2 - Minutes, 10/5/05CITY OF BOULDER LANDMARKS PRESERVATION ADVISORY BOARD October 5, 2005 Council Chambers Municipal Building 1777 Broadway 6 p.m. The following are the action minutes of the October 5, 2005, Preservation Advisory Board meeting. A permanent set of tl (maintained for a period of seven years) is retained in Cen 3043). You may also listen to the minutes via the City of~ BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Nancy Kornblum Leonazd May Tim Plass, Chair Leland Rucker, Vice-chair Rory Salance STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: , Sue Ellen Harrison, City Attomey James Hewat, Historic ' n Planner II Chris Meschuk, His c Pres n Planner Matteo Moore, ' reserva Intern 1. CALL TO Landmazks a tape recording bone: 303-441- The r~vin-g'De~j~ed, Cl~'~. Plass declared a quorum at 6:03 p.m. and the following was 2. OVAL OF ~UTES FROM THE SEPTEMBER 7, 2005 LANDMARKS P VATION VISORY BOARD MEETING On a motion by lum, seconded by L.Rucker, the Landmazks Preservation Advisory Boazd approved (5- e minutes of September 7, 2005 boazd meeting. 3. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION FOR ITEMS NOT ON THE AGENDA Jim Thomas discussed the Stay of Demolition for 2224-2226 Peazl Street. 1 4. DISCUSSION OF LANDMARK ALTERATION AND DEMOLITION APPLICATIONS ISSUED AND PENDING J. Hewat gave an update on the 14`h Street project, including status of St. Thomas Aqcuinas Church. Public hearing and consideration of a demolitiou landmarked buildings over 50 years in age, co &1227~nHigh Street, as per Section 10-13-2 (HIS2005-00149). ApplicanUOwner: Steve Burke Board members were asked to reveal ~ R Salance reviewed this project at a: at a site visit and a Landmarks Design Public Hearing Marville Eismen, a former resident of 1227 On a motion by demolition of the the boazd for two non- acated at 1227 have had on ihis item. blum reviewed this project of a Stay of Demolition. ~m, the Landmazks Preservation Advisory 1Yf to consider altematives to the ~ndum dated October 5, 2005 as findings of permit for 1227 %z High Street. ~g of a Landmark Alteration Certificate to replace 13 ~iting building located at 731 Spruce Street in the (HIS2005-00185~. Committee applicant. to reveal any ex parte contacts they may have had on this item. nd T. Plass reviewed this project at a Landmazks Design Review Salance visited the site and had and a phone conversation with the Public Hearing Kathrya Barnes, 2924 20~' St., spoke in favor of keeping the windows. J. Hewat gave an update on the 2224-2226 Peazl Street Stay of Demolition. Motion On a motion by T. Plass, seconded by L. May, the Landmarks Preservation Advisory Board denied (5-0) the request for a Landmazk Alteration Certificate for replacement of the nine historic windows on the west elevation, on the south elevation, and on the east facing gable, adopting the staff inemorandum dated October 5, 2005 as findings of the board. C. Public hearing and considerarion ot a Landmark Alteration Certificate to replace an existing asphalt shingle roof with a simulated slate roo5n erial on the contributing house at 2123 4`" Street in the Mapleton Hist Dis 'ct (HIS2005- 00186). ApplicanUOwner: Sam Dryden & Sandy Mcleod J This item was withdrawn. D. Public hearing and consideration of a rk Alte ion Certificate truct a 1~n story, two car garage with a total floo of q. ft at 543 M ne Street in the Highland Lawn Historic District 5-00 8~. ApplicanUOwner: Tom Re Board members were asked to reveal any cts they ma e had on this item. R Salance. T. Plass and N. Kornblum re wed at a s' visit. Public Hearing No one from the pu addre e board. Motion On a motion by L. Ruc Koro m, the Landmarks Preservation Advisory Board ap , R S opp uest for a Landmark Alteration Certificate for the co c io opos ge, adoptmg the staff inemorandum dated October 5, 2005 as mgs of the bo E. lic heariug a nside 'on of findings and recommendations of the accessory 'ng survey u aken in the Mapleton Hill Historic District. Prese • Lara msey & I{athryu Barth Public Hearing Carlo Persichetti, 5 Concord Ave. discussed the accessory building at 605 Concord Ave. Betty Woon, 4908 Meredith St., spoke about the property at 1105 Spruce Street. Bill Horton, 1818 Spruce St., discussed the modifications of individual surveys and the accessibility of the survey. MaryAnn Kreese, 1495 Sierra, quesrioned the intentions of the reseazchers. Joy Barrett, 611 Concord Ave., spoke on the definition of "deteriorating". She also discussed the cost of rehabilitation and future process of change. Peter Durks, 811 Mapleton Ave. spoke on the deteriorating conditions of building and questioned 6. MATTERS FROM THE LANDMARKS BOARD, PLANNING DEPARTMENT, AND CITY ATTORNEY The following items were discussed: -Code Changes -Energy Efficiency -Colorado Historical5ociety Grant -Board Training -Washington School -800 Arapahoe Ave. -Violations -Board Discussed process and role of The meeting adjourned at 10:57 Respectfully submitted, 4