2 - Minutes, 2/2/05CITY OF BOULDER LANDMARKS PRESERVATION ADVISORY BOARD MINUTES February 2, 2005 Council Chambers Municipai Building ~°_; rSOj~;a" 1777 Broadway 6 p.m ~;:; :: _ £ii'i:'.'i~ ;;,3i 't:;y_'. The following aze the action minutes of the February~~;~2005; G'}`~.c Preservation Advisory Boazd meeting. A permapent s`~t of these iiu recording (maintained for a period of seven yeais)'is refained in Ce (telephone: 303-441-3043). You may also;lis~en to the minutes via website at: www ci boulcier.co.us/plani~iit~[andmarks)a~endas/2 2 BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Nancy Komblum Lisa Egger Leland Rucker ;f =:# ,' ,Y i. , Tim Plass °~~;~;~;t: ' Rory Salance, Chairperson ~ - ,. . :~~~'~= v3xi~~, t:, STAFF MEMBE~z~RESENT: ~ ~: ;:~~ ~' .' :'`i)~~n'. .F3 :3•.• Sue ~llen Hamson;`~}ty,Attorney = ~ Bohdy Hei~gcock, Pre's~ation Planner;: James T~e`~k+at;:~'reserva~jdn Planner ~,'~ ~ Chris Meschii~l~° P;ese~~~~ot~ Intern , ~ ulder Landmarks and a tape Records ~ty, of Boulder ~~~': y. ; ",g;rs, ~ ,; ~ ,; £,. ;,1 Ct~LI-. TO ORDER Th~~ol~ havingilieeri called, Chairperson R. Salance declared a quorum at 6:03 `~~~s~ p.m ~~~id'the follo~ingbusiness was conducted: ,,;;:'-.;;. ~ <x:°i;, 3??: ~ `~`;i: "=;~t37~t: '.~~,~} t,' ':? ~. APPRO~?'~I. OFIVIINUTES ,:,. #'i~ '' , The boazd' approved the minutes of the January 5, 2004 meeting. , 3. 1~UBL~C PARTICIPATION FOR ITEMS NOT ON THE AGENDA IVo~i~ne`~from the public addressed the board. 4. DISCUSSION OF LANDMARK ALTERATION AND DEMOLITION APPLICATIONS ISSUED AND PENDING There was no discussion of Landmark Alteration and Demolition applications issued and pending. 1 5. ACTION ITEMS A. Public hearing and consideration of a Landmark Alteration Certitcate for the demolition of an accessory building, and the construction of a one-car garage at 2424 6`h Street in the Mapleton Hill Historic District. (HIS2005-00015) ~. Owner: Robert Leland ~ Applicant: Ashley Pitts, Architect -'~~`~ r ~#;; ';'s; Board members were asked to reveal any ex parte co ~acts 1H~y may have had on this item. T. Plass, L. Rucker, R Salance and N. Kornblumt~viewed Ehisproposal at a Landmarks Design Review Committee meeting and a site,yisifs";,L.'Egger revi~`~5ed the proposal at a Landmarks Design Review Committee meeting. ~'' ,~ t;`` ;: ':,,; `;, ~; _ Public Hearing Ashley Pitts, architect, spoke in support of the prppos,a.l'~ : ,_~ Motion ~' ' ' a;. On a motion by L. Egger, seci#iidgd_by R. Salance, ~fFi~~;andmazks Preservation Advisory Board conditionally approved ( 5=0; ~~the, request for the`deinalirion of the existing garage on the property, and the constmcti,on of`tlie.ttew garage, adijpfi"ing the revised staff memorandum dated February 2, 2UQ5 as findings af,the board, and subject to the following F:.i .F.~}.1~ ~:j.: conditions of appcoyal: "~ ' '`l~;~~, ~, 3 ~ 1. The Board of Z~ning Adjustment and Building Appeal's approva] of the variance frotp the required;6' setback between buildings. `i "-E: 2. The finaLdesign o~'~fi~`new construction be reviewed and approved by the ' ; Landmarks Desigi Review ~oriimittee. fi; ~ ,:~ `', ~'~~{,:!r:ij:~ ~~ "t:t~iis~ 3. The ~;al3design'sTiot~~d address all design details such as roofing, decorative "-+`;;;g, details,°;'~rid color. ~'~~'~'~ ~3~1S:;S: ~' ~;+ j~:; 'jz,: • ~e~ .a 'i4'~ The existing garage should be photographically documented by the applicant prior #.; , ~x : to its remo'val. .].i,k '. . .,~ ! .,x~:~ B. Publ~c hearing and consideration of a demolition permit application for a building over 50 years in age (coastructed in 1954), and located at 2805 6`n Street. (HIS2004-00204) Owner: Kirk Peck Board members were asked to reveal any ex parte contacts they may have had on this item. T P~ass, L Rucker, aad R. Salance reviewed this proposal at a Landmarks Design Review Committee meeting. R. Salance also lived in the house for a short period years ago. Public Hearing Bill Kolbe, 2800 5`h Street, s~oke in opposition of the proposal. Shazon Sickels-Roy, 2765 6` Street, spoke in'opposition of the proposal. Angela McCormick, 2855 7`h Street, spoke neither in support or opposition, but suggested that the board look at the larger neighborhood as there have been lots of changes. Motion ~';~"~°~_. On a motion by T. Plass, seconded by L. Egger, the Landmiaiks Pre`servation Advisory Board approved (5-0) the demolition permit application;for'A;huilding over 50 years in age (constructed in 1954), and located at 2805 6`h Str,eeY'(HI~~', 'Q,4-00204), adopting the staff memorandum dated February 2, 20005 as findings of the ~i'O~yr~i, 6. A. B. C. D. E. F. MATTERS FROM THE LANDM DEPARTMENT, AND CITY A;$~ s Discussion of the ca. 1876 Hannah E =r;~ ~;ai:: 3 B4bARD, PLA1v1YI~G YI,~ EY ,, `'#;;` -,:a:: „?:; 7. HoUSe~at 800 Arapahoe Avenue. Update on Highland Lawn district design~f c3 ~,:;. Update on 1802 Canyon `'`' 3 t,~: Update on Code Chang~.s;,,,;. Update on BVCP 2005 Ivf~joi;',Update U date on Valmont Butte:a '~ i''' ~t ' J P t=~; "i~'i~°;; , . EBRIEF,MEETING/CAL~NI)j~R CHEG~`;''"~ nV?~?I11l~..e.. .- .. . 8. ADJOURNMELV;I~ ,x,., ~{s! . Tfiertieeting was~_~ci~oumed at 8:27,p.m. ~4; i~3' gt 3 { ; £i~ ~ ~ ' +~f~ ; d~esjiectfully subini~te~~d~, `z Approvedfoii`,l~Iarch 2, 2045 r;:'`=,. . 2_ :,. "v!'.i„_ 'ta.~•' :.i,f~i .. -~ .,~ ~~.23. + ~i ''Y~ix:~I'.