03.02.2005 LPAB MinutesCITY OF BOULDER LANDMARKS PRESERVATION ADVISORY BOARD MINUTES March 2, 2005 Council Chambers Municipal Building 1777 Broadway 6 p.m. The following are the action minutes of the March 2, 2005, City of Boulder Landmazks Preservation Advisory Board meeting. A permanent set of these minutes and a tape recording (maintained for a period of seven years) is retained in Central Records (telephone: 303-441-3043). You may also listen to the minutes via the City of Boulder website at: www.ci.boulder.co us/glannin~~andmarks/aaendas/3 2 OS.htm BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Nancy Kornblum Lisa Egger Leland Rucker, Vice Chairperson Tim Plass BOARD MEMBERS EXCUSED ABSENT: Rory Salance STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: Sue Ellen Harrison, City Attorney Bohdy Hedgcock, Preservation Planner James Hewat, Preservation Planner Chris Meschuk, Preservation Intern 1. CALL TO ORDER The roll having been called, Vice-Chairperson L. Rucker declared a quorum at 6:03 p.m. and the following business was conducted: 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The board approved the minutes of the February 2, 2005 meeting. 3. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION FOR ITEMS NOT ON THE AGENDA No one from the public addressed the board. 4. DISCUSSION OF LANDMARK ALTERATION AND DEMOLITION APPLICATIONS ISSUED AND PENDING - There was no discussion of Landmark Alteration and Demolition applications issued and pending. 5. ACTION ITEMS A. Public hearing and consideration of a recommendation to City Council regarding designation of the 500 block of Marine Street as a local historic district to be known as the Highland Lawn Historic District (HIS2005-00008). Applicant: Landmarks Preservation Advisory Board Board members were asked to reveal any ex parte con[acts they may have had on this item. T. Plass, L. Rucker and N. Kornblum participated in a site visit. N. Kornblum had a discussion with one of the property owners regarding procedure. Public Hearing Scott Dale, 504 Marine Street, spoke in favor of the proposal. Chuck Sanders, 2055 Kohler Dr., on behalf of Historic Boulder, spoke in favor of the proposal. Payson Sheets, 520 Marine Street, spoke in favor of the proposal. Laura Hanifin, 427 Pine Street, spoke in favor of the proposal. Kathryn Barth, 2940 20~h Street, spoke in favor of the proposal. Nancy Levit, 1610 Hillside Road, spoke in favor of the proposal. Dido Clark, 646 Pearl Street, staff of Historic Boulder, spoke in favor of the proposal. Fran Sheets, 520 Marine Street, spoke in favor of the proposal. Henry V ellandi, 542 Marine Street, spoke in opposition of the proposal. Heidi E. Weckwert, 527 Marine Street, spoke in opposition of the proposal. Tom Rebman, 1085 Lincoln Place, (543 Marine Street), expressed concem on the adoption process of design guidelines, as well as the timing of the process. Peter Freymuth, 559 Marine Street, spoke in favor of the proposal. Motion On a motion by T. Plass, seconded by L. Egger, the Landmarks Preservation Advisory Boazd recommended (4-0) that City Council approve the Historic District Designation of the 500 block of Marine Street. The boazd found that the proposed district designation conforms with Sections 10-13-1 and 10-13-3 of the Boulder Revised Code, adopted the staff inemorandum dated March 2, 2005 as findings of the board, and initiated the formal 2 adoption of the draft Highland Lawn Historic District Design Guidelines as administrative regulations, approving as to substance the contents thereof. B. Public hearing and consideration of the addition of an exterior stair to a previously approved design for a new one-car garage at 421 Highland Avenue in the Mapleton Hill Historic District (IIIS2005-00032). ApplicanUOwner: Ken Wood Board members were asked to reveal any ex parte contacts they may have had on this item. T. Plass, L. Rucker, L. Egger and N. Kornblum reviewed this proposal at a Landmarks Design Review Committee meeting. N. Komblum also received a question from a neighbor, upon which she referred the neighbor to staff for clarification. Public Hearing Ken Wood, 421 Highland Ave, applicant, spoke in favor of the proposal including the staff recommendation on stair redesign. He opposed staft's recommendation of the stair to the south elevation, continuing support of the east elevation. Jonathan Hondorf, contractor 2720 4`h Street, spoke in favor of the proposal, detailing the applicanYs comments. Tom Flaherty, 403 Highland Ave, spoke against the proposal. Colin Barnett, 424 Mapleton, spoke against the proposal. Ken Wood (rebuttal), clarified his understanding of the floor area. Colin Barnett clarified his concerns about not having an initial public hearing, and his concerns on incremental applications. Motion On a motion by L. Egger, seconded by N. Kornblum, the Landmazks Preservation Advisory Board denied (3-1, T. Plass opposed, R Salance absent) the request for a Landmazk Alteration Certificate for construction of exterior stairs on the gazage at 421 Highland Avenue, based on the failure to meet Section 10-13-18 of the Boulder Revised Code. C. Public hearing and consideration of a demolition permit application for a building over 50 years in age (constructed c.1910), aud located at 2924 l l~h Street, as per Section 10-13-23 of the Boulder Revised Code (HIS2005-00012). ApplicanUOwner: Donna Werner & Randy Bailey Board members were asked to reveal any ex parte contacts they may have had on this item. N. Kornblum reviewed this proposal at a Landmarks Design Review Committee meeting. Public Hearing Richard Werner, applicant, 2924 11`h Street, spoke in opposition ofthe staff recommendation. Motion On a motion by L. Egger, seconded by T. Plass, the Landmazks Preservation Advisory Boazd issued (3-1, L. Rucker opposed, R. Salance absent) a stay of demolition not to exceed 180 days, in order to consider alternatives for the building, adopting the staff memorandum dated March 2, 2005 as findings of the board. 6. MATTERS FROM THE LANDMARKS BOARD, PLANNING DEPARTMENT, AND CITY ATTORNEY - Historic Preservation/Energy Efficiency policy analysis update - Code Change project update - Union Pacific Railroad Depot update - Boulder Valley Comprehensive Plan update - 800 Arapahoe Letter - Valmont Butte CEAP update T. Plass reported on a window rehabilitation demonstration, presented to the Landmarks Design Review Committee by Lynn Bingham. Staffthanked L. Egger for her over five years of service on the board, and wished her luck in the future. 7. DEBRIEF MEETING/CALENDAR CHECK 8. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 9:51 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Approve on A ri16, 2005 ~- Chairperson 4