6B - Consideration of a demolition permit application for a non-landmarked buildings over 50 years iMEMORANDUM June i°', 2005 TO: Landmarks Preservation Advisory Board FROM: Ruth McHeyser, Director of Long Range Planning James Hewat, Historic Preservation Planner SUBJECT: Public hearing and consideration of demolition permit applications for the demolition of the houses located at 864 14w Street (HIS2005- 00083) and 876&878 14'" Street (HIS2005-00084), pursuant to Section 10-13-23 B.R.C. for non-landmarked buildings over fifty years old. STATISTICS: 1. Site: 2. Zoning: 3. Owner/Applicant: 4. Lot Size: 5. Date of Construction: 6. Current Building SF: 86414"' Street, 87614'h Street. LRE (Low Density Residential Established) St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Church 18,769 sq. ft. (876 & 87814'~ St.), 6401sq. ft. (86414~" St.) ca. 1913, 1918,1935. 1700 sq. ft., 250 sq. ft., 1000 sq. ft., 600 sq. ft. SUMMARY: The three buildings to be demolished are neither in a historic district nor locally landmarked, but are over fifty years old and meet the criteria for demolition defined under Section 10-13-23 B.R.C. These items were referred to the full Board for a public hearing on April 27"', 2005 as a result of a determination of "probable cause ' that three of the buildings at 864, 876, and 87814`" Street may be eligible for landmark designation. Constructed in 1911, the Washburn House at 86414'" Street is an excellent and well-preserved example of Craftsman Bungalow construction a period of growth in the University Place Addition and for its association with homer Washburn, a person of local historic significance. It is staff's opinion that it does have historic significance under the criteria set forth in Section 10-13-23(g) of the B.R.C. and the Individual Landmark Significance Criteria (1975). Constructed about 1935, the rear building at 87814'h Street is a good representative example of vernacular architecture. It is staff's opinion that S:~PLAN~data\longrang~I-IIST1Demos\14th 864 and 876\06A1.05 memo.doc it does has historic significance under the criteria set forth in SeCtion 10-13- 23(g) of the B.R.C. and the Individual Landfnark Significance Criteria (1975). ~ Staff considers the Washbum House and the rear building at 87814'h Street to relat to the character of the neighborhood as an established and definable area. ^ Staff recommends that 180-day stays of the issuance of a demolition permit be imposed for the houses at 864 and 87814'h Street. ^ Constructed in 1918, the Craftsman Bungalow Holcomb House at 87614'" Street no longer has historic integrity due to c.1960s changes to the fa~ade including infill of the porch and window replacement. ^ It is staff's opinion that 87614~h Street does not have historic significance and its demolition would not have an adverse impact on the neighborhood under the criteria set forth in Section 10-13-23(g) of the B.R.C. and the Individual Landmark Significance Criteria (1975). ^ Staff recommends that the building permit be issued for 87614~h Street and a stay of demolition not be imposed. BACKGROUND: The design review committee's decision that there was "probable cause', that the three of the four buildings at 864, 876, & 87814~" Street may be eligible for designation as individual landmarks requires, that this item be reviewed in a public hearing as per Section 10-13-23(g) of the Boulder Revised Code. In this regard, the Board's decision is limited to determining whether the building has historic significance under the relevant criteria and whether or not to impose a Stay of Demolition on the property. The redevelopment proposal for these properties include the demolition of three buildirigs to make way for an addition to the St. T'homas Aquinas Church located at the corner of 14th Street and Aurora Avenue. Because the new construction is in a LR-E (Low Density Residential) zone, it will be required to go through the city's Site Review process in order to gain the added intensity of use and parking requirement reduction needed. One of the criteria for Site Review is consistency with Boulder Valley Comprehensive Plan policies. Policy 2.30 of the Comprehensive Plan states that historic resources should be protected when impacted by a Site Review application. The city has regularly required the designation of significant historic resources as a condition of Site Review approval. To date, no application for Site has been made by the applicant. S:~PLAN\data\IoneraneV-IIST~Demos\14th 864 and 876\06.01.05 memo.doc 2 Fig. 1. a) 864 14~h Street b) 876 14~h 5treet c) t5/6 14T° ~treet ~rearJ PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: 86414'" Street The approximately 6,400 square foot lot on which the house stands, is located on the east side of 14t'' Street between Aurora and Cascade Avenues (block 22 of the original University Place Addition). The approximately 1700 sq. ft., one-story main house is of wood frame construction and Craftsman Bungalow in form. The level of alteration to the original house is low; a 1929 tax assessor photograph of the west elevation shows the house to be virtually identical to the building today. Character defining features of this house include its square massing, low-hip roof, full-width engaged front porch with projecting gable roof form over the porch entrance. The house features wide overhanging eaves supported by elongated rafter tails and knee brace craftsman brackets. Three sets of doubled wood porch supports are supported by brick piers and separated by graceful round arches. ,~ a ~ r ~; - ~ , ,.. ~~ , .. -~ ,~'' ~ ry~ ' j-;~:~4'r- ~"~~~~~~r j . ~ ' /11~ ~~ ' - ' / . ' ~~ _ ! ~ ~ ~ ~ / _ ! ,~~y ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~~1 ~ ' '~''~n~ ; ~ r1 ^ 'I~y ~I l ^. M1, , ~ ~_ . ~ ~ ~. ~ •~ ~ ~ . . ~ " ~~Y' L 3 =r~~~~ ~9A ;. 1, ,~t , ~ . ' -+ ~. , r ~, .. s ' ' ` ,. ~*~ ~_' ,',~ -- S ~~ . wr'^~~y,,a;,. ' ' ~s.f ~ _' _ . ~. ~ . ~ ~ ' _ . _. '~~ _ ~ ~iw~ ~ n ~ ~y..`aM~.. .us ° a, r t Figure 2. 864 14~~~ Street, 1929 Tax Assessor photograph S:~PLAIV~data\longranglHIST~Demos\14th 864 and 876\06.01.05 memo.doc 3 w ~ ~. °'~"-' ~.. ~ Figure 3. 864 14~h Street, 2005 The house features six-over-one, double hung windows, brick construction, and painted shingle accents on the dormers. Two additions have constructed at the back of the house where the grade drops oEf steeply. A two-story, freestanding frame garage and attached carport of relatively recent construction (also slated for demolition) is located at the rear (east) of the property on the alley. The property is simply landscaped, though features several mature trees.\ 87614"' Street S:IPLAN\data\longranglHISTIDemos\14th 864 and 876\06.01.05 memo.doc Figure 4. 86414~h Street, south (east) elevation . . ,,. ' . , . .~ y ~ The two houses slated for demolition are located at the south end of the 18,000 sq. ft. lot and share the parcel with the St. Thomas Aquinas Church. Plans call for the complete removal of both buildings to make way for the church addition. The principal house is oriented to 14~h Street while the accessory building is located at the back of the property and oriented to the alley. ;~: ~ Principal House. The one-story main house at 87614t'' Street is approximately 1200 sq. ft. in size, constructed of brick and Craftsman Bungalow in form with its projecting front porch gable and wide overhanging eaves. While of a similar vintage of the adjacent house at 86414~'' Street, the detailing is more modest with its brick piers and stick work motif on the front gable. An interesting feature of the house is the delicately carved rafter tails which carry the eaves troughs on the north and sides of the house (fig. 5). S:~PLANldata\longrang~HIST\Demos\14th 864 and 876106.01.05 memo.doc The 1929 tax assessor (Eig.4) indicates that considerable remodeling to the fa~ade of the house has occurred over the years including the infilling of the open porch with a frame construction sheathed in wide exposure clapboards. In addition, the original six over one, double-hung windows have been replaced with 1960s aluminium slider windows. The window change appears to have occurred at approximately the same period as the porch infill. 87814'h Street (Rear House). The rear house is a small one-story, side gable vernacular frame building constructed upon a rubble masonry foundation and sheathed with painted shingle. A rubble stone chimney, the gable end, and lean-to shed addition dominate the building's (east) alley elevation. The rear house is fenestrated with four over one, double hung wood sash. While no historic photographs of the rear building could be found, the house appears to have experienced relatively little change since its construction. The one modification appears to be the construction of the lean-to addition over the east facing door. CRITERIA FOR THE BOARD'S DECISION: The Historic Preservation ordinance specifies that the Landmarks Board shall consider and base its decision whether or not to impose a stay of demolition upon any of the following criteria [10-13-23(g)]: (1) The eligibilit~ of the building for designation as an individtcal landmark consistent with the purposes c~nd standczrds in Sections 10-13-1 and 10-13-3, B.R.C. 1981; (2) The reiationship of the bticilding to the character of the rteighborhood as an established and definable area; (3) The reasonable condition of the building; and (4) The reasonnble projected ~ost of restoration or repair. In considering tlte condition of the building and the projected cost of restoration or repair as set forth in paragraphs (3) and (4) above, the board may not consider deterioration caused by unreasonable neglect. As detailed below, staff considers that the buildings may be eligible for designation as individual landmarks. S:IPLANIdata\lom~ran~~I-IIST\Demos114th 864 and 876\06.01.05 memo.doc No evidence has been provided suggesting that the condition of the buildings or the cost of restoration or repair (criteria 3 and 4) are factors in the request for their demolition. As such, staff concentrated on criteria 1 and 2, the building's eligibility for landmark designation and its relationship to the character of the neighborhood, in the analysis below. NEIGHBORHOOD HISTORY The University Place Addition, which originally ran from Sixth through Eighteenth Streets and from College to Baseline Road, was first platted in 1890 by the Denver and Boulder Land Investment Company. Development of the area was interrupted by the 1893 Panic but resumed in 1898 with the continuing growth of the City and the ongoing enlargement of the adjacent university. Steady growth in the neighborhood continued into the first decade oE the twentieth century as evidenced by the construction of the University Hill School. The area attracted proEessors and employees of the university and during the 1910s and 1920s the majority of lots were built on to house the growing population of Boulder. Containing over 800 buildings, the University Hill Residential area has been identified as a potential historic district in the Boulder Valley Comprehensive Plan. PROPERTY HISTORY 86414'h Street From 1913 to 1946 Homer C. Washburn is listed as having owned and resided on the property. The 1952 City Directory lists the house as having been occupied by George W. Danmer and between 1955 indicates that Karl H. Stahl resided on the property. The Tax assessor card gives the date of construction oE 864 14~h Street as 1910. The property was sold to the church by Matthew Hecht and Mary Olson in 2002. 87614'h Street The County directory lists H.B. Holcomb as living on the property until 1936 when Wayne Hubbell a representative for the Acacia Mutual Life Insurance Company resided there. The directories list Hubbell's business as operating out of the house which might indicate that these activities were being operated from the rear house. Construction and finish of the rear house (including the four over one windows), indicate that it may have been constructed during the 1930s. In 1960 Roy Reed is listed as living on the property. Sometime during the 1960s, the Catholic church acquired the property. ANALYSIS OF LANDMARK ELIGIBILITY 10-13-23(g)(1): Eligibility of the Building as an Individual Landmark. 56414~ Street Staff considers the house at 86414'h Street to have historic sufficient significance for designation as an individual landmark under the criterion for Architectural Significance(A) & Historic Significance(B), adopted by administrative policy in 1975 (see attachment B). Furthermore staff is of the opinion that the house is a well-preserved example of early-twentieth century Craftsman Bungalow mnstruction in the University Hill neighborhood. A. Historic Significance: 1. Date of Construction: Constructed about 1910, the subject property is over fifty years and retains historic integrity as an example of Craftsman Bungalow construction from that period. The adjacent garage is less than 50 years in age, and as such, is not subject to this review. 2. Association with Historic Persons or Events: Homer C. Washburn was the Dean of the School of Pharmacy and founder of that college at the University of Colorado in 1911. Washburn was the captain of Troop D of the National Guard and overseer of the construction of the Armory on University Avenue in Boulder. He served in the Spanish-American War as well as WW I and was a member of the draft Board during WW II. lived on the property for over 50 years. Washburn lived on the property for at least 34 years. The documentary evidence suggests that Homer Washburn is a person of significance to the history of Boulder. 3. Distinction in the development of the community of Boulder: None 4. Recognition by Authorities: Identified as a Contributing property to proposed University Hill Residential historic district in both 1991 survey and 2002 resurvey. B. Architectural Significance: 1. Recognized Period or Style: Craftsman Bungalow. The house at 86414'" Street is a well-preserved example of Craftsman Bungalow architecture. Its low-hip roof, wide overhanging eaves, rafter tails, and knee brackets are reminiscent of architecture of this manner, however its round arch forms on the porch are somewhat unusual for a house of this type. Despite the construction of non-historic additions at the rear of the.house, staff considers the house to retain a high degree of integrity to the original construction as evidenced by the 1929 tax assessor's photograph of the property. The c.1910 Washburn house at 86414'h Street survives intact as an excellent representative example of S:~PLAN~data\longrang~IIIST~Demos\14th 864 and 876\06.01.05 memo.doc 9 craftsman bungalow architecture dating from a significant period of growth in the University Place addition. 2. Architect or Builder of Prominence: None known. 3. Artistic Merit: Interesting and unusual expression of Craftsman in porch detail with flanking posts joined by round arches. 4. Example of the Uncommon: Interesting and unusual expression of Craftsman in porch detail with flanking posts joined by round arches. 5. Indigenous Qualities: None known. C. Environmental Significance: None observed. CRITERION 2: RELATIONSHIP TO THE CHARACTER OF THE As discussed, the University Place addition in which the houses is located, was first platted in 1890 and developed primarily from the 1910s through the 1940s. Its character to that period has remained intact and the area is currently designated as a potential local historic district in the Boulder Valley Comprehensive Plan. Stylistically, the house is related to the early-twentieth century development of the addition and survives today as an intact representative example of architecture from that period. PUBLIC COMMENT: Two phone calls from neighbors opposed to the demolition have also been received by staff. ANALYSIS OF LANDMARK ELIGIBILITY 10-13-23(g)(1): Eligibility of the Building as an Individual Landmark. 87614'" Street (Main House) Staff considers the house at 87614~h Street not to have historic sufficient significance for designation as an individual landmark under the criterion for Architectural Significance(A), adopted by administrative policy in 1975 (see attachment B) due to changes to the Ea~ade of the building that have mmpromised its historic integrity. A. Historic Significance: 1. Date of Construction: Constructed about 1918, the subject property is over fifty years is an example of Craftsman Bungalow construction from that period. S:~PLAN~dataUongrang~I-IIST1Demos\14th 864 and 876\06AL05 memo.dce 10 2. Association with Historic Persons or Events: There is little documentary information regarding the Holcombs and Reeds who together lived on the property during the historic period. There is no evidence to suggest that any of these persons are of local, state, or national historic significance. 3. Distinction in the development of the community of Boulder: None 4. Recognition by Authorities: Identified as Contributing-restorable property to proposed University Hill Residential historic district in both 1991 survey and 2002 resurvey. B. Architectural Significance: 1. Recognized Period or Style: Craftsman Bunglaow. The house at 87614'~ Street is a modest example of Craftsman Bungalow architecture. Its low-hip roof, wide overhanging eaves, rafter tails, and knee brackets are reminiscent of architecture of this manner, however its detached rafter tails are somewhat unusual for a house of this type. Staff considers alterations to the fa~ade of the house including the C.1960s infilling of the porch and window replacement to have compromised the historic integrity of the original construction as evidenced by the 1929 tax assessor's photograph of the property. 2. Architect or Builder of Prominence: None known. 3. Artistic Merit: None. 4. Example of the Uncommon: None. 5. Indigenous Qualities: None known. C. Environmental Significance: None observed. CRITERION 2: RELATIONSHIP TO THE CHARACTER OF THE NEIGHBORHOOD: Stylistically, the house is related to the early-twentieth century development of the University Place addition. However, due to unsympathetic changes to during the non-historic period, the house can no longer be considered an intact representative example of its type. S:~PLANW2tauongrangViISTIDemosU4th 864 and 876\06.01.05 memo.doc 11 PUBLIC COMMENT: Two phone calls from neighbors opposed to the demolition have also been received by staff. ANALYSIS OF LANDMARK ELIGIBILITY 10-13-23(g)(1): Eligibility of the Building as an Individual Landmark. 87814'h Street (Rear House) Staff considers the rear house at 87814"' Street to have historic sufficient significance for designation as an individual landmark under the criterion for Architectural Significance(A), adopted by administrative policy in 1975 (see attachment B). A. Historic Significance: 1. Date of Construction: Estimated to have been constructed about 1935, the subject property is over fifty years is an example of vemacular construction from that period. 2. Association with Historic Persons or Events: There is little documentary information regarding those who lived on the property during the historic period. 3. Distinction in the development of the community of Boulder: None 4. Recognition by Authorities: Identified as a Contributing property to proposed University Hill Residential historic district in 1991 resurvey. B. Architectural Significance: 1. Recognized Period or Style: Vernacular. The rear house at 87814th Street is a diminutive example of vernacular architecture. Its gable end form, rubble stone foundation, rubble stone chimney, shingle siding, and four over one double hung windows are indicative of depression-era vernacular architecture. Staff considers the house to retain a high degree of integrity to the original construction as observed during an exterior inspection of the house. . 2. Architect or Builder of Prominence: None known. 3. Artistic Merit: None. 4. Example of the Uncommon: Unusual example of vernacular design of this type in the University Hill neighborhood. S:~PLAN~data\lon¢raneV-IIST~Demos\14th 864 and 876\06.01.05 memo.doc 12 5. Indigenous Qualities: None known. C. Environmental Significance: None observed. CRITERION 2: RELATIONSHIP TO THE CHARACTER OF THE NEIGHBORHOOD: Stylistically, the house is apparently quite unique to the early-twentieth century development of the University Place addition. However, the house is an intact representative example of vernacular design evidenced by its simple unadorned form rubble stone masonry. PUBLIC COMMENT: None. DECISION OF THE BOARD: If the Landmarks Board finds that the building to be demolished does not have historic significance under the criteria set forth in section 10-13-23(g) B.R.C., the city manager shall issue a demolition permit. If the Landmarks Board finds that the building to be demolished may have historic significance under the criteria set forth above, the application shall be suspended for a period not to exceed 180 days from the January 19'", 2005 date the permit application was accepted by the city manager as complete. [Section 10-13-23(h)]. A 180- day stay period would expire on July 18'h, 2005. PLANNING DEPARTMENT RECOMMENDATION: 86414'" Street. The main house at 86414'h Street displays a high degree of historic integrity to its original construction and as an excellent representative example of Craftsman Bungalow architecture dating from a significant period growth in the University Place addition. Furthermore the house is associated with Homer Washburn and is of local historic significance. When weighed against criteria set forth in Section 10-13-23(g) B.R.C and the Individual Landmark Significance Criteria (1975) staff considers the house to have historic and architectural significance to the City Staff recommends that a 180 day stay of demolition be imposed in order to consider alternatives to the demolition of the building. S:~PLAN~data\longrangU-IIST1Demos\14th 864 and 876\06.01.05 memo.doc 13 87614"' Street While an interesting example of Craftsman Bungalow architecture, changes to the fa~ade of the building including an in-filled porch and window replacement, have compromised the historic integrity of the house. Staff considers the house not to have historic, architectural, or environmental significance as set forth in Section 10-13-23(g) and the Individual Landmark Significance Criteria. As such, staff recommends that a permit for the demolition of the building be issued. 87814'" Street The rear house at 87814'h Street displays a high degree of historic integrity to its original construction and as a good representative example of architecture probably dating from the 1930speriod growth in the University Place addition. When weighed against criteria set forth in Section 10-13-23(g) B.R.C and the Individual Landmark Significance Criteria (1975) staff considers the house to have historic architectural significance to the City Staff recommends that a 180 day stay of demolition be imposed in order to consider alternatives to the demolition of the building. FINDINGS: Staff recommends that the Landmarks Board adopt the following findings: 1. A 180-day stay of the issuance of demolition permit be issued for the main house at 86414~h Street in that the house: May be eligible for individual landmark designation based upon its historic and architectural significance; Is associated with Homer Washburn a person of significance to the history of Boulder; • Is an excellent representative example of Craftsman Bungalow architecture from the University Hill's early past. 2. A permit be issued for the demolition of the main house at 87614w Street in that: ^ The house is not of historic, architectural, or environmental significance due to loss of historic integrity. 3. A 180-day stay of the issuance of demolition permit be issued for the rear house at 87814th Street in that the house: • May be eligible for individual landmark designation based upon its historic and architectural significance; ^ Is a good• representative example of vernacular architecture, probably from the depression-era. S:\Pi.AN~dataUonerane\HiST~Demos\14th 864 and 876~06A1.05 memo.doc 14 ATTACHMENTS: . A: Historic Building Inventory Record B: Individual Landmark Significance Criteria C: Location Map D: Tax Assessor Card E: Directory Research F: Current Photographs S:~PLAN~data\longrangU-IIST~DemosV4th 864 and 876~06.01.05 memo.doc 15 r_, Ma~a •it•viu. 1cr•1•• ~~~.•• •• ~..•~-.^•• ••' •,••'••. •••• IqT FOR fIEL01RE ~s°° ko.a~.y' o."'r' °°i°r.m °oxas Attachment A - E~i°i'i. - r~+""`° D~t. Mot Ellyible Grtifi~d leh~b. ~IiTORlC /1IWIIIC IMYEIITORT ~EOORD Gte aOJEtt WE: bul~r Wrvey of ORMTT: GTT: iTATE ID MO.: 'i~L3281 - Mi i -l 1991 ~ ld ~ ld stor c ws, au er Wu er TE~ialWtt 110.: li6f•31-3-20•003 OWEIIT MIILDIMG NNE: • OIMER: Alper .leh~ry . !b~ 7~M tt bulder W ON02 ADDREi6: L6~ itth tt. . C l d L0302 l ~ou o or u der, TOYIISNIV tY RAMGE 70Y /ECTIOM 3/ iE 1/4 CV 1/~ MISTORIC NAlE: U.C.G.i. WM MIIIE: ~oulder, Wlortlo H~Wurn Reaidenee TEAR: 1966 (PRt979> lt 7.5' 15~ noac: zz ~orcc~: ~-e DISTRItt WYff: ADDITIW: Itiiversity il~ee ~R. OF ADDITIOM: 1090 FILN ROLL MO.: V1•10 MEGATIVE MO.: LOGTIOM Oi MEWTIVE3: DATE Oi COMSTRUCTIOM: iT: Roper 4hit~ere 6 City of bulder itrninp ESTIMATF: ALTINL: 1910 iO1RCE: Youlder Canq Aaseswr USE: VRESEMT: Residentt MISTORIC: Residenee ~ COMDITIW: ATTACX VNOTOGRAGM NERE E%CEILENT x GOOD i111R DETERIORATIMG E%TENT OF AITERATI0N5: x NiMOR IIODERATE INJOR DELYRIBE: 1ROUpht tran suir ~.tttnp. CONTINUED TESX MO 6TTLE: Wryslw tTORIES: ORIGINAL tITE X NOVED t MTEtS) OF IqVE: II~TERIALS: Briek, Yood, Stane W. f00TAGE: WITIOMAL REGISTER ELIGIBILITT 172i IMDIVIDUAL: YES X NO ARCNITECTURAI DESCRiPTION: Frmt ytlle raofed residenee ~ith ~ooth red brick r~lls ~d overhenpinp ervec CONTRIBUTING TO DISTRICT: rith e~osed r~fterc rd tri~pul~r br~ces. Porch h~c hipped roof rith p~bled YES MD entr~nce, expo~ed nftera, nd trianpulsr braees. Poreh Ms wod post a~ports LOGI LANDM~RK DESIGMATION: No rith ~reheE br~cketc ~top briok piera atop stone pierc. Yood r~ilinp bet~em piers. 4bod poreh floor. Off-eenter, pneled nd yl~ed door rith stane threshhold fix-over•one Ila1L YIfICOYt YICA fI~L \KIIfL rd brick silts; ~= W-TE: . ~epnenUl ~rchtc on side riMws. Rsiced stone n6ble fovdetim is exposed ASSOCIATED WILDIMG57 PES X NO rore tw~rd rc~r. WrbellM briok erd chimxy. Shirpled y~ble aidc. riPE: IF IMVENTORIED, LIST ID MOS.: CONTIMUEDT rE5 If MO ADD1T10MAL iAGEB: 1'ES % MO Address: 86414TH ST Bouider, Colorado COLORADO CUITURALRESOURCE SURVEY. Cultural Resource Re-evaluation Form 1. Resource Number. SBL3281 2. Temp. Resaurce Number: 3. Attachments 4. Offical determination OAHP USE ONLY (Check as many as apply) ^ Determined Eligible L Photographs ^ Determined Not Eligible ^ Site sketch map ~ Need Data ~ U.S.G.S. map photocopy [j Nominated ^ Other ^ Listed ^ Other C ContribuUng to N.R. District ^ Not Contributing to N.R. District 5. Resource Name: Washburn Residence 6. Purpose of this current site visit: Resurvey 7. Previous Recordings: Front Range Research Assoc.; June 1991 8a. Changes or Additions to Previous Descriptions: New outbuilding with carport. Sb. Square Footage: zooo 9. Changes in Condition: 10a. Changes to Location or Size Information 10b. UTM Coordinates: 13 476552E 4427904N 11. Changes in Ownership: HECHT MATTHEW W 8 MARY H OLSON 864 14TH ST BOULDER CO 80302 12. Other Changes, Additions or Observations: 13. Eligibility Assesment: individual: District: National Register: Not Eligible National Register: Contributing Local Landmark: Not Eligible Local: Contributing Local Landmark: 14. Managment Recommendations: NIA ~ '. COIORAEO NIfTQ1CAl lOGETt Mfla of MM~eoloyy ed Nistoric in~erntion 1300 trntlaY. Orrve~, Colxtlf l0203 Ui~ORIF~NlIDIYG IMVEMTQf REL'LRD Y0T iQ i1ELD IRE ~ ElioSble Ye~imtad Wt. Yot Eli01bl~ _ Grtifi~d Rehtl. ' - Mte -WJER WVE: /aul6r Wrwy of ORMTT: GTt: [fATE ID Iq.: S~13301 Nt P 1Q91 l~ • b ~ smriC IKq. ~ u oulder rp~so~uRr ro.. CWEMT WILDlMG MIIIE: WIER: ~DOIIEit: EI6 titfi it. . . buld G lW02 l d er, o or~ o TOWSNIV tY ~Alll~ 7pY {£CT1W 31 . tE 7/< W 1/i ~ X[STptIC W11~: U.S.G.t. OWD W111E: toutder, Wlordo YEAR: 1%6lPRiW9) X 7.5' 15~ BLOCK: 22 ~OT(S): 5•6 DISiRICT NAME: AppIT10N; ttiiveriity Pl1ce PR. Of ADDITIqI: 1890 FILN ROII MO.: 91•10 MEWTIVE MO.: LOGTIOM Oi NEWTIVES: MTE Oi COMSTRUCTION: ~Y: loper Y~itacre E City of bulde~ Vlrmin0 ESTIINTE: ACTWL: 1916 SOIRCE: Boulder Canty As~eswr USE: WlESEMT: CMiteh Offitt NISTORIC: Retidenee CONDITION: ATTACN PNOTOGRAiN XERE EXCELLENT X GOOD F~IR pETER10RAT ING EXTEM7 OF ALTERATIpIS: ~ MIMOR X IIDDERIITE NAJOR DESCRI9E: V~rti~lly enclo~ed poreh. CONTINUED TES It MO STTLE: Wnpelai BTORIES: dtIGIMAL StTE X 1qVED 1 OATE(S) OF IIOVE: IWTERIALS: Brick, Yood, Stone S0. FOOTAGE: NATIONAL REGISTER EIIGIBILlTY 1MDIVIDWL: YES X NO ARCHITEtt1AGL DESCRIPT)ON: O~e•story bridc hauce with AipQad roof ritA front peblcd porch vl~ich ia LONT4IWTING TO DlSfRICT: p~rti~(ly anelosed. Yidely overhnpinp esvec and exposed r~fters. Poreh pable TES % NO wd hu ezpo~ed nfters, stucw ~nd Aalf-ti~berirp, ~d deeontive 6eene; briek ~pu~ lANp1URK OESlG1UT10N: Mc piU~r ~y~po~t~; eonerete ~Lirs; stone steir re(l; woden floor. Six-overone lipht rirdor W left of door. Stuccoed oriel ritdw on rorth. Vindows h~ve fl~t ~rches ~d bridc silU Brick eAiineya Raised stone ntbte fauxletim ~0 DA7E: . . , . ASSOCIATED WILDINGS? 1'ES % MO TTPE: . !F IMVEMTORIED, LIST ID MOS.: COMTIMlkD? l'ES X MO ADDttlONAL PAGES: tES X MO Address: 876 14th St Boulder, Colorado COLORADO CULTURAL RESOURCE SURVEY Cultural Resource Re-evatuation Form 1. Resource Number. 5BL3301 2. Temp. Resource Number: 3. Attachments • 4. Offical determination (Check as many as apply OAHD esmin~ed Elgible Photographs Determined Not Eligible _ Site sketch map Need Data ~ U.S.G.S. map photocopy - Nominated - Other -' Listed _ Other _ Contributing to N.R. DistriCt ` Not Contributing to N.R. District 5. Resource Name: 6. Purpose of this current site visit: Resurvey 7. Previous ReCOrdings: Front Range Research Assoc.; Aug 1991 8a. Changes or Additions to Previous Descriptions: Contributing outbuilding behind house (878 74th St~. 8b. Square Footage: 9. Changes in Condition: 10a. Changes to Location or Size Information 10b. UTM Coordinates: 13 476552E 4427927N 11. Changes in Ownership: 12. Other Changes, Additions or Observations: 13. Eligibility Assesment: Individual: National Register: Not Eligible Locai Landmark: Not Eligible Local Landmark: 14. Managme~t Recommendations: NIA District• National Register: Contributing Cocal: Contributing-restorable Address: 876 14th St Resource Number: 58L3301 Temp. Resource Number: Cultural Resource Re-evaluation Form page 2 of 2 15. Photograph Types and Numbers. Type: b8w Roll No: 01-AE Frame No: 8 16. Artifact and Field Documentation Storage Location: N/A 17. Report Title: Unlversity Hill Resurvey 18: Recorder(s): Kathryn Howes Barth, AIA; Lara Ramsey 19: Date(s): Mar 2002 20: Recorder Affiliation: Kathryn Howes Barth, AIA; Ramsey Planning and Preservation Attach Photo and Map if Extensively Altered Colorado Historical Society, O(fice of Archaeology and Historic Preservation 1300 Broadway, Denver. CO 80203 Attachment B Landmark Preservation Advisory Board Adopted 9/17/75 ~ ~~ ~~~ Secretary to the Board SIGNIFICANCE CRITERIA Individual Landmark September 1975 On September 6, 1974, the City Council adopted Ordinance #4000 pmviding procedures for the designation of Landmarks and Historic Districts in the City of Boulder. The purpose of the ordinance is the preservation of the City's permitted cultural, historic, and architectural heritage. The Landmarks Board is permitted by the ordinance to adopt rules and regulations as it deems necessary for its own organization and procedures. The following Significance Criteria have been adopted by the Boazd to help evaluate each potential designation in a consistent and equitable manner. Historical Sienificance The place (building, site, azea) should show character, interest or value as paR of the development, heritage, or cultural characteristics of the community, state or nation; be the site of - a historic, or prehistoric event that had an effect upon society; or exemplify te cultural, political, economic, or social heritage of the community. Date of Construction: This area of consideration places particulaz importance on the age of the strocture. 2. Association with Historical Persons or Events: This association could be national, state, or local. 3. Distinction in the Develonment of the Communitv of Boulder: This is most applicable to an institution (religious, educational, civic, etc) or business structure, though is some cases residences might qualify. It stresses the importance of preserving those places which demonstrate the growth during different time spans in the history of Boulder, in order to maintain an awazeness of our cultural, economic, social or political heritage. 4. Recoenition by Authorities: If it is recognized by Historic Boulder, Inc. the Boulder Historical Society, local historians (Barker, Crossen, Frink, Gladden, Paddock, Schooland, etc), State Historical Society, T~1 e Improvement of Boulder. Colorado by F.L. Olmsted, or others in published form as having historical • interest and value. ' , ~ 04.OSsignif-indiv Page 1 of 3 Architectural Sienificance The place should embody those distinguishing chazacteristics of an architectural type specimen, a good example of the common; be the work of an azchitect or master builder, known nationatly, state-wide, or locally, and perhaps whose work has influenced later development; contain elements of architectwal dESign, detai(, materials or craftsmanship which represent a significant innovation; or be a fine example of the uncommon. Recoenized Period/Stvle: It should exemplify specific elements of an architectunl period/style, ie: Victorian, Revival styles, such as described by Kistoric American Building Survey Criteria, Gineerbread Aee (Maass), 76 Boulder Homes (Barkar), The History of Architectural Stvle (Mazcus/Wi~n), Architecture in San Francisco (Gebhard et al), Histor~of Architecture (Flectcher), Architecture/Colorado, and any other published sowce of universal or local analysis of "style.° 2. Architect or Builder of Prominence: A good example of the work of an architect or builder who is recognized for expertise in his field nationally, state-wide, or locally. 3. Artistic Merit: A skillful integration of design, material, and color which is of excellent visual quality and/or demonstrates superior ctaftsmanship. 4. Example of the Uncommon: Elements of architectural design, details, or ~, craftsmanship that aze representative of a significant innovation. .. - lndieenous Oua]ities: A style or material that is particularly associated with the Boulder area. 6. Other, if applicable. Environmental Sienificance The place should enhance the variety, interest, and sense of identity of the community by the protection of the unique natural and man-made environment. Site Characteristics: It should be of high quality in terms of planned or natural vegetation. 2. Compatibilitv with Site: Consideration will be given to scale, massing placement, or other qualities of design with respect to its site. 3. Geo¢raohic Importance: Due to its unique location or singulaz physical chazacteristics, it represents an established and familiar visual feature of the 04.OSsignif-indiv Page 2 of 3 commumty. 4. Envimnmental Aopropriateness: The sunoundings are complementary and/or it is situated in a manner particulazly suited to its function. 5. Area Inteeritv: Places which provide historical, architectural, or environmental impoRance and continuity of an existing condition, although taken singularly or out of context might not qualify under other criteria. 6. Other, if appiicable. S:\PLAN~datalComdevlHISTGEN~DesignationlAbout Lartdmazks~signif crit-indiv.wpd v~:. 04.OSsignif-indiv Page 3 of 3 ~ ~ M ~ ~ ~ ^ ~ ~ ^ ~ ~ ~ 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~J , , L ~ U , Attachment C ~ ~ C ~ ~~ 876 14th Street ~ ~~ ~-~ o ~ ~ 864 14 ~J ^ ^ `~ ~ L-1 ~ AVE ~ ~ a- ~_ r--, ~ ~ ~~ ~^ ~ ~ ~ ~ th Street ~~ ~J ~ ~ ~ ~ Q ~ ~ ~ 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ^~ ~ `~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ V • ~ ~ ~ ~ ~o Q ,.31-/ry-~~ • ~p zy~'s ! ~ ~ Appraised 19___.__ ; I y ' , BOULDER COUNTY REAL ESTATE APPRAISAL ~~ ~'' r .t. -. _ owNER - -- -- _ ~ ''~„~G - - - - ---- - - - - --- --, . _ ~~,. HOUSE No. STREET CITY _;~ r ~ _LOTS -- -------- I~I~OC4i AUDITION -II~ ,~ ' I - - - --- -- -- I { Year Constructed Est. Life in Years I "~ I - - __- 1 BUILDING PLAN - E3TIDfAT& OF VALU.ITION _ __ I BLdi. PA&S A BLDC. PABT B GARACF. No. ~ icFeet°°-° --------°° I --' - '" - - s._,--I Coat c eu. ft. _._t_- -°-----------"----"-----'-- ""--' Totel Coet-------~-'-- 3'-'-'-_'__' $-'----"-°--':'-------"~ Porehea"""""_"_i'_'___""_'_'_~________"_"'_ _'_"_ "'__ , GaraHe"_"""__""I_"'_"'__'___ ______"_""_' . Extrae"""_'___"" """""_____ __'__ __"'_'. ___..___'_. "_""""'_"""_'_"j""""""_" ____"_'__"'. _____'_'__ ~ _______________ ___ _I ~ -- ._....~_~._.' _ __ __ . I TOTAL"_"' $"__'___._.. S_'___'_'____. 8"""""'~ "._96 Obsolesenee""""_"_""_ """"_'__" _'___'__ ==-=i6 Ph9eical De(:" _'__""_'_'___ "_.'______'_. ."'_'____. Net After Deducti¢g , - I Deproc"itytionp. "' f_"._""""'IS_______"""' ~"""'_'__'~ '_"$ Utili De I8"""""' I PRESENT VALUE-''S'-'--'-"-'--L----------8-"'-'--"_' - '-- - ----- -~- - - llESCRIPTION - ~- _ _- -- ClaeeofQldg._~'_' _' "''~Qasement__' " '_ __ ~'' Conetruction"I' "_'___""""_Roof_'_""__~_"'__""""""' C6ar.ofConst.~.""""""""_ HeatinR.""":__"""""""c I, Plumbin :_.- ."'___.,~ Ezterior' __" "_'_ J' K'.__ """' I _'""' _" Interior Finishi._.,_'_""___"_' LiFht_'_____- ___'_'______.____I Floors""_"_~I_""""""__"Priv. Garage_""""'______'. Stones_""'_" ""'_'"_"'""'_"" 6xrns or $hedsi _'""'__"'_"'_'_ Fire Reniating- ---------------- S[ate of Reps.~._____ c~....deH..~ . '_____li,ocel lmnn._ _ _"~c_ .i ' """__ A ~ J ~ / ~ n C B 0 .. d _ __ .-_ _ -. __ Heiqhtof Bailding______ __ ________ -___._ _ .. _-. -___.__ _ _ ---~--- ~ - -- 3UMMARY _ -_ -_ ' ~~ --~~ ANNUAI. ASSFSSMEYT~--~--~ __ ~E9CRIPTION ___ _ AMOUN]' _ ; YEAR I ~ LAND -_- __ _ 7liP80YEM6NT8 . ._. _. __- TOTAL - _ _ ___ _ _ ___ _.. _ __ Building Yermit ___ ..-_ _ $ ____ _ ' ~ 193R _ ~$ _ - -_ $ __ _ S .____._ __ Original Ur.t, hnprovements Only '- - $___ _ '. --- ~ 1939 ' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ '-~ Additions and Hetterments ' S -__ .___ 19d0 _ ~ _ --'_- ____ _ _ _ _ Owner a Catimute of Yrraenc b'a.ce ~ ~ S , 1941 i ~ -'- -_'__ - __ _ _ __ Ynvate A > ra~sal ! P __ _' _'_' -_ __ - ' _ ~ I ~ -_ i ly{2 I'_ '_' _ ._ - --_-_ -_ __ Inxuranee ' $ ~~i 1913 ~ -• I Appraised 19__ _ . ~ BOULDER COUNTY REAL ESTAT~ APPRAISAL OWNER - . -' -------- HOUSE No. S'Ph EE`P __ _: TTY __ _ LO'I'S ?'-I.t?CT•: ADUITIO^? Year Constructed Est. Life in Years ESTIMATE OF VALUATION ' ~ B7.DG. PAHT A I HLDG. PAST B I GA6AG¢ No. CubicFeet" _"'_'___""_I_"_"_'_"__ _"""____ Coet Per cu. tt. "_""_"""'~,:_ z:r"""""'_'__ """'____ Total Cost-°---'---- F--~'~------° 5-----`--- '-- g-------°-- - -- - I RIiILDING PLAN i Porehee""'_"""'_ Garage.'-------'----- """"' _ _ "" '--"---'---- _"' _' _ .'_ _ "~, -----'---- --- "L .RT.; ~ ~~ ~ ~ -~ ~ Eztraa""""-""__'_""___"__'_'__ ___"'_ "'"_"_""""_""""„"'_"""'"'"" __'_'"""__"_ _-' __ '___ -- "'__ ~ _'_ "r_'_"__" '""'__~'__- """c'__', "~ --- - TOTAL--°°I$----'~ -'=-~-------'_-'-. '__ : -" _I S_-------Ij -'. _ % Obeolesence --'I'---"- ~~":-- ---'-°------" I--'-"- --'-' ~~ '_ _ p'_„"-______~c~ . __ ~ ~ Ph9aicalDe - __'___' I ___ I __ - - - _ ~\ . _ _.__ Net APter DeductinR I . _ ~ DePreciation"'__If'~_'_'"_'_"S':,'-__ " " g-'•'_ ""_~y i E'-"-' •------ s -_ _ -.t-"" .... % UtilitY Dep.' _ $-_" ~ ------ I ~ ~ PRESENT VALUE'-;---'~'-----t----~--`^'-:'- ~S"-- _'_1 --- - _--_ -~ ~ -~- - _ - - - I DESCRIPTION ' _ __ __I _ - ___ -- --' ---IBasement_..'-I.--'- ClseaofBldq.- - -""-- _ i -'---'I' I Conatraetion._ _ '___""'___'._iRoof_""_____ _'____ __"'_ ~ __'__I, Char.oPConst. ."""""'__"'. Heatmg___"' __"""'_""' I____ -___.._'_-_ .~.-_ _. _ _ _ __ .- . ___._-_ _-_ ~ ___'._'________..I.-_ -__---SliMMARY ~ _"_~"""_"""'_"_ - _ Dxterior_ iPlumbmg'.__ I „ _. _- _. _- -.-- - _ DE4CRIPTIOY _______".__. Interior Finiah~"""____--'- --.- ~-- -- _"'__"'_'""'._ .~ t_"__"_. _"""____"_' "_ _' - -'--' Floure __'--"' Pr v. Gara e__~ ' 13uiluinF Permit g Original C~.~4 Iinprovemrnt. Only • ~ Barns or 5l~edv . """_ ' - ___ ---_ _ ___ 3tones"""-I'---""-"'-' -""-"" AdJitinns xnd L'e~termants FireReeisting_~ ---------------•-~State of Keps I._____.___.-___ .'~nW,~er'e l•'s[imnteof Prrsc~nt Vnine ____._ _ _ -_ _- ._ Fonndation.__" .'-'-- -~- ---.. Lncal ImPr.- --- -'_=__r- I Yrivate Apprnisai ___'_ ___'_ _ _ ' __- __'. ___' _'_ ADDITIONS AND BETTF.RMENTS I Insurence _ ~" !,' / ~ r ,? ~~ ~ Height of BaildinB'_"""..."""' ' ANNUAI. ASSESSMkNT -~~ ~~ __ ~ AM~IINT ~,~Y6A& I LAND _-' INPROV&fdCN9'8 ~ _ __- TIYI'AL ~ ~ 1939 I$ ~ $ . $ ___ _ _ _' _ __ ' _ $ ' lyo9 '_ ~ ~_"_~ "' _ _ _' ' -_ _ - ~_-__ _I'J4f1 ~ - - ---- --_- - g 1911 ~ ~ I _ ~_ --- ~ _' . 1943 ~ ' I~-~_. Photograph , `4. , _-__-_-_ ---__ _-- --- ---- ---- CLA93 UF BUILUING I IlE1G[iT I ROOF' ~ LIGiiT I DF3CRIPTION 1-Single Residence """"r'_ I Nu. of 3toriea'_"'__"' _-'•_I 2-Duplex"____"'__"_ __ FUIiNIrAT1uN ' I 3-Bun~slow, Apt., CrG __ ___. -- - - --- ' 4-Flet or Terrace ___'_'_'_ "'_ I Brick _'_____'______._'_____'__.j 6-Apartment Huuse_ .___ ___ i ~oncrere_ _..__.__..~ 6-IIotel.'__.____..-- "" " ; Stone"__._'________'_._"_.' 7-SWre Buildin g'_'______ ____ ~ ~Vood "'_"""'_"""__" " 8-"'_'_""""__'__."" ""_ Tile'___"""""""""""" 9-Oftice 8uildinK___"_"'_ '_' . __'_____'_____________'_____ I 10-Hospitalor 3aniterium._ _._. --'---------------"""- 11-BankBuilding__...___'_ __ _- ~ "_"'__•__. __.."_'_._' l?-7'heatre______'_________ = " ( BASEMF,NT ~! 13-Warehuuse________ _ _ _' ___.. ------f 14-Factor-'_""'_"""_'" '_" Quattet____"'_"__"______~ 16-PublicGarage""""__' __' Half'__'______""'_'__'___ iti-Private GaraRe _________ ____ Thrce-lauxrter ___.__.__..__. 17-Service Station"""" ""' rull._'___""""'_._. """'_ ltf-Hot Houae or Gr. House ____ ~~ment Floor_._____._.._._ 19-Poultry House """"" ____ FmisheA LValis and Ceiling"". 2U-Barna or Sheds__""_'_' _"_ Laundry _'_"__'__'__._.'___ IiX'fER10M "__""'___""""'_'___'____. ~mmonBrick_______ _ ~ CONSTRUCTION _ ___ __. _-_._-__ Preseed Brick'___'_______""'. Frame"""_'_"'_'_"""""' WireCutdrick"__."'___""' Brick"'_"_""""'__'____. Glazed Brick_'__'______'_"' Tile"'_"_"______""_______'__ WoodSidinK.'____'_'__'__._"' Stone_""""'_""_"__"'_"' WoodShinglea'___'_""_""" Concrete, Plain or Block_____.__ Cement Stucco_________________ Conerete, Reinforced ________.__ Rellestane _____________________ SteelFrame'_"""'_""'_'_" Stone"""'__"""""'____. _______'____"__'_ "__' ' CorrugatedIron_"'"______"_' CHARACTER OF CON37'. Terra Cotta "'_"""""""' - Tile._"__""'_____'______'__.. C6eaP"""~-___ _._'____'___'_ "'__"__.___.. Medinm.."----- ---- ---- -' ----- " . _____"_"_.. Gaod'_____"__,_____'_____' "" " "" " "_'_"'_'"_'__'__ Y~reReeisting__'_ ._.__'___'_ Non-Fire Uc~isting.______.___" OL'i'SIUg'1'R1M 9TATE 1/F NEPAllt~3 Ued___'_""""__'__ _'_"" Wuod'__'"'______""' Terra Cotta __'__"'___ SWne ."_____'_"'__._ Galv. Iron"'"'"""' _' ___ CU~v11ti'l'Ti/tt~ R'uod ~hinKle _""""_ " CompositionShinFie.'_' _'__' 'ParanAGruceL_____ __. Preparr•nPxper__ _____.._.__ ~.heeC Iron.... .' """_"'_ Cop~er-"--' _ -"' _"- ------ Concrete Tile _________________ Clay Tilc____.. __________.___ Slate_'_ '__'__"""_"'"'"_' AsUestos Shmgle_.___ ______ ~PID .__'__._____ ".__."..__.____ ~I ~lectncity _"'_ _"_"'____'.._ ROOS1ti S'fOHIES -________ riAS_-__'_'_______________________ Bn.em't 1 S 9 ' AtHc UII_"'" __ _"_. ___"_"_'___" -_ __ _ __ _..._..__~_.._ - _ __ -______ __ _______ ___ ____.""_ [.ivinqKoom_""'_____".' ~ _'.'___ _._._"_______"_ -- ---~~-- -"_-----'--- ~ UiainR Rocm.'-'-'----- _' _____'_"__'_.__"___'_'. PRtV.\7'SC.rHAf.Ii Illu~ette___"'."""'__"'_______"'_.___.""________-. `_ _ ____ __~ Kitchen.'______"""' ' -----"-'-' ^----'--'•--°--"_ Size'__"'_'.~.""""_'___""" BreakfastNook_'_"__.__"""" """'_.___"""'_' ._" _ Conatruct~on_I"""""'__"_"" f3ed Room""_""___.__"""""' """"_______"'__ Roof ______"I_""'_'_""""'_'. Bath Room."""""""""'__'_"'_'_'___'_____ ""__ oor____"~ ,_"'_"_________"" Toilet Room"""_'_'_'__'_""'_'____'_""__"""'_"._ Heat__„'__ ___"'_'___'_""'_ ShvwerRoom.""_'__' _ ___"""'_______""""______. __-___""_""'_'_~ "'___'_"'__ ""'_"___._ _'"' 9leepmg Purch._'__ ""'_'______'___'___"'_"_""'___ STYLE Gable ------------------------- Hip.______"__""'__""" Fla[ """"'_______"_'___'_ GambreL"""'___""'_ __'_ AtanserJ _".______.'_______'. I.eanto_'____'______'_'_ "' PLUMIt(NG __ OldStyle__'_"_" __'__!. 67cdern'___ """'___'___'~' No. Bath Tubs_________________ No. Shower Uetha______________ No. Toiletv"""'___'___"""' No. Lavaturies_________________ Na Urinals'_"'_______________ No. LaundryTobe______________ No. Sinks_______'_____'_'_ Sanitary Cfusets _____ ____. Cese Paol .__"""'______""" HE.ITIAG _ __ _- $tocc _____.'._ ____. ._"___ Hot.9~r '_ "_ __"_"' AotlVxt.^r__... _'.__ . . _ Stcam _.._' _"'.'__"____ Nn. F~replnees' ___' ' _'___ Nn. Vummy Fireplacee.___.__. FUEL __"_'_'_'_"I____'_"""_"""'_ nun liuom_._.._ """'_"_"""" __"____"""'___"' __'__""""_"_""" SH&DSAND BARNS Den_______'_"_____""' _ " a~zz'_ __ I -~ . ' _ itornge Room_""_'_"__'_'_'_"""""""""""_"" .. ___ Const. "'""'"'""' OHice """"__"'_'"_""'_"'"" "'"""'_'"""'"'"""" a~ze_I__ ____I'Const.,___." """ Hells LOCAi, ihIPROVEMENTS __.____.______ __ Street PnvmR""""""'-""_'. n~}eS-i'nvinq-'-' -------'-'--' Sidewaiky"""""'_""""" "' Carbinq"""""""__ _' _"""" Water "_"_""_"""___""' Storm Sewer.'___'_______'___'____ Sanitary Sewer ___________________ Electricity ____'________""_""' Gaa'----- --'--"".-------.-•"-- Telephone"""' _ """"""""' ."""_"_ _ -_' _ _ _ "' _ _""""...'. _""_'___'__________""""""' A7ISCELLANEOUS Ni.` SideboarAs .______. Huffet ._____"_____""'_'_". Ca6inet _"___ __ ____'__'__"_'_ BookCnses ._'_"_"____.._'.__•__ Re~ml'rilink "_""""_"__"_'""" Ineinerntor. .__' '-"'_"_"' " tiky Lighh _.________'_.____""' l:eftigerntor or Couler Hsy K'indnms___.___.. Uoimer Windoa~a ___.. Purchee'"'"_' _ _ __"" NINISH c~,.N„m~r„ Unfinished "'_"___ __"'____. Plestered, Plain ___________________ Plaetered,Ornom ____________ __ Papered"""""' ____"_'_"._ '[~n' tedorTinted ___ . .________. Softwood Flour._~./._- '_'_____ HardwoodFloor___.__._ ._._____ SoftwoodFinish_.___ .,..__ _ HerdwoodFinish _._.._. _._._ _. Tile""'_"'_____ _ .._. MnrbleorOnyx.__ . .... ._ Well Board___. _ "___ ___'_. Sheetruck---'--. _'-'_-'- ---'-' Celotex """""""". """_" W ainecotin6' _"""'_'__ __ _ _""" Metal Ceilin6------------------'--- "'"""__"__"""_"""""_ _"_' REMA&H3 ""'"'"" """""^'___""""""_'""""'__" ~~Y !`/~~ <~l~~r~ ~- POLK'S CITY & COUNTY DIRECTORIES ~ ~ BUSN 1869 Attachment E CITY 1871 BUSN 1882 CITY 1883 CNTY 1892 CNTY 1896 CNTY 1898 CITY 1901 CITY 1903 CNTY 1904 CITY 1905 CITY 1906-07 CITY 1908 CITY 1911 CITY 1913 CNTY 1916 CNTY 1918 BUSN 1918 ' CNTY 1921 '~ ~~ CNTY 1923 CNTY 1926 CNTY 1928 +'-~ . . CNTY 1930 L~~ ~ . ~ F.~~ ~ ~~~ ~! -'~ CNTY 1932 -`~' CNTY 1935 CNTY 1936 "~~ .~,r ~> >~• ''~ f~ r-~ CITY 1938 CNTY 1940 BUSN 1940 CITY 1943 CITY 1946 ~ • ~ _ 1/~ ) ~ '~ ~ . ~/? ~ . V`" CNTY 1947 POLK'S DIRECTORY LISTINGS (CONTINUED) CITY 1953 CITY 1955 _,r: , ~-; , C~ .~:a ~., ! CITY 1956 CITY 1958 CITY 1959 CITY 1960 t ~ , ~^t ~l ) CITY 1961 CITY 1962 CITY 1963 CITY 1964 CITY 1965 ' CIT'Y 1966 CITY 1967 CITY 1968 CITY 1969 CITY 1970 CiTY 1971 -i i_ . ii i< i•i ~ - ~_ POLK'S CITY & COUNTY DIItECTORIES ~:' 7 ~' / ~ ' _~/ ~` < <- ' BUSN 1869 CITY 1871 BUSN 1882 CITY 1883 CNTY 1892 CNTY 1896 CNTY 1898 CITY 1901 CTTY 1903 CNTY 1904 CTTY 1905 CTfY 1906-07 CITY 1908 CITY 1911 CITY 1913 CNTY 1916 CNTY 1918 .~~ ,-y~ C_ o n. j~ BUSN 1918 CNTY 1921 CNTY 1923 " CNTY 1926 CNTY 1928 CNTY 1930 -~ ~,~ a, T i~ ~ r~J ~'~ ~," CNTY 1932 CNTY 1935 CNTY 1936 CITY 1938 - CNTY 1940 BUSN 1940 CITY 1943 • ~~ ~ ~ 1' --~ CITY 1946 ~ = ~ " ~ " ~ ` ^ ~ ~ '~` `'~ ~ ~ ~ ~ , ~ ~- CNTY 1947 CITY 1949 ' ~' CITY 1951 '1~= ~- ~ ~ ~ -' . ~" r> -~.'~ ~. - CITY 1953 ~ITY 1955 '~~- s. .,.t "1" ~;': '.,...,4_ ' CITY 1956 ' CITY 1958 CITY 1959 r-, CITY 1960 ( G~.°.,.~ ~ 4:: r ___ CITY 1961 „ CITY 1962 CITY 1963 CITY 1964 CITY 1965 • ~ CITl' 1966: " CITY 1967 CITY 1968 CITY 1969 CITY 1970 .~ ~ . ~ ,6 rf ~~ Attachment F s i ,., ~;;;~"`j~.> ,,,~~~ ~1 `,~} ,, ~ ~ : \ - :1. ~ ~ ' ~ .,''.~4 r~~ ' ~;,.~~ ~ t ~ ~ . ~ F . .Q + ' ~ - , _t ~ -~ -.-~- ~ , .~ ! ~~~ ~,r y`~ ! ~ J t ~` ti a >. ~ ~T ~ '. j t , ~~ ':. ,~ ~ ~ " -.sld~ ~~y; I'y' f..~ . py ~ t ' . ~ . ~~~ .~ ~ i t, ~ ~~ r~~ p '~ I ~iF Y ` 1 .~.y J . , r (~ ,. f p - y , ~ ~ . . 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