5E - Consideration of a Landmark Alteration Certificate to modify divided light windows on the build1- MEMORANDUM July 6th, 2005 TO: Landmarks Preservation Advisory Board FROM: Ruth McHeyser, Director of Long Range Planning Matteo Moore, Historic Preservation Intern James Hewat, Historic Preservation Planner SUBJECT: Public hearing and consideration of a Landmark Alteration Certificate to retrofit divided light windows with thermal pane glass at 834 Maxwell Avenue in the Mapleton Hill Historic District (HIS2005-00112) STATISTICS: 1. Site: 834 Maxwell Avenue 2. Historic District: Mapleton Hill 3. Zoning: LR-E (Low Density Residential Established) 4. Applicant: Miles and Jennifer Sullivan 5. Date of Construction: c.1910. 6. Historic Name(s): Henry Knaus 7. Request: Retrofit historic windows with "Bi-Glass° system. SUMMARY: • This item was referred to the full Board by the Design Review Committee in May of 2005. ~ The Henry Knaus house at 834 Maxwell Avenue is a contributing resource to the Mapleton Hill Historic District. ~ The proposed "Bi-Glass" retrofit of windows will preserve original window casings, stiles, rails, and interior muntins. ^ Staff conditionally considers the proposed retrofit of the windows, consistent with Sections 3.7 (Windows), and 8.2 (Energy Efficiency)of the General Design Guidelines, and 10-13-18(a)£~r(b)(1-4) of the Boulder Revised Code. S:NLAN\dataVongrang\HIS"MLTCERTS\tlis[onc DistnctsU1aple~on HiIIVvlazwe11.834\07.06.05 memo.doc 2- BACKGROUND: In May of 2005, the application to retrofit the existing eight sets of existing sash with the "Bi-Glass" system was reviewed by the Design Review Committee. The Committee considered that being a new technology and that there was a significant amount of new material being introduced as a result of the retrofit, that the full Board should consider the application for consistency with the General Design Gtcidelines for Historic Districts and Individual Landmarks. PROPERTY HISTORY: The one and one-story house at 834 Maxwell Avenue is thought to have been constructed about 1910. That year it is listed as having been owned by Henry Knaus, a foreman in the Boulder rail yard. According to the 1993 historic survey form completed by Front Range Associates, the house was probably altered sometime during the 1920s. Stylistically this is consistent with the stucco finish and casement windows in question. The house is considered to be a contributing building to the Mapleton Hill Historic District. IZEQUEST: The applicant proposes to retrofit the eight pairs of Eour light, wood windows with the "Bi-Glass" system. Through this process, the glass and glazing putty is removed and the exterior muntin shaved oEf. The window frame (stile, rails, and remaining muntins) are then stripped and routed out to allow for thermal pane 5:\PLAN\datallongrang~HISTIALTCERTS\Historic Districts\Mapleton Hi111Maxwell.834\07.06.05 memo.doc Figure 1. 834 Maxwell Avenue, June, 2005. 3- glass to be installed. The new glass is set against the interior muntins. The glass that is installed is essentially simulated divided light with a shadow bar between the glass to follow the pattern of the interior muntin and the new applied exterior miintin. While the glass and exterior mtintin and putty are removed, the frames, interior muntins, and window casings are preserved. The following is an analysis of the proposal's compliance with design the applicable design guidelines: Section 3.7 Wirtdows, Stornt Windows, an~ Shutters, of the General Design Guic~elirtes states that "Repair of historic windows is always preEerred within a rehabilitation project. Replacement should only be considered as a last resort. Guideline .3 of this Section goes on to state that, "Repair rather than replace the functional and decorative features of original windows through recognized preservation methods. If replacement of a feature is necessary, replace only the deteriorated feature in kind rather than the entire unit, matching the materials, design and dimensions of the original." Guideline 8 goes also directs that, "If a window that is divided into several panes of glass must be replaced, a similar true-divided-light window that matches the dimensions, profile and detailing of the original is most appropriate. High qua(ity simulated-divided-light windows may be allowed if they maintain the muntin size of the original window." S:~PLANWata~•lungrang~HfS'T1AI.TCERTS~Ilistoric Districts\Mapleton HiIl~M1laxwe11.834`.07.06.05 memo.doc Cigure 2. 834 Maxwell Avenue, Side Elevation -4- Section 8.2 of the General Design Guidelines states that, "Energy conservation is a growing concern for property owners today. In the historic districts it is important to ensure that such concerns are addressed in ways that do not damage or diminish the historic character of the building, site or district." None of the guidelines specifically addresses the potential of retrofitting historic windows with systems such as the proposed "Bi-Glass'. BOARD'S DECISION: The Historic Preservation Ordinance specifies that a Landmark Alteration Permit may not be approved by the Board or City Council unless it meets the conditions specified in Section 10-13-18 B.R.C. Specifically: (a) The landmarks board and the city council shall not approve an application for a landmark alteration certificate unless each such agency finds that the proposed work is consistent with the purposes of this chapter. (b) Neither the landmarks board nor the city council shall approve a landmark alteration certificate unless it meets the following conditions: (1) The proposed work preserves, enhances, or restores and does not damage or destroy the exterior architectural features of the landmark or the subject property within an historic district; (2) The proposed work does not adversely affect the special character or special historical, architectural, or aesthetic interest or value of the landmark and its site or the district; (3) The architectural style, arrangement, texture, color, arrangement of color, and materials used on existing and proposed structures are compatible with the character of the existing landmark and its site or the historic district. In this case because of the simple four-light character of the casement sash in question, staff considers the proposed retrofit of the windows with the "Bi- Glass' system as appropriate and in compliance with the guidelines as the majority of the historic material casing, stiles, rails, and interior muntins will be preserved. While the loss of exterior puttied muntins is somewhat inconsistent with Section 3.7.1 of the General Design Guidelines, if the new applied muntins dimensions very closely match the original, the Bi-Glass system may be S.~PLAN~dataVongrangVilS"MLTCERTS~}iistoric DistnctsVNapleton HdIVNazweI1.834~07.06.05 mertw.doc -5- appropriate. This is consistent with the Secretary of the Interior's Standards for Rehabilitation which generally allows for such replication, provided the new element (in this case the exterior muntin) is within'la' of the original. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board conditionally approve the retrofit of the eight pairs of four light wood casement based upon the findings below. The recommended conditions are: ^ That the original window casing, stiles, rails, and window pattern will be retained and that; ~ The new applied exterior muntins match the profile of the existing in shape, profile, and dimension to at least'/4 of the existing casement sash. FINDINGS: With the conditions outlined above, the proposed retrofit simple four light casement windows with the "Bi-Glass° system at 834 Maxwell Avenue will be consistent with the purposes and standards of the Historic Preservation Ordinance in that: The retrofit of the windows will not adversely affect the exterior features of the contributing house or the special character of the Mapleton Hill District (10-13-18,(b)1-2, B.R.C). 2. The proposed retrofit of the windows complies with Sections 3.7 (Windows) and 8.2 9(Energy Efficiency)of the General Design Guidelines, adopted by the Landmarks Board as Administrative Regulations, and the Historic Preservation ordinance, Section 10-13-18,(b)3, of the Boulder Revised Code. ATTACHMENTS: A: Historic Inventory Form B: Information on "Bi-Glass° system C: Photographs S:~PLANWata\longrang\HISTALTCERTS\Histodc Dis~nctsVNapleton HiIIVvlazwell.834\0~.06.05 memo.dw COIORADO HISTORICAL SOCIETY Office of Archaeology and HisSOric Preservation '1300 Broadway, Denver, Colorado 80203 MSSTORIC BUILDING INVENTORY RECORD Attachment A NOT FOR FIELD USE _ Eligible Nominatcd Det. Not Eligible _ Certified Rehab. Date PROJECT NRME: Boulder Survey of Historic COUNTY: CITY: STATE ID NO.: SBL4026 Places-Narthern Mapteton Hill, 1993 Boulder Boulder Tier EvaluaTion, '1996 TEMPORARY NO.: '1461-25-4-02-004 CURRENT BUILDSNG NqME: 011NER: DOME GERAIDINE M 834 MAXYEIL AVE BOULDER CO 80304 ADDRESS: 834 MA%WELL AV BOULDER CO 80304 TOYNSHIP 1N RANGE 71Y SECTION 25 NE 1/4 SE 1/4 H15TORIC NAME: U.S.G.S. OUAD NAME: Boulder, Colo. ' 15' YEAR: 9966 (PR1979) X 7.5 OCK LOT(S): DISiRl[T NAME: Mapteton Mill : BL ADDITtON: Mapleton YR. OF ADDITSON: 1888 F1LM ROLL NO.: 93-6 NEGATIVE NO.: LOCATION OF NEGATIVES: DRTE OF CONSTRUCTION: BY: Roger Whitacre 10 Boulder Ciiy Ping. ES7IMATE: '1910 ACTUAL: SOURCE: Census Index ~ ' ~ USE: PRESENT: Residential ~ ! _ • H15TORIC: /~\ Residential ~ ~ ~ ~ ~A ~ ~ `""~f'~1Fp'~'~f - . - , , iw \ CONDITION: _- rv _ EXCELLENT X GOOD RATING j ~ fAIR DETERIO , .~ ~ .n,r.:.FB }; -- rti• ~ •'x ' . E%TENT OF ALTERATIONS: -- MINOR X MODERATE MRJOR ~ DESCRIBE: House appea~s to have been altered in _J 1920s, including addition of casement ~ ~` • Windous, gabled hood, and stucco. ' Atcached garage. [arpet on porch. - _ Rear addition. - ~ _ '. CONTINUED YES X NO K y + STYLE: Bungalow .. _..___. ORIGINAL SITE X MOVED ~ DRTE(5) OF MOVE: MATERIAlS: Stucco, Hood, CemenC 5f~. FOOTRGE: NATIONRL REGISTER ELIGIOILITY 1070 INDIVIDUPL: YES X NO ARCHITECTURAI DESCRIPTION: One-sSOry frame duelling uiCh stuccoed ezterior on concrete foundaiion. Side- CONTRIBUTING TO DISTRICT: eaves and bled roof with overhan in Gabled hood above off- osed rafters ex x YES No g g ga . p center entry is supported by wood brackets. Paneled-and-gtazed front daor. Multi- LOCAL LRNDMpRK DESIGNATION: Yes lighc oasement uindows. Stuccoed brick end chimney. Attached garage. N~ME: City of Boul., ND82-1 DRTE: 10-7-1982 ASSOCIATED BUILDINGS? X YES NO TYPE: Actached Garage IF INVENTORIED, LIST ID NOS.: CONTINUED? YES X NO ADDITIONAL PAGES: VES X NO ~ ~ PL AN S HR PE : pRCHITEtT: STATE ID NO.: SBL4026 I Unknown ORIGINAL OYNER: Unknoun SOURCE: SOURCE: BUILDER/CONTRACTOR: Unknoun - THEtlE(5): SOUR[E: Urban ResidenSial Neighborhoods, 1858-present CONSTRUCTION HISTORY (DESCRIPTION~ NAMES, DATES, ETC., RELRiIN6 TO MAJOR ALTERAT10N5 TO ORIGINAL STRU[TURE): [ONTINUED YES X NO HISTORICAL BACKGROUND (DISCU55 IMPORTANT PERSONS AND EVENTS ASSOCIATED YITH THIS STRUCTURE): The ~910 U.S. Census indicated that Henry V. Knaus, a foreman in the railroad yard, lived here with his wife, Lillian. In 1913, Charles Y. and Ella M. [ochra~ resided here. Cochran's occupation is listed as "collr" (collector? collier?). Adam A. and Josephine Dome ouned the house in the 1940s. CONTINUED YES % NO SiGNIFICANCE CCHECK RPPROPRIATE [ATEGORlES AND BRIEFLY JUSTIFY BELOU): RRCNITECTURAL SIGNIFICANCE: HISTORICAL SIGNIFICRNCE: REPRESENTS THE 40RK OF A MASTER ASSOCIRTED WITH SIGNIFICANT PERSONS POSSESSES HIGH ~RTI5T1[ VAIUES ASSOCIATED YITH SIGNIFICANT EVENTS OR PATTERNS X REPRESENTS R TYPE, PERIOD, OR METHOD OF CONSTRUCTION X CONTRIBUTES TO AN HISTORIC DISTRICT TIER EYALURTION: Contributing 9uildirrg-Restorable STATEMENT OF SIGNIFICRNCE: This house reflects BungaloW style details, including the overhanging eaves wiih ezposed rafters, the multt-light casemeni uindovs, end the gabled entrance hood. CONTINt1ED YES X NO REfERENCES (BE SPECiiIU : Boulder County Assessor information; Boulder Carnegie Library, Boulder County Rssessor collection; Commonvealth Land Ti[le Ins. [o. records; Boulder [ity Direetories; Boulder Daily Camera biographical files; U.S. Census, 1910. CONTINUED YES X NO SURVEYED 9Y: C. Shau McLaughtin AFFILIATION: Front Range Research Associates, Inc. DATE: Jan. 1993 ~ ~J" 4 EASY STEPS TO ENERGY EFPICIENT WOOD WINDOWS PEATURES • Energy etlicient Low E double-paned glass. • Compressnblejambliner provides airtight fi~ aroimd Game. • 1\ew tracks permit easy glide, fingertip control. • New hardware enables window to til[ m and ~ remove for eary cleanuig and painting. • Original appearance of your home is We carefully meacure main[ained. your wmdows and fabrica[e the glass. START ENJO~'IVG CO~IFORT & BEAUTY RIGHT ~~5~'AY ~6e itstall Bi-Glass wmdo~vs all ycar rouud. Gall today ibr an appointment and frre eztimnte. 2 810-879-6614 The old sash is taken $j-Glass S}~tems oC Sou[heas[ \Iichigan out, cavities m the } 160 Brocker Road &ame are insula~ed, \II -481~5 \Ie[:~mora andnewtracke,~re , installed 3 S~~h i+ rcmo~ rd. tal.cn m mobdr u u~ A~hop. i r- rou[ed and ue~v dou6le- pened ~•Li~. n mtiialled VA'eathrr tiu ippmg n nddrd. 4 Fini+hrd,~+eathrrvuGht sash u installed m your homc, readv (or pamting. / ~ , . : ~7a7 ~ ~ Attachment B BrGWSS Syslems rs a regalareU VaEemarx ol BrGlass Sys~ems Inc WE MAKE YOUR WINDOWS NEW AGAIN Now there is a way ro com•ert your cold and drafty wuod windows into great looking wood windows without the expense of buying ne~~. Using a special parented syscem, Bi-Glass turns your old sash into an ener~y e~icient window It's an inexpensive solution for fogged double-paned windows, roo. BECAUSE WOOD LOOKS GOOD If you have an older or historic home, chances are you wodt want to alter its o~rrall appearance ~.~ith replacement windo~~s. ~M1'ith the Bi-Glass sy-stem, qou can maintain the integrih~ of your architecture ~chile increasing property ~~alue. Bi-Glass is approced for use in many historic C~IS[TiC[S, [oo. Low E glass reduces ultra v~ole[ light, minimizing the (ading of drapes, upholsrery and carpenng. LIKE GETTING ENERGY FOR FREE Fifteen to 5~ percent oC the energy lost in vour home is through your windows. Cracks, openings and loose fitting windows can be the equivalent to a[hree foot hole in your exterior wall. This loss can be reducrd tremendously by using double-pane insulated Low E glass which cu[s the amounl of heat loss through conduc[ion and radiation. Bi-Glass insularedjambliners will fm'thcr reduce heat loss because the~~ drastically cut air in(ilvacion. AND THE SAVINGS ADD UP In summeq Bi-Glass helps bbck thr u'ans~er of hcat tn ~~uur hume's imcnor Io Accp n cooler end eas~er to a~r mndi[ion In ~~ mte~, t6r ~wi ti lu~rcr posmon m the sk~ scnds more direct I~,qM mto your humc Bi-Glaen mc~ ihis fier ~ource uC ene~g~', l.eeping 334o mu~c hrat mvde cnur homr ~hau i e~nJar Glasn In addition to sa~~ing on hea~ing and cooling bills, you can sa~~e hundreds of dollars on installation. Viny~, aluminum, ~.ooden and wood-clad replacement windows are more costly in general because they replace the entire window. Bi-Glass replaces only what needs replacing, and that saves money. ALL SIZES, ~ SHAPES 3 STYLES Our s~~stem works with ~ double-hung windows, casc- ~~, ment windows, awning and pict~re windows, too. Odd ,~'. „~> shapce and sizes are no problem. F.ven multi-paned ti~indo~cs hecome energy efTcicnt with the Bi-Glass sys-tem. The interior muniins (grill work) are retained and exterior muntins ean be applied to maintain the classic ]ook of thc original window. ~ ~~~1,.., ` - r ~ ~~~ . , I , ~ EASY, CLEAN AND FAST No more stuck windo~cc, because the Bi-Glaes svstrm installs ncw tracks Cor casr glide, fii~gerup mntrol. It's thr end oC cleaning hxs5les, too, because speciall}' installed hard~care nllo~s ~uur uindows ~o tilt in tor eas}- clceming. :1nd ~~odll be able to enjo}~ }our nr~v windo~+~s right away, since ~cc can inuall~- comrrt the windows in thc a~rrugr homc in a dav or t~vo. 1'uw horoc ~ta~. cleanrr durm~; installuuuu. becau}e nll in,~jur cuumg and fabn~~aunn is pedormrd on machinerp mountcd m a mubile ~rork~hop brought ~o your aite... [he mess goes home with us « LANDMARK ALTERATION CERTIFICATE•APPLICATION Date Submitted: Apri118, 2005 Property Address: 834 Maxwell District: Mapletoa Hill Landmark name: Applicant name: Phaenix Window Restoration, Inc. Mobile Phone: 303-870-7709 Fax: Offce Phone: 303-744-3452 Relationship to project (e.g., architect, connaccor): contractor 303-778-9487 ApplicanYs Mailing Address: 12061 Pennsylvania, Unit A107 Property owner's name: Miles & Jennifer Sullivan Day-Time Phone: 303-447-7774 *Property owner's tull address: 834 Maxwell, Boulder CO *This information is required in order to fully process this application. To assist us in reviewing your project, please provide a project description in the space provided below. Include all of the exterior alterations proposed for the property. Please bring the completed application with you to your first design review meeting. If you have questions, or to schedule an appointment for review, please contact 303-441-4293. We look forward to working with you on your proposa!! Pl'oleCt DeSCC'tpt'lon Please list all exterior alterations proposed for the property. Please refer to photos attached. Note, these windows and hardware are being paint stripped and sanded, so the sash have already been pulled From the frames. A-(16) casement sash with 4lights, all with three horizontal muntin: to improve energy efficiency and living comfort, these casement style window sash with single pane glass to receive the Bi-Glass System~ conversion, including 1/2" Low E double pane glass and compression bulb weather-stripping applied to the perimeter sash stop. All original sash, interior/exterior wood frame, and trim to be retained. For the horizontal muntin pattem, the interiar profiled muntin will be retained; a beveled hard wood muntin will be permanently applied to the exterior glass; and a bronze spacer matching the grill pattern will be inserted inside the glass unit to simulate divided lights. B-(1) aluminum sliding window to be replaced with a custom traditional style wood casement sash with 1/2" Low E double pane, tempered glass and compression bulb weather-stripping applied to the perimeter sash stop. The stained glass panel in the photo will be sealed inside the double pane unit. All original interior/exterior wood frame and trim to be retained. C- (1) casement sash with 4 lights, one horizontal muntin and one vertical muntin: this casement style window sash with single pane glass to receive the Bi-Glass System~ conversion, including 1/2" Low E double pane glass and compression bulb weather-stripping applied to the perimeter sash stop. All original sash, interior/exterior wood frame, and trim to be retained. For the horizontal muntin pattern, the interior profiled muntin will be retained; a beveled hard wood muntin will be permanently applied to the exterior glass; and a bronze spacer matching the grill pattem will be inserted inside the glass unit to simulate divided lights. I~ 10.02-LACappl Page 1 of 2 TVpe of Alteration Please check all that apply. New Addition _New Garage** Demolition** X Window(s) Door _Fence _New Roof _Roof Repair Ot6er (please specify): **Requires a public hearing Deck _Dormer(s) _Skylight(s) _Paint _Porch Reauired: ~ size (in square feet) d existing square feet posed additional square feet ~ting height posed height 10.02-LACappl Paee 2 of 2 What to Bring to Yoccr Review Please bring this completed application form and the materials listed below to the desigr- review meeting. To make the most of your design review, it must illustrate what you have in mind very clearly and accurately. Final crpproval cannot be given withotst tlie required documentation listed belotiv. The following documentation is required to initiate 'conceptual' review by the Design Review Committee• X Photographs (photos of existing building and surrounding context) Drawings (sketches or scaled drawings of the proposal) The followin~ documentation is required for final review aad approval: Scaled site plans Elevations (usually 1/4" = 1' scale) Materials (brick/stone samples) Colors (paint/stain color chip) Photographs (photos of existing building all sides and surrounding context) Manufacturer's/catalogue "tear" sheet For fences, please bring drawings to scale showing dimensions, including spacing between rails. It is also helpful if you provide: Building sections Floor plans Committee Comments about the Proposal: Next Steps No Study model (additions) Public Hearing? Yes rI,he Design Review Committee cannot deny an altcration application, however, any o~ie Committee member can require a full-board hearing. I~ 10.02-LACappl Page 3 of 2 Attachment C 7