5A - Consideration of a demolition permit application for a building over 50 years in age and locateMEMORANDUM April 6"', 2005 TO: Landmarks Preservation Advisory Board FROM: Ruth McHeyser, Director of Long Range Planning Bohdy Hedgcock, Historic Preservation Planner James Hewat, Historic Preservation Planner Chris Meschuk, Historic Preservation Intern SUBJECT: Public hearing and consideration of a demolition permit application (HIS2005-00037) for the demolition of the house located at 3143 8~'' Street, pursuant to Section 10-13-23 B.R.C. for non-landmarked buildings over fifty years old. STATISTICS: 1. Site: 3143 8~'' Street. 2. Zoning: LRE (Low Density Residential Established) 3. Owner: Jirair and Aline Christianian 4. Applicant: Jirair and Aline Christianian SUMMARY: • This building is not in a historic district or locally landmarked, but is over fifty years old and meets the criteria for demolition defined under Section 20-13-23 B.R.C. • The item was referred to the full Board for a public hearing on February 23~d, 2005 as a result of a determination of "probable cause' that the house may be eligible for landmark designation. ~ Constructed in 1904, the house is vemacular in construction, and features no major stylistic detailing. ^ Changes and modifications to the house including multiple additions, siding replacement, and addition of shutters on the front fa~ade have adversely affected its historic integrity. • The building is not a notable example of historic residential architecture in the Newland Subdivision. ^ It is staff's opinion that the structure does not have historic significance under the criteria set forth in Section 10-13-23(g) of the B.R.C. and the Individual Landmark Significance Criteria (1975) • Staff recommends that the building permit be issued and a stay of demolition not be S:~PLAN~data\longrangVIIS11Demos\8th3143\04.06.05 memo.doc ITEM & ISSUE: The design review committee's February 23rd, 2005 decision that there was "probable cause" that the building at 3143 8~h Street may be eligible for designation as an individual landmark requires that this item be reviewed in a public hearing as per Section 10-13-23(g) of the Boulder Revised Code. In this regard, the Board's decision is limited to determining whether the building has historic significance under the relevant criteria and whether or not to impose a Stay oE Demolition on the property. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION The approximately 5,900 square foot lot on which the house stands, is located on gt'' Street between Evergreen and Forest Avenues (until 1953 Evergreen was known as 5"' Avenue and Forest 6~'' Avenue.) Located on lots 35-36, Block 22 of the Newland addition, the parcel is fairly typical in size for the neighborhood. (See Attachment B: Newland neighborhood map). Located on the west side of the block, the 1500 sq. ft., one-and-a-half story house is a wood vernacular form building with no significant stylistic details. The level oF alteration to the house is moderate. While a 1949 tax assessor photograph indicates the form of the fa~ade has changed little, alterations to this elevation have occurred including S:~PLAN\data\longranglHIST~Demosl8th.3143\04.06.05 memo.doc Figure 1. 3143 8'h Street, March, 2005. the concealing of the exposed raEter tails, replacement of the siding, and the addition of shutters on the Eront gable end. Significant non-historic additions have been constructed at the rear and side of the building including the addition of a dormer, enclosure of a rear porch, addition of a family room, and an addition above the rear porch. Character defining features of this house include its front-gabled roof, and full-width front porch with offset front door and battered posts. The house features one-over-one, double hung windows and horizontal drop siding. Two large shed roofed dormers are located on the south elevation. A one-car, freestanding garage (also slated for demolition) is located behind the house, although access is not from the alley, but from a curb cut off of 8"' street. The property is simply landscaped, though several mature trees grace the property. CRITERIA FOR THE BOARD'S DECISION: The Historic Preservation ordinance specifies that the Landmarks Board shall consider and base its decision whether or not to impose a stay of demolition upon any of the following criteria [10-13-23(g)]: (1) The eligibility of the building for designation as an individual landrnark consistent with the purposes and standards in Sections 10-13-1 and 10-13-3, B.R.C. 1981; (2) The relr~tionship of the building to the character of the neighborhood as an established and definable area; (3) The reasonable condition of the building; and (4) The reasonable projected cost of resforation or repair. In considering the condition of the building and the projected cost of restoration or repair as set forth in paragraphs (3) and (4) above, the board may not consider deterioration caused by unreasonable neglect. Figure 2. 292411~h Street,1949 Tax Assessor photograph As detailed below, staff considers that the property is not eligible for designation as an individual landmark and that demolition would not have an adverse impact upon the character of the area. As such, it is staff's opinion that demolition would be appropriate based on criteria 1 and 2 above. No evidence has been provided suggesting that the condition of the building or the cost of restoration or repair (criteria 3 and 4) are factors in the request for partial demolition. As such, staff concentrated on criteria 1 and 2, the building's eligibility for landmark designation and its relationship to the character of the neighborhood, in the analysis below. NEIGHBORHOOD HISTORY The Newland subdivision was first platted in 1891. While much of the subdivision was populated in the 1920's, a number of lots remained undeveloped until the late 1940s. Between 1906 and 1913 the New Home Realty Company purchased nurnerous blocks of land in the Newland Subdivision. Of the 20 houses on the 3100 block of 8t" Street, this house is the only one constructed prior to 1920. The majority of structures were built in the late 1930's to 1950's. As is the case with most of the Newland neighborhood, a number of houses on the block have recently been remodeled and added to, or constructed in the last five years. PROPERTY HISTORY From 1902 to 1913 Harriett Slaven is listed as having owned the subject property. Harriett is listed as being a widow, and is assumed to have been the first occupant of the house, as the address does not appear prior to 1905 in city directories. Albert and Isabella Olsen purchased the property in 1913, and were early Boulder pioneers associated with the rnining towns. The property changed owners seven times until 1961, when Newell and Jean Fogelberg purchased the property. In 2005, the house was purchased by Jirair and Aline Christianian. Research indicates that the main house was constructed in 1904, with modifications occurring in 1928 with the construction of the front porch;1962 with the addition of the rear south dormer;1967 with a family room addition to the northwest corner, and 1972 with work to the front porch and the rear. T'he gable-end and dormers also appear to have been re-sided from shingles to horizontal drop siding sometime after 1949. (See attachment E, Directory and Deed Research) S:~PLANldatauongrang~HIST~Demos\Sth.3143\04.06.05 memo.doc Figure 3. 3143 S~h Street, March, 2005. ANALYSIS OF LANDMARK ELIGIBILITY 10-13-23(g)(1): Eligibility of the Building as an Individual Landmark. Staff considers the house at 3143 S~h Street to not have sufficient signiEicance for designation as an individual landmark under the criterion for Historic Significance (A) or Architectural Significance(B), adopted by administrative policy in 1975. A. Historic Significance: 1. Date of Construction: Constructed in 1904. The subject property is over fifty years and is an example of simple frame vernacular construction from that period. The 1995 Survey of Historic Places analyzed resources in the Newland neighborhood. The report stated that 16 percent of the surveyed buildings in the Newland's neighborhood were constructed between 1900 and 1909, the second largest time period prior to WWII. 2. Association with Historic Persons or Events: Olsen, Fogelberg. Although there is a sufficient amount of information regarding the former residents of the property, none stand out as signiEicant to local, state, or national importance. 3. Distinction in the development of the community of Boulder: None 4. Recognition by Authorities: None B. Architectural Significance: 1. Recognized Period or Style: Vernacular The frame house at 3143 is simple and vernacular in form and detailing, with riumerous additions and modifications have occurred in the (post-1955) non- historic period. The building does not stand out as an outstanding example of vernacular architecture in the Newland area or the city as a whole. A"windshield" survey of the surrounding area revealed a number of similar vernacular form buildings with more architectural interest and integrity. When comparing the building to these examples, the loss of integrity clearly stands out, including the multiple additions and dormers, siding replacement, enclosure of the rafter ends, and addition of dormers on the front gable end. 2. Architect or Builder of Prominence: None. 3. Artistic Merit: None. 4. Example of the Uncommon: None. 5. Indigenous Qualities: None. C. Environmental Significance: None observed. CRITERION 2: RELATIONSHIP TO THE CHARACTER OF THE NEIGHBORHOOD: As discussed, the Newland subdivision in which the house is located was first platted in 1591 and developed primarily from the 1920s through the 1950s and its character to that period has been altered significantly during the past two decades as a result of demolition and new construction. Stylistically, the house is related to the early- twentieth century development of the subdivision, although does not stand out as an example of early construction in the area. PUBLIC COMMENT: Staff has received no comment to date. DECISION OF THE BOARD: If the Landmarks Board finds that the building to be demolished does not have historic significance under the criteria set forth in section 10-13-23(g) B.R.C., the city manager shall issue a demolition permiE. S:~PLAN~dataUongang~I-IIS11Demos\Sth3143\04.06.05 memo.doc If the Landmarks Board finds that the building to be demolished may have historic significance under the criteria set forth above, the application shall be suspended for a period not to exceed 180 days from the date the permit application was accepted by the city manager as complete. [Section 10-13-23(h)]. A 180-day stay period would expire on September 13'h, 2005. PLANNING DEPARTMENT RECaMMENDATION: The vernacular form house at 3143 8"' Street does not have historic significance, lacks distinction as a significant resource to the Newland neighborhood as a whole, and has lost historic integrity due to alterations that have occurred since 1955. Based upon consideration of the criteria set forth in Section 10-13-23(g) B.R.C and the Individual Landmark Significance Criteria (1975), staff recommends that a demolition permit be issued. FINDINGS: Staff recommends that the Landmarks Board adopt the following findings: A demolition permit be issued for the house and garage at 3143 8'h Street in that those buildings: 1. Are not eligible for individual landmark designation based upon its historic, architectural and environmental significance; 2. Do not contribute to the character of the neighborhood as an intact representative of the area's past. ATTACHMENTS: A: Historic Building Inventory Record B: Newlands Neighborhood Map C: Tax Assessor Card D: Newspaper Articles E: Directory and Deed Research F: Current Photographs G: Structural Engineer reports on the property S:~PLAN~dataUongrang~HIST~Demos\8th3143\04.06.05 memo.doc 7 COLOR~DO XlSTORICAL SOCIETY Otttce o} Archaealogy and Mlsiortc Preserva2lon 1300 Braadray, Denver, Colorado 80203 XISTOFI: BUILDING :NVENTORY RECORD ~ NOT FOR FIELD USE Eligible Nominatcd Att,dL,hment A _ OeS. Not Eligible _ Certified flehab. Daie PROJECT NAME: Boulder Survey of Hia(ortc C~UNTY: CSTY: STATE ID NO.: $BLS16'1 ~laces, 1995 Boutder - Boq~der ___ ~ TEMPOMRY NO.: 146'I-2~-<-~6-017 CURRENT dUILJING NAtlE: ~ OuNE0.: FWEL3ENG JEAN E ~ }1G3 B7H Si aouLDEfl Co 80364-2575 a0~RE55: 3'1~3 8TH 5T 80u1'JE0., CO SC30~. i0uN5HIP 1N RANGE i'l4 SECTION 24 SE l/4 Su t/6 dI5i0RIC nanE: ~ U.S.G.i ~UAD NAME: 9oulder, Colo. Olsen desidmce YEAfi: 1966 (PR1979) X 7.5' 'S' dLOCK: 22 LOT(S): 35-36 DISTqiCT NAnE: ADOITICN: Neulands YR. OF ADDITION: 1891 ~IL.Y ROLL N0.' 95-'1 NEGATIV: NO. LOUTION oF NEGATIVES: : OpiE OF CONSTRUCT[ON: ~ 3Y: doger uni:acre G _ Boulder [iiy ving. ESTIMA7E: xC7UAL: 1904 ~ SOURCE: `~ ~ Boulder Couniy Assessor ' - USE: ~ ; ~~ PRESENT: ~ ~ ~ _ Restdence t . ~~~ r ' HIS70RSC: Residence ~ "~ CONDiTION: EXCELLcNT X GOOD ~•+ FAiR DETERIORATING ;I~ EXTENT Of ALiERATI0N5: ~ X MINOR MODERA7E MAJOR DESCRfBE: "-~ - - -- ~ ~-~ Metal cMmney. CONTINUED YES X NO SttLE: Vernacular Yood Prame StORIES: ORIGINAL SITE % MOVED '1 1/2 DATECS) OF MOVE: MA7ERIALS: Vood, [oncrete Sa. FOO7AGE. NA7IONAL tiEGISTER ELIGIBILITY 1500 N O INDIVIOUAL: YES % TRCH[i"cCiURAI DESCRIPTION: One-and-a-naL`-story, front gable roofed frame duel Ung uitn overnanging eaves CONTRI9UTING TO DfSTRICT~ antl exposetl rafters; shed Cormer on south . 4alls clad uith drop sidmg; wncrece VES NO tour.aan on. Upoer tronc ga6ls teaturos paired, doublr hung ~indows vith uooden LOCAL LANDMARK UESIGNATION: No surround; gable apex vmted. Full-widtn, hippeC roof porcn uith thick, tapered p+er suppor.s atop sotid porch valls with I drop siding. Off-center, paneled and NAME: I lazed door Double-hun 1/'I-ti ht d n rr th d d DATE: . g, 3 g vin o vs W~ woo e su oun s. ASSOCIATED BUiLD1NG5? % YES NO TYPE: ~ Garage ' If ~INVENTORIED, LiST ID NOS.: ~~ CONTINUED? YES % NO I ADOITIONp~ PAGES: YES X NO \ ~ - YLAN SHtiPE: A0.CXITECT:. STATE !0 NO.: SBL5161 Uakno~n ~ OqIGINA~ OYNER: ~ ~ Albert & Isabelte Olsen ('.7 ~ SOURCE: 1 ~ i i i ~ ~ ,, . . . ~ " , , . _ - ~ SOURCE: . i ~ . • , Ciiy Directory, 1913 ~ . ~ HUILDER/CONTRACTOR: ---~ ~ . dlbert Olsen (7) ~ rMEnE(51: SOURCE: Urban Residmcial Neighbornoods, ~ . AssumM, based on occupation 7858-present CONSjRUCiION HIS70RY (DES[RIP7ION, NAMES, DATES, ETC., RELATING 70 nAJOR ALTE0.ATIONS TO ORIGINAL STRUC'URE): CONT?NUED Y~5 % NO HISTORICAL B+ICKGROUND (DISCUSS IMPORTAN7 PERSONS-AND EVENTS aSSOCIATED YITH THIS ST0.UCTURE): in 1913, tMs uas the hame of Albert N. and Isabelle Olsen. AlberL Nickal~ Olsen uas a carpenter, vho lived in 9oulder for 53 year5. Ne v~as oorn in ironjehiem, Norvay, in 1875. for 15 years, he vorked as a tarpenter on the umversi:y s2aff. OLsen marn ed isabelle Virgim a Paiterson in Boulder in '1905. She uas born in uard, Colorado, in '188~. to Catv~n and Isanelle Pasterson. AL6ert OLSen died in '1950 and Isabelle in 'I%3. C~N7INUE0 YES % N~„%, SiGN:~ICANCE (CHECK APPROPRIATE CATEGORIES ANU BRIEFLY JUSTIFY BEIOW): `~`' RRCMITECTURAL SIGNIFICANCE: HISTORICAL SIGNIfICANCE: REPRESENTS THE vORK OF A MASTER ASSOCIATED WITH SIGNiFICANT PERS~NS POSSESSES HIGH ARTISTtC VALUES qSSOCIATED NITH SIGNifICAN7 EVENTS OR PATTERNS % qEPRE5ENT5 A iYPE, PERI00, OR METH00 OF CONSiAUCTION CONTRIBUTES TO AN HISTORIC DtSTRICT TIER EYALUATION: STATEMENT OF SIGNIFICANLE: This house is reoresentative of !arly tWmtieih ceniury vernacular rosidmtial consLruction, as reflected in the gabled roof uith exposed eaves, ihe drop siding, and she promineni porch wtth tapered piers and solid porch Walls. C~NTINUED YES X NO REFEREN[ES (BE SPECIFIC): Boulder Councy Assessar rocords; Boulder City Direc2on es; 9oulder oaily Camera hiogrephical files. CONTINUED YES X NC SURVEYED BY; R.~. Simmons/J.E. Broeker AFFILfATION: Front Range Research pssociates, Inc. DATE: June 1995 :•~ :; <_v o~ - ~ ~J ~~ ~ i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~s ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~S ~ ~ e~~ , M ~~ v ~ .~.,,ors.~~i `- h 1 : ~,' ~ H ~ ~ _ p W p o~ ~ ~ k m~ ^ d~y h0'+ ~ Q ~n u x t- z ~ ~~~~ +w N wZ ~+~ ~Iw~aj r~_w -~~ w ihI'~f~r~'~ ~Wn~y~yyffwr~ia~~~~ tiyWWir~ w~y•q ~~i ~ y~Ur~ s w ~~~:1'{N ~iai 11sa y~ M~n~HwOiM~ ~w~0 ~~BWVM~.~y~jaw.~4+1^Ytw~w.~'Grrali~-.~.:..1"Mrin~w~~w.~p^4Y~ M~ Naw~WU'W w~w1 . _ i ~ ^ o-~ i...i.. - n SYkiWx \~~4'!'i t{ ~ ~i4i0~'~~Lli~1t~M ~~4 ~ ~y ~~ Y~ • b y 1 „ y I ' ' " *r ^ ^' " S`~; ' F I ~~ . fi a ~',77~ 5 i . t y I h1 , in,uc utt+~n~i~ . i ~H: ~ ?h 5' vit ~.~a~~ tqr. ~i, at: 44~i ~cir ~ i ~ . ~,~ ~ ~' e e .. n v i ~ _ a'. ~i 1~~ '; ~~ ,~i".. ~~~ I ~~~ ~ ar~ ~le4ti 3 ' i 7 ~ ~ H1N71 • iJ7LL^ $ „ ..OS' Z ~: : . i '~~ ll'i.M 4~a~ ~ a~:Vt ~.1 ~~~aNt~~Z ~, ~F ~<< ~,..~ ~ .~~ ;~ ~ . ri~-~~:,,y-~~;•~~ _' ~ ~ ~ v~'' ' ~ Z ~ ~'~ 4~~~' Z t~ ~ ~ ~ „ h p ~ ~ ' 17381& ! u1NIN T j ( i ~i I rl~'his ~~~i i~ ~j1 kil~i[IIi~UAtKiR ~ i t~ j\l ~l ~~ t\~` ~ ~S ; , i,~~~ , , . .~ i.~ .,. ,ti..h z,.,,~ ~ ~ i ' 1 ~i~;,,.~ •; ~ • ' 'Ui1 y'll.ilim:t71~ ~ ~3uis j„ tax ~ ~ u a + t y ' 1 wiwo ,~ a Yt ~ ~~~~ 1 !~~ i~ `~~ . ~ ~I ~ ' , ~I ~~ ; e~ , , i _ s, y cy ~ r I , i ~ 1 ~ , ~ i ~ ~~~ I ~~ . .i"~a.i.~.:yia~ qja4+~~M i ~ ~ ' ~ ~ •1 ~ ~ .. . - . 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""} _'" ... _ _.~ .'_'" ' .'_' ' i ~%iEL'l:iCi:} "'""."_._",_ ' .._.._ ; _..'~'._"" '__ _"..._. __'"'» ~ __"""_'_"_"_" ""'_"""_'"'___"'..'~'""..'.."'"'.'""' 1 ' orado` advenfu~el iga~~ine; Edited By ew `state ~ magazine, Colorado~ ~tureland, ~will be on' the s in ~une,~ it was announGed by NewelI .~ogelberg qf Boul- vHo i$,managing editor of Lha publicalion.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~rydo $dveatui~eland~ will ,v~ ;hed quarterly and_: w~l he ~uted aational];t~as well as lo- Th~ name ~ Adventuceland ~hosen~ to eapress the theme ~o matter what one 'sees ur n ColoTado, it is an adventure iug. ' , . ~ . ~ = "~ magazine has~ received•the hearted coopefaGon~of state~. Is, members of the Fioapital-. ~nter statf'and the,Colorado ber of CommeYCe. ~ ~. my Boulder citizens 6ave cyn-', ~d greatly ~ to ~whateyer suc- ~~ his magazine may ,achieve,"' ~ ~erg stated, "Without lheir I, ance, enthusiasm and maral ~~ ~t the task of organizatiun I have been imthea§ures4~Y'~ difficult." ' . . ' ~e other Boulder~ resldenia ace~ .y identified ~Yith ~t6.e=~ pea :ine: Lewis Ewen ,as,.~ar~, di- , Jim 4Vood in cfiaFBe :of-ad= .ng iu tde Bouldei-EStesPark and L'eo Brewingfon with t5B ig~ ficm ~a.Deuee~.~that;veill ~ it_ , . _<<... .,.. ~._ photoHraphie,: artisES:°. and- s are contiibutin~,~to!rth,is~, >sue. ~The' overw,aa_fuj6'.coI: by,Syl La~rot;~,whose work~~. tionally~,knowA:~~ Eighti"fulll :¢~ eolor-tqne w~71 include ;raphs by~John Epp„who tra9~l ed - awards : for 'his~ , wqck ~ hout the United`States. ~ ~ ~st Cresseu, we3l~versEd ~ itt ~r and Colorado 6istory,-~and ;levelaMl will have 8rticles issue,, vnd Eyert M. Winks, i iis'wide kpowledge of Colo-I, will presehk an 'actiale, ex- ~ ig his ^education in tourism.",'~. ariicles of _idferest ~to "Cota ~~ ~ and Colorado visftqrs will~l tured.. . ;. . ., :lberg is an`alumnus of the vestern Medill School of Jour- and has edited and publish- I ~eral newspapers and ma~a- I a Illinois and Wisconsin be- aoviag to Colorado 'three'~, ago to work for the Aow li cal Company at Rocky FlaEs. ~. i Boulder resident, he has ctive op the governing boards YMCA, Nomad Players and Opera Workshop. He is a :r of the First Methodist choir and of the Y•Indian` , NeweLL ~ Fogelburg ; , , ~ ~ Mr. ~and'~ Mra. '~Fogelberg~ have' five chIldren: three~daughters~in high school~who"are Mary~, ~a seq- io~;- Joau, a junior; 'and Judy, a sophomore; and, two youager- suns,~ Newell' V': and ~Allen. ' ~^ ~ ~ ~ Other. iufo=mation anc~ subscrip- fion offez ~ will' be' found ~in 'an ad- veitisemeut~ ia tonight's paper coh< ceraing Colorado Adventureland.r Attachment D - saF..ir C: Fogelberg ~ Acq.uires. Au~hor-lournalist } ; , Moves Its Pubtication Back Ta BoulderC , With the July issue oE Author ., and Journelist, Newell, E. Fogel- ~~~ berg of Boulder became the edi- ~~~~;~;n tar znd publisfier and has e la- .~; li$hed its otfice at his ~~~;?~'~ Maztin Drive. ~h e~ ~ine, :-~ ~-rhich w r~ed !for many ~ years in ~~r by the late Mr. ;~, and'Mrs. ~John~T. Bartlett, has,. ~~ since =1951, 6een We' pubIIcation t of Mr, and I4frs. Nelso¢ Antrim = Ccawfard of Denver " ~ ~ , In the Ju~y issce aPPears this ~,.~~ , introduction o[ Mr.• Fogelberg:- ~~„~ ' After~ year~s of e~erience in +:i'-~d~- .~; writing iand editoiial~work, Mr. ~ e, Fogelberg founded Coloradv Ad- ~ °~,' °=~ ventureland, .which"'he will con•,,.~~P; tinpe; ta publiah. He is au' alumnus `_ oE the University'af_ Illimis,, and ;.,' `' NorthwPStern ' Unlversity (Medell ~ Schpol of Jourhalism): ' ' Foll¢wing his fam,i}y's journa- " ~ .tistic tradition, Mr. Fogelberg en- ~ te~ed newspapet , w'ork and tor ~~ same, years .wS"s editor and pub- Mrs. r,~tia. ~f the Franklin Pack (IDJ associ~ Newell E. Fogelberg ; ~ Fogelberg. Who ~ wiU. ed with him on AkJ, writer and editor. Slie staff of `Colorado 'Adp I and has Nritten m~ including daily short. : - a Canadian newspa Sournal. Laker he worked on mr also a tropolitan newspapers, includ~ng on -ffie Che Honolulu Advertiser, and~ dur- t ing Wurld , War IT ~ was on .the f sEa{fs ~of Yank, Ivlid-Pacific, and ~ the Stars and Stripes. He also en- : gaged in public relations' foi large ~ ~industrial corporations. ~ 1 ~ In the writing field Mr. Fogel- I l~xrg has conUibuted~ fiction~~to i Liberty and other magaames and ~ do newspaper syndicates. Ae has~. ~written and, as an experLpbota ~ 'grapheq illustrated features for the McGraw-$ill-group and otber, industeial, jouruals: He has` had ~~ , radio eaperienae, both seript wcit- i ]n~. and broadcasting.' 'hus Mr. and 'Mrs. FogeWi ~e the hackground and abilit carry nn the tradition of~.'i r& Joumalist as a magai practical help for all' writi m professionaI ~to , begini ey will, we are confidenC, -c ue~ to improve. A&J;'and. ;ase its prestige• . . ~mo'~'^~~c~'uomoEa ~ ~no'~ d~a~i-~mo~c ~~= .~-c --- '~'~,.-.'roc']c~s~.~.~'u~ic~" ~a~wo'~~~5':ypmq~mac;x°'S'x;..nZ a~ ~n~i~cot" ?~~oes~~, 8.'~, ~e3"my~'y~;m~2o,m~om m myy ~b~,ti~~' . e+ '~ tiv :. ~ef %n ~o~£ Z ~ua~~a. ~m~ y+ <~c^ ~~' E•.~~~ m o~' ~~_ L°~. d~~oa`. m- 0~2. a~.xy a~'~DOmcxom'+fD$y-. CD m w -`D, ~~°.o yazro` ti.o ~m ~ro a°' 6a%'`~ Q,~ ~hy 'Tl ~c `°~o'~^'ya~oGfWd~~S'l,.°~.~c A~`°< rnxaa~QCSo~°~~~~E~ ~ ~. a~ .., o o"' F c, C o~ m a o o-• ~o ~ c m~, m~p - a Fo oa~w"o m ~~5 ~', F_. mti m o `~'~~°wT~.~~m'~7'~1~~~'°_-° y?aa~ `°_r~oatOwa~~wo'<x~ny(~p ~ ~.a°, c aw°on~ ~ ~D ~»° no"~-o+ ~:°_~..m~o ~ ~ °~~~ o~~e~:?c04ocn~ ~'c~o°o, ~.~~~x~~'s~mo'`~~~+'~~~r~ c>>~[~]w~raa capo,..-• o, ~ ~aac'r SAF+ mry..y~o fG • Of N .:. ~G ~ fD '.3 p ~ ~'1 ID O ~ij ~ 00 ~ \~ ~, ~~~C~~~w~~~~bo~ ~ozo m~~~~?~.3y o~,oYa'a'~v N a__ w o o~°.°»,N ,~' ~m ~~w a °,°:? c?°,°'w a~ 2`:+°~ ~°x~~v~Y~~o~ ~ " Tiecree.'.~ .:~ci2ll: 8:, „ ' . ~ ~ a N o ~. ~ 7~,. ' BcuYdej^'u v' „~ -y c~ ~ m Q; ~'i! o be~q";"i~fsddanpf, 'a~~ ~ ~ w ~'n C~ w~ of't~igk cTfTl8fe~14 e7t` S`~ i ~ m ~~ o`D ~;~ ~d~•#~r~~pei~~ lnouflY:.,PFopet.f~' , ~ ~ O. ro w ~' ~ w „ ',ggre~yrieut~`ap~av~d.,:-~~~:~,:.~. ~ ..- •-• ~ ~ 3 ~ ~. I ~ =N~ ~o~ ,_.,... , cam~ ~~~ ~.-~"~1 ~~J 3 ~ ~ ~ ~~x ~sc.: `°m -I yGreer Infang - ~. - ~'' ~anet ~~'jClfftt~'1 L7@COY'F?l~'S~ it Dies . t Birth - -. , l Tfie.~ran_~a~ ~o;~.~and_Mra. Bride~Of James ~reer,;l,r~-: `aamas~ c: c~~e: or ai4s- aw iutn jmnrniag at 9:3b-at the 3anit~rlum~ i .~died ahqrtly atterward. In addltl,on , .,. , ;to his parenta, he fa eurvfv~d b}~ two eiatera,.-Caralya Made aad ~' ~d'na ~Tqyce; a' brother„ 7ames ~ C. I Jr.; and his gr~ndroothere, Mre, Stella McCawll of Naehvllle; Tena., and Mre.' W. P. Garratt of: Chapel -Iill, Tena. Mr. Greer 9r. ie em- 'loyed at Britt Truck Servtce. /~ Miss Janet Lucille ~ Griffith, daughter of Mrs. Marjorie Grif- fitfi of Jordan, Mont., recently be- ca=ne the bride of Jatnes Carrell Greer Jr., son of . a - s. Jame~l Greer of 3143 8th St., Boulder, in a double ring ce- remony in the cHapel of the First~ Methodist church. ~+ ~ Chrysanthemums in~ a3~c~rs~ ' of yellow, browu ~rodle de- corated the altar ~e ceremony ~ performed by the Rev. Marvin Adams. Mrs. Mildied Reed played traditional wedding music on the organ. ' The bride was attired in a bal- ' lerina length gown of white-lace wer fafFeta styled witti three- quarter sleeves and a~ Sabriiia neckline. A lace cap held .her '~ shoulder kngth veil,~and she eaz- ~, ried a bouquet qf fuji muihs. ~ The maid of honor, bLas Clara- i jane Wille of Jordan, ffionk were ; a gown of yellow chiffon over taf. ' feta with matcl~ing accessories ' and cazried a bouquet of brown '~ fuji mums and yellow pompons. I Arlyn Jahde was oes[ man, and ~ Ray Mcf{innis served as usl~er. For her daughter's wedding, the , mother of the bride chose a brown silk dress with tan accessories. Mrs. Greer woce a beige wooi suit with dark brown accessocies. Both mot6ers wore corsages of ~ yellow feathered mums. A receptiou was held at the home of the groom's parents fol- lowing the ceremony. Mrs. Iarry Burdick, Miss Carolya Greer and Mrs. Charles Seff assieted in serv- ing. Sherie Harris of Greeley was ,• In charge'of the guest Iwok. ~ Following a wedding t r i p tluough Colorado, Mr. and Mrs. Greer will be at home at 610 North 30th, in Billings, Moat. , The former Miss Griffith grad- ~ uated from Garfield County High T6e . - , r,r«.z-.r:a' 1L JoCdan III 1957~53n~1`'~IAB :d college ~at:-~VlRtiiwai'th ~ in Spokane~ WasTr., . and Mountain College;ta-Bili- he is aow employed:aLIka= Hospital in Hilling's.'-x: ; gTr Sehaol in 1957 and'hss, atteuding-.Roclry Mountain ege in Billings far tfie past hyo ~~~~ years. TLis paat. sumine[ be was em~loyed ~-at McA3ullea oan ~ibd Storage.- ' ~ Out of town guests 'at',the wad- diug, were: Mr.s. Marjo~ie Grif- fith, mother. of Uie bride, of Jor+ dan, Mont., Miss Clarajane Wille of docdan,-Mr: _au~IDUS: Eraest Haztis and danghter, Sherie of, Greeky, Mr. and Mrs. E. Zt. Se$~ of Anrora, Mr. and Yvlrs. Willia~ Mendell of-~Denver, Mrs Cather-! ine Mundell of Bennet, Miss Maiy, Schr6eder of I.ongmont, aad ToLn Oldemeyer of Johnstown. ° ~ , ~~.w,""""" ~"~'i , t; ~e~¢( gnd-Jean F'agelb~rg of ~ 31~3 &th ar~_ tht parent's. of _a danghter ~ei6fim8 °? $ ~ e ~itnily nunc~es bo~ mam~ng. The i E{pspital at"9:i3 e Maz- p~e gul h8s bben n,am d, . 8uerite "A4n. Other chilihln at Nome aze LSnda. 9~fi: Lori~ si4: ~~ and LarrY. s'h. The father ,[s a q~alitp'ePatrol,trtglnECr Wtth,pow Ch¢inical. ~`randpecent's, are 'Mr., ' `attd Mrs. A. C. Hotnung of 8ul- ~~~ ~as, Mant. ' ~ ' ~~ ~' /~ Marge Hacke#t, N1r Q p q~s#~lc~ding Mr. and &lrs. James L: Iiack- ett, of 1243 Gaylord St.; •Hetrver, former residents af Boulder; an- nounce the engagement rif their daughter, Mazge, to E~l1~P,D. 16orth, son of Mr. and Mrs. D., 0. North of Pr.inceton, N. 3: Miss Hackett atte~tded the L'niversity of Colorado ,and is presently a legal secre~rY ~~~ the~ Denver law fixm of Fiolland & Hart. Mr. North is a graduate of Franklin . Co11eBe, Indiana, and is an engineer with Geo- physical Service, Inc. The wedding' wiR take place ~n Aueust 1 in Evergreen. _ James Hackett James L. Hackett of Denver,~ formerly of Boulder,:: died~ 4Vednesday, April I5, at St.' Luke's Hospi'tal in Denver. He was 77. - Mr. Hackett was born in Rock ~ $prings, Wyo., on Dec. 16, 1909: He was the son of Frances Lane Hackett and James T: Flackett. He married'Geneva Collins in' Kemmerer, Wyo.; on Aug. 14,-, 1925. ` ' Mr. Hackett lived in the Boul. r,~ der area from 1943 to 1973. He, A~l~s.a_meat cutter and retired in' 1982. p ~j He was a me~mbel~ of ~he-So~lil. der Chamber of Commerce, ' Baulder Elks Club, Boulder NIa-'' sonic Lodge„ Denver BroncQ,S' Quarterback Club, American Legion #17 and an horrorary member of the University of Colorado Football Alumni "C" , Club. Survivors include hls wife of Denuer; one daughter; Marge North of Indian Hills, CoIo.; one , brother, ~Iarry Hackett of Poea- tello, Idaho; two sisters, Vernice Outsen of Salt Lake CikY. Utah, , and Alpce &aretta of Denver; ~ and two grandchildrea. Memorial se'rvices Wll] be held~' at ll a.m. Tuesday at.FYarve}~, Park Christian Church;in Den-, ver, with the Rev. Paul C. Aen•_ dricks officiating. '; Contributions maq'be made to the American Caucer Society, , 2255 S. Oneida St., Deaver 80224. Runyan-Stevensan MortuarN of Lakewood is handling the.ar- rangements. ~~n Frank A. Fletcher, Former Boulder Resident, Dies ~~ ~ p'rank A. Fletchec, a residenE p~ ~ Boulder from 1922 until 1J45, died '~ July 16, The Camera is adviaed hy ~~ a son, HarrY E. Flecher of Post ; Office Box 444, Empire; Calif. ~ Fletcher Sc had en a semi• ~~ invalid~ for th~~~~rs due fo a heart t~ k. 1 ~ ~ c~ ,c6Aiing to Boulder, Mr. g r 7~uilt a home at 2425 Bluff ibr his family then follawed _car~ pentering in Boulder until~ moving. to Novato, 35 miles north of S~n Ffancisco. He purc6ased a home t6ere and engaged in cabinet build- ing until becomin6 ~• Mr. Fletcher would have been 86 had Te 1tVe8' wttil next DeceniDeY: He is survivgd by 6is wife, Mary~ and two sons. He was a~dember ot t6t Odd P'ellows-and of the Ca't- penters Uhion. . e c ;, ..: m~ w a~~~ o ic 'e i m c0 .~y w G~ cD ~ y~~ r~n .~+. cD pj (1y9 . y ~' Q• w~ tjJ (D O4 (D ~_ ~ p ~ Q• o G~ m C 7 N ut pt [~ ~~ O P~ O~(~ ~~ Q Cp ,..~. ~ G p~ •.3- C N n w ry C' `. ~ ~ `4 '."' p ~ ~ ~y ~ ry ~ ~ p ~ ~~ y '~'A C/1 O~ ',`~y ~' "Y NO .~.a a Pi H~ r b r' z o m ~ o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ G! ~ ~ a ~ ?~ w C: y~~rN ew+~ C~ ~ N ~y (C ~.~, "~U4 ~ ~ ~ ax° ~ fi ~ °c ~ m m ~ C ~ ~' H p ~ . .~ ~ ~ N (D ~ .`~-~ O ~ `<' F~ '.J "~ ~i '? '~ a ~ ~ y ~ ~r~-°~~ ~ ~~~ r~ . ~ ., ~ '~ d ? m~ f5 ~] ~ C' JG r~n 07 ~ N ~ ~ O '~ O .""+ ~ ~ ~ M r~" G ~ ~ Ul n.~. ~yy O~~ y'' W ~~ o~, ~~~C z ~ ~~ ~ a rn~. ..~ti~ o~ <~ ~ ~ ~' ~• ~' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ^~+ ~' f ~ G ~i Cj `4 4 ~ ~ a~ ~ ~ /~ ~as born Dec. 22, 1 in M Dwigh~ A. Co Altona when ; ~ y.c~.w..,g . re three sons an and burn of Baker; Ore. Funeral services will be day at-3 p.m. at the Howe OWNERS OF 3143 8T~ STREET: Bold Indicates long-term ownership Prior to 1892 1892 to 1900 1900 to 1902 1902 to 1913 1913 to 1935 1935 to 1936 1936 to 1943 1943 to 1945 1945 to 1947 1947 to 1951 1951 to 1961 1961 to 1993 1993 to Present Attachment E Boulder Investment Co. (Owned Much of Newlands) Ione Anderson Edric J. Huse Harriett Slaven Albert and Isabelle Olsen Cora E. Platt Maude Scogland Frank A and Mary G. Fletcher William Jr. and Anne E. Jenkins James L Jr. and Geneva Hackett 7ames C. and Edna G. Greer Newell E. and Jean Fogelberg Jean E. Fogelberg RESIDENTS OF 3143 8TH STREET: Bold Indicates long-term residency Until 1918 Newlands area was listed under Rural Route 2, and Addresses were not used in many cases. 1905 to 1908 Harriett Slaven (widow) (Listed at 8`" Street and 5`h Ave.) 1911 to 1916 No Listing 1918 to 1935 Albert. N. and Isabelle Olsen (Carpenter) 1936 Vacant 1938 to 1943 Mrs. Maude Scogland (widow-Albert) (Son- Vernon, Student) 1946 to 1947 William Jr. and Anne E. Jenkins (miner) 1949 to 1951 James Hackett (meat cutter - Ideal Mazket) 1953 to 1961 James C. and Edna Greer (Shop Forman, Britt Truck Service, later Jim's Truck Repair. Maude - Helper, Sherry's) 1962 to Current Newell E. and 7ean E. Fogelberg (Engineer, Dow Chemical) NOTE: Carnegie Library's wllection of city directories is intermittent beginning in 1869, and annual beginning in 1958. "No Return" or "No phone" does not necessarily mean the building was vacant. BIOGRAPHY OF RESIDENTS AT 3143 8TH STREET: The house at 3143 8`h Street was constructed in 1904, which coincides with the Boulder city directories as the address is not listed until 1905. The first resident listed is Harriett Slaven, a widow who purchased the lot in 1902, and presumably had the house constructed. Slaven sold the house in 1913 to Albert and Isabelle Olsen. Albert Nickali Olsen was bom November 19, 1875 in Tronjehiem, Norway. Albert arrived in Boulder azound 1897. Albert Married Isabelle Virginia Patterson on October 24, 1905 in Boulder. She was bom October 19, 1884 in Ward, Colorado. Albert was a carpenter, and was employed for 15 yeazs as a carpenter for the ~~ University of Colorado. Albert and Isabelle sold the house on 8`h street in 1935. Albert died at their home in Valmont on January 11`h, 1950 at the age of 74. Isabelle died May 1, 1963 at the age of 79. The Olsens sold the house on 8`h Street in 1935 to Cora Platt, who in turn sold the house in 1936 to Maude Scogland. Maude Colvin was born December 22, 1876 in Mashalltown, Iowa, and moved to the Altona district when she was a child. On December 23, 1893 she married Albert Scogland, a miner from the Jamestown, Gold Hill and Left hand areas. Albert was bom in 1870 in Sweden, and came to Boulder County at the age of 10. The Scogland's owned a home in the mid 1920's on North 26`h street, and on October 14`~, 1926 a fire destroyed their home. Albert died October 6, 1930 at the age o£ 60. Following an operation, Albert died October 6, 1931 when the family lived at 3175 10`h Street. Maude and Albert had six children, 5 boys and a daughtec The Boulder Daily Camera appears to have written an article about Maude recalling the 1895 fire that threatened Gold Hill. Maude died May 8, 1964 at the age of 88. In 1943 Maude sold the house at 3141 8`h Street to Frank and Mary Fletcher. Frank was a carpenter and moved to Boulder in 1922, and built a home at 2423 Bluff Street. Frank and Mazy lived in the subject house on 8~h Street for three years, and in 1945 sold the house to the Jenkins family and moved to Novato, California, where Frank was a cabinet maker until he died July 16, 1950. William Jr. and Anne Jenkins purchased the house at 3143 8'h Street in 1945, and in turn sold the house in 1947 to James and Geneva Hackett. James was born December 16, 1909 in Rock Springs, Wyoming. He married Geneva Collins in Wyoming in 1909. They moved to Boulder in 1943, and worked as a meat cutter for nearly 40 years. The HacketYs only owned the house for a few years, selling in 1951 to James and Edna Greer. The Greer's lived in the house through 1961, including hosting the wedding reception of their son there in 1959. In 1961 James and Edna Greer sold the house to Newell E. and Jean E. Fogelberg. Newell was bom July 11, 1916 in Illinois. He appears to have been married to a Josephine K. Fogelberg, and divorced in October of 1961. Newell came to Colorado in 1955, and worked for pow Chemical at Rocky Flats. In 1958 founded Colorado Adventureland magazine, and in 1959 acquired and became the editor of Author and Journalist magazine. He remarried to Jean E. Leslie on December 18, 1961, the same day they bought the house on 8`h Street. They raised their children in the house, and in 1993 they sepazated and Newell moved to Arizona. Newell died April 11, 1997 at the age of 80. Jean has remained at 3143 8~" Street, and is the current owner. w ~ . ~ .. . .. _~.~_~~ ~ ~ ~ _. ~ ~ _, ~ ~ ° ~ ,~ ,~.,~,~ ~ ;.:- ~ ~ ,.~ w.~'l+pP~ ~ ~°e +}~+Nx . < _~ ~ ~ ~~ h ~;~~;: ~ ~~~ ~` y - 4 • , ~ . .. - e .5 1'~Il ' I ~: .- , ~ v '.: j'~~5 ~. ~ _ ~~ ' '+ar,._ . `F ~~ 1 ~ . ' r" ~ ~ ~ . ~ ~,s, M ; „. y w' ~,w,-^^ ~, . ; L . ~. ~ _ . ~ ~ • ~ ~ ~~ , ., ~ ,.w t,.~_ ~ ..,. ~ ~ .; , . .,~m ~' ~ ~ . ~ ,.~..: ~. ~ ... . , ~*~-~~•+^:M!: `"~ '" . ~ ~ ~, 3 ~~ ~. ! ~ ~ ~~ ~~~~ ~ ".~ . . ~,`..-''r/ ~ - ~ ,* .. .~ ~ ^' . ~ .. ,i . ~ ,~,.,-- . ~~ . - ~ 7 -.;, • - ~~1~ - . - w ` 1 ~_.t "»!-- . ~ y . ~ ~ ^ r ~ «. 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" , ~ _~:s5~ iwM-r'':., ..' ~ , ~ r ~TM,~_ " y; t ~ . {'' j7: ~, . :,' . r` ~ { ~'"~ * ,;:. ~. ~w= ~'.. _ _ ~ a ~ t,,. ', "~:~ ~.~; ~ .~-~..._ ;,,_-;,..w . ,~4 -m : ~ ~~. ~.--°--~.v. , ,r ... _._ i-° - _ __ ~ r~ _ - - - - - - -- -- -- -~ ~-- -- . . ~. .,~.,__. ,~..,, , .,,~ Attachment G ~~~~.«.~ Mazrh 9, 20US Aline 8c Jiiar Cluisbtianian 2085 Stoney Ii'ill Rd. Boulda. CO 80305 Fax ~1303-494-511 I Re: 3143 8"' St Tm~esdgation, Boutder Project #: OS022 Aline & Jirar: - v+sia;d che sioe todey at your request ro overview the property, w review che inspeecor's lener and m P~~~Y address the concems brou~ht aP rop~rdinB 8+e existing faundacion. A full suucnual evaluation was not perfotimed at this time. The existing home is apptaximately 100 yea~s old with whaz appears w be two more recent addirions to the w~cst and some remodeling work done to the original u~per level attia 7be origina! fmmdation is mbbk st~e and We aevver foundations are poured convete. The newr~ crawlcpece ia minimally accessble. The original crawtspace is iuaccessibk at t~is ume. This mig66ocfiood is lmowa to have moderetely expaacive soils and water issues. New conatruction is generally founded on drilled picr foundaaons in order to ory to alleviat~e thc foundati~ moveme~nt a5sociaud with Utese things. the oldcr ha~es in this neiGhborhood gaieratly bave p~formed reasonable well, coasiderin~ theu wb gade condiaons, mm~ing w;rh rhe changing sexsms aod cha~ng moisaue croadi6ons. The owms tend W 8a used w t6~ shifting. '1lnfartunauly, the aocess m viow the fo~mdation ond main Ic~l Erammg for this }ame is extrcmetv, Gmiced. At this timq we could aaily reaua~mend thsa the Lome be left no iig aecmt stetG, ofwhieh it may pufo~m for many mae years, ot t~t it is "saeped" for new construction. Any `5m;ja~' ruiovation waild require ~ueAUSt investig¢tion that physieslly cemot ocwr. In the short teem. we recomm~d tl+at you excavate the areas direaly adje~+t to the south and north ;Foundatim walls of the otigioal stone fouodatianis. tePa°' anY needed stooowork !rom thc outside, and perpe aad watripraof the s~uface. This should sabilia U+e famdaliou for ciirrcnt lad'm~ in addipop, ~e Yecommmd theR you out a swala in We side yacd at tFk north side to cteate positive drainsge away from the nonh side foundatioo. Ifyoa 6ave m-y fiather questirn+s, Pleax Seel &« to catl me. SiacerelY, BASE,LLC ~ ' Cs~a~, P.E., Principal 255t3tHSnpc AwNx.Colamd.t~3Gl [alwbauet.3U9.~N.91t2 ~ foc~Ine~l:907.~~7.9286 33 FILE No.462 03i09 '05 20:02 ID~BASE LLC FRx:;iu:i44'/32ktb rNUt t nar 09 OS 09:52a HPPRFISRL COnSU~ 303 ~43 ~613 p.l ~nspaction ~onsaaltanls, ino. March 9, 2005 ~ Jirar and Aline Christi~nian Re: 3143 8`" 5treet Bouider, Colorado 'fhe inspettion of the residence at 3143 8"' Street Boulder, Colorado was performed on Mdreh 2, 2005. The iQO+/- year ald home rests on a relatively level lot in the Newlands neighborhood of Boulder, COlorado. The wood frame structure rests on the original stone foundation. A first floor addition on the north-west comer of the home rests on a rnncrete slab. There have been additions to the second floor. We noted sagging floors and sloping floo~s in the home. The main floor south bedroom floor slopes to the south, and there are indications of south foundation wall movement in the form of vertical cracks at the wall joints. Sa99ing flooring is observed in the middle living acea. ACCess to the area under the home is extremely limited. We attempted to access the small foundation hatch on the exterior north side of the home, but failed to accomplish this, due to inadequate tools at hand. Another access point is from the furnace crawlspace area at the interior back area of the home. Access is very limited due to placement of furn8ce ducCing. Therefore, our observations of the . . rea..~ 2975 Vahrwrrt Rd_. Suke 210 • Boulder. CO 803~'1 •(3Q3) 443-3668 t38S ~~LL ~w,.vcx w.va u~ ~v•vs ~u~tAabt u,t; FAX:30344732~ PA~E 3 Mar 08 OS 09:Sta RPPRRISRL COMSUL 303 443 ~613 inSP~~tie~ Qaswsult~nts~ in~_ foundation are limited to that which can be observed from the interior and exterior of the home. Exterior stud-~wails appear to be relafirefy plumb on ali four sides of d~e home. While th~e is dear evidence of foundadon wa(I rotation (sloped floor5 and cracked waUs), there are no signs of recent movement in the fvrm oF fr~sh cracks. Sagging flooring in the main floor middle room area indicates joist sagging, likely due M joist size and span. The joists could not be abserved due to inadequate access. If ~rou are planning on any major remodeling efforts, we strongly recommend further analysis by a SdvCtural engineer. Otherwise, continued monitoring of the existing conditions should occur from season to season to determine if there are active signs of foundation movement. Please call with any questions you might have. Alten F. Robie Ins . .Consultants, Tnc. __' ~ ~_, 2~rs ~+~none Rd.. s~ ~o •~. co eoso~ • po~ sss~~ss p.2 . ....s ,~