5A - Consideration of a recommendation to City Council regarding the designation of 700 Pearl St. asMEMORANDUM February 7, 2007 TO: FROM: Landmarks Preservation Advisory Board Susan Richstone, Acting Long Range Planning Manager James Hewat, Preservation Planner Chris Meschuk, Preservation Planner Alice Gilbertson, Preservation Intern SUBJECT: Public hearing and consideration of a recommendation to City Council regarding the designation of 700 Pearl Street as a local Historic Landmark (HIS2006-00260), per Section 9-11-5, B.R.C.1981. STATISTICS: 1. Site: 700 Pearl Street (ariginally 700, 702 & 704 Peazl, and 1920 7`" St. 2. Zoning: BMS (Business - Main Street ) 3. Owner: 702 Pearl Group, LLC 4. Applicant: 702 Pearl Group, LLC 5. Lot Size: 8,458 square feet 6. Date of Construction: c. 1901 and 1911 STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Landmarks PreservaHon Advisory Board forward to the City Council the application to designate the building and site at 700 Pearl Street as a local historic landmark, to be named The Racket Grocery, in that it conforms with Sections 9- 11-1 and 9-11-2 of the Boulder Revised Code and that it adopt the staff inemorandum as findings. SUMMARY: ^ The purpose of this item is for the Board to determine whether the proposed designation of 700 Pearl Street conforms with the purposes and standards of Sections 9-11-1 Legislative Intent and 9-11-2 City Council May designate Landmarks and Historic Districts of the Boulder Revised Code (BRC). On December 16, 2004, the property owner entered into an agreement with the City of Boulder that states, "The Applicant shall submit an application to the Landmarks Aeenda Item #SA Pa¢e #1 Memo to Landmarks Preservation Advisory Board O1 /03/07 Re: 700 Pearl Street - Landmark Designation Preservation Advisory Board to landmark the building prior to applying for a final certificate of occupancy. The applicant shall not unilaterally withdraw that application and agrees to carry it through to completion." • On October 27, 2006, staff received a designation request for landmarking the building. • On January 24, 2007, staff inet with three of the condominium owners of 700 Pearl Street during their annual meeting to provide them with information on the landmarking process and to answer any questions they had. ~ The c. 1901 building at 700 Pearl Street is significant as representative of Boulder's early commercial buildings and as a contributing resource to a potential historic district. The building at 700 Pearl was identified in the 1995 Scattered Resources Survey as individually significant and a potential local iandmark or structure of merit. (SeeAttachment GJ • The rehabilitation of the fa~ade, which had been compromised over the years, has been accomplished in a way that respects the historic character of the building. The addition to the building did not destroy historic features, materials, and spatial relationships that are significant to the original building and site. The addition is distinguishable from the historic architechzre. Also, the new addition does not overpower the site nor dramatically alter its historic character. • Based upon analysis of the individual iandmark significance criteria, it is staff's opinion that it does have significance under the historic, architectural, and environmental Individual Landmark Significance Criteria (1975). (See ttttachment D.) ^ Staff recommends that the Board find that the designation of the building at 700 Pearl Street confarms with Sections 9-11-1 and 9-11-2 of the Boulder Revised Code and recommend to City Council its designation as an individual landmark, adopting the staff inemorandum as findings. The enHre site is to be included in the landmark, with the additions called out as non-historic elevations of the landmark. Agenda Item #SA PaPe #2 S:\PLAN\data\longrang\HIS'I\Landmarks\Pear1.700~2.07.07 LPAB Memo.doc Memo to Landmarks Preservation Advisory Board Ol /~3/07 Re: 700 Pearl Street - Landmark Designation ~~. ~3~tab~'s ~~ac~ie# c~r~c.~~. ~`?r, ~ru:.~t, d..~. ~tir,y ar~~ ~z~r~~ ~~,:rtx-~ar.. r. f ror.~ o~' stor~r~ , 702 Pearl Street Photo, ca.1903 - 1929. Photo courtesy Boulder Carnegie Branch Library Eor Local History, Boulder, CO. DESCRIPTION: The approximately 8,000 square foot lot is located on the southeast corner of 7'h Street and Pearl Street. Historic resources in the area were originally surveyed in 1988 and resurveyed in 1995. This area has been identified as a potential local historic district in the Boulder Valley Comprehensive Plan (West End Historic District). The building at 700 Pearl Street (originally known as 702 Pearl Street) was also identified in the 1995 Scattered Resources Survey as individually signifi~ant and a potential local landmark or structure of inerit. (See Attcrcl~~rzent A: Vicinity rrtap arrd site plan, with proposed boacndar~) A~enda ltem #SA Pa~e #3 S:\PLAN\data`~.lon~~ran~=\H1S'1'\LandmarkslPear1.70012.07.07 LP~13 Memo.doc Memo to Landmarks Preservation Advisory Board Ol /03/07 Re: 700 Pearl Street - Landmark Designation Site map with individual landmarks shown in yellow. The building is an approximately 8,000 square foot cornmercial edifice built in several phases over a period of nearly 50 years. Each phase was architecturally distinct, but all were connected, resulting in a single building. The expansi~~n of the building over time is diagramed below (also see Attc~chntent C: SanI~orn Mczp Anal~sis.) 1945 1945 ' 1911 -~ ' ~~ .:3 .~ .~.,' :..~~ .__ 7~h STREET The earliest portion of the building, likely constructed in 1901, was a single-story flat- rooEed brick commercial building with two storefronts facing on Pearl Street. In 1911 an addition was added to the south, apparently a warehouse space far the grocery. The brick commercial block at 70O Pearl Street operated frc~m the time of construction in about "1901 until 1920 as the "Racket" grocery store under the proprietarship of Joseph Brady. A 1951 article in the Boulder Daili~ Camera indicates that the "Racket" was A~enda Item #~A Pa~c #~ Memo to Landmarks Preservation Advisory Board Ol /03/07 Re: 700 Pearl Street - Landmark Designation prosperous serving the adjacent residenHal neighborhood, then referred to as west Boulder, and the mountain communities of Wall Street, Glacier Lake, and Gold Hill. The prosperity of the enterprise is evidenced by the 1911 addition that was constructed as warehouse space at the south end of the btiilding. The Racket operated at the location undl 1932 when it moved to 720 Pearl Street. In 1945, the southern addition was enlarg~d to the east and the same year, the gable- roofed concrete block garage at the southern end of the lot was constructed to house a bus repair shop. By 1953, the building was occupied by Boulcier Metal Works that installed the Pearl Street storefront, and were the sole tenants until the building's recent partial demolition and rehabilitation. 700 Pearl Street was identified in the 1995 Scattered Resources Survey as individually significant and a potential local landmark or structure of inerit (see Attachment G). Based upon the date of construction, associated historic significance, and historic integrity the 1901 and 1911 brick portions of the building are considered eligible for designation as an individual landmark; in particular its association with the grocery industry in Boulder County, and representation of the traditional mix~d-use character of the West Pearl neighborhood is significant. While the historic integrity of the Pearl Street fa~ade of the building had been compromised by a 1953 fa~ade remodeling, the building was structurally sound. Neither of the 1945 concrete block additions were historically significant nor worthy of landmark designation as defined in Section 10-13-23 B.R.C. The 2004 application called for demolition of a portion of the roof over the 1911 addition, and the removal of the 1945 additions, as illustrated on the demolition plan (Attc~clTment 1~. The applicant demolished the 1945 additions and rehabilitated the earlier 1901 and 1911 portions. Two condominium units ~re contained in the existing building and a third unit was built in the one story addition over the existing building. New construction on the southern portion of the property includes 3 condominium units and a parking garage for six vehicles. A~enda Item #SA Na~e #~ Memo to Landmarks Preservation Advisory Board Ol /03/07 Re: 700 Pearl Street - Landmark Desianation iuu reari ~treet,'eptember zuu4 v~ _ j c ~, ~ ,, ,~ ~-~° ~ -~''~.. _ ~.,~ =_~~,.:~ ..,._ z _,. r ~ ~ 700 Pearl Street, March 2005 Proposed ~ , 700 Pearl Street, December 2006 A~enda Item #~A Pa~c #6 S:IPLANIdatallon~ranglHlS'I'1Landmarks'~Pear1.700\2.07.07 LPAB Memo.doc Memo to Landmarks Preservation Advisory Board O1 /03/07 Re: 700 Pearl Street - Landmark Designation BACKGROUND ON PARTIAL DEMOLITION OF THE BUILDING & THE LANDMARKING APPLICATION: On July 30, 2004, the applicant originally applied to demolish portions of the building. The Board heard the application in September, 2004 and imposed a 180-day stay of demolition. In October, 2004, the Board lifted the stay and allowed the demolition of the roof and the 1945 portions of the building, adopting conditions outlined in an agreement with the applicant, which was finalized on December 16, 2004. (See attachment F.) The applicant met with staff on several occasions to discuss the development plans, which included removal of the 1945 portions of the building and demolition of the roof. The applicant submitted plans, which were approved by the Design Review Committee on March 30, 2005. These plans reflected a single story addition to the 1901 portion of the building and new construction of three stories in the location of the 1945 portion. Specific to the agreement was the submittal by the applicant to the Landmarks Board of an application to landmark the building prior to applying for a final certificate of occupancy. In addiHon, the agreement stated the applicant shall not unilaterally withdraw that application and agrees to carry it through to completion. (See attachment F). The applicant also agreed to: • recreate or restore the Pearl Street fa~ade, including windows, historic materials or feaiures, recessed entry, parapet, historic signage on brick (if extant), and kick- plates; • match the existing sash in placement and dimension on the 7~h Street elevation; • mass, scale, and location of additions shall be substantially similar to those shown on schematic drawings submitted to staff; • detailed plans for the restoration and addition shall be presented for advisory review by the Landmarks Design Review Committee (LDRC) ; • staff will have review authority over final building permit submittal to assure conditions in this agreement have been met, the applicant agrees to document the existing building to HABS level II standards and documentation be provided to the Boulder Carnegie Library; • any changes to these condiHons shall be reviewed and approved by staff and LDRC; and details regarding the binding of the agreement. The LDRC approved the plans on March 31, 2005, and permits were issued for partial demolition of the existing building and new construction. The applicant met the conditions stated above and those detailed in the attached agreement. (See attachment F). Specifically, the Pearl Street fa~ade has been restored, including appropriate windows, recessed entries, kick-plates, parapet, and related materials. The historic signage on the east elevation was uncovered and preserved. A¢enda Item #SA Paee #7 S:\PLAN\dataVongrang\HIST1Landmazks~Pear1.700~2.07.07 LPAB Memo.doc Memo to Landmarks Preservation Advisory Board O1 /03/07 Re: 700 Pearl Street - Landmark Designation THE BOARD'S DECISION: Section 9-11-5(c) Public Hearing Before the Landmarks Board, of the historic preservation ordinance specifies that in their review of an application for local landmark designation, "the landmarks board shall determine whether the proposed designation conforms with the purposes and standards in Sections 9-11-1 Legislative Intent, and 9-11-2 City Council May Designate Landmarks and Historic Districts°. The Board may approve, approve with modifications, or disapprove the application. Findings must be adopted within 30 days of the hearing date. Should the Board disapprove the applicarion, the Board must notify City Council of that action within fourteen days of the hearing date. City Council may call up a decision disapproving a designation. Should an application be disapproved, the same application may not be submitted for a period of one year. If the Board finds that the proposed designation conforms to Sections 9-11-1 and 9-11-2 of the code, it shall adopt specific findings and conclusions approving or modifying and approving the application. If the board approves the proposed designation, the application will be forwarded to City Council (within 100 days) for a public hearing. SIGNIFICANCE ANALYSIS ANALYSIS OF LANDMARK ELIGIBILITY SIGNIFICANCE FOR DESIGNATION AS AN INDIVIDUAL LANDMARK UNDER CRITERIA ADOPTED AS ADMINISTRATIVE POLICY,1975 Staff considers the property at 700 Pearl Street to have sufficient significance for designation as an individual landmark under the criteria for Historical, Architectural and Environmental significance, adopted by administrative policy in 1975 (see a#achment D). A. Historic Significance: The building has historical significance under criteria 1- 4. 1. Date of ConstrucHon: Constructed c. 1901-1911. Sanbom maps show a building on the subject property in 1895, which is the first year the area was documented. The current building, however, does not correspond with the footprint shown on the 1895 and 1900 maps. A new footprint appears on the 1906 map which clearly matches the existing building. While this could be an expansion of the original building, there is no physical evidence to suggest such an expansion. As such, staff assumes a new building was constructed on the site between 1900 and 1906. 2. Association with Historic Persons or Events: The building has been associated with numerous owners and operators in the grocery business, including The Racket Agenda Item #SA Pa¢e #8 S:\PLAN\data\longrang\HIST\Landmarks\Pear1J00~2.07.07 LPAB Memo.doc Memo to Landmarks Preservation Advisory Board Oi/03/07 Re: 700 Pearl Street - Landmark Designation Grocery, Hemberger's Grocery, Joseph W. Brady, and Frank Hemberger. City directories list a grocery at the address of 702 Pearl as early as 1898 and the Racket Grocery was operated at this address by Ben Jain in 1901. Joseph Brady moved to Boulder in 1901 from Wichita, Kansas with his wife and purchased the Racket Grocery that year. Brady was a well known citizen and supplier, especially to the mountain towns west of Boulder, operating three wagon teams at the peak of business. Brady opened a new grocery aY Twelfth and Spruce in 1917 and sold the Pearl Street business to long-time employee Frank Hemberger in 1920. Mr. Hemberger operated the grocery business until 1961, though he moved the business down the street to 720 Pearl in 1932. Between 1932 and 1943 various tenants occupied the building as well as multiple vacancies. In 1944 Ralph Forsythe purchased the property and constructed the two 1945 additions. Forsythe & Dowis Amusements operated out of the building, manufaciuring carnival rides and equipment. In 1949 Ralph Ardourel purchased the property and leased 702 as a tin shop and 704 as a cabinet shop. In 1953 the commercial garage building was given the address of 1952 7'h Street, and Hermann Custom Auto and Truck Repair was listed as the tenant. In 1955 Boulder Metal Products began operating in both 702 and 704 Pearl Street, and Ardourel Excavating occupied 1952 7'h Street. In 1972 the commercial garage was listed as vacant, and the address is no longer listed in the city directories from 1973 on. The property was sold in 1977 to Rodney and Sharon Shepherd. The Shepherds sold the property to 702 Pearl Group LLC in 2004. Until 2004, the commercial garage building had an address posted of 1920 7~h Street. Boulder Metal Products occupied the entire building until partial demolition and rehabilitation of the building. In 2006, six condominiums with the address of 700 Pearl Street were individually sold in September through November (see Attachment I: Directory and Deed Research) 3. Distinction in the development of the Communitv of Boulder: The building has a long association with the independent grocery business in Boulder. Early grocers residing in the building supplied mining towns and mining camps, primarily those west of Boulder. 4. Recognirion bv Authorities: Historic resources in the area were originally surveyed in 1988, and resurveyed in 1995. This area has been identified as a potential local historic district in the Boulder Valley Comprehensive Plan (West End Historic District). The building at 700 Pearl Street was also identified in the 1995 Scattered Resources Survey as individually significant and a potential local landmark or structure of inerit. Aeenda Item #SA Paee #9 Memo to Landmarks Preservation Advisory Board Ol /03/07 Re: 700 Pearl Street - Landmark Designation B. Architectural Significance: The building has architectural significance under criterion 1. 1. Recognized Period or Style: The building at 700 Pearl Street is an example of a simple storefront flanked by large display windows. The original portion of the building at 700 Pearl Street is classified as a"one part commercial block" according to Richard Longstreth's classification of American commercial architeciure.' The type of architecture is characterized by a single story simple box with a decorated front fa~ade and was developed in the mid-19'h century, rapidly becoming a common feature of towns and cities nationwide. It was generally a simple and affordable type of building to construct. Given the typically nanow street frontage, the buildings are often little more than storefront windows flanking an entryway and topped with a decoraHve cornice or parapet. The building at 700 Pearl Street originally had a double storefront with recessed entrances, display windows and a decorative cornice, all typical features of the style. The storefront was modified in 1953 with the addition of fiberglass and metal siding. The original storefront windows were replaced with modern plate glass display windows, and a large garage door opening placed where the entrance to 700 Pearl would have been. These significant changes to the primary fa~ade of the building detracted from the historic integrity of the building. This altered storefront had some aesthetic and historic significance in its own right; however, staff did not believe it rose to the level of significance that would necessitate its retention as part of a rehabilitation project. The additions to the building were generally compatible with the character of the original portion and help to tell the story of how the building had evolved over time but were not independently significant. The 1911 addition provided additional storage space for the grocery. The gable roofed rear addition, built in 1945, was typical of a utilitarian industrial building. The construction was cinder block walls and concrete pilasters, covered in painted stucco. Double wooden garage doors with four light windows faced 7"' Street. Windows were a multi-light wood frame design. The mural which was located on this portion of the building, suggesting a frame-constructed blacksmith shop, was completed at an unknown date. The mural which had been on the west fa~ade of the original building was completed sometime after 1995. Staff did not believe the mural was of architectural, historical, or environmental significance. Therefore, it was not necessary for the applicant to preserve the mural as part of the project. The Coca-Cola sign on the east wall was preserved during the rehabilitation and wnstruction process. ~ Richard Longstreth, The Buildings of Main S[reet: A Guide to American Commercrul Architecture, 2000. A¢enda Item #SA Page #10 S:\PLAN\dataUongrang\HIST1Landmarks\Pear1.700~2.07.07 LPAB Memo.doc Memo to Landmarks Preservation Advisory Board Oi/03/07 Re: 700 Pearl Street - Landmark Designation 2. Architect or Builder of Prominence: None known 3. Artistic Merit: None known. 4. Example of the Uncommon: None observed. 5. Indigenous OualiHes: None observed. C. Environmental Significance: The building has environmental significance under criterion 5. 1. Site Characteristics: None observed 2. CompatibilitXwith Site: None observed 3. Geo~raphic Importance: None observed 4. Environmental A~ro~riateness: None observed 5. Area InteQritv: The building is considered a contributing resource to a potential local historic district. The town of West Boulder was originally recorded in 1874, bounded by Third Street on the west, Tenth Street on the east, and Front (Walnut) Street on the south and Spruce Street on the north. The residents of West Boulder included professionals, businessmen, laborers, real estate agents, civil engineers, attorneys, jewelers, grocers, and teachers. As noted in the 1988 Boulder Survey of Historic Places report "the neighborhood developed as a mixed area of industrial, commercial, and residentia] buildings." By 1900 grocery stores, markets, and boarding houses had been erected along West Pearl Street. This growth is reflected today in the variety of late nineteenth and early twenHeth century buildings found in the neighborhood. The building at 700 Pearl Street was a grocery business from 1898 to 1932. During that time it was a major hub of purchasing and supplies for the mountain towns and mining camps. The small one-story commercial and industrial nature of the buildings match those of the rest of the area, contributing to the eclectic feel oE the neighborhood. NEIGHBORHOOD COMMENT: No comment has been received regarding the designation of the house A¢enda Item #SA Paee #11 Memo to Landmarks Preservation Advisory Board Ol /03/07 Re: 700 Pearl Street- Landmark Designation FINDINGS: Staff considers that the designation of the building conforms with Section 9- 11-1 Legislative Intent of the Code which states that, "The purpose of this chapter is to promote the public health, safety, and welfare by protecting, enhancing, and perpetuating buildings, sites and areas of the city reminiscent of past areas, events, and persons important in local, state, or national history or providing significant architectural styles of the past" and to, "foster knowledge of the city's living heritage°. Furthermore, staff considers the house to have, "a special character and historic, architectural, or aesthetic interest and value°. Given these considerations, staff recommends that the Board forward the application to City Council to designate the building at 700 Pearl Street as an individual landmark in that it conforms with Sections 9-11-1 and 9-11-2 of the Boulder Revised Code and that it adopt the staff inemorandum as findings. The entire site is to be included in the landmark, with the additions called out as non-historic elevations of the landmark. ATTACHMENTS: A: Vicinity map and site plan, including proposed boundary B: Current Photographs C: Sanborn Map analysis D: Individual Landmark Significance Criteria, 1975 E: Guidelines for Names of Landmarked Structures and Sites, 1989 F: Agreement behveen applicant and City of Boulder G: 1995 Scattered Resources Survey H: Demolition Plan I: Directory and Deed Research J: Historic Photographs Aeenda Item #SA Pa~e #12 S:~PLAN\data\lon~ran¢\HIS71Landmarks\Pear1.700~2.07.07 LPAB Memo.doc AT'TACHM~NT A: VICINITY MAP AND SITE PLAN, INCLUDING PROYOSED BOUNDARY ,~ ~,~~~i~a~ ~~ ~3 ~ A ~~~~~ ~.~_~. _. ATTACHM~NT B: CURKEN'I' PHOTOGRAPHS Front and west-facing elevations ~ .,, ~ °~~ ' _ _ ,~ ~~~ , ~ _ 4 ~~ ; ; ~ ~ ~ z ! 4 -, . ', ~J .3.`rV[ V tfi~ i + ~. ~ 2•.+~f ~ 3 ` r . ~~ rA ~.., . ~.. \~ a;'~r ~ ~` - , ~ ~ ~~ ' 7~~ u9~'~ ~ - ~.~ . ' y ~ ~ ~ ~ /~l ~b ~`~ ~E ~ . a.+.rt i °" ~ . r - - ....~..w-°. ~ w ~ +r.. ~ T '~. ~S ". ' ~ ~ ~'~ _ta j ~ 4 ~ S a~ *,i .. ' •f- w.~.a .u" ,re..-..e ~+ ~ ~ ,;r..~ ~ , ~,,. ! .....m.~ n~r'~""^"" ~ ~ 4 . ~ 4 ~ ~ f 3"1. ~ , ' +, a°~- ~ ..._ .~ ~ .__.~.- ~ ~ 4 g f ~ ~ ~ G > ? ~ ~ ~° ~ ~ ~ r ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~" ~ ~ ^~.~~~~cc ?~ a:~,~ ~`~ .~ - ~ r ~~ ~ ~; ;:. ~~, ~ ~,~ ~. ~ , - - ~: ~ ~ r ~ ~ . ! ~ ~ ~ ,,~ " ~",. -.~ .~; ~~.:~; . ~. ~.~,:-~, - - _.. ~, ~ -~ - - - ..~~~~:~~, ~ r-~--'~,~~ ._ .._. _ . ~ , . _.~- _„. , . , . ~ '~-':. e.. ' ' ~. _ ~ __.a. _._._ Front elevation (north side) ; : c ;Ei~ICb~ H~"Ecti-~ f~ .:`~~t,p~6~,~~ . ~ l` - ATTACHMENT B: CURKENT PHOTOGRAPHS ~ ~ a - ... _ . ~-~ ; '~. ~ . ' ~ j ~ ~ C. 1a" +~ _ s~ .~, ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ,~~ i _ ~ - _ _ * ^~ r { . ~ ; i~ ~ ~° } - ~ 6 ~ . , i ~ ~ ~ . . «.~.,.... - ~,. .-y, -_ ~ ' ., ~~ ` ~~ u ~ ~ r ""~ ' ~ . .. ~ ~ ~,. - . . ., .. . ~h :. , i.~i ~ ,.~qr,i-l:w - - . - ~ . .. .o- ,~ ~..~t_ -. . .• ~ ww- s ~ :. . . • ~:., • ., . ~." ~.: ~ 't ~ ~ ~ . . . . ' ""`{~ ~ td. . .. . r . ' . , .. ._... . . . . .. . ~.- . z: ~n :_ ~:, ,~ ' .-:" i^,+ ,~'~; ` " ' . . . . ~; ,?:~t r ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~ ti y _ m~~ Side elevation (west) . _ _ ,_~ - .,, ~a ~ . ,~,~.. .~ ~ ~ ~, ~~ ~ _ ~.. ~.~ ~ ,,-~ , . ~ ~ _: - . . ~ } > , - ~~ ~ ~"~ . _ -{ ~ ~~ ~ ~ \` / ~~ ~ ~ F'Lt# ~:~: ~_h ~ P ~ ' _ '° +1' Jf~ ~ ~ ~ ° ~ ~ \ ~ _ .,;, . J + ` ~;_ri ~ = ..., ~' ~ ~ ` ~ ' ~- ~-~ ~ ~; ~ ~ . ~~.- '~ _ ~ rt . ~ , _ i . ~~ _ , _ ~ _ r ~ -- ~ ., , ~ ; ~ - ~ ~ ~ ~. ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i ` - ~ ` ~ ~ ~ ~ 1. ~ ~ - d _ ; ~ _ - ~ ~ ~° t, , "_ . v ::1 $ ~~'~ ~ - ;,~} ~~~ ~ ' ~` ` - ~a~~ ; ~ :~ ' ~~ ' '~ g .. . .. . .:..~ ~. ' __. ,~ ~r ~ ' ~ .~ ~~ m~ _ -_ _ ~ ~ ,~ ,~.. ~ ~~ , x ~ ~ . ~ - } 5 ~ µ ~ .. : _ ' , ~ ~• ~.-/!I ~~ a~ r ~ n~ ~Y . ~ r ~~ . ~, ~.s~...^s .c . ~ ~,. a - ~ - y . . ... .. . l~l ' ~~v?ar . . ,y , ~ p ~ g . „ 1 ~H..~ t ~ . .. . .. « ,.. ~ . " . . ~ . . . ~ ~ . : . ~ , Rear elevation (south facing) a.::~ti+N~t=~ N~"~"~t~ ~? ~~ .k=~L~ta~ ~/~ Attachment C: Sanborn Map Analysis 189_5 1900 G 6 s y h a ~ b 9 0 ~ ~ ,A I p ~ b n t ! ~ a ~'~ ° ~, ~y x ~ ~~'f~ ~v~ ~ 0 B " °1S H1L 4~ ~ ~op n iJ w x ii ~ ~,., ~ ~, ~`l'o ~~ ~ _ _ _ - II / u p D J II tl ~ ~ IJ ~ u n n ~ U i -----a b n n D~ p II + LR7. ~, II /o,~ ~ • il U n ` ~i ~ ~TH V p c`. yil `II ~+ ~! i,,; ~gi n , II ~ ~r JD~/ _, 1906 1910 + - - - - t ~ R ~ o : ~ h ~ ~ ~ s' ~ D ~. ~ s ~ h '16._J I ~ _ O ' ~ M~at. ` ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ _ ~ o ~ O ~ .l / Ben'/ ~ ,~ `~ ivta/. rr,..,,..,ry /t' / ~ ~ C ./ / / ~I iyu~ q i ii d ~ a ~ 7TH ~/ ~ ~ /5'li ~.'r/9 ~ 0 ~ ,\ ~ ~~ - ~ ~ ~ V ' ~J / V t a /.~7~ x ~ ~ L ~l 6 K ~ T~~ / /iflSYl ~ ~ G' T I P ~ G~~%~iffdic -- ~_~~ ~, ~Tri~c.ndnny '~ ~ Y •' ^ C q e. ~! ~ 7TH 'J ~~ - / e ~ ~ .~°i.7r.... ~i'~'~:~i,:. ~" :!c:f~i- /~ Attachment C: Sanborn Map Analysis 1918 ~ 5 i w ~ ~ -- 6. . i . ~ % GmY.aCit. , n ' KKwr ! ~ Q F ~ s G ~ i /94f_._~-~ ~ ~ 7TH S is~s isrs -- i ~~ ~ 1922 ~ s ~ Q ~ Meaf ~ -------- 6 . Gru ~ rvar~f4 . , Z / /9~ H 6 v .~ ~.TM, iahs ~ - i~+ ~-, ~ . 1931 1931-1960 (Expansion donein 1944) a ~ R S 9 w ~ ~ F S mw.wna lY.rxeA ~ 6 A .i.,i x `° ~~t+ sr. v .~„ ,~ - --~ ~ ,. .. ~ ~r ~. a i r s ~ ~ .n ¢ Tiin" "Y i ~t ~ _v _ _ I / cl O '~ w`o„'.a ./ ~ ~ua sr. v ~~y~/~ ~ ~a~.~~l~~fd.~'V~~tlfl;;" -_~jF~tm~.l ATTACHMENT D Landmark Preservation Advisory Board SIGNIFICANCE CRITERIA Individual Landmark September 1975 Adopted 9/17/75 Secretary to the Board On September 6, 1974, the City Counci] adopted Ordinance #4000 providing procedures for the designation of Landmarks and Historic Districts in the City of Boulder. The purpose of the ordinance is the preservation of the City's permitted cultural, historic, and architectural heritage. The Landmarks Board is permitted by the ordinance to adopt rules and regulations as it deems necessary for its own organization and procedures. The following Significance Criteria have been adopted by the Board to help evaluate each potential designation in a consistent and equitable manner. Historical SiQnificance The place (building, site, area) should show character, interest or value as part of the development, heritage, or cultural characteristics of the community, state or nation; be the site of a historic, or prehistoric event that had an effect upon society; or exemplify the cultural, political, economic, or social heritage of the community. Date of Construction: This area of consideration places particular importance on the age of the structure. 2. Association with Historical Persons or Events: This association could be national, state, or local. 3. Distinction in the Develo~ment of the Community of Boulder: This is most applicable to an institution (religious, educational, civic, etc) or business structure, though is some cases residences might qualify. It stresses the importance of preserving those places which demonstrate the growth during different time spans in the history of Boulder, in order to maintain an awareness of our cultural, economic, social or political heritage. Recoenition by Authorities: If it is recognized by Historic Boulder, Inc. the Boulder Historical Society, local historians (Barker, Crossen, Frink, Gladden, Paddock, Schooland, etc), State Historical Society, The Improvement of Boulder, Colorado by F.L. Olmsted, or others in published form as having historical interest and value. 04.OSsignif-indiv ~,i.~l~-C9H 9~9'~i4~~ ss_~K 'RfiE ~U 5. Other, if appiicable. Architectural Sienificance The place should embody those distinguishing characteristics of an architectural type specimen, a good example of the common; be the work of an architect or master builder, known nationally, state-wide, or locally, and perhaps whose work has influenced la[er development; contain elements of architectural design, detail, materials or craftsmanship which represent a significant innovation; or be a fine example of the uncommon. 1. Recognized Period/Stvle: It should exemplify specific elements of an azchitectural periocUstyle, ie: Victorian, Revival styles, such as described by Historic American Building Survey Criteria, Gingerbread A~e (Maass), 76 Boulder Homes (Barkar), The Historv of Architectural St~ (Marcus/Wiffin), Architecture in San Francisco (Gebhard et al), Historv of Architecture (Flectcher), Architecture/Colorado, and any other published source of universal or local analysis of "style." 2. Architect or Builder of Prominence: A good example of the work of an architect or builder who is recognized for expertise in his field nationally, state-wide, or locally. 3. Artistic Merit: A skillful integration of design, material, and color which is of excelient visual quality and/or demonstrates superior craftsmanship. 4. Example of the Uncommon: Elements of architectural design, details, or craftsmanship that are representaqve of a significant innovation. Indigenous Oualities: A style or material that is particularly associated with the Boulder area. 6. Other, if applicable. Environmental Significance The place should enhance the variety, interest, and sense of identity of the community by the protection of the unique natural and man-made environment. Site Chazacteristics: It should be of high quality in terms of planned or natural vegetation. 2. Compatibilitv with Site: Consideration will be given to scale, massing placement, or other qualities of design with respect to its site. Geo raphic Importance: Due to its unique location or singular physica] 04.OSsignif-indiv ~_<~~~~~~ ~r~tu, ~~SA" ~~~~ ~9. characteristics, it represents an established and familiar visual feature of the community. 4. Environmental Appropriateness: The surroundings are complementary and/or it is situated in a manner particularly suited to its function. 5. Area Inteeritv: Piaces which provide historical, architectural, or environmental importance and continuity of an existing condition, aithough taken singularly or out of context might not qualify under other criteria. 6. Other, if applicable. S:~PLAN~da[a\ComdevV-IIS7IGEN~DesignationWbout Landmarks~signif cri[-indiv.wpd 04.OSsignif-indiv ~~'~I~tl~~L1. N~IVP €; ~~ ~ k~'tiK:~~,~ ~ Administrative Regulation L Attachment E Adopted August 2, 1989 ~- ,/ / ~ ~~~ % 1/ ~ .:'E'y1'•% ~ Secretary to the Board Adopted August 2, 1989 GUIDELINES FOR NAlIES OF LANDMARKED STRUGTURES ANU SITES Purpose• The City of Boulder tandmarks Preservation Advisory Board fi~ds that adoption of guidelines for the official landmark names of structures and sites designatea by the City Council as City of Boulder Landmarks wi11 provide consistenty in meeting the historic preservation goals as set forth in the Historic Preservation Code (10-31-1 and 10-13-3}. ~ ~,~,.~ Criteria for Selection of Of4icial landmark Names: 1. The official landmark name of the site or structure should be based on one or more of the following criteria: A. Original owners, architect or builder; B. Historically significant persons or prominenti long term residents; C. A commonly accepted name; D. Original or later events or use; E. Unusual or architect.~~ral characteristic which clearly identifses the landmark; and F. The contributions of both men and women. 2. Owners requesting landmark designation for their buildings may be considered under the above criteria. In the event Chat the official landmark name does not include the present owners, a separate plaque containing the statement "Landmark desiqnation applied for (date) by owners (names of owners)" will be made available at the owner's expense. ' lMNames.GDL ~~e ,~~C'~FA ~~! «i [/~~! .yAG~ ~~ 09.14AdminReg-L Attachment F AGREEMENT ~ This Agreement is entered into this~~day of ~~L~~/~~- , 2004, by and between '7p2 ~L~ L Sr Ll.lf the owner of certain property, located at 702 Pearl Street, Boulder Colorado (the "ApplicanY') and the City of Boulder, a Colorado municipal corporation, (the "City"). WHEREAS, on July 301h 2004, the Applicant filed an application for a permit for demolition pursuant to §10-13-23, "Review of Permits for Demolition, Moving and Removal of Buildings," B.R.C. 1981, with the City Manager for a structure located on the property at 702 Pearl Street; more pazticulazly described as Lots 6& SLY 43 FT of W%: LOT 5 BLK 62 BOULDER O T WEST (the "Property"); and WHEREAS, pursuant to §10-13-23(e), B.R.C. 1981, on August l, 2004, the Landmarks Design Review Committee referred the permit application to the Landmark's Preservation Advisory Boazd for a public hearing based on the Committee's fiading of probable cause for the building's landmazk eligibility; and WHEREAS, on September 1, 2004, the Landmarks Preservation Advisory Boazd officially imposed the stay on the Property; and WHEREAS, at the October 6, 2004 meeting, the Landmarks Preservation Advisory Board voted unanimously to lift the stay of demolition on the Property contingent upon the Applicant fulfilling certain requirements as set forth in this Agreement. COVENANTS NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises, promises and obligations set forth below, the parties agree as follows: The Peazl Street fapade of the building including windows shall be accurately recreated or restored based upon historic photos and specifically that: • any historic materials or features beneath the current faqade will be retained and preserved, where possible; • the proportions, dimensions, and fenestration of the fagade (including recessed entry) shal] be recreated (metal storefront is acceptable); • the brick castellations at the parapet will be recreated or restored; • any historic signage on brick will be preserved, if extant; and • Idck-plates beneath storefront windows shall be provided consistent with historic photos and Downtown Design Guidelines 2. Any new windows planned for the brick portion of the 7~' Street elevation of the building shall match the existing sash on that elevation in placement & dimension. 3. The mass, scale, and ]ocation of proposed additions shall be substantially similar to those shown on schematic drawings submitted to the Historic Preservation Planning Staff. 4. The Applicant shall present detailed plans for the restoration and addition to the Property for advisory review by the Landmarks Design Review Committee (the "LDRC"): If unForeseen circumstances should arise which might affect the future landmark status of the building, the, Applican[ shall seek LDRC input. , 1' .Ilu~ inncn~i nnJ 1rqm~_~. Im ~! ui i~ ~~ rtui•~. I r^. o. I~, ,~. i~.. 6 ~~ i. .n , ~. ,.~ ,i md~u.. I~) d~,~ ~ :€;~k~Yk~l~~ ~lV~ r%!-'~ k~t'~fate ~ 5. The Applicant shall submit an application to the Landmarks Preservation Advisory Boazd to landmark the building prior to applying for a final certificate of occupancy. 'The Applicant shall not unilaterally withdraw that application and agrees to carry it through to completion. 6. The Historic Preservation Planning Staff will have review authority over final building permit submittal to assure that the conditions defined in this Agreement have been met. The Applicant agrees to document the existing building, prior to work commencing, to Higtoric American Building Survey level III standazds (see Attachment A) and that such documentation be provided to the Boulder Camegie Library for archiving. 8. Any changes to the conditions outlined in this Agreement shall be reviewed and approved by the Historic Preservation Planning Staff and the LDRC. 9. This Agreement is binding upon the Applicant and the ApplicanYs heirs, successors-in- interest, and assigns, both joindy and individually. Further, the Applicant agrees to and shall affirmatively notify any subsequent purchasers of the Property of the existence of this Agreement and the purchaser's potential obligarions hereunder. ~ C ~~~-~ ~ CTTY OF BOULDER, COLORADO 702 PEARL S~F LLC Frank W. Bruno, City-Manager ..---,~ gy: ~- ,~z_- - Scott W. Call , ger ATTEST: City Clerk on behalf of the Director of i ance Approved as to form ~~_ City Attomey STATE OF COLORADO ) ) ss. COUNTY OF BOULDER ) The foregoing instrument was aclmowledged before me this L,_?_ day of ~_ _, 200~, by Scott W. Callan as Manager of 702 Pearl Sh~eet, LLC, Applicant. ~ ~ Wifiess my hand and official s~. My commission expires: ~~.'~Z - . ~~ ~ .. ~ ~-r~.y ~ ~_ ii ~SEt1L1 NOx21 i.. ~ ATTACHMENT A: Historic American Building Level III Standards. ~'.1Do~umcni~:mdtieium_.lui~ Lucul'innm~. Icinpur.n, Inion.~i I u.,~)I.~.~~V ,~_r_eincni~,I I uJri.~.~n~hue7q_'..I~~~ ,JC") ..,~wo~u~, a°~~~fa ~ ~~ k~t~~~ ~l~ .~- Attachment G :OLOF,17r .I~iTCRI'..~' _ , . ,~ 4r^h,i`~ ~ . , :r•: _._';a":r. i~0 droadua ,~ , ..,~rado ~C203 ~ :3TCR" , . . '~G .^i~/L`.";NY ftc•.:~~NJ ~ NOT FOR FIELD USE I _ ~,itigible _ Nominated )et. Not Eligible _ Certified Rehab. DaTe ~_ ~4aECT NANE: EoulCar Survey of His;on c COUNTY: ~:i~Y: STATE ID NO.: $BL6262 Ptaces-SCat.ered Resources, ~995 BouLder 3oulder I TEMPORARY NO.: 9461-25-4-43-006 CURRENT 9UILDLNG NAME: C4NER. SM`.~HCRD :CDPIEY '_ 3 ~~dtON L BouLder MeTal Prooucts ~ h91? O~DE S'~,E 2D 906L7E2 ;0 3C3C2 FDORE55: 702 PEnR~ ST BOULDER, CO 30302 70WNSH[P 1N 4aNGE ' .~ SECTION 25 SE 1/4 SE 7/4 HISTORIC NAME: U.S.G.S. OUAD NRME. 3oultler Jain Grocery YEAF: 1966 (PR'1979) % 7.5' 15' BLOCK. 62 ~OT(5): 5, 6p DISTRICT NAME: ADDITION: West 9oulder YR. OF ADDITION: 1874 F;IM ROLL NO : 958-37 NEGA7IVE NO.; LOCATION OF NEGATI4E5: DATE OF CONSTRUCTION: BY: 7.H. Simmons 13 Baulder Ciry ?ing_ ESTIMATE: 1$90s ACTUAL; _ ~' - '~ ~ SOURCE: ~' Sanborn Maps USE: PRESENT: Commercial 'p ~ HISTORIC: y~ ~ ~ L Commercial ';• - .~ ~ ; CONDITION: EXCELLENT GOOD - X FAiA DETERIORATING EXTENT OF ALTERATIONS: MINOR X MODERATE MAJOR -~ DESCRlBE: Metal trim and corrugated and painted metal on fiacade; garage door added to ' facade. .ai' - . ~'~S)i4r ` _ . r ' ~ ~ ~ Y . ~ . FM1 } iz.~ ; :~.~:~~,.~4,~~k~~i'r.' ~ ~ ~3~ ~~J Gy.. r.r~~7..~a Yf~ .Y ~3~ I . ~~ ~~ ~f':. ~ -- ?~ CONTINl1ED YES % NO S7YlE: Nineteenth Century Commernal ST7RiF5: ORIGINAL SITE X MOVED 9 ~A7E(5) OF MOVE: MATERIALS: Brick, Stone, Metal SQ. FOO7AGE: NATIONAL REGIS7ER ELIGI9ILITY 8133 INDIVIDUAL: YES X NO AR[HITECTURAL DESCRIPTION: One-story brick commercial building vith flat roof; loWer ilat roofed projection CONTRIBUTING TO DISTRIC7: toward rear; chimney touard rear; corbelted cornice. facade has metal trim and YES NO painted and cor~ugated metal siding. Brick side elevations uith painted signs. LOCA~ LANDMARK DESIGNATION: No Central uooden, metal, and glazed door flanked by display vindows; also garage door flanked by plate glass u9ndous on facade. Rear portion of building has NAME: DATE: segmental arched vindoWS with brick lintels and stone sills and door Nith segmentat arched transom. ASSOCIATEO BUILDINGS? X YES NO NPE: ' 192~ 7th If INVEN70RIED, LIST ID NOS.: CON7INUED? YES % NO SBLSSb7 ADDITiONAL PAGES: YES X NO i ~~°. ~.~~,.,. ,~~.. ~.,~. cJ7irni~t_~.. ~ PLAN SHAPE: , I ,TI -' ,_~ j_,_! _ ~ ~ r_I_ ~~_._ ~ ~ i ,:~ L, -~' i. ~ I , i ~ ' _' ~ I i ~~ . _ ~ ~-~_ F~•~~-~~_~_~_ _ _~~ i : ' L ~ ~_~~~ , - ~_ ~ ~ T i ~~", J- i ; _ . ~ ; ~' r F-T" ~ I I I I ~ I ~ _I i ! ;--~,~ I ' I ~ j-i-I , '~ ~ ~ I i ' - i ,, F_. I ~ i I I ; ~ TL'-i _ ARCHITECT: STATE ID NO.: SBL6262 Unknovn ORIGINAL OLINER: Unknoun SOURCE: SOURCE: BUILDER/CONTRACTOR: Unknown THEME(S1: SouRC"e: Urban [ommercial Districts, 186D to Present CONSTRUCTION HISTORY (DESCRIPTION, NAMES, DATES, ETC., RELATING TO MAJOR ALTERATIONS TO ORIGINAI STRUCTURE): CONTINUED YES J( NO HISTORICAL BACKGAOl1N~ (DISCUSS 1MPORTANT PERSONS AND EVENTS ASSOCIA7ED U1TH TH1S STRU[TURE): Although the 9oulder County Assessor indicates that the date ot construction for this building was '1943, a building in the same footprint appears in ihis site on the 1900 Sanborn map. The building housed a grocery, uith attached duelling behind. The 1900 city directory indicates that this was the site of the Jain Grocery, uith proprietors B.F. and Clara Jain. The Jains resided at 33~ Pearl. The 1913 city directory indicates that this building housed the grocery of Joseph W. Brady, addressed as 700 Pearl, vho lived with his Wife, Dora, at 430 Mapteton. Also in the building in '1913 was the meat market of Herbert C. Hocking. In 1943, the buildtng uas vacant. In 1946, the Forsythe and DoWts Amusements Co. occupied this building, With proprietors Ralph tl. Forsythe and DonaLd Dovis. By '1953, the current occupant, 8oulder Meial Products, uas located in this building. Aftiliated uith Bouider Metal Producis uere Edvin 5. Morrill, president, and Julian V1. Peck, secretary/treasurer. CONTINUED YES X SIGNIFICANCE (CHECK APPROPRIATE CATEGORiES AND BRIEFLY JUSTIFY BEL04): ARCHITECTURAL SIGNIFICpNCE: H15TORICAL SIGNIFICANCE: REPRESENTS THE YORK OF A MASTER ASSOCIATED IIITH SIGNIFICANT PERSONS POSSESSES HSGH ARTISTIC VALUES X ASSOCIFTED UITH SIGNIFICANT EVENTS OR PATTERNS X REPRESENTS A TYPE, PERIOD, OR METHOD OF [ONSTRUCYION CONTRIBUTES TO AN H15TORIC DISTRi[T TIER EVALUATION: STATEMENT OF SIGNIFICANCE: This building reflects late nineteenth century commercial construction through its flat roof, corbelled cornice, and entrances flanked by large windous. 7he building is associated with the commercial dcvelopment of Uest Pearl Street in BouLder, having been erected during the ninexeenth <eniury as a grocery sSOre. CONTINUED YES REFERENCES (9E SPECIFIC): Boulder County Assessor information; Sanborn Insurance Maps; Boulder City Directaries; Sanborn Insurance maps. 1( NO CONTINUED YES % NO SURVEYED BY: R.L. Simmons/T.H. Simmons AFFILIATION: front Rgnge Research Associates, Inc. DATE: November 1995 ~~~=w~~~~ R~tu~;F 5~.'~~ac~~ . COLORADO HISTORICAL SOCIETY NOT fOR FIELD USE Office of Archaeology and Historic Preservation ELIGIBLE 1300 Broadway, Denver, Colorado DET NOT ELIG HISTORIC BUILDING INVENTORY RECORD NOMINATED CITY OF BOULDER, COLORADO Boulder County CERTIFIED REHAB DATE PROJECT NAME: BOULDER HIST RIC PLACES State IDN: 5BL2320 *Bui ding Name: B ULDER ME7 L PR DUCTS *Bui ding Address: 702 PE RL S REE BOULDER, LORAD 80 02 Building Owner: RODNEY AND SHARON SHEPHERD Owner Address: 6912 OLDE STAGE ROAD BOULDER, COLORADO 80302 USGS Quad: B ULD R uad Year: 19 R V.1 *Legal: Tnsp 1N Range 71W Section 25 1 4, 1/ *Historic Name: District Name: NOT APPLICABLE B ock: 2 Lot: , Addition: B ULD R W S Year of Addition: 187A ~ilm Roll By: ROGER WHITACRE Film Number: BL-26 ~mber of Negatives: 11 Negative Location: BOULDER onstruction Date: IM E: 189 Source: ASSESSOR/SANBORN MAPS Present Use: METAL SHOP Historic Use: VARIOUS COMMERCIAL U5E5 Condition: 6 D Extent of Alterations: MODERA Description: NEW FACADE. RIGINAL If Moved, Date s: Style: N NETEENTH CENTURY C MMERCIAL Stories: 1 Materials: BRICK Square Footage: 8133 Field Assessment: NOT ELIGIBLE District Potential: NO Loca Landmark Desi9nation?: NO Name: Date: ssociated ui tngs.: ype: If Inventoried, List Id Numbers: Architect: UNKNOWN Source: Builder/Contractor: UNKNOWN Source: °iginal Owner: UNKNOWN Source: -ti ~.~~ a~~ k~~_ti~u ,= 5~,~~ra~~ , ~ 702 Pearl Street Plan Shape: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Theme(s): The Urban Frontier (1860-1920). Page 2 Architectural Description: One-story, red brick building; flat roof. The front of the building has been altered with new display windows, fiberglass siding. The side elevation has a corbelled brick cornice; rectangular windows with flat arches; and a segmental-arched side entrance. Construction History: Historical Background: The early Sanborn maps indicate that Lhis building was used for a number of commercial operations, including a carpet weaving studio and rocery store. The building has served as a sheet metal shop since 1949. rchitectural Significance: Represents the work of a master. Possesses high artistic values. X Represents a type, period or method of construction. Historical Significance: Associated with significant persons. Associated with significant events and/or patterns. Contributes to an historic district. Statement of Significance: This simple, one-story, commercial building is one of the oldest extant buildings on West Pearl Street, arrd represents Boulder's early commercial construction. References: Boulder County Assessor's Records Sanborn Insurance Maps Surveyed by Whitacre/Simmons Affiliation: Front Range Research Date: June 1988 ~ ~~ ~ ~,:;c,~G- . ~~ ATTACHMENT H: DEMOLITION PLAN ,:~~RE=~~~9~~.9~~#1'd=. ~~_,~'qC3.~- ~`~ ATTACHMENT I: DIRECTORY AND DEED RESEARCH OWNERS OF LOT 6, BLOCK 62: Bold Indicates long-term ownership 1893 to 1899 Henry S Davis 1899 to 1900 William H Davis 1900 to 1902 Agnes F Brace 1902 to 1940 Hilda Johnson 1940 to 1944 Ed C Johnson 1944 to 1949 Raiph Forsythe 1949 to 1949 Forsythe Rides, Inc. 1949 to 1977 Ralph Ardourel 1977 to 2004 Rodney and Sharon Shepherd 2004 to 2006 702 Pearl Group LLC 2006 to now Units sold to individual purchasers OCCUPANTS OF LOT 6, BLOCK 62: Bold Indicates long-term occupancy Prior to 1896 Address Not Listed in Directory 1896 (700 Peazl) Henry S. Davis, Mrs. Mattie Burdick, S.E. Green, Mrs. Lucetta Len 1898 (700 Pear]) Henry S. Davis, Mrs J. L. Pearson, W.T. Groceries 1901 (700 Pearl) 7ain Grocery, Ben. F. Jain 1904 to 1918 (700/704 Pearl) The Racket Grocery, J.W. Brady 704 Pearl address Grst appears in 1908 under Racket Meat Market) 1921 to 1932 (702/704 Pearl) The Racket Grocery, Frank S. Hemberger 1936 (702 Peazl) Golden West Feed Store (704 Pearl) Mountain Mercantile Co Produce 1938 (702 Pearl) Vacant (704 Pearl) Tempie Upholstery, Elmer S. Temple 1940 (702 Pearl) C. M. McCosh Cabinetmaker (704 Pearl) Temple Upholstery, Elmer S. Temple 1943 (702 Pearl) Vacant (704 Peazl) Temple Upholstery, Elmer S. Temple 1946 (702/704Pear1) Forsythe & Dowis Amusements 1949 to 1951 (702 Pearl) Donaid Whiting Tin Shop (704 Pearl) Vitts Cabinet Shop 1953 (702 Pearl) Boulder Metal Products (704 Peazl) Vitts Cabinet Shop (1952 7`h St.) Hermann Custom Auto & Truck Repair 1955 to 1971 (1952 7`" St.) Ardourel Excavating garage Address first appears in 1953, listed vacant in 1972, not listed from 1973 on 1955 to 2005 (702/704 Pearl) Boulder Metal Products NOTE: Carnegie Library's collection of city directories is intermittent beginning in 1869, and annual beginning in 1958. "No Retum" or "No phone" does not necessarily mean the building was vacant. 5i4-~ 2-~l :~~~a ~~ ~~_a ~,~~~~ ~___._ BIOGRAPHY OF OCCUPANTS AT 7001702i704 PEARL AND 1952 7TH STREET: The first known occupant is Ben Jain, who started the Racket grocery in the building at the corner of 7`h and Peazl Street. It is unknown when he started the grocery, but it is estimated around 1898. In 1901 Jain sold the grocery to J. W. Brady, and then moved on to Idaho and then California. Joseph W. Brady was born July 10, 1874 in Havana, NY. He moved to Boulder in 1901 from Wichita, KS. He mariied twice, his first wife Rosena K., died in 1908. He remarried in 1910 to Dora Miliner. Brady operated the Racket grocery as a wholesale business to the mountain towns, as well as a retail business to citizens.l The store appears to have always operated out of the 702 side of the building, while although the 704 Pearl Street address did not appear until 1920, a meat market is known to have operated there in 1910.2 The store had an address of 700 Pearl until 1921, when it began to be listed under 702 Pearl. In 1915 Brady purchased a lot on the northwest comer of Broadway and Spruce and in 1917 razed the Hungerford Sanitarium and constructed a new grocery store. He opened the store January 1, 1918, and operated it until April of 1936. Brady was in the grocery business for 35 yeazs. J. W. Brady died March 24, 1958. 3 He sold the Racket Grocery to one of his employees, Mr. Frank S. Hemberger in 1920. Hemberger had worked at the store since 1910. He was bom in Golden, CO on September 9, 1893, and came to Boulder in 1901 with his parents. He mairied Ruby Alice Poe on November 8, 1914 in Golden. He operated The Racket, later named Hemberger's Grocery until 1932, when he moved the store. Hemberger built a brand new store at 720 Pearl, the lot next door to 702 PearL He opened the new store on November 12, 1932. Frank and Ruby operated the grocery store for 41 years. He sold the Hemberger's store to Frank Griggs in 1961. Frank died in 1969, and Ruby died in 1989 4 After the store moved out, the building had various tenants until Ralph Forsythe purchased the building in 1944, and built the garage and side addition in 1945. When he sold to Ralph Atdourel in 1949, his excavating company inhabited the garage building, addressed as 1952 7`h Street. In 1955 Boulder Metal Products began operation in 702 and 704 Pearl. Sometime after 1972 they began using the garage building, which carried an address of 1920 7`~' Street. ~ Obi[uary dated Mazch 25, 1958. Boulder Daily Camera. z L.M. Jain. Anc~le da[ed 1/8/1910. Boulder Daily Camera Library. ~ Obimary da[ed March 25, 1958. Boulder Daily Camera. ° Obimary dated Apri{ 28, 1969. Boulder Daily Camera. ~,r~E~~ra N`~'~IVd ~ ~ ~~~pGl~ ~ ATT ~~ «~dr ~c~ tl"C~~s~ld ;. ~~ .r~~a~a~ . - ~ ,i.:F~fuC~~~, I'X"r-.l4~d.i ,`5 -t~,r.E-: ~~"_ ATTACHMENT J: HISTORIC PHOT4GRAPHS North (Front) Elevation, 2004 ~ , ~a :<~=.~~6`. y!a ~~"~~#!ta ;: ,~~_~,~'~,~-~~: ~_-'_al'7 AT'IACHNIENT,J: HISTORIC PHOTnGRAPHS South (Front) Elevation, Ri~ht Side, formerly 7U2 Pearl, 2004 -~, ~ ~~.,~` ;'; ;~;~,- ~- ~= ~ ~ r `~ '~ =' qy .~r/~4 1 a.. , +. . ,, 5n S ~ ~ ~ca ~ t~ ~- ~.,.. k'~` ;` 5 ~ ~ 'x , .r~.~ ' " ~, ., ~ '~ ~ ~ '' '~ ~ ' ~ ' _ t~,r ,~~ ~~ ~Y ~ ' V , ~ _ ~ : ~. ` , ' ~ ~11 .. '.-. ~ . . ; ~ f ~ I ~ •. _ ~ ^ ~ .i _ ~` ~~u 1~ 5 ~r~' n ~ c"~r~ , ~ J ~ ~ a?.~~~~ ~~ ~" ~r ~~~~` x ~;~; o-.-~~~ _. ~ ~~ ~• I ,:.: .-,r _ ~~-°~_ ~~ y ~ ° ~ ~ '~-•~~ -x ~..*~!' _ . - ~'~ ~ ~ ~~ _ q - - -~ <a r >4 f.~, ~ ~ §f r , :S - . ~,a~'. ..:.ia.~`t roa . _,~s~~ :.r; ~^_~~ _ ,~y~ __ , ~ , 3 -; ...I ~t :. v~~ . . ° +..~"~ ~ "Y ~ ` . i-1 _ .- West (Side) Elevation, facina 7`h Street. 2004 ` -~ ,.. ~~~: :. . ~-~-:L-: : ~ r~CC~~. ATTACHMENT J: HISTORIC PHOTOGRAPHS Detail of West (Side) Elevation, facing 7`h Street, 2004 i ; ; ~ ~~-~c~~: ~~~ ~,~.:.'~.p~;~~.~at-, ~~'~~~;~ .~