5C - Consideration of Landmark Alteration Certificate for the construction of a one-story, two-car 4MENIORANDUIVI August 3rd, 2005 TO: Landmarks Preservation Advisory Board FROM: Ruth McHeyser, Director of Long Range Planning James Hewat, Historic Preservation Planner Matteo Moore, Preservation Intern SUBJECT: Request to grant a Landmark Alteration Certificate for removal of an existing carport and construction of a 485 sq. ft one and one-half story, two car detached garage, for the property at 720 Mapleton Avenue, within the Mapleton Hill historic district. STATISTICS: l. Site: 720 Mapleton Avenue 2. Zoning: LR-E (Low Density Residential Established) 3. Owner: Joel Smiley 4. Applicant: Joel Smiley 5. Site Area: 7,000 sf 6. Proposed Building: 485 sf. total 7. Proposed Height: 19',7" SUNIMARY: • Received on July 17`h, 2005 this application calls for more than 340 sq.ft. of free standing, new construction and, as such, a public hearing is required (10.13.14(3)(b) of The Boulder Revised Code. • The restoration of the main house and construction of a two-story rear addition was approved by the design committee on April 26`h, 2005 • Staff considers the proposed new construction consistent with the criteria for a landmark alteration certificate as per Section 10.13.18 (b) of the Boulder Revised Code and Section 7.2 of the General Design Guidelines. • Staff recommends that the Landmarks Board approve the request for a Landmark Alteration Certificate for the construction of the proposed garage. BACKGROUND: On April 26~h, 2005, the design review committee reviewed and approved the restoration of the c.1905 four-square house ineluding removal of wide plank siding and the reconstruction of flared overhanging eaves and the front porch shown on the c.1929 tax assessor's photograph. The applicant is now requesting a landmark alteration certificate for the construction of a 485 sq. ft.., single-story, two-car, detached garage at the southeast corner of the lot. Memo to the Landmarks Preservation Advisory Board Re: Landmark Alteration Certificate for 437 Highland Avenue DESCRIPTION: Constructed about 1905, the two-story foursquare masonry and frame constructed house at 720 Mapleton features a low hip roof, north facing dormer, and east facing bay windows. The 1994 historic building inventory form (1994, Simmons) identified the house as being non-contributing to the Mapleton hill historic district as a result of non-historic alterations including the removal of the porch, the replacement of siding on upper walls, painted brick, addition of brick stairway, the rear addition with deck, the addition of shutters, and eave alterations. Staff considers that with the rehabilitation the applicant is planning including the re- construction of the front porch, reconstruction of eaves, the house will be considered to be a contributing resource to the Mapleton Hill Historic District. REQUEST: This proposal calls for the construction of a two-car garage at the southeast corner of the lot setback three feet in from the south and east property lines as required by zoning. Plans call for the garage to facing the ally and measure 22' by 22' syuare facing onto the back alley. The overhead '/Z-story attic space is shown to not to be usable space (See figure 3). Elevations indicate the detached garage will be 19',7" in height and contain about 485 square feet of usable space show. Elevations show the proposed garage to feature a hipped roof with a change in pitch faring at the eaves and extending out from the walls about 3'. The square form and low hip roof of the proposed design reference the foursquare design of the main house in its historic form (See figure 2.) The proposed garage is shown to be sided with 4" wood lap siding, a one panel door with glass to the north, simple windows and surrounds. Vehicle access to the garage is shown to be from the alley through two six-paneled overhead doors fitted with three fixed-light windows. A single double-hung window is shown to be centered on the west elevation facing the neighbor's detached garage with another single double-hung window and door divide the north elevation facing the house equally. The east elevation has no fenestration. -2- S:\PLAN\data\longrang~HlS'IIALTCERTS~Historic Districts\Mapleron Hi111mapleton.720UVt E M O R A N D U M.doc Memo To the Landmarks Preservation Advisory Board Re: Landmark AlteraTion Certificafe for 437 Highland Avenue _,.~._~...__._-• '- --- - - -• .-~-`---'__„_`-~-•-'_--~ . ~ ~ rr---- ~- - ~~ - - -• ~~ ~_ '~ -~~ ~_~ ~ ~~ ~~~ - - ~ ~ ~ _-_ ~_~_._._~ .~.____._ - , _---- ~ L~~;;~1 SO~~;:k-F~O1L ~Jf Figure 3. Proposed site plan. . --,~ _ '~ ,_- --~' -~ '-1 - -- { i ~ i T~'i, I I ~'- - '', -J~ ~I ~- -. --~,'i S~T~ELE'~TJON south elevation. r.;. .. _. ~QZ~.~ F~~orion _," Fie elevadon. 3 -3- S:~PLANWataUongrang~I-IIS'MLTCERTSU-Iisroric Districts~vSaplMOn Hill~mapleton.720Uv1 E M O R A N D U M.doc Memo fo the Landmarks Preservation Advisory Board Re: Landmark Alteration Certificate for 437 Hiqhland Avenue CRITERIA FOR THE BOARD'S DECISION: Subsection 10-13-18(b), B.R.C. 1981, sets forth the standards the Landmarks Board must apply when reviewing a request for a Landmark Alteration Certificate. (b) Neither the landmarks board nor the city council shall approve a landmark alteration certif:cate unless it meets the following conditions: (1) The proposed work preserves, enhances, or restores and does not damage or destroy the exterior architectural features of the landmark or the subject property . within an historic district, (2) The proposed work does not adversely affect the special character or special historical, architectural, or aesthetic interest or value of the tandmark and its site or the district; (3) The architectural sryle, arrangement, texture, color, arrangement of color, and materials used on existing and proposed structures are compatible with the character of the existing landmark and its site or the historic district; (4) With respeci to a proposal to demolish a building in an historic district, the proposed new construction to replace the buidding meets the requirements of paragraphs (b)(2) and (3) above. (c) In determining whether to approve a landmark atteration certificate, the tandmarks board shall consider the economic feasibility of alternatives, incorporation of energy-efficient design, and enhanced access for the disabled. r +,, -,..~-,..._ south ANALYSIS: The Historic Preservation Ordinance sets forth the standards the Landmazks Board must apply when reviewing a request for a Landmark Alteration Certificate. The Board has adopted the Generat Design Guidelines to help intetpret the historic preservation ordinance. The -4- S:~PLAN~dataVongrang~IilS'MLTCER7'SUiistoric Districts~fapleton Hill~mapkton.720uvf E M O R A N D U M.doc ~Ol.lT~iF~.E~LAIl4,~ Memo to ihe Landmarks Preservation Advisory Board Re: Landmark Alteration CeAificate for 437 Highland Avenue following is an analysis of the proposed demolition and new construction with respect to relevant guidelines. Design guidelines are intended to be used as an aid to appropriate design and not as a checklist of items for compliance. 7.2 New Accessory Buildings New accessory buildings should follow the character and pattem of historic accessory structures. While they should be take design clues from the primary structure, they must be subordinate to the primary structure in size, massing and detailing. Alley buildings should maintain a scale that is pleasattt to walk a[ong and comfortable for pedestrians. GUIDELINES: AIJALYSIS: CONFORMS .1 Is is inappropriate to introduce a new Construction of the new garage will not YES garage or accessory building if doing necessitate removal of an exisring so will detract from the overall historic building, and will not detract from the character of the principal building and historic character of the district. the site, or if it will require the removal of a significant historic building element or site feature, such . as a mature tree. .2 New garages and accessory buildings The building locarion is consistent with YES should generally be located at the rear historic patterns at rear of ]ot facing of the lot, respecting !he traditional onto alley. relationship of such buildings to the primary structure and the site. 3 Maintain adequate spacing between There is one other adjacent accessory YES accessory buildings so alleys do not building 25' to the west. evolve into tunnel-like passageways. .4 Preserve a backyard area between the The new garage does encroach upon YES house and the accessory buildings, garden space, but proportion of general maintainir~g the general proportion of proportion of built mass to open space built mass to open space found within consistent with immediate area. (See the area. figure 7). .5 New accessory structures should take The new structure is comparible with YES design cues from the primary structure the primary structure in terms of on the site, but be subordinate to it in architectural details and materials but is terms of size and massing. secondary to it in mass, scale and height. .6 New garages for single family The new one story building shelters two YES residences should generally be one cars. story tall and shelter no more than nvo cars. In some cases, a hvo-car garage may be inappropriate. -5- S:~PLANWataVongrangUiI57WLTCERTS~Flisroric Dis[rictsVNapleton Hill~mapleton.720Vv1 E M O R A N D U M.doc Memo to ihe Landmarks Preservafion Advisory Board Re: Landmork Alteration CerfificaTe for 437 Highland Avenue .7 Roofform and pitch should be The form and pitch of roof reference YES complimentary to the primary main house. structure. .8 Accessory structures should be simpler The proposed garage is simpler than YES in design and detail than the primary house in scale and detail. building. 9 Materials for new garages and Materials as proposed, including wood YES accessory structures should be lap siding, traditional wooden doors and compatible with those found on the windows aze appropriate. primary structure and in the district. Vinyl siding and prefabricated structures are inappropriate. .10 Windows, like all elements of The proportions, design and materials YES accessory structures, should be of proposed windows are generally simpler in detailing and smaller in appropriate. scale than similar elements on primary structures. , .11 If consistent with the architectural Not Applicable YES style and appropriately sized and tocated, dormers may be an appropriate way to increase storage space in garages. .12 Garage doors should be consistent Proposed paneled overhead wood door with the historic scale and materials of is consistent within the Mapleton Hill ~S traditionaI accessory stractures. Historic District. Wood is the most appropriate material and two smaller doors may be more appropriate than one large door. Staff considers the proposed garage appropriate in terms of site planning, mass, scale, materials, and detailing. As can be seen in the figure/field study, many of the other lots within the immediate neighborhood also have smaller backyazds due to the smaller lot size (see Attachment C: Figure Ground Study). The proposed footprint indicates it will be secondary to the main home and will be similar in size to other historic buildings in the area. At 19', 7" feet, the height is also within the range of other buildings on the alley. Materials proposed are all traditional and appropriate and reflecting similar materials used on the primary house. However, the proposed overhead paneled doors are not traditional for accessory buildings in the district. In all other respects, drawings indicate the detached gazage is planned to reference and be compatible with the main house and to be compatible to the alley-scape. -6- S:~PLANkIataVongrangU-IIS'MLTCERTSV-listonc Distric[sVvtapleton Hill~mapleton.720Uv1 E M O R A N D U M.doc Memo to the Landmarks Preservation Advisory Board Re: Landmark Alteration Certificate for 437 Highland Avenue ~ ~ ~ ~ 720 Mapleton Avenue ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ^ ^ ^ ~ ^ O ~ a Fi~ure 7. Location map showing proportion of built area to open space in immediate area. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Landmarks Board approve the request for a Landmark Alteration Certificate for the construction of the proposed garage. 7 FINDINGS: As per the recommendation outlined above, staff recommends that the Board adopt the following findings: l. The request for construction of a new garage is consistent with the Historic Preservation Ordinance as per Section 10.13.18 (b) of the Boulder Revised Code. 2. The proposed construction generally meets Section 7.2 of the General Design Guidelines. ATTACHMENTS: A: Historic Building Inventory Record B: Photos C: Figure Ground Study D: Plans: ^ Site Plan • East Elevation ^ North Elevation ^ West Elevation ^ South Elevation • Floor Plan -7- S:~PLAN\data\longrang\H1ST~ALTCERTS~I-Iistoric DistrictsWiapleton Hill~-napleton.7201M E M O R A N D U M.doc Attachment A ~ .~ - ~ N - r ~ nt...a"'----_ ~ ~ un~~ae""""____"" "'_"_'"__""' """_ _'___'_ '_ ____"__ .. "'"""'_""""""_"'""'I""""'"""""" '__""""" """""""_ ' '""'_'"_"'"""'_'_""'_~"_""_"""'"_" """'________'I" ' "__"'_. . __ __. . . "'__-_. ' - _ _ ._ _ _-. -_ . - _ -~- . -_. ` _ _ _ _ _ . TOTAI,----- $-- -- ------ ~----=--==---- $ ----------I, ' , -- ------- ~ --7 Ob~olESence--- ------- .-- ----_ - ; ---- - -I ' 9o Yhyaical [)ep. ~-', --- _ __ =-_ _ _. Net After Deducting ~ ~ 3- ' [)epreciation-----I3--------- --- 5--- •. ~ ' i ----°o Utility Uep.--I~-- ----- ---~ -- - . --- ~----------' PRI~:SENT VAT.UE--~~------ ---~- Ia -- ---~ , _ llHSCRIP'CION _.. _ - - ' ----- -- --------------I Clauy of Bldg,- ----------•--- --- liascment ----- ' Conatructiun - --------- ------IKu~;f---------- -------------- I Char. of Cuny[.~---------------.1[ieatink------- -- ---~- ------~ _ _ . . - Exteric~r- ----~'.-----------------;E'lum6in~ --- -- j 3li111h1.41tY ----.._ . __... -----. I,i •h ~ uNSC~:u°rio~ Interiur F'inish .------- -- ~. ~---- -- --------- --..i - _ _ _- Priv. GarA c. I liuildin~: P~•rruit U) I."'__"' i ~'-- --------------- I ~ Uri~;innl Cn,r, I~nF~ruc~~r~rnfn (h~ly >torte:~-------~'-----------------''Ra~rnx or Sheds . ----------- ~ . --- I .~d~litiuns and h:ottr~rni~•nts Fire Resistin ~ ----.--------- ,txte of Kep~ ; ----- - F . 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