3 - Minutes, 5/4/05CITY OF BOULDER LANDMARKS PRESERVATION ADVISORY BOARD MINUTES May 4, 2005 Couacil Chambers Manicipal Building ~~y,,;, 1777 Broadway ,.i:''~. '°~:, , ~. 6 p.m. ' r„ s, ' `"Ei'~: ~:~; ~;(~£~' ' The following are the action minutes of the May 4, 2d~5, Cit}~~i~~oulder Landmarks Preservation Advisory Boazd meeting. A perm ent set of these7ht~i-utes and a tape recording (maintained for a period of seven y,~ j~Ts retained in C8i1~~1 Records (telephone: 303-441-3043). You may also,li~~en to the minutes via t1i3e~C# {; of Boulder website at: www.ci.boulder.co.us/plannin~~endmarks/~gendas/5 4 OS.Ii ';;;, ,~" ` ~'~~i9~~i ''3 ?~ 3 , ' ~ S " BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: ~3' 'i-., ~ ~ ~ Nancy Komblum " ' Leland Rucker Tim Plass ~'~~ ~ "~ ~ ; ; ,,. ~;3sf`, '"s ;; , ;,. !:#3;,,, ° ,, -. ;,_., ;;~, , BOARD MEMBERS EXCUSED ABSEI~''a, ;,:,.;, '<~~ : y ;, Leonazd Ma ~~9; '~'~' ' ~ < ~ Rory Salance ;.,,~~;~:;., i:. ~f=" ~z{ 'I's. ,'ss.i;;3# 'r ,;;.+. 'i~~` STAFF A'~EMBERS ~RESENT: 3~~~' ~f` t.. ~~<S_ Sue Eklen Hazrison, Citi~Attomey James HewaC; Pr~serv~~i'qm Planner JeS~;,Wilson, Plaxin~g inYern~';>; ~ "~:?; ~ v .. ~+~,'~,,. ' ;; 1 c~<%xTO or~ia~x The ic~~~~~avmg l~ee~i c~~Yted, Chair R Salance declared a quorum at 6:12 p.m. and the foltbyt!~ng busirie's's was conducted: "2.~= ;,, APPROVi~~{~, OF MINUTES The boazc~~~pproved the minutes of the Apri16, 2005 meeting. ,. ,~ 3. ~PU$~IC PARTICIPATION FOR ITEMS NOT ON THE AGENDA Carol Affleck, PO Box 534, Niwot 80544: spoke in favor of preserving Valmont Butte and was against any development on the site. Nick Halsey, 7660 Valmont Rd: spoke in favor of preserving Valmont Butte and was against any development on the site. Cathy Bauers, 7660 Valmont Rd.: spoke in favor ofpreserving Valmont Butte and was against any development on the site. 4. DISCUSSION OF LANDMARK ALTERATION AND DEMOLITION APPLICATIONS ISSUED AND PENDING There was no discussion of Landmazk Alteration and Demolition applications issued and pending. ,.: 5. ACTION ITEMS A. Public hearing in consideration for the adopkion'o~General Desigu Guidelines for the Highland Lawn Historic District a~".~administra}iKe regulations of the Landmark Advisory Preservation Board. ''~. ~~~~_',,. „~~_ ~, Board members were asked to reveal any ex parte contacts they may liiive;had on this item. T. Pass, N. Kornblum and L. Rucker ieceiyed an email from Mr. Vella~dii s T Plass spoke with residents from 527 Marine Streefi?~~~ ._~;,; ,. '~~ Public Hearing Maude Babington, 527 MarineSti'.iCeguested a changein the general design guidelines to allow for the roofline to be raisetl;on°heG oyse in the future: -, :,, Heidi Weckwert, 527 Marine St., sugges4ed chaugiiig "point 1.2" in the guidelines from "generally not.appopriate" to "approQriate if the period/style of the house ..." L. Rucker stated the building at 527 Marine St. represents a special case in the historic district and flexibility should be allowed'in interpreting the design guidelines to allow for a second story. .~t.; ~,;'~; 3 ,; ~:,; . ' 1VIotioi. ~~' On a motion bytT. Plass;~~seconded by N. Korublum, the Landmarks Preservation Advisory Board'adopted (3'?U:It. Balance and L. May excused absent) the Design Guidelines for't`-ieHighland Lawn Historic District dated April 12, 2005 as administrative _: Fegulations to assist in the interpretation of the historic preservation ordinance as it relates fottlie Highland I;a~vn Historic District. is B. ` I?dblic Bearing and consideration of a demolition permit application for anon- laud.,marked building over 50 years in age (constructed c. 1920) at 727 Evergreen Avenue, as per Section 10-13-23 of the Boulder Revised Code (HIS2005-00041). ApplicantlOwner: Tim Nickles & Tim Meyers Board members were asked to reveal any ex parte contacts they may have had on this item. T. Plass and N. Korublum reviewed this project at a Design Review Committee meeting. Public Hearing Tim Nickles, 635 4 Mile Canyon: spoke in support of the application. Gale Grey, 670 Logan Mill Rd.: said the proposed changes will affect the character of the neighborhood. Motion >> ;Gz, On a motion by T. Plass, seconded by N. Kornblum, the ~gtidmarks Preservation Advisory Board issued (3-Q R. Balance and L. May excltsec~ absent) a demolition permit for 727 Evergreen (HIS2005-00041), adopting the staf~"ine ~andum dated May 4, 2004 ...Y , as findings of fact. ''' `k C. Public hearing and consideration addition to the Contributing HoH adjacent free-standing houses~vGi1 7000 sq. ft. at 2121 I1`n Street in 1 00062). ,<<a ! , ~~' ~",4 .andmark Alteratioti~ Certificate for an ~iz .o,~ ~tuary building and tltge~ection of two mbined floor area of approximately iple~p~"~)!-Till Historic Disi~i'ct (HIS2005- ~. ,._ Applicant/Owner: Scott Woodard ai:., _~' Board members were asked to reueal ctny;~x rte contacts'they may have had on this item. . .~~. L. Rucker, T. Plass and N. Kornblum revievi~ed this project at a Design Review Committee meeting and received aii~e-maifi from M#j)±arkus. N. Kornblum also received a f:, ~: ., pr, . phone call f;orri~It;;~arkus. ' r-' Public .Hearing Scott Woodard, 2703.~4`h St.r Boulder: applicant, spoke in favor of the proposal. ~, - '~€ ,; AIfM~D4unell, 1035=Sprruce St.: spoke in opposition to the applicant's proposal. Jo Walsh, 1035 Spruce St.'r'Spoke in opposition to the applicant's proposal. Betty Woon, 49$A.Meredith Way: representing the owners of 1105 Spruce Street, was c0~~emed about tote proposed mass and scale of the project. Bob Rader, 10A0 Pine St.: representing the residents of 1043 Pine and owner of 1040 Pine, spoke of the project's impact on 1040 Pine. Brooke Palumbo, 1003 Spruce St.: spoke of the potential impact to the two houses to the west of the project. Katie Lehr, owner of 1117 Pine St.: spoke in favor of the proposal. After the board discussion, the applicant withdrew the application. 6. MATTERS FROM THE LANDMARKS BOARD, PLANNING DEPARTMENT, AND CITY ATTORNEY - Valmont Butte consultation Staff gave an update on a recent open house and talked of the sensitive nature of artifacts and the Native rituals. A tour of the site will occur on May 18"'. - Boulder Valley Comprehensive Plan major update Three proposals have been put forth from the Chamlier~of Commerce pertaining to historic designation. T. Plass will attend the 7une?~'`.meeting representing the ~, board. ,~:,,° '.:'q;~-, ;a, -Update on University Hill Design Charrette 7. DEBRIEF MEETING/CALENDAR CHECK '~" ?; 8. ADJOURNMENT ._'' '` The meeting adjourned at 10:04 p.m. ~, Respectfully submitted, "ji=:=. Approved on June 1, 2005 's;, ' ., . Chairperson ~.;~_ °:;:i°~ ~£3 ., e:. . ' a ~.+ . ~' ~!i;= ~ 4