Reported Historic Preservation Ordinance Violations 2004-2005Re orted Historic Preservation Ordinance Violations 2004-20 05 Street VIoltNon Application Signed by ; ti° ` a "^"~~„`- p Street Name Violation Date :~ Date Planning , L.A.C. Approved Unauthorized In 30-0ay cortection The restorztlon of the landmarked Drawings reviewed by DRC, stop Mapleton Hill 1928 6th Sc demolition of landmark 5~3 ~~Z005 ~ period house and new adduion. work order lifled 7/29/OS Pre-trial Conference held 06A 6/O5. Curtently awamng IB[Ori Hl~~ Z44~ MB 6th St. Unau[horized window ~~~Z~Z004 Summons Issued Restorztion of windows mformation as to whether p replacement restoative~ustice process will proceed. Original windows re-~nsulled on east and south eleva~ions - stuuco Mapleton Hill 2125 Sth St. Wmdow replacement Resolved replacement approved as part of uc 5'-tall wood fence at the rear of the properry and conceptually Mapleton Hill ZZZ~ g~h SL Fence Pending approved ihe construction of a reiaming wall at the sou[heast comer of the sire Mod~fications per full board approval da[ed 4.15.04 including Mapleton Hill 2515 eroadway Landscapmg & disable m Under ~nvesngation demo of work done and addiuon r^ p of lift [ower accompmied by rework of walkway and sfair Removal ofh~sroric Mapleton Hill 633 Maxwell Ave. Neckmounled gaage 7/12/2004 Under investiga[ion No LAC issued Summons [o be ~ssued. aoor Unauthonzed Owner has agreed to remove nine Mapleton Hill 9~ Mazwell Ave. landscaping & water 7/12/2004 Pendmg large boulders and to fill-in crcefk features ~d. Mapleton Hill 735 Pine SL Fentt Under Imeshgation M2pletonHill 327 SpruceSt. Unaulhonzed i £h d h Under Investigation Cons[rucnon ofrear/side add~tion (NIS-2003-0(Itt4) ono ouse emo t Rehabiliution and addition to Mapleton Hill 8~ Spruce SL Removal of Chimney Resolved house, LAC approved drawings included removal of chimney. M8P~0SOR Hlll 745 Highland Ave. f~Ce orized Deck and ~~ienoos Under Invesagation No LAC issued Rehabihtation ofexistmg alley DOWI1tOWII 1216 Pead SI. Dererionting alley Pendm g buildin B: <onstruclion ofnew Applicant is in process of buildmg residence above. Review m resolving zoning issues. progress. DOWIItpWR 1346 Pead SL Resolved