2 - Minutes, 6/1/05CITY OF BOULDER LANDMARKS PRESERVATION ADVISORY BOARD MINUTES June 1, 2005 Council Chambers Municipal Building 1777 Broadway 6 p.m. The following are the action minutes of the June 1, 2005; City of Boulder Landmarks Preservation Advisory Board meeting. A permanent~set of these minutes and a tape recording (maintained for a period of seven years~ is tetained in Central Records (telephone: 303-441-3043). You may also listen to`the minutes vi2 the City of Boulder website at: ~vw~~+.ci.boulder,c_o us/plannin~/Iandmarks/agendas;6 1 04:1i~m ,: ~ ~~,~~ ... BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: ~~~;', ; ~3~ ~~'~~~'~ Nancy Kornblum Tim Plass ' Leland Rucker Rory Salance ~ ~ BOARD MEMBERS EXCUSED, ABSEPI~ ; .,. ~ Leonard May " STAFF MEMBETt$=~'~2ESENT: Sue E11ecrHarrison, City Attomey James Hewaf; Preservation Planner 1." ~:3:. CALL TO ~)1tAER Tfieroll havirig;l~een called, Chair R. Salance declared a quorum at 6 p.m. and the following business was conducted: 2. ELECTXON OF CHAIR AND VICE-CHAIR T. Plass was elected Chair. L. Rucker`- was elected Vice-Chair. 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The board approved the minutes of the May 4, 2005 meeting, as amended. 3. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION Donna Werner requested that the board lift stay of demolition for 2924 11`h Street. N. Kornblum made a motion to give staff and the applicant the opportunity to meet and explore alternatives prior to the June 15`h mid-month meeting. Carlo Persichetti thanked the board and staff for supporting him with his application for a vacation of right-of-way at 605 Concord. 4. DISCUSSION OF LANDMARK ALTERATION AND DEMOLITION APPLICATIONS ISSUED AND PENDING There was no discussion of Landmark Alteration and Demolition applications issued and pending. 5. ACTION ITEMS A. Public hearing and consideration of a recommendation to City Council regarding designation of 1802 Canyon Boulevard as a locally designated Historic Landmark (HIS2005-00081). Applicant: Landmarks Preservation Advisory Board Board members were asked to reveal any e..z parte contacts they may have had on this item. and reviewed this project at a Design Review Committee meeting. Public Hearing Monica Costello, 1105 33`d, spoka.in Favor of the application to landmark the house. ,. Gail Gray, on behalf of Historic Boulder, 646 Peazl, spoke in favor of the application to landmark the house. Norman Murp6y, 1802 Canyon, spoke in favor of the application to landmark the house. Motion On a motion by L. Rucker, seconded by N. Kornblum, the Landmarks Preservation Advisory Board recommended (4-p, L. May excused absent) that the stay of demolition `and application for landmarking of 1802 Canyon (HIS2005-00081) be continued for a period of up:ta one calendaz year, adopting the staff inemorandum dated June 1, 2005 as findings ofthe.bdard. ,$.. Public hearing and consideration of a demolition permit appiication for a non- landmarked buildings over 50 years in age (constructed 1910 & 1918 ) at 864 14~h Street and 876 14~n Street, as per Section 10-13-23 of the Boulder Revised Code (HIS2005-00041). Applicant/Owner: St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Church Board members were asked to reveal any ex parte contacts they may have had on tkis item. and reviewed this project at a Design Review Committee meeting. Carey Petri, Slater-Paull and Assoc., Denver, representing the applicant, stated that the applicant does not consider the buildings to be eligible for landmark designation, nor did the surveys of 1992 and 2002. Phyllis I{lein, 881 14~h Street, commented on the historic significance of the houses and her desire to keep the neighborhood residential. Thomas Goodhue, member of the St. Thomas Aquinas congregation, said church was part of the neighborhood but the church needs to expand. Ruth Schrock, 81614`h Street, spoke in opposition of the proposed demolition. Jyotsna Raj, 863 14~h' Street spoke in opposition of the proposed demolition Monica Costello, ll05 33rd, spoke in favor of the demolitiozl. '; ; ~;', Gail Gray, on behalf of Historic Boulder, 646 Pearl, spoke i~:~'ayor of issuing a stay of demolition. ~ ~ ' ~~3 Jan Otto, 960 Lincoln, spoke in favor of issuing a stay of demolition. '~;: :,: Motion On a motion by L. Rucker, seconded by N. Karablum, the Landmarks Preservation Advisory Board issued (3-1, R. Salance opposed,'LrMay excused absent) a 180 day stay of demolition for the buildings at 864, 876, 878 14`h Street (HIS2005-00041), adopting the staff inemorandum dated June2, 24(TS as findings of the board. The board noted that 876 14`h Street may be'eligible basedupon the architectutal and historic chazacter of the house and its relation to the neighborhood. C. Public hearin~ and consideration of a Landmark Alteration Certificate for the co~tstruction o~ a twastory house with tloor area of 4,825 sq. ft. at 1710 Hilr§ide Avenue in the Hillside Historic District (HIS2005-00100). ,:, , f ~. Appl~cant/Owne'r: ~Richard' .4.'Lefconrt ~.. This item w~S:,a?vithdrawn by the applicant. 6. MATTEIL$ FROIVI THE LANDMARKS BOARD, PLANNING " DEPAR'FMENT, AND CITY ATTORNEY 7. ' . 'DEBRIEN~ MEETING/CALENDAR CHECK 8. Al?JOURNMENT The meeting adjoumed at 8:30 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Approved on July 6, 2005 Chairperson