5B - Consideration of the addition of an exterior stair to a previously approved design for a new onMEMORANDUM Zoning: Owner/ Agent: Applicant: Date of Construction: TO: Landmarks Preservation Advisory Board FROM: Ruth McHeyser, Director of Long Range Planning Bohdy Hedgcock, Historic Preservation Planner James Hewat, Historic Preservation Planner SUBJECT: Public Hearing and consideration of a request to grant a Landmark Alteration Certificate for construction of an exterior stair leading to an upper half-story on a previously approved new one-car garage at 421 Highland Avenue in the Mapleton Hill Historic District. (HIS2005-00032) STATISTICS: 1. Site: 2. Historic District: 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Mazch 2"d, 2005 421 Highland Avenue Mapleton Hill LR-E (Low Density Residential Established) Ken Wood Ken Wood 1904 Historic Name(s): Ingalls House Requested new const: Addition of an exterior stair to access upper half-story on previously approved new one-car garage. SUMMARY: Item referred to full Board for public hearing as addition of usable upper floor space increases floor area to more than 340 square feet of new construction. An exterior stair is requested to allow access to that space. The Design Review Committee approved the new construction with the understanding that upper floor storage space would be accessed via an interior stair and based on findings that the design was consistent with criteria for a Landmark Alteration Certificate and adopted design guidelines. The focus of this review is on the appropriateness of the stair. All other elements of the new garage have been approved. The building is under construction and is consistent with that approval. S:NLAN~da[a\longrangV-IIS'MLTCERTS\Histonc DistrictsVvfapleton HiIlWighland.421\03.02.05 LPAB Mertw.d'oc ^ The use of exterior stairs on accessory buildings is not specifically addressed in the GenerRl Design Gccidelines ar Mr~pleton Hi11 Design Guideiines. An exterior stair may be appropriate if it is integrated into the design of the building, is appropriately detailed and is located to have minimal impact on the public views of the building. Staff does not believe the current design meets those standards; however, modifications to its placement and design could address staff's concerns. ^ Staff recommends approval of the stair conditioned upon simplifying the design to remove the mid-level landing, redesigning the stair itself, including the addition of a bottom rail and more appropriate railing design, using appropriately scaled brackets to support the landing rather than posts, considering relocating it to run primarily on the south (interior) elevation of the garage, and final review and approval by the Design Review Committee. BACKGROUND: The Design Review Committee approved alterations to the primary structure on the site approximately one year ago. An incompatible twa-story addition with a flat roof built prior to the establishment of the historic district was partially reinoved. It was replaced with a new gable-roofed addition in the same footprint. That exterior work is nearly complete. The owner subsequently met with the Design Review Committee and discussed plans for a new garage. No accessory buildings were located on the site at that time. Initial plans were for a single car garage with an attached covered carport. Concerns about potential impacts to a mature tree on the lot led to removing the carport feature from the application. The proposed building measured 17' by 20' (340 sq. ft) and reflected many of the design elements of the primary building. The installation of an exterior stair was discussed; however, as the finishing of the upper half-story space within the gable would increase the square footage to above 340 square feet it was explained that the approval would require a public hearing, per 10-13-14(b), B.R.C. 1981. The applicant chose instead to remove the exterior stair from the plans. A landmark S:~PLAN\data\longrang\HISTWLTCER'iS\Historic Districts~tvlaplcton Hill\}[ighland.421\03.02A5 LPAB Memo.doc ~ 2 Front (south) elevation alteration certificate was issued for the construction by the Design Review Committee, based on findings that the new construction was consistent with the standards described in 10-13-18, B.R.C 1981 and adopted design guidelines. It should be noted that staff received comments from two neighUors concerned about the height of the garage and the potential uses of the upper half-story. The building is now under construction, consistent with the approved plans. The applicant has again requested approval of an exterior stair, citing concerns with the safety and functionality of an interior stair for upper story access. Consistent with earlier direction, staff has referred the application to the full Board for a public hearing. (see Attacltnrertt A: Design Review Comments) PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: The primary building on the lot is a one-and-a-half story brick dwelling in the Edwardian Vernacular style. It features a cross-gabled roof and overhanging eaves, variegated shingles in the gable ends, and a wrap around front porch. It was the home of Harry and Georgia ingalls. Mr. Ingalls was a long time Boulder dentist. (see AttacltrrierTt B: Historic Building Inventory Record). PROPOSED CHANGES TO THE APPROVED PLANS: The applicant has requested to amend the original approval to allow for the addition of an exterior stair providing access to the upper half-story. A door would be also be added on the exterior. The stair as proposed would be located primarily on the east elevation, wrapping the southeast corner of the building as it approaches the ground. A landing and doorway are centered in the gable dormer on the east elevation. The landing is supported by four wooden posts. (see Attnclinrent D: Building Plans and Elevations) :, 4 ; 1:3+ K ~ . ..-.1 __ "_ __ South (Interior) Elevation S:~PLANldata\longrang\HISTWLTCERTS1Historic DistrictsVNapleton Flill\Highland.421~03.02.05 LPAB Memo.doc 3 East Elevation Subsection 10-13-18(b), B.R.C.1981, sets forth the standards the Landmarks Board must apply when reviewing a request for a Landinark Alteration Certificate. (b) Neitl2er tlze lnndrnarks board nor tlte cit~ council slialI approve n landmnrk alterRtion certiftcate unless it meets the follozning conditions: (1) T{ie proposed zc~ork presen~es, enltances, or resfores and does not drzrrtage or destro~ the exterior nrcltitectural features of the landrnark or the subject property zc1ithin an hisforic district; (2) Tlie proposed zvork does not adz~ersel~ affect tlTe special chnracter or special liistorical, architectural, or r~esthetic interest or vnli~e of tlie Iandmark nnc~ its site or the district; (3) The architecticral sfyle, arrangemenf, texture, color, nrrangement of color, and tnaterir~ls used on existing nnd proposed structt~res nre compatible ze~it{t tlze charncter of the existing landmark and its site or tlze historic district; The Board has adopted the General Design Gtcidelines and Mapleton Hill Design Guidelines to help interpret the above criteria. The new garage is consistent with the guidelines in Section 7- Garages & Other Accessory Structures of the General Design Guidelines. The following is an analysis of the proposed stairway with respect to relevant guidelines. The issue is not explicitly addressed in either the General Design Ga~idelines or the Mapleton Hili Design Guidelines. There is, however, some discussion of similar building elements (balconies and fire escape stairs) in each. The analysis below is based upon those guidelines as well as the overall impact of the proposed stairs on the character of the building and the site. Design guidelines are intended to be used as an aid to appropriate design and not as a checklist of items for compliance. S:~PLANldataUongrangl}([ST~ALTCLRI'S1Historic DistrictslMapleton Hill\Highland.421\03.02.05 LPAB Memo.doc CRITERIA FOR THE BOARD'S DECISION: N. Fire stairs should be incorporated into the interior of the building if possible. If they must Ue on the exterior, locate them on rear or side walls, whichever is least visible from the street. Stairways should be designed as unobtrusively as possible. the street. 3.2 Roof Decks and Balconies (Note: while not explicitly directed toward exterior stairs, many of the guidelines related to balconies are relevant, as both exterior stairs and balconies project from the building and require careful design to be integrated into the building). Roof decks are deck areas above the first floor that are contained completely or partially in a roof mass. Balconies are railed or balustraded platforms that project from the building. Second story roof decks or balconies are characteristic of only a few architectural styles found in Boulder. They may be compaHble additions, however, if located on the rear and if they are integrated into the primary structure. Second story roof decks or balconies are not appropriate for free-standing accessory buildings and garages. Any decks or balconies aUove the second sto are ina ro riate unless based on historic recedent. .1 Locate roof decks or balconies The proposed stair is located on the side Yes on the rear, not on the front, of elevation of the building. While it will the building. have minimal visibility from the street, the stair will be visiUle from the alley. Locating the stair on the rear (south) elevation will increase visibility from the street due to the openness of the adjacent lot, allowing views to the new building. .2 Integrate the roof deck or The current design is poorly integrated No balcony into the structure into the building. Instead, it feels either by setting it into the "tacked on" to the exterior. The landing building or by incorporating it wrapping the building corner increases into the roof structure. the mass of the stair and could be improved by a simpler design that extends in a straight run down one side of the buildin . .3 Avoid cantilevered projections The support posts are awkward and add No from the buildin~ and use to the "tacked on" feel of the stair. The cannot ~ No accommodate both a fixed interior stair and vehicle parking in a safe manner. A pull down interior stair is possiUle, though it would have to be located near the center of the Uuilding and therefore could not be operated when a vehicle was parked in the garage. The proposed stairs are located on the exterior of the building on a side elevation. Both the stair and landing will be visible from the alleyway, though not S:V'LAN\data~longranglHIS71ALTCERTS\Histnric Districts\Mapleton ~filR}fighland.421\03.02.05 LPAD Memo.doc appropriately scaled brackets Supporting the landing with a pair of or supports. appropriately scaled and designed brackets would help integrate the stair with the buildin . ,4 While current code The stair design is not consistent with No requirements must be met, historic styles and emphasizes the height new railings should be as close of the railing. Adding a bottom rail and as possible to historic heights. changing fhe balustrade and hand rail In addirion, sensihive design design would improve the design. may give the appearance of the lower railing heights found on historic structures. In general, exterior stairs are not a common feature in the Mapleton Hill Historic District. While some do exist, including on the garages on both sides of the subject property, the addition of an exterior stair requires careful attention to three basic rules: minimize the visibility of the stair, integrate it into the building design, and detail the stair and railing appropriately to reflect historic patterns. The current design is unsuccessful on all three counts. That said, with minimal changes the design could be significantiy improved so as to address these concerns. PUBLIC COMMENT Staff has heard from two neighbors on this project throughout the design review and construction processes. Both raised concerns about the mass and height of the building and the use of the upper story area. The current location of the exterior stair on the east elevation was proposed in an effort to minimize the impact on the adjacent neighbor to the west. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Landmarks Board conditionally approve the request for construction of exterior stairs on the garage at 421 Highland Avenue. The recommended conditions of approval are: 1. Remove the mid-level landing in the stair design and instead use a straight run to simplify the design. 2. Redesign the railing to incorporate a bottom rail and to reflect a more appropriate historic balustrade design. 3. Replace the post supports with appropriately scaled and designed brackets to better integrate the stair with the building. 4. Consider relocating the stair to the south (interior) elevation. 5. Refer the finat plans to the Design Review Committee for review and approval. S:~PLANWata\longrang\HIS7IALTCERTS\Hisroric DistrictsVvtapleton HiIlViighland.421\03.02A5 LPAB Memo.dce Staff believes that a design meeting the above condirions (loosely illustrated to the left) will be consistent with the design guidelines and the criteria for a landmark alteration certificate. The applicant has indicated that he is comfortable with a11 of the conditions except for relocating the stair to the south (interior) elevation, due to the impact that location will have on the neighbor to the west. Staff recommends that the Design Review Committee consider the revised location; however, relocation is not recommended as a required condition of approval. 4Vhile locating the stair on the south (interior) elevation decreases its visibility from the alley, it will increase the visibility from the street, due to the openness of the adjacent yards. It also increases the impact on the adjacent property owner to the west. Relocating the stair to the south will also require relocating the doorway on that elevation from its current location. (see Attachment C: Photos) FINDINGS: With the conditions outlined above, the proposed exterior stair is consistent with the purposes and standards of the Historic Preservation Ordinance in that: 1. The proposed work preserves, enhances, or restores and does not damage or destroy the exterior architectural features of the landmark or the subject property within an historic district; 2. The proposed work does not adversely affect the special character or special historical, architectural, or aesthetic interest or value of the landmark and its site or the district; 3. The architectural style, arrangement, texture, color, arrangement of color, and materials used on existing and proposed buildings will be compatible with the character of the historic district. ATTACHMENTS: A: Design Review Committee Comments B: Historic Building Inventory Form C: Photographs D: Plans and Elevations S~PLANWata\longrang\HIS'MLTCERTS~Fiistonc DistrictsVNaplemn Hill\HighlandA21~03.02.05 LPAB Memo.doc ~'IS"..~o~~. ~76~~~"~ Landma~k Alteration Ce~ti~cate Granted to ~v1 n-~ w,~,-.~ ~-h ~~ Fo~ the property at ~2 ~ ~,~„y~ This ~~'` day of ~t~ ~ , 2004 The .following alte~ations have been app~oved: Go~l ~tu-vrn.~..l ~ rJ~ ~-4~ p~ ~'~s b~-~ °t • g- oq- Signed By~._ ~ ~~~~~~ Lundmarks Pre,servation Advisory Board Member ~ --~ ~ ~ ~~ . ~ ~ ~. ~ ~~~~ c.. 1 _ Advisory Board Member Planner ~ ~ A1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Y Expiru !80 days from dale shown. Issuance of this cerfifrcare does nat exempr rhe applicanr fi~om complving wilh n!( City cndes, including land use and 6uildrng codes. oQ Date: IC Tc Zi~o~ ,2004 Landmark Alteration Certificate '~ or Demolition / Moving Address of Property: y Z( }"F ~~ I~«~' n Owner's Name: ILr ," ~~ c ~~ DRCMembers: ~~~~~~ ~~~ss ~c~-rti-~, Z~e~~c=~ ~ ~ , ~ct~G-~oc~ I~~~'g-i , Remarks: - I~C(~'UiZT ~~~ ~~ R-~iu.c ST~~~ -t"C !t-z~r=~S ~~r - SZ'e~ _ )L ~'~ V L T i/V ~- 1 N l~~ ~~ C `) ~J t ~ J` ~ J!~~ ..~ fr_y(. C~ C~C-'T ~- , -: L, ~«cr ~~P~Gc . ~5 ~ ~ /k E / .t - ~'Z~N ~ l~.- U c, i! ~~ ~ ~:~ ,~U J . ~O C pu ~ ~ -~~ d,~. ,.~ l.~ -~ --. ~ c~ =~?~~ /L - w, ~~ N ~' V L ~ G~ ii V 61 I.~ l ~ v:~ l. l L (-~^L'1'81' i~`~ . NCXtStCPS: CX1~~"_iU~ `~Tki~~- ~-~~J 1?livl.T[.NO ~.~Cr~F~E~ C~'~-~G~//J r 3~f1~ SO.f~ N_~c,~ Sp~k,E W~T}~,~~- r=,i~c. ~'>671Y~-F~ lfi~i`-r/'.~~1(r-~ ~i: ~L /~, /~'t"~J ~ C.--c~ ~ Public hearing: Y N S: \P LAN~data\ComdevUi IS'f~G EM~A LTCERTS\LAC-app,etc\CommentsPage2.doc 9 Date: b ~ ~ ~ , 2004 Landmark Alteration Certificate ~_ or Demolition / Moving Address of Property: ~- I ("~"ICfF)'Lk-~ Owner's Name• f~ tiVD9~ DRC Members• ~.+G'l.~t-~ ~-UGl~-t'~'~ ~~ ~yM ~~ H~ Remarks: -~sla, ls ~ G~! ~~G,~ tnl~c- PA.~-~~- -'~'~ u.~ ~p,R,,,~ rL, k.r~ ~}~,.~ ~'~ ~~ nm~ p~i~c~~ ~ l~~ ~ Y~p~f~~s , ~'G~ ~,- P~L s ~r %k ~'p` ~ s~~l~~~ Gr,~~~ o~ ~'-~~~'( ~vn~~' ~ w ~r~o.~ s~i~.l-i-~Vl.b- / I,al.kr'i~l S sv~~i r Nc-,~ P~~-~I~ G,.~ G~ t`' ~1 ~ P1~~ w A'~ Next steps: Public hearing: Y ~ S:\PLAN~data\ComdevW ISTGEMALTCERTS\LAC-app,etc\CommentsPage2.doc ~Q .~uPE : ARCHITECT: STATE ID MO.: 5BL4+tq2 Wcrwwn OR I G J NJ1l OHHER : Georyie arx! Narry Inpalls (?T . SOURCE: SaAtCE: U.S. Census 1910 , 8U[LDER/CONiRACTOR: lk~known TMEME(S): SOURCE: Urban Reciciential Nei9hborhooda, 1858-present CONSTRUCTION HlSTORT (DESCRIPT30M, MAMES, DATES, ETC., RELATIMG TO MAJOR ALTERATIONS TO ORIGIMAL STRUCTURE): - CONTIIfUEO TES X Np NISTORICAL BACKGROUND (DISCUSS IMVORTANT PERSONS AMD EVEMTS ASSOCIATED YITH THIS STRUCTURE): TAe 1910 crosus indicstes that this was the hane of Harry Ovuan and Georgie Harvey Ingslts. Harry Ingallc we~ ~ lcnp time Boulder dentist end Georgie ingalls cene fran a pioneer Cotorado family. Harry D. Inpallc was born in Nissouri in 18T3. His fether died.when he wes e year old, end his aatber braught the family to Colorado in 1876, settlinp st Lanpront. Ingalls etterxkd Colorado Collepe of Dental ~rgery, He ceme to Boulder in 1900 and prscticed dmtistry for over 60 yesrc. Upon his death he was cited as "one of the city's most widely known citizms," having been irnolved in meny civic ectivities in the city. Georpia lnpalls was born in Cmtrel City to Richard end Rebecce NGlliater Harvey in 18TT, Fler father had come to the mi~inp town in 1863. At the time of her husband's death in the 1960c, Mrc, ingallc rented out thic house and moved to California. :i~~ CONT(NUED YES x ~10 SiGNIFICANCE (CNECK APPROPRIATE CATEGORIES AIID BRIEFLT JUSTIFT BELOY): ARCNITECTURAI SIGMIFICANCE: NISTORICAL SIGNIF[CANCE: REPRESENTS THE YORK Of A MASTER ASSOCIATED YITM SiGNIFICANT PERSONS POSSE55ES HIGH ARTISTIC VAIUES ASSOC[ATED WITH SIGNIFICAMT EYENTS OR PATTERNS X REPRESENTS A TTPE, PERIOD, OR NETHOD OF COMSTRUCT[ON 1( CONTRIBUTES TO AN N15TORIC DISTRICT TIER EVALtlATION: Co~tributing Building-Restorable STATEMENT OF SIGNIFICANCE: This house, althouph samewhat altered, is repreeentative of the Edwerdian Vernecular styte popular durinp tAe eerly tventieth century, es reflected in the asyometrical desipi ~ith overlappinp and cross gebles, the wrap-eroux! porch with clscsical colwns, end the beveled edge watls. CONTINUED YES X NO REFERENCES (BE SPECIFIC): Boulder Canry Assessor, reel estate infonnation; Boulder Daiy Canere bioprephical files; eoulder Carnepie Library, Boulder Canty Assessor collection; Boulder City Directories; eoulder Geneelogicel Society, Census lridexes, 1900 and 1910 ' CONTINUED rES X NO SURVETED B1: R.L. Simnons/T.H. Simnons AFFIL1AT10M• Front Renge Research Associetes, lnc. DATE: Jurx 1994 ~ ~. Attachment C ATTACHMENT C: PHOTOS S:\PLAN~data\longrang\HIS~[IALTCERTS\Historic DistrictsU~lapleton Hill\Highland.421 ~ATTACHMENT C.doc / ~ North (Alley) & East Elevations South (Interior) Elevation South (Interior) Elevation from Highland Avenue West Elevation from 4'h Street Garage & Exterior Stair to East Garage & Exterior Stair to West 12 12 ~ 2 ~12 ~ 0 _ ~' ____'__- _ '__- _'_ ~ - - 12 ~ e~ / _~` _ ~ -18 _-~ _ Q ~ -- __ _.. --_-_ -_- ~ _--__ __ - __- -== C =- __ _- _=- _-_-_-- ~ --- ~ ~ WEST ELEVATION A2.2 ,~<~ - r-o 421 HIGHLAND AVENUE Garage Addition - Exterior Stairway 1/4"=1'-0• retroftARCHITECTURE 17 Feb 2005 ~ NORTH ELEVATION az z i/a° = i'-o" ~ Riocc A ooRMCR IIB'-0' ~ ~ n S ^^..~ A O '. _`^ . d T ~12 O .` ~ -_--_ -- _ -_ ~ ~ ~ SOUTH ELEVATION A22 I/4 = 1. 0• h RIDGE @ DORI. ti~ 421 HIGHLAND AVENUE Garage Addition - Exterior Stairway va.=~,_o„ retrofit ARCHITECTURE 17 Feb 2005 RIDGE ~6' ~TO FWNDATION r 100'-0' ~~N ~ 1 ~ EAST ELEVATION A2 2 1~4" = i'-0" ~f1/;1 GARAGE PLAN Az z ,~4- = r-o 17 -0• 2'-0' 73'-0' 2'-0" ~ i i i ~ CEILING HT 5-0' -6 i ~ i i ~ i i _'_ "___.. i `______'_ i i CEILING F~~ B'-5"2 lo _ y i i ____ ___"_______*________. CEII ATTIC OFFlCE ~ ~ 220 SF i e'+8~_ ~ATTIC PLAN ~Z2 v<-=,-o 421 HIGHLAND AVENUE Garage Addition - Exterior Stairway 1/4"=1'-0' retroCil ARCHITECTURE 17 Feb 2005 ~ ~