5B - Consideration of a Landmark Alteration Certificate to rehabilitate & construct a second story oMEMORANDUM Novembei 2^d, 2005 TO: Landmarks Preservation Advisory Board FROM: Ruth McHeyser, Long Range Planning Director Matteo Moore, Historic Preservation Intern Chris Meschuk, Historic Preservation Planner James Hewat, Historic Preservation Planner SUBJECT: Public hearing and consideration of a Landmark Alteration Certificate to rehabilitate and construct a second story on the building located at 2530 4th Street in the Mapleton Hill Historic District (HIS2005-00172). As part of the review, the Board will consider whether the building should recognized as non-contributing or contributing restorable to the district. STATISTICS: 1. Site: 2. Historic District: 3. Zoning: 4. Applicant: 5. Date of Construction 6. Historic Name(s): 7. Request: SUMMARY: 2530 Spruce Street Mapleton Hill LR-E (Low Density Residential Established) Christopher Melton c.1900 Alfred, Sarah, and Katherine Coombs House Remodel of and addition to house. The application to remodel and add to the house at 2530 4'h Street was reviewed by the design review committee on August 24"' and September 7'h, 2005. The Board referred the case to the full Board for public hearing for consideration as to whether the building should be classified as non-contributing or contributing restorable and whether the submitted proposal for exterior changes was consistent with the General Design Guidelines . Because historic information is interpretable and that the house can be restored, staff considers the classification of Memo to ttte Landmarks Preservation Advisory Board Re: Landmark Alteration Certificate for 2530 4°i Street the bui(ding should be changed to contributing-restorable. The proposed addition to the house conflicts with adopted design guidelines from the Generai Design Guidelines, including 3.1. 4.3, & 4.5. Staff recommends that the house be classified as contributing-restorable and that the request for a landmark alteration certificate for the proposecl remodel and addition be denied in that it does meet adopted design gt~idelines and is inconsistent with Subsection 10-13-18(b) of the Boulder Revised Code. BACKGROUND: The design review committee reviewed the proposaL to rehabilitate and add to the house 2530 4~'' Street on August 24"' and September 7t'', 2005. Over the course oE these reviews, questions arose regarding the current classification of the building as non-contributing and as to the appropriateness of the proposed addition when evaluated against the General Design Giiidelines for Historic Districts arid Individual Landmarks. The committee referred the case to the full Board for public hearing for consideration as to whether the bLiilding should be classified as non-contributing or contributing restorable. REQUEST: The applicant proposes to rernodel and add a two-story addition to the small vernacular frame house at 2530 4t'' Street. 1 Street, c.1949 S:IPLAN\data\longrang\HtST~ALTCERTS\Historic DistrictslMapleton I1i1114th.2530\M E M O R A N D U M.dnc - 2- Memo to the I.anclmarks Pr~ser~~ation Advisory f3uarcl Re: Lanelmark Alteration Ccrtilir~ite for 2530 ~l'~' Street DESCRIPTION: The ditninutive, roof-dominated vernacular frame hot~se at 2530 4''' Street was ~onstructed about 1900, apparently to provide convalescent housing Eor the Seventh Day Adventist Boulder Tubercular Hospital, originally located where the Boulder Community Hospital now stands. Located on the east side of 4''' Street, the non-standard lot c>n ~vhich the hou5e sites slopes gently to the north. The house is f~irly typical of the modest vernactilar Frame houses constructed in Boulder at the turn-of-the-twentieth century with its fotir sq~iare plan and hipped roof. A c1949 tax assessor photograph shows that the house originally featured a centr~lly located shed roof portico on the west (front) elevation. This porch is no longer extant; the front of the house now featuring a Etill width, shed raoE enclosed porch which appears to have been constructed within the last Eifty years. The main body of the frame house rests upon a stone foundation and is sheathed with clapboard siding. Several historic three over one, dvuble-hung winciows are extant on the north, south, and west elevations (behind the adcied porch). Non-historic replacement windows and doors are in evidence on the east (rear) elevation of the house. The historic building inventory (Front Tange Kesearch Associates, see Attachment A) and tax assessor's information (Attachment B) indicates that the house was constructed around 1900. According to the City Directory by 1913, Alfred and Sarah Combs resided on the property with Katherine Combs. The 1993 historic building survey states that major, "alterations have diminished the historic integrity" oE the house. For this reason, the surveyors recominended that the btiilding should be considered as non-contributing to the historic district. Fiaure 2. 2530 d"' Street. 2005 S:~PLAN~data\IongranglHlS f1Al.l'CERTS\Hisronc Uistricts~Mapleton Hfll\4th.25301M F. M O K A N D U M.doc - 3- Memo to the Landmarks Preservation Advisory Board Re: Landmark Alteration Certificate for 2530 4°i Street CONSIDERATION OF CLASSIFICATION: During the design review committee's two reviews of this project, the question as to whether the current classification of the house as non-contributing was raised. The City's Categories of Significance for Individual Resottrces Within Potentinl Historic Districts (Attachment C) and the General Design Guidelines identify six classifications for buildings located within historic districts, Local Landmark Buildings, Individually Significant Buildings, Contribtiting Buildings, Contributing Restorable Buildings, Non-contributing Bttildings, and Significant Newer Buildings. While all buildings located in historic districts are classified according to the most appropriate of these definitions, Section 1.2 of the Gerieral Design Guidelirces states that the status of resources can change over time. The Guidelines go on to say that, when a classiFication is in question, a re-determination will be made by the Landmarks Board in consultation with staff. During the design review committee's deliberations, it was considered that it was appropriate to determine whether the building might be classified as contributing-restorable. Contributing Restorable: "Those buildings built during the district's period of significance that have original material that has been covered, or buildings that have experienced some alteration, but that still convey some sense of history. These buildings would more strongly contribute, however, if they were restored. Such buildings may have less compatible additions." S:\PLANldata~lvngrang\H[ST\ALTCHRTS\Flistoric DistrictslMapleton Hill\4th.2530Vv1 E M O R A N D U M.doc -~- Memo ro the L.andmarks Preservation ndvisory Board Re: Landmark Alteration Certificate for 253U 4`~' Street Non-Contributing Buildings: "Thase buildings btiilt during the district's period oE significance that have been altered to such an extent that historic information is not interpretable, and restoration is not possible. This includes buildings erected otitside the period oE significance which are not individually significant." ANALYS[S: Built about 1900, during the district's period of significance, the essential Eorm of the vernacular hoLise survives. The builciing has been altered moderately since 1946 (outside of the district's identified period of significance). These changes include the construction of an encloseci porch on the Ea~ade of the house and the replacement of doors and windows on the rear elevation. The deEinition of contributing restorable states that buildings falling int~ the category may have experienced, "same alteration, but that still convey some sense oE history". The 1993 survey considered the level oE alteration to the house to be major and to have diminished the historic significance of the house. For this reason, the surveyor recommended that the classiEication for the house be non- contribL~ting. At the time oE the 1993 survey, the City did not recognize the contributing restorable category. Staff does not consider that the addition on the west elevation or the window and door changes at the east elevation of this modest house has rendered historic information abotrt the house from "not interpretable". Rather, stafE is of the opinion that the addition obscuring the building's intact west elevation is superficial, and that its removal and the restoration of the house is possible. As such, staEf considers that the classiEication of the btiilding should be changed from to non-contributing to contributing restorable. S:\PLAN~Jata~longrang\HIS`I'\AL~fCERTS\Histonc Districts\Mapleion Hill'Ath.2530U~1 I? M O K A N D U M.doc - 5- Memo to the l.andmarks Preservation Advisory Board Re: Landmark Alteration Certificate for 2530 4'h Street Figure 4. Proposed plan, 2530 4th Street PROPOSAL The applicant proposes to remodel and add a two-story addition to the east (rear) elevation of the 970 sq. ft. building at 2530 4~'' Street. Plans for the re~nodel call for the west facing enclosed porch to be removed and a smaller 100 square foot open porch to be constructed in it place. Historically, there was a smaller centrally located portico on this elevation. A three over one double-hung window is shown to be added to inatch the existing two windows on the west elevation. Drawings show the proposed east Eacing addition to have a footprint of approximately 250 sq.ft. and to rise to a height of 23', fotir feet higher than the existing house. Rectangular in form, the two story addition is shown to intersect with the east end of the hip roof. In terms of detailing, the applicant shows the proposed addition to be simple and angular with an emphasis on vertical form. The walls of the proposed addition are shown to be very simply fenestrated with square and rectangular sashes, a small north facing balcony, and clerestory windows on the west elevation. S:U'LAN~data\longrang\HIS1'\ALTCERTS\Historic Districts\Mapleton Hill\4th.2530\M E M O R A N D U M.duc - 6- Memo to the Landmarks Presenaticm t\dvisory li~>nrd Rc: Landmark Altcration ('crtificatc li~r 2530 ~1'~' Strcet Figure 5. Proposed north clevation, 2530 4th Street CRITERIA FOR THE BOARD'S DECISION: Subsection 10-13-18(b), B.R.C. "1981, sets forth the standards the Landmarks Board must apply when reviewing a request Eor a Landmark Alteration CertiFicate. (b) Neither tFte lc~ndrruzrks bonrd rior the city cottricil shalf ap~rove a l~~n~~r~nr~rk nlferation certificate unless it rrteets the follozc~irtg conditions: (1) The prnposed zc~ork preserves, enha-~ces, or restores and does not damage or destro~ the exterior crrchitectural featacres vf tlre Inndmark or the subject property within ar~ historic district; (2) The proposed zvork does riot adve~rsely affect the special character or special historical, architectural, or aesfhetic interest or value of the landrnark nnd its site vr the district; (3) The areytitecturnl st~le, arrarigement, te,rticre, calor, arrangement of color, and rric~terials icsed on existing and proposed structures are compnti6le with the character af the existir~g lariclrr~ark and its sife or tite liistoric district; (4) With respect to a proposal to derriolish c~ hc~ildirig in an historic cfistrict, fhe proposed new construction to replace the building meets the rec~ccirerrcertts of paragraphs (b)(2) anct (3) above. (c) In deterrnining whether to czpprnve a land~rrark alteration certificc~te, the lnndrnarks board shall consider the econvrnic feasibi[ity of nlternatives, lYICUY~)OYat10Y1 Df energy efficierit ciesign, and enhanced ae~ess for the disabled. S:~PLAN!data~longranglHlS"I\ALTCERlS\Historic Disincts~Mapleton fiill`.4th.2530~M E M O R A N D U M.doc - 7- Memo to the Landmarks Preservation Advisory Board Re: Landmark Alteration Certificate for 2530 4`h Street west elevation, 2530 4th Strect ANALYSIS: The Historic Preservation Ordinance sets forth the standards the Landmarks Board must apply when reviewing a request for a Landmark Alteration Certificate. The Board has adopted the General Design Guidelines to help interpret the historic preservati~n ordinance. The following is an analysis of the proposed new construction with respect to relevant guidelines. Design guidelines are intended to be used as an aid to appropriate design atld not as a checklist of items for compliance. The following is an analysis of the proposal's compliance with the appropriate sections of the General Design Gicidelines, considering the building to be contributing restorable in classification: GENERAL DESIGN GUIDELINES ALTERATIONS TO CONTRIBUTING BUILDINGS, 3.0: 3.1 Roofs _ The roof is one of the primnry cltnrncter-defining features of a historic bc~ilding, and fhe repetition of similar rvof typc~s creates part of the visi~nl consistenc~ thnt dcfines c~ historic area. Alterations or ndditions to raofs mt~st be given carefiil consideration to ensiire that thc~~ do not cornpromise t{t~~ inteRrity of the historic structure. T~pical roof shapes nre gabled or Fiipped. Shed roofs somefimes occitr on historic addrtions and nccessor buildin s. Guideline Meets Guideline Maintnin the roof form, sIope, 1'roposed second-story addition NO height, and orientation to the changes the profile and slope of roof street. at the south and east elevations. S:~PI.ANWata~longrang\I lIS"f\ALTCERTS\Historic DistrictslMapleton Hill\4th.2530\M E M O R A N D U M.doc - g- Memo to the Landmarks Preservation Advisory Board Re: Landuiark Alteration Certiticate for 2530 4`~ Street ADDITIONS TO HISTORIC BUILUINGS, 4.0. 4.3 Compatibility with Historic Buildings Meets Guideline Introd«cing nezv constrt~ctiort tltat contrasts slrnrply z~~ith an exisfing hisforic stri~cttrre or site defracts front the visual contirtuity t{tat nrarks our histvric districts. While additiorts shocild be distinguishable from the historic structure, ti~e~ ~r~c~st not contrnst so sharply as to detract from the originat bt~ildirig nrid/ur the site. Adc~itiorts sliould never overzultel~n historic structtiires or the site, in mass, scale or detr~ilin . 1 Art aAdition should be subordinnte to Height and massing of proposed NU the hisForic building, li~nited in size addition will not be visually and scr~le so ti~nt it does nnt dirninish or subordinate to historic h~use. visuall~ overpower the building. 2 Uesigri ari additivn to he cornpatrhle Relationship of solids to voids on NO zc~ith tl:e historrc building in rnass, scale, proposed addition is incompatible m~iterials anc~ color. For elevations with historic building. visible froryi pul~lic sfreets, t1~e relationship of solids tn voids in the exterrvr zvnlls sho«!d also be cotrtpatil~le. 3 Addir~g a~rrrtin! or full stor~ to the Addition of height over the rear part N~ historic portion of a historic bt~tlding is oE the historic building is rare[y appropriate. inappropriate. ~ Reflect the origr~trrl syrnmetry or Asymmetry of proposed addition is NO asyrnmetr~ of the {tistoric bcsilc~ing. inconsistent. 5 Preserve the vertrcal and horizontal ' Horizontal proportion and hip rooE NO proportion of a building s mass. form of the building will be affected b the pro osed addition. Compatibility with Historic Site and Setting Uesi~n rrew ndcfitioris so that t61e overnil N/A character of tfte site, site fopography, chrrracfer-defining site fentc~res crnd trees are retained. Locate nezu additions on an inconspicirous Addition and increased height will be NO elevation of the historic building, generall y the publicly visible. rear one. Locntin~ riri uddition to tfte front of a stra~cture is inappropriate because it obscures the historic facnde of a building. S:~PLAN\data\IongranglF[IS'T~AI_"fCE:RTS1Historic Districts~'vlapleton Hill\4th.2530\M E M O R A N D U M.doc -~- Memo to the Landmarks Preservation Advisory F3oard Re: Landmark Altcration Certificate for 2530 4''' Street Respect the established orienfation of the Addition respects orientations and YES original building ancf typical alignrnenfs iri alignments oE buildings in the area. the area. Preserve a backyrird area betweerc the house YES and flie ~arage, maintaining the gereeral proportiort of bc~ilt rnass tv open space founcl within the area. See Gi~idelir~e 2.1.1. 4.5 Key Building Elements Roofs, porches, dormers, wiradows and doors are sorne of the most irnportartt c6tnracter-defining elerrierits of an~ building. As such, they require extra attention to ussc~re Ehat t~iey compliment the historic architecture. In ~ddition to t{ie gaiidelirtes below, refer nlso fo Section 3.0 Alterntions for related suggestions. Maintain fhe darr~i~u:nt roufline nnd Changes the dominant roof farm to NO 1 orientatron of the roof form to the street. the street. 2 Rooflines on additions should be lower Roofline of addiHon is 4' higher than NO thnn and secondar~ to the roofline of t~te the historic building . ori inaf burldin . 3 The existing roof form, pircl~, eave The proposed roof proportion will N~ ~ depth, a~id mnterirrls shaufd be cised for change. all crdditions. 5 Maintairt the proportion, genernl style, Proposed windows on addition N~~ and syn:metry or as~~nmetry of t{ie asymmetrical. existing zuindow patterns. ~ Use wirtdow shapes that are fotend on Window shapes and designs are YES the historic bt~ildirig. Do riot iritroduce consistent. odd-shaped windows such as octagonal, trian ulc~r, or dinrnorid-shaped When evaluated against the General Design Guidelines stafE considers the proposed addition incompatible with the immediate streetscape in terms of mass, scale, and detailing. As discussed during the design review committee discussions, the applicant should strive to design an addition that is in keeping with the Gi~idefines. if the Board were to consider the classification of contributing-restorable for the house appropriate, designing the rehabilitation S:~PLAN`data~longranglHlS~\ALTCF.RI~S\Historic DistrictsVvlapleton Hill\4th.2530\M G M O R A N D U M.doc - 1 ~- v1eu~<~ to the Lancimarks Preservatio~t A~ivisory f3oard Re: I.an~ln~ark Alteratioi~ Ccrtiticate for 2~30 ~`~ Strret and addition in such a manner would provide the opportunity to take advantage of historic preservation tax credits. PUBLIC COMMENT Staff has received no public comment regarciing this case. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: StaEf is of the opinion that the classiEication of contribt~ting-restorable for the house 2530 4t'' Street is most appropriate and should be changed accordingly. As such, based upon ~c-lopted cocie criteria and design guidelines, staff recommends that the Landmarks Board deny the submitted request to remodel and add to the contributing-restorable hoL~se located at 2530 4'" Street, adopting the staff inemorandum as findings of the Board. I'INDINGS: Staff recommends that the Board adopt the following findings: The request for the remodel and additions to the contributing-restorable house at 2530 4~'' Street is not consistent with the Historic Preservation Ordinance, in that: 1. Based tipon the Eact that historic information abotit the hoL~se is interpretable and that the house can be restored, the building's classification should be changed to contributing-restorable. 2. The proposed work will damage exterior architectural features of the subject property within an historic district. 3. The proposed work will adversely affects the special character or special historical, architectural, or aesthetic interest or value of the landmark and its site or the district; 4. The request conflicts with the sections 3.1, 4.3, & 4.5 of the adopted General Design Gc~idelines. S:~PLAN`data~longrang\HI51\ALTCER"fS\Ilisturic Districis'~Niapleton HiIlldth.2530~M F. M O R A N D U M.doc - I 1- Memo to the I_andmarks Preservation Advisory Board Re: I.audmark Alteration Certificate for 2530 4'~' Street ATTACHMENTS: E1: Historic Building Inventory Sheet B: Tax Assessors Card C: Categories of 5ignificance for Individual Resources Within Potential Historic Districts D: Applicant letter E: Plans F: Photographs S:\YLANldata\longrang\f I IS"['~nL I CERTS~Historic Disiricts\Mapleton Hi1114th2530~,M E M O R A N D U M.doc - 1 Z- ATTACHMENT A .~ COIORAbO N1lTfllICAL lOCIfT~ pftic~ of Rrc~KOtoOy ~rvd Ni~cor,~ P~es.rv.t~on '100 ~ruwcf~ay, 9enver, WtorWo 6U?05 ~:~t:Yl: M;1,CIKL !IfJEMT0~1 REC~O ~ __..~_ _~ - - ~~R;;JF.' W1E. bul0er Survey o/ M~~tor~c Pl~c~a, , tv93 :~~[N' 6UllDIMG MAME: AJDRESS. 2530 4TM ST BOULDER CO 803D4 HISTORIC MANE' CISiRlCT MAME_ Nepteton Mill F-~N ROLL MO.: G3-4 MEGATIVE NO.: 8Y; Roper 4h~teCre 23 ~ F~ FIELD ~ EtipiDle ._ Det. Met Elipible ~ ~i^~tb Date ~ 4rt 1 f ib ~~. Ca111T~: CITI': STATE iD 110.: S~1~05p ~_ bulArr buider TEIIPORARr MO.: 1k61-25-1-01-009 OWER: SIIpS01 RUTM MARIE X A YILLINIS011 ZSIO 4TH ST BQ1LDfR CO 80304 TOIM SN1V 1M RAMGE T1Y SECTIOM 25 SY 1/i ME 1/~ u.5.G.5. OlL1D 11M~: Boul~er,_ Colo. TEAR: 19dd (PR197'9) X 7.5~ 15~ B~OCK: 10 LOT(S): 12, 13-15p ADOITIOM: Nurell'c TR. OF ADDiT10M: 1dp1 LOCATIOM OF MEGTIVES: DATE OF COMSTRUCTIOM: Boulder C~ty ~lnq. ESTIMATE: 1900 ACTUAL: SQIRCE : - j,-~ ~ Baulder Cau~ty Assessor s i ~ ' `r , , ~' - 115E: k .~ ~` ~ ~ :,c- - PRESEMT: ~~ =~, L}~ , . _ \ „ r Resldmttal t` ~ ' ~ / ~ ' ,+ }~-' - • HISTORIC: ~ - _. . __ Residmtial 1 ~ . _ •t ~ 11 ~ ~ l~ { ,' j~j~ll~;j ~II~ ~ , ~~~~. ~ .~ `~ ., ~ . ,.,i- _ I " __'~- - ~ ~ ~ 5T7LE: Vernacular lbod Freme MATER1AlS: 1bod, Stone, Concrete 1 SQ. FOOTAGE: 600 ~RCHITECTURAI DESCRIPTIOM: One-story wood-frame drelling on stone fandetion. Exterior of reetherboerd. Nipped roof with overhenginy eeves; ne~+ enclosed front porch on concrete faridetion. Off-cen[er door, paneled and glazed; and drxble-h-~g YIfl~Y6~ sane ~ith divided ~~per seshes, on oripinsl portion. Brick thinney. Yire fmce on Prope~tY- WIT 11~D~ 1~ES 1f yp 1~' - " - - r " ~ ~• ~ :.- _~ . '~ CONUfTIDN: EXCELLENT X GOOD FAIR DETERIORATING EXTENT Of ALTERATI01lS: MlNOR 1100F~TE X MAJOR DESCR(BE: Mew enclosed front porch obliteretiny fecsde; roofiny. COMTIMUED TES X MO ORIGINAL SITE X MOVED DATE(S) OF MO'VE: NAT1011AL REGISTER ELIGIBILITY IMDIVIDUAL: TES X NO CONTRIBIITING TO DlSTR1CT: 1'ES X MO ~ LOUIL LANDMARK DESIGMATlON: Tes 1tA~!E: City of Bwi., HD&2-1 DATE: 10-7-1982 ASSOCIATED BUILDIMGSI 1'ES X Np rr~: I IF IMVEMTORJED, L15T !D M06.: ~OO I t 1 ON1 ~~ 1: T[ f Y r0 ~` . ,. ~ -- . - d'','.~ ~,rr;~<-w- -o-'c ./fjW iNAPE° U~nkCNrwwl~~' fTATE [D Iq,= ~,~'~ '3~1~OS0 , ,~, . - QIGIWI~ ~Q: - ,_ SOURCE: ~~~ ~ SQ~tCE: ; .i: BUIIDER/CdiTR/ICTOt: '-.~~, ,`, l~lcrwwn TNElE(S): 90URCE: Ut~ban Residential ~i~~b 18S8-p-esent ' CONSTRUCTION NISTORT (DESCRIPTIOM, MAMES, DATES, ETC., RELATIMG TO MAJOR ALTER/1TIOMS TO aRIGIMAL STRUCTI~tE); CONT[MUEO TES NISTORI GL BACKGROUMD (DISCUSS IMPORTANT PERSONS AMD EVEMTS 1~5SOCIATED YITN TNiS STRUCTURE): ln 1913, Alfred S. r~d Ss~ah Combs resided here with Katherine Ca~bs, CONTiNUED YES X Iq X MO SICNIFICAMCE (CHECK APPROPRIATE WTEGORIES AMD BRIEFLT JUSTIFT BELON): ARCHiTECTURAI SIGNIf1CANCE: HISTORIGL SIGIIIFICJINCE: REPRESENTS TIIE WOItK OF A NASTER ASSOCIATEO YITH SIGNIFICANT PERSONS P05SESSES H1GH ARTISTIC VALUES ASSOCIATEO 4(TN SIGM1fIGNT EVEMTS OR PATTERNS REPRESENTS A TTPE, PER[OD, OR METM00 OF CONSTRUCTION CONTRIBUTES TO AN HiSTORIC DISTRICT STATEMENT OF SIGNIFICANCE: Alteretions heve diminished the historic integrity of this d+ellinp. COMTINUED TES % NO REFEREMCES (9E SPECIFIC): ia+tder ~antY Asseswr infon~stion; Boutder Grnepie Libr~ry, 8oulder Canty Asee~br cotlection; Coe~orxr_altF: Land Tttte ~^~• Co- r~eordt; ~oulder City Directorin; 6oulder.Daily Caer~ bioprepAiu( fites, aarri~c res x rn +~+~~ss n~ e. w.~.a.,~~~„ A/FlllATla: rror,c ie.w e...are~ ~.,oe~.c«, t~+c. aNrE: ~.,. tv+o3 ° ~7~ ~ ~ ~;~ ~, ~ .1Pprai.;e•,1 I:; ' i: ~~~~ ~'~ ". a~.~~'~f~d~~'~ ~^;~.,.;~;:_.. ;_~:+ 3 ;'~ i ~ . .~~~r~~'~~~. '~ , 'i r -„~ II - { ~ ~ ~' i t'~., Ii i h ~. 1IOtF~F; N~;. STREL:T' ('1T`~' ;~ ----- -- . __ __ - -- ------ ~~ , i <~ _.. --'- - i-,LUi:1C . ,. ..., - , r -~t! E!..( ~~, ~ %c~~,_r f'.c~n,trt~rt.e~? ~i^:et. - -- Liie in Zears ~ -- --- I '~ ~ I~a.ci'CiR1 ?TL'' pF~ V.~,I.t'.~'3'IOi3 , ~ - --- - - - ~--- ----~-- -- -. . .. -- --- -------- - - ~ - ...- ~: - ~ 131.1~,. PART A [iLDC. P_1Y.'f B l'.dRAGF. F.y - - - - ~ -- - ~ ~ ~ - - - . ~7 F a . ,.' .'~li:rCt:L..__....~._...._'_'______..._......' ""i . """"". . - W ?:i ~~ni'Cli. 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These buildinQs are rypically iiitv years of ave or older, unless the building is an e:cceptional exampte of an architectural style or period. • Contributing Buildings - Those buildings built during the district's period of si4aiticance that exist in comparatively "original" condition, or that have been appropriately restored. and cfearly contribute to the historic signiticance of the district. Such buildings may have compatible additions. Contribeitin; R~storable Br~ilding; - Those buildin~s buiI[ durin~ the district's period of sioniticance that have ori~ina! material that has been covered, or buildinQs that hav~ experienced some alteration, but that siill c~nvey some sense of history. These buiIdin~?s~ would m~re strongly cantribu~e. however, if they were restored. Such buildinvs may have less compatible addi~ions. ~~'on-Cor.triotitirtg Bccildings - Those buildin~s built durin~ the district's periad of significance ~hat have been altered ro such an extent that historic information is :~ot intecer~~ablz. and rescoration is not possible. TI~is includes buildin~ erected outside the peric~d ot sianiticance which are not individuallv sianificant. 5i;nifzcanr ~V"etiver Buildin,~s - Those buildings that have not yet achiev~d historic si~nificance but ha:~e achieved archi~ec~ural sianificance as exceIlent examples of their period. H:'.da[a'.comdev~hist`,gen~tier.rr~2 04.01-signifcategories 1~ -- ar. s` r.f~ ~1~ ~ - ~. .. - , ATTACHMENT D Hello- This is an explanation of tli~ elements that contributed to and the process by which this project was created. "I'he client's program asked for a more opcn, spacious livin~/dining/kitchen area/ study and second bedroom on the ground level with one bath; a-naster hedroom/bath on tht second level; an improvecl studio accessory building; and a more useable rear ~~ard t~~r <Tarclcning and outdoor living. ~rhe thrcc principal site restraints are the site"s non-standat•d size (3200 square i~>ot. 40' N to S property lines), its location in solar access I(most r~strictive in terms of hei~ht), and its location in a historic nci~hborhood-the c~riginal buildin~~ itself havin~ a historic cunnection. The structure. whiclt des~r~~es reco~~nition. is 2-~ feet square and ~~~as originall} cunstructed as a cabin t~~ accommodate tubcrculin patients convalescin~ across trom the S~venth Uay Adventist ( lospital. It has ~lo pa--ticular architectural significance but should hc: reco~nized in the c~mpositiun as the originatin~~ form. 1~his form should be preservecl as ~vell a5 th~ detail. And so it is. 'I~his }~iece of the compasitian is to be painted ~vhite to arcentuate its restored qualit}-. Thc other three ~~ieces are: the ficst tloor kitchen/dining area, the two-story b~droom/mastcr hatllroom piece, and the cleta~hed back}~ard 5tuciic~. 1~he kitchen piece relates to the original 2=~ square feet form in detail and col~r (~~hite, yet with a slightly more simple detail, like straigllt lap siding as opposed to the ori~~inal clrop-lap sidin~). appeariilg as a kitchen~'porch type acidition. 7'he other t~~o picces are related tu the landscape and not the architecture. The bedroom piece is ~ray- ~reen, tlle stuciio "autum~l" red. both colors derived Gom stainin~ the cedar shinglcs. 'l~hese sllapes have no detail, no corner hoards ar window trim, no overhan~s and no eave or rake trim-extremely plain forms, af a scale appropriate in this arca, «~ith ~vindo~v sashes painted a cc~mplimentar~~ dark recl and dark green on the studio and bcdroom ~ieces respectively. The four pieces are a compositio~l of shapes arranged to create a rear yard '`room", roughly 20 x 28 feet in plan, with a"ceiling'' imp(ied b_y the ~valls of the various pieces. ~1s a result of the color variation of the individual sliin~les, the scale of these forms is sympathetic to the landscape.,~~~he stained color of the two shin~~le pieces will b~ subtly variegated, similar to trce leaves. The addition has adopted this character in part to rrciuce its presence as architecture and accentuate the original form These historic neighborhoods are selected at least in part. because the character of~ dcsi~n is representati~~e of a historic period ~111C~, hopefully. repre~cntative of the better ~varks of that period. Withc>ut being vigilant, however, the effect of selectin~ a"period neighborhood" to preserve its historic character can stall the continuum of architectural i~ design. Charles Heartling, for example, would have been hard pressed to ~et one of his houses built under current constraints though liis houses are now a treasured part of our architectural history. What we are doing now is future history, for better or worse, and should be architecture which retlects our tirne and place--however that manifests. As a designer, 1 appreciate good design for its abstract qualities, which cuts across time lines. The solution I present is (1) for my clients, who want this modest new home this way. (2) to acknowledge and respect the context I'm working in, and (3) most importantly, to do these two things without comp~•omising good design and without missing an opportunity to be creative, hopefully, in some way reflective oF the time and place in which we have lived. --Christopher Melton Architect 7 ~ ~ ;~, . ~~... ~~~I.:i .4?i a k ' ~ ~~ ~ ATTACHMENT F , ~_ - ~ ~ _ ~ I ~_ -- ~ r --- ; ~ - , r- ~ ,. ~ .; ~ ~.'lll ~ . ~, , ~~;~~'~.,.. `F': .. ~M~ ~~~`. ~_ ~,,.,,,,~. ..~, .,,~~ _..~._ _,,,__ - .,~_ ~ `_' ~ ~' :. ~ ~ ~ ~~` ~4, Y'~~ - _ f ~~ 1 ...~^~^ye~ "'w,-..T'.~~li .. ~ .. \ . . ~~ ~ . ~ ~ ~ . ' . . . . . . . . . ~ ~ ti„~,,.~.--. _- ~ ~~~ ~: I3 ~ - ~; ~.;y ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ -~r ~ -~~~ ~ ~ i e~'nr6 >,Y~. ~ i ~ ~~~ _ __ _ I . _"_- 8 t . ' , _._ -._.. _.'"._ . . . . ` . ._'_ 1 ~ ,~,o y ' ~~ '~ ~' ,,, ~W,s, ~~ ;~ ..... , ,~,z. . . ~~ `1r&1~1i~+: .'l~ 1 ~i ~~ . . '.i1 ~ ' ._:'., ~ ._ /~[ , yi^r£ prv5~:~ tF ~ T. ~iNYYM~~ . ~ii,4 '. ~m'ilS>~,''XdM ~JfiBl+lG . n ~ 1 ':wi) etNe- x ";iA;'~1p0 ,Ym:~, . . . . . _ ~ . .. a ,w.?~~ . ~ * ~..~ ~ r - ...., . ..,., ...._ . . . ~ . r A~;~.i 4'~d' . . , . ".° . ~~. ~sw.~n~ ~~~~~. . Q. i d, . 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