5D - Consideration of a Landmark Alteration Certificate to remodel and construct a 1022 sq. ft. secoMEMORANDUM February 71h, 2007 TO: Landmarks Preservation Advisory Board FROM: Susan Richstone, Acting Long Range Planning Manager James Hewat, Historic Preservation Planner Chris Meschuck, Histaric Preservation Planner Alice Gilbertson, Historic Preservation Intem SUBJECT: Public Hearing and consideration of a Landmark Alteration Certificate to remodel and construct a 1022 sq. ft. second story addition to the non-contributing house, 2107 5'" Street in the Mapleton Hill Historic District. (HIS2007-0009) STATISTICS: 1. Site: 2. Historic District: 3. Zoning: 4. Owner: 5. Applicant: 6. Date of Construction: 7. Site Area: 8. Proposed new const: 9. Proposed height: 2107 5'h Street Mapleton Hill RL-1 (Residential Low -1) Margaret Tilton and Eric Small Getliffe Architecture 1946 5,923 sq. ft. 1022 sq. ft. second story addition and demolition and reconstrucHon of existing exterior walls on main level. 31' from lowest point (current 22') STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the Board approve the proposed demolition, reconstruction, and second story addition at 2107 5~h Street with the following conditions: AGENDA ITEM #SD PAGE #1 1. the cross-gabled roof be reconfigured so the roof form is in keeping with the General Design Guidelines; 6.3 Mass and Scale of New Construction; 2. window and door design and placement on east and south facing elevations be more compatible with the symmetry and solid/void ratios found in the district as indicated in the General Design Guidelines; 3.7 and 3.8 Alterations of Windows and Doars. 3. stairs leading to wraparound porch on south elevation be simplified to one set, reducing confusion as to location of primary entrance as indicated in the General Design Guidelines; 5.0 Additions to Non-Historic Buildings and 3.4 Alterarions of Porches; and that details regarding the treatment of the open area below the porch be addressed as indicated in the Mapleton Hill Design Guidelines; L. Porches; 4. additional information be provided regarding proposed parking at northeast corner of property as indicated in the General Design Gttidelines; 2.4 Parking and Driveways; 5. additional information be provided regarding proposed balcony on south elevation as indicated in the General Design Guidelines; 3.2 Alterations to Roof Decks and Balconies and in the Mapleton Hill Design Guidelines, M. Decks and Balconies; . 6. that the skylights penetrating the wraparound porch be eliminated from the design as indicated in General Design Guidelines; 8.3 Miscellaneous - Skylights ; and 7. that final designs be reviewed and approved by the landmarks design review committee and that they should address the following design details: the cross gable configuration; window and door design and placement; porch details, including stair placement and the open area below the porch; balcony details; parking and curb cut at the northeast section of the lot; as well as details such as chimney, roofing, siding, decorative details, and mlor. This recommendation is based upon staft's opinion that with the conditions listed above, the proposed remodel and additions will be generally consistent with the conditions as specified in Section 10-13-18(a)&(b)(I-4) B.R.C., and applicable the General Design Guidelines. AGENDA ITEM #SD PAGE #2 SUMMARY: • Item referred to full Board for public hearing due to proposed demolition and reconstruction of existing exterior walls and construction of second story addition. ^ Although representarive of post World War II architecture, the house was built at the end of the districYs period of significance (1865-1946) and has experienced exterior alterations, including the application of inetal siding during the 1970s. The building is considered non-contributing to the Mapleton Hill Historic District. ^ In terms of mass and scale, staff is of the opinion that the remodel and addiHons to the main house are generally consistent with Sections 2, 3, 5, 6, and 8 of the General Design Guidelines, Site Design, Alterations, Additions to Non-Historic Buildings, New Primary Structures, and Miscellaneotis, and Section 10-13-18(a)F~(b)(1-4) of the Boulder Revised Code. ^ Based upon analysis of the building's history, architecture, and geography, conditions of the proposed new construcHon, staff considers the demolition of the building consistent with Section 10- 13-18(4) of the Boulder Revised Code and Sections T and U of the Mapleton Hill Historic District Guidelines. ^ Staff recommends conditional approval of the project based upon the seven conditions set forth in the Recommendations section of this memo. BACKGROUND: On January 19, 2007, the applicant submitted a landmark alteration application following meeting with staff to review plans to construct a second story on the house at 2107 5'h Street in the Mapleton Hill historic district. The current submission calls for the construction of a 1022 sq. ft. second story above the existing main level of 990 sq. ft and remodel of the existing house, including the demolition and rebuilding of existing main level exterior walls. AGENDA ITEM #SD PAGE #3 ~~~~ a:~ ; ° , '°~: . <~; - `~ ~'~ ~ta ~ f~ iN, ~ `~ ~,M. -~ ~ ~ . 54 ~~y~ '.i ~ .+°~~~ ~~':s: ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ij 7~:F . -• ~ ~ _ ~rift~:r ~`~'.i '_f. L'. a„f.^ ~ ,+ ".:':. 2107 5"' Street, c. 1949 PROPERTY HISTORY: Sanborn Maps (see attachment E), indic~te that lots 29, 30, and 31 (now comprising 2107 5"' Street) were not developed until the mid-1940's, when a building permit for a 36 ft. long and 28 ft. wide house estimated to cost $6000 was approved on December 26, 1945. The ~xisting house was constructed as a modest one-story ranch by Charles E. and Ina W. Doughtery, who had purchased the land from Ted McPherson earlier in the year. Mr.McPherson, who developed 2424 6"' Street, owned numerous properties in the area, including eight that he purchased from the Boulder County Treasurer in a single day during spring of 1939. In 1947, the Doughterys sold the property and it again changed hands in 1949. The Robert A. Friedman family owned the house for 52 AG~NDA I'I'F;NI #SD PAGE #4 2107 5'" Street, January 2007 years, beginning in 1949 and ending with the building's sale in 2001. The current owners purchased the property in 2005. Location Map PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: The 1,752 sq. ft. one story house with basement has a floor area of just under 1000 sq. ft. on the main level and slightly less square footage in the w~lk- out basement. The building is located on a non-standard lot at the corner of 5~n and Mountain View and fronts onto 5"' Street. Built in 1946, the house is categorized as Modern - Minimal Traditionalism. Poughly square in plan, the house's concrete foLrndation supports a wood frame struchire sheathed in non- historic wide lap metal siding, which was applied to the exterior in 1973. The front elevation is double gable with close eaves and its exterior siding abuts narrow corner boards. Fenestration consists of a plate glass picture window in the larger gable end and a one-over-one double hung window in the smaller gable end, which also contains the multi-pane glass door. Characteristic of post World War II residential construction, the building has minimal exterior ornamcntation. AGENDA ITEM #~D PAGE #5 The primary elevation of the house faces east, addressing 5'" Street, with a secondary elevation facing onto Mountain View Drive. An existing driveway onto Mountain View Drive leads to a single-car garage integrated into the existing basement ~nd cut 4' into the south portion of lot, interrupting the rhythm of the streetscape. The property has no alley access. ~.r ~ / ~ . ~ ` , "(4.~`~ \Y•i ~ ,J. 4 ~, -2 _~'< P , ~ ~~ :1'. % _ t ` .. ', . . . . ~ '- :. ~ ~_ ~. I' -~ ~ ~ A1 ~ ` ~ 1 • ~' ~ r; f . . t sT ~ , ~~ ~~,~ ~ ~ i , ..~ #~. c~ ~ ~ ~.: ~ ~. yt5 T~ . ^ - :'>,`~'~4?'r , y n ' ~ r i~ . ~v , _. ~` i d ~ - ~„ ~'i: ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . ~ ,~~~ ~: rY ~-~ . ~~ k'I? i r ~ y ! ' ~ y~if ~ ~~.- ~ti ' . ~i.•A :~~ ~ x ~.H ~•4 ~` ~ ~~. . ~~...I ~ . y~ ~~S~.X~. . ~~ ~T.s ~6~Ya 1 ~ '~ ! I .1.1 ~~e':- ~ ~~j ~ ~ . ' ~f' . w '~~ ~y,1 . ~ y ~.'(,pt ~ `~ - ~ ~ ~ ~'? ~ ~t ; ` i ~, ~' -~ - i ~~ ~- ~ 1~•.~__ft . y~, , - ~^ ~'~ ~ ~ ~ -- . .' . .' _ " } , • . . ~ ' `f ~ _ , ' .. ~ ~. . s ~ ' i~ l M. ,~ ~-- ~~~~r~T ~ ~ ~~ ..~~v..+..~W . ~~ ` \~' . ~~ __ . ac'r,yr' y Te- __ -~? f ' ~ : J .~ ..~. ,y~ ~ i ~ 4 .~ _, It~Y ~.~ . - ' ~ ~ ~~ 'I~ r ~~~ `.~ " .. i . _ ~` - ~ fi9~iJ.. •~,1:._ i ...~~ : _ . ~ f - _ ~ t ~ ~ ~ 1-~ ~n ~ ~ ~~ ~ ( r~. ~ . ~ .' _ . + " M~ `~yg "~' _ . ~ . ( ~.t + . `<-...+.~., . _' , _ : ~ .. :i. S„ ' .~,~ ,:.i, -J.~.::.~ . ~ ' ~ .... t _.. ' "~~ ~ ~ --,a;~r. . .~~- • .. -~•: . ~ `~ " ~ ~ ::+a-~ , , aa^~~~:> ;a ~t _ ~ '~s . : a South elevation of residence facing Mountain View Dr. ANALYSIS OF HISTORIC SIGNIFICANCE: In 1995, 2107 5th Street was surveyed as part of the historic resource inventory of the Mapleton Hill historic district. The surveyors considered the extent of alterations to the "Modern - Minimal Traditional" house to be modcrate, due to the application of non-historic siding and alteration to the upper gable vent. Staff concurs with the consultant's analysis and considers the building as non-contributing due to its lack of architectural distinctiveness and obvious alterations. According to the General Design Gtridelines, such buildings may have less compatible additions. While not totally anomalous to the district, houses like that found at 2107 5~h Street are much more an exception than a rule in the 1VIapleton Hill District. AGENDA IT~M #~D I'AGE #6 Houses of this type are very common in neighborhoods to the northwest of this district and the area directly south of University Hill reflecting the rapid expansion of Boulder in the years following World War II. Primary archival research indicates that 2107 5th Street is not associated with events or people of historic significance. PROPOSED DEMOLITION, RECONSTRUCTION & ADDITIONS: The applicant proposes to remodel and construct a 1022 sq. ft. second- story addition to the existing 1752sq. ft. house. Plans show a 32 sq. ft. portion of the proposed second story addition to extend over the wrap-around porch at the south-east corner. 382 sq. ft. of covered porch is proposed for the south and east elevations of the house. Because this area of new construction is shown to encroach several feet into the setback, the applicant plans to take advantage of the porch ordinance. . .vYvxa~ aair i iai~ AGENDA ITEM #SD PAG~ #7 Drawings show the remodeled house, at its highest point, to increase from 22' to 31' in height with the addition of a full second-story. The original double gabled roof form is shc~wn to be modified to cross gabled with a shed roof extending to the north. Both gables appear to be c~f ecluivalent height and of a 10/12 pitch. The wrap-around parch is shown with a shed ro~f with a 3/12 pitch. The north-facing shed roof is also shown with a 3/12 pitch. The east-facing elevation, originally the front of the house, will continue to contain the primary entrance. The south-facing elevatic>n, which originally did not present a consistent appearance to the Mountain View streetscape, has been redesigned to reflect the pattern Eound on other houses on the block face. Additionally, the existing curb cut and drive are to be vacated and off-street parking is proposed to move to the north-east portion of the property. ~ ~ ; ~~~f -~ ~ . ~ ~ y ,~ , i;.. r rOCF'_ i. ri ~"'! i . ~,y~ ~ i ~ ~~~.:... ~ 5~~ ; ,~,~ ~~- _:.1~ - -t j ~ _ -~= ~ ~ ~ , :~ r ~ ~ f ~, ~ _ ~ ~~ 'I , .. ~- I ~ ~ I ~ r ~ '~,. ~ 7, ~ T ~ i ~,~ -~# { ~ ~~ m~' - ~. , ~. . ~ ~' I{ ~~~~~'~1t4k..~V ~ 1 ~'~* ~ __ _' ~ 1 jY. ' __ _ ~ ..i ~ ~ ~ ~ , _.. }k_ ...~ .. EAST ELEVATION ' ; A 1/16" -- 1'-0" v ~1~..^ ~ ~ i df ~ ~ ~ '~ .. ~ ~~ ~ - ! L~,'i'~: f . ~,F ; ~. . _ ~ ~ r~~i ' ~~ . F ~ . ~... ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t ~ ; F-wi*..". ,.R~--~ __6*!. ~. a~ '- _ ~ k~~._ - - UPr rLE~E_~;- - - - ~ rr ~.~-~+R~ '~s, ~ - i . ~ ~ A 1+~~ \4~ ~: ~ ^~I n ~ ;'.'IL ~ ~i ~ifi _. y ~ '~,an -- I i.. / ~ ~ -_ _ - ~V ~.f Fc' .!..' { ~ ~ . .. _. _ .I'I ` ~ ~y.. ~c.,: ~ .>7..,'1.__- ' , _. ~OUTH ELEVATIO~`J ` ~~ ~ t; t 6" - i -0 Proposed east and south elevations AGENDA ITE1~1 #~D 1'AGE #8 In terms of detail, the proposed remodel is shown to be executed with simplified neo-traditional stylistic elements including a symmetrically columned wrap around porch, vertically oriented fenestration, narrow clapboard siding and asphalt shingle roofing. Although the rendering of the chimney shows two stacks projecting above the eave line of the second story, a written description provided by the applicant indicates the chimney extension will be brick selected to match the existing chimney. A series of skylights are shown to penetrate the shed roof of the wrap- around porch, positioned directly above pairs of double hung windows. A smaller skylight is shown to be positioned above a window on the second story of the north elevation. On the first floor, a series of four doors, several of which appear to be fixed, lead to the porch on the south elevation. Two similarly detailed doors on the second floor, centered above the grouped doors on the first floor, lead to a balcony partially integrated into the shed roof of the wr~p-around porch. The east-facing elevation shows a set of stairs leading to the entrance of the residence. Two sets of stairs are shown on the south elevation leading to the porch. Tucked behind one of the sets is yet another set of stairs leading down to the walk-out basement. - - - ---,-- ~ ~ : ~~. ~ - _ ,,._ ~ F'~ r" ~ ~" ; ~: \ , - ~' '~ ~~ i ~~ Y`~~ ~: ° ~i ~I ~ . ~ ~ il :~~ ~ ~rt ~~f , ~ _ .,'' ~ ~ - Ii Ei !fStiy i a.~l ~'~- \< -R ~:~ ~i ~. . 'gt~[ j. ~ \' ~S~ ..» ~ :~~ .~I '~'ZLI ~: ' t -~~- i Wti~J.-~~; y ..\ .j ..~..~ '~ ~, ~ ~~' ~~. ~.~ ~ ...~ .. ~.i.~ ~^~:.. ~ ~~-~+~....._ _~ . j~ ~ i ~`~ 1 'I "' "-- ~ NORTH ELEVATlON ~ B ~ 1 / 1 6" = 1 '-0" Proposed north elevation AGENDA ITEM #Sll PAGE #9 ~-~ *~ j ~. ~~ ~~-- ~ ~. -- : k - ~--,..-.=s .. . ._ ~ I ` '' ~eki r.:_. <_:.....~... y~ ~_~_ ~r ,. . ~~ : ' ~, J"F'tF::.~. ~ ~ / ;' E_~~ -~. ^ j -r - ' ~ ~ /r ~ ~ ' - 1 • 1~{ • 1'I .. ~Y ~~ ,~~~ ~? ~~~` ~ .;~{ ~ ~ -~ , ~ ~ ~I ~ i i ~ •r it•_ ~ r~t~ - ,' f~ ~~ ~ - ~ ~~~i " ~__-.- J _ ._ :1rY~ --.r~. +~~+,~.~ , . _~_ - _. .-.. i'--- WEST ELEVATION " --- - ----, A _ -1 % 1 6" = 1 '-p,~ Proposed west elevation CRITERIA FOR BOARD'S DECISION The Historic Preservation Ordinance specifies that a Landmark Alteration Permit may not be approved by the Board or City Council unless it meets the canditions specified in Section 10-13-18 B.R.C. Specifically: (a) The landmarks board and the city council shall not approve an application for a landmark alteration certificate unless each such agency finds that the proposed work is c~nsistent with the purposes of this chapter. (b) Neither the landmarks board nor the city c~uncil shall approve a landmark alteration certificate unless it meets the Eollowing conditians: (1) The proposed work preserves, enhances, or restores and does not damage or destroy the exterior architechiral features of the landmark or the subject property within an historic district; AGENDA ITF,M #~D PAGE #10 (2) The proposed work does not adversely affect the special character or special historical, architechzral, or aesthetic interest or value of the landmark and its site or the district; (3) The architectural style, arrangement, texture, color, arrangement of color, and materials used on existing and proposed structures are compatible with the character of the existing landmark and its site or the historic district; and (4) With respect to a proposal to demolish a building in an historic district, the proposed new construction to replace the building meets the requirements of paragra~hs (b)(2) and ~ of this section. ANALYSIS The Historic Preservation Ordinance sets forth the standards the Landm~rks Board must apply when reviewing a request for a Landmark AlteraHon Certificate and the Board has adopted the General Design G~fidelines to help interpret the Ordinance. The following is an analysis of the proposal with respect to Sections 2.0, 3.0, 5.0, 6.0, and 8.0 of the General Design Guidelines and Section VI of the Mn~leton Hill Historic District Design Garic~efines. It is important to emphasize that design guidelines are intended to be used as an aid to appropriate design, and not as a checklist of items for compliance. General Design Guidelines 5.0 Additions to Non-Historic Buildin s, 5.0 Guideline Analysis Conforms? Follozu Gurdelines in Section .1 2.0 Site Design 2.1 Buildin~> Ali~nrrrent, - Front setback, introduction of wrap Oi•ientation, ~ Spacin,~ ~round porch, spacing between ~'es neighborin~; homes contributes to visual .~ (,pCliff SfY[{CtLLYL'S IUIf~71i1 f~IP continuity of area. ranYt: of aii,~nments .2 Bt~ilding~ proportt~on~s should ~ - Orientation is to both streets, with Yes respect tr~rditionrri patterns. original location of main entry & walk .3 Orient bi~ildi~~:X entrance to the preserved. street. - Introduction of stairs leading to porch .4 Preserve origiricr! location nf on easternmost section of south elevation Yes nrnin f~ntry artd zvalk. is appropriate given pattern of existin~; .5 Nezv yorch mrr~ encrvad~ intc~ entries on Mountain View. existir:q ali~~nnzerzt if desiQr~ed per ~quideline~ nnd tf nrchltectur~l style " Stairs leadin~; to westernmc~st section of Gz~~~~~.~~~1.~~f~ porch on south elevation may not be No .7 Mni~rtaiia qenera! ~ro ortion o consistent with traditional patterns in AGENDA ITEM #5D YAGE #l l built tr~rrss to open spac~ irt rrrea District and creates confusion as to primary entrance to house. - Parch will encroach 3-4' but is consistent avith guidelines and architectural style. Yes - Backyard to remain open and building Yes footprint will not change. 2.2 Str~etscnpe ~ Lartdsrape: .5 Provide front ~nrd lnridscaped iit - Gradin~ and landscaping of vacated tr~«ditiarinl manrier and irraterii~fs curb cut and driveway will present more Yes traditional pattern along Mountain View. 2.4 Parkin~ ~ Dr•ivczvaiL - Parking proposed for northeast corner Maybe .1 M~zintain tradition of prrrking at W~th details to be presented at Landmarks recrr of lot Board. .3 Parkiit~ in fror-t ~arcl is - Due to lack of alley access and the Maybe inaF~propriate. existing pattern of curb ctits, drives, and .4 Neiv cc~rb ci.tts are ~arages along 5"~, proposed parking at ittap~~roprrate. .6 Historicnlli/ ayproprinte pr~vin,~~ southeast corner of site may be nz~aterirrls cnri bc i~scd tc~ l~rc«k iiF~ appropriate even though considered front l~r~er pnrki~t~q ~i~ects. Yard. J Fl~~stotte or brick zvltee! strips - Crass-filled pavers, as proposed, least Yes are prefe~•red to r+sphalt or concrete invasive option available for off-street prrvin4~ parking. .2 Not appropriate to cansh•uct atT - The mass and scale of design consistent addition that zvill r~etrnct fi•om fhe ~,~,ith the streetscapes along Mountain Yes chc~racte~' of the district b~ Vie4v and ~~h Street. averzuytelming existirig building~ - Footprint of house will not change and ir~ terms of rnass n~~id scalc. y~~ 2~~~ story addition will not overwhelm existing buildings or detract from the historic character oE the district. , .3 Alternfions to non-cotttrrbutrng - The existin~; remodeled Modern buildings burlE in rt recognizcrble (Minimal Traditional) house, which has Yc5 rrrdiitectitral st~le should preserve reen altered, has minimal exterior detail. cirrd respect that style. Proposal seeks to make house more compatible with the district without ; overwhelming the character of the streetsca e. 6.0 New Prima Structures Guideline Analysis Conforms? For sicF~stnritial nlternti~jts to a - The proposed design relates to thc non-historic btcildirig, follozu fundamental characteristics of the historic Yes guicielines in Sectiort 6.0 New district while conveying a contemporary StYTLCtl[YCS. Stv~E. .1 Distinction from Hi~toric S tY U C f ld YE'S: .1 Crente compatrble conternporc~r~ - Historic elements, such as tradition~l yes irtterpretntiorts of hiGtoric roof ~it~ ches and wrap arowld porch are _ AGENDA ITEM #Sll PAGE #12 elErrrents. referenced in design. 2. Interprc:trrtions of liistorre st~les _ Addition and remodel of existing rn~~~/ be rzpproprirrte i f building will be reco~;nizable as new Yes di~tin,quishabie as riezo. construction 2 Site and Setfin.~ .1 Conform to Section 2. Srt~ - Proposed construction is compatible Desi~qn. with setback, orientation, spacing, and Yes ,2 Overcrll charneter of site is refnined distance from surrounding houses. . .3 Cc~mpatible with ~urroundin~~~ - Existing footprint will not change. Yes huildirzgs in setbnck, ~rientation, - Character of site, topography, and Yes spnciny, nnd distr~na~ from landscaping enhanced by reconfiguration ~Tdj~zcerrt buildin~s. of south facing elevation. .4 Proportion of built mass fo open spnce riot siqriificantl~ differ~nt frorrt contriba~fin = buildln~s.. .3 Mass and Scafe 1 Comprrtible wit{i surroundirig _ proposed construction is generally Maybe b~tilclings in tc:rnts of he:i~qftt, size:, compatible; however, a south facing scnle, rnr~ssin~q, nrrd proportions. .2 Mctss c~nd ~cale of new dormer may be more appropriate than cot7stl•tection should re~pect proposed south Eacing gable. neighboring builr~i~r~s ancl - Mass and scale are appropriate. Yes streetsc~pe. - Proposed height of 31' versus existing .3 Historic heiqhts and rvidths ns 22'. Width and depth remain the same. Yes well rrs fheir ratios mrtiritairred, esE~eciall~ proportions of front ct~ adc. .4 M~rterials .T Maferirrls should be similc~r in - Proposed use of 4° painted lap siding, Yes scc~le, proportion, textttre, finish, ~sphalt roof, brick chimney extension are an~t color as those on hi~sf.oric in keeping with those of nearby buildin~s. sh~uctui•es, .2 Mnintain rr h~srn~ri scc~le by Color has not yet been specified. tcsiit~q traditior~all~ sized bui/ding - Materials are of appropriate scale. Yes comF~onf~rTts cind 1tTaterfals. - Note: Rendering of chimney inconsistent with a licant's written submittal. .5 Kei! Buildin~ F,ten~ents .1 Syncin~, plrrce~rient, scale, _ y~l~ndow and door openings generally Yes orientafion, proportion, and size vf compatible on west and nordl elevations. zvirrdozv and door operrrngs fo b~ co~rtpritible ~vith st.trrot~itdin~q - Window and door openings on 1~t Eloor contributinY birildirzqs. of east elevation generally compatible; .2 Doors and zvindozvs compatible however, orientation of proposed No in m~terial, subc~ivision, Eenestration on northernmost portion of yroportron, pattern, and detail 2~~~ story inconsistent. zvith those of surrour~din~ - Door openings on proposed south No contributirtg b~tildiriqs, elevation are inconsistent with context .3 Roof structure reflects those and sho~ild be sc~led back to reflect more foz~nd in District. .~ Pnrchc~s conlpatible in nmssiriA ~Ppropriate solid/void rativ_ nrrct dc~taiJs to iristoric dist~~ict. - Details re~arding windows and doors AGF.NUA ITEM #5U YAGE #13 should be provided by applicant. - Gable and shed roof forms generally reflective oE those in district; however, No cross gible with ~ables of approximately equal height not a traditional roof form. - Wrap around porch compatible but No skylight penetrations into porch are not. 3.U Alterations Guideline Analysis Conforms? Roofs, Sk~lights, rznd Solar -']'he proposed larger skylights on the .1 Panels rooE of the wraparound porch would be No .3 Sk~li~~hts ~hould be ns visible from the street on the south and ur~obtrusiz~e as possible rrnd not ~,est elevations. visible from a p~~~lic streef. - The proposed smaller skylight on the north elevation would not be as visible. Yes .2 Roof Decks anrf Balcorties - Although the house did not have a Maybe .1 Locczte balco~~i~s on renr, not tlte balcony, the historic context shows most fi•onf ur~tless i~ecrentin~Q n houses along Nlount~in View as having ductemented historic element. ~1z integrated balcony on the fa~ade. .2 Intcgrnte balcony irito the structtrrr. - The proposed balcony is integrated into Yes the roof of d1e wraparound porch. .4 F'orcltes - The proposed porch is consistent with .8 Porc:)7es ox n~i~~ nrtd rton- the guideline and tr~ditional scale ~nd Yes contr~ibutiriQ becildin~gs shoi-~lcl b~ proportion are reflected in the design. coritpntible ~vith architectiu~e of th~ biuldirrq, incarynrnting tra~titional - Stairs leading to westernmost section of No scale anci proportion zuith up~tnte~r~ porch on south elevation may not respect details. traditional patterns in District and creates confusion as to primary entrance to house. .7 Windows -'I'he proposed fenestration is generally Yes Windnzus on ~rrcrrdes z~islble franT consistent with guidelines. pctblic sh~eet.s, partici~~larl~ tlte _ Window details need to be provided. Maybe front fa~eTCte, are cspecic~fft/ _ 5~~~~{~void relationship of windows import~rnt. .10 Windo<vs in ndditions ~tttct rte~v ~enerally appropriatE:. Yes stri~ctcires shoi~ld re~lecf patterns -~p~~~ings indicative of floor level, with Maybe arrrf pnrticrns in the disfricf nne~ possible exception of northernmost tctifize similnr nir~teriafs. For portion of east elevation. clevafions vrsible from pciblrc - Fenestration on northernmost portion of ~treets, tltc rc~latrol7~hip of solic~s to east elevation inconsistent with No voids slzotild be compnfible. symmetrical pattern of other openings. .12 Oj~enirt~s sFtould incficate floor levels, nnr~ r~nt ocea~r betzveerz flourG. .13 S~1~r~rneh~~ or asymrr~eh~~ of o eninQs sho:~lrJ be rnaintcriner(. AGF.N1)A [TEM #~U PACE #14 .8 Doors - The proposed front door is consistent Yes Front cfoors and pri»za~•y erttrances With guidelines. rire nmot~g the mvst rmportrrnt _ Doors leading to porch and balcony on elemertts of lristoric bttildings south elevation are not consistent with No .S Doors iri additions ar2d rzezv strcictures should reflect the traditional proportions and create an p~•oportions (height anc~ zuidth) of ~nappropriate solid/void ratio. doors in the district. - Door details need to be provided. Maybe .9 Donr~ shoulcf be tritrtrned zvifh materials simiIar in scafe, proportian, finish, and character to thos~ i~sed t~ziditiont~ll~~. 8.0 Miscellaneous Guideline Analysis Conforms? Mechnnical and Lltilit~ -'The proposed larger skylights on the .3 Fncilities roof of thc wraparound porch would be No .4 It is inapproprinte to visible from the street on the south and instnll...ski/lights ir1 locntions thnt ~'est elevations. CUY11F7YOt)llSe CI1C7Y[iCfE'Y CIL'fining roofs or nr~ r~oof slopes thaf are - The proposed sinaller skylight on the yes promirientli~ visrble frvm the street. north elevation would not be as visible. The follawing section is an analysis of the proposal relative to Section VI of the Mapleton Hill Historic District Design Gt~idelines. Only those guidelines that further the analysis of the proposed project are included and those that reflect what has been evaluated in the previous secti~n are not repeated. Mapleton Hill Historic District Design Gatidelines VI. Guidelines Guideline Analysis Conforms? T. 1Vlr~jor F_xterior Rer:oz~ntion, - The proposed addition is co~lsistent with Additians, ~znd Second Sfories this section. Yes One ~tor~ sh~uchn•es built after , 1940 n:a~ lend tlTemselves more crppropriatel~ for renovntion. Whether n traditionctl (full) st~cond stori~ is rrpproyricrte ruil! depend ~~po~~z the bi~ildirzg's corttest ~i~ith neighborin~q stri~cti~res nnd the streetscape as a zvholc:. U. Nezu Construction - The proposed street-facing east and Nezc~ constr•iicfion orT corner lots south elevations are reflective of the Yes recJuires an especinlly thoaightfcil context and the mass and scale is rrpproach. E~cl~ corner lof ~uil! consistent with neighboring homes. present cr u~~iqiie desiRn challen~>e for a fti,~l~ly visible bttildirrg that - Mass ~nd scale are appropriate, as are Yes AGENDA ITEM #~D PAGE #15 does rTOt disrtcpt tFre historre site layout, porch 5ire and placement, and ccmte.rt. entry level and location. .4 Mass crnd scale should resy~~ct _ Two sets of stairs leading to porch on No rztixhborir~g huildings ~~~id the streetscape. Site fnyvt.~t, pnrch size south elevation create confusion as to nnd placement, entr~ level arTd ~ocation of primary entrance to hame. loc~rflon, roof fine, and door and - Cross gabled roof with gables of similar No u~inrlorv sizes r~rtd prrfterns ~ho-~l~f height not a traditional roof form. h~rrnronize zvifl~ the historic - Door and ~vindow sizes and patterns on No contcxt. south and east elev~tions not consistent Wlf1l Lll(~e~111E5. L. Porches - The predominant feature of the Porche~ nre the predonrrnant z~i~ual ~,roposed design is the wraparound Yes clcmerlt of houses...there nre vcr~ ~,orch, ~vhich addresses both 5'h St. and feru exc~mples of houses zuithout Mountain Vie~v. porches. 5. Wlif>rez~er open areas exist belozv -~ he proposed porch is shown to be open Na porch floors, the~ should be skirted belo~v. ivith ~pem inttice or den~e~ shrubberi~. M. Decks/Bnlconies - The balcony facin~ Mountain Vie~v is Maybe 2. Secortd stor~ decks itt th~ fr•ont incorporated into the proposed of a bisilding are ~cncrafl~ wraparound porch. in~pp~~opriate u~zless r~zcorporrrtcd - The proposed porch is expectcd to be Yes trrto nn existirTq elerne:nt 4uch as porclt or portion of biiildi~r,~. ~~~inted. 3. U~~pninted red~voact is inn~yropri~~te for t~~e in t6tf~ r~isFrict. FINDINGS: Staff is of the opinion that the proposed demolition, reconstruction and second st~ry addition are generally consistent with the cc~nditions as specified in Section 1U-13-18(a)&(b)(1-4) 6.R.C., thc Generc~l D~~sign Gr~irlelirres, and the Mapfetort Hill Historic District Desi~~~n Grridelines. Staff recommends conditi~nal appr~val based upon the undcrstanding that the applicant will submit additional details for the design as identified above when they become available for gable configuration, windows, doors, porch, balcony, stairs, siding, roofing, chimney, parking and curb cut, decorative details, and color for final review and approval by the Design Review Committee prior to the issuancc ~f a Landmark Alteration Certificate. Provided the conditions outlined in the staff recc~mmendati~n are met, staff recc~mm~nds that the Landmarks Board adopt the fallc~wing findings: :1GF:NU:~ ITF,,YI #~ll PAGE #16 1 The existing house is not individually, architecturally, or historically significant and, thus, its demolition, reconstruction, and addition would not adversely affect the special character of the Mapleton Hill District and the proposed building will be compatible in terms of mass, scale, or orientation with other buildings in the district. (10-13-18,(b)2, B.R.C). 2. The architectural style, arrangement, texture, color, arrangement of color, and materials used the existing and proposed buildings will be compatible with the character of the existing historic district. ATTACHMENTS: A: Historic Building Inventory Form B: Tax Assessor Sheets C: Photographs D: Sanborn Map analysis E. Deed and Directory research F: Site Plan and Elevations of proposed construction S:\Planldata\lon~rang\HISTIALTCCRTS1Historic [~istrictslMapleton Hi1115th?107102.07.07 memo.doc AGENllA ITEM #~D PAGE #17 ~- ~" ~~ "~' Attachment A __ ,r:. -yi :~ ? ,:wav ~•nvP- .. ... •.ST Bl. YG . • _~~~- ~..JEC ~AP1c ., . .. iurvey J- y, ~:onc :~UNT . ~ ~, 5catterea ~escurces, 199~ ~ doulder `+C~ FOR fIELD l1SE __ El~gible _ Nominated __ Det. Not El~gible _ Cert~fieci Renao. Date ,::'Y. STATE iD NO.: SBL5845 3oulaer TEMPORARY NO.: 1461-25-4-33-0'IS ,:,. ~.'~T ... . ~. ~.SY_. ~u'ic?. =~i=7MAN ~e_L,~ ~, I _.C :TH S' =c~__~~~ _~ 30302-4902 ;DD~ . . . _ :c.~~]c?, _., 3C3CZ ;pu`~Sn:' '~ 2.1NG= '1~ SECT:QN 25 SE 1/< Su 1/G I -.~'~R:: ~~arc L ~ ~ ; :..a: vArc. 3ouiae~ i YEAR: 1966 (PR1979) X 7.5' 15' 3LCCr _ LOT(S): 29-31p .:~TA:." '~a9E: dJDi':~r~ ~aoletcr "_r^3ce YR. OF ADDITION: 189C ='.L" V0.' ~;~-37 ~~GaT:'l= VC . I_~Ca':~N ~r ^lEGa-:~=~ DATE OF CONSTRUCTION: ~ ;im-,,n, . ,cu.:e~ ~._; ' - ESTIMATE: ACTUAL: 1940 - ~ '3 SOURCE: "~ f'' I Beulder County Assessor ,n,,~~ , USE: PRESENT: Residence •S r~L - ~~~ /- ~ _~ , HISTORIC: _. / - / - - - Residence / - - - ~i ~ --- - - - /--- -- - / - -- -- / - _ CONDITION: ~ t . _ _ EXC.LLENT k GOOD j - - - -- - ---_ ___ FAIR DETERIORATING _ ~ -- -_ _ ~ - - ~- f-- :, ~--_ I r ExTENT Of ALTERATIONS: j i fl ~_-_ ~r i_- - I IIIIII MINOR X MODERATE MAJOR ~I _ .` ,~r I DESCRIBE- ~ i N o n h i s t o r i c s i d i n g; s t o o p c o v e r e d - ,r ~-- - ~~__ ___ wi2h carpet; Nrought iron railings; 1'- - - upper gable ven; a:t°red. CONTINUED YES X NO ;-"_c '+ocie~^ .y~nimal Tradit~onai) ~"'~~t:~S: ORIGINAL SITE X MOVED ' DATc(S) OF MOVE: MATERIALS: Uood, Concrete S0. FOOTAGE: NATIONAL REGISTER ELIGIBILITY 1752 INDIVIDUAL: YES I( NO ARCHITECTURAL DESCRIPTION: One-story frame duelling uitr, double fron: ga6le; close eaves; full-height br~ck CONTRIBU7ING TO DISTRICT: ' chimney on south. Ualls cLad uith nonhistoric uide lap siding uhich extends to YES NO eaves uithout break; narrou corner boards. Concrete foundation. Door glazed LOCAL LANDMARK DESIGNATION: No ~ uith multiple lights fiaces concrete stoop uith urought iron railing; brick patio to north. Plate glass picture uindou and double-hung 1/1-light Windows. NAME: DATE: ASSOCIATED BUILDINGS? YES X NO TYPE: IF INVENTORIED, LIST ID NOS.: CONTINUED? YES X NO ADDiT10NAL PAGES: YES X NO ^Ci'~Nl~A IT~tl~i °~; ~~„~''AC~k ._! .~. L;;N ~HAPc. ARCHITc~-: I STAT~ :D 'i0.- ~BL734; i _ . - . -- - Unknown ---_-~-- _- _-.--_- -- _ .--- --- ORIGINAL OUNER: ___,_.. ___ __-.-_-~_____- __-----.- Carl & Maybelle Pribbeno (?) - -• -•-.•--.-~--_..-.--- ----- - -- - SOURC~: --•----- SOURCE: -- -- ' ~ r 1949 t i i _____. _ _ .-. y, rec o ty D C ! IL~ER/CONTRACTOR: --- -- BU -- ~ -- - - - UnknoNn - _- - THEME(5~: __ __ ' SOURCE Urban Residertial Ne~ghborhoods, ---- ~ : - - - 18~8-Present CONSTRUCTION H?STOR" (DESCRIPTION, NAMES, DATES, ETC., RELATING TO MAJOR ALTERATIONS TO ORIGINAL STRUCTl1RE): CONTiyUED YES X NO HISTORICAL BACKGROUND (DISCUSS IMPORTANT PERSONS AND EVENTS ASSOCIATED WITH THIS STRUCTURE): The first listing for this address in city directories shows the occupants as Carl and Maybelle Priobeno in 1949. Pribbeno was a farmer. A March 1949 newspaper article stated that "Mr. and Mrs. Carl E. Pribbeno have sold the new, white frame house at the northuest corner of 5th and Mountain View Avenue to Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Friedman. Mr. friedman has been the able manager of the Standard Bulk plant for a number of years. Mr. Pribbeno has purchased farm land in Nebraska and has moved there." CONTINUED YES X NO SIGNIfICANCE (CHECK APPROPRIATE CATEGORIES AND BRIEFLY JUSTIFY BELOW): ARCHITECTURAL SIGNIFICANCE: HISTORICAL SIGNIFICANCE: REPRESENTS THE uORK OF A MASTER ASSOCIATED UITH SIGNIFICANT PERSONS POSSESSES HIGH ARTISTIC VALUES ASSOCIATED WITH SIGNIfICANT EVENTS OR PATTERNS X REPRESENTS A TYPE, PERIOD, OR METHOD OF CONSTRUCTION CONTRIBUTES TO AN HIS70RlC DISTRICT TIER EVALUATION: STATEMENT OF SIGNIFICANCE: This house is representative of the Modern (Minimal Traditional) style homes erected in Boulder after uorld War II as reflected in the double front gable, picture window, and minimal exterior ornamentacion. CONTINUED Y:S X NO RErERENCES (BE SPECIFIC): Boulder County Assessor records; Boulder City Directories; BouLder Daily Camera files. CONTINUED YES X NO SURVEYED 8Y: R.L. Simmons/T.H. Simmons AFFILIATION: Front Range Research Associates, Inc. D1~T~: Novemoer 1995 ti EF=f~~F~~a V't'~~rr ; ~ ~6~~~~= __(_~ Attachment B Appz•aisecl ______, 1~J_____ LOTS 6LUCK HOUSE No. S~REET 0~'VNEF Ye~,r Constructed AnDITION_____~ CITY I~st. Life ira Years E5'!'l14[ATE UF YALUATIUIV __. - _ ' BLDI; PART 1 _ - $1.t~G. P.1R'P B C~RAGE ~ No. Cubic FecC------- --------~----- ' __.....-- --•--- ------------ Co9t lier cu. tt- ------'------------~ ---------- i I -----~------------I •r~c~,i cost -- $-------------~ --------- i ~-------- ,, -----~~~----------- Porchey.---------- ---~'------- ------_ ___. ---- Garage---------------'--------- ----- ---------- ----- ------------ Extrus --------------- ------------- ------- --------------- -------- ~------ --------- ; ----- ---.._-------' i ------------------------ ----._ --------_-_~ - - ---_ -.~ _._ TOTAL ______ ~-------------- ~ ~ --------------- ------------~~ - - - - ~-------------• ~-----------i'., bbaolesen~e __ '"'_;in ~ _" „""""_"_"_ ' ""_"_'_ .~.. '_"' """'_"" -..:-an YhysiCal De~~_:--~!---- _ _ _ ~-__ -- - - ---- _ I I ---- -- -- -- '~^~1et Afker Deciucting - -:_ .__ ~ Depreciatiorr ----- ~----- - -,-: ~ $ ---- --_- ~ -- ---~ ~:.__. Co Utility De~:>. --- ~-------------- ~'---- ----- ----- g---------- ~'RGS~NT VALL'Ii',_.~:5 --- .__ _---~$--------- -_ ------ __ -., _: __...._- - - _ ----- ~----------- ~ z,, D lESC: ~i.I.YTION __ , Ci~uf Bldg.-I------------------ k3asement----- ----------------- Ci,'~u~iion --I---------°__------ C'Ettar. nt'Conet. ----- ------------ -~ ~~~~rior ------ ------------------ IntEC•ior I'inish---------------. f'~~c~s -------I------------------ ~ ~Koof ----- --- ------------------ Heatin~; ._.._ - _---- - --- - - ~IutnUing - --- _..---------------- 'Li~.!ht---_----•.-----------•----- ['riv. (;arage ----------------- V St,aries - ----I------- - -- -- -- Barns or 5hed~ ----------------- i~ire Resisting-~------------._.---- Statr, of Pep.- ------------------ Fc>undatit>n----; ----------------. L.ocal Irnps.---i --------------- AI)DI'CIONB AlYD [i~'I"1'N~ItMEN7'S Photo~raph t `_ X~ ,' ~~ ~ - ~ ~ '' A . `'~' ; ~ l , ~~~j .~~- ~ _ --- -_ ...- ::_- _ -- - --- ; Fieighr af Puildin~ ___ ...._____ . __ _. - .. -- -- -- SU~11b~lARY - ... . --.. . .. ~ _. .-- . ', --_- _ _ _ ~ - ANNUAL AStiF.~SMENT ~ DGSCREPTIqF A~It)UNT I YEAR I LAND ---~-,I1IYPRQVE'sM1tENT6 ~ TOTAL ~~~ -- Buildin Yermit _... __ . ~ ___ ~ ^.._.... r ~ ...- - - - ~; 15~~ ( I - -- -- ~ I~ !~ - - f)ri~*inal l;o,t. lmp~•c,ven:ent.s Only ._ _ - T l)3.! , _ - ~ I - ---- ---- , ~ Additinns and Fett~rments _-_........._---------- -- - --- :~ - - , .. -I' ly'!u I - __- -- .-.--~ --- ! ~ C1a~ner'~ PStimate vf PresenY. Value __ ___ ~ ~ -_ ' I~it] I --- _.__ _--._-- Yiivate .41~praical - _ _ _ - - - I~; ~ iy4~ !i i - -- - _ _.._ _.__ ~ -_ Ir~~nrance _._-_ IIS~ ~ is: I! -- - -- --- - . ~ ,..,. ~ ~ ~; ~,m ., . . <;,~~.;~::. ._..-__ _ .- - -- - ~ __ __..__ _ ... _. __ . . - - ~ -- --- ------- CLASS OF BLJILUiNf3- ~ H~dG~~IT --' RO(?F -- _ - _ _. _ _ _- _ .:- LIGHT I UF:~C6tIPTION . __ __ .,_..,~_.. _ _ . _ __..__.____.___._---~__________.. ---~._..-.._---.--- - ----- i-3ingie [~esidence--------c'... tio. oi Stories. ..------------'~_. CONS'i'ftUCTI(DN Electricit,y--------------- ---. ROOIiS STpRI~~ 2-D~i>lex- ------------ ~ ------------------------- ~ ? a ntt« T ------ uricl:--F(1liNTD:1T1U~'__-•__- Uottox>s tion1Shin le_-_______ .. _ ------ Ba+em't __~I-.._.-._.__.._.T.....- ;-E3t~n~alo~v, :~~,t. ~rL. ------- ~ (1 ~g---------- ~ ! K -- __ • -... - - -- -- ~i-Ftat ur Terraee -------__._ -- -- r ------- --- Concrete-------------- -- TarandC;ravel.-----------•---• .-------------------------------_. Livin~,Ruom--------------------------------------------- ;i Apartment Huuse------,- . --- btone---------------------- Prez7areu Paper.-----------._ Ui~;ui~P.oom-------------------------------------•---- G-Hotel ---------- ------- Vdood _----------------------- Uheet Iron ----------------•---- I'F:IVr~TE 4;ARAGE L'in~tte-------------___.-------------------------------- --- Tile .--------------------------- Cn i~2r----- Kitcben----------- ------ ---- --------- - ---------------- S- ------- ----------------- i-St.ore f3uilding----•-------~ -------------- t~~~ncret.eTile --_--------___-. ~zr.e'-----_ •--~ --•-----"'--~-- Breat:fnst 1'uok-----------=---- r-~~----------------------- 63-O;~ice Ruildin'-------- ---------------- ~ ~ ----- , C,onnt.ruc.tion- --- ---------- ---------------------- '-----•------- (.(ay Tile----------------------- + --; -- F3ed h„om ---------------------------- ------------ ---- --------- tl)- oapsta or ~an~tar~am ._.._ Nloor________~_ ~ ll-A:~n:c liuiidin~ ---- ------- -------B~S"di~9E~7,-------~ Tinestos_°hingle_------- ----- Heot-- --- -I --------------•---- ~oilet~!Zoom------- ------------- ------------ ------------ 12-Theatre--------------------- ------------.__ I , 1 5 I 13-~Vxreirouse-------------- --- -------- _ ~ - I insulateci - -- _____________~ -------------,'----------- --'---- Sle ~ir~~~Yurch--------- ------ ----~------------------ l<1-FacY.ory ------------ -- l uarter--------- ~------------ ---- Half ------------------------ 5'CYI,E ----- ------- -------------------- Su~t l~oum. _ ----------------------~---------------. _. i:~--Pvnlic Gar~ge--------------- Three-Quarter -----------;- ` S~iEU~ ~]Vll BARNS )e~i--- _. _ ----------------------------------------------- lti-Private ('sarl~e ------ ---- Gable.--------------------,~---- _ Fnil.-------- _ } ~ " 5tora~e Room------------------ ------------------ l7-bervsce StaCion ---------~---~ ----------- ------ I'ial ------------------- . ___ 3ize-- ---------Icnnst.,__ ~~" - , --- Oliice--_-_--- Cement Plour ---- ------- ----- --------....--------- I~-Hot ~Iouse or Gr. I3~~use --- ' ' - ------ ------ 5iie-- -------- ' -- -----, l:3 - Youitry House ------. - I'inished 4Valls and Ceiling---- ; - ,---- Halls ---------------------~- - f------------.------- --- I.sundr ------------ I~In bi d ---------------- - - - _ _ -, __ , _ -------------- - --- - -- -- -------------------------------- ?0-L'arns ar Sheds -------- y-------- LOC~L I!9PHOV~MNIti'PS' ~i -- - - ---------------------- j --- -- -----------------------•---------...----•------------ -------------------------- ------ --- Leanto------------------------- 5treet Pnvin '---- ~--------------- .--------__.. _ .....--------- ------- ~'INISFI Give Numbers ------------------- ------ ---- ------ ---- AI1ey Yavin g------------•---- ~ ----- ------------------- - - ---...--- -------------------------•------• P LL'M BI~(: Side w a3ka----- ------------------- U nfinished ---------------------,I------------~- ----------- ------------------------------- b]l"t7~]R-UA -_ ----- ---- ..._. - Curhin ----- ~-- - ------------------ Plastered, I'lain------ - ----- ------------~------------ -- ..----------------•-------- __ _ --- . _ Olci Styie ----- ------------- Water --------------------------- Playtered, Ocnam ------------ -------------- --------- ommon F3rick __.------------- bZodern ----------- ~ {;O`15'1'it[It~7'it~SN ------------- ~;torm Sewer---------------------- Pupered_..------------------------------------ -------- - - ---......... _---- Pre9sed f3ricl,- ---...---~-------- No. Bath 1`uUs ---------------~ ~ - Saniiary Se~c~er ------;~----------- Painted or Tinted---------------- --------- -°------------ ~'rame ------------------------- Wire Cut R:ick --------------- =~o. Shower E3aths-------------- Electricity------------ ---= ~ ------------ Sot'twood i~'luor--------------- •------------------------ Rricl: -------------------------- Gia•r.e~1 Yi•ic;; --~--------------- No. TnileY;; _--------------- ---------------- ~ Pile------------•--------------- ~i~oc~dtiidin " (;a,----_._ -------- 1~ardwoodP'loor.-- -----~- ~ ---------------=-- Na L8Y"fiiGl'IE'y'""'_""_"" ""_i"""f " """ "'. . .- - Telephorae_..------- --------------. 5uftw ood F'inish ---•-------------------------------------- ~L~in~ - ------------------------- ~Voud ShinKles ._-------------- ~ o. llrinals-------------------~ ---------------------------------- lier~l~co~,d Ninish ----------------'------------ -------- ~q~crete Plain o.~ i;lock ------..--- Cemcnt Stucco ------------ ----- hlo. l:aundiy Tubs-------------- ~ , o - ------------------~--- ------------ 'Cile-- - --- ----------------------•------------------------ ~~,`~i:rete, k~in.orc.ed----------- F.eilastone__-------------- No. Sinl.'s------------------ it~ 1 I'rame .----- . hSTSCF,).i.ANEUU,~', G~,~ :Vlt~rble or tlnyx----------------------------------. ------- ~ ------------- `t.one ----------------------- Sanitary Gl~,seis ---•---------- N~. - _ - V4'aU Roard.------- - n~lated an1 ~~'. S. --------- Corrugated lron-------------- CCSS Nool ------------------ Sidehoarrs------------------ ---------- -----'--------------- ~ -" Sheetroclc..----• ;3i:~3R~1C'6'ii,K t}F GONST. 1'erc•a. Co~ta ------------------ -- ------•--------------- -- Bufi'et _- --------------------- ----------------------------------------- tJelotex ------------...------------------------------- , _ -- `1'ile - -- ' --- --- -------~ _ Hd1;.4'L'i\'CX Cahii~Ft _ - ---- ----- h ~ - ~------------- - ----- - -- - tioult Caces---- ---_ '------ \1~'aiu:;catir.g -------------------~ ---------------•------ ----------- ------------------ - Jtave 1leitu~i~------------------------ ------ - - _ - ---, ' l~eain Ceilin ~---------------------- :~7eta1 Ceilin~ _------ ------------------------------------- " ----~ -- -------- -- ------ ~---• l3ot Air----------- --------- --------'---- ~` ~ -------------- - --- ------ H ot W atcs- -----. Incinerator------- -.___ ---------------------------------------~------------------. __.__,..------------------ „"° --------- ---------- ;i~ Kesisting ---------------- Sky Lights.---- ----------------- . , ,_ i'FASAFtI{y ~ ---------- n-Fire Kesistin O~U'1'S1i)P: 7'IiIlI ~team ---. ------------•-- ~-------------• . _-~ ------. Refri~rrator or Cooler --------'~--- ,; N o. Fireplaces ---------- --- ------------------~------------------------- ----------- -,'- ----~------- ~--- ------ 1'vuud ---- -- ' Ray ~,Viodow3----------- ~"~~ ----------------- :~u. Dummy Fire~~laces-------- ---'---- ------ ----- - - --• ---------------- - - ---------------- - STA'1'4~: OI~' ECF.PAIi2S Terra Cotta .-----------_----- ~ir Conditio~ed.------------- Uormer Windows -------------'---- ---- - ---------------- ----------------------- ----------- _ - Stone -------------------------~ Porches-----------------------'--- , ru ~~. ---------------- - ----------------------------------------- ,~< -------------- -------------- cr~~~.~~~,~,---------------------- -- - _- ----------------------------- - ----- ~ ----- -- -- --------------------------------- - ------- ~atr ------------ --------------- Cuncrr.te----------------------- C:oal-------------------------- ---- - -- - - . ~s „ ~ ~ • ~ t A I ' ~ _ , _ ~• . ~~ .. '7~ ~ d' '+ ~:.~.~ ~.. ~:i -,1~ ~ . ,. } a., r ,. t : ~ l = _x,. ~~~,iyE~~.~~$ Y'."`~ -_ ' ...o' . ~o ~r ~ ~}i' ..~~~" :~,!y.` ~,t . . .. ~ ~ y ~ " Y ~ 41~t ' 6~~.2 '~ hr~ 1 r^~ . {- s _ i ,}', '.-,V ' > ..,~y ~ y~ ~' y~k, . , . .~~ ' "~ ~-~~~ •~'~ ,~ 3; .~P~ _ ~ `A ,~ ~„ ' ,~, t ";~~ .! i ~ ~~ . ~ •~`;: ,r ~~. ..~a'~+~~}, ..nS~"Y ~ •. ~ ~ . ', ~.~,. r,^, ~{. , .J' , ,:}, ~ '"' '' ~~~rrr~,„,~~~ ~~ ., ~' ~ ~ . "~ s y, f ~! ' ~ ~ Z~ ~ ~ ~ ~v!G~ ~ „'S ',1 r '~ '~' •. , , i . . .. , .. .~,a-y+ .,.t+t~'!Y: ` 4i' ~~~ ~ .~ .t. .. . f., ~ 7 ~'~x~i~ . ~K' .~ ._. k• ~' • r w~ 1~ i ; , ~~ ~ ~ .~ ~ ~ ~ ~ { ~ ~ ~~~.,. :. . i Tx ~ ~ `` v1_ V ~' ~ ~~' . ~. . . . , ~ _ ' .;L_ t __.""_'..._~.' .__~_.~~.~..~_.~.~~ ..~_7-.__... -. ...~___.~~~....~.. . e.e...~.~..~...~~ ~.-..~~,.~,~,~. "p°'~y'R~?~l'i] ~ Attachment C Photographs Front (east) elevation ',r ;t .~,y,)t-1, f-n'~~'~ ~~ ~~ , +F1a=,'t ~ Side (south) elevation t~ a` ~ _ E~~ ~~:~ ~l Attachment D ;ANBOI~'V N1APS - 2107 STI' STREET Sanborn Man 1K86 ~ ~ I FiIG LANO_ ~ o ^~~ P` ~ ~ ' ~ 6 ! ~ ' ` SPRVGE / ~G'or4FJ~' ~ /~j3 y %p2 lll/ SnMVCS Cds r~ (Y d 1 ~ $ ~ ~- ~ ~ ~17 ~p !'~G ~ ~`~p g ~G~ $ ~ + ~. I - ~ BO ~ ~~+~j ~ ~ QL FlYN/lNE/ .~fsa ~, x' I fY~E1X/CI'MWKS CO~Ol~f/7/)O Sanborn Map 1890 ___ ` „ ,~ u ~ " 4 /g ~ fJilf f S A - E - - -- -.~ .:µ: ...,,, rq~'~rrr~ ~ i rat ~ ~~i ~ d ay .~a ~ --~1~ ~ . ~ ~ ~~ ~~~ ~..~ ~ «:c ~ .t5 J'O b ~ a~ ht Q2 I ~ ~BJ ~~ nS.r ~ 1. ~;;~ ~ L.. ~ . .un. ,,~6- ~---r s._.._,,.~,~~~ 'rr ~ <:~ ~s.~ R.[ µ~'T'-'-~~'-~--~ - I ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~•,•. i o`O~r C~'PP ~ --~ ~j- :~~,~,F~ ~-~~- 5~ ~~ a~ ~ ~ d-~.~r . ~anborn ~lat> 1 ~9~ ~ ~ • _--~~ ~ l~ :, . ~ 1 ~ f~ ~~ , l ~ ~~ f i~ ~ J ,~ •~--~~ ~ J~ ~~~~`~•= ~-~ ~f ~~\ ~~ ~ ~~~f ~ . . , ~~~ ~ T~1 S ~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~~~f3 /~ I r ~~`-~ /~' ~ ~ ~: ~~~~ ,~ f / ! r,.v ~ ~~ 3~'a ~ ii~ r _ _ ,~ ~, - :.-„- i ( {~ ~;n I ~ ~ ~V. :;;/ ; r,~ /y~~~~] ~ _J r LId . j ~ ~' ~'a• 1 ~ l~f V ~ ~ ~ l1.. . ~ J~~s ~~ j ~~ ~ ~:.. ~ • G!~ ~ _~ s~nf Jll. 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' Y+'~ ~Aa~~ ~ [ft'r ~•f~~ Q ~£aLys Nu ~ ~r" ~ ~;~ j~ ~' C ~~~A~~ r ~ ~ ! + Q v' . ~~~~L ,r t ' '' ~ ~ J ~~ ~ ~ '`'.• ~1 y ~ ~ ~'7~. ~ J ~'" ~ 1 _ 2t7d ~ ould ti- A ! ~I.{.,n` ~ . i, .. '~/ \ - ~/ .! li~;~ K`ti~~.'~~.~~ , ~•V '!'"~~;iJ.7i.... { Attacla~ent E llIKI~:CTORl' ~~ND Ul~;I:D KF,SI?~'1RCIi UWN~RS OF 2107 _STH S'1'REET: Bold Indicates long-term ownership ? to 1939 1939 to 1945 1945 to 1947 1947 to 1949 1949 to 2001 2001 to 2005 2005 to 2006 2006 to present Boulder County Treasurer Ted G McPherson (treasurer~s dced) CE and [na W. Doughtery Carl E. and Maybelle Pribbenc~ Robert A. and Della M. Fricdman 2107 5'h Street LLC Eric ~. Small Eric E. Small and Margaret A. "I~ilton R[~:SIDEN'['S OI+ 2107TH S`I'RECT: Bold Indicates long-term residency Prior to 1949 Address Not Listcd in Directaries 1949 Carl Pribbeno 1951 to 2001 Robert A. And Della 11~I. Friedman family 2001 Alan Fields 2002 to 2003 Christopher I~uiler 2004 to 200i Josh Luhin 2006 No infarmatinn NOTE: Carnegie Library'ti collection of city directories is intermittent bcginning in 1869, and annual beginning in 1958. "No Return" or "No phone" does not necessarily mean thc building was vacant. ,,.~.::~-~j_~/..NT~I~-. ~~~~!?(..:;~ ~ LANDMAI~KS ALTEI~ATION A1'I~LICATION Tilton Residence Remodel 270,' Sth .Slreef Boulder, CO 80302 1( ~ r..~ C C~ .S~ U C~ r-.~ r..~ ~ 2107 5TH 5T1~EET - MAf~LETON HILL H15TOi~IC DIST1~(CT [:FTTi.TFRF ~' ARCHITECTURE Dominr'qzre Getfl(ffe A.I.A. dominiqueCgettl~e, com Tilton Residence i ~.~` Remodel a 210: Sth Streel i BnrrJder, CO 8Q302 . For: ~ Meg 6 Eric Tr(tar (303) 440-291 i ~~~.~~~ AB~HI~'EC'z'URE Strstnr'~ra~le De.~~~~n,fiu Com»rereial, Re.srde~rtin/ arrd Commrurrty Projects Domi~fr~rre Gettlry~ A.I.A. 29,70 Jl n~•hins~nn S~ree1 Boulder, C'alarndn ti0304 Tel. 3U3 44.9-9155 F~x 30.3 40?,900~ dorniniqne rl'~>c°t/(r!/i~. i ~~m C'~ a Z a a ~ z c/) o X Q w ~ w ~ J ~ Q ~ ~ O ~ ~ Q ~ ~ O Z a = ~ Date: Januarv 18, 2007 Sheet \uml e:: A-2 2 of ~ o ~coFy«gn~ zum c~rci~rr~•.~ni,~c~~n~~e WEST ELEVATI~N f'Ihoto of ExiSting HouSe EAST ELEVATION 1'hoto of ExiSting HouSe NORTH ELEVATION f'hoto of ExiSting House 50UTH ELEVATION I'hoto of Exiating HouSe Tilton Residence Remodel 1107 5tfr Street Baulder, CD 80302 For.• Meg 1r £ric Tilto~r (3031440-291.' GETTLIPFE ' A~~3T~~E Sustai>ra61e Decign jor Cnrnmercia/, Recidentia! nnd Comrnunih/ Pmject.s Domiizique Gettlr~ R.1.,9. 29i L~ dti~irshingfon Street Boulder, Colorado 80304 Tel, 303 449-9755 Fas 303 402-90~7 domiizr'queCgett/~e. cv~n SITE PLAN A 1 / 16" = 1 '-0" Z Q Q N J Y a. Q w ~ ° F- . z V~ J Date: January 18, 2007 Sheet Nu:nber: A-3 3 of 10 ~DCopy-ight 200' Gettlilfe Archtecture ~, - ~ ~' ,~ ~ ~~ `` l~~~~ :>~) `t ~ ~ ' . ~ ~ f '~ ~~'~ : .. ~''% .-~ - _ ~.'Sa~~ ~ # ~ ~ ,~ t~.~ ~ -t -, a _ _ , ~" `' '~ c'~-- ' ~ UPPER LEVEL PLAN B 1 / 1 6" = 1 '-0" Tilton Residence Remodel 110.' St{t Streef Bou[der, CO 80302 For.• .... ~-'. `` ~ ~ ~1eg £~ Etr~ Tiltan r ~ ~ ~ ~ -- (.~03J 440-1_917 -~1 ~ ~ S ( ~ ~~ t~ 4,`.~~/-_ -.. /. ~J,l` I r: , ~~ ~ .._ y~ ~ I ~ . ~~-" .~ ___.. ~ _ ~ = _ .~-_ --- _ - . = - = - - GETTLIFFB ,. a - ~ _ - , ~ = - - ~ ~'-. ~ ~-,/ _ _, i ~ . ;"~ ~ Ser.sfainable Dc:sr'~n fi» i i ~ ' _ 1 Connnercial, Rcsrdentia! ~ -~_~ ~ ' ~-_ , I ~ P~y-ni ~ ~~ mrd Co~nmrrnrhj Prajects - ~ ~~~T~ ~`~ ~ ~ i~ ~ , '~~ ~ ` ~ i ~ i. ' li~ ~ ° Dnnrinique Cettl~jfe A.I.A. - ~ ~ , w , - } ,~_._ ' II _ ~ ._ _ }} w ~~ i' i ~- .`. ~ I(~If 1970 Washrn~qton Street - ~ ~ -- ---- ~ I ~ Bortlder, Colarndn SO?04 _ j; .~,.~,! .~.- _ ; ~ ~ ` ~ - . ~ TeL 303 44~-g755 ~:*, ~ ~, - ~ I !• Fax d03 401-900i ,-. ~ i _- ~ ~~H "i F; ~ ~ drnnfniqueC'geftlifle.co»r _ _- d,1 , ,~'- ,-~ ~ _ - ~ f FT7 , 1- :I " , *r,--~--=-_ _ ~~ r 1~; _ ~ ~ ~ ~'~~ 4 ~ ,~ -~ - ~~ ~ i _ ~` ==- ~~~ ~ - _ ~' - - ~ , ~ ' ~ ~ I I 4 ~- ^ ~~ ` ' J ~ d ~ ~ , . . , ~~ ~, y_.._ . _ .~._.....-_------ ~, ~ _ ~ '~~~ _ ~ ~ Q ~ - V ~, I.-1: • % ~'-' w O -~ ~~~~ , ~~' .~~~ W ~ y ~ ~ ~ I , ~ ', ~ Q .~, '" ~ ~ ~ ~ Z Z ~ 0 ~ ~ g MAIN LEVEL PLAN A 1 / 16" = 1 '-0" Date: January 18, 2007 Sheet Number: A-4 aof,o OCapynght 2007 Getlliffe Architecture I . ~• • ~T:1.. . ...- . ~ / ,~ ; y. - ~ ' . ;~ . ' ~ --- -LOWER ROOF PLA7E . - - - ~ ~r ,i ~ 9ii ' I 116'-3" ,~ f. ; : ~ ,~~ ` - ~ i ~ - '~ _ _ ~ UPPER LEVEL F.F ...- - " ' ~ ~ 110 -3 ' ' ~ ~ ~h; ~ ~~ i~ ~~ ~ ~ / ~rI ~~ , ~~~ .. ~ ~ F' .~..-- i~ ~ ':s a .A ' ~ ~ - -- d - MAINLEVELF.F. - -- ~ 1 100'-9" .. „ ,-. -_ ,~J..: : . . - _ _ EAST ELEVATION A 1 / 16" = 1 '-0" ~ Tilton Residence t'~Yj Remodel ; r 21OT Sfh Street ~ Boulder, CD 80302 Far.• Meg E~r Eric Tilton , (303J 440-19I7 ~ ;~ r= GETTLIFFE ~ A1~~HITECTURE Srr,stainahle Desig~t jo>• Cominercial, Resr'dentia! aird C~mrn~r>rity Project.s Domruique Cettl~e A.1..~1. 29T0 Waslringtorr Street Boulder, Colorado 80304 Tel. 303 ~9-9155 Fax 303 402-9007 dominiqueQ~ettl~e, eom )OF PLATE 116'-3" ~ LEVEL F.F 110'-3° S LEVEL F. F. 100'-9' '~ J a a ¢ z 0 2 Q ~ ~ ~ ~ Z Q ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ (IJ > O W , Z W W ~ Date: January 18, 2007 SOUTH ELEVATION B 1 / 16" = 1 '-p" Sheet Number: A-5 5 of 10 ,2Cooyright 2007 Gettlitfe Architecture Tilton Reaidence , ~ J i ~ ~~~ . `-~ f rr. /~ Remodel 21075/h Sfreet , ~~i '~ , ~ Boadder, CO 60302 ` i _ For. i i~ ~'~~, , Meg ~a Enc Tilton - - _ (303/ 440-29Ii r~"' -~ ~ i_ _ ,; ` L04VER ROOF PLATE ~ a -' ~,.~~lp caY,.." ,s~ 1 ~ ~, ~ 116'-3" ~ ~ _I- _ . _ ,,._ ~ " % ,. , ~~i~ _ ~ ~ ~ UPPER LEVEL F.F _ __. . ~J ;~ : ~ ~ ~ 4 . ~ ~ -~~ ~, _ i~o'-3° '~' GFTTI.IFFE r , , ,~ j~~ ~ ~~ e ~ ; ~ , ~ ,~ ' A~I'I'E~T~RE ~ ~ % 4,d ~'~-~~'' ~ - !~~ ~:~t ~ 1, ~ ~ r li ~~;% - MAIN LEVEL F.F. SustnrnableDesigirjpr _ _-- , . _._ _ _.; _,. ~..~ . <_ . _ ~. _ ~ ~ i . ~ 100 -9" '~ Co~nmercinl, Resr'derrtra! ~ - artd Cammr~nity Projecf.c i y^~' ' Dnmirrr'queGe~t1~,9.I.A, 1970 lti~s/rrngfon Street WEST ELEVATION ~ Boulder, CnlorndoB0.304 1/ 16 ~~ _ ~~-~ ~~ ~ H,~ Te1. 303 449-9155 ~/ Fax,30.3 402-900.' domrniqrre~gettl~e, com ~~; ~~ , ~ , ~ __ ' J a a „ .- 1~ --- , ____ ---•- Q . "' z ~ \ O -----.._._._~ , ~ ~ . 1 _,__~\ ~ ~ z - O Z ~ ~ LOWER ROOF PLATE Z O Q ~ ~~ ~ ~~,•. '...a~.~,~ :.~~ i 116'-3° ~ o~f a Y ~~~~ -, ' ~ ~ : - ~ UPPERLEVELF.F ~~ N ~ O _._........ ._ _ . ~ ~ ~ ~ , ~ ~ 110'-3" `~ W ~ ' z ~'r '' \ \\\\ , ~ ; r '\ j'\~~~ ~ W Q ~~~" ~ ~%.r MAIN LEVEL F F Date: January 18, 2007 , , ~ 1'' 100 -9' ~ Sheet Number: NORTH ELEVATION B A_ ~ 1/16" = 1'-0" 6 of 10 ~ZCOpvright 2U(77 Getthffe Ard~itecture Tilton Residence ~ Remodel ZI075th Street Boulder, CO 80302 For: Meg & ~'nc Tilto~t (303J 440-2917 r-OU7LINE OF HOUSE AT4-49 MOUNTAIN VIEW RD SEEN IN THE BACKGROUND ~~1~ Strstainrrble Desrgnjor Commereial, Resrdemfra! - and Communify Project.s ~ ~ ~ Dominique Gettl~e A.I.A. '~~ ; _ -- l - - ~ ~ 1970 Waslrrngfotr Slreef Baulder, Cnlnrado 80304 Tel. 303 449-9I55 / Fax 3D3 402-9007 -. -- ~ _ :..-: domrnrqtreC4~getfl~e com __~:~.. ..__ -- ~ _ _ ~. ~ , . ~~ .____ ~ ~ a a. ~ ~ ~ : ' 2115 5TH STREET Q ~ • Z O , , - - -------- = Q _ _ ~ ~ ~ H J NORTH-SOUTH SECTION o p Y ~/~6" _ ~'-0" AA ~' ~ ~ ~ p U, w ~ z Z c~ a Date: January 18, 2007 Sheet Number: A-7 7of10 4:Copyngh[ 2007 Gettfiffe Archilecture Tilton Residence Remodel 1707 Sth Street Boulder, CO 80301 For. ~1leg b Eric Trlton (3031440-2.91i l\ ; ~} ~' /.~ ~ ~. _ ~~,: -~ ~ ~~ % ~• .~. ~ ~. = ~ -•~I . ~11. ~~ ~ti~ ~ - ~ .~~ 41+9 MOUNTA~N VIEU1 ROAD 2107 5TH STREET ~ ~ LOWER ROOF PLArE 116'-3" ~ UPPER LEVEL F F ~ 1~~ ~ ~ ~ -- 110'-3" ~~ ~ ~ ~~ !:!A,IP, LE'.EL = F. :,- ~- 100'-~' ~ ',ri (T-> > ~`;a~iu . ~~ i 5TH STREET i EAST-WEST SECTION BB 1 / 16" = 1 '-0" ~~1~ ~ ~' ~~~~jg~ St~stairr~~hlc~ Destgn fi~r Commereia/, Residentia! and Communrly Prnjects Donrr'~riqr~e Gettliffe ,9.I, A. 29: U I b'nsJrirrBtvn Streef Bor~lder, Colnrndi~ 5030~ Ti% ,30,3 ~49-91.>5 Fn r 303 402-900~ di?mirrique@~ettliffe <i ~rn J d a Q z 0 H ~ ~ w ~ N J Q w ~ Z ~ ~ o ~ ~ ~ w ' ° Q w cn z g Date: January 18, 2007 Sheet Numher: A-8 8of,o DCopynght 2007 Genliffe Architetture Tilton Residence Remodel 2zo75th Street Boulder, CO 80302 For.~ ,~ieg & Enc TrJton (303) 440-2917 ~ / ! i?~`~ ~ } ~ 3 cl~ • y ~~ .~ , ~ , ~~ ~ O~ ~d~ ~ l ~;;~ ~' ~ ` ~ 'g - ~6`3a.,. / ~ ~ ' ~ ~ ~ 1. ` 1 3 ~ ~ ~, . ~ . ~ 1 ~ +~ ~~,.~~ k~. ~ }~`~ ~~;+~C'.~ k .~li I ~ #~ q ~~, ~', ,.,y ~ r ~ ,. ,~ F ~. GETTLIFFE ~-. ' '~ AI~CHITECTURE ~~r : i ~~ f ; ' ~ ' ~ 1~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~ t , . ,1~~ { ~ ~ c ~ >( =_~, ~,~ .; ~'~'~,? .. ' - - ~ ' ~, ~ ~ Srr.stnr'nahle De.sr~ for ~ ~a ~ •M 4 ~ ~ ~ - ~, a ,~ ~ ' 4 ~, '' Conunercial, Residentra! . /'~ ~'~~'~,~- s '~, ' <f"- ~/t'~,~ ~_ . ' a,~ -- '" ~ r^ " ` ' ~ ~ndCommunrfjPrnjects r '~~-^ ~~_ ~ ,r r„ .e f' ~ r~x~ ~ f : ~ '"-,;; ~;~L".i~.'~.•.P~k°`~ ~ ~~~~~~ ~ ~"~ ~. _ ~~ ~..~.~ ~~'"~°~ ~ , . _ -~ . Damirriqrre Gettlrife A.I.,~?. ' , :~~ n ~' 1970 Gt~a.sfzington Streel '' '_~ ~`r ~' ~E~T STREET5CA1'E SEEN FROM 5TH STIZEET (EAS~ Boulder, Colorado 8030~ Sketch of Proposed Design Tel. 303 449-9155 Fax 303 402-9007 dominiqr~e@8ettl~e. eom .~ ~ . ~ a a Q Z O _ (J~ H ~ W a Q w ~ ~ U ¢ ~ ~ ~ w a ~ o ~. z w ci a Date: )anuary 18, 20~7 ~ ~~ ..,... ~~~~~ ~_~ ,..~_..;~` ... ~- ... ~ . .. ~ . 21075TH STREET Sketch of Propoeed Design ST(~EETSCAPE SEEN FROM MOUNTAIN VIEW ROAD (SOUTH) NOTE; pLEASE fZ~FEIZTO FULL 51ZE SET OF f'LANS FOI~ADDITIONAL f'HOTOGRAI'H50F NEIGHBORING HOMES. Sheet Number: A-9 9 of 10 ~7Copyright 2007 Gettliffe Arcttileyure Tilton Residence Remodel z1o; sr~t s~re~~ Bvrrlder, CD 80.~07 For: hleg f> E~ic Ti/tnn (303) 440-191,- EXAMPLES OF ROOF CONFIGUI~ATIONS FOUND WITHIN THE H15TORIC D15TRICT THAT ARE SIMILAiZ TO THE PROP05ED IZOOF DE51GN GE~.I~ .~ AR~I3I~C~IIRE tiustni~mb/e De~ign f n Con~merti~r/, Re.side~rtrn/ nitd Cnnu~rrvrity Prclrct~ Do~arnique Gel~lr~~ .-3.1..~3. 1.9i0 Gb~pshingtmr 51ree1 Boulder, Cnlnrado 80.~04 Trl. 30.3 449-915.i Fn.r 303 402-.9007 di»rrr'rti~ueC'gettlff/'e. eniir J a a Q 1~.. Z ~ ~ O a ~ ~ w ~ J O w Q N ~ a ~ O Q, O z a w ~ Date: January 18, 2007 Sheet \umber: A-10 ,oof,o :[ „pyr:~ h~?00;' Gen;,ef.• arch~~ra~re 25?5 7th Street 1134 Maxweil Avenue 2525 5th ratreet 625 Maxwell Avenue 505 Alpine Avenue 2656 4th Street Project Description for the Tilton Residence Landmarks Alteration Certificate Application 2107 5`e Street Proiect Overview The Tilton Residence, built in 1946, is located on the northwest corner lot at 5th Street and Mountain View Road. The home is within the Mapleton Hill Historic District, but it has not been designated as an individua) landmark or contributing building. The home's current scale, geometry and facades aze not consistent with the neighborhood's distinctive proportions and dynamic street fronts. The home is comprised of approximately 990 s.f. of living space, with a 990 s.f. basement. It has a single shallow pitch gable roof that faces 5ih Street and dces not address the Mountain View Road streetscape_ The existing exterior 8" metal siding is also noi consistent with the neighborhood's historic context. The Owners, Meg and Eric Tilton, wish to remodel the existing main floor and build an upper floor addition to the'v home in order to accommodate their future family, increase the home's natwal light, and improve the connection with exterior spaces. The Owners also wish to create a more appeali~g exterior that contributes to the neighborhood's character by relating to the historic context (although with a contemporary architectural expression). The existing footprint of the home would remain the same. The main level exterior walls would be deconstructed and rebuilt to allow for better wall construction, increased insulation and more e~cient windows. The additiou would consist of a 1022 s.f. upper floor to include three bedrooms and rivo baths. (Note: the upper floor square footage is slightly greater than the current main floor square footage because it will extend over an 8x4 R. area of the covered pomh at the southeast corner of the main floor.) Exterior improvements, including a more dynamic roof line and a wrap around front porch, would be consistent with and an enhancement to the neighborhood on both 51° Street and Mountain View Road. Features Contributine to t6e Neiehborhood's Historic Character Front facades on Sm Street and Mountain View Road: Both the 5"' Street and Mountain View streetscapes will be enhanced by front faqades (and entries) which are more consistent with the spirit of neighboring homes. Front Porch: Both streetscapes will benefit from the addition of a wrap-around front porch. Gable RooL The proposed improvements would resuh in a steep gable roof with a 10/12 pitch facing each street (consistent with neighboring homes) offset by a shed roof with a 3/12 pitch to the north and west. (Please note our presentation of examples of similaz configurations found within the historic district.) Driveway: The current home has a driveway which is cut 4 ft. deep into the south side of the lot, detracting from the Mountain View streetscape. This cut would be filled and re-landscaped, and the on-site parking would be relocated to the northeast corner of the lot where no cut is required (using "geed' grass-filled pavers which provide the support needed for a car, but ue essentially invisible). '~;~yp ~.a ~I~I"~Iy;i:, ~ ,F~CaYa~ ! l Other Features Meetin¢ the Guidelines of t6e Manleton Hill Historic District Skylights: The proposed skylights are flat and of the same slope as the roofs in which they aze installed. Roof Line: The mof plate height all along the north and west sides of the house is reduced to 6 ft. above the upper level floor in order to keep the eave of the roof as (ow as possible. Balcony: The balcony/roof deck to the south side is integrated into the roof of the porch, and the open rai(ing is only 2 ft. or less above the porch roof. Windows: All windows have vertical proportions. (Because of the nature of the remodel/addition all windows will be new.) Eaterior materials: • We anticipate using horizontal4" painted lap siding. • The chimney extension will be brick selected to match the existing chimney. • The roof will be 3 tab dark asphalt shingle. \c4~= ~19-),a ~`~~~~~1 .s ~-,5'l~Ka~.7_~