03.07.2007 LPAB MinutesCITY OF BOULDER
March 7, 2007
1777 Broadway, Council Chambers Room
6 p.m.
The following are the action minutes of the March 7, 2007 City of Boulder Landmarks
Preservation Advisory Board meeting. A permanent set of these minutes and a tape recording
(maintained for a period of seven years) is retained in Central Records (telephone: 303-441-
3043). You may also listen to the on-line at: www.boulderplandevelop.net.
Nancy Kornblum
Leonard May
Tim Plass, Chair
L,eland Rucker, Vice-chair
Kirk Watson
Alice Gilbertson, Historic Preservation Intern
James Hewat, Historic Preservation Planner
Sue Ellen Harrison, Assistant City Attorney
Chris Meschuk, Historic Preservation Planner
Susan Richstone, Acting L,ong Range Planning Manager
The roll having been called, Chair T. Plass declared a quorum at 6:06 p.m. and the
following business was conducted:
On a motion by N. Kornblum, seconded by L. Rucker, the Landmarks Preservation
Advisory Board approved (5-0) the minutes as amended of the February 7, 2007 board
There was no public participation.
2127-2135 14`n Street, expires June 17`", 2007
A. Public hearing and consideration of initiating the designation of the property
located at 1936 Mapleton Avenue as a local landmark as per Section 9-11-4 oF the
Boulder Revised Code, prior to the expiration of the stay of the demolition permit
application. ApplicantJOwner: John Hickman
Applicant's Presentation
John Hickman, 2090 Peazl Street spoke against initiating landmazking, discussed the costs, and
mentioned they would not be able to take advantage of the tax credits.
Public Hearing
Steve Montgomery, 2207 Mapleton Avenue, spoke in support of initiating landmazking and for
John Spitzer, 2323 20`s Street in support of initiating landmazking and for rehabilitation.
Dominick Sekicit, 2227 21S` Street, spoke in support of initiating landmazking.
John Feinberg, 500 Cascade Avenue, consultant for the applicant, spoke about the accuracy of
the estimate and said the survey did not indicate the building was eligible as a landmazk.
John Hickman's rebuttal, spoke regazding his appreciation of the comments of the public and
that it is not a cost effective project to rehabilitate. If landmazked, the cost of the project will be
out of his economic realm.
On a motion made by T. Plass, seconded by L. May, the Landmazks Preservation Advisory
Board adopted (5-0) a resolution initiating the designation of 1936 Mapleton Avenue as an
individual landmark.
B. Public hearing and consideration of a landmark alteration certificate to construct a
2400 sq. ft. house at front of propertyk and rehabilitation of the contributing building
at the rear of the property at 704161 Street in the 16`~ Street historic district, per 9-
11-18 of the Boulder Revised Code (HIS2006-00165) Applicant/Owner: Ed Lau
Board members were asked to reveal any ex-pane contacts they may have had on this item.
K. Watson, N. Kornblum, T. Plass, and L. May reviewed the project at Landmarks Design
Review Committee meetings and visited the site. L. Rucker visited the site.
Applicant's Presentation
Ed Lau, 704 16`h Street spoke about the redesign of the home and how it is compatible with the
district and the block.
Public Hearing
Carole Stern, 700 16`n Street, spoke in opposition.
Margie Ripmaster, 626 13`h Street, spoke in opposition.
Joel Ripmaster, 626 13`h Street, spoke in opposition.
Alan Stern, 700 16`h Street, spoke in opposition.
Ellen Ashley, 3575 23`d Street, spoke in opposition.
Board Discussion
N. Kornblum expressed general support of the proposal. She said the proposal is a great
improvement to the design reviewed by the board on December 6, 2006. She was concerned with
the proposed setbacks and said the setbacks should be consistent with the other houses in the
historic district.
L. Rucker expressed concern over the proposed setbacks and about some of the design details.
L. May expressed genera] support of the proposal and concurred that the setbacks and design
details should be resolved at the Landmazks Design Review Committee level.
K. Watsou expressed genera] support of the proposal but had reservations with the proposed
T. Plass expressed support for the restoration of the garage. He questioned why the house had
increased in size from the previous application. Additionally, he stated that issues regarding
setbacks, materials and design details for the proposed house could be resolved at the Landmazks
Design Review Committee level.
On a motion made by K. Watson, seconded by N. Kornblum ,the Landmarks Preservation
Advisory Board approved (4- 1, L. Rucker opposed) the proposed rehabilitation of the
contributing building located at 704 16`s Street in the 16"' Street Historic District (HIS2006-
00165) and the proposed new construction as to siting, mass, and scale, adopting the staff
memorandum dated March 7, 2007 as findings of the boazd, subject to the following conditions
of approval:
That steps be taken to modify the front setback of the proposed new construction
to provide for a front setback closer to the 22' average for the district;
2. The final design should address the following design details: exterior materials,
windows, and deck balcony details and materials, as well as materials for doors,
roofing, clapboard siding, and brick.
That final plans including those items listed above be reviewed and approved by
the Landmarks Design Review Committee.
C. Public hearing and consideration of a landmark alteration certificate to remove the
roof, remodel anon-contributing house and add a 2,490 sq. ft. second-story addition
at 2299 4u` Street in the Mapleton Hill historic district, per 9-11-18 of the Boulder
Revised Code (HIS2007-00028) Applicant: Harvey Hine Owner: Thomas K. Higley
Board members were asked to reveal any ex-parte contacts they may have had on this item.
reviewed the project at Landmarks Design Review Committee meetings and visited the site. N.
Kornblum recused herself because of physical proximity to site and neighboring relationships.
K. Watson had a telephone conversation with a neighbor, visited the site, met a neighbor during
the site visit, and e-mails. T. Plass reviewed the project at design review, visited the site, met a
neighbor during the site visit, and e-mails. L. May visited the site, reviewed the project at
design review, and e-mails. L. Rucker visited the site and e-mails.
Applicant's Presentation
Tom Higley, 805 Maxell Ave., spoke in appreciation of the staff, the Design Review Committee,
and neighbors. He said there is a need to reconcile the tensions between the general design
guidelines and Mapleton Hill design guidelines.
Harvey Hine, 2305 Kenwood, azchitect, spoke about his background, Gale Abel's background
and spoke of the design process. The initial designs were program-based and the new design is
strictly based on the design guidelines and the buildings in the district. He discussed specific
elements, such as the porch and entry sequences.
Public Hearing
Nanette Beall, 805 Maxwell Avenue, spoke in support.
Paul Wenig, 2443 6a` Street, spoke in support.
Larry Brock, 2327 4"' Street, spoke in support.
Michael Shepard, 801 Maxwell Avenue, spoke in support.
Helen B. Davis, 4840 Thunderbird Drive #283, spoke in support.
Laura Hanifin, 427 Pine Street, spoke in opposition.
Joseph Michalski, 505 Highland Avenue, spoke in opposition.
Marije terEllen-Flaherty, 403 Highland Avenue, spoke in opposition.
Susan Shulte, 2305 4"' Street, spoke in opposition.
Ted Guggenheim, 2424 4`" Street, spoke in support.
David Kirk, 420 Highland Avenue, spoke in opposition.
Neil Robertson, 511 Mountain View, spoke in support.
Tom Keller, 612 Spruce Street, spoke in support.
Carlo Persichetti, 605 Concord Avenue, spoke in support.
Shelly Benford, 2241 4`" Street, spoke in opposition.
Jim Zoller, 444 Highland Avenue, spoke in opposition.
Kristin Zompa, 454 Highland Avenue, spoke in support.
On a motion made by T. Plass, seconded by L. Rucker, the Landmarks Preservation Advisory
Board conditionally approved (3-1, K. Watson opposed, N. Kornblum recused) the proposed
demolition, reconstruction, and second story addition at 2299 4`" Street, adopting the staff
memorandum dated Mazch 3, 2007 as findings of the board, subject to the following conditions
of approval:
Final designs be reviewed and approved by the Landmazks Design Review
Committee. The final design should address the following details: window and
door design and placement; porch details; roof deck details; parking and curb cut;
as well as details such as stucco, wood, and steel elements and color.
2. The Landmarks Design Review Committee will work with the applicant to
minimize dominance of the proposed building in context to historic buildings that
surround it.
Final approval returns to the Landmarks Preservation Advisory Board after
consultation with the Landmarks Design Review Committee.
D. Public hearing and consideration of a demolition permit for the building located at
1530 8`h Street, per Section 9-11-23 of the Boulder Revised Code (HIS2007-00011).
Applicant/Owner: Olga De Lange
Board members were asked to reveal any ex-parte contacts they may have had on this item.
K. Watson recused himself due to proximity to the site. N. Kornblum and L. Rucker visited
the site; T. Plass and L. May reviewed the project at Landmazks Design Review Committee
meetings and visited the site.
Applicant's Presentation
Marcel De Lange, 146 Old Whiskey Road, Nederland spoke about the condition of the house
and their intentions to build on the site.
Public Hearing
No one from the public addressed the board.
On a motion made by L. Rucker, seconded by N. Kornblum ,the Landmarks Preservation
Advisory Board issued (3-1, L. May opposed) the demolition permit for the house and shed
located at 1530 8`° Street (HIS2007-00011), adopting the staff memorandum dated March 7,
2007 as findings, subject to the following condition of approval:
1. Issuance of the demolition permit for 1530 8th Street is appropriate based on the criteria
set forth in section 10-13-23(g) B.R.C, in that the building:
a. Is not eligible for individual landmark designation;
b. The building does not contribute to the character of the neighborhood as an intact
representative of the area's past.
E. Public hearing and consideration of a demolition permit for the building located at
1621 16`s Street, per Section 9-11-23 of the Boulder Revised Code (HIS2007-00003)
Applicant/Owner: Brady Burke
Board members were asked to reveal any ex-parte contacts they may have had on this item.
T. Plass reviewed the project at Landmarks Design Review Committee meetings and visited the
site and K. Watson, L. Rucker, and L. May visited the site. N. Kornblum visited the site and
the owner, Brady Burke has worked on Nancy's house over the past five years.
Applicant's Presentation
Brady Burke, 1621 16s' Street talked about the condition of the stone walls and the lazge
cottonwood has distressed the foundation.
Public Hearing
No one from the public addressed the board.
On a motion made by T. Plass, seconded by L. Rucker, the Landmarks Preservation Advisory
Board issued (4-1, K.Watson opposed) a stay of demolition permit for the house and shed
located at 1621 16"' Street (HIS2007-00003), for a period not to exceed 180 days from the day
the permit application was accepted by the City Manager based on the criteria set forth in section
10-13-23(g) B.R.C, in order to further explore alternatives for the building. K. Watson offered a
friendly that shed is not included in the stay. T. Plass and L. Rucker accepted the friendly
Alternatives to be considered include rehabilitation of the building and an addition off the rear of
the house, moving the building, or withdrawal of the demolition permit. Staff encouraged the
applicant to consider landmazk designation of the structure and incorporation into redevelopment
plans for the site. Landmark designation would make state tax credits available to help offset the
cost of rehabilitation, as well as the waiver of sales tax on building permits.
F. Public hearing and consideration of a demolition permit for the building located at
3780 23'a Street, per Section 9-11-23 of the Boulder Revised Code (HIS2006-00295)
Applicant/Owner: Russ Hullet
Board members were asked to reveal any ex-parte contacts they may have had on this item.
T. Plass reviewed the project at Landmarks Design Review Committee meetings and visited the
site; K. Watson, N. Kornblum, L. Rucker, and L. May visited the site. .
Applicant's Presentation
Jim Logan, 1455 Yarmouth, azchitect for the owners, stated they don't object to 180-day stay
but said the building is in bad condition.
Public Hearing
No one from the public addressed the board.
On a motion made by L. Rucker, seconded by L. May, the Landmarks Preservation Advisory
Board issued (5- 0) a stay of demolition for the property located at 3780 23`d Street (HIS2006-
00295), for a period not to exceed 180 days from the day the permit application was accepted by
the City Manager, adopting the staff memorandum dated March 7, 2007 with the findings as
listed below, in order to further explore alternatives for the building.
Alternatives to be considered include rehabilitation of the building and an addition off the reaz of
the house, moving the building, or withdrawal of the demolition permit. Staff encouraged the
applicant to consider landmark designation of the structure and incorporation into redevelopment
plans for the site. Landmazk designation would make state tax credits available to help offset the
cost of rehabilitation, as well as the waiver of sales tax on building permits.
A. Work Plan -postponed
B. Tentative Landmarks Board retreat date -May 16th, 2-6 p.m.
C. Update of pending Discretionary Review applications
D. Planning Boazd calendar
E. Casey School - On a motion by T. Plass, the board requested (5-0) that staff draft a
resolution for Casey School in regards to EET funds used for LEED, without
consideration of preservation of historic resources. The board requested that the
resolution be brought back to the board at the next Landmarks Board.
F. Teahouse - On a motion by T. Plass, seconded by L. May, the Landmarks Board
requested (5-0) that staff hire a consultant to survey the Teahouse for local landmark
G. Landmark Alteration Certificate application revisions -would like it to come back to
next month for matters but can begin being used now.
The meeting adjourned at 11:20 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Approved on Apri14, 2007,
J r`h f'v~