2 - Minutes, January 3, 2007CITY OF BOULDER
January 3, 2007
East Boulder Senior Center - Flatirons Room
5660 Sioux Drive
6 p.m.
The following are the action minutes of the January 3, 2007 City of Boulder Landmarks
Preservation Advisory Board meeting. A permanent set of these minutes and a tape recording
(maintained for a period of seven years) is retained in Central Records (telephone: 303-441-
3043). You may also listen to the on-line at: www.boulderplandevelop.net.
Nancy Kornblum
Leonard May
Tim Plass, Chair
Leland Rucker, Vice-chair
Kirk Watson
Alice Gilbertson, Historic Preservation Intern
James Hewat, Historic Preservation Planner
Sue Eilen Harrison, Assistant City Attorney
Heidi Joyce, Administrative Specialist
Chris Meschuk, Historic Preservation Planner
The roll having been called, Chair T. Plass declared a quorum at 6:08 p.m. and the
following business was conducted:
On a motion by L. Rucker, seconded by N. Kornblum, the Landmarks Preservation
Advisory Board approved (5-0) the minutes of the December 6, 2006 board meeting.
There was no public participation.
1936 Mapleton Avenue
A. Public hearing and consideration of recognition of Historic Boulder, Incorporated as a
historic preservation organization, as defined in 9-16, Boulder Revised Code, 1981.
ApplicanYs Presentation
Joyce Davies, 4475 Laguna Place #207, gave a presentation on the history of Historic Boulder,
Inc. and spoke in support of recognizmg Historic Boulder, Incorporated as a historic preservation
Abbey Daniels, 4735 Walnut #120, gave a presentation on the role of Historic Boulder, Inc. and
spoke in support of recognizing Historic Boulder, Incorporated as a historic preservation
Public Hearing
No one from the public addressed the board.
On a motion made by L. Rucker, seconded by N. Kornblum, the Landmarks Preservation
Advisory Board passed (5-0) a resolution (as stated in Attachment A of the January 3, 2007 staff
memorandum) that recognizes Historic Boulder, Incorporated as a historic preservation
organization, as defined in 9-16, Boulder Revised Code, 1981, adopting the staff inemorandum
dated January 3, 2007 as findings of the board. T. Plass offered a friendly amendment to enact a
Sunset Provision for the resolution, which will expire five years of date of resolution (expiration
date: January 3, 2012). L. Rucker and N. Kornblum accepted the friendly amendment.
B. Public hearing and consideration of an application to initiate the designation of the
property located at S00 Arapahoe Avenue as a local.landmark as per Section 9-11-4 of
the Boulder Revised Code, 1981 (HIS2006-00277). Applicant: Historic Boulder, Inc.
Owners: Michael Cameron, Chris Maurer, West Arapahoe LLC
Applicant's Presentation
Abbey Daniels, 4735 Walnut Street #120, spoke in support of initiating the designation of the
property located at 800 Arapahoe Avenue as a local landmark.
Joyce Davies, 4475 Laguna Place #207, spoke in support of initiating the designation of the
property located at 800 Arapahoe Avenue as a local landmark.
C. Meschuk spoke w'tth the owner and legal council, who expressed no formal position. If the
resolution passes, the owner and legal council are wiliing to meet with staff and the applicant to
discuss the designation.
Public Hearing
Gail Gray, 670 Logan, spoke in support of initiating the designation of the property located at
800 Arapahoe Avenue as a local landmark.
On a motion made by L. Rucker, seconded by T. Plass, the Landmarks Preservation Advisory
Board initiated (5-0) a resolution (as stated m Attachment E of the January 3, 2007 staff
memorandum) for designation of the property at 800 Arapahoe Avenue (HIS2006-00277) as an
individual landmark pursuant to Section 9-11-3 of the Boulder Revised Code, adoptmg the staff
memorandum dated January 3, 2007 as findings of the board.
C. Public hearing and consideration of an application to designate the property located at
1227 High Street as a local landmark as per Section 9-11-5(c) of the Boulder Revised
Code,1981 (HIS2006-00008). ApplicandOwner: Stephen Burke
Board members were asked to reveal any ex-parte contacts they may have had on this item.
L. May, T. Plass and N. Kornblum reviewed the project at Landmarks Design Review
Committee meetings and visited the site. L. Rucker and K. Watson visited the site.
Applicant's Presentation
Stephen Burke, 1227 High Street, spoke in support of designating the property loca[ed at 1227
High Street as a local landmark.
Public Hearing
No one from the public addressed the board.
On a motion made by L. Rucker, seconded by K. Watson, the Landmarks Preservation
Advisory Board recommended (5-0) that City Council designate the house at 1227 High Street
(HIS2006-00008) as a local historic landmark, conforming with Sections 9-11-1 and 9-11-2 of
the Boulder Revised Code, adopting the staff inemorandum dated January 3, 2007 as findings of
the board.
D. Public hearing and consideration of an application to designate the property located at 700
Pearl Street as a local -andmark as per Section 9-11-5(c) of the Boulder Revised Code, 1981
(HIS2006-00260). Applicant/Owner: 702 Pearl Group, LLC
This item was withdrawn by the applicant.
E. Public hearing and consideration of a landmark alteration certiCcate to remodei a non-
contributing building and construct a two-story 2100 sq. ft. addition to a height of 25
feet at its rear and to construct a 500 sq. ft. free-standing garage, alI at 520 Pearl Street
in the West Pearl historic district (HIS2006-00291). Applicant: Mark Anderson
Board members were asked to reveal any ex-parte contacts they may have had on this item.
T. Plass and N. Kornblum reviewed the project at Landmarks Design Review Committee
meetings and visited the site. K. Watson reviewed the project at Landmarks Design Review
Committee meetings.
Applicant's Presentation
Mark Anderson, 520 Pearl Street, spoke in support of a landmark alteration certificate to
remodel a non-contributing building and construct a two-story 2100 sq. ft. addition to a height of
25 feet at its rear and to construct a 500 sq. ft. free-standing garage, al] at 520 Pearl Street.
Public Hearing
No one from the public addressed the board.
On a motion made by L. Rucker, seconded by K. Watson, the Landmarks Preservation
Advisory Board approved (5-0) the proposed addition at 520 Pearl Street (HIS2006-00291) as to
siting, mass, and scale, adopting the staff inemorandum dated January 3, 2007 as findings of the
board, sub~ect to the following conditions of approval:
1. Final designs will be reviewed and approved by the Landmarks Design Review
Committee; and
2. The final design of the garage and addition should address the following design details:
~,°•° ~° °°a °,°..~':^~~ F~~''~° rt °, windows, materials, as well as colors and
materials for doors, roofing, and wood lap siding.
L. May offered a friendly amendment that the applicant and Landmarks Design Review
Committee examine the garage location in relation to the rear property line. L. Rucker and K.
Watson accepted the friendly amendment.
L. May offered a friendly amendment to include trim details under condition two. L. Rucker
and K. Watson accepted the friendly amendment.
T. Plass offered a friendly amendment that the applicant be required to make a faithful attempt
to recreate historic portions on the front and side facades of the house in accordance to the
historic photo exhibited on page three of the January 3, 2007 staff inemorandum. L. Rucker and
K. Watson accepted the friendly amendment.
F. Public hearing and consideration of a landmark alteration certificate to construct a 616
sq. ft., two-car garage and studio at rear of property and to replace windows on non-
contributing house at 705 Mapleton Avenue in the Mapleton Hill historic district
(HIS2006-00290). Applicant: David Czopek
T. Plass recused himself from this item.
Board members were asked to reveal any ex-parte contacts they may have had on [his item.
None of the board members revealed ex-parte contacts on this item.
Applicant's Presentation
David Czopek, 1880 Eldorado Circle, Superior, CO, spoke in support of the application.
Jacqueline Schwarz, 705 Mapleton Avenue, spoke in support of the application. She agreed
that the window replacements and the extension of the deck could be reviewed at the Landmarks
Design Review Committee level - if that is the protocol. She also offered the foilowing
clarifications to the staff inemorandum:
• on page three of the staff inemorandum the cream trim should be changed to green trim;
• the gables should be round, not oval.
Public Hearing
Dawn Nielsen, 707 Mapleton Avenue, noted the following change to page eight of the staff
memorandum: the garage across the alley should be changed to the house across the alley. She
also expressed concerns over solar access and asked if the proposal would create a tunnel effect
which would prohibit her from building an alley gazage in the future.
Catherine Gockley, 2436 7~h Street, was concerned about solar access as weli as the size and
height of the proposed garage. She wanted to make there is enough back up distance for the
proposed garage, so the owners would not have to drive onto her yard in order to back up.
On a motion made by K. Watson, seconded by L. May, the Landmarks Preservation Advisory
Board approved (4-0, T. Plass recused) the proposed construction of a garage at 705 Mapleton
Avenue (HIS2006-00290) as to siting, mass, and scale, adopting the staff inemorandum dated
January 3, 2007 as findings of the board, subject to the following conditions of approval:
LISTEN TO TAPE for condition 1
1. The pitch of the roof be raised somewhat to make it more like the historic building prior
to remodeling and that the shed roof at the bottom of the gables be removed from the
design; '
2. Details for the proposed window and door replacement on the non contributmg house
be reviewed by the Landmarks Design Review Committee;
3. Final designs must be reviewed and approved by the Landmarks Design Review
Committee and that they should address the following design details: revised elevations
far the garage including windows, materials, as well as colors and materiais for doors,
roofing, shingles and wood lap siding and additional information regarding window and
door replacement on the non-contributing house;
4. The gazage be moved to the south five feet;
5. A small flat skylight on the east side be approved at a Landmarks Design Review
Committee meeting.
L. May offered a friendly amendment that the movement of the garage is not set at five feet to
the south, but will be determined at a Landmarks Design Review Committee meeting. K.
Watson accepted the friendly amendment.
A. Update of pending Discretionary Review applications.
T. Plass requested that Discretionary Review updates be included in the monthly
Landmarks Board packets and be discussed under Matters. He asked that picture~
and an executive summazy be included in the update materials.
B• J• Hewat said ~f boazd members are interested in attending the CPI conference in
Denver, they will ~eed to turn in their registration forms as soon as possible.
C. J• Hewat gave the board an update on the Historic Preservation Forum, which is
tentatively scheduled for February 3, 2007.
D. Update on the Modern Architectural Survey will occur at next month's
Landmarks Board meeting.
E. 7041'6`h Street
On a motion by T. Plass, seconded by L. May, the Landmarks Preservation
Advisory Board granted (5-0) an extension for the application at 704 16`h Street
(HIS2006-00165) for a period not to exceed 100 days.
F. Transit Village Area Plan/ Historic Depot
Staff will report back to the board with the following information:
• what is the role of the Landmarks Boards in regazds to this pro~ect?
• will a Landmazk Alteration Certificate be required to move the Depot?
• materials related to 6-6-06 City Council hearing/decision (memo, minutes,
ordinance, etc.).
will the Landmarks Board have input into the design/azchitecture of where the
Depot will be located (T. Plass said it is important to make sure the Depot fits
into its sunoundings).
G. T. Plass asked that staff report back to the board on the status of the joint City
Council and Landmarks Board meetings.
The meeting adjoumed at 9:50 p.m.
Respectfully sabmitted,
Approved on February 7, 2007