4 - Design review of the Spruce Street Elevation for 1215 Spruce StreetDOWNTOWN DESIGN ADVISORY BOARD APPLICATION Aate of Applieation ~ 7 ry~~Address of Properiy for Review /~~~ "~Pr '' G~ ApPlicanPsN/~ame ~l~ ~~~~Phone~3 'f~36' ~'rJ' ~~ Address / L7~~~~~L~ ~~{~~ ~~v/ -~ ~ ~'~~2--- Relationa6ip to Project (e.g.: arehitect, rnntractor, etc.) C'lT f/~~v % Owner's Nune and Addras ,~~ l~~ ~=~~ {~Lpf/(~6S Yhose ~ ~ 3 ~''~ ~ -! Z~ ~ 'Project Description This project mcludes both interior tenant improvements and the altera6on and rettwdel of t6e Sproce Street Elevation for 121 S SpnKe Street. The entire elevation will be removed and reconshucted to better meet the intemal nceds of the building and the extemal nceds of the street fronL L,ot Size _. ~! ~O.,.~D S~ Total Existing 1$ dg. Sq Ft _~~~6" s~ Existing Btdg Height Proposed Additionai Bldg. Sg~ ~~ Pmposed Bldg. Height 3 Submission Reaairements The Downtown Desi~ Advisory Boacd genetally mcets on the sxond Wednesday of every month. The deadliae for submitting yo~u application is oae week before this meeting, w}uch ~ans the Srst Wednesday of the month. You need to come.in person to Planning & Development Services, 1739 Broadway, thitd floor, and submit plans to a pmject spe,cialist. ` Please see "Submission Requirements" for guidance on what we nced. What to Brin¢ to Yonr Review At the time of the meeting, please bzing at least one set of ~ndered drawings and material samples. Committee Comments about the Proposal: ~ For submittal queations or project-content questions, please contact Brian Holmes at (303) 441- 3212 or ~Imesb[?ci.boulder.co us. For adminishative questions about DDAB, please contact Heidi Shaszcwsla at (303) 441-3274 or straszewsksh~cr~ci.boulder.co.us. AL4o you can visit our Web site at: httpJ/www.ci.boulder.co.us/ ddab.html - _ r c h i t e c t s ~ ~ ~ August 4, 2004 Brian Holmes Members, Downtown Design Review Board Planning and Development Services City of Boulder 17739 Broadway, 4th Floor Boulder, Colorado 80304 Ladies and Gentlemen, Shears Adkins Architects is providing you with this application as representative and applicant for Andrew Bush, representing the property owner, IFI Real Estate Holdings LLC. The purpose of this application for design review is to provide you with documents which represent the proposed alteration and remodel of the building at 1215 Spruce Street. The property is located on the north side of Spruce Street between Broadway and 13a' Street within the Non-historic area of downtown. The zoning on the property is RBl-E. The property abuts a surface parking lotto the west and a one story retail building to the east. The property was developed and designed by the architectural film of Everett, Ziegel, Tumpes, and Hand in the 1970's for their office. The structure served as their office until the late 1980's when the firm's partners changed, the firm grew and relocated. Various tenants have occupied the building since that time. The building is currently unoccupied. The existing facade is relatively closed at the first two levels and sky lighted at the Third Level. A substantial solid arched brick entry provides the building's current identity and lobby access located just off-center in the elevation. This arched mass interrupts the ground level storefrom and therefore its transparency. The Second Floor windows are continuous and recessed two feet to accommodate planters. Skylights terminate the building at the Thiel Floor, pitching back at a 45 degree angle from the facade. The skylights and planters have been the source of considerable damage from moisture penetration on the facade. The new ownership wishes to update and reconfigure the building, both inside and out, to attract and accommodate new tenants including active retail use at grade and office uses on Levels Two and Three. Page 2, The design objectives for this project include the following: 1. Maximize the transparency of the retail level to and from Spruce Street. 2. Increase the openness and transparency of the office levels, taking advantage of views and incorporating day lighting as possible. 3. Differentiate two entries; one for the retail and one for a lobby which accesses the elevator and stair access for upper level office uses. 4. Include a Third Level, street oriented outdoor deck area with sun shading. 5. Conform to the Downtown Urban Design Guidelines; specifically those which apply to Remodeling Non-contributing Buildings. Generally, the design team's approach has been to redesign the Spruce Street elevation to recognize both the new internal needs of the building and the external needs of the street. The internal need for day lighting, transpazency, and views also recognizes the street's need for active uses, a pedestrian friendly storefront, and lazge upper level windows. The elevation is divided horizontally to emphasize the minimal office lobby entry on the west end of the building and the substantially open retail tenant frontage on the east side. The elevation is also divided vertically with the Third level terrace step back which terminates on the east with the expression of a projecting office volume. This division vertically and horizontally scales the elevation to the existing one story buildings to the east and is consistent with the existing development pattern between this property and the Hotel Boulderado. The trellised sunshade over the Third Level deck and sunshade at the office volume establishes the top of the building and, in effect, becomes the cornice. The combination of storefront, entries, terraces, substantial glazing, and balconies will maximize the buildings engagement with the street. The proposed materials are a balanced composition of masonry, wood, finished metal, and clear glass which have texture, pattern, and scale consistent with the district. Currently the streetscape includes three street trees (locust) in grates and a 2 foot wide planting bed against the building. We intend to maintain the existing trees but eliminate the planting which we feel is inconsistent with Boulder's streetscape standards. This is a contemporary design. It is not an imitation of turn of the century Boulder. Yet it incorporates, as the guidelines suggest, traditional design elements regarding storefront, window openings, awnings, sign band, alignment, human scale, and compatible materials. This alteration honestly expresses its use and function, satisfies the client's program, and expresses sensitivity to the context and spirit of downtown Boulder. Furthermore, the building respects the past yet recognizes the present and the future; the building is of it's time and distinguishes itself with chazacteristics which reflect the vision established by the client, design team, and the public. Page 3, When we meet on August 11 we will present a model at a scale of 1/8"=1'-0", additional drawings, and material samples for your review. We look forwazd to your review and comments. Very truly yours, C j~ l~/~~%Z ~~~~G// ~~ Christopher N. Shears Shears Adkins Architects 1215 S Boulder, Colorado Owner IFI Real Estate Holdings, LLC 885 Arapahoe Avenue Boulder, Colorado 80302 P R U C E S T R E E T DDAB Review August 11, 2004 Architect Shears • Adkins Architects 1855 Blake Street, suite 150 Denver, Colorado 80202 City of Boudler Downtown Design Advisory Board ~t~wr r~u~~i~~~~~~n ;;,I ~ a "~ I f; I ~~ y~4~'p . ~~ Spruce Street elevation East facade ~ "~ ~'r 1 2 1 5 SPRUCE S T R E E T Boulder, Colorado DDAB Review August 11, 2004 Owner Architect IFI Real Estate Holdings, LlC Shears • Adkins Architects 885 Arapahoe Avenue 1855 Blake Street, suite 150 Boulder, Colorado 80302 Denver, Colorado 80202 Third floor existing glazed interior West facade facing Broadway ~I ~ ~,:Hav,ro.uac% 70U :{ail I ~~ ~ ! .~ . A '1 0 ,, o~ J ~~ ;,~v oN Iwo o~ ~~ ~ R~N~S 53 '~ s location Map BUILDING BEYOND SURFACE PARgNG MURAL ON SIDE OF BUILDING ~ BROADWAY FIRST NATIONAL BANK n Spruce Street Elevation a ~ e u 1215 SPRUCE Pti~E SS* SUSHI ZAN MAI eeeeeeeeeee~ BOULDERADO HOTEL FOURTEENTH ST. 1 2 1 5 SPRUCE S T R E E T Boulder, Colorado DDAB Review August 1 1, 2004 Owner Architect IFI Real Estate Holdings, LLC Shears • Adkins Architects 885 Arapahoe Avenue 1855 Blake Street, suite 150 Boulder, Colorado 80302 Denver, Colorado 80202 .SFR~~~ SS . 1 2 1 5 SPRUCE S T R E E T Boulder, Colorado DDAB Review August 11, 2004 Owner IFI Real Estate Holdings, LLC 885 Arapahoe Avenue Boulder, Colorado 80302 Architect Shears • Adkins Architects 1855 Blake Street, suite 150 Denver, Colorado 80202 Spruce Street Elevation ~ ~. 0 4 8 16 ~~ New metal cladding over existing brick poropet Shade Structure: 3x3 olum. ante hor¢ontals on tube steel frome on 6"~ steel cdumns attached io Existing 3"0 column Wood sNding bass door on conference room Melol clodding on projected office -see 3rd Floor plan for configuration 4"0 metal rail B'stone coping New concrete pavers to allow drainage a new tleck on sloped membrane to drain New 4"veneer brick on 6" metal stud wolf with 7 air spots 4" alum, staelranl windows with operable casemenh light bronze finish Re-use existing steel beam 1o provide lintel for storehont opening over entry r fabric ~inina retail limit of shade shuclure above New metal cladding over existing brick Constructing new office au1 to property line olbws west views L _ - J I ~-- limit of metal Gad projected - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - L - - - - - - - - J office roof above n Third Floor Plan Sc-ale: 1/8"=1'-0" parapet Cul back existing _ brick wall to allow west views from new exterbr deck I III Wood typical Projected roof over new of(~ce provides shading of south wn Existing brick wall to remain of adjacent building 4"alum. storefront windows with operable casements Light bronze finish Projected tube - steelcanopy over office entry hung from above New gloss owning over entry doa onry -provide fabric awnings over remaining retai stoefroni vdndows 8'-Q' woad entry doa for both retail and ofl'~ce entries (!'kick plate t }"stone veneer base 8'-0 wood entry doa fa both retail and office entries Spruce Street Elevation U Scale: l/8"=1'-0" OFFICE CORRIDOR Metal canopy hung ham above 0 Property line RETAIL 0 II I I Fabric awning I Fabric owning I Glass awning I Fabric awning --L---~ L----J L----J ~---J ~----j n Street Level Plan Propedy Line ~..~ v n Building Section Scale: 114"=1'-0"