2 - Minutes- February 7, 2007CITY OF BOULDER LANDMARKS PRESERVATION ADVISORY BOARD February 7, 2007 1777 Broadway, Council Chambers Room 6 p.m. The following aze the action minutes of the February 7, 2007 City of Boulder Landmarks Preservation Advisory Board meeting. A permanent set of these minutes and a tape recording (maintained for a period of seven years) is retained in Central Records (telephone: 303-441- 3043). You may also listen to the on-line at: www.boulderplandevelop.net. BOARD MEMBERS: Nancy Komblum Leonard May Tim Plass, Chair Leland Rucker, Vice-chair Kirk Watson STAFF MEMBERS: Alice Gilbertson, Historic Preservation Intem James Hewat, Historic Preservation Planner Sue Ellen Harrison, Assistant City Attorney Chris Meschuk, Historic Preservation Planner Susan Richstone, Acting Long Range Planning Manager 1. CALL TO ORDER The roll having been called, Chair T. Plass declared a quorum at 6:06 p.m. and the following business was conducted: 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES FROM THE JANUARY 3, 2007 LANDMARKS PRESERVATION ADVISORY BOARD MEETING On a motion by L. Rucker, seconded by L. May, the Landmarks Preservation Advisory Boazd approved (5-0) the minutes of the January 3, 2007 board meeting. 3. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION FOR ITEMS NOT ON THE AGENDA There was no public participation. 4. DISCUSSION OF LANDMARK ALTERATION AND DEMOLITION APPLICATIONS ISSUED AND PENDING 1936 Mapleton Avenue, expires April 4, 2007 5. ACTION ITEMS A. Public hearing and consideration of an application to designate the property located at 700 Pearl Street as a local landmark as per Section 9-11-5(c) of the Boulder Revised Code,1981 (HIS2006-00260). Applicant/Owner: 702 Pearl Group, LLC Board members were asked to reveal any ex-parte contacts they may have had on this item. T. Plass reviewed the project at Landmazks Design Review Committee meetings and visited the site. N. Kornblum reviewed the project at Landmazks Design Review Committee meetings. L. Rucker visited the site. Public Hearing No one from the public addressed the boazd. Motion On a motion made by L. Rucker, seconded by L. May, the Landmarks Preservation Advisory Board recommended (5-0) that City Counci] designate [he building and site at 700 Peazl Street as a local historic landmark, to be named The Racket Grocery, in that it conforms with Sections 9- 11-1 and 9-11-2 of the Boulder Revised Code and adopting the staff inemorandum dated Febtuary 7, 2007 as findings of [he board. B. Public hearing and consideration of a landmark alteration certificate to construct a 3435 square foot house and 440 square foot free standing garage 1710 Hillside Avenue in the Hillside Historic District (HIS2007-00007). Applicant: Dave Heuston Board members were asked to reveal any ex-pane contacts they may have had on this item. All the board members visited the site. Applicant's Presentation Dave Heuston and Dave Glaze presented the case to the board. Public Hearing Nan Foge1,1707 Hillside Road, was concerned about the length of construction time and access to the road during consWction. She wants to make sure that the road is put back into a good state. Dr. John Young,1709 Hillside Road, was concerned about shadows, snow and ice on the road. E. Diane Young, 1709 Hillside Road, was concerned about access. Dr. Young,1709 Hillside Road, said the construction of the road should not burden others. Andrei Bytchenko, 1810 Hillside Road, was concerned that the road would not be able to handle the machinery. Motion(s) On a motion made by K. Watson, seconded by L. Rucker, the Landmarks Preservation Advisory Board conditionally approved the construction of a 3,435 sq. ft. house and 440 sq. ft. free-standing gazage at 1710 Hillside (HIS2007-00007) as to siting, mass, scale, and general detailing, subject to the following condition of approval: that the application be reviewed and approved by the Landmarks Design Review Committee, adopting the staff inemorandum dated February 7, 2007 as findings of the boazd. The motion failed 2-3, L. May, T. Plass and N. Korblum opposed the motion. On a motion made by T. Plass, seconded by N. Kornblum, the Landmarks Preservation Advisory Board denied the application. T. Plass and N. Kornblum withdrew the motion. On a motion made by T. Plass, seconded by L. Rucker, the Landmazks Preservation Advisory Boazd continued the application with the applicant's support (5-0), for a period not to exceed 100 days. C. Public hearing and consideration of a landmark alteration certificate to makes changes to the fagade, remove a rear addition and to construct a new three story rear addition to the contributing house and construct a 950 square foot secondary building and two, two-car carports on the alley, all at 1037 Pine Street in the Mapleton Hill Historic District (HIS2007-00008). Applicant: Kyle Callahan This item was postponed. D. Public hearing and consideration of a landmark alteration certificate to remove the roof of a non-contributing house and to add a 1022 sq. ft. second-story addition to a non- contributing building at 2107 5`~ Street in the Mapleton Hill historic district (HIS2007- 00009). Applicant: Getliffe Architecture Board members were asked to reveal any ex-parte contacts they may have had on this item. L. May, T. Plass, and N. Kornblum visited the site. N. Kornblum received a call from a neighbor asking about the process. Applicant's Presentation Dominique Getliffe presented the case to the board. Public Hearing No one from the public addressed the board. Motion On a molion made by L. Rucker, seconded by N. Kornblum, the Landmarks Preservation Advisory Board approved (5-0) a Landmazk Alteration CeRificate to remove the roof of a non- contributing house and add a 1,022 square foot second-story addition to a non-contributing building at 2107 5`h Street in the Mapleton Hill Historic District (HIS2007-0009), adopting the staff inemorandum dated Februazy 7, 2007 as findings of the board, subject to the following conditions of approval: 1. The Landmarks Preservation Advisory Board Design Review Commit[ee will review alternatives for pazking locations; 2. The Landmarks Preservation Advisory Board Design Review Committee will review proposed skylights; 3. The Landmarks Preservation Advisory Board Design Review Committee will review the details of the porch. L. May offered a friendly amendment to add condition #4 that the Landmarks Preservation Advisory Board Design Review Corrunittee will review the balcony proposals on the south elevation. N. Kornblum and L. Rucker accepted the friendly amendment. T. Plass offered a friendly amendment to add condition #5 that the Landmarks Preservation Advisory Board Design Review Committee will review details such as the chimney, roofing, siding, decorative details and color. N. Kornblum and L. Rucker accepted the friendly amendment. K. Watson offered a friendly amendment to add to condition #5 window and door design and placement. N. Kornblum and L. Rucker accepted the friendly amendment. E. Public hearin~ and consideration of a permit to demolish the c.1900 building located at 2127-2135 14 Street as per Section 9-11-23 of the Boulder Revised Code (HIS2006- 00275) Applicants: Bill Reynolds and Jerry Lee Board members were asked to reveal any ex-par[e contacts they may have had on this item. N. Kornblum reviewed the project at a Landmarks Design Review Committee meeting and visited the site. T. Plass, L. May and L. Rucker visited the site. Appiicant's Presentation Bill Reynolds and Jerry Lee presented the case to the board. Public Hearing Rob Smoke, 2445 19~' Street, said there were suspicious circumstances regarding the fire and spoke of the hardship on the tenants. He was concerned that there was not enough community input on the project. Abbie Booth,1325 Quince Avenue, spoke in support of saving the building and requested that smoke alarms be installed. Yvonne~ LeFevre, 2127 14~ Street, spoke in opposition to the demolition. Kathryn Lange, 850 20`h Street #702, property manager for the property, clarified issues related to the fire. Dylan Williams, 646 Pearl Street, spoke in opposition to the demolition. Kate Ranley, 646 Pearl Street, spoke in opposition to the demolition. Gail Gray, 670 Logan Mill Road, spoke in opposition to the demolition. Abby Daniels,1915 Pine Street, spoke in opposition to the demolition. Brian Raj, 2127 14~' Street, spoke in opposition to the demolition. Kristin McFarland, PO Box 476, Nederland, spoke in opposition to the demolition. Kristin Lewis, 511 Pleasant Street, spoke in opposition to the demolition. Motion On a motion made by L. Rucker, seconded by L. May, the Landmarks Preservation Advisory Board issued (5-0) a stay of demolition for the structure located at 2127-2135 14`~ Street (HIS2006-00275), for a period not to exceed 180 days from the day the pernut application was accepted by the City Manager, adopting the February 7, 2007 staff inemorandum as findings of the board, in order to explore altematives to the demolition of the building. 6. MATTERS FROM THE LANDMARKS BOARD, PLANNING DEPARTMENT,AND CITY ATTORNEY A. Transit Village Area Plan Update (Susan Richstone) B. Draft of brochure entitled, Making Histonc Buildings More Energy Efficient C. Update of pending Discretionary Review applications D. Planning Boazd calendar 7. DEBRIEF MEETING/CALENDAR CHECK 4 8. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 9:47 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Approved on March 7, 2007 Chairperson