5A - Consideration of application to designate c. 1904 Grubb house, 743 9th Street as local landmarkMEMORANDUM August 3~d, 2005 TO: Landmarks Preservation Advisory Board FROM: Ruth McHeyser, Director of Long Range Planning James Hewat, Preservation Planner Matteo Moore, Preservation Intem SUBJECT: Public hearing and consideration of a recommendation to City Council concerning a request for individual landmark status for the house and site at 743 9'" Street. STATISTICS 1. Site: 743 9'" Street 2. Zoning: LR-E (Low Density Residential - Established) 3. Owner: Daniela Clemons 4. Applicant: Daniela Clemons SUMMARY • The City has received an application for the designation of the c.1904 vernacular masonry/frame building at 734 9'" Street as a local historic landmark by the owner of the property. ^ The purpose of this item is for the Board to determine whether the proposed designation 743 9"' Street, conforms with the purposes and standards of Sections 10- 13-1 LegislaEive Infent and 10-13-3 Cify Counctl May designate Landmarks and Historic Districts of the Boulder Revised Code (BRC). • The property survives as an excellent example of vernacular masonry/frame construction with shingle, colonial revival, and Craftsman bungalow stylistic elements and meets Architectural Significance Criteria 1 Recognized Period/Style for individual landmark designation. ^ The house enhances the variety, interest, and sense of identity of the community and meets Environmental Significance Criteria, 5 Area Integrity for individual landmark designation ^ Staff recommends that the Board find that the designation of the house at 743 9'n Street conforms with Sections 10-13-1 and 10-13-3 ot the Boulder Revised Code and that it recommend to City Council the approval of the application for landmark designation, adopting the staff inemorandum as findings. Memo to the Landmarks Preservation Advisory Board Re: Individual Landmarlc Designation, 743 9'" Street BACKGROUND On June 6th, 2005, the Planning Department received an application to initiate landmark designation for the building located at 743 9"' Street by the property owner, Daniela Clemons (see Attachrnerit A: Landrrtark Application). THE BOARD'S DECISION: Section 10-13-5 (c) Pithlic Hearing Before the Lartdrrtarks Board, of the historic preservation ordinance specifies that in their review of an application for local landmark designation, "the landmarks board shall determine whether the proposed designation conforms with the purposes and standards in Sections 10-13-1 Le~qislative Iritenf, and 10-13-3 City Counci! May Designate Laridmarks nrtd Historic Districts". The Board may approve, approve with modifications, or disapprove the application. Findings must be adopted within 30 days of the hearing date. Should the Board disapprove the application, the Board must notice City Council of that action within Eourteen days oE the hearing date. City Council may call up a decision disapproving a designation. Should an application be disapproved, the same application may not be submitted for a period of one year. If the Board finds that the proposed designation conEorms to Sections 10-13-1 and 10-13-3 oE the code, it shall adopt specific Eindings and conclusions approving or modifying and approving the application. If the board approves the proposed designation the application will be forwarded to the City Council (within 90 days) for a ptiblic hearing. DESCRIPTION The building at 743 9~h Street is a one and a half-story, 1,521 square-Eoot house located on the west side of 9"' Street between Baseline Road and Cascade Avenue. Situated on a 6,335 sq. ft. lot in the potential University Hill Local Historic District, the lot is of average size for this Low Density Residential (LR-E) zoned area. S:~PLAN`dataUongrang\HIST~Landmarks\9thJ43\LPABMemo-August 3.20QS.doc Memo to the Landmarks Preservation Advisory Board Re: Individual Landmark Designation, 743 9'" Street PoleMial Univers~ry Hdl Lo~l H~slonc D~strict Historic District Figure 1. Location Map Stylistically, the one and one-half story hoL~se can be described as vernacular masonry/Erame with classical-revival, shingle style, and craftsman elements. The first Eloor walls are constructed oE brick Lipon a Eield stone foundation with the upper half- story oE Erame construction sheathed in cedar shingle. Essentially symmetrical in form, the east Eacing fa~ade features a one-story full width porch supported by attenuated classically inspired (Doric order) columns. The porch is accessed by a centrally located concrete steps flanked by a low fieldstone wall enclosing the porch. A centrally located gable extends toward the street from the main side-gable, salt box form rooE. The roof Eeatures widely overhanging eaves with exposed rafter taiis and knee braces characteristic oE Craftsman bungalow architecture. Painted cedar shingles cover the upper-story and flare slightly where they intersect with, and overlap the first-Eloor brick. S:~PLAN`data\longrang`H[S~Landmarks\9th.7~13~LPABh1emo-August 3.3005.doc Figure 2. 743 9'h Street, 1929 Figure 3. 743 9~h Street, 2005 Memo to the Landmarks Preservation Advisory Board Re: Individual Landmark Designa6on, 743 9`" Street Originally square in Eorm, the footprint became more irregular with the 1946 addition of a one-story stone garage addition at the rear (west) elevation of the house. The 1929 Tax Assessor photograph indicates that the small ftat roof kitchen addition at the south and west side of the house had been constructed by that time. A building permit search documents the 1954 addition of the rear facing dormer (Figure 4.) In addition, limited window changes on the west and south addition appear to have occurred during this remodel of the house. The house is in good ~ondition, relatively unaltered and, as such, retains a high degree of historic integrity. ARCHITECTURAL SIGNIFICANCE: ANALYSIS OF LANDMARK ELIGIBILITY SIGNIFICANCE FOR DESIGNATION AS AN INDIVIDUAL LANDMARK UNDER CRITERIA ADOPTED AS ADMINISTRATIVE POLICY,1975 Staff considers the house at 743 9"' Street to have historic suEficient significance for designation as an individual landmark under the criteria for Architectural and Environmental significance, adopted by administrative policy in 1975 (see attachment D). A. Historic Significance: 1. Date of Construction: Estimated to have been constructed about 1904, the building is over fifty years old and survives as an excellent, historically intact example of vernacular architecture dating from the turn-of-the-twentieth century. S:\PLAN~data~longrang\HIST\Landmarks~9th.743~LPABMemo-August 3.2005.doc Figure 4. 7~3 9~h Street, 2005 (1949 garage addition and 1954 dormer) Memo to the Landmarks Preservation Advisory Board Re: Individual Landmark DesignaGon, 743 9`" Street Association with Historic Persons or Events: The property appears to have functioned as rental housing from 1916 until 1954 when it was purchased and occupied by Ball Bros. Research photographer, John B. Quick. From 1921 to 1927, the house was occupied by widely known Boulder grocer and businessman, J.B, Sloss. There is no evidence to suggest that any persons associated with this property are oE local, state, or national historic significance. 3. Distinction in the development of the community oE Boulder: The property is located in the potential University Hill local historic district and would be considered a contributing resource to this district. The expanded University Hill historic district has been identified in the Boulder Valley Comprehensive Plan as an area eligible Eor local historic district designation. 4. Recognition by Authorities: A 1992 historic survey of the building by Front Range Research Associates (Aftachment A) characterized the level of change as moderate. A 2001 resurvey of the area (Attachrnent B) identifies the building as potentially contributing to the potential expanded potential University Hill local historic district. No exterior changes to the building have occurred since that time B. Architectural Significance: 1. Recognized Period or Style: Vernacular masonry/frame Vernacular buildings generally lack architectural ornamentation that would distinguish a speciEic style. Instead, they are categorized by roof shape and floor plan. While categorized as vernacular, the house at 743 9~" exhibits stylistic characteristics deriving from classical revival, shingle, and Craftsman idioms. Character-defining features on the house include intersecting gable roofs, a symmetrical fa~ade, Craftsman inspired wide overhanging eaves with rafter tails and knee braces, decorative shingle siding, a full width porch, classical-revival (Doric order) columns, rusticated stonework, and one-over-one, double hung sash (set into segmental arch openings on the first floor). The rear, 1949 garage addition is an interesting vernacular one-story field stone construction and can also be considered a historic character-deEining feature of the property. Mature landscaping is in evidence on the property including large fir and deciduous trees. S:IPLAN`data~longrang`HIST1Landmarks\9th.743~LPABMemo-August 3?005.doc Memo to the Landmarks Preservation Advisory Board Re: Individual Landmarlc Designation, 743 9`" Street 743 9th Street survives as a well-preserved example of vernacular masonry/frame construction with neo-classical, shingle, and Craftsman stylistic elements. While there have been additions to the house over time, the house survives intact and retains a high degree of historic integrity. Staff considers the house to meet Architectural Significance Criteria 1 Recognized Period/Style for individual landmark designation as an excellent representative example of vernacular masonry/frame architecture as identified in the Guide to Colorado's Historic Architecture and Engineeririg, 2003 with neo-classical, shingle, and Craftsman stylistic elements as illustrated in Virginia and Lee McAlester's A Field Guide to American Houses, 1990. C. Environmental Significance: In 1992, a survey of approximately 350 properties within the University Hill neighborhood was completed. That survey concluded that the area bounded College Avenue on the north, Baseline on the south, Broadway on the east, and the east side oF 9th Street was eligible for designation as both a National Register and local historic district.' Originally platted as the Chautauqua Heights addition, the area west of 9t'' Street to Grant Avenue between Pleasant and Baseline (and identified as the expanded University Hill Historic District}, was determined to be eligible only for local district designation. 743 9t'' Street is located in this expanded potential local historic district and because of its high degree of historic integrity, would be designated a contributing ~ The information in this section is taken primarily from the 1992 Universiry Hil! Sirrvey Report by Front Range Research Associates. S:\PLAN\data\longrang\HlSTlLandmarks\9th.743\LPABMemo-August 3.2005.doc 6 Figure 5. East elevation, under porch Figure 6. 5outheast corner Memo to the Landmarks Preservation Advisory Board Re: Individual Landmark Designation, 743 9`" Street resource if the district were designated. As such, the property has importance in providing continuity on the 700 block of 9~'' Street, and to the potential University Hill Residential local historic district as a whole. The Year 2000 Major Update to the Boulder Valley Comprehensive Plan adopted a map identifying this potential historic district (see figure 1). The Chautauqua Heights addition of the University Hill neighborhood in which the subject property is located, was platted in 1902 by Charles H. Cheney who in 1910 was appointed treasurer of the University of Colorado and later president of the First National Bank of Boulder. Developed to provide housing for the growing city, the area was served by a streetcar line which ran along 9~'' Street connecting the area with downtown Boulder. Not surprisingly, many of the area's original residents were associated including teaching and administrative staff with the university. However, the neighborhood was far enough from the campus that it did not attract student boarding and the fraternity and sorority houses that the more northerly areas oE University Hill did. Stylistically the houses in the immediate reflect prevailing architectural tastes of the early twentieth-century middle class architecture including Edwardian vernacular, colonial revival, Tudor revival, and Craftsman bungalow. The house at 743 9'h Street contributes to the character of the potential expanded University Hill Residential Historic District. While relatively simple in design and detailing, the house is a well-preserved and indicative example of vernacular masonry/frame architecture from the early period oE development in the Geneva Park Addition of the expanded potential University Hill historic district. Staff cvnsiders the house to enhance the variety, interest, and sense of identity oE the community and to meet Architectural SigniEicanee Criteria 1 Recogriized Period/St~le and Environmental Significance Criteria, 5 Area Irttegrity for individLial landmark designation. RF,CONINIENDATION StafE recommends that the Landmarks Board recommend to City Council that the building and its site located at 743 9~'' Street (as shown in Exhibit F) be designated as an individual landmark under the City of Boulder's historic preservation code, Sections 10- 13-1 Legislative Itttent, and 10-13-3 City Courtcil Ma~ Designate Lartdrrtarks arid Historic Districts", adopting the staff inemorandum detailing the significance criteria as findings of the Board. S:~PLAN~,data~longrang~H[ST,Landmarks\9th.743~LPABltemo-August 3.2005.doc Memo to the Landmarks Preservation Advisory Board Re: Individual Landmark Designation, 743 9'" Street ATTACHMENTS Attachment A: Landmark Application Attachment B: 1992 Historic Survey Form Attachment C: 2001 Historic Re-survey Form Attachment D: Significance Criteria for Individual Landmarks Attachment E: 1923 Map of Boulder Attachment F: Map of Landmark boundary Attachment G: Tax Assessor cards, Deed research, City Directory research Attachment H: Current photographs S:\PLANWataVongrang~E1IS"I\Landmarks\9th.743\LPABMemo-August 3.2005.doc $ Attachment B _o~auco xtsrattu~ saterr ~ff~ce ot Arc!faeo~ogy eM Mtiror~c P^eservac;c^ '300 Broaoisy, Denver, Cotoraoo 80203 5"=:C SUILDING INVEMTORT RECORD I - ...~ ..... ..~.=USE Elipible Nanin~tad _ Dei. Not Etipible Certified Re~~b. au - ~ aaOJECT MAl1E: Boulder Survey :f M~~ton c Plocea, ' LOUMir: Cltt: lo b STATE ID MO.: 581.I502 1992 Bouloer er u . TEMPORART NO.: 1461-36-~•18-006 ~ IXAtREMT BUfLDING MAME: OYMER: CIEMDNS DAMIEU 741 VTN LT tWLOER CO EOS02 ~ODRESS: 7iJ 9TN 5T ~ou~oer, CO E0302 TOHIISNIV 7M MMGE 77Y SECTIOM 36 SE 1/4 SE 1/4 NIS70RIC NMIE: U.S.G.S. OILID NAME: Boulder, Glo. . YFAR: 7966 (VR147G) % 7.5~ 15' 2 L B 7-8 OT(S) LOCK: : DISTRICT NAME: MDITION: thautau¢~s Meiqhte YR. OF ADDITION: 1902 fILM ROIL NO.: 92•7 NEWTIVE MO.: LOCATION OF NEWTIVES: DATE OF COIISTRUCTION: BY: Roper 4TiSeere 10 , Boultler Ci Pl . ESTINA7E: ACTUAL: ?90: SQIRCE: ~ I. Boulder Canty Asxssor _ 'F' Y , 1 ~'~` ~~''-~' -~~ . `.F~ ! ~ '-~1+-t:_ . '~$" ~ ~: `~ i . PRESENT: ~ ~b Retidenee ~ MISTORIC: Reaidenee = Cp1D1TI0N: I EXCELLENT % G000 FAIR DETERIORATING ~ E%TENT OF ALTERATIONS: ~ a ;,~± MINOR X MODERATE MAJOR DESCRIBE: Shed roof addition on south side. CONTIWEO YES X NO STYLE: Edrardien Vernaalar STORIES: ORIGIMAL SITE % MOVED 1-1R DATE(S) OF lIOVE: MATERIALS: Brick, Yood, Stone SC. FOOTAGE: NATfONAL REGISTER ELIGIBILITY 7521 1NDIVIDUAI: TES % MO IUtCXITECTURAL DESCRIPTION: Qx-snd-e•half-smry dullinp rith caabined brick erW uoad•shinpted exterion CONTRIBUTING TO DISTRICT: Side-pebled roof ~ith overhenpirp ewe~ rith br~ekets rd expo~cE r~fters, rd TES MO lsrpe cmtrsl Bebte. Covered porth nQported by woden Dorie eot~s tet an ~pGL LANdNRK DESIGNATidI: Mo ttone rall. Centrol door flankeA bY t/1 dablrh~n9 ~i~a ~itA cepemtsl ~rchec rd atone sills. Tro brick Mi~neyc. Atphalt roof. ~~ " " DATE: ASSOCIATED BUfLDIMG57 YES X MO TTPE: If INYENTORIED, LIST ID NOS.: GONTINUEDT YES X NO ADGITIOMAL GAGES; ~Ei % MO ~ ._ • ~ ~ .~y -. ;~~,,.: i •":lta`-7~^_•ti-~i~`;x. _, e `^ - ., DIAN SHAPE: ARCNITECT:~ STATE ID NO.: SBL3502 I Unkrov~ ORIGINAI ONNER: UnltnO~n SOURCf: ~ i ~ t • SOURCEc ~ ~ , BUILDERlCONTRIILTOR: ~ ~ , l.Mikmn ~ ~ i - . . , ,~ . . i ~ i TNENE(S): , i , ' i; I i SOURCE: Urben Residentiel Netphborhoodc, ' ' ~ ' i ' 1858-present C~NSTRUCTION H15T6RC (DESCR[VTION, NAMES, DASES, ETC., RELAiING SO MAJOR ~~TERASIOMS TO ORIGINAL STRUCiURE): CONTiNUED YES X NO HISTORIGL BACKGROUND (DISQISS IMPORTANT VERSONS AND EVEMTS ASSOCIATED YITH THIS SiRUCNRE): Sne Boultler [ity Directory of 1916 iists Ed+artl B. and Edith V. Gr~b as residentc of 743 9tA Stfeet. After that, the occupants change yearly tntil 7426. CONTiNUED tES X NO SIGNWICANCE (CNECK APPROPRIATE CATECAR[ES ANU 6RIEFLY JUSTIFC BELOY): ARCHITECTURAL SIGNIFJCANCE: NISTORIGL SiGNIF1CANCE: REPRESENTS THE YOR% OF A NASTER ASSOCIATED YITX SIGNIFICANT VERSONS POSSESSES HIGH ARTISTiG VALUES ASSOC[ATED YITN SIGNIFICANT EVENTS 01t VATiERNS % REPRESENTS A TYPE, PERiOD, OR METX00 OF CONSTRUCTION CONTRIBUTES TO AN HISTORIC OfSTR[CT STATEMENT Of S1GNIiICANCE: This ~ouse esmQlities Ediardian Verrocvlar architecture, as reflected in the brick and sAinpled YBII6~ porM witb Unssscel colums, and aeyaentel erched ~indi~s. CONTINUED YES % NO REFERENCES (BE SPECIFIC}: Boulder County Assessor records; Boulder City Directory, 7916; Boulder Cernegie library, Boulde~ Canry Assessor eallectim CONTINUED YES % NO SURVEYED 8Y: C. Shew McLaughlin/L. Simmons AFFILIATIOM: front Range Research Rssoeiates, Inc. DATE: Apr. 1992 ~ ~ Attachment C Address: 743 9TH ST Boulder, Colorado COLORADO CULTURAL RESOURCE SURVEY Cultural Resource Re-evaluation Form 1. Resource Number: SBL3502 2. Temp. Resource Number: 3. Attachments (Check as many as apply) ^ Photographs ^ Site sketch map ~ U.S.G.S. map photocopy u Other ^ Other 4. Offical determination OAHP USE ONLY ^ Detertnined Eiigible ^ Determined Not Eligibfe ^ Need Data ^ Nominated ^ Listed ^ Contributing to N.R. Distrid ^ Not Contributing to N.R. District 5. Resource Name: 6. Purpose ot this current site visit Resurvey 7. Previous Recordi~gs Front Range Research Assoc. Apr 1992 Sa. Changes or Additions to Previous Descriptions: 8b. Square Footage ~SZi 9. Changes in Conditio~: 10a. Changes to Location or Size Informatio 10b. UTM Coordinates: 13 475911E 442763N 11. Changes in Ownership: CLEMONS DANIELA 743 9TH ST BOULDER CO 80302 12. Other Changes, Additions or Observations 13. Eligibiliry Assesment: Individual: National Register: Not Eligible Local Landmark: Not Efigibte District: National Register: Contributing Local: Contributing-restorabie Local Landmark: 14. Managment Recommendations: NIA ~~ Address 743 9TH ST Resource Number: SBL3502 Temp. Resource Number Cultural Resource Re-evaluation Form page 2 oF 2 15. Photograph Types and Numbers: Type: b8w Roll No: 01- D Frame No: 77 16. Artifact and Field Documentation Storage Location N/A 17. Report Title: University Hill Resurvey 18: Recorder(s): Kathryn Howes Barth, AIA; Lara Ramsey 19: Date(s): Oct 2001 20: Recorder Affiliation: Kathryn Howes 8arth, AIA; Ramsey Planning and Preservation Attach Photo and Map if Extensively Altered Colorado Historical Saciery, Office of Archaeology and Histaic PreservaGon 7300 Broadway, Denver, CO 80203 ~7 Attachment D Landmark Preservation Advisory Board Adopted 9/17/75 - ,~~ ~ ~ ~,~tl',~ "Ie "~~ Secretury to the Board SIGNIFICANCE CRITERIA Individual Landmark September 1975 On September 6, 1974, the City Council adopted Ordinance #4000 providing procedures for the designation of Landmarks and Historic Districts in the City of Boulder. The purpose of the ordinance is the preservation of the City's permitted cultUral, historic, and architectural heritage. The Landmarks Board is permitted by the ordinance to adopt rules and regulations as it deems necessary for its own organization and procedures. The following Significance Criteria have been adopted by the Board to help evaluate each potential designation in a consistent and equitable manner. Historical Sienificance The place (building, site, area) should show character, interest or value as part of the development, heritage, or cultural characteristics of the community, state or nation; be the site of -• a historic, or prehistoric event that had an effect upon society; or exemplify te cultural, political, economic, or social heritage of the community. Date of Construction: This area of consideration places particular importance on the age of the structure. Association with Historical Persons or Events: This association could be national, state, or local. Distinction in the Develoament of the Communitv of Boulder: This is most applicable to an institution (religious, educational, civic, etc) or business structure, though is some cases residences might qualify. It stresses the importance of preserving those places which demonstrate the growth during different time spans in the history of Boulder, in order to maintain an awareness of our cultural, economic, social or political heritage. 4. Recoenition bv Authorities: If it is recognized by Historic Boulder, Inc. the Boulder Historical Society, local historians (Barker, Crossen, Frink, Gladden, Paddock, Schooland, etc), State Historical Society, The Improvement of Boulder, Colorado by F.L. Olmsted, or others in published form as having historical interest and value. ~ 04.OSsignif-indiv Page 1 of 3 ~ ~. Architectural Sienificance The place should embody those distinguishing characteristics of an architectural type specimen, a good example of the common; be the work of an architect or master builder, known nationally, state-wide, or locally, and perhaps whose work has inFluenced later development; contain elements of architectural design, detail, materials or craftsmanship which represent a significant innovation; or be a fine example of the uncommon. Recoenized Period/Stvle: It should exemplify specific elements of an architectural period/style, ie: Victorian, Revival styles, such as described by Nistoric American Building Sinvev Criteria, Ging.erbread Aee (Maass), 76 Boulder Homes (Barkar), The Historv of Architectural Stvle (Marcus/Wiffin), Architecture in San Francisco (Gebhard et al), History of Architecture (Flectcher), Architecture/Colorado, and any other published source of universal or local analysis of "style." 2. Architect or Builder of Prominence: A good example of the work of an architect or builder who is recognized for expertise in his field nationally, state-w~ide, or locally. 3. Artistic Merit A skillful integration of design, material, and color which is of excellent visual quality and/or demonstrates superior craftsmanship. 4. Example of the Uncommon: Elements of architectural design, details, or crafrsmanship that are representati~•e of a significant innovation. :;_y ~ 5. Indieenous Qualities: A style or material that is particularly associated with the Boulder area. 6. Other, if applicable. Environmental Significance The place should enhance the variety, interest, and sense of identity of the community by the protection of [he unique natural and man-made environment. Site Characteristics: It should be of high quality in terms of planned or natural vegetation. Comnatibilitv with Site: Consideration will be given to scale, massing placement, or other qualities of design with respect to its site. 3. Geographic Importance: Due to its unique location or singular physical characteristics, it represents an established and familiar visual feature of the 04.OSsignif-indiv Page 2 of 3 i r community. 4. Environmental Appropriateness: The surroundings are complementary and/or it is situated in a manner particularly suited to its function. 5. Area Inteeriri: Places which provide historical, architectural, or environmental importance and continuity of an existing condition, although taken singularly or out of context might not qualify under other criteria. 6. Other, ifapplicable. S:~PLAi~data\ComdevV-IISTGEN~DesignationWbout Landmarks\signif crit-indiv.wpd : a'. 'JF 04.OSsignif-indiv Page 3 of 3 o • Attachment E ---------------~ ~ . ~ . , • . ~ crrr oF , _ , - -....- i ; BOG'LDER . - - ---r , a . ~ ~ ,._ '~ --- COLORADO j'^6/ ... _, ~[` .'W; i' ~~~~ 'v o.~ I TIIis 1923 map of Boulder identifies subdiv~sions, ~transportatton ~- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ + ; ~ . ~~ ' systems, public buildings, and university buildings within the - ~_' ~~~i , p ~ city. Source: Carnegie Branch Library for Local riistory. _ .~ ~?..=_~ ~:n `~~ o~ ~_~ii,~TJ~ ~i; t0 M~~~ ' __ ".~..,-~,..,. ~ ~.K..,.... ~i__-' 30 `:. _-r:~ '` _'_ __ --~ Lt I ~ - .. ....-. ,. ~ ... ~ I :. ilL 4 „` , (~ c-a : .. _.......,.. q; .~-., r ~~ : ' 1 _ .l-,-;~~~.~._ N .~ I _, r ,~ ~r~,~ ~ I $ ~ ~ ~ y4 g § Qt ~_~.".~$._ ~ I L ~e~"'~,Il~~.oo ~ oi~ . .. ~.~-_~ _~~ -- -- --=i---~ ~ -~°° .~ - µy ~ .. ~ -'~~ i i `„ , ~ -. _i., ,r..;...7„'~;,,M~„.4-B.; " H ~ ~ ..,:~-~.',~,'r~---.- ' ~,!~y-~jl: : c--~ r`:-=tf^^.r--,~i--;-- ~ ~,-s-`i:_~~~~-~-~e~ v~41i°l`;-~~ 1. -t .•, ,' ~ ~.e_ f,.ie~~~~IC ST_ __.'~'~7?L1~--*_.s -. ___~_ _.._ __ ~'~ ' .-._} z""i' j .~_.. %n~R ~1 ~e ~ `~~J}~-m - _.y~ ~_ .___ __.- ~ ,. b~ ~' _ , v" ~F, ~ x-~ ... v ` ' _.. ; `': i R A' ~' - _ l~ ~~ `~ ii e~c1__as r_~(-. 8, r,~~•u ~[ D :C. 'A' _- _" ~~~ 6~5'i__-~,.-"~% s T~~t~'"jl'y ~ ~I~ _ ~ ~-I~rr ~ P~.v r.~~r` "r ! . • ' __~ _-~.}".%:___:' ; - . " - i `i _ "' r, -~~~ , ~C , ` -: .. 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( ) HISTORIC INVENTORY RECORD: ( ) SANBORN INSURANCE MAP: ( ) MARDEN MAP: ( ) ADDITION/PLAT MAP: ( ) BUILDING PERMI'CS: ( ) ASSESSOR CARD: ( ) PROPERTY DEEDS: ( ) ZOIJING (from MapLink): ( ) DAILY CAMERA CLIPPINGS: ( ) GLADDEN REFERENCE BOOKS: ( ) PHOTOGRAPHS: ( ) HISTORIC CONTEXT REPORT: O FIELD GUIDE TO AMERICAN HOUSES: ( ) GUIDE TO COLORADO ARCHITECTURE: POLK'S CITY & COUNTY DIRECTORIES BUSN IR69 C[TY 1871 BUSN 1882 CITY 1883 CNTY 1892 CNTY 1896 CN'CY 1898 CITY 1901 CITY I903 CNTY 1904 CITY 1905 CITY 1906-07 CITY 1908 CITY 1911 CITY 1913 CNTY 1916 CNTY 1918 ~ - i ' BUSN 1918 " CNTY 1921 CN'IY 1923 CNTY 1926 CNTY 1928 CNTY 1930 CNTY 1932 CNTY 1935 CNTY 193G CITY 1938 CNTY 1940 BUSN 1940 CITY 1943 CITY 1946 CNTY 1947 CITY 1949 ' GTY 1951 POLK'S DIRECTORY LISTINGS (CONTINUEDI CITY 1953 I CITY I955 0. ~ '- - C[TY 1956 CITY 1958 CITY 1959 CITY I960 " CITY 1961 CITY 1962 CTTY 1963 ~` - CITI' t464 i - CITY 1965 I CITY 1966 `` CITY 1967 CTTY 1968 CITY 1969 CITY 1970 CITY 1971 CITY 1972 CITY 1973 CITY 1974 CITY 1975 CITY 1976 CITY 1977 CITY 1978 CITY 1979 CITY I980 CITY 1981 CITY 1983 CITY 1984 CITY 1985-86 CITY 1987 CITY !988-89 CITY 1989-90 CITY 1990-91 CITY 1991 BLDR 1992 BLDR 1993 DNVR 1994 BLDR 1995 BLDR 1996 CITY 1997 CITY I997-98 CITY 1998•99 CITY 1999-00 CI'CY 2000-01 CITY 2001 CI"CY 2002 CITY 2003 NOTES: ~ f Slo~s Etected Trustee ~ D~~~~e~0,0.F.' J. B. $loss a~as elected trustee ot Boulder' Odd ~Fellows Movday night succeeding Willis R. Colllns, Who declined re-electiou. The lodge conferred the second,degree uDOn three candidates andwvill give the Wird degree next Monday. A meeting of all committees on the Grand Lodge to 6e held here next Yall will be held Javuary -5. The commi,ttee is compoaed of members from th'e Odd Fellowa and 6oth Rebekah lodges.' John Allar- dice is geaeral chairman. ~~- ~ Y-~3 'J.- . S oss, Vl~idely Kn.own Retired Businessman, Dies i T. B. Sloss, promineat aad poyu- lar residept o! Boulder aince I926, died in communlty hoapital- thie nooa. His deat6 toUowed that ot h!s wife, Sarah, by two yeari, 6er ~ death occurring November 18, 1Y57. They wera married in Guthrle Center, Ia., March 9, 1909. ~ Mr. Slosa was bom 1p Pennsql- vanta fa 188t and moved to Guthrte la his youth. ,During hW f~rst ysu In Boutder, 1420, he was a motes• ~ maa for the street car comyaay, ~Then he served as a salesman'tor the~Rawlins and Watlrins Co., and later engaged~in carpenter work. , ~ In 192d he engag~ In the ato:1 cery buelaess at 1 Peul; later becama a partnar o! the IaCe Ralpd MontBomeryl in the oyeraNon ot a YrocerY at 1839 Broadway and ~118E8-estabIished a atore ak?S3B' $roadway. a. Uyon retiring from the graeery . 6uaiaeas Mr. Slass'enaaged in t6e, real estate -busiaeea. Tqrougbout' ' his residence in Houlder 6e had been acUve in the I.O.O.F., bolding a11 ot its•oPPicea. 8efore coming W Boulder he served for elght _years on the school board at CaloY, Ia., w4ere he ivas liv1nQ when he ~~ moved to Boulder. - Surviving Mr. Sloss are a daugh- - -- ter, Mrs. HaFold (Elsie) McEl- dowaey,~and two sons, Noble and, Eldon Sloss. There ue alyp two grandchildren; three siatera, Mra. Estelle Rutherford ot Guthrle Cea• ter, Ia.; M~a. Anna Marlow M Stewart, Ia., and Mrs. Maagie ~ R'hetstone of Casey, 1a.; and'two brathers, Sam Slosa of Casey and, ' Ro6ezt Sloas o! Gutdrle Center. ; Fuaeral arrangementv ue !a charQe of Howe Mortuary, ., _, \_. Z ci ~ ^~` W !"'i ~ :J ~ ~ Q ~ ~~5+. l .~ i. ~:L...~ :