~ ~ ~ ~ : v, s c ~ L C~ O v +-' :,, O ~ ~ G~ > ,~, Q~ ~ ~ i. O ~ ~ ~ ,.., ~ ~ w ~ C ~ y M ~ ~ ~ S v c3 ~ .r d~ Attachment F: Current Photographs ,~»~~6~[~~ I~T'~{1!! fr.~6~A~~. A ~ 1936 Mapleton Avenue Attachment F: Current Photographs 1936 Mapleton Avenue ~1~:P~AiN'~ tf~A tl'l~~-:G~~, s ~l-,~A~,~ / Surrounding Context Photographs Attachment F: Current Photographs 1936 Mapleton Avenue Surrounding Context Photographs ~E~~~:~~d~ ~~~ u•r°~=S~r~ ~. ~ ~>r~r;~ `~'~ Attachment r: Current Photographs 1936 Ma~leton Avenue ,,~.~~ ~ ~,°=~,fe;'L~~> ~~~_~~. . r~l~a~,~ Surrounding Context Photographs Attachment G Landmark Preservation Advisory Board Adopted 9/17/75 , ~ ~. /- ~ ~ i ~ ''` 1:. % ~ C; <. ~. r ~ ~ . ~..`-`" c~ SIGNIFICANCE CRITERIA Individuat Landmark September 1975 Secretary to the Board On September 6, 1974, the City Council adopted Ordinance #4000 providing procedures for the designation of Landmarks and Historic Districts in the City of Boulder. The purpose of the ordinance is the preservation of the City's permitted cultural, historic, and architectural heritage. The Landmarks Board is permitted by the ordinance to adopt rules and regulations as it deems necessary for its own organization and procedures. The following Significance Criteria have been adopted by the Board to help evaluate each potential designation in a consistent and equitable manner. Historical Significance The place (building, site, azea) should show character, interest or value as part of the development, heritage, or cultural characteristics of the community, state or nation; be the site of a historic, or prehistoric event that had an effect upon society; or exemplify te cultural, political, economic, or social heritage of the community. Date of Construction: This area of consideration places particulaz importance on the age ofthe structure. 2. Association with Historical Persons or Events: This association could be national, state, or local. 3. Distinction in the Development of the Communitv of Boulder: This is most applicable to an institution (religious, educational, civic, etc) or business structure, though is some cases residences might qualify. It stresses the importance of preserving those places which demonstrate the growth during different time spans in the history of Boulder, in order to maintain an awareness of our cultural, economic, social or political heritage. 4. Reco~nition bv Authorities: If it is recognized by Historic Boulder, Inc. the Boulder Historical Society, local historians (Barker, Crossen, Frink, Gladden, Paddock, Schooland, etc), State Historical Society, The Improvement of Boulder, Colorado by F.L. Olmsted, or others in published form as having historical interest and value. 04.OSsignif-indiv ' Page 1 of 3 raG~PIDA ITERA tF ~ PAGE. ! ~ Architectural Significance The place should embody those distinguishing characteristics of an architectural type specimen, a good example of the common; be the work of an architect or master builder, known nationally, state-wide, or locally, and perhaps whose work has influenced later development; contain elements of architectural design, detail, materials or craftsmanship which represent a significant innovation; or be a fine example of tfie uncommon. 1. Recognized Period(Stvle: It should exemplify specific elements of an azchitectural period/style, ie: Victorian, Revival styles, such as described by Historic American Building Survey Criteria, Gin~erbread Age (Maass), 76 Boulder Homes (Barkar), The History of Architectural Stvle (Marcus/Wiffin), Architecture in San Francisco (Gebhard et al), History of Architecture (Flectcher), Architecture/Colorado, and any other published source of universal or lacal analysis of "style." 2. Architect or Builder of Prominence: A good example of the work of an architect or builder who is recognized for expertise in his field nationally, state-wide, or locally. 3. Artistic Merit: A skillful integration ofdesign, material, and color which is of excellent visual quality and/or demonstrates superior craftsmanship. 4. Example of the Uncommon: Elements of azchitectural design, details, or craftsmanship that are representative of a significant innovation. 5. Indieenous Oualities: A style or material that is particularly associated with the Boulder area. 6. Other, if applicable. Environmental 5i @nificance The place should enhance the variety, interest, and sense of identity of the community by the protection of the unique natural and man-made environment. Site Characteristics: It should be of high quality in terms of planned or natural vegetation. 2. Compatibilitv with Site: Considetation will be given to scale, massing placement, or other qualities of design with respect to its site. Geo ra hic Importance: Due to its unique location or singular physical chazacteristics, it represents an established and familiar visual feature of the 04.OSsignif-indiv ,C',cIVDp~ ITEAA #t ~ PA~GE G ~ commumty. 4. Environmental Appropriateness: The surroundings are complementary and/or it is situated in a manner particularly suited to its function. 5. Area Inteeritv: Places which provide historical, architecturai, or epvironxnentai importance and continuity of an existing condition, although taken singularly or out of context might not qualify under other criteria. 6. Other, if applicab(e. S:~PLAN~data\Comdev~FiIS I1GEN~DesignationWbout Landmarks~signif crit-indiv.wpd 04.OSsignif-indiv ,rNDA ITEM # ~ PAGE ~ . Attachmeut H ~n City of Boulder Planning and Development Services '~' ~'+"~` DEMOLITION PERMIT APPLICATION ~ ~DEMOLITION PERMIT APPLICATION ~ 7'ase number: PMT Date Issued: LANDMARKS BOARD ~DEMOLITION APPLICATION ^ MOVING REVIEW APPLICATION Case number: HIST '~ ~•~'~ ~ L Z Date Approved: ProjectAddress ~1 3~ '~'1 RPLE i-L n; JE Building Use (~ ES I DEl~Gi= Owner Name ~ /i~ /eC Owner Phone 3 Q~-`~~ 1~- 3~ 7~f Owner Address ~ 0~/ l~ YC- /~ ~L S i ~C i l LJ~ E/Z ~~30 ~Z Contractor ~~' I C K M FFn1 ~i 1~1 ~TR ~I C l 1 v n,~ Contractor Phone ~ ~' 3-~ 17 - 3 87,~ The applicaat is responsible for obtaining all applicable signatures. o~ # of Dwelling Units ql Z Square Footage Type of Dwelling (pick one- required) ~( Single-Family Dwelling ^ Multifamily Dwelling ACCessory S~cture ~~( D~tached ^ Attached Describe structure to be removed: 5rt~-D ~ ~ ~ Date of Construdion ^ Townhome Square Footage Primary Business Use ^ Office ^ Commercial/Retail ^ Other Date of Construdion ^ Parking Garage Accessory Strudure ^ Detached ^ Attached Describe structure to be removed: Revised Jan. 200Ei 303. pd! AGENDA ITEM # ~PAGE : ~ INTERIOR COMPONENT DEMOLITION * Provide one set of demolition plans. * A separate demolition permit may be issued after a tenant finish permit has been applied for. PARTIAL STRUCTURE DEMOLITION * Contractor is responsible for ensuring that all utilities and fire protection systems are properly disconnected prior to demolition. * Attach completed P/umbing Fixture Countform. * Permit must be purchased within two (2) weeks of Planning and Development Services Center and Historic Preservation Advisory Board (for landmark structures or within an historic district) approval date. * Provide one set of demolition plans. * Check one of the following (if applicable): O Strvcture is landmarked or in an historic district. Landmarks Preservation Advisory Board approval is required. Contact a preservadon planner at 303-941-4293 about obtaining a Landmark Alteration Certificate. ^ Structure is not landmarked or in an historic district, but is over 50 years old. Landmarks Preservation Advisory Board approval is required. Complete the rear of this application and submit it to a preservation planner. ENTIRE STRUCTURE DEMOLITION * Contractor is responsible for ensuring that all utilities and fire protection systems are properly disconnected prior to demolition. - * Attach completed P/umbing Fi,r[vre Count form. * Permit must be purchased within two (2) weeks of Planning and Development Services Center and Historic Preservation Advisory Board (for buildings oider than 50 years of age) approval date. * Check one of the foliowing (if applicable): ^ Structure is landmarked or in an historic district. landmarks Preservation Advisory Board approval is required. Contact a preservation planner at 303-441-4293 about obtaining a Landmark Alte2tion Certificate. ~,Structure is not landmarked or in an historic district, but is over 50 years old. Landmarks Preservation Advisory Board approval is required. Compiete the section below and submit it to a preservation pianner. Include the following if the building is over 50 years old and is not landmarked or within an historic district. Please provide the following: ~ One set of mlor photographs of all elevations of the building(s). ~ A survey of site plan that cleariy indicates which building(s) are proposed for demolition. ~ The application fee for an initial Landmarks Preservation Advisory Board Review. If the application is referred to a full Landmarks Preservation Advisory Board hearing, there will be an additional fee: (Please refer to the Schedule of Fees for current fee information.) For the purpose of this review, "demolition" means a removal of 50 percent or more of the exterior walls, 50 percent or more of the roof, or removal of street-facing exterior walls. (See 10-13-2, B.R.C., 1981.) tar_aENBA ITE{U~ #~ ~~Aa~ sI REQUIRED APPROVALS If the demolition wili affect the utility right-of-way, please obtain signatures from the three utility companies liste~i below BEFORE submitting the appiication for a permit. If you are unsure of whether the demolition will effect the utility right-of- way, visit a Project Specialist at the Planning and Development Services Center. Partial Enti gency ame, ress an one ignature ate Xcel Energy X 2655 N. 63rd St. 303-938-2265 Cail Daniel Nival for an appointment. Qwest Communications X 855 S. Flatiron Court 303-441-7113 Cail Kathy Dunbar for an appointment. 303-441-6683fax Comcast X 720-490-3786 Call Mike Kascak for an appointment. -4 Boulder County Health Department X 3450 Broadway 303-441-1180 Call for specific information. City of Boulder Fire Department X 1805 33rd St. 303-441-3348 Call Ray Mullins for an appointment. 303-441-4350fax Liaison to I.andmark Pr~ervation Advisory Board X X Cty of Boulder Planning and Development Services 1739 Broadway, third Floor 303-441-4293 Approval needed for buildings that are 50 years old or older, located in an historic distrid, or individually City of Boulder Planning and Development J( Services Utility Administrative Technicians 1739 Broadway, third Floor 303-441-1850 City of Boulder Planning and Development X X Services Project Specialist 1739 Broadway, third floor 303-441-1880 I agree to perform the work described herein, in accordance with the plans andJor specifications submitted, and with all provisions of the Building Code, Zoning Code and Health Regulations of the city of Boulder as enumerated in the Soulder Revised Code, 1981. .._~ ~ i Applicant's 5ignafure ` j ,.' 3 ~s ~: Date Note: If you need youi waterservice tzimed offor your water meterremoued, please contad UtilityBi/ling at 303-441-3160. Be cautious of hazardous materials such as asbestos and lead-based paint. Call the State of Colorado Air Poliution Control Division at 303-692-3150 for more information. C~ ~R+.~A ITEM ~ ~pA,GE J ~` FOR STAFF USE ONLY Landmarks Preservation Advisory Board review of non-landmarked buildings over 50 years in age. ~ ~~.U ~ Date completed application received by Planning and Development Services ~~' ~~1 ~~' Date of initial review ^ No significant impact or potential detriment to historic resources of the city ~Building may be eligible for designation as an individual landmark; permit applicadon is stayed for a public hearing before the full Landmarks Preservation Adviwry Board. In the event that a stay is imposed, the time requirements of 10-13-23 shall be tolled until the additional fee is received. ~ 6 1 O Q~ Date the full board hearing fee is received by Planning and Development Services ^ Additional submittal requirements ^ Black-and-white photographs of interior and exterior ^ Scaled site plans and elevations ^ Historicai information ^ Other f~GENDA ITEN! # ~!'~.pAGE.~ September 12, 2006 City of Boulder Planning and Development Services Boulder, Colorado Attached please find a demolition permit application for the house and detached shed located at 1936 Mapleton Avenue. I currenUy have this property under contract for purohase. Although the house is quite old, built around 1898, it is in such terrib{e condition that we respectfully request permission to demotish the house in order to rebuild a single-family home. The new house woutd be built in a style compatible with the history of the area. The present owner is an older man who has been in the house since 1954, and has apparently done virtually no maintenance during that time. As a general contractot, I can honesdy say that the house is in the worst condidon of any I have ever seen. There are major structural flaws throughout the buildings, mostly caused by decades of water damage to the foundation and interior support columns. The exterior walls are virtually aIl unstable with no solid foundations. The interior is in even worse condition than the exterior, with large, gaping cracks in the structural walls and ceilings, and uneven floors. The mechanical systems are in hazardous disrepair, with copper pipes connected directly to iron, and unsafe electrical wiri~g. Houses in the immediate neighborhood are mixed ages and styles, with some new, and even contemporary, construction as shown in the photos included with this app(ication. If you have any questions, please contact me at 303/817-3878. Sincerely, '\ ~°- ia ----~ John~~ickman HI~~KMAN conshuchon, inc 209(I Peatl Sf Boultlec CO 80302 (J03) 245-0554 FAX (303) 938-8153 tdG~iVf7A ffEAq # ~'z~~AC'.,~'J7 Attachment I October 26, 2006 Landmarks Preservaaon Advisory Board City of Boulder Planning and Development Services Boulder, Cotorado Re: 1936 Mapleton Avenue Demolition Request This house is vacant and uninhabitable. We believe an informed decision on this permit cannot be made without seeing the interior. The attached photographs will only begin to show the condition. Please contact John at 303/817-3878 at any time to arrange a full site visik We understand Wat the Board must base its decision on four criteria: The eligibility of the building for designation as an individual landmark. The relationship of the building to the chazacter of the neighborhood. The reasonable condition of the building. The reasonabie projected cost of restoration and repair. We are requesting this demolirion permit based on the third and fourth criteria. We have been renovating homes in Boulder for 20 years and in that time have renovated many, and have only completely demolished and rebuilt one. We do appreciate the physical chazacter of this home. However, during the fifty-plus years this house was owned by one family, virtually no maintenance was performed. As a result, the house is in such terrible condition, it will not be possible for it to be renovated. Please see the engineer's report attached. A synopsis of the report is: The foundation has failed. The floor systems have failed. The exterior walls have failed. The interior walls have failed. The old rubble foundation was originally built too low and that, along with poor drainage over many years, has severely eroded the foundation. The first floor system has failed because the support columns were built on dirt instead of concrete. The converted attic apartment was built on ceiling joists from the first floor, instead of properly engineered floor joists. As a result, it is deflecting, and when walked on, moves up and down in a trampoline effect. The outside walls HICKMAN consiruchon, inc. 2W0 Peari St eoultlec CO 80302 (303) 245-0554 FAX (303) 938-8153 ^,G~NDA ITEM # ~~PAGE ~ 1936 Mapleton Avenue 10/26/06 are moving laterally, and in some places twisting horizontally. The mechanical systems are also dangerously outdated and not functioning properly. This house would have to be completely rebuilt, and since it is double wall brick construction, it cannot be lifted in order to build a new foundation under it. It would have to be rebuilt one wall at a time. The cost to do this rebuilding would be prohibitive, about 1 1/2 times the cost of building a new house, and the end result would still be a very old house with problems. Please allow this demolition to proceed by granting this permit. Sincerely~d"v',------ ~ ~~i John Hickman t~OENDA iTEN1 # ~ PAGE~ ~~~-_-~~~-_-I-_-"' 1VA, Inwrporat -------------- ~~~~.Jt ~ ~ 1319 Spruce Stteet • Boulder, CO 80302 Ph 303 444 1951 Fax 303 440 1957 October 9, 2006 Toll Free. 877.444 1951 Mr. John Hickman We6 site 2090 Pearl Street www•lvajva.com Boulder, Colorado 80302 E-mail info6jvajva.com RE: SWctural Observations and Investigation 1936 Mapleton Pnncipals Boulder, Colorado David M Houdezhell ftobert B Hunnes JVA Job No. 12629 tnomas v skinner Thomas S Soell Dear Mr. Hickman: Kewn A Tone Gndera L Ward We met at the referenced site Friday morning October 6, 2006, to assess the structural condition of the existing house. st,~~~~ai E~9~~ee~~~9 Daniel E Cooke The opinions stated in this report aze based on limited visual observations only. No physical Ma,k c co~m~e~ testing was performed and no calcula[ions were made to determine the adequacy of the KathyA Gilhooly structural system or its compliance wi[h current code requirements. The condition of Heidi M Hall architecmral, mechanical, plumbing and electrical systems are not a part of this report. oe~ek o He~ae~:o~ Discovery and tes[ing for the presence of pollutants or hazazdous materials are not a part of Michael R Hope this report. c,a,9 M Kobe M¢hael J M<DOnald Directional orientation used in this report assumes that Mapleton Avenue runs east-west, and Dawd M Mier 20`h Street runs north-south . oe,ekM Pede,se~ . Thomas M Smith The house, which was reportedly built circa 1898, consists of brick perimeter bearing walls sa~an E. watu on shallow stone foundations, and dimension lumber framed floor and roof systems. There is Charles B Wilkerwn a covered porch on the northwest corner, and what appears to be an enclosed porch on the southeast corner. The upper story is buil[ into a system of gables, and houses an apartment, Crvil Engineeiinq which is accessible via an exterior stair at the southwes[ corner. ,o~ c Driggers , Charles R Hager The crawl space is accessed by a cellar hatch on the south side of the house, which leads to a Howard M McHenry shallow basement area, providing space for a water heater, furnace and storlge. The shallow Carolyn A$ullrvan basement appears to be a dugout space, and is lined with concrete walls, which retain the Me~~:sa F Ta~e adjacent earth. The dugout space extends under the aforementioned covered porch on the southeast corner. The majority of the under floor space consists of shallow crawl space. nam~~~st~ac~o~ Andrew P Knzman The site is relatively tlat and has poor drainage, the results of which are evident at all wails. Every exterior wall exhibits setdement and shifting. The east wall has suffered from subsidence at the northeast corner. Cracks in [he brick wall have been pointed, but new cracking is evident. The stone windowsill at [he northernmost window in the east wall, is sloped downward to the north. B O U L D E R I F O R T C O L L I N 5 I W I N T E R P A R K ~ /~C~ENDA ITEM # ~~PAGE 5 Page 2 of 4 The west wall is cracked and is out of plumb, with a"belly" toward the exterior at the floor level. The arch over the window in the north wal] has cracked and has been crudely pointed, and appears to exhibit some progressive lateral displacement. Significant cracking appears in almost every interior wall and ceiling surface. Floor slopes in [he range or LS inches in four feet occur in [he cen[ral hall area. The upper tloor structure may consist of undersized joists, which were probably at one [ime attic joists. The upper floor apaRment was reportedly added to the main floor structure; date uncertain. The second floor access stair is de[eriorated and in danger of failure. Main floor joists have been cut to allow room for mechanical systems without benefit of appropriate header framing. In our opinion, the structure was poorly cons[ructed on substandard foundations and has deteriorated to the point where it may not be economically feasible to rehabilitate. Previous repairs have been cosmetic and ineffective, and have done little to mitigate ongoing deterioration. Minimum work that we recommend consists of the following: l. Underpin the exis[ing perimeter walls with a continuous concrete wall on a foo[ing below frost line. (Prior to proceeding with foundation repair, a geotechnical report needs to be commissioned to determine the proper foundation system.) 1 a. For cosmetic reasons, it may be well to consider leveling some of the exterior walls. The condition of the walls may preclude jacking to level, so demolition and reconstruction may be indicated. 2. Remove all existing tuck pointing, which is cosmetically unacceptable, and is likely the wrong mortar for the application. 3. Rebuild the west wall. Brick veneer over 2x6 wood s[uds is recommended for this condition/ 4. Excavate [he crawt space to allow access and code clearance between thejoists and earth. 5. Correct drainage all around the house perimeter to result in positive stopes away from the foundation. Due to the relatively short distance from grade to floor, this may be difficult to accomplish. The use of a perimeter drain system to a sump may be indicated as a solution, but is not usually recommended as means of primary srorm drainage. ~af~~N~A ITEAA # ~ PAGE. ~ Page 3 of 4 6. Replace all gutters and downspouts and deteriorated eave conditions. Extend downspouts to discharge well away from the foundation. 7. Repair/replace main floorjoists and support systems to meet code requirements. Remove deteriorated wood posts and replace with new beams, posts and footings as required. Level the floor as is practicable. 8. Repair/replace second floor joists to meet eode requirements. The above recommendations do not include the necessary replacement of HVAC, plumbing and electrical systems, which should be addressed by others. Please contact us if we can be of further service. Sincerely, JVA, 1NCORPORATED By: _~f Michael R. Hope Enclosure: Photos : HUUUtanC~~ ; a ~. 11273 ~~,~ ~'o,~'•.., fo~r~(ab~~ ~S'S/nninl E~C~ r'-~C;L:f~IUl1 I°i"L`EVI +~ ~ F7A~i. ~.u _C Pa~e 4 of~4 INTERIOR WALLS PORCH ~~,~:C:NC)la I'~'~~I #~ __~n f'Ata~~ ~ SOUTHWEST CORNER _ .. , ..~.._..-..~- ~, . .: .. .. . . ... .._ . . . ~ ~ - %4x~ ~ . ~:~,. .. .. .. .~i,. ~ ~ . ., '~ ~~ :. ~ '~ . ~ v .i .AF:~ ~ ~ ~uR"i '~~~ . . . . . .. ., : :~ .. :y,ri"::. -~'( .Y ' . . _ .. . ~ . .. , .' " . . .. . . . 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